irclog2html for #gllug on 20021208

00:00.15dankolb_"I speak-a Eenglish. I learn it from a boook"
00:00.21JensonNo, just my stupidity lol
00:00.36skuggemanuel from fawlty towers
00:00.53skugg(however you spell it)
00:01.04Jensonhehehe I intorduced my granny to fawlty towers on thursday, she'd never seen it.
00:01.05skuggi remember watching it 10 years ago or something
00:01.22dankolb_Hi murb
00:01.39dankolb_It's currently being repeated on BBC1 during the week.
00:01.44JensonHi murb
00:01.45skuggmurb, aw. damn.
00:01.45dankolb_murb: :-(
00:01.50murbso i'm now on a 24 port 3com linkbuilder liberated from work
00:02.03dankolb_Better than nothing
00:02.20dankolb_Hubs just want to be free
00:02.21skuggmurb, i'll be damned if i can get the imap stuff to work from the config file, I can only make it work if i specify it on the commandline as you showed me :(
00:02.45skuggi've taken out _everything_ from the config file and still it doesn't work.
00:02.59Jensonskugg: doing better than me then. I haven't got my FD, CDROM, soundcard or printer working properly
00:03.35skuggi wonder if it's my mutt version, cause the same config file works like a charm on a different computer with an older version of mutt
00:03.48skuggJenson, but you haven't had 4 years experience :P
00:03.56skuggJenson, you're excused :D
00:04.00JensonNo I've had 1 week skugg.
00:04.15skuggJenson, my point exactly.
00:04.23Jensonthat would be like me saying I couldn't install Doom properly lol
00:04.34skuggi've done this for 4 years and i _still_ can't do it. that's more worrying.
00:04.53JensonAnd I worry that I can't do it after a week lol
00:04.54dankolb_Use pine ;-)
00:05.01JensonMind you I'm bloody impateint
00:07.23highburywell, I'm having an early night, see you folk
00:07.33dankolb_'night highbury
00:07.52Jensonbye highbury
00:08.08murbskugg: have you figured out gnupg stuff sufficently to sign keys etc yet?
00:08.33*** join/#gllug SpudUAway (
00:08.53skuggmurb no...
00:08.54Jensonhey SpudUAway
00:09.40skuggmurb, to be honest I really don't care that much about this high security stuff.
00:09.56murbskugg: it isn't about high security...
00:09.58skuggi think people signing messages on mailinglists is a nuisance etc.
00:10.09dankolb_skugg: But you're a Debian user!
00:10.15dankolb_You must sign at every opportunity.
00:10.18skuggdankolb_, so fscking what?
00:10.23murbskugg: well it is kind of useful tat when you download binaires you know they are signed by the same people.
00:10.26dankolb_Stop anyone in the street and get them to sign your keys
00:10.26Jensonow, my arms hurt....maybe I should sit closer to the keyboard.
00:10.31skuggdankolb_, it creates more traffic for no bloody good reason.
00:10.33SpudUAwayHi hi hi!!!
00:10.36dankolb_Hi SpudUAway
00:11.03dankolb_skugg: But surely all Debian users must have everyone else's keys in their keyrings?
00:11.14Jensondankolb_: Don't take the piss
00:11.19skuggdankolb_, not that i've heard of.
00:11.23dankolb_Jenson: Why not?
00:11.41skuggdankolb_, i don't know jack shit about this security stuff.
00:11.48skuggas long as i can use ssh i'm happy.
00:12.01dankolb_Fair enough
00:12.07skuggJenson, thanks :P
00:12.14Jensonyw skugg
00:12.45skuggwhat do i need secret keys for when I have jenson? :)
00:13.38dankolb_I've stopped using PGP - couldn't be arsed installing it onto OS X
00:14.13Leedshighbury: yes, went well...
00:14.38skuggdankolb_, i see.
00:14.42JensonHey Leeds, highbury is in bed
00:14.56highburyalmost ....
00:14.56dankolb_skugg: That would be nice.
00:15.02LeedsJenson: so he is... or not :-)
00:15.08dankolb_Maybe we should just kick all immature people off the 'net, then :)
00:15.14skuggi've got gnupg installed, but i don't really know how to use it. i installed it to satisfy recomandation/dependency from mutt :P
00:15.20JensonWe'd be left with no-one dankolb_
00:15.39Leedsit's simple... you just make people get a license and use a unique ID online
00:15.41skuggdankolb_, that'd be nice
00:15.54LeedsJenson: downloads would be nice and quick :-)
00:15.58skuggLeeds, now we're talking
00:17.37dankolb_Yes. Didn't you say you were going to bed early?
00:17.51JensonI said soon dankolb_
00:17.57JensonI don't have a laptop.
00:18.25JensonMy mother does have belongs to work...and it's been sent back coz of some software incomaptibility with XP
00:18.31murbI have a work libertto, but i'm using a toshiba 2130ct because it has a nicer keyboard and larger screen
00:18.48JensonEvidently the supplies don't recommend XP even though they supply it, they prefer 2000
00:19.14skuggmurb, i liked the libretto. it's what i was actually looking for when i found the one you saw today
00:19.29skuggit's a bit bigger, but a bit higher spec'd.
00:19.34LeedsJenson: they're bad for you anyway...
00:20.17Jensonskugg: Why irc from the loo....couldn't you find anywhere else.
00:20.39Leedswireless LAN + iPAQ = IRC from the loo - at home or work :-)
00:20.46dankolb_Jenson: Guess why anyone would want to IRC while at the toilet...
00:20.53skuggJenson, because i needed to go to the loo... :H
00:21.09skuggnight leeds
00:21.13Jensonnight Leeds
00:21.20dankolb_'night Leeds
00:21.30skuggJenson, i naturally didn't irc from the loo at all times
00:21.45Jensondankolb_ and skugg: can't you survive without IRC lol
00:21.58Jensonskugg: could make toilet paper difficult....
00:22.06dankolb_Use a network cable...
00:22.14dankolb_Just fold it enough times
00:22.32*** join/#gllug SpudUAway (
00:22.55JensonWell dankolb_ I think I'd just leave the computer for a min and use loo paper lol
00:23.11dankolb_But that requires getting away from IRC
00:23.25dankolb_And something interesting is bound to happen then
00:23.30skuggdankolb_, still, in this case it's the preferable choice.
00:23.44Jensondankolb_: Yeah usually BT kicks you lol
00:23.48skuggi'm logging _everything_ of course :P
00:24.14dankolb_Yes it is lol
00:24.15skuggdankolb_, i actually only did it once for the amusement of the people i was chatting to
00:24.30JensonNo me neither dankolb_...I have a mate who used her mobile why she was going for a wee though.
00:24.34Jensonlol dankolb_
00:25.01JensonNo-one used to lol before I made a habit out of it.
00:25.27skuggJenson, i don't normally use it now either
00:25.58JensonMind you getting some sleep might help
00:27.00skuggJenson, i find it usually helps me
00:28.27JensonWell I've stayed up til about 2:00 the last two days.....I'd given up going to bed late coz it made my panic attakcs worse, but now I'm quite a bit better I stay up late and make myslef feel tired and unhappy (although I'm ok at the moment) so it's a good idea to sleep
00:41.21skuggmurb could do worse things that typing as badly as he does here when implementing those fixes :D
00:41.40skuggmurb, how about waiting until you've sobered up? :)
00:42.24skuggi don't type too good myself :P
00:46.38murbskugg: too late i've done it now, and they won't be able to complaini about me not going into the office on friday.
00:46.55skugghehe :)
00:46.58murbok the fact that by thursday i had already worked > 37.5 hours is probably irrelivant to them as anything.
00:47.16murbskugg: well whem i'm in .lu i how no me time basically.
00:47.39murboh and they might be employing a friend of mine from brussels and they are talking about getting him a flat...
00:47.57skuggnot bad
00:48.05murbgrrr, so i get hotels that cost more, cause them to bitch about cost and then not get my expences paid grrr.
