IRC log for #curseforge on 20150714

00:07.43Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03nebula169 * r13428 HellfireCitadel/TyrantVelhari.lua:
00:07.43RepoTyrantVelhari: revert back to IEEU for adds, add bar and removed message for Sovereign's Ward, bump up Mending's cd in normal
00:12.37Repo[WoW] New addon: Pet Buddy -
00:16.16Repo[WoW] supervillain-ui: 03Munglunch 07master * 76d3694  (9 files in 5 directories): [+1 commit] aura filters fixed and new NPC models added
00:16.32Repo[WoW] supervillain-ui-chat: 03Munglunch 07master * 58ddc24 SVUI_Chat.toc: [+1 commit] toc update
00:16.48Repo[WoW] supervillain-ui-questtracker: 03Munglunch 07master * efd4aee SVUI_QuestTracker.toc: [+1 commit] toc update
00:17.20Repo[WoW] supervillain-ui-unitframes: 03Munglunch 07master * 78033e1  (6 files in 6 directories): [+1 commit] aura filters fixed
00:17.31Repo[WoW] supervillain-ui-maps: 03Munglunch 07master * 55e1dad SVUI_Maps.toc: [+1 commit] toc update
00:20.54Repo[WoW] supervillain-ui-unitframes: 03Munglunch 07master * 0481b37 SVUI_UnitFrames.lua: [+1 commit] misc fixes
00:21.10Repo[WoW] supervillain-ui-skins: 03Munglunch 07master * 8c92ffd  (6 files in 2 directories): [+1 commit] misc fixes
00:21.26Repo[WoW] supervillain-ui-auras: 03Munglunch 07master * 20edf78  (2 files in 2 directories): [+1 commit] toc update
00:21.37Repo[WoW] supervillain-ui-inventory: 03Munglunch 07master * 443dd8d SVUI_Inventory.toc: [+1 commit] toc update
00:21.53Repo[WoW] supervillain-ui-nameplates: 03Munglunch 07master * 669cd48 SVUI_NamePlates.toc: [+1 commit] toc update
00:22.09Repo[WoW] supervillain-ui-tooltip: 03Munglunch 07master * f136e03 SVUI_Tooltip.toc: [+1 commit] toc update
00:23.33Repo[WoW] supervillain-ui-actionbars: 03Munglunch 07master * 7eb2b23  (14 files in 6 directories): [+1 commit] updated LibActionBars
00:46.21Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03nebula169 * r13429 HellfireCitadel/TyrantVelhari.lua: TyrantVelhari: add back in proximity for the Edict target
01:37.11Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: Cufufy'sAFK -
01:40.46*** join/#curseforge Funkeh` (~Funkeh`@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
01:40.46*** mode/#curseforge [+v Funkeh`] by ChanServ
02:55.47Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: RandomThings -
03:15.12*** join/#curseforge j311yf1sh (
03:24.30Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: RamCheckerPro -
03:47.28Repo[WoW] gui4_trade: 03Goldpaw * r26  (10 files in 4 directories): Added tag Release-r25 for changeset c11988d87b03
03:47.28Repo- added LDB sources for character gold and item durability. requires a LDB display addon like bagnon or titan panel to show.
03:49.23Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: PlayerSlots -
04:07.57*** join/#curseforge MysticalOS (~Myst@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/DBM/MysticalOS)
04:44.06*** join/#curseforge ShadniX (
05:36.24Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03nebula169 * r13430 HellfireCitadel/Mannoroth.lua:
05:36.24RepoMannoroth: update for mythic, add say count for Mark of Doom, count Curse of the Legion
05:40.01Repo[WoW] npcscan: 03Torhal * d5e6903 /: [new tag] Localization updates.
05:41.03Repo[WoW] npcscan-overlay: 03Torhal * faf6220 /: [new tag] Localization updates.
05:42.27Repo[WoW] archy: 03Torhal * 4326256 /: [new tag] Localization updates.
