IRC log for #devuan on 20201129

00:00.15PlotVitalNPCJust because manually setting up every individual wifi network sounds kinda painful
00:00.35PlotVitalNPCI don't need to do anything to the manual config for eth0 as a result of opting for wicd, do I?
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00:03.15fsmithredI would comment out the eth0 entry and let wicd handle the wired connection
00:03.28fsmithredthat's what I do with my laptop
00:04.15fsmithredactually, no it's not. I forgot. I set it up so I have to change runlevel to get wicd to work.
00:04.57fsmithredbut did that for other reasons. Just letting wicd handle it is easiest.
00:05.19fsmithredThere's also network-manager-gnome if you prefer that.
00:05.43PlotVitalNPCOh nice, wicd kept its settings from before the attempt to switch from xfce (a desktop environment I specifically didn't want when I ran the netinstaller) to mate (the desktop environment I asked the devuan netinstaller for) somehow uninstalled it or something
00:06.57fsmithredThose are stored in /var/lib/wicd/configurations/
00:07.25PlotVitalNPCWell, now it's time to see if I can get this thing to actually open up into mate rather than only being able to get it to the display manager after logging in using startx
00:08.21PlotVitalNPCalso probably to figure out what display manager I even have, because I thought it was lightdm but that conspicuously isn't installed
00:09.40PlotVitalNPC...startx wouldn't work if I didn't have a display manager, right?
00:10.43PlotVitalNPCOr is the x window system able to run totally independently of that?
00:11.48fsmithredstartx is what you use if you aren't using a display manager
00:11.57fsmithredis lightdm installed? or slim?
00:12.10PlotVitalNPCJust installed lightdm
00:12.33PlotVitalNPCI think I understand what happened that made mate stop working, now: when I uninstalled xfce it also uninstalled lightdm
00:12.49fsmithredxfce comes with slim
00:13.07PlotVitalNPCor slim, as the case may be
00:13.07fsmithredbut if you removed xfce, then it probably removed almost everything else
00:13.15fsmithredbecause of metapackages
00:13.37fsmithredI guess we better make sure the next set of isos lets you install mate without xfce
00:15.18PlotVitalNPCWoo, I'm finally back into beautiful, legible to my windows-raised pleb eyes, mate
00:15.46PlotVitalNPCWith internet access
00:16.51PlotVitalNPCThanks again to all of you wonderful wizards who helped me to fix this thing
00:17.37IanJGlad you're back up and running PlotVitalNPC :)
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00:25.13aitor__hi, PlotVitalNPC
00:26.02aitor__fsmithred: tomorrow i'll send you the tarball of the live-sdk
00:26.18fsmithredok, thanks
00:26.23aitor__working on chimaera/ceres
00:26.38fsmithredvery good
00:27.19aitor__today i built an image of ceres, but this afternoon debian sid changed the kernel from 5.9.0-3 to 5.9.0-4 and there are no .udeb kernel modules for the installer so far
00:28.04fsmithredthat's a recurrent problem
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00:28.34aitor__yes, glibc needs a change in its .udeb package for i386, or maybe the sources of d-i
00:29.56aitor__imho, the symlink located in /lib, named and pointing to should be moved tl /lib32
00:30.54fsmithredbeyond my knowledge
00:32.36aitor__this symlink causes a failure building d-i; in amd64 we have /lib64/ On the other hand syslinux needs a patch taken from ceres to build with gcc-10
00:32.49aitor__which is the best place for reporting this bugs?
00:33.21fsmithredyou could try devuan-installer
00:33.46fsmithredI don't know if it's our responsibility or debian
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00:34.37aitor__it's a common issue
00:36.38fsmithredbgstack15 is building our installer isos now, but I don't think he's started with chimaera yet
00:37.04fsmithredLeePen is the one who builds debian-installer (devuan-installer)
00:37.35aitor__yes, i read the control file
00:38.58aitor__today i tried to simplify the code of the live-sdk as much as possible, but i prefer to test it in depth before sending it to you
00:39.21aitor__time to bed, see you tomorrow
00:39.27fsmithredsleep well
00:39.38aitor__thanks, bye :)
00:57.16PlotVitalNPCNow, thanks to all the help I got here, my laptop is finally ready for the main task I set out to rehabilitate it for a few days ago after a scare with my desktop:
00:57.43PlotVitalNPCBeing a backup access point to my online and academic life
00:58.44PlotVitalNPCEven if this old thinkpad can, by no means, dream of running qgis, which is the closest FLOSS to the professional software I'm trained in the use of.
00:59.50PlotVitalNPCI really wish that the industry standard for GIS work wasn't the bloated proprietary piece of shit ESRI pushes.
01:01.50clort+1 PlotVitalNPC
01:02.34clortmost commercial software is a racket
01:02.41clortenforced by cartel tactics
01:05.18PlotVitalNPCHell, I'm going to see if it's even technically capable of making qgis run
01:05.30PlotVitalNPCBecause if so that'd be the first actual benchmark I've done for this thing
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01:13.19PlotVitalNPCWell, not sure how the thing would run doing actual analysis in qgis
01:13.24PlotVitalNPCbut the program does open
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01:19.45PlotVitalNPCIt'd probably be pretty slow on the actual data analysis and processing part, because it's low spec (due to the device compatibility limitations of libreboot), but I think it's *usable* for GIS work in a technical sense.
