IRC log for #curseforge on 20150107

00:04.30Repo[WoW] battlegroundtargets: 03ananhaid * r226 BattlegroundTargets-localized-carrier.lua: - zhCN update.
00:08.19Repo[WoW] gnosis: 03elchefe * r126  (2 files in 1 directory): added missing commands to gnosis_cheatsheet.pdf
00:16.41Repo[WoW] New addon: Blacklist Advanced -
00:27.28Repo[WoW] solutionlc (experimental): 03virtualentity 07master * a41d6ef SolutionLC.toc: [+1 commit] Updating TOC version.
00:52.58Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03nebula169 * r12511 Highmaul/Koragh.lua: Koragh: pause all the things
01:11.12Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03nebula169 * r12512 Highmaul/Koragh.lua: Koragh: tweaks
01:31.50Repo[WoW] gnosis: 03elchefe * r127  (2 files in 1 directory): timer bars: cast command will now show non-interruptible status
01:46.42*** join/#curseforge hizuro (
01:46.42*** join/#curseforge hizuro (~hizuro@WoWUIDev/Broker-Everything/GuildApplicantTracker/hizuro)
02:07.54Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03funkydude * r12513  (4 files in 1 directory): Highmaul: commented out improvements for next patch.
02:22.21*** join/#curseforge Hekili (
02:27.34Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: EasyCourt -
02:28.46Repo[WoW] New addon: W01phs' Exit Button -
02:37.14Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: Voxelight Place -
03:06.04Repo[WoW] gnosis: 03elchefe * r128 gnosis_cheatsheet.pdf: minor change in gnosis_cheatsheet.pdf
03:26.28Repo[WoW] New addon: SimpleTweaks -
03:45.12Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03nebula169 * r12514 Highmaul/Koragh.lua: Koragh: switch some unit events to cleu
03:46.10Repo[WoW] blizzmove: 03yess * r56 BlizzMove.lua: .)The Quest Tracker is now temporary movable.
03:46.10Repo.)The Garrison Report frame is now moveable.
03:47.59Repo[SC2] New map: Small Objective -
04:17.21Repo[WoW] blizzmove: 03yess 04v1.3.7 * r57 : Tagging as v1.3.7
05:34.40*** join/#curseforge ShadniX (
05:40.32Repo[WoW] omnibar: 03Jordons 043.12 * 36e7117 /: [new tag] Tagging as v3.12
05:40.32Repo[WoW] omnibar: 03Jordons 07master * 3.12  (5 files in 2 directories): [+4 commits]
05:40.32Repo858b21d: various fixes and improvements
05:40.32Repod7932cd: fix Pain Suppression cooldown
05:40.33Repoec3ee22: add Show In Rated Battlegrounds option
05:40.35Repo72e137f: fix Show In World option
06:38.36Repo[WoW] wowdb-profiler: 03MMOSimca * r417 Main.lua: Added new spell ID for Chi Wave to blacklist.
06:49.13Repo[WoW] litebag: 03Xodiv 07master * 6.0.12-8-gb7cafc7 DEVELOPER_NOTES.txt: [+1 commit] Add developer note about possible icons.
07:52.34Repo[WoW] wowdb-profiler: 03MMOSimca * r418  (2 files in 1 directory): Blacklisted bodyguard reputations and supported new Draenor perk, Trading Pact.
07:53.57Repo[WoW] wowdb-profiler: 03MMOSimca * r419 Constants.lua: Added 2 new tables in Constants.lua in preparation for a new kill count system for raid encounters.
08:00.41Repo[WoW] goingprice_eu: 03Neikos 046.0.1420588800 * 4cb4a03 /: [new tag, +1 commits] Tagging version 6.0.1420588800
08:01.54Repo[WoW] goingprice_us: 03Neikos 046.0.1420588800 * 83b6217 /: [new tag, +1 commits] Tagging version 6.0.1420588800
08:12.40*** join/#curseforge gothroach (
09:05.02Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03nebula169 * r12515  (2 files in 1 directory): move some more unit events to cleu
09:59.53Repo[WoW] wowdb-profiler: 03MMOSimca * r420 Main.lua: Added new kill count system for raid encounters based on saved instances/LFRs.
