IRC log for #devuan on 20180308

00:00.06ThurahTdoesn't matter what settings I do in powermanager
00:01.42*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
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00:33.43*** join/#devuan EHeM (
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00:41.24*** join/#devuan grumble (~grumble@freenode/staff/grumble)
00:42.11EHeMSo, what username/password do the Ascii live images use?
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00:58.36*** join/#devuan debdog (~debdog@2a02:8070:4198:100:7a24:afff:fe8a:d04d)
00:59.43EHeMPretty clearly the conventional values from Debian ("user"/"live") were changed in the Ascii minial live image, but I haven't found information on what they were changed to.
01:01.38EHeMAh, that works.
01:02.49EHeMApparently documented in the README, problem is "user" and "live" are very well documented.  :-(
01:06.02ThurahTdid you mean "are not"? Otherwise I can't parse that..
01:07.19EHeMAre documented in the README (but if you're loking at there is no reminder about the README).
01:08.40ThurahTyeah nah yeah, I am going to sleep now. Have fun using Devuan, btw!  : )
01:19.02*** join/#devuan infobot (
01:19.02*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
01:19.02*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
01:24.25fsmithredEHeM, devuan:devuan and root:toor
01:54.02*** join/#devuan theLambda (
01:57.34*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@unaffiliated/xenguy)
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04:18.30JuestoShould I install elogind?
04:19.05skyroveRRShould you?
04:30.41*** join/#devuan fred`` (
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07:08.47*** join/#devuan avbox (d5a03e0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:10.32avboxafter another two days of work to compile latest kernel (4.14.24), my elan touchpad on acer swift 5 notebook does still not appear in dmesg, while it is working in ubuntu, any ideas why?
07:11.17FriendlyManDevuan ascii: Debian stretch's decision to make libinput the default seems to have taken some choice away. Attempting to get synaptics working. tried copying synaptics .conf file as debian wiki said. Tried lowering .conf's number to give it precedence over libinput. Libinput still takes precedence.
07:11.18FriendlyManAttempted removing libinput xorg package with "apt0get remove" package wants to remove half my devuan install!
07:12.11avboxactually I on devuan jessie, is it a must to go to devuan ascii for it?
07:12.23FriendlyManwants to remove xfce-panel, and incidently libreoffice with it. Is there a way to get synaptics working in devuan ascii? If I can't remove libinput, then I can't try mtrack either.
07:12.30FriendlyManTrue true. =)
07:13.34FriendlyManI already spent allot of time getting this box up and running. I was attempting to get kinetic scrolling, gestures, everything perfected. I've spent 2 weeks getting ready to do this research on the "best" multitouch configuration, and now I can't? :\
07:14.37FriendlyManI removed the pertinent sections from the libinput. Guess I'll keep trying possibly report back my mess up. Thanks all!
07:27.30*** join/#devuan inhetep (~inhetep@gateway/tor-sasl/inhetep)
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09:24.06FriendlyMannp should have: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep synaptics
09:24.28FriendlyManWould have seen synaptics was working after all =)
09:40.50*** join/#devuan s_kunk (~s_kunk@unaffiliated/s-kunk/x-5139101)
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14:25.10infobotwell, #devuan raspi login is pw toor, or devuan:devuan and root:toor
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14:51.57telst4roh the default passwords..
14:54.42*** join/#devuan fsmithred (~fsmithred@devuan/developer/fsmithred)
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15:02.44*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
15:14.00avboxtouchpad works, but not right (at least not with kivy). After I added i2c drivers to kernel, I know can work on my acer with it with the booting parameter 'acpi_osi='. So far so well, everything works ok, only on kivy button are pressed without clicking it. What could be wrong? is it a touchpad option in xorg or a kivy problem?
15:21.26*** join/#devuan orot (~nebbich@gateway/tor-sasl/nebbich)
15:31.02*** join/#devuan konsolebox (~konsolebo@
15:41.52flrnavbox: if it's a hardware button (don't know "kivy"), you can check with acpi_listen ans do the appropriate magic in /etc/acpi/(events/)
15:43.00flrnalso, what did you do to fix it? just for the record / botbot...
15:43.15*** join/#devuan obeardly (~obeardly@
15:44.09flrnoh I see, you talk about mouseclicks... still no idea about kivy, sry and off.
15:45.29*** join/#devuan blap (
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15:49.25*** join/#devuan avbox_ (d5a03e0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:54.13avbox_flrn: I had a look at ubuntu kernel conf file, I found a lot of differences. First I tried to compile vanilla kernel 4.14.24 with that file, but did not succeed. After it I went through the different options, and changed what I thought could be needed. At some point someone else pointed out it worked with 'acpi_osi=' flag, what then worked sometimes. Added all the time psmouse and now it works.
