IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120612

00:13.03A1Sheds  anyone notice any pricing for these?
00:15.10*** join/#arm-netbook tallnerd1985 (
00:19.17A1Sheds  no GPU, but there is PCIe gen2
00:57.00Hexxeht0dbld|work: ah! interning at google, yeah (more epic delay)
00:57.13t0dbld|workim here this time Hexxeh
00:57.20Hexxehepic delay on my part :P
00:57.25t0dbld|workits ok
00:57.35t0dbld|worki sent ya a tweet to but im sure those get lost LOL
00:57.47Hexxehbarely checked my twitter since i got here :P
00:57.59t0dbld|workno I sent on day of org msg
00:58.09Hexxehi mean for like, the last week :P
00:58.13t0dbld|workoh LOL
00:58.34Hexxehusually i'd constantly have twitter open on my iMac but i'm switching between so many machines these days i forget to check
00:58.42t0dbld|worki prob got some questions coming your way soon about chromimum OS ... so well have more epic delays coming LOL
00:58.48Hexxehsure :P
00:59.04t0dbld|worki am porting it now to these a10 tabs
00:59.19t0dbld|worknow that i got gentoo and what not working '
00:59.37t0dbld|workthe sdcard test builds seems to be the hard part
01:00.13t0dbld|workHexxeh: do you know off top of your head what it checks for at boot , that makes it "rebuilding FS"
01:00.26t0dbld|workdoes it jsut run a partition check ?
01:00.32Hexxehi must admit i've not seen that
01:00.42Hexxehbut it might say something like that if it thinks it's in recovery mode
01:00.44Hexxehwhat's your cmdline?
01:01.10t0dbld|worki can boot it but get stuck in that
01:01.40t0dbld|workwell I booted it using my working kernel for tab ,  and my uboot , etc
01:01.44t0dbld|workso alot is not right
01:01.54Hexxehwell, take a look at /sbin/chromeos_startup
01:01.55t0dbld|worki honestly have not spent the time digging into source as i should
01:02.05Hexxehiirc there's a branch in there for recovery mode
01:02.12Hexxeheh, for boot related stuff you don't really need source
01:02.14Hexxehmostly shell/upstart jobs
01:02.51t0dbld|worki jsut wasnt sure if it was checking for the 12 partitions or what was causing that
01:03.06Hexxehyou'll need to follow the same layout
01:03.09Hexxehelse it'll fall over
01:03.26Hexxehfor getting things up and running, booting it from USB is often easiest
01:03.38t0dbld|workya dont have that option on tablet :-P
01:03.43Hexxehno USB ports?
01:03.59t0dbld|workeven the host port wont boot from it
01:04.09t0dbld|worki will boot from sd
01:04.14Hexxehoh, SD should be okay
01:04.23Hexxehbut then it'll be mmcblk0pX right?
01:04.37t0dbld|workthe arm-generic wont boot as is thoug h
01:04.53t0dbld|worki assume its either uboot - or the generic kernel hard to tell
01:05.08Hexxehif you're seeing recovery mode
01:05.08t0dbld|worklike i said need to look at source for that stuff
01:05.15Hexxehi'd imagine your partition layout is screwed
01:05.26Hexxehprobably stateful isn't where it expects it to be
01:05.32t0dbld|workbut thats how i got it to boot
01:05.36t0dbld|workyeah ^
01:06.29t0dbld|workHexxeh: is it relying on the UID for partitions checking or the actual position ?
01:06.40HexxehUUID you mean?
01:06.42Hexxehnot afaik no
01:06.47Hexxehjust the position in the table
01:06.49t0dbld|workas i see it labels all of them automatically
01:06.53Hexxehit assumes stateful is partition 1
01:07.02Hexxehit has to be GPT formatted too
01:07.15t0dbld|workwell i got to recovery in MBR :-P but i agree
01:07.52Hexxehah, that's why then
01:07.54HexxehMBR isn't gonna work
01:07.59Hexxehit'll try to run cgpt and then die
01:09.02t0dbld|workyeah ... so like i said first thing is i need to create a new uboot for it cause the generic one for arm doesnt boot the tab ... is it putting the uboot in 12 ? or is it still writting it the mbr ?
