IRC log for #bzflag-chat on 20101017

00:00.01blast0078.0, 8.1, something
00:00.22linuxguy1018.0 was good
00:00.27linuxguy101and so was 8.1
00:00.39blast007yeah, but it wasn't
00:00.52linuxguy101what was wrong with it
00:00.52blast007also, RPMs suck
00:00.57blast007so I avoid any distro that uses RPMs
00:00.59linuxguy101blast007: lol
00:01.15blast007had nothing but trouble
00:01.27blast007I much preferred Slackware to Mandrake
00:01.33linuxguy101i tried debian and gave up after the 3rd week of install
00:01.35blast007and Slackware was not easy to use ;)
00:01.47blast007dependency tracking? nope
00:02.12blast007you install deps yourself
00:02.27linuxguy101well i dont want to spend years getting a linux desktop to play flash and run some video on it
00:02.33blast007and it was still better than Mandrake 8.whatever ;)
00:02.45blast007linuxguy101: that's why you should use Ubuntu
00:02.49blast007it does that easy
00:03.09blast007want your nvidia drivers? it's a few clicks
00:03.14linuxguy101blast007: ubuntu???  lmao.. not one that i have tested will do a dual kde and gnome interface
00:03.26blast007why would you want that?
00:03.35linuxguy101blast007: cause they are both good
00:03.47linuxguy101blast007: gnome sucks by itself
00:03.49blast007um, okay
00:04.10linuxguy101dolphin blows anything gnome has out for it
00:04.27linuxguy101i am a power user and i dont like to run a ugo
00:04.48blast007so then why are you using mandriva?
00:05.00blast007you should be using gentoo!
00:05.01Cobra_Fastis setting up a mumble server right now
00:05.10linuxguy101blast007: simple everything works.....
00:05.21blast007where have I heard that before
00:05.25blast007glares at Apple
00:05.38linuxguy101takes me 7 min to install..   4 hours to download over 3 thousand programs
00:05.54linuxguy101depending on connecton rates..
00:05.57linuxguy101install is easy..
00:06.08linuxguy101i never need to use the command line
00:06.18blast007but I thought you were a power user
00:06.28linuxguy101i am
00:06.35blast007sure you are
00:07.21linuxguy101so you are saying that command line is faster than gui on all applicatinos?
00:07.29linuxguy101you are delusional
00:07.41blast007no, delusional is in ##planetmofo
00:07.44blast007I'm blast007
00:08.25blast007right now, I'm not using a GUI to chat to you
00:08.32linuxguy101i like gui and command line...
00:08.33blast007irssi ftw
00:08.44blast007I have no GUI on my server
00:08.48linuxguy101blast007: how many rooms??
00:08.54blast007like 22
00:08.57linuxguy101blast007: how old a box..
00:09.04blast0075 years maybe?
00:09.09blast007it's a 3GHz Pentium D
00:09.10linuxguy101no wonder
00:09.25linuxguy101256k ram.. lol
00:09.34blast0071GB, 10mbps network both ways
00:09.40blast007(internet speed)
00:10.10linuxguy101cool you can use the command line..
00:10.29linuxguy101i have 7 systems here and one only uses the command line
00:10.42linuxguy101cause it is old as hell
00:11.16blast007can't even run something like Xfce?
00:11.17linuxguy101anyway if you are happy with what you have stay there
00:12.01linuxguy101i will continue to test the top 20 linux distros to see what is the best for the masses
00:13.15blast007you post the results up somewhere?
00:13.24linuxguy101I will here soon
00:13.37blast007'here' being your website?
00:13.39linuxguy101i also install linux on systems and sell them
00:14.09linuxguy101mandriva is top..
00:14.13linuxguy101suse is #2
00:14.21linuxguy101red hat is 3
00:14.25linuxguy101ubuntu is 4
00:14.56blast007do you have a website for your results?