15:56.35avbox_flrn: But I have to add here the solution wiht 'acpi_osi=' seems to be the old fashioned way. At least it works, spent about three days for this issue. Think that a acpi table patch would needed, but on ubuntu there are tons of patches in one file (if I understood it right)
15:58.59*** join/#devuan Tom_- (
15:59.42avbox_flrn: The only issue is, that working with the touchpad in the combination with kivy (is python stuff) touching the touchpad means in kivy pressing (the nearest available button). As I actually use kivy only to shutdown the machine in my avmultimedia distribution, I try to find out why it is, but it can also happen that I switch over to a zenity script.
16:00.50flrnavbox: ah, so it (basically) was a "not yet supported" issue...
16:04.30avbox_flrn: Not sure, the point with elan touchpad seems to bee that the driver in linux is rather poor quality, a lot of fixes, quirks and more. But, without a working touchpad on the notebook (especially on this acer swift 5 with <1 kg and very powerfull hardware), it does not make any sense to use linux (here devuan).
16:04.31*** join/#devuan msiism (
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16:28.15flrnavbox_: I tend to websearch for install+linux+$target before I buy up-to-date hardware (what I usually don't)^^
16:28.35*** join/#devuan Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
16:28.49flrnexits chroot in favor of our greening host system
16:33.47*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
16:35.04avbox_flrn: You are right for personal purposes, but avmultimedia is a devuan based multimedia linux distribution (kodi, video editing, office and graphical work) that runs completelly in RAM (startup in 30 to 60 seconds, can be used over every computer with a usb stick). So I can't say to the users, only works with this or that hardware, it must run on most possible hardware. The elan touchpad is a beast, but it is widely used on common ne
16:42.27avboxflrn: ...wer hardware, so it is a must. But yes, if I did know that I spend about three days with such a thing, I probably bought another notebook. Can add here, the cheap one had a flag in bios for touchpad, so it worked with this flag out of the box. The more expansive (and more powerfull) acer swift 5 had not such a flag, but such things you can't check without the hardware. Anyway it now should work on all notebooks with touchpads
16:44.42*** join/#devuan blitzed (~blitzed@
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17:42.09nelsonhas anyone installed wine32 here?
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17:55.39bill-augerin an IRC channel?
17:57.44Lydia_Kwin32 libraries? In my IRC channel? It's more likely than you think.
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18:01.13furrywolfhops on Lydia_K's lap
18:01.25Lydia_Kpets furrywolf
18:03.19furrywolfI was just looking at something in c++...  c++ has changed a lot since last time I wrote any.  for example, foreach  and anonymous functions.
18:03.38*** join/#devuan booyah (~bb@
18:04.31ibanjaI have wine32 installed
18:04.38*** join/#devuan Levure (~quassel@
18:05.11ibanjaIt is installed on jessie using backports
18:05.22furrywolfdid you know c++ has anonymous functions now?  I didn't!
18:05.55*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
18:09.17furrywolfbbl, morning things
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18:19.47nelsonDepends: librsvg2-bin but it is not going to be installed
18:20.03nelsoni want to tell apt-get to install those
18:20.22nelsonbut when i do that, it finds many more things which 'is not going to be installed'
18:21.15nelsonwhy does apt-get not install the things it needs to install, when it knows what it needs to install?
18:21.42nelson(devuan ceres)
18:23.05nelsonlibdbus-1-dev : Depends: libdbus-1-3 (= 1.10.8-1+devuan1) but 1.10.22-1+devuan1 is to be installed
18:23.07*** join/#devuan Juesto (~LimeC@unaffiliated/juest)
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18:23.34nelsonlibrsvg2-bin  managed to install though
18:24.17nelsonlibdbus-1-3 is already the newest version (1.10.22-1+devuan1)
18:24.17JuestoShould I install elogind? i am not sure
18:24.23Juestowhy policykit breaks?
18:25.32nelsonhow do i fix libdbus-1-dev package to be satisfied with installed libdbus-1-3?
18:26.15KatolaZnelson: it's telling you
18:26.23KatolaZyou are mixing ceres repos with ascii ones?
18:26.36nelsoni switched from ascii to ceres and updated
18:26.50KatolaZnelson: you can force a dep
18:26.59KatolaZapt-get install package=version
18:29.24KatolaZnelson: something needs that 1.10.22-1+devuan1
18:30.42*** join/#devuan sb35 (
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19:04.43nelsonbuilddeps:retroarch : Depends: libsdl2-dev but it is not going to be installed
19:05.36nelsonlibdbus-1-dev : Depends: libdbus-1-3 (= 1.10.8-1+devuan1) but 1.10.22-1+devuan1 is to be installed
19:05.59nelsonbut libdbus-1-3 1.10.22-1+devuan1 is already installed
19:07.21KatolaZnelson: apt-get install libdbus-1-dev=1.10.22-1+devuan1
19:07.44nelsonE: Version '1.10.22-1+devuan1' for 'libdbus-1-dev' was not found
19:08.01KatolaZthat's in ascii
19:08.04KatolaZnot in ceres
19:08.08KatolaZyou should add ascii repos
19:08.25nelsonah can i add them in additino to the ceres ones? to sources.list?