01:10.47Hexxehon an arm-generic image, u-boot isn't on the image at all
01:10.56Hexxehit's supposed to be installed via other means
01:11.14t0dbld|workahh well wtf is in 12 than ... i guess i read conflicting pages lol
01:12.14t0dbld|workhonestly this would prob be easier to do on nand than sdcard :-P but i dont feel like rewritting nand a million times as i play with this
01:16.19t0dbld|workand last question before i actually do the rest of my needed homework :-P .... The kernel partions : is there anything else in it ? i guess what i mean is im trying to be lazy and not re do work till im closer so if i wrote it a new uboot could i just write my existing working kernel over it ?
01:16.46Hexxeh12th partition has u-boot scripts
01:17.58t0dbld|workya it comes up as a EFI
01:26.03*** join/#arm-netbook tallnerd1985 (
01:32.10t0dbld|workwell the fact that by default it starts the partions 32.8k in isnt helping :-P
02:03.04*** join/#arm-netbook ZaEarl (
02:30.25*** join/#arm-netbook t0dbld|work (~t0dbld@unaffiliated/t0dbld)
02:33.20CIA-121rhombus-tech: lkcl master * rf423824a723e /allwinner_a10/orders/ (mm1965.mdwn rogge.mdwn): orderprocessing cleanup
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03:09.03steevZaEarl: grats on hitting hacker news
03:09.23steevi was excited and thought it was gonna be an arm laptop though
03:53.13*** join/#arm-netbook nikk (
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05:05.20ZaEarlthanks steev, it's pretty good to be compared to Apple.
05:05.41steevZaEarl: where's the ARM one man, hurry up and take my money
05:06.10ZaEarlarm laptop? definitely looking more and more likely someday
05:07.21steevyeah, the mx6 can handle it, assuming most of the bugs are worked out with next month's tapeout
05:07.41steev+opengl +opencl, i wanna run it through some paces, but waiting
05:09.52ZaEarlThe closed drivers are such a pain, they limit what we can do.
05:22.16*** join/#arm-netbook tallnerd1985 (
05:22.37steevi agree that it sucks but if you have the knowhow and proven record you can get the sources under nda, which is good for fixing bugs faster than waiting on fsl to fix them
05:23.06steevof course, at that point, you have to wait on libv or someone to make a free driver, and you can't help :(
05:31.10steevanyway, bedtime, night all
05:31.14*** join/#arm-netbook JordonWu (~jordon.wu@
06:00.17*** join/#arm-netbook gimli (~gimli@xbmc/staff/gimli)
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07:29.38*** join/#arm-netbook kostyaspb123 (~user@
08:06.33mnemochno: how do you reboot into fel?
08:11.16mnemochno: using the jumper of found a software way?
08:12.26hnomnemoc, either by using the jumper, or by sending 2 over serial to the Allwinnre bootloader.
08:12.55mnemocsending 2?
08:13.37hnothe Allwinner bootloader accepts 1 / 2 / 3 commands for different boot modes. Just send the key on the serial port while boot1 is booting.
08:13.57hno1 is USB storage mode. 2 is FEL, 3 is keytest.
08:14.34hnobut we have no keys on the Mele..
08:15.01hnoI use the jumper.
08:15.40hnoDo the arm-netbook mailinglist work?
08:16.27mnemocI haven't received any mail since friday I think
08:17.01hnoSems to have died on Sunday.
08:18.45hnohave alerted lkcl.
08:19.08hnomnemoc, you saw my little fel.c program?
08:19.48mnemocyes, looks nice :)
08:20.57mnemochno: try alerting phil hands (com) ... he seems to be who manages the mailing list server
08:25.34mnemoclibusb-based code looks much nicer than what I expected
08:46.42mnemochno: can you guess any reason to duplicate the length?
08:58.26*** join/#arm-netbook cnxsoft (
09:20.25*** join/#arm-netbook eebrah (
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09:46.47cnxsoftHas antbody tried to build u-boot recently ?
09:47.07cnxsoftThe version I've built (hno) can not boot at all
09:54.28lkclhno: you haven't! :)
09:54.41lkclmnemoc: no, it's my friend alain williams.
09:54.50lkclhno: ok, you have now
09:57.46lkclalain's moving things over to IPv6 so that could be part of the problem - it was last time
10:40.21mnemoccnxsoft: hno using the current head of sun4i?