00:15.11linuxguy101i do this with my own company
00:15.12blast007cuz a top 4 list isn't really useful without any additional details
00:15.16linuxguy101results are not published
00:15.27linuxguy101not yet
00:16.10linuxguy101but remember this all depends on the users who are working with the distros as to how easy or hard it is to use
00:16.18linuxguy101and the coders
00:16.31linuxguy101i dont want slackware to be easy to use
00:16.38linuxguy101great one to learn from
00:17.07linuxguy101they all have there place
00:17.47linuxguy101pc linux is very good to
00:17.58linuxguy101but not much support
00:21.06linuxguy101any way i am rambling
00:26.11Cobra_Fastblast007: would that auto-mumble also be able to connect people to a specific channel?
00:28.14linuxguy101Cobra_Fast: i would use it now but i am watching twit
00:34.54blast007Cobra_Fast: that would be all it would do
00:35.11Cobra_Fastblast007: would be very interesting to have such
00:35.12blast007it would all be handled server-side
00:35.20blast007assuming it's even possible
00:35.31blast007I haven't got to the point of even being able to attempt it
00:35.42Cobra_Fastcurrent game servers only announce their mumble servers in admsgs
00:35.47blast007and I'm busy with other projects at the moment
00:36.00blast007the user would still have to manually connect to the mumble server
00:36.25blast007it would just move them to the right channel so only reds can hear the red chat, for instance
00:36.32blast007no spies ;)
00:36.52Cobra_Fasti also doubt that bzflag people would even bother voice chat
00:36.55blast007plus that way the names would have to match, so it's easier to administer
00:36.59Cobra_Fastbut im gonna set it up for pandora
00:45.58linuxguy101Cobra_Fast: maybe
01:07.44blast007Cobra_Fast: I think if it was easy to set up, they would
01:16.02linuxguy101blast007: did they put a easy help in the latest bzflag?
01:16.18blast007no tutorial
01:16.33linuxguy101blast007: i get allot of people who use winblows, saying they cant figure it out.
01:16.34blast007though it should actually be possible to do something
01:16.50blast007since Lua is included
01:16.57blast007(in both the server and the client)
01:17.06linuxguy101blast007: the menu structure on the help and settings i think need mouse support
01:17.09blast007and there are new map objects
01:17.20blast007well, that, or turn off the mouse cursor
01:17.32linuxguy101blast007: ah cool
01:17.41blast007that is confusing in itself
01:17.45blast007a mouse cursor that doesn't let you click on menu items
01:18.09linuxguy101it just needs some tweaking around and streamlining
01:18.21blast007or some forkin'
01:18.28linuxguy101blast007: right..
01:18.46linuxguy101blast007: you want the game so that dummies can play it
01:19.01linuxguy101wait maybe not.. lol
01:19.35linuxguy101blast007: how about the flags how many are there in the new version
01:19.49blast007there are two new ones
01:19.54blast007Cloaked Shot, and Low Gravity
01:24.52linuxguy101blast007: how about a multiple flag flag
01:25.06Cobra_Fastlinuxguy101: no.
01:25.13linuxguy101one flag and you can carry say 2 more..
01:25.17Cobra_Fastdefinly no
01:25.29linuxguy101you ever tested it in game play?