05:45.03Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03nebula169 * r13431 HellfireCitadel/Mannoroth.lua: Mannoroth: tweaks
05:45.09Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03nebula169 * r13432 HellfireCitadel/Xhulhorac.lua: Xhulhorac: tweaks
06:41.23*** join/#curseforge harl (harl@unaffiliated/harl)
07:00.40Repo[WoW] goingprice_eu: 03Neikos 046.2.1436832000 * 0a23e37 /: [new tag, +1 commits] Tagging version 6.2.1436832000
07:00.40Repo[WoW] goingprice_us: 03Neikos 046.2.1436832000 * b2c8037 /: [new tag, +1 commits] Tagging version 6.2.1436832000
08:28.28*** join/#curseforge stolenlegacy (~stolenleg@unaffiliated/stolenlegacy)
09:01.10Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03funkydude * r13433 BigWigs.toc: bump version
09:15.50Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03funkydude 04r13434-release * r13434 : Tagging as r13434-release
09:26.57Repo[WoW] New addon: ArchimondeShackledTormentHelper -
09:42.49Repo[Terraria] New map: Portal: Multiplayer -
10:51.06Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03nebula169 * r13435 HellfireCitadel/Xhulhorac.lua:
10:51.06RepoXhulhorac: make Fel Strike and Void Strike tank only and tweak the warnings in p3/p4
11:21.19*** join/#curseforge j311yf1sh (
11:50.02Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03nebula169 * r13436 HellfireCitadel/Xhulhorac.lua:
11:50.02RepoXhulhorac: use the second set of ids for Fel/Void Strike for who got debuffed
12:02.56Repo[WoW] atlasloot-enhanced: 03proteyer * r4350 AtlasLoot (3 files in 3 directories):  (2 lines trimmed from commit message)
12:02.58Repo- added Trash-Loot in Hellfire Citadel
12:03.00Repo- added new Apexis-Items (old Apexis disabled, come back with new prices)
12:03.02Repo- fixed Bonusroll-.LUA-Error (some Kill-Events not triggert)
12:03.04Repo- fixed Kazzak-Loot
12:32.30Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03nebula169 * r13437 HellfireCitadel/TyrantVelhari.lua: TyrantVelhari: switch add spawns to emotes
12:54.05Repo[WoW] archimondeshackledtormenthelper: 03axiomasham * r4  (2 files in 1 directory): Minor fixes
12:54.05RepoCode cleanup
12:54.32Repo[WoW] archimondeshackledtormenthelper: 03axiomasham 0460200.1-beta * r5 : Minor fixes
12:54.32RepoCode cleanup
13:28.44*** join/#curseforge Bnonymous (
13:29.54*** part/#curseforge Bnonymous (
13:37.00Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: Invisible Armor -
13:53.41Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: CraftOres -
13:54.21Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: EmeraldsLoot -
14:07.58*** join/#curseforge harl (harl@unaffiliated/harl)
14:25.47*** join/#curseforge hizuro (
14:25.47*** join/#curseforge hizuro (~hizuro@WoWUIDev/Broker-Everything/GuildApplicantTracker/hizuro)
14:39.30Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: EasyGui -
14:39.46Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: SignPVPKits -
14:40.38Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: CGeo -
14:42.18Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: Wither Slayer -
14:42.24Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: Dragon Slayer -
14:54.08*** join/#curseforge harl (harl@unaffiliated/harl)
15:08.32Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: ChatFeeling's -
15:28.40*** join/#curseforge FireFox` (~firefox@2602:306:c50d:2c50:815c:b0fb:ee95:9b25)
15:36.34Repo[WoW] New addon: Absorber -
16:34.00*** join/#curseforge Xinhuan (~xinhuan@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/xinhuan)
18:00.13Repo[WoW] deus-vox-encounters: 03Maev81 07master * v689  (12 files in 3 directories): [+1 commit] Hellfire Citadel:
18:00.13Repo[WoW] deus-vox-encounters: 03Maev81 04v689 * a50224d /: [new tag] Tagging as v689
18:01.06Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: BlockPay -
18:27.17*** join/#curseforge MrAdder8L (~MrAdder89@2001:41d0:8:4173::)
18:28.59*** join/#curseforge jamierocks (
18:29.35*** join/#curseforge LuaKT_ (
18:31.01*** join/#curseforge LuaKT (~LuaKT@unaffiliated/luakt)
18:58.15*** join/#curseforge Archarodim (~Archarodi@
19:05.47Repo[WoW] spartanui-chinese-font: 03wutname1 * r4  (2 files in 2 directories): added Support for Traditional Chinese
19:17.05Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: Prestige: Kill Tracker and Rankup System -
19:34.58*** join/#curseforge ShadniX_ (
19:43.06Repo[WoW] raven: 03tomber * r337  (3 files in 2 directories):
19:43.06RepoAdd type check to fix error reported for patch 6.2. Update version number. Also, rebuild should pick up new libraries, which is a good thing after any large patch.
