IRC log for #UPHPU on 20090702

16:06.34utahconcelebrates "Little Friday" with some old school Tupac
16:08.10mgearyis listening to 5I Wish I Cared by 3A-ha from 10Minor Earth, Major Sky (✮✮✮✮✩)
16:30.30macnewbolddoes, sort of
16:53.52carmonyloves CSS...
16:58.18utahconshares in the love of firebug
17:46.09utahconis listening to a Duetsch DJ
17:46.29mgearyisn't sure whether he should be embarrassed to say that he doesn't really know who Billy Mays was. I gather he was an infomercial dude, but...
17:49.56mgearyis listening to 5Und durch den Draht by 3Peter Gabriel from 10Ein Deutsches Album (✮✮✮✮✩)
17:53.51utahconwill never look at Lysol the same again.
17:56.44mgearytries not to think about it
17:59.11utahconwants all to know that fungus is dirty, and was before reading the ads
20:18.50utahconis hoping for some power knocking lightning
20:21.59herlogets grossed out and entertained at the same time
20:29.54herlois using django and it's semi-integrated json and jquery stuff. I guess it could work, but I'm not really interested in setting up another framework when we already have jquery
20:32.43herlomoves on...
20:34.45beandogcocks his shotgun
20:37.16_carmonyis now working on a Facebook App....
20:38.09herlothinks the increase in jobs is good and bad
20:39.39beandogsteals herlo's fiber
20:44.30herloonly learned about it yesterday, seriously
21:30.23utahconhands wps a mirror
22:02.49SunSparcis sad that the Google Moon maps do not still show the moon as cheese. ;)
22:16.23fungusis listening to: The Number of the Beast by Iron Maiden on Best of the Beast
22:18.04influxraises an eyebrow, unsure of that comment.
22:28.08influxshakes his head.
22:28.53influxthrottles the flv
22:30.52influxmourns the steady decline of society, humanity, etc, etc, ad nauseum, blah.
22:31.20beandogignores social corruption and loads up youtube
22:31.48mgearymuses the irony in beandog's statement
23:09.50mgearywishes there was an irc channel for Premiere
23:16.56mgearywish he had time for games

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