10:40.28mnemoccnxsoft: using the current head of sun4i?
10:40.39cnxsoftmnemoc: yes
10:40.45cnxsoftI'm trying another toolchain
10:40.48cnxsoftit could be the issue
10:41.28mnemocit was broken a couple of weeks because some changes in upstream but hno downgraded it
10:41.50cnxsoftI've just build it now with gcc 4.6.3
10:42.04mnemocwhat did you use before? 4.7?
10:42.27cnxsoftThis is what I did
10:42.46cnxsoftI mean I have problems with gcc 4.6.3 in Ubuntu
10:42.58cnxsoftnow I will try  with codesourcery instead
10:44.03mnemoccnxsoft: try this image once:
10:44.13mnemocat least to discard other problems
10:46.01cnxsoftmnemoc: There is no spl there, only u-boot
10:46.13mnemocit's both
10:46.51mnemocit's a ready to dump 1MB image without partitions
10:46.51cnxsoftso I can just do dd if=u-boot-mmc-hno-201203.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 seek=8 ?
10:47.14mnemocno seek
10:47.44mnemocdd if=image of=card
10:48.55cnxsoftIt will wipe out my partition table... Maybe I'll skip that for now. If I use Tom u-boot (from ubuntu 10.04 image), it works.
10:51.58mnemochave you tried a not hf toolchain?
10:53.34cnxsoftusing arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc gives the same result
10:53.49cnxsoftI've noticed the allwinner-meta may have the same issue
10:54.50cnxsoftand he's using gcc 4.7
10:54.55mnemocI found an spare card, I'll try hno's prebuilt image and then try to build my own.... I've been using the same spl since ages ago
11:03.20cnxsoftI still have the same issue using a different compiler
11:05.39mnemocdo you have a serial console to review the env?
11:06.58mnemocwell... is your problem getting the spl to boot? uboot to boot? or linux to boot?
11:20.17mnemocok, according to the ticket you don't eveb see the gretting of the spl
11:25.56cnxsoftmnemoc: Yes I don't get anything at all
11:26.20cnxsoftso the problem starts with the spl
11:30.16cnxsoftIf I use, instead of my sun4i-spl.bin it works fine
11:30.46cnxsoftThe size is quite different, mine is about 15kb, but hipboi one is 23kb
11:39.06CIA-121rhombus-tech: Togald master * r52a120772dea /allwinner_a10/orders/MFserver.mdwn:
11:42.00mnemoccnxsoft: same problem :<
11:42.05mnemochno: ping
11:49.10mnemoccnxsoft: the v2011.09-sun4i tag works fine
11:49.41cnxsoftok, but in the future will we also use that branch ?
11:50.05cnxsoftI'm building u-boot because I'm writing a build script for nightly or weekly builds
11:50.26mnemocstick with the tag for now
11:50.48mnemocbut the branch will get fixed sooner than later
11:52.03mnemocbtw, if you are in the mood for testing, the `wip/linux-3.3-sunxi/forward-3.0-v2` kernel branch is begging for some attention :p
11:52.26mnemoc(usb gadget support is still broken)
11:54.49cnxsoftI'll finish the scripts to generate Linux distro first... then I'll see what I can do with the wip branch
12:02.11lkclhno, mnemoc: i rang alain, he'd archived a couple of old lists, which *shouldn't* have affected any others but in fact stopped mailman entirely working on his server, hurrah! :)  sorted now...
12:13.47zenitraMmnemoc and rest of spaniards here:
12:24.16Turlcheap heh :)
12:24.27Turltoo bad it's not uSD
12:25.30zenitraMmeh, for that price... i ordered two
12:25.34mnemocreal sandisk?