10:01.16Repo[WoW] wowdb-profiler: 03MMOSimca * r421 Main.lua: Moved function from Event Handlers section.
10:22.07*** join/#curseforge stolenlegacy (~stolenleg@unaffiliated/stolenlegacy)
11:26.44Repo[WoW] battlegroundtargets: 03kunda * r227  (2 files in 1 directory): esES/esMX spec detect fix
11:29.54Repo[WoW] workwork: 03Starfox 07master * v1.9-1-g552d87a WorkWork.lua: [+1 commit] If we hide minimap icon then it should stay hidden after reload
11:32.55Repo[WoW] mrtwoo: 03mrtime * r306 Modules/ (2 files in 2 directories): Fix max level
11:41.56Repo[WoW] artpad: 03mnu87 04v8.8c-release * 10c84ea /: [new tag, +1 commits] Release 8.8c
12:02.12*** join/#curseforge j311yf1sh (
12:14.13Repo[WoW] taunt-master-2: 03tartarusspawn * r10  (3 files in 1 directory):
12:33.23Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03elvador * r12516 Highmaul/Margok.lua: Margok: Count Glimpse of Madness spawns
12:52.31*** join/#curseforge [TOM_RUS] (something@
13:19.37Repo[WoW] findparty: 03chrsm * r109  (3 files in 1 directory):  (6 lines trimmed from commit message)
13:19.38Repo■ 던전 리스트 확장팩 순서로 정렬
13:19.38Repo■ 게임 재시작 시 미니맵 버튼 설정 유지기능 추가
13:22.40Repo[WoW] findparty: 03chrsm * r110 FindParty.lua:  (6 lines trimmed from commit message)
13:22.40Repo■ 던전 리스트 확장팩 순서로 정렬
13:22.40Repo■ 게임 재시작 시 미니맵 버튼 설정 유지기능 추가
13:22.55Repo[WoW] findparty: 03chrsm 04V3.1 * r111 :  (7 lines trimmed from commit message)
13:22.55RepoTagging as V3.1
13:22.56Repo■ 던전 리스트 확장팩 순서로 정렬
13:49.02Repo[WoW] findparty: 03chrsm * r112  (2 files in 1 directory): 전체 옵션 초기화(Reload UI) 미작동 오류 수정
13:49.02Repo도움말 수정
13:58.16Repo[WoW] New experimental addon: EquipmentScale -
14:21.18Repo[WoW] macro-toolkit: 03deepac * r107 / (2 files in 2 directories): error fix in UpdateIcon()
14:28.55Repo[WoW] macro-toolkit: 03deepac 04v6.0.3.8 * r108 : Tagging as v6.0.3.8
14:58.43Repo[WoW] omnibar: 03Jordons 07master * v3.13  (5 files in 2 directories): [+2 commits]
14:58.43Repoa1f9899: manual changelog
14:58.43Repo9eb1cc2: minor bug fix with displaying borders
14:58.46Repo[WoW] omnibar: 03Jordons 04v3.13 * 4531f60 /: [new tag] Tagging as v3.13
15:03.24Repo[WoW] shadowed-unit-frames: 03Shadowed 07master * v4.0.8-16-g7639244 modules/basecombopoints.lua: [+1 commit] Fixed an error on Chi points
15:08.52Repo[WoW] omnibar: 03Jordons 043.12 *  /: [TAG DELETED]
15:15.34*** join/#curseforge harl (harl@unaffiliated/harl)
16:08.59Repo[WoW] garrisonjukebox: 03azmaedus * r74  (10 files in 4 directories): pre 1.0.6
16:09.52Repo[WoW] garrisonjukebox: 03azmaedus 04v1.0.6 release * r75 :
16:09.52RepoFixed an issue where pet battles inside a garrison caused the jukebox to stop playing.