19:08.37KatolaZsure you can
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20:35.52tocsa2Hey there!
20:36.41tocsa2I decided to try Devuan as a non-systemd distribution for my new install
20:37.44tocsa2Before changing my mind I installed Lubuntu, and also there was Windows on the laptop originally
20:38.17tocsa2The secure boot was on, even when I installed the Lubuntu, and the UEFI did not have any problem with that one
20:38.33*** join/#devuan minnesotags (~herbgarci@2603:3016:1e04:ac00:120b:a9ff:fea4:f3c0)
20:39.08tocsa2However whether I try pen drive install or I try DVD based install the UEFI/BIOS rejects the boot saying that the signature is invalid
20:39.42tocsa2After trying several options I believe that this BIOS wanring on my end is Devuan specific
20:40.11tocsa2I'm not sure if the UEFI is missing a key to verify this, or the signature is f-ed up on the install isos somehow
20:40.35tocsa2Anyone have thoughts on that?
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20:52.13golinuxfsmithred: UEFI question ^^^
20:54.09nelsontocsa2: i think you can disable the security check for efi in bios
20:54.32*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
20:55.42tocsa2I could disable it in the BIOS, and it seems that's the only way I can go now, but why that is not needed for Ubuntu/Lubuntu/Xubuntu? What's up with the Devuan's signature?
20:56.29tocsa2I don't say I adore Secure Boot originally when it was introduced, but I have to admit that it is a security feature, and I would like to take advantage of it if possible
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21:04.10fsmithredhere, what's up?
21:04.14fsmithredlet me read
21:05.04*** part/#devuan msiism (
21:05.21fsmithredtocsa2, debian and therefore devuan have not paid microsoft for a signing key. ubuntu has.
21:05.29fsmithredturn off secure boot
21:06.09fsmithredI believe there's a way to create your own key
21:06.13fsmithredI've seen howtos
21:06.53tocsa2Well, that explains it
21:12.17*** join/#devuan pillepalle (
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21:14.26avbox_tocsa2: Devuan (as Debian) actually has no secure boot, so you have to disable it. In my own linux distribution avmultimedia (which is devuan based) I added secure boot (taken from ubuntu), so this woud run.
21:15.31tocsa2avbox: Did you follow any tutorial for that?
21:16.15tocsa2I augmented a pendrive which was half Ubuntu, and I could boot Devuan but I had to get through BIOS warnings (when Secure Boot was enabled)
21:17.06tocsa2That kinda questions me how secure is secure boot, because in the end I booted a non (or invalid?) signed OS with "half starting" another one first
21:20.58avbox_tosca: Not really, I just had a look at a ubuntu cd. You can rececreate a cd/usb stick with "xorriso: xorriso -as mkisofs -isohybrid-mbr /usr/lib/ISOLINUX/isohdpfx.bin -c -b isolinux.bin -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -eltorito-alt-boot -e boot/grub/efi.img -no-emul-boot -isohybrid-gpt-basdat -o $fiso $pathboot/isolinux" => $fiso is your devuan iso.
21:22.55avbox_tosca: copy the boot/grub folder from the ubuntu cd, it can help to have a look at avmultimedia (
21:28.07avboxtocsa2: Secure boot is very relative, as I understand it, it does only secure the first boot partition, everything after you have to secure yourself. But I believe in that integrity can too be checked with a md5
21:28.58tocsa2@avbox: thanks, do you advise any tutorial or I just Google that?
21:33.24*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
21:34.41avboxtosca: I did not use (and I too did not find) any tutorial, I just tried it with an ubuntu iso (had a look what there is happening) and was surprised how "easy" it was to replace the ubuntu files with my avmultimedia devuan.
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21:45.31tocsa2avbox: thx
21:48.08*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
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23:06.08*** join/#devuan Uberius (~Uberius@gateway/tor-sasl/uberius)
23:10.51*** part/#devuan Oldmoss (
23:14.04*** join/#devuan Schallaven (
23:21.56*** join/#devuan bman_ (
23:24.17*** join/#devuan IoFran2 (~Thunderbi@
23:35.17*** join/#devuan knotahacker (~pi@2604:6000:1513:81f1:c747:b33a:5b10:83f1)
23:41.53msiismjust was pointed to the bug that causes some pdfs on jessie to go blank. it's a debian thing and up for fixing:
23:43.10*** join/#devuan Drugo (
23:44.14*** join/#devuan IoFran (~Thunderbi@
23:48.31*** join/#devuan trevor (
23:51.52jellythey fixed the regression in stretch (#886733) but maybe forgot about oldstable

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