20:24.55Repo[WoW] details: 03Tercioo * r402  (8 files in 4 directories): - Added an option to show a stopwatch on the title text showing the elapsed time of an encounter.
20:24.55Repo- Window title text now shrinks correctly when isn't enough space for it.
20:26.50Repo[Rift] gadgets: 03Lifeismystery 07master * v0.9.5-beta-1-g3d6df32  (25 files in 7 directories): [+1 commit] v0.9.6-beta
20:37.26Repo[Rift] gadgets: 03Lifeismystery 07master * v0.9.5-beta-2-g8d65bac  (2 files in 2 directories): [+1 commit] v0.9.6-beta
20:39.16Repo[Rift] gadgets: 03Lifeismystery 04v0.9.6-beta * 0d32ffa /: [new tag]
20:53.31Repo[WoW] New addon: FS_Core -
20:58.43Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: Token Enchanting -
21:24.16Repo[Terraria] New map: Portal Gun Puzzles 2 -
21:24.26Repo[WoW] big-wigs: 03funkydude * r13438 HellfireCitadel/Gorefiend.lua: Gorefiend: Fix Touch of Doom option id.
22:07.50*** join/#curseforge Funkeh` (~Funkeh`@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
22:07.50*** mode/#curseforge [+v Funkeh`] by ChanServ
22:19.45Repo[WoW] spartanui-chinese-font: 03wutname1 * r5  (2 files in 1 directory): I did a opps.
22:21.41Repo[WoW] spartanui-chinese-font: 03wutname1 * r6 Fonts/font-cognosis.ttf: not needed.
22:23.08Repo[WoW] details: 03Tercioo * r403  (7 files in 3 directories): - Fixed some issues with spec icons where sometimes it shows four small icons.
22:23.31Repo[Minecraft] New bukkit plugin: PlayerMention v1.0 -
22:47.29Repo[WoW] kibs-item-level-continued: 03alexkunin 07master * 0.7.8e-4-geabb489  (20 files in 3 directories): [+1 commit] - migrated to Ace library: AceAddon, AceEvent, AceDB, AceLocale - reimplemented configuration panel in XML - added debug output option
22:53.35Repo[WoW] garrison-mission-manager: 03rowaasr13 * r241 MissionUI.lua: don't forget to remove yellow dye when painiting disabled button
22:56.43Repo[WoW] kibs-item-level-continued: 03alexkunin 07master * 0.7.8e-5-g9aac8c9 CHANGELOG.txt: [+1 commit] - updated changelog
23:12.42Repo[WoW] New addon: Mannoroth Assist -
23:16.17Repo[WoW] kibs-item-level-continued: 03alexkunin 07master * 0.7.8e-6-gbede464  (2 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] - minor localization fixes
23:19.44Repo[Rift] gadgets: 03Lifeismystery 07master * v0.9.6-beta-1-g4c80d5a wtLibGadget/ (3 files in 1 directory): [+1 commit] v0.9.7-beta
23:20.16Repo[Rift] gadgets: 03Lifeismystery 04v0.9.7-beta * fbc8e61 /: [new tag]

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.