IRC log for #devuan on 20180418

00:11.29hollagolinux: your policy looks normal to me. what do you see with '# apt list --upradable'? Does deb8u10 show up?
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00:20.52*** topic/#devuan is Recent (2017-05-25): Jessie 1.0.0 stable release || This is the Devuan discussion channel (logged at - with useful 'search') | Please take off-topic conversation to #debianfork | /msg chanserv info #devuan | !listkeys #devuan <foo> | Devuan Forum:
00:20.52*** mode/#devuan [+v infobot] by ChanServ
00:21.06golinuxupradable typo
00:21.54hollaupgradable, sry
00:22.24golinuxIt still doesn't work
00:22.50holladoes it list deb8u10?
00:22.58golinuxThere is no output
00:24.00hollakk, try this:  '# apt-get -s -o Debug::ProblemSolver=yes install perl-base'
00:24.53hollaand then the above but with '... install perl-base=VERSIONNUMBER'
00:25.12golinuxperl : Depends: perl-base (= 5.20.2-3+deb8u9) but 5.20.2-3+deb8u10 is to be installed
00:25.58golinuxI'm going to try a reboot like fsmithred suggested earlier.
00:26.06holla5.20.2-3+deb8u10 <- that should be
00:26.27hollagood idea
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00:36.54golinuxholla: No joy
00:38.15rrqperhaps: # apt-get install -t jessie-security perl-base
00:38.47golinuxrrq: OK I'll try that.
00:40.41rrq(checking backlog)
00:40.57holla# apt-get -s install perl=5.20.2-3+deb8u10
00:43.33golinuxWishful thinking
00:45.25rrqwell, keep going "apt-get -s install perl=5.20.2-3+deb8u10 perl-base=5.20.2-3+deb8u10
00:46.17rrq(the -s says "simulate")
00:48.04fsmithredreboot worked for me when I was getting 'device or resource busy'
00:48.06golinuxI keep ending up in the same place no matter what I do.
00:48.23fsmithredand I figured perl was trying to upgrade itself while it was running (apt)
00:48.24golinuxWell, that did stop at some point.
00:48.45golinuxBut still unmet dependencies.
00:49.16golinuxI've about had enough of this . . . should I try backports?
00:49.38fsmithredno idea
00:49.49golinuxMaybe I already did.  Can't remember.  LOL!
00:49.50fsmithredthat would still leave you to try ascii
00:49.57hollasorry, told you wrong .. once again - could you run:  '# apt-get -s -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes install perl'
00:50.01fsmithreddpkg -l |grep bpo
00:50.47golinuxI don't think a avidemux GTK from wheezy will run on ascii
00:51.05fsmithredprobably would need a newer one
00:51.20golinuxWill it grep a disabled repo?
00:51.54fsmithreddpkg -l lists what is installed
00:51.58golinuxThere isn't a newer one that is usable.  Remember all that qt5 stuff we tried?  It's now in a flatpak.
00:52.57golinuxWhere should I post it?
00:53.23fsmithredjust read it
00:53.37fsmithredor do you mean the debug command?
00:53.39golinuxAnd toime based instead of frame based and without a cross fade.  They ruined it.
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00:54.45golinuxThere is no perl stuff in the list.
00:55.28golinuxfsmithred> or do you mean the debug command?
00:55.37golinuxDon't understand that
00:57.29golinuxholla: Something new - Depends: perl-modules (>= 5.20.2-3+deb8u10) but 5.20.2-3+deb8u9 is to be installed
00:58.46golinuxI'm going to try to downgrade the parts that upgraded
00:58.54hollapkgProblemResolver should give show possible solutions to you
00:59.00golinuxsfter some food that is.  LOL!
01:00.00golinuxholla: E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution)
01:00.07golinuxThat didn;t work either
01:00.36golinuxI need food.
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04:02.49golinuxholla: I ended up downgrading libperl5 to 5.20.2-3+deb8u9 and now nothing is broken
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05:29.52hollagolinux: pleased to hear :D - my next suggestion would have been to purge and reinstall perl altogether
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13:54.54BeerbelottHello! Is using Devuan underneath docker-ce known to be a source of trouble?
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13:56.46BeerbelottI am facing the 'cgroups: cannot find cgroup mount destination: unknown' error, which I can find on the Web as usually being resolved with:
13:56.47Beerbelottsudo mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
13:56.47Beerbelottsudo mount -t cgroup -o none,name=systemd cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
13:56.59BeerbelottReading systemd there gives me the creeps
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14:38.04Nematocystapt upgrade: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
14:38.52KatolaZNematocyst: you should remove libpolkit-gobject-1-0-systemd
14:39.21KatolaZyou should use either the -consolekit or the -elogind version
14:39.34KatolaZ(it mostly depends on the DE you are using)
14:40.15NematocystKatolaZ, maybe that's how i got it to begin with-- experimented with several DE a few months ago
14:40.50KatolaZNematocyst: normally, each DE works better with either consolekit or elogind
14:41.01KatolaZsome are known to work fine with either
14:41.31KatolaZsome prefer elogind (meaning that some session-related stuff might not work without elogind)
14:42.34NematocystKatolaZ, looks like maybe that was part of google-chrome-stable?  after removing from your advice, that's the only issue.  google-chrome stable has been held back
14:43.16Nematocystok.  why has that been held back then?