12:26.10zenitraMi'd think so
12:26.22zenitraM(even though it's cheaper than fake sandisk)
12:29.51mnemocehm... they add the paypal fee separated
12:31.21zenitraMtrue... i paid with my bank's e-shopping prepaid card
12:32.51*** join/#arm-netbook frantisheq (
12:33.43mnemocthe 25c (for 3 cards) doesn't make the deal less attractive, but I find improper to hide charges until the end
12:36.21mnemocit's far more irritating when they hide the taxes or shipping cost
12:37.52mnemoczenitraM: thanks :)
12:38.53zenitraMyw :)
12:39.02TurlzenitraM: I have like 0 devices that can use full SD Cards
12:39.15Turlother than my laptop, but I don't really need them there :P
12:40.17mnemocmost devkits have full SD
12:41.33mnemocand there I really prefer a cheap 8GB class 4 instead of abusing 16GB class 10 uSD
12:42.33TurlI have an 8GB class 4 and 16GB class 10, both uSD
12:50.45mnemoconly two cards? ... I might have around 15 in different places
12:51.04mnemoctoo many toys I fear :<
13:09.28*** join/#arm-netbook kostyaspb123 (~user@
13:10.19kostyaspb123hello, does anybody know when Mele release Android 4 firmware image ?
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13:11.50lundmanUploaded: 2012-04-30 10:33 CEST
13:12.23kostyaspb123Android 4 is currently beta, right ?
13:13.00kostyaspb123so, when it will be stable, mele can build new image ?
13:13.26zenitraMTurl: that's another reason to get a Mele :P
13:14.22lundmani assume so
13:14.25kostyaspb123BTW I saw somewhere, that Mele A2000 can be overclocked to 1.5 GHz, how can I overclock it ?
13:15.02Turlmy a10 can hardly take 1.2Ghz
13:15.25TurlzenitraM: -ENOMONEY :P
13:15.47specingkostyaspb123: raise core voltage
13:16.21kostyaspb123yep, but how do I raise it ? Need to solder something, or remove some resistors ?
13:16.44Turlyou can raise it modifying the dvfs tables
13:16.57Turl*but* mine didn't OC higher even when I did so :P
13:17.23kostyaspb123where are these tables ?
13:18.12Turlon the kernel source
13:18.30Turlif you get anything >1.2Ghz let me know
13:18.38Turlmine just stalls
13:18.47kostyaspb123it means I need to build my own kernel
13:18.52Turlalso Y U NO WATCHDOG A10 :/
13:18.55Turlkostyaspb123: yeah
13:19.23kostyaspb123ok, I see
13:20.03kostyaspb123BTW does anybody know what type of memory on Mele A2000 (DDR2 or DDR3)
13:29.05Turlmnemoc: zenitraM a spanish friend recommends me, I see it has low prices too
13:29.42zenitraMi got a card from there, they work well. although has similar prices
13:29.54zenitraMalso got a 32gb thumbdrive for 12€ from there
13:41.32*** join/#arm-netbook hp_ (
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14:06.00*** join/#arm-netbook Turl (~Turl@2606:3f00:60:21c:d00d:c0de:4:f00d)
14:06.13*** join/#arm-netbook Turl (~Turl@2606:3f00:60:21c:d00d:c0de:4:f00d)
14:06.36Turldid I miss much? :P
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14:10.14mnemoconly Turl getting in an out of the channel
14:11.04Turlmnemoc: too bad I can't reboot my vps and keep tcp connections alive mnemoc
14:11.25Turlthat'd be like the ultimate irc uptime tool
14:12.14mnemocthat's why I keep a vserver exclusively for running irsii ;-)
14:13.29Turlmnemoc: yeah that's what my vps does
14:13.35Turlmnemoc: runs znc, lighty
14:14.04Turland openvpn for those days you gotta feel "american" :P
14:14.48zenitraMssh -D is easier :P
14:15.27TurlzenitraM: ssh -D doesn't work on my phone to transparently route pandora :P
14:15.41Turlbut yeah, I use ssh -D + proxychains on my PC when I need it
14:15.56mnemocssh tunnels for the win
14:17.05TurlzenitraM: I even wrote a proxy pool script to rotate tunnels using ssh -D for JDownloader ;)
14:17.17Turland hooked the 'reconnect' thing to it :P
14:17.26zenitraMnow that is clever
14:18.40TurlzenitraM: +
14:19.01Turlthen use localhost:9050 on JD, and set it up to run proxypool rotate on the reconnect thing
14:19.22zenitraMmhm is there any way to make the tunnel bind to a specific address for outgoing connections?
14:20.10zenitraMshared hosting servers with ssh access i've seen have like 30 different ip address assigned
14:20.11TurlzenitraM: according to man,      -D [bind_address:]port
14:20.26zenitraMthat's to bind for the server, i want it for the client...