16:09.54RepoCode Cleanup/Optimizations
16:09.56RepoAdded minimap icon
16:16.47Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: Sneak -
16:22.29Repo[WoW] New addon: Follower Assign -
16:24.34Repo[WoW] lfg_silence: 03jerbal * r10  (5 files in 1 directory):
16:24.34RepoAdded options panel and allow for muting the ding entirely (Default one ding)
16:24.34RepoThe ring pulse animation has been restored
16:28.42Repo[WoW] lfg_silence: 03jerbal 04v1.1.0 * r11 : Tagging as v1.1.0
16:37.29Repo[WoW] follower-assign: 03omran89 07master * 229140f  (2 files in 1 directory): [new, +9 commits] (5 truncated)
16:37.30Repo229140f: bump version
16:37.30Repo32c02f6: fix overriding global issue
16:37.30Repo02c4253: bump version
16:37.30Repoe3bba8b: fix some bugs, refactor delay functions, and add number of assigned followers to UI.
16:47.49Repo[WorldOfTanks] New mod: BDuck's Grunge Tank Icons [9.5] -
17:04.02*** join/#curseforge MysticalOS (
17:10.12Repo[WoW] follower-assign: 03omran89 04v0.0.3 * 9cc1820 /: [new tag] Tagging as v0.0.3
17:12.43Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: SpawnLocation -
17:13.10*** join/#curseforge Hekili_ (
17:15.14Repo[WoW] battlegroundtargets: 03kunda * r228  (5 files in 1 directory): frFR spec detect fix
17:17.14Repo[WoW] dhud-3_0: 03mad111cat * r8  (12 files in 4 directories):  (1 line trimmed from commit message)
17:17.14Repochangelog 2.0.60000.49:
17:17.14Repo-prioritizied timers without duration (e.g. blade fury) will no longer be attempted to animate
17:17.14Repo-added tracking of global cooldown, if enabled it will be shown on player's cast bar
17:17.14Repo-added advanced tracking of some auras, currently supported only rogue's Bandit's Guile, it will add aura to list when bandits guile is not progressed and update stacks count
17:32.18Repo[WoW] lootcouncil-lite: 03Excentriko 06excentriko 042.7.0_alpha * e9a36b7 /: [new tag, +1 commits] Support to show Ilvl. Removed XLoot legacy support code.
18:02.39Repo[WoW] dhud-3_0: 03mad111cat * r9  (4 files in 2 directories): changelog 2.0.60000.50:
18:02.39Repo-updated bandit's guile tracking and removed logs
18:34.52Repo[Rift] zone-event-tracker: 03digitalensnare * r2  (4 files in 1 directory): Added trunk
18:36.11Repo[Rift] zone-event-tracker: 03digitalensnare 041.4 * r3 : Version 1.4
18:39.32Repo[Rift] zone-event-tracker: 03digitalensnare 041.6 * r4 :
18:39.32RepoAdded Version 1.6, now includes a documentation.txt file for addon.
18:39.58Repo[Rift] zone-event-tracker: 03digitalensnare 041.4 * r5 : removed
18:42.05Repo[Rift] zone-event-tracker: 03digitalensnare * r6  (4 files in 1 directory):
18:42.37Repo[Rift] zone-event-tracker: 03digitalensnare * r7 changelog.txt: 1.55
18:42.43Repo[Rift] zone-event-tracker: 03digitalensnare * r9 RiftAddon.toc: 1.55
18:43.14Repo[Rift] zone-event-tracker: 03digitalensnare 041.55 * r10 : Version 1.55
18:44.13Repo[Rift] zone-event-tracker: 03digitalensnare * r11 1.6/: 1.6
18:48.24Repo[Rift] zone-event-tracker: 03digitalensnare * r12  (3 files in 1 directory): updating svn
18:53.44*** join/#curseforge harl (harl@unaffiliated/harl)
18:57.09Repo[Rift] zone-event-tracker: 03digitalensnare * r13 : REMOVED TRUNK
18:57.25Repo[Rift] zone-event-tracker: 03digitalensnare * r14 tags/: REMOVED TAGS
18:57.57Repo[Rift] zone-event-tracker: 03digitalensnare * r15 branches/: REMOVED BRANCHES
19:00.38Repo[Rift] zone-event-tracker: 03digitalensnare * r16  (5 files in 1 directory): added mainline trunk
19:03.00Repo[WoW] details: 03Tercioo * r297  (14 files in 7 directories): - Plugin 'Damage Rank': is now called 'Damage, the Game!' and had its levels adjusted to WoD.  (16 lines trimmed from commit message)
19:03.01Repo- Plugin 'Tiny Threat': fixed player name where it was showing the realm name too.