14:43.21KatolaZdunno Nematocyst
14:43.42KatolaZI have google-chrome installed, unfortunately, and no polkit whatsoever in my system :)
14:44.25Nematocystok, there's a new package.  no biggie, solved now.  thx for telling me what to remove
14:45.07KatolaZplease hold on for 10-15 minutes
14:45.17KatolaZthe new elogind is hitting the repos
14:49.35BeerbelottWhats about the cgroups ussue?
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14:49.55BeerbelottIs creating the cgroups mount in a 'systemd' folder standard?
14:50.20KatolaZBeerbelott: no idea
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15:04.43BeerbelottKatolaZ: OK :\
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15:52.35golinuxholla: perl finally installed!!
15:52.56golinuxThat was way too much work.
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16:04.44hollagolinux: how did you accomplish it finally?
16:07.31golinuxAfter the downgrade, the upgrade wouldn't complete because something was busy.  So then I rebooted as fsmithred suggested and the upgrade completed smoothly.
16:09.43golinuxAlso using synaptic, I allowed perl to mark the dependencies rather than checking them all myself so perl was in charge.
16:10.49golinuxI hope I can remember this the next time perl needs to be upgraded.
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20:09.39xrogaanso I got this conflict now: (ASCII)
20:11.43xrogaanaptitude recommend to do nothing.
20:12.43KatolaZxrogaan: why do you need both elogind and cosolekit?
20:12.50KatolaZyou should have either one or the other
20:13.01KatolaZxrogaan: which DE are you using?
20:13.06xrogaanI don't know, the consolekit stuff wouldn't let me start a desktop.
20:13.29KatolaZxrogaan: which Desktop Environment (DE) are you using?
20:14.07KatolaZmate is fine with consolekit
20:14.55xrogaanconsolekit and slim don't do so well sometimes.
20:15.08KatolaZslim works fine with consolekit
20:15.12KatolaZlightdm has problems
20:15.26xrogaanslim: open_session: Unable to open session: Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit': timed out
20:15.33KatolaZbut again, you should have only one of the two backends
20:15.43KatolaZxrogaan: it's because you have both consolekit and elogind
20:15.47KatolaZone one of them should be there
20:15.54KatolaZjust remove elogind
20:16.00KatolaZand the elogind backend
20:16.12KatolaZ(or consolekit, and the consolekit backend)
20:16.28xrogaanI don't have those consolekit backend, they are replaced by elogind
20:16.32KatolaZanyway, it would be good to report your case to DNG anyway
20:16.38xrogaan>> libpolkit-backend-consolekit-1-0 [Not Installed]
20:17.02xrogaanit's breaking because of this maybe? libpam-elogind : Breaks: libpam-ck-connector but 0.4.6-6 is installed
20:17.12KatolaZyou have consolekit installed
20:17.23KatolaZlibpolkit-backend-elogind-1-0 : Conflicts: consolekit but 0.4.6-6 is installed
20:17.52KatolaZhold on
20:17.58KatolaZwhich mirror are you using?
20:18.07KatolaZthe problem is in the wrong version of elogind probably
20:18.23KatolaZplease use
20:18.25KatolaZapt-get update
20:18.29KatolaZand then apt-get upgrade
20:19.35KatolaZyou are getting the wrong version of elogind
20:20.49xrogaanright, I had duplicates repos for some reason.
20:21.08xrogaanremoving consolekit means removing slim and several tasks, so I can't really do that.
20:21.15KatolaZdon't do that
20:21.19KatolaZjust please use pkgmaster
20:21.40xrogaanI do, now.
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20:22.01xrogaanthere was a in the source.list
20:22.14KatolaZis it working now?
20:23.39KatolaZxrogaan: could you please try with apt-get instead than aptitude?
20:24.01xrogaanyeah, same result except apt wants to remove a lot more stuff
20:24.51xrogaani'll try to install consolekit instead.
20:25.26xrogaanit ought to remove elogind and keeps my DE sane.
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20:29.22xrogaanit should be fine.
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20:33.54xrogaanthe conflict was raised over the libpolkit things
20:37.27aglDoes anybody know where is the place of the xfce4-menu?
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21:23.45guru_I can sftp to my server, but can't ssh via MATE Terminal. I tried clearing my ssh keys, but I just get a blinking cursor after I press enter.