14:20.35zenitraMi mean, backwards
14:20.56Turlso your connections go out using a single ip on the remote side?
14:20.59TurlI think I understood
14:21.50CIA-121rhombus-tech: Haakon master * r08562ab8407d /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/script_for_installing_debian_on_sdcard.mdwn: V1.4 bugfixes and options to rebuild kernel and rootfs
14:21.56TurlI know you can with -L/-R
14:22.00Turlno idea with -D though
14:22.06*** join/#arm-netbook Tsvetan (d55bf1f8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:22.33zenitraMwith -L/-R is the same as with -D..
14:24.32CIA-121rhombus-tech: Haakon master * rfbae068b37ec /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/script_for_installing_debian_on_sdcard.mdwn:
14:27.52TurlzenitraM: well with R you can make it bind to a specific remote address
14:28.27TurlzenitraM: all the stuff I find points to using -w (tun) + iptables
14:53.40*** join/#arm-netbook Xlab (
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15:36.33mnemocTurl: is cm9 on nexus one worth trying?
15:36.52mnemocTurl: or it will be turned into an snail?
15:37.23*** join/#arm-netbook malmrose (
15:37.55DonkeyHoteii guess you could go to france and find out :P
15:38.23mnemocDonkeyHotei: eh?
15:39.03mnemocI'm not familiar with french jokes :<
15:39.55Turlmnemoc: how much ram does a N1 have?
15:40.00mnemocso they will eat my phone...
15:40.09DonkeyHoteithat was the joke
15:40.37mnemocTurl: 512
15:41.10Turlmnemoc: it should be okay then I guess, nexus s has 512 too
15:41.27Turlmnemoc: however, I doubt they started work on passion yet
15:42.13mnemoci think the worst problem of the nexus one is it's 512MB of nand
15:43.36Turlyeah, ICS system takes like 300M+ :P
15:43.58Turlwell maybe more like 250, I'm actually doubting now :P
15:44.26Turlcpu wise it should be okay
15:44.29zenitraMmnemoc: it worked decently on my desire when i tried
15:44.35zenitraMand it's nearly the same phone
15:44.35Turlmnemoc: consider the A10 tablets, cpu is around the same range as N1
15:44.51zenitraMyou might need to flash another hboot to have a different partition layout
15:46.52mnemocTurl: i suppose mali takes a big chunk of the effort needed to run ICS on A10
15:47.12Turlyeah it does
15:47.18Turlbut the adreno is not that bad either
15:47.37Turlconsider it's not like you need it to draw a crapton of polygons
15:47.53Turlbut paste and blend stuff together
15:48.17zenitraMthe problem is that there are no official libraries for the adreno for ics, or there weren't when i tried
15:48.35mnemoczenitraM: wouldn't a cm9 *image* come with the needed hboot?
15:48.38TurlzenitraM: qualcomm released some themselves
15:48.48zenitraMoh then it should work
15:49.02zenitraMmnemoc: at least on Desire not
15:49.15mnemoczenitraM: lovely :<
15:49.24zenitraMalthough in the nexus it might be differnet
15:49.42zenitraMhboot can only be flashed by fastboot on the desire, as it has a locked-but-unlockable bootloader
15:52.06*** join/#arm-netbook t0dbld|work (~t0dbld@unaffiliated/t0dbld)
15:53.00Turlgotta go, cya later
15:55.34mnemoccu Turl
16:17.16*** join/#arm-netbook Xlab (
16:17.34CIA-121rhombus-tech: Giuseppe master * rbf28ea1ff08f /allwinner_a10/orders/GiuseppeP.mdwn:
16:17.46Xlabmy UART advantures are ended with happy end
16:18.08hnomnemoc, yes it's something fishy going on with spl. Works with the compiler I use (some ancient version in the Novo code drop), but SPL can't output anything.
16:18.48traeakthat's a scary graphic
16:19.19mnemochno: want my bin for diffing?
16:20.22hnomnemoc, i'll probably downgrade 2011.09 again until it can be figured out what is going on.
16:22.00t0dbld|workhno: did you do the .config for u-boot for sun4xi on repo ?
16:22.15mnemocso turning sun4i = 2011.09 tag + fat + boot.scr ? and reviving the update branch?
16:25.17hnothe update branch is up to date
16:25.52hnomnemoc can you try if v2011.09-sun4i works?