19:03.01Repo- Plugin 'Vanguard': fixed frame details (clicking on a bar) shown behind the Vanguard panel.
19:03.01Repo- Plugin 'Vanguard': fixed a problem when clicking with right button wasn't opening the bookmark panel.
19:03.01Repo- Plugin 'Vanguard': incoming heals now count shield amount on the player too.
19:19.16Repo[WoW] battlegroundtargets: 03kunda 0460000-3 * r230 :  (3 lines trimmed from commit message)
19:19.18RepoNew in BattlegroundTargets-60000-3:
19:19.20Repo- fixed flag detection (TODO: esMX, koKR, ruRU, zhTW)
19:19.22Repo- fixed frFR/esES/esMX spec detection
19:19.24Repo- added debuff 'Focused Assault' / 'Brutal Assault' to the battlegrounds 'Eye of the Storm' & 'Deepwind Gorge'
19:22.49Repo[WoW] dhud-3_0: 03mad111cat * r10  (4 files in 3 directories): changelog 2.0.60000.51:
19:22.49Repo-fixed target cast bar info after gcd updates
19:28.00Repo[WoW] tradeskill-info: 03ethancentaurai * r725 Data/Data.lua:
19:28.00RepoManually added recipe info for Prismatic Focusing Lens and Reflecting Prism. Fixes Ticket 101.
19:28.02RepoRelated, is broken and it doesn't look like it will be fixed any time soon. WTB help making a new datamining script.
19:54.29Repo[WoW] artpad: 03mnu87 04v8.8d-release * 4134e21 /: [new tag, +1 commits] fix compression bug
20:03.53*** join/#curseforge Dark_Elf (
20:22.02Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: Eventz -
20:29.12Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: CommandNotification -
20:31.08*** join/#curseforge MysticalOS (
20:31.56*** join/#curseforge Caleb| (~Caleb|@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/EnsidiaFails/Caleb)
20:50.25Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: ParachutePlus -
21:10.59Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: ZFAKE -
21:13.36Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03funkydude * r12517 Highmaul/Trash.lua: Trash: add rune of disintegration.
21:28.26Repo[WorldOfTanks] New experimental mod: Mav's Clan Message Center -
22:03.42Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03funkydude * r12518 Highmaul/Trash.lua: Trash: add rune of destruction.
22:14.44*** join/#curseforge Repo` (~repo@
22:18.43Repo[Minecraft] New experimental bukkit plugin: zAdmin -
22:21.55Repo[WoW] wowdb-profiler: 03MMOSimca * r422  (2 files in 1 directory): Fixed typo preventing the recording of Garrison Cache object data.
22:26.46Repo[WoW] dhud-3_0: 03mad111cat * r11  (4 files in 2 directories): changelog 2.0.60000.51:
22:26.46Repo-fixed cast bar info after gcd updates
22:29.32Repo[WoW] wowdb-profiler: 03MMOSimca * r423 Main.lua: Fixed a timer left at the old duration of chat-based loot recording.
22:30.13Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: zAdmin -
22:32.18Repo[WoW] wowdb-profiler: 03MMOSimca * r424 Main.lua: Implemented new system using SHOW_LOOT_TOAST for currency data during chat-based loot recording.
23:00.03Repo[WoW] tradeskillmaster_auctiondb: 03Bart39 07master * v2.6.1-1-gefcaa68 TradeSkillMaster_AuctionDB.lua: [+1 commit] re-fixed issue with importing realm data if realmname contained an apostrophe
23:02.29Repo[WoW] tradeskillmaster_auctiondb: 03Bart39 07master * v2.6.1-2-gd0cd023 ChangeLog.txt: [+1 commit] Updated Changelog
23:03.00Repo[WoW] tradeskillmaster_auctiondb: 03Bart39 04v2.6.2 * 45cf43f /: [new tag]
23:17.40Repo[WoW] skada: 03zarnivoop * r603  (7 files in 4 directories): option to automatically pause on impending wipe (untested)
23:17.40Repoignore Monk stagger absorbs
23:25.27Repo[WoW] skada: 03zarnivoop * r604 Skada.lua: autostop fix; only do anything during encounters

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