00:48.30murbskugg: they owe me shitloads of expences which is a techincal term which probably exceeds 1000 quid
00:48.33skuggnow that stinks
00:48.46murbalteast that is how short i am after i account for personal expediture
00:50.26skugghey eye69
00:50.32eye69Hello Stig
00:50.48murbhi eye60
00:51.11eye69I was in the nick of time getting to the last train...mostly due to file corruption in my brain due to overbeering
00:51.49skuggmurb, heh.
00:51.59skuggi got a nice train too.
00:52.04murbthen i cycled home on autopilot
00:52.06skuggwent a little bit before closing time
00:52.25eye69Been about 4 times that I've woken up at least one stop too late
00:52.31skuggusually _just_ manage to reach it.
00:52.40skuggrefreshing to not have to run
00:52.55skuggeye69, i hate it when that happens
00:53.26eye69skugg: Especially when it's past the time when there's a train back one stop
00:53.38skuggeye, yes.
00:53.51skugghowever, now i'm going to bed
00:53.54skuggi'm dead tired
00:54.03skugggoodnight guys
00:54.04eye69I'm staying up for a little while
00:54.17eye69Good night skugg. Sleep tight.
00:55.27Resudeadevening all
00:55.39eye69My laptop doesn't update its sleeptimer by looking at keyboard activity...annoying
00:55.53Jensonhi Resudead
00:55.59eye69Resudead: Who were you?
00:56.15Resudeadwho were I, or who still am I
00:56.30Resudead(it's too late to talk grammer
00:56.45Resudeador put the ) on the end of somethingin ()'s
00:56.47murbeye69: he was sitting in the cornerish.
00:56.52eye69I might have shaken your hand without knowing about it
00:56.59ResudeadI think you did
00:57.00eye69murb: Ok.
00:57.06murbcan i do ascii art of the layout?
00:57.17Resudeadgo for it :)
00:57.38murbhe was sitting opposiite mikea and dan
00:57.49Resudeadhi Jenson & dankolb_
00:57.51murband to the left of me and skugg
00:57.57eye69Hello dan!
00:58.04dankolb_Hi eye69
00:58.31ResudeadI was at the table skugg and murb made their own :)
00:58.53eye69Resudead: Heh
00:59.07Resudead(we had power, they felt envious)
00:59.33eye69I guess they had to do a move
00:59.37Resudeador they wanted to plug their laptop is, on of the two
01:00.55eye69G'night murb
01:01.02dankolb_night murb
01:01.09Jensonmurb: night
01:01.20Resudeadnight murb
01:01.32eye69Now there's not many people left that I don't know in #gllug
01:01.43eye69There's Jenson...possibly somebody else as well
01:01.43Resudeadsame here
01:02.02Resudeadfor me, Jenson, Dankolb & Highbury
01:02.20eye69I know all those three
01:02.50eye69Nevermind me...I'm incoherent
01:03.03Resudeadfrom #gllug to um gllug that is
01:03.05eye69I know dan and steve...but not Jenson
01:03.22eye69Resudead: Btw, how did it go with Debian in the end?>
01:03.29Resudeadit works sort of
01:04.08Resudeadmy screen is only at 1024x768 (can't stand things that big), sound card as yet not configured nor the tv tuner
01:04.22eye69What's left to get working (now that I'm drunk...I've got a lot of energy to get stuff working, but no braincells to do the actual work)
01:05.01eye69Resudead: What soundcard is it?
01:05.11Resudeadtrying to get X at higher res, adding/configuring SB live 5.1 and Brooktree Compat TV tuner
01:06.14Resudeadtyping isn't too easy though
01:06.41Resudeadtoo dark in here and I cannot reach the lightswitch
01:08.01Resudeadah, light
01:15.03*** join/#gllug cupis (
01:15.31Resudeadhi cupis
01:15.36cupishi Resudead
01:15.54Resudeadwere you there today?
01:16.20cupisI was - missed the lvm lecture though (that was the one I wanted to see :()
01:16.30cupisWho changed the scedule? :)
01:16.37eye69The LVM talk was good
01:16.53Resudeadno idea, I pretty much missed the talks altogether
01:17.18cupisThat's the second time I've seen the gnome2 talk, as well.
01:17.36eye69Michael was fun :)
01:19.01dankolb_nn all
01:19.06Resudeadnight dan
01:19.14Resudeadcupis, were you at the pub?
01:20.14cupisNo, just at the Uni/lectures. Went to BCF/CEX and home.
01:22.53Resudeadwhat should the permissions be on html dos' served by apache?
01:23.39eye69Resudead: 644
01:23.47eye69Resudead: 755 for dirs.
01:23.55cupisResudead: the user 'nobody' has to be able to read the files...
01:23.55Resudeadtried that, and I was getting 403's
01:24.02Resudead(on the individual files)
01:24.04cupisResudead: configuration problem?
01:24.25Resudeadno, just out of interest, set them to 111, and it worked
01:25.02cupisResudead: you set the files to 111 (--x--x--x)?
01:25.12Resudeadyes, it worked, 644 failed
01:25.23Resudeadfor some reason need executable permisions
01:25.29cupisResudead: just plain files? not scripts or programs?
01:25.39Resudeadno, plain html files
01:26.17cupisResudead: what are the permissions on the directory containing the files?
01:26.28Resudeadone sec
01:27.10Resudead711 I think
01:27.19cupishave you looked at the apache error log?
01:27.33Resudeadrw---x--x for the dir
01:28.40Resudeaddefault install, somethings confused here :)
01:28.50Resudeadprobably me somewhere
01:30.43Resudeaddon't know what happened., but 755/644 works now
01:35.10Davilionmy $cdrom=shift;
01:35.10Davilionmy $x=shift;
01:35.10Davilionprint "press any key to continue";
01:35.11Davilionmy $foo=<STDIN>;
01:35.12Davilionmy $command="dd if=$cdrom of=./$x.iso";
01:35.16Davilionprint $command;
01:35.18Davilionsystem  $command;
01:35.20Davilionsystem "mkdir /mnt/music/$x";
01:35.23Davilionsystem "mount ./$x.iso -t iso9660 -o loop /mnt/music/$x";
01:35.25Davilionsystem "ln -s /mnt/music/$x /music/$x";
01:35.27Davilionsystem "eject $cdrom";
01:35.29Davilionprint "Please take disk out of $command, disk number is $x\n";
01:37.01Resudeadam 99% sure it was my mistake somewhere along the lines, but can't imagine when because I have done nothing related to /var/www apart from copying html files all ready with permissions set
01:37.52Resudeaddavilion > but why ? ;)
01:38.53DavilionResudead: lots of us have large mp3 cd collectiosn
01:38.57Davilioni have multiple cd drives
01:39.09Davilioni put cd in drives it rips, mounts and exports
01:39.37skuggDavilion, man jack.
01:40.14skuggput cd in drive, jack && eject
01:41.20eye69I have an 18-CD's nice :)
01:41.21Resudeadcheap hdds don't appreciate caddies
01:41.27eye69skugg: Didn't you go to bed? :)
01:41.42Resudeadtrue skugg :)
01:41.59skuggeye69, *cough*
01:42.05skuggi'm trying, i really am :P
01:42.08eye69skugg: Heh. Addict.
01:42.37skugggot into a chat with a person i've not talked to for a long time just as i was about to log off
01:42.40skuggdamn him
01:42.49Davilioneye69: NICE....
01:42.51*** join/#gllug zachary (
01:42.53skugghe always does this late night
01:43.32DavilionResudead: sure, i dont have many cd's but i do have some storage :)
01:45.20Resudead(^at least 512kb/s)
01:45.33skuggcorrection, about 80
01:45.59skuggResudead, what music do you like?
01:46.08eye69Resudead: If I had the energy and actually had the changer connected I could've given you access to it along with necessary tools to change the cd
01:46.32Resudeadmost (infact almost all) except garage/r&b/hip hop stuff
01:47.42skuggResudead, see anything you like? -->
01:48.28skuggResudead, déja vù ...