16:26.10mnemochno: It worked this morning
16:26.29hnoone you built with your toolchain?
16:26.32rzktraeak: its scary because olimex didnt forget about EAGLE free version users. free version cant edit anything more than 1 sheet.
16:26.48mnemochno: yes, ubuntu/linaro's 4.6.3
16:27.06rzkusually its broken up in different sheets representing different blocks.
16:27.20hnoand that same toolchain produces a crashing build from sun4i?
16:30.19mnemochno: right
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17:48.38CIA-121rhombus-tech:  master * r0f11f88d9a9e /allwinner_a10/orders/lexszero.mdwn:
17:49.14*** join/#arm-netbook devxdev (
18:03.57mnemochno: both of your messages arrived twice here :<
18:05.59hnoI know. Resent them and then noticed the messages was stuck in local queue here due to DNS issues but was to late already.
18:06.19mnemocnarf... I wanted to blame mailman :p
18:07.21hnodud not expect double failure, both arm-netbook listserver down and my DNS provider somehow screwed up as well returning server error on most queries. Touched the zone in their DNS editor and it's healty again.
18:08.34hnohopefully no important stuff have gone lost from the DNS error.
18:09.20mnemocemail is designed to be very tolerant to that kind of problems
18:10.03mnemocsooner than later everything will arrive
18:27.14*** join/#arm-netbook vgrade (
18:31.27ZaEarlthe olinuxino board looks pretty decent. I wonder what the price is going to be.
18:34.06mnemociirc he said he was aiming at 35-40E
18:34.45ZaEarlthat would be good
18:35.46ZaEarlway cheaper than a lot of other dev boards
18:38.02mnemocand as he builds them for industrial temperatures I hope to be able to use them as controllers at $work$ :p
18:47.37mnemocthere I don't need something users can replace, neither hdmi or sata, only something to mount on a metal door
18:48.19rz2kdont you think that cortex-A9 is a bit overkill? :)
18:48.38mnemocit's cortex-a8 :)
18:51.49mnemocsomehow having 3d accelaration available makes you rethink how human-machine interfaces should look like
18:56.08mnemocexciting times ahead
18:58.31mnemocthe sad part is that I won't have an excuse to not support odbc anymore :<
18:58.52*** join/#arm-netbook MaDMaLKaV (~IceChat9@
18:58.55traeakyuk odbc
19:11.39hnomnemoc, have had any success with FEL?
19:13.19mnemochno: haven't had time to try it yet :<
19:18.32mnemochno: the fel jumper needs to be shorted during power up or it's an instant reset-to-fel thing?
19:20.48hnomnemoc, during power up / reset.
19:21.36hnothe "jumper" between the round things in the power area works fine as a reset btw.
19:23.21mnemocwhat what?
19:24.50mnemocI know 11K1 is the FEL, but what round things in the power area you mean?
19:25.13mnemocfirst, power button or power plug?
19:45.35hnopower area is the area below the NAND where you have the AXP
19:46.11mnemocso 12J3?
19:46.26hnoCould be. See wiki.
19:47.02mnemocbtw, what are those 3 rounded things?
19:48.11mnemocwiki says reset is 12j1... /me looking
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19:51.18hno12J1 I wrote in the wiki. But yes it's 12J3.
19:51.57hnomnemoc ^
19:52.03CIA-121rhombus-tech: hno master * r4d5018e46c41 /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000.mdwn:
19:52.04mnemocgood, I was getting dizzy trying to find 12J1 :)
19:54.05hnoIt may be something else entirely, but works fine as reset.
20:08.51mnemocblasphemy! it's x86
20:09.28Turlthat form factor reminds me of the mele :)
20:10.02ZaEarlpretty pricey for a nettop
20:11.01TurlZaEarl: do you sell mint nettops? :P
20:11.25ZaEarlnot recently, the atoms are too old these days
20:11.47mnemocdoes mint (ab)use ubuntu armhf too?
20:12.43TurlI don't think there's arm mint
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20:17.26t0dbld|workHexxeh: you around today ?
20:18.20mnemocwb lkcl
20:19.47lkclmnemoc: thx. router decided to take a break
20:21.31mnemocmine is begging to learn to bungee
20:22.13mnemocsome time I have over a second of round robin to it over wifi
20:22.38TurlOpenWRT all the things!