01:25.33blast007linuxguy101: not in bzflag, but in a fork, sure
01:25.42Cobra_Fastits too complex for the average player
01:25.54Cobra_Fasthow would you drop either of the three flags
01:26.09Cobra_Fastthere are many issues about this
01:26.14linuxguy101Cobra_Fast: easy.. middle mouse and you drop what you carry
01:26.23blast007it would need different controls
01:26.25Cobra_Fastso your entire flag set is gone
01:26.27linuxguy101but you half to hunt to find the multiple flag again
01:26.54linuxguy101i would love to test it in game play
01:26.57blast007one idea would be to have flag categories
01:27.11blast007like, ones that affect your shots, and ones that affect your tank
01:27.17blast007and you could have one of each
01:27.18Cobra_FastThe Super Flag Collectors Set - In Stores Now
01:27.31blast007again, wouldn't be in BZFlag, but a fork or a different game - sure
01:27.37linuxguy101blast007: then you go to a total 2 carry flag system
01:27.54linuxguy101how about one flag that will allow the pick up of 2 more flags with a timer on it
01:27.57Cobra_Fastthat would also create cruel combinations like guided laser or shockwave missile
01:28.01linuxguy101or shot counter
01:28.21linuxguy101oh i know it would be unfair
01:28.44linuxguy101however in a fox hunt it would be pretty good
01:28.55linuxguy101if only used on the fox
01:29.27linuxguy101how about allowing the server have the options of multiple flags?
01:29.39linuxguy101just a thought..
01:29.54DTRemenakI had a branch at one point where you could collect flags and switch between them on the fly; that worked pretty well.
01:30.13linuxguy101DTRemenak: that sounds interesting.
01:30.15Cobra_Fastand have the server have an option to allow any rejected flag idea and enhancement suggestion ... sure :D
01:30.39linuxguy101that would be cool
01:30.48DTRemenakgave rise to some interesting mechanics where you'd carry, for instance, SH and L, and toggle between them before and after firing
01:31.33linuxguy101i want to see bzflag moved into a modern rival of online games that are as fun to play as they are to design
01:31.47linuxguy101oh ya, i have never done anything on the server side of bzflag
01:32.01linuxguy101so i have no idea what kind of hell that may be..
01:32.41linuxguy101how easy is it to design a playing field?
01:33.22Cobra_Fasttake a plane and youre done
01:33.33Cobra_Fastdoesnt make it interesting to play tho
01:35.33linuxguy101Cobra_Fast: missle war is the best designed zone for game play
01:35.47linuxguy101that i have seen so far
01:35.51Cobra_Fastit's not. its got serious spawn camping issues
01:36.05blast007linuxguy101: you don't get out much, do you?  ;)
01:36.13linuxguy101Cobra_Fast: spawn camping??
01:36.37linuxguy101blast007: i am an old timer on bzflag..
01:36.37Cobra_Fastpeople waiting for you to popp up in your base so they can shoot you away immediately
01:36.51linuxguy101Cobra_Fast: ya that is what is fun
01:36.57Cobra_Fasthell its not
01:37.19linuxguy101it keeps the game fast paced
01:37.20Cobra_Fasta 6 year old might find it funny to do that
01:37.39Cobra_Fastbut fairness went off completely
01:37.47linuxguy101well it is better than a few pylons on a flat playing field
01:38.23Cobra_Fastthats a wild claim, in my experience a few pylons with random spawns can be much more fun
01:38.59linuxguy101ok we both have our own ideas on good zones..
01:39.32linuxguy101on the latest ver have you made it more compatible with older systems??
01:39.34Cobra_Fastyou like exploding tanks - i like fair battles
01:39.50blast007linuxguy101: no
01:39.54blast007if anything, less
01:40.12linuxguy101blast007: any way to make it more compatible on more systems?
01:40.23blast007for a while we were requiring OpenGL 1.2 or 1.3
01:40.24blast007can't remember which
01:40.39blast007which excluded, for instance, software OpenGL on Windows
01:40.46blast007at least XP and below
01:40.47linuxguy101oh ya...
01:41.17linuxguy101well i would love to see bzflag like half the size it is now and 70 % faster
01:41.28blast007the requirement was removed though
01:41.30linuxguy101with high res graphics
01:41.32blast007think it's back down to 1.1
01:41.44blast00770% faster?
01:41.50blast007and why half the size?
01:41.57blast007you do realize our game is tiny, right?
01:41.59linuxguy101blast007: ya.. it can happen
01:42.09linuxguy101blast007: yes..
01:42.14blast007and I can get like 800FPS on my system
01:42.22linuxguy101blast007: think of cell phones..