01:49.22Resudeadcan you repeat the last post please (xchat kind of got confused :)
01:49.42Resudead(dodgy ram)
01:50.11skuggResudead, see anything you like? -->
01:50.14Resudeadskugg, I appreciate the music on most of that list :)
01:50.25skuggi'll see what i can do
01:50.27Davilionskugg/ Resudead fancy getting together with some dat drives?
01:50.47skuggDavilion, if you wish...
01:51.00cupisnight all
01:51.20skuggneither do i
01:51.29skuggi don't have much more diskspace either ;)
01:51.37skuggbut my housemate has dvd-burner...
01:51.48Davilionwell cd burner/dvd burner hard disks etc
01:51.53skuggand 24x cd-burner
01:52.01ResudeadI have 10G on this machine, and another 7,8 or so on the netowrk
01:52.08Resudeadbut no mp3's since I lost my hdd
01:52.22ResudeadI have a 32x burner
01:52.49Davilioni havee 400w of 240v ac in my car :)
01:52.57Resudeadwould love a dvd burner, but bank says otherwise :)
01:53.02DavilionResudead: mine too
01:53.26Davilionwhens good time for you guys?
01:53.37skuggi'm quite willing to just share, don't really care about getting so much back
01:53.51Davilionme too
01:53.51skuggi like to have the CDs y'see.
01:53.51Resudeadwhenever (literally)
01:54.03Davilionskugg: heh, yeah my mate has a massive cupboard stacked full of cd's so shiny :)
01:54.10Davilionskugg: when you free?
01:54.10Resudeadexcept maybe not now, too late at night
01:54.11skuggDavilion, where're you located?
01:54.16Davilionskugg: omnipresent.
01:54.22skuggDavilion, how convenient
01:54.31skugghow's north wembley? :)
01:54.39Davilionskugg: normally coventry but anywheres good for me
01:54.40skuggi'll provide tea an bisquits
01:54.44Davilionskugg: sounds goof
01:55.10Resudeadwhat'll I need?
01:55.26DavilionResudead: storage, cat5?
01:55.34skuggi've got cat5 :)
01:56.00skugggot few  spare ports on the hub though, mind.
01:56.17DavilionI'll bring a 10/100 hub, might be able to get a switch.
01:56.39ResudeadI'll bring a baby hub (4 pt) can just uplink
01:56.41skuggah, that's brilliant. my hub is only 10mbit
01:57.10skuggResudead, do you have any laptop-type of drive?
01:57.26Resudeadno, only the big box
01:57.42skugghow  do you feel about bringing that?
01:57.44Davilionskugg: how are you for power? do you have sockets or do you want me to bring some 13A strips?
01:57.46skuggdo you have a car?
01:57.58Resudeadno, but I'll think on iot for a few mins
01:58.10skuggi've got a few sockets, but don't know how many we'll need...
01:58.12Resudead(this box has over 100 miles on it's clock so far :))
01:58.19skuggcan always unplug the tv/video i guess :)
01:58.25DavilionResudead: i drive, and will be driving i can meet you somewhere obvious and go pick your stuff up if you want.
01:58.38Davilionskugg: I'll bring a power strip or 2
01:58.45Resudeaddavilion, where are you coming from?
01:58.55Davilionwest london
01:58.59skuggi'm leaving for norway on the 19th, so it has to be before that
01:59.08Davilionwell i'll be driving down the m40 to the m25
01:59.11skuggwhat do you want, weekday/weekend?
01:59.17Resudeadonly problem is I'm north (enfield)
01:59.23Davilionskugg: Im easy.
01:59.36Resudeadme too, I woj't be working till after christmas
01:59.48DavilionResudead: could meet you at hanger lane/west acton or somewhre like that then drive out.
01:59.54Davilionhow about next friday?
02:00.08skugg"there's so much stuff to buy, i need a new hard drive" -- weird al yankovic
02:00.23Resudeadget the tube, drive back, then drive to wembly?
02:00.57skuggDavilion, you mean the 13th?
02:01.02ResudeadI'll probably borrow the hard drive from the families box
02:01.03skuggthat's a good one for me
02:01.18Resudeadyep, Fri 13th then
02:01.25Davilionyep sounds good for me
02:01.37Davilioni'll make sure im not in leeds on the friday
02:01.38skuggdamn, i need to check if i'm working...
02:01.53skuggi _think_ i'll have stopped for the term, but don't know...
02:01.55Davilionskugg: what times? i wont be around until after work >5ish
02:02.07skuggDavilion, i normally work until 7
02:02.23Davilionskugg: cool that gives me plenty of time to get there
02:02.44skuggokay, if you're fine with that then it's fine
02:02.44skuggi'm game then
02:03.11ResudeadI'm game after a few things worked out in my head :)
02:04.57skuggjust found this in a quote from my (ex) gf:
02:05.01Davilionhow lates this going to go? will there be crash space?
02:05.11skuggMoo on Music: Forget cultural appreciation just say it's crap.
02:05.51skuggDavilion, err... bring something to sleep on then. i've got a spare duvet, but no spare bed/couch...
02:06.05skugg(i've got a double bed, but you're not sharing it :P)
02:06.08Resudeadstill not sure how I my logistics are going to work
02:07.07Resudeadmaybe the whole thing will fit in one of my bags
02:07.29skuggDavilion, i wouldn't sleep on the carpet here, it's pretty nasty (then again i'm allergic to dust mites)
02:07.35skuggyou're welcome to though
02:09.43Resudeadme + box + (neccesity * monitor) = huge
02:10.03Resudeadif that makes any sense
02:10.07Davilionskugg: cool, i'll bring some sleeping baggage
02:10.10skuggoh yeah, monitor is necissary, i don't have any spares :(
02:10.18Davilionskugg: i can bring a spare monitor for you
02:10.29Resudeadgreat, I only have a 17", going to be fun to lug around :)
02:10.34skuggResudead, you huge? liar. i met you today, you're tiny :P
02:10.47Resudeadbut my computer is huge :)
02:11.05skugg(i don't have _any_ monitors actually, that are not attached to any of my laptops that is)
02:11.44Davilioni have 3 monitors on my desk but i dont use any of them
02:11.50skuggmy housemate just yesterday went to a mate's house and copied 60 dvd-rip divxs by the way...
02:12.08skuggmaybe we'll get him in on our little warez-swap
02:12.27skuggsounds okay? :)
02:12.30Resudeadso am I meeting you (davilion) at west acton or something with my box (and monitor?)
02:12.30Davilionheh, if i get a fast burner, do i then need to get expensive cd's?
02:12.42Resudeadanswer is yes unless you burn @ 12x
02:12.52DavilionResudead: i can meet you somewhere obvious, ie, i dont know london that well so somewhere near you and a major road is fine
02:13.18ResudeadDavilion, where are you coming from?
02:13.30skuggResudead, nah. my housemate burns cheap cds at 24x and it works fine
02:13.48ResudeadI cannot burn cheap cd's at 32x
02:13.51DavilionResudead: either hayes, or coventry
02:13.58Daviliondepends how fucked up things get during the week
02:14.06Davilionbut i imagine i'll be driving down the m40 into london
02:14.50Resudeadthat's the thing, I am on the northern side of london
02:15.09DavilionResudead: shouldnt be a major problem.
02:15.51Resudeadabout 10 mins walk from J25 on the M25?
02:16.25skuggthat's me
02:17.49skuggeh, notice that in the pic Davilion posted the chick seems to only have panties on "her lower half"...
02:18.33Resudeadtrue :-)
02:20.49Resudeadok skugg, I think you have spent enough time looking now :-)
02:21.25Resudeadalthoug I'd be inclined to agree with you
02:21.47skuggsame as those
02:22.13skuggi distinctly remember seing some of those pictures without the various logos.