20:22.42lkclha ha
20:22.54hnois still looking for that TP crimp tool to fix the cable wiring and degrade the rouer to just modem.
20:23.01Turlmnemoc: you have enough A10 devices to cover a whole block with wifi :P
20:23.13mnemocmy crappy wrt160nl runs openwrt...
20:23.20mnemocTurl: :p
20:23.22Turlmnemoc: broadcom?
20:23.31Turlmnemoc: I run trunk on a tplink
20:24.39mnemocbut I can't really blame the poor router... my wifi likes to hide it :-/
20:25.32TurlI personally blame my intel card :p at random times it craps on itself
20:25.44Turlnone of my other devices do
20:26.40mnemocmy laptop has a rtl8192c :-/
20:26.51Turlmnemoc: haha
20:27.00Turlmnemoc: I'm starting to hate that one on my table
20:27.18Turlmnemoc: but I bet an upgraded driver would be good to check first
20:27.26Turlit tends to stall
20:27.38Turland rmmoding the driver takes some time
20:27.54Turluntil it gets all 'fuck it' and turns the device off in the controller directly :P
20:28.06mnemocafter some hours imine fills the dmesg buffer entirely
20:29.06Turlchatty is an understatement indeed
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20:34.58ZaEarlmnemoc, amd would do well in joining with arm
20:35.28ZaEarlcortex-a9 with a radeon gpu would be a decent combo
20:38.28specingHow so?
20:38.38specingIt would still be closed-source
20:38.52ZaEarlthe open source radeon drivers are pretty decent
20:39.25specing"decent" as in full capabilities?
20:39.32ZaEarlfor 3d, pretty much
20:39.39ZaEarlno opencl though
20:39.42specinghas been using nvidia for 5 years after giving up on ATI
20:40.08ZaEarlbut I dont' imagine opencl is that interesting for a mobile platform
20:40.32Turlspecing: nv was craptastically slow and noveau had a long way to be stable last I checked
20:40.46specingI use nvidia's binary blobs
20:40.48ZaEarlUnity or Gnome 3 are usable on most ATI cards with the open source driver
20:41.18specingZaEarl: blender? Games?
20:41.20Turlspecing: besides I had an nvidia burn :P no atis yet
20:41.27ZaEarlspecing, yes
20:41.31specingTurl: :o
20:42.28ZaEarlhaving amd actually publish specs on the chips was a huge help.
20:43.36TurlZaEarl: talking about hardware, do you have any idea where can I get a decent, well supported minipcie wifi card?
20:43.55Turla combo card with bluetooth would be a plus
20:44.34ZaEarlhalf or full size?
20:45.02ZaEarlintel has a bunch with bt
20:46.51ZaEarlI use the Intel Centrino Wireless-N 2230
20:47.48TurlZaEarl: no intel please though :P they're fail
20:48.00Turllet me see if I have a pic of it handy
20:52.43hnohave only good experience of his Intel wifi.card.
20:52.44ZaEarlwe used to use atheros ar9285 a lot, but we didn't have a bt option for it.
20:53.25t0dbld|workid take intel over atheros :-)
20:53.28Turlthat's the best pic I can find now :P
20:53.36Turlhno: what model?
20:53.41ZaEarlthat's a full size slot
20:53.44TurlI have a 5100, from the pre-N's
20:53.57ZaEarla lot of half cards will come with an adapter so they'll fit in a full slot
20:54.09TurlZaEarl: the card is the one on the top left btw
20:54.18Turlbottom left is 2x DDR2
20:54.30Turltop right is what I believe the cpu
20:54.45Turlor some other important part :P
20:54.57Turldidn't want to take the whole dissipator thing
20:57.32TurlZaEarl: is that centrino pre or post 5100?
20:57.45TurlI'm guessing post because of bt 4 listed on intel's website right?
20:57.46ZaEarlthe one I listed? newer
20:58.09TurlZaEarl: how much do those things cost?
20:58.53libvspecing: so you gave up around the only time when there was actual hope for ati?