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13:45.20unixbsdis module ufs.ko on devuan arm/aarch64 for raspberry rpi3 ?
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14:30.14CA_RIAHello, thank you for this beautiful distro. Can anyone help ?
14:32.04CA_RIAI have been using Devuan and Void linux. I have been using Devuan Beowulf. I need help regarding laptop power saving, to configure tlp.
14:32.16CA_RIAActually tlp is not working as it should be.
14:32.32CA_RIAIt's not working at all.
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14:50.56rannhi all, quick question: can devuan be used/installed on a Raspberry Pi 3+ or 4? Any guides available?
14:52.05fsmithredrann, there's #devuan-arm and there's a forum section for arm:
14:52.56ShorTiesure it can, i use a raspi.list too
14:57.36ShorTieworkin on a Gentoo-imager now, lol.
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15:20.08*** join/#devuan avbox111 (
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15:21.42avbox111I have a asus transformer 2in1 tablet. In devuan ascii, I managed easily to rotate the screen with xrandr -o right and xrandr -o normal, in devuan ascii, it does too rotate but after rotating the right part of the screen is not any longer accessible for mouse, trackpad and touchscreen. Any ideas?
15:22.19avbox111Have to add, only the right click is not any longer accessible, left one works.
15:24.03avbox111need to add that in beowulf it does not any longer work
15:39.54MinceRis that clicking via touchscreen? touchscreen input can also be rotated and in my experience usually needed to be
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16:14.38clortavbox111: i dunno the cause of that, but maybe comparing xorg / xserver versions between the two
16:14.45clortor the installed drivers
16:14.59clortit's nice to have two system partitions for these kinds of a/b comparisions
16:15.36buZzi bet its the windowmanager thats blocking the rotation of input devices
16:16.13clortoh reading more carefully, buzz is probably right
16:18.20avbox111clort: Just at this moment, I at least am able to start it correctly while putting it in xorg.conf, there I can add under Montor: Option "Rotate" "right" and Option "PreferredMode" "1280x800", so at least it starts correctly. randr -o right and randr -o normal still dont work, but if I do an killall Xorg, then it does start correct again.
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19:54.51onefangAfter a quick bit of research, it looks like nftables is preferable to iptables.  I'm migrating from ASCII to Beowulf, and I use shorewall, but it looks like shorewall isn't gonna shift over to nftables.  So I'm looking for an nftables alternative to shorewall, and one that works well with fail2ban.
20:01.50*** join/#devuan Xenguy (~Xenguy@devuan/community/Xenguy)
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20:51.29onefangAny suggestions?
20:52.11onefangDebian seems to be heading in the "use firewalld" direction.
21:04.37hagbard_Well, nfttables has replaced iptaples, but iptables is still there and works like it always did.
21:06.09tuxd3vhagbard_ ...thanks god its still there, don't know for how much time, unfortunately
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21:29.12onefangThat's why I'm looking at moving to nftables.  iptables is going away eventually.
21:30.15user____1Hi. Does anyone know if HP is "killing" Samsung printers now that they bought them out? I see no new Samsung printers coming out. Am using a cheap Samsung laser with devuan, would like to know if it's an EOL issue. Stock up on toner spares and so on in case it is.
21:35.18user____1[related] 2016 info
21:35.54user____1also, is there a jitsi howto for devuan already? There was a lot of discussion on here about it these days, I'd expect someone to write up the conclusions in the wiki? No?
21:46.41gnarfacei didn't hear the conclusion about the jitsi thing either, i was assuming they couldn't make it work so they changed to other software....
21:47.05gnarfacethe printer question, you're probably asking in the wrong place in two regards
21:48.12gnarfacei just got a brother printer that can emulate HP printers, and works great with the same drivers my old HP laserjet used
21:48.42gnarface(they have proprietary drivers that are supposed to work but they get mixed feedback_
21:49.07gnarfacedidn't even know samsung made printers
21:49.35gnarfacebut i don't think this is a printing-heavy crowd to begin with
21:49.53gnarfacemost of us have made every effort to go as paper-free as possible decades ago, just because it's easier that way
21:50.23onefangI haven't owned any printers for 20 years.
21:50.39gnarfacei have always had one but i use it about once a year, to once every other year
21:53.31gnarface(once phones could draw maps i stopped having to print them every time i left the house)
21:58.46user____1I use the printer for proof printing pcb artwork.
21:58.55user____1On plastic sheet.
21:59.17user____1Samsung was/is the oem for Xerox printers (low end) among others. Aka "Phaser" line.
21:59.56user____1Now that Samsung printers belong to hp I assume Xerox will have to look elsewhere for print engines. Hp being a direct competitor in the copier market.
22:00.47user____1The small Phasers were basically 1:1 with Samsung models, excepting for branding, and toner chip codes.
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22:03.24gnarfacenot knocking it, just saying you might want to ask that in a channel where the people have more printers
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22:11.15golinuxOr ask in offtopic channel
22:11.48user____1sure will.
22:11.57user____1moving on, past midnight here
22:12.00user____1bye, thanks
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23:43.05Xenguyonefang: I used shorewall for some years, and thought it was quite well done (except for whenever they released a new version, you had to adjust the config every time)
23:44.34XenguyI'm not sure you're going to get something as good as shorewall for nftables so soon.  If you find something, I'd be interested in hearing about it.  I wonder if the shorewall devs have any plans to migrate over to nftables?
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