02:22.29Resudeaddon't quite fit do they :)
02:23.02skuggactually, it should be more pictures there, i must have messed up the link
02:23.08Davilionhmmm, cute.
02:24.09skuggah, here it is
02:24.25Resudeaddavilion, so if I haul my box to the nearest 'main' road (w/out getting mugged:) you'll pick me up from there
02:24.34DavilionResudead: sure
02:24.56skugg :))
02:25.13Resudeadok then the main road will be the A10 about 2 miles in from the M25(j25) if ok
02:25.47Davilionyeah should be
02:25.49Resudeadlol skugg ;)
02:26.25skuggsome people just have way too much time :)
02:26.54Resudeadok, I'll give you more exact details nearer the time, it's a bit late at night for my brain to function anywhere near 100%
02:27.02Resudead(not that it ever does)
02:27.34Davilionskugg: yup, and it makes the world a much better place heh
02:27.56Resudeadthat it does
02:28.03skuggDavilion, amen
02:28.21skuggif more people spent time doing that instead of killing eachother it would be a lot nicer indeed
02:29.02Davilionthats what i think the problem with the US is, they dont watch enough porn
02:29.16Resudeadnever thought of it that way
02:29.25Davilionand for bush, its just compensating for something
02:30.01skugg"software is like sex, it's better when it's free" plastered all over a naked girl in one of the last ones :P
02:36.28skuggResudead, since you're relatively new to linux/unix... you might not have encountered the traditional unix way of lovemaking
02:38.41skugggawk; talk; nice; date; wine; grep; touch; unzip; touch; gasp; finger;
02:38.41skugggasp; lyx; mount; fsck; more; yes; gasp; umount; make clean;
02:38.42Davilionskugg: if its anything like the lovemaking jenson described, i can't wait :P
02:38.42skuggmake mrproper; sleep
02:38.56skuggDavilion, i've not heard jenson describe any lovemaking
02:39.35Resudeadme neither
02:39.50skuggthere's many versions of course of the above, that was the first example i found
02:40.47Resudeaddavilion, whats this about jensons lovemaking?
02:41.22skuggyeah, i'd like to hear that before i go to bed
02:41.49skugg(and that's pretty imminent)
02:42.10Resudeadsame here (on both accounts)
02:44.13Davilionwell she mentioned klingons and from what leeds tells me its pretty aggressive
02:44.24Davilionlots of passion or something
02:45.13skuggseem to remeber something about klingon lovemaking actually
02:45.30Resudeadnever experienced it myself
02:45.30Davilionyeah thats about right
02:45.34Davilionme neither
02:45.39Davilionperhaps she would give  a demo
02:45.50skuggi just don't find that big guy very attractive
02:46.01skuggDavilion, fat chance
02:49.29Davilionskugg: yeah, but i can dream heheh
02:49.49skuggi guess :)
02:50.08skuggawright, i'm off to bed now. for real this time
02:50.22ResudeadI will be soon as well
02:50.36Resudead(just 64 more emails to read)
02:52.27Resudeadnight skugg
02:55.04Resudeadthink I'm off now as well
02:55.07Resudeadnight davilion
02:55.17Resudeadnight anyone else still up
10:19.03*** join/#gllug zimm (
11:42.23*** join/#gllug SpudUAway (
12:00.23*** join/#gllug Davilion (
12:01.30*** join/#gllug chamkila (~chamkila@
12:15.20*** join/#gllug zimm (
12:46.00highburyalert: new version of Knoppix available!
13:18.33*** join/#gllug zimm (
14:07.50*** join/#gllug formi (
14:09.30zimmhi formi
14:13.20*** join/#gllug zachary (
14:21.06eye69G'd afternoon
16:11.22*** join/#gllug zimm (
16:18.05murbhighbury: is their a mailgn ist o warn you or somthihnhg of such events?
16:19.14formicheck that one
16:20.52formiPaul Nasrat is the guy I told you about yesterday
16:22.59Resuaded_Awayyeah, I remember
16:26.59Resudaedformi, this looks perfect for the time being
16:28.23formithat is what i thought
16:29.00ResudaedI am about to try and get it up right now (I'll be bringing a loptop to the next gllug then :)
16:29.04formiPaul Nasrat <>
16:29.31formiyou might tell him what you are trying to do, he will appreciate the feedback
16:29.38ResudaedI will
16:29.49formiand provide some tips
16:30.08Resudaedthe reason I needed it off the hard disk is the CMOS battery is dead, and it defaults to booting of the hard disk
16:30.36Resudaedand ctrl+alt+del just hangs it for some reason
16:30.45formifixing it shouldn't be much of a problem
16:31.09Resudaedit's a 6v battery though
16:31.19formiif you have the original battery you can probably get the specs, and get another or use an adapter
16:31.40formiyou can use 4 1.5 volts then
16:32.10Resudaednot very much room in there
16:32.21ResudaedI will work it soo though
16:33.06formiyou can make a holder for the batteries and attach it to the back of the lcd
16:33.16Resudaedactually, if I make the hdd un-bootable, it'll have no choice but to boot
16:33.24Resudaed(from fd0)
16:34.33Resudaedthe boot sequence defaults to hdd, fdd
16:34.43formiyou can try to save the mbr to a floppy and then wipe it, and restore it afterwards
16:35.42Resudaedlet's see how well its booting first ...
16:37.26ResudaedI will need to get an msdos boot disk, my only method of bios access is a dos program
16:39.55Resudaedwhat is the 'bandwidth' like on a parallel port?
16:40.16murbfor plip?
16:40.37Resudaedjust generally hardware transfer sppeds
16:40.59Resudaed(not for plip, for something far more colicated :)
16:41.06Resudaed(not for plip, for something far more complicated :)
16:45.43ResudaedI need that 6v battery now (brb)
16:46.56skuggwow. not much traffic here today
16:47.32skuggmurb, by the way... thank you for the tip about solaris quotas :)
16:48.37skuggi just remembered that i have a solaris account at uni with a 30 MiB quota (6 times as much as most users! :) ) which this trick can be useful for
16:49.16highburymurb: I'm on the freshmeat mailing list which tracks certain packages
16:49.48murbskugg: if you play tricks like that also use posix acls e.g. getfacl, setfacl.
16:50.22murbalthough using them may break their backups..
16:50.25skuggi'll try to remember if i need to play tricks like that
16:50.55skuggi don't really use it, the unix-setup my uni has is so broken that i prefer to use windows :(
16:51.06skuggand i've not had windows installed the last 4 years
16:51.34skuggat least on the windows machines i can use putty and ssh out, that is not possible from our unix systems :(
16:55.13murbskugg: why can't you ssh from your unix systems?
16:57.49formiskugg you might also get winscp2, really nise, avoided having to deal with
16:59.50murbformi: cmd.exe is *much* nicer thn
17:00.19formidoes is have filename expansion?
17:01.40skuggmurb, why, wouldn't you know... they've changed it now :P
17:01.45skuggmurb, it actually works
17:01.57skuggnever mind, i carry my own machine in to uni anyway...
17:02.00skuggmuch rather use that ;)
17:02.34skuggformi, i don't see why i would need it... why would i have to use cmd.exe/
17:02.37murbskugg: did you pick your uni randomly?
17:02.59skuggmurb, not quite. it was the only uni in london that offered a BSc in AI>
17:03.25Resudaedstupid question, does anyone know unzip a zip file?
17:03.34formiif you want to copy files via ssh, you can use pscp under
17:03.48Resudaed:-) couldn't be simpler
17:04.19skuggformi, ah. i simply use ftp usually, or puttyscp.exe
17:04.29skugg(or what the hell its name is)
17:04.36Resudaeduzip command not found
17:04.55skuggResudaed, you have to install it then
17:05.13skuggResudaed, what does "file" say?
17:05.32skugg(where "file" in a command, and "" is the zip-file you have)
17:05.32murbskugg: ok, but it doesn't seem too different from any other cs type degree, with the optoin to do lots of ai type stuff.