01:42.23blast007why would I want it to be 70% faster?
01:42.28blast007okay, what about them?
01:42.34blast007they're not gonna be able to run bzflag anyway
01:42.42linuxguy101maybe some day bzflag will be playible on it.
01:42.43Cobra_Fastblast007: which forum section would i take if i was gonna ask if people were interested in voice communication whilst playing?
01:42.52blast007Cobra_Fast: no idea
01:42.59Cobra_Fastblast007: alright ill pick one randomly
01:43.19blast007pick one that it fits in best with
01:43.34Cobra_FastGeneral Discussion seems ok to me
01:43.57linuxguy101now bzflag originally started out on bbs's way back in the beginning correct?
01:44.29linuxguy101when bzflag was first coded it was commerical
01:46.45linuxguy101not the game i was thinking of
01:47.20linuxguy101there was several games that came out for the bbs's right before the internet started
01:47.30linuxguy101and the web killed it..
01:47.39linuxguy101but they went open source..
01:47.56linuxguy101i thought bzflag was one of them
01:48.18Cobra_Fastthere we go:
01:49.04Cobra_Fastlinuxguy101: i guess youre thinking of "Battle Zone" and "Battle Zone II", theyve got nothing to do with BZFlag
01:49.33blast007well, not "nothing"
01:49.44linuxguy101Cobra_Fast: no it was a space type game.. i was avalible for pcboard in a door program
01:49.52blast007both BZFlag and the game 'bz' are based on the idea of Battle Zone
01:50.12linuxguy101i never played it cause the sites wated 20 a hour for usage on a 8 line dialup modem
01:50.40linuxguy101this was in 1994
01:50.55Cobra_Fastso a Battle Zone is a limited field created for battle? or what?
01:51.47linuxguy101battle zone was an arcade game single person player against the computer ai tank and a few sausers
01:53.01linuxguy101hey you could code in airplanes and missles into the game..
01:53.20linuxguy101just kidding
01:54.47Cobra_Fastwhat about coding a linuxguy101 into the game which does the feature you want just from suggesting? :D
01:55.34linuxguy101Cobra_Fast: ya and make it bug free creation software!
01:55.49linuxguy101if only the world was perfect
01:57.02linuxguy101how does the server keep track of all the connection speeds and lag time and make it work the way it does
01:57.34linuxguy101it is amazing to me
01:57.44Cobra_Fastlagping packets and such
01:57.48blast007linuxguy101: it doesn't
01:58.01blast007bzflag doesn't assume any specific connection speed
01:58.09blast007it just sends the data it wants to
01:58.21blast007if your connection gets flooded, it doesn't shed a tear ;)
01:58.25linuxguy101blast007: so what if i log in and i have a really slow connection
01:58.33linuxguy101oh ok i see
01:58.36blast007it will laugh
01:58.55linuxguy101what causes jitter?
01:58.59linuxguy101packet loss?
01:59.10blast007jitter is variation in your lag
01:59.17blast007which can be caused by lots of things
01:59.51blast007most commonly it's caused by low FPS, spikes in CPU usage by other software, wifi, downloads, and bad ISPs
02:00.13linuxguy101ah ok
02:00.48linuxguy101so during the game play the server just processes the vector points of data as to who is where in the game?
02:01.47linuxguy101let me add on to that who and what objects are where in the game
02:02.17blast007the server does have some idea of objects, yes
02:02.24blast007since it uses that data for spawning players
02:02.37blast007and it has a general idea of where someone is right *now*
02:02.46blast007(or where they last were)
02:03.25linuxguy101blast007: how is the source code, is it all commented out as to what line does what?
02:03.47linuxguy101blast007: umm why not?
02:03.54blast007because people didn't do it
02:04.26linuxguy101blast007: doesnt that cut development time sorting through code you dont know what is what?
02:06.33blast007that increases development time ;)
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