20:59.40specingPretty much
21:00.02specingAlso graphics are still a dark area of computing
21:00.19libvbecause 04/2007 - 11/2007 was the only time when there was any real hope for a bright open source future for AMD/ATI
21:00.36libvafter that, we lost the battle with ATI
21:00.41specingHehe *hope*
21:00.51libvyes, hope
21:02.10TurlZaEarl: one of those + one of these and I can probably squeeze 1+ years of my pc with little suffering :)
21:02.48ZaEarlI'd be surprised if those actually worked
21:02.49t0dbld|workTurl: uh this is fail guy over there are not very pleasant
21:03.07ZaEarlif you want an ssd, just swap the hd with an ssd
21:03.53TurlZaEarl: get me a SATA II 1TB SSD at a reasonable price and I'll do
21:04.04ZaEarllol, sure....
21:04.39TurlZaEarl: what's even funnier is, my lappy has a spare hdd compartment
21:04.49Turlbut no sata header on it ~.~
21:05.17Turlwell the header is on the board, but it doesn't have the 'plug' thingy to connect the hdd to, just the bare holes on the board
21:06.40ZaEarlthe hybrid drives are pretty effective
21:07.21ZaEarlbut they only go up to 750gb
21:09.09specinglibv: Im not impressed :P
21:09.10TurlI heard several horror stories regarding those hybrid disks
21:09.22Turlthe 'ssd' part dying and rendering it unusable
21:09.42ZaEarlalways possible
21:09.58Turlwhy do you doubt the mSATA ones work?
21:10.02specingcache and flash are two words that cant *reliably* be used in a single sentence
21:10.04Turlthey all have mostly 5 eggs
21:10.23libvspecing: well, this was the time window when AMD was going to clean up big in ATI, and contacted SuSE for help
21:10.31ZaEarlan old laptop may not have the bios and/or slot features necessary for msata cards
21:11.12Turlwell, if my memory serves me well, I think I saw 2 miniPCIE slots
21:11.22Turlthe wifi is just using one
21:11.37Turland do you need bios support? isn't it more about OS support?
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21:12.06ZaEarlare you going to try to boot off the msata?
21:12.23hnoTurl, 4965AGN Rev 4 says dmesg.
21:12.31TurlI guess, but if it's not possible I might as well grub off HDD
21:12.42libvspecing: sadly though, throughout most of 2008, ATI ended up running the show, and AMD management dropped the ball big time on the open source project
21:12.44ZaEarlchaining grub from hd to msata might work
21:13.16TurlZaEarl: I can put /boot on HD and rootfs on msata if just grub doesn't cut it
21:13.23libvspecing: and now nothing of those originally lofty, but subsequently proven achievable, goals remain
21:13.57ZaEarlyes, that might work. times I tried cards like that we were hoping to have no hd.
21:14.50Turlanyway, of the possible upgrades it's the cheapest and the one with the most benefit/$ ratio
21:15.13Turltopping up ram is a ripoff, and I can live with the intel wifi I have now
21:15.13ZaEarlespecially if you have a second slot available
21:15.36specinghno: I have the same wifi card ;D
21:37.31CIA-121rhombus-tech: David master * rf47a7b8236ca /allwinner_a10/orders/ukkiosktesting.mdwn:
21:39.31t0dbld|workhipboi: anychance you have source for boot0 boot1 or boot.axf is there ?
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21:40.51XlabHow i could change number of banks and DRAM memory size in u-boot config?
21:41.00XlabI found that in sun4i.h
21:41.02Xlab#define PHYS_SDRAM_1_SIZE(512 << 20)/* 0x20000000, 512 MB Bank #1 */
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21:47.04hnoXlab, see arch/arm/cpu/armv7/sunxi/dram.c but I don't know the fine details.
21:55.55t0dbld|workhno: mnemoc , anyone seen any source for boot0 boot1 boot.axf ? as I widdle down here its coming down to those that i dont have really handi capping me
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22:18.28furarnaptınız len götler
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23:30.04hnonot sure how not having sources to boot0/boot1 is handicapping t0dbld
23:31.31Turlhno: I think he's trying to boot with GUID instead of MBR
23:42.18TurlI plugged my tablet's 2A wall adapter this morning
23:42.21Turlit still isn't topped up
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23:42.34Turlalmost 9PM :P
23:56.53CIA-121rhombus-tech: Gary master * r938487ec529a /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000/script_for_installing_debian_on_sdcard/discussion.mdwn:

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