17:05.45skuggmurb, true.
17:06.04formiskugg, give it a try and then decide, it has a two panel kind of mc graphical appearence
17:06.11ResudaedZip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
17:06.14skuggmurb, i don't recommend people going to westminster though, it's a really mickey mouse university (the CS dept. in harrow at least)
17:06.22skuggResudaed, then that's the one you need :)
17:06.50skuggResudaed, i don't think gzip/gunzip can unpack normal zip-files...
17:07.15formiyou might try to open it with mc
17:08.37Resudaedskugg, that's my problem, I'd never come accross a zip file on linux before :-)
17:10.00skuggResudaed, what distro do you use?
17:10.04formii use mc to open windows .exe with zip files inside without trouble
17:10.29skuggformi, but mc just calls unzip i think.
17:10.34Resudaedskugg, debian
17:10.43skuggResudaed, ah. piece of cake then :)
17:10.59skuggapt-get install unzip
17:11.09formiprobably, in my cae it just works(tm)
17:11.12ResudaedI know, I just found it on the apt-tree :-)
17:12.06skuggformi, yeah. but neither is installed by default on debian
17:12.23skuggi don't know about mandrake (that's what you use, isn't it?)
17:12.45formiit is the only true file manager
17:13.10formii have it in all the machines i have root access
17:13.26skuggbah. the shell is the one true file manager :P
17:15.52formii thought you only needed a hex editor
17:19.15murbpah, what is wrong with cat?
17:19.42skuggmurb, cat as file manager?
17:19.54skuggthanks, i'll stick to my shell :P
17:20.27skuggi think a hex editor will be slightly underfeatured for my needs too.
17:23.15Resudaedinit might be panicing, but half way there anyway
17:23.35formiwhat's the output?
17:23.53Resudaedhd:error: AX=0x0
17:24.04ResudaedBIOSHD:I/O error
17:24.15Resudaeddev 380, sector 126
17:24.24murbwell as an editor, but you should be able to open directories.
17:24.30Resudaed(probably I dodgy floppy disk)
17:24.55*** join/#gllug zimm (
17:25.53Resudaedafternoon zimm
17:26.07ResudaedI GOT LOGIN !!!!
17:26.17Resudaed(dodgy floppy)
17:26.52zimmheh .
17:27.30Resudaedzimm, it's the 386 laptop w/ 4MB RAM
17:27.45zimmcongrats !
17:27.58zimmtake much doing ?
17:28.28Resudaednope, too easy
17:29.12Resudaedboot & root floppy disks for ELKS
17:29.34Resudaedbut is just a miracle something worked
17:30.43Resudaedthe fun bit is still to come (actually getting it to do something from the hdd)
17:31.30zimmhow big is the HD , ? 40meg /
17:32.13Resudaedcurrently trying to find a second (100% working) floppy disk
17:32.19zimmso you are kinda limited to what you can install then ..
17:32.34Resudaedyes, kind of limited to processing power and ram as well
17:32.44Resudaedprobably going to need 8MB SWAP
17:33.21skuggResudaed, yeah
17:33.36zimmwhat ports does it have ? ie whats the situ with connectivity
17:34.31Resudaed2 * serial, 1 * paraell, and 2 phone sockets
17:34.51Resudaed(the latter needs further investigation)
17:35.28Resudaedyou wouldn't happen to know the maximum data transfer rate on a parallel port would you?
17:35.46zimmfraid not
17:36.00Resudaedcrazy elsctronics scheme of mine
17:42.16formi-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          12K Dec  8 17:47 ESC[0m.bash_historyESC[0m
17:42.16formi-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           24 Feb 15  2002 ESC[0m.bash_logoutESC[0m
17:42.16formi-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          106 Feb 15  2002 ESC[0m.bash_profileESC[0m
17:42.40formii've been playing with alias and screen
17:43.22skuggdamn... that carling advert is so awful...
17:44.05formii like crabs
17:44.49highburymurb: you at Hatfield Poly / Herts University?
17:45.08*** join/#gllug BorgBaby (
17:45.51Resudaedformi, I have it booting from the floppies, do you have any idea how get it to do the same off the hdd?
17:46.36formii don't know if you can dd the floppies onto the hard disk
17:46.46formiat least one of them
17:50.09Resudaedit may be possible, I am looking into it now
17:51.46Resudaedfdisk is telling me there is an error opening hda1
17:53.15Resudaedany ideas anyone?
17:55.34Resudaedor any idea what bda1 is?
17:55.45BorgBabyit may be corrupted
17:56.07BorgBabyhda1 is your first partition on your primary hard drive
17:56.19Resudaedno, bda1
17:56.33Resudaedor bda
17:56.56BorgBabywhat os?
17:57.21*** join/#gllug zimm (
17:57.54Resudaedembedded linux kernel system
17:58.10formiwhat fylesystem do you have in the hd?
17:58.15BorgBabynot sure about bda.  maybe something in the elks manual?
17:59.37Resudaed/dev/bda has 613 cylinders, 4 heads, 34 sectors
17:59.56Resudaedjust wondered why it's bda?
18:01.33BorgBabyhow many partitions on the drive?
18:02.34Resudaed1 (0 now)
18:04.27BorgBabymaybe just format(blank) it, & re-format for whatever filesystem ELKS wants...
18:05.15ResudaedI am doing
18:12.14Resudaedit gets better, I don't have an mnt directory, and for some reason cannot create one
18:13.38BorgBabysounds weird.  have you read the install docs?
18:14.55ResudaedI'll create the directory from another box
18:15.24skuggquite cool actually
18:15.36Resudaedpermission denied ??
18:17.37Resudaedmaybe I'll just watch scrap heap challenge, have something to eat, then come back to this
18:18.08Resudaeddamn minix filesystems
18:19.32formiis there any way of finding ssh tunnel connections in the machine with the server?
18:19.54forminetstat shows just the usual connection
18:23.42highburynetstat -M ?
18:24.08highburynot sure tho' as I haven't done it for a while
18:24.57formiroot@ns:~# netstat -M
18:24.57forminetstat: no support for `ip_masquerade' on this system.
18:25.58Resudaedskugg, impressive wasn't it :)
18:26.07formibasically i connected with a ssh -C -L 200:ns:119 1000:ns:3128 3130:3130 ns
18:26.26formiand it is working
18:27.20formisorry ssh -C -L 200:ns:119 -L 1000:ns:3128 -L 3130:3130 ns
18:28.02skuggResudaed, well yes:)
18:29.01Resudaedah well, I'll enter in a year or two
18:29.07Resudaedshow em how it's done
18:31.50Resudaedthink I'll watch enterprise now
18:33.44BorgBabyI really hate the enterprise theme tune
18:34.56skuggBorgBaby, you and be both!
18:34.59Resudaed_Awayit's not a tradional star trek theme tune, but an ok song
18:35.11formithe bloody colonialists...
18:35.48BorgBabyit's russell watson (the tenor guy)
18:36.14formicome on, it is dull
18:36.29BorgBabynot a patch on ds9 on tng
18:37.15Resudaed_Awayds9 rocks
18:37.39BorgBabyds9 had the best storylines
18:38.34formihere we go
18:39.08Resudaed_Awaysaying that, voyager did start to pick up towards the end
18:39.26Resudaed_Awaytook long enough though
18:40.07BorgBabyvoyager was cool (esp janeway's hair)
18:40.18formia sea view where the see doesn't move
18:41.05Resudaed_Aways/not/now :-)
18:41.42BorgBabydawwwgs in spaaaace...
18:42.10forminow it moves
18:50.56*** join/#gllug zimm (
18:52.55*** join/#gllug pdr (
18:53.42formiso you got my email
18:53.53pdrnever really realised there was a irc channel for gllug
18:53.55pdrformi: yes
18:54.10formisorry about the first one, should have gone to you directly instead of to the list
18:54.18pdrnp :)
18:54.43pdrone of those that could have gone to either
18:55.04pdrby the "Hi Pete" gave away the intention :)
18:55.45formiwell good maners tend to crawl upon me from time to time
18:56.49pdrBorgBaby: are you on teh mailing-list?