21:24.03guru_Putty for example connects, but I just want to use mate terminal
21:28.19guru_meh I purged mate-terminal still the same problem
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21:30.49gnarfaceguru_: adding "-v -v -v" to the ssh command-line options may give you some clues.
21:31.02guru_thanks :)
21:31.06guru_oh -v must be verbose
21:31.21gnarfaceyes, you can specify it up to 3 times for increasing verbosity
21:32.41guru_OpenSSH_7.4p1 Debian-10+deb9u3, OpenSSL 1.0.2l  25 May 2017 debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 19: Applying options for * debug2: resolving "ip" port port debug2: ssh_connect_direct: needpriv 0 debug1: Connecting to ip [ip] port port.
21:33.09guru_looks fine
21:34.23gnarfacehow long did you let it wait before you killed it and assumed it would never connect?
21:34.59gnarfaceoccasionally there's causes for delay - entropy starvation, DNS problems, reverse-lookup delays... etc
21:35.32gnarfaceversion mismatches can be an issue too but i'd expect to see that in the verbose output
21:35.57guru_i'll just let it time out, but with any other client\terminal package it connects instantly
21:36.13gnarfaceit is of course possible to configure sshd to only allow sftp connections... but since you said it's your server i'd assume you'd know if that were the case here
21:36.23guru_yeah it's client side for sure
21:36.29guru_err the issue is clientside
21:36.41guru_i've had this happen before and had to purge mate-terminal, but that didn't work this time
21:37.01gnarfacecould you be running ssh-agent accidentally and caching outdated keys?
21:37.10gnarfaceor some mate keychain thing perhaps?
21:37.50guru_i removed known_hosts
21:38.04guru_hmmm i'm not sure
21:39.41guru_i'll just use another terminal app this is silly :P
21:40.04gnarfaceit seems weird that the terminal emulator could sabotage this
21:40.15gnarfaceyou're saying that ssh connects fine if you use a different terminal?!
21:40.33guru_yup :)
21:40.36guru_putty = working
21:40.44gnarfaceputty doesn't count
21:40.51gnarfacei mean a different LINUX terminal emulator
21:40.57guru_let me try xterm
21:41.05gnarfacesince ssh is NOT part of the mate terminal in the way it's part of putty, that's not a rational comparison
21:41.20guru_what about xterm?
21:41.28gnarfacexterm should b efine
21:41.29gnarface*be fine
21:41.39guru_ah same issue
21:41.54gnarfaceso it's not the terminal, it's openssh
21:41.59guru_should i reinstall openssh?
21:42.00guru_and purge it
21:42.18gnarfacewell you should make sure you've got the latest version in the repo but i can't imagine reinstalling the same version would fix anything
21:42.20KatolaZguru_: ssh -vvv
21:42.50guru_yeah we tried with verbose x3
21:42.57guru_OpenSSH_7.4p1 Debian-10+deb9u3, OpenSSL 1.0.2l  25 May 2017 debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 19: Applying options for * debug2: resolving "ip" port port debug2: ssh_connect_direct: needpriv 0 debug1: Connecting to ip [ip] port port.
21:43.03guru_and a blinking cursor
21:43.23KatolaZguru_: have you tried from a terminal
21:43.31KatolaZ(not a virtual terminal under X)
21:43.37KatolaZa proper virtual console
21:43.53KatolaZthe one you get woth CTRL+ALT+F1
21:44.20guru_i'll try that now thanks
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21:56.20xrogaanyep, the shenanigans with consolekit and slim reappeared.
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22:20.39guru_i just upgraded another debian stretch box to devuan ascii any idea how to fix this?
22:20.52guru_E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
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22:21.38guru_output of apt --fix-broken install
22:22.00guru_i tried apt-get remove systemd
22:24.07guru_systemd is the active init system, please switch to another before removing systemd.
22:24.13guru_ugh no it's not
22:24.25guru_i'll try rebooting
22:26.53KatolaZguru_: there is a walkthrough for that
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22:27.06guru_is what i followed
22:27.44KatolaZif you followed it, systemd should not be the active init system
22:28.13guru_i'll restore the backup image and follow it again
22:28.59KatolaZguru_: you should install sysvinit-core
22:29.08KatolaZthen reboot
22:29.10KatolaZthen remove systemd
22:29.40guru_i must of not rebooted and raced through it
22:29.50guru_i'll restore and repeat
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22:30.31KatolaZno need to restore
22:30.44guru_ah i wasn't sure if it would still boot
22:31.01KatolaZguru_: do you have physical access to the machine?
22:31.31KatolaZdo you have sysvinit-core installed?
22:31.48KatolaZthen you should be fire
22:32.57guru_thanks =]
22:37.28guru_cat /etc/issue
22:37.29guru_Devuan GNU/Linux ascii/ceres \n \l
22:37.32guru_thanks my os is cancer free
22:37.51guru_done deal
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