18:57.14BorgBabypdr: I'm on it, but rarely read it
18:59.23formithere is lot of not-interesting traffice lately
19:00.10pdryeah, it comes and goes, the interesting threads... still it's something to do and keeps me occupied whilst I'm, er, in between jobs
19:01.06pdri'm still on the sydney LUG mailing list too, and that sometimes has some pretty good discussions
19:02.52formihave you heard from Kim of the SLUG?
19:03.35pdrhmm.. there's a Ken.  Ken Foskey.
19:03.43pdrcan't think of a Kim though
19:04.06formididn't you meet him here in london?
19:05.18pdrum, no, maybe.  can't remember if i did
19:05.33pdrwas i drinking at the time?
19:06.04formithe one at the far right, I was hidding behind him
19:06.17skugghaha, the doctor in star trek was fun
19:06.55pdroh yeah, i reckonise him vaguely
19:06.56formiif you say so, skugg
19:07.09pdrpretty packed meeting - which one wast that?
19:07.20pdrdoctor in star trek?  huh?
19:07.20formipdr he is a bit difficult to miss
19:07.39formiwe are watching enterprise on tv
19:07.48formichannel 4
19:08.05BorgBabyhe's into wireless in a big way
19:08.09pdrwhich one are they up to?  (don't have a tv, but I've seen about half of series 2 already)
19:08.39formiBorgBaby, do you go to the consume meetings?
19:09.35BorgBabyno, but try to keep an eye on developments
19:10.57formii missed the last one
19:19.54BorgBabyoh well, I'm off, going to try & get some work done!  laters...
19:20.08formisee you
19:20.13*** part/#gllug BorgBaby (
19:25.29*** join/#gllug dankolb (
19:26.53dankolbHow's life?
19:27.54formii had a laptop nicked last night in the pub after the gllug meeting
19:28.20*** join/#gllug Jenson (
19:28.27formii had received it yesterday morning
19:28.47dankolbWas it a nice laptop?
19:29.48dankolbDid you phone up the pub?
19:30.04forminot really a thinkpad 770ed
19:30.33dankolbYou didn't just leave it in the pub, did you?
19:30.40formii spoke with them 5 mins after it happened, and we found a bag probably left by the thief
19:30.54formiwe found a crack pipe in it
19:31.06dankolbSorry to hear that :(
19:31.16dankolbIs it insured?
19:31.27formii don't know if i can get a refund from the credit card company i used to pay it
19:31.50dankolbYou can phone and ask them. That's the best thing to do, I guess
19:32.15formiim trying to get a receipt from the guy who sold it to me
19:33.46dankolbAh. Fair enough.
19:34.01JensonGood luck formi.
19:35.13formiit was bad luck, my laptop was the heaviest and the most crappy one
19:35.34formis/most crappy/crappiest
19:35.58Jensonwell then it#s the loss of the people who took it aswell, they obviously aren't all that clever.
19:36.52formisomebody who smokes crack is NOT clever
19:37.10JensonWell yeah that's true.
19:37.41formiand his/her intelligence decreases everytime
19:38.12JensonI can decrease my intelligence without's called using Windows lol
19:38.34Jensonhey zimm
19:38.38zimmhey Jenson
19:38.40formiwell that is much cheaper
19:39.11dankolbNot with MS's new licencing it's not ;-)
19:39.49JensonI liked the bit that I read in a book that said 'most users do not own their programs and are not allowed to edit them'
19:40.01Jensonnot i
19:40.03formii suupose jenson is not that gullible
19:40.22JensonIt's too damn hot in here I wish my dad hadn't turned the heating up.
19:40.34dankolbTake some clothes off then ;-)
19:41.18JensonHe doesn't believe that it's hotter even though he turned the boiler up lol
19:41.37dankolbSo you're hot then
19:41.51JensonMy mother says the house is too hot aswell
19:42.00JensonAnd the computer is running hotter
19:42.28formiodd, usually females run colder than males
19:42.41JensonYeah I usually complain it's too cold.
19:42.57formimaybe your father is getting old all of the sudden
19:43.28JensonHe says that if he hasn't turned the thermostat up, just the boiler then it isn't hotter.....but it is.
19:44.01eye69So why turn it up if you're not using the heat? Ask him that.
19:44.40JensonSomething about some rads being hotter than others and balancing the system out....either that or he wants my mother to wear less clothes lol
19:45.50formiwell he should know a few ways of hotting up your mother
19:46.23Jensonformi: yeah but I don't want to think about it.
19:46.59formijust tell them you are going to be in your room for the rest of the night
19:47.47JensonThat would include not being online though....I don't have phonecables into my room yet
19:49.54formiwhat about, dad could I have an extension to my room to be alone?
19:50.59JensonI told him to put phonecables through when they put tv aerial through whilst building the extension but he forgot so now we've got to trail cable half way around the house instead. He say's it's not important and we'll get round to it.
19:51.24formianyway, better don't interfere too much with them
19:58.06JensonHow has everyone's weekend been?
19:59.36formino comment
20:00.08Jensonok then
20:01.39formidank, any luck with the powerbook?
20:02.14dankolbNot yet. Still need to do something about a power supply
20:11.58JensonI'm gonna go piss around with Slackware for a bit.....actually play KDE Solitaire lol
20:12.09eye69Any tips on replacements for NFS where I _don't_ have to use a dedicated directory for the share?
20:12.17dankolbHehe. That can keep you busy for hours
20:12.27dankolbeye69: You just want to share individual files?
20:12.46JensonI'll be back between 9:30 and 10, or before if I get bored.
20:12.48JensonSee ya
20:12.57zimmlaters Jenson
20:12.57dankolbOff already?
20:13.09JensonYeah dankolb I'll BBL
20:13.11eye69dankolb: Preferably entire trees, but I have another project where individual files will be sufficient.
20:13.12Jensonbye zimm
20:13.23eye69dankolb: I've looked at Intermezzo and Coda.
20:13.32*** part/#gllug Jenson (
20:14.04formiis there anything like winscp2 for linux?
20:14.24dankolbI thought NFS does entire trees
20:14.40eye69It does.
20:14.54formiit's like mc but for windows, and it connects to a ssh server,
20:15.20dankolbSo what do you want apart from that?
20:15.50eye69NFS in Linux isn't that stable, and I want to look at alternatives.
20:16.02dankolbNFS on BSD? ;-)
20:16.23eye69For the single-file implementation I need a good support for automatic reconnection.
20:16.29*** join/#gllug unclex (
20:16.34eye69dankolb: BSD is not an option.
20:16.35*** part/#gllug unclex (
20:16.45formiwhat happened to the nfs on tcp?
20:17.24dankolbFileshare on Windows? ;-)
20:23.40formidank ?
20:25.05pdreye69: you can always manually use rsync
20:25.08formifileshare on windows?
20:25.21pdreye69: what did you think of CODA?
20:25.35dankolbWindows has better access controls than Unix
20:25.48eye69pdr: Not applicable. In the single-file application it has to be realtime.
20:26.42eye69A file is growing and the server and I have to get that over to the client
20:26.50eye69s/and the/on the/
20:27.12pdrrsync will work with open files too.
20:27.33eye69It has to be realtime.
20:27.43murbwhen you have open files all bets about data are off.
20:27.57eye69As in I can't afford a delay of even 5 secs
20:27.58pdrhmm... *and* handle disconnects...  that's a tough ask
20:28.26formisome database ???
20:28.36eye69Of course if it disconnects I can't do much, but as soon as the server can be reached again it has to reconnect
20:29.11pdreven with a database, it will lock until you've finished writing
20:31.00eye69It's just a flat file which is growing, written to by a local application
20:31.19pdri think you're going to have to do some custom hack for this one... maybe use netcat or osmething
20:31.45eye69We're currently using a custom hack in the form of an app written in C
20:31.58pdryou know of netcat?
20:34.02pdrif you've got a fast network and the program closes the file in between writes, then nfs may be ok.
20:34.15formitail -n xx > mail ??
20:34.35formitail -n xx | mail ??
20:35.42pdr...except for the disconnections... nfs doesn't like them much
20:36.00eye69formi: Bah
20:36.12eye69pdr: Disconnection support is very important
20:36.24eye69I'm talking about raw stock market data
20:36.27dankolbI thought NFS was supposed to automatically reconnect when the connection was restored.
20:36.32dankolbUntil then it'd just wait
20:36.44pdrblocking is not a real answer
20:37.19eye69Guess I'll have to try some of the newer NFS features..
20:38.09pdror maybe coda
20:39.03eye69For the single file app Coda might work, since I could easily move the shared over to the coda dir
20:39.07eye69shared files even
20:40.11pdrit would be efficient enough?
20:45.25formilorena bobbit site?
20:45.49*** join/#gllug pdr (
20:46.46pdrhad to restart x to get middle mouse button working
20:48.27pdrthis laptop is weird in that if you don't have a three-button mouse plugged in when X starts, the touchpad will go crazy, so i need to set X to use PS/2 not ImPS/2 unless I've got a three-button mouse to plug into it.
20:48.45dankolbThat's not weird
20:49.03dankolbThat's normaly behaviour if you use the wrong protocol
20:49.26dankolbIMPS/2 is the wheel mouse, though, isn't it?
20:49.30dankolbNot just a 3-button mouse
20:49.58pdrbut if there's a scrolly mouse plugged in, the touchpad is quite fine talking that protocol too
20:50.03dankolbYeah. So it's the wrong protocol
20:50.08pdrso i can use both
20:50.30pdrbut if there's no scrolly mouse plugged in, the touchpad refuses to work with the extended proto
20:51.30pdrthat seems a bit weird to me
20:53.22pdrespecially since i thougght that the imps/2 proto was downard compatible with ps/2 proto too... hmmm.
21:12.12Resudaed_Awaybrb, leaving gnome, starting kde :)
21:12.15*** part/#gllug Resudaed_Away (
21:13.54skuggsomebody change topic? it's a bit missleading :)
21:15.16*** join/#gllug resudaed (
21:15.34resudaedah, a much nicer interface :-)
21:16.02Resudaed+ I know where everything is
21:16.30*** join/#gllug resudaed (
21:19.55dankolbI'm going to reconnect
21:20.22*** join/#gllug zimm (
21:20.38resudaedevening zimm
21:20.46zimmevening .
21:21.27*** join/#gllug dankolb (~dankolb@
21:22.01Resudaedwb dan
21:24.14zimmResudaed: any progress on that 386 ?
21:24.33Resudaednot yet, about to get back in to it
21:27.01*** join/#gllug unclex (
21:27.20unclexbad luck formi
21:28.16formiand i have just lost the ticket deal
21:28.28formii'll have to phone the airline agency
21:29.01unclexthat was it
21:29.29formioh yeah
21:29.47formii have use it in the past but i don't really like it
21:30.39formiim going to switch to andres computer, back in a moment
21:31.33unclexwe need to get that adsl connection to you house in the new year
21:32.01formidont really need it
21:32.39unclexI just need to put the ant up
21:33.00unclexbecome another free2air
21:38.40skuggare my questions that terminally stupid?
21:38.47dankolbDepends what sort of questions you ask
21:39.11skuggi asked this:
21:39.19skuggif i have an inode, and want to, say, truncate the file to half its size... can i just lock the inode, set ->i_size /= 2; unlock the inode and call iput()?
21:39.24*** join/#gllug its-formi (
21:39.48dankolbAh. Don't know. Maybe they don't know the answer :)
21:40.04*** join/#gllug Jenson (
21:40.22skugghardly. riel and wli are there, and were discussing things just before.
21:40.28JensonHi skugg
21:40.40skugghi jenson
21:41.07*** mode/#gllug [+o highbury] by ChanServ
21:41.25JensonCan you really be bothered skugg
21:42.02*** topic/#gllug by highbury -> GLLUG - Greater London Linux User Group,
21:42.20JensonI was going to point that out highbury, well done.
21:43.43skuggJenson, that's why i'm contemplating it :P
21:44.01skuggif i knew whether i could be bothered i wouldn't think about it
21:44.12murbit is cold outside.
21:44.17JensonYeah good point
21:44.19JensonHi murb
21:44.24murbit is cold inside as well.
21:44.25dankolbHi Jenson
21:44.25JensonBloody freezing more like
21:44.26skuggmurb, it is.
21:44.35JensonHey dankolb
21:44.36its-formiis there any news about the next meeting?
21:44.36highburymost people should understand that time wraps round, so it wasn't strictly incorrect
21:44.50JensonWell yeah highbury
21:45.14dankolbits-formi: 18th Jan, apparently
21:45.29JensonI really do hope to be there
21:45.36skugghighbury, bah. surely there's a meeting planned before 7th Dec 2003?
21:45.56dankolbJenson: You'd better be :-P
21:46.06murbwhat a meeting more oftern than once every 3 months?
21:46.19dankolbYes. There was one last month. And the month before
21:46.34murbdankolb: but it didn't count 'cos i wasn't there.
21:46.38skuggmurb, it's so us pooor geeks can get out a bit more
21:47.19skuggi personally don't like going out on saturdays though, to much people out
21:47.29skuggmuch prefer earlier in the week
21:47.39dankolbA Gllug on Tuesday afternoons?
21:47.59skuggdankolb, nah. in my dreams only. with the talks etc it's not going to happen
21:48.14its-formiit depends on how warped you are 8-)
21:48.36dankolbObviously :)
21:50.06skuggi believe some people travel quite a bit to get there, so it wouldn't be too popular to change it to a different day
21:50.33skuggdamn. i'll go to the shop. got incredibly peckish suddenly
21:50.34dankolbYeah. It takes me about an hour, give or take a bit
21:50.47skuggdankolb, same here. i live in north wembley
21:50.47murbskugg: well quite a few people go to lonix.
21:51.02dankolbI'm feeling a bit hungry too.
21:51.07dankolbMust not think about it
21:51.15JensonWhy has my decided to come in here to hoover whilst I'm here lol
21:51.39dankolbTo see who's talking to you
21:51.39skuggmurb, yeah, but imagine squeezing in 5-6 hours talks after work and before the pubs shut...
21:51.46Jensonlol dankolb
21:51.57murbskugg: some move to somwhere were the pubs don't close so early.
21:51.58Resudaedevennig Jenson
21:52.10dankolbYeah. Have the meetings in Scotland :)
21:52.19JensonHe thinks the coating of dut I've been cultivating on the plugs for the last 2 years is a fire risk....I never should have started talking about firerisk
21:52.22JensonHey Resudaed
21:52.45Resudaedit would seem the W3C is trying to force people into using CSS
21:53.12skuggResudaed, not force, but forcefully suggest :)
21:53.21dankolbbwah. I don't want to learn CSS
21:53.22Resudaedno, outright force :-)
21:53.36ResudaedI know CSS, but it should be an optional extra, not a requirement
21:53.48JensonWhy am I still here when 3 others got booted out?
21:53.56skuggResudaed, you don't have too. only if you want the features it offers.
21:54.05*** join/#gllug its-formi ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:54.12skuggJenson, who got booted out?
21:54.14dankolbBecause you're on a different server
21:54.14its-formibloody xp
21:54.23JensonNo dankolb same server
21:54.37its-formii was bocking a flight and the bloody thing goes into hybernation mode
21:54.48dankolbSure? It was calvino.freenode splitting from the rest of the network
21:54.53Resudaedok, in the IMG tag, to remove border sometimes added by most browsers, you would use <IMG ... BORDER="0"
21:54.59JensonYeah dankolb I'm on that server
21:55.02dankolbYes, Resudaed
21:55.19Resudaedborder has been taken out of the 4.01 specifcations and is no-longer valid html
21:55.48dankolbScrewing up my nicely learned HTML
21:56.01Resudaedmost browsers would still obey it, but you cannot call you html valid 4.01
21:56.16dankolbibot insult people who screw up the HTML spec
21:56.39skuggsurely they're not changing the already defined standards, but taking it out of the new, updated standard?
21:56.40Resudaedthe only way round it is by using CSS
21:57.01*** join/#gllug highbury ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:57.01*** join/#gllug its-formi (
21:57.01*** join/#gllug unclex ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:57.01*** mode/#gllug [+o highbury] by
21:57.26ResudaedI think it's still in the old standards, but 4.01 is now pretty much main stream
21:57.46skuggResudaed, as it should be. separate presentation from content. that you don't want borders around your pictures is part of the presentation and belongs in css.
21:58.06skuggResudaed, html is dead anyway. use XHTML
21:58.14Resudaedso you reckon next they shouold take out the FTON tag?
21:58.29skuggResudaed, definately.
21:58.37skugg(isn't it out already?)
21:58.46dankolbHTML is dead. Long live HTML
21:58.52Resudaedno idea, I favour CSS for fonts :-)
21:59.09Resudaeddankolb, was that not a contradiction?
21:59.15JensonDon't kill HTML I can just about manage it lol
21:59.39dankolbThe King is dead. Long live the Kingl
21:59.57Resudaedold skool
22:00.28JensonAlthough I still know more HTML than anyone I know
22:00.33JensonI'm just bloody lazy and stupid
22:01.29*** join/#gllug andhw2 (
22:01.30Resudaedthat's a very long url, but should work
22:02.03JensonYeah it did
22:02.11Resudaedsorry :-)
22:03.16JensonWell it only found 10 errors.......Nice to know Microsoft writes good accurate preograms
22:03.42skuggJenson, *cough*
22:04.06dankolbAnd you write good accurate English here, Jenson
22:04.17Jensondankolb: amen to fucking my english up
22:05.15JensonYay I have another site with 77 errors
22:05.42Resudaedfor a luagh, microsofts site had a few ...
22:05.51JensonAnd another with 43
22:05.58Resudaedno doctype so I ran it through as both HTML and XHTML
22:06.24JensonOh and another with 36 and there is like nothing on that one.
22:07.05ResudaedHTML had 137 errors, XHTML had 538 (guessing they were using HTML)
22:07.20Resudaedthat's the example bill gates has set the world
22:10.43Resudaedwb formi
22:10.46Resudaedsort of
22:11.27Resudaeddoes anyone have a spare spacer (1x1 transparant gif)??
22:12.28ResudaedI would do, but all I want is a 1 pixel gif, hardly worth installing the gimp for
22:13.24its-formii do have one
22:13.26dankolbAh right
22:13.49its-formibut you will have to wait a bit
22:14.03its-formii have to get back to my boxen
22:14.28*** part/#gllug its-formi (
22:21.31*** join/#gllug formi (
22:21.37Jensonwb formi
22:21.55formiresudaed how do you want it?
22:22.31Jensonupside down, sideways, spoonfed?
22:23.19Resudaednot bothered, a uri will do
22:23.33formilet me upload i
22:23.39*** join/#gllug zachary (
22:23.40Resudaedthanks formi
22:23.59zacharygood evening
22:24.05Jensonhey zachary
22:24.10dankolbHi zachary
22:24.26Resudaedevening zachary
22:26.27zacharyanyone know when the next lonix meeting is
22:26.39formimissing the beer?
22:27.12zacharyAt least decent beer. :-)
22:27.58Resudaedthanks formi
22:28.07formido you have it/
22:28.13Resudaednearlly ...
22:28.30formibecause I can't see it, too small probably
22:30.35Resudaedgot it
22:31.25Resudaedperfect, thanks
22:31.44Resudaedit's 43 bytes small
22:32.08Resudaed42 of those are probably the file header :)
22:32.21formihex it
22:32.41ResudaedI would do, but I havn't really got time
22:33.25JensonResudaed: Is another member of your family a programmer or a sys admin or anything coz you must have learnt all this from somewehre
22:33.57dankolbYou can learn things without other family members
22:34.17formiinterfiering with you
22:34.36ResudaedJenson, nope, I've been learning things my way for 2 years, still not that much learnt though
22:35.31JensonResudaed: I learnt to use Windows at an above average level and then I stopped learning. Now I'm clever than the average user and stupid compared to the geeks so I'm kind of stuck in the middle
22:36.03ResudaedI still no very little compared to most of the people even in this room
22:36.12dankolbI often feel that way too.
22:36.26dankolbBut we all know something more than others
22:36.27JensonI always feel that way when I'm herwe
22:36.39Resudaedmost of my questions end up being answered by man pages :-)
22:36.48JensonAnd if I take my feet of the ddesk I might be able to reach the keyboard to type properly
22:37.13JensonMost of my questions get answered by Leeds.
22:37.21dankolbResudaed: That might be true
22:37.41JensonAlthough I'm not trying to do anything clever with Slack anymore....just playing KDE Patience and KBall
22:37.45dankolbBut it's nicer asking someone else
22:38.01JensonAnd asking is an excuse to be here
22:38.16dankolbRather than just enjoying the company?
22:38.41JensonNo I meant an excuse to parents if they ask
22:38.46JensonMind you they've given up now.
22:39.01dankolbRather than, talking to friends?
22:39.01JensonMy mother didn't even say anything about me going to bed at 1:45 last night
22:39.04Jensonthey seem to have grown out of it
22:39.17dankolbWas she up at that time still?
22:39.36JensonNo, she saw the lights on, she probably was awake...she doesn't always sleep well
22:40.06Resudaedjenson, you using slack in the first place, that put's you *way* above the everage windows user
22:40.19JensonI'm not quite using it.
22:40.29Resudaedplaying games on kde is using it
22:40.34formimissusing it
22:40.40JensonWell yeah formi
22:40.49JensonI misuse Windows and DOS on a regular basis
22:40.51JensonLike right now
22:40.52Resudaed:-) formi doesn't like games, too much fun
22:41.15JensonI'm glad that I've got a different error message on my FD now
22:41.17Resudaedthe biggest misuse of windows/dos is installing it
22:41.19formiwell im actually downloading sinclear emulators
22:41.20JensonI got bored of the old one.
22:41.31formianybody got any games?
22:41.50Resudaedmoonbuggy rocks
22:41.56JensonThe message I like the best today was 'Can't access (filename) Don't know why, sorry'
22:42.02Resudaedseriously simpl, and even more addictive
22:42.05formiwhere do i get them?
22:42.33formiare they free?
22:42.46Resudaeddepends on how much game you want
22:42.50formior do i have to get cracked stuff?
22:43.14Resudaedsimple ones are free
22:43.28JensonI finally have over 1MB of Notepad files....I really musn't save so much crap in Notepad
22:43.44Resudaedbeyond that, you are limited to those that have been ported
22:44.09ResudaedJenson, I used to have individual notepad files over 1MB
22:44.16formiany good site to have a peak at?
22:44.44Resudaedformi, not off the top of my head, but just search for linux games, or try sourceforge
22:45.04highburyJenson: I'd strongly recommend "Net Snippets" to store info
22:45.14highburyunfortunately its only a windows app
22:45.23Jensonhighbury: Most of what I've stored I don't need.
22:45.28JensonI'm using Win
22:45.50dankolbhighbury: Runs under Wine
22:46.07JensonAll I can do with Slack is play games.....I see that as a good alternative to bothering to make it work properly for at least a few days <g>
22:46.23JensonYeah dankolb but you need to have Wine then.
22:46.28highburycool, unfortunately it doesn't integrate with Mozilla, its only an IE plugin
22:46.28dankolbEasy to install
22:46.44dankolbGames are the best way of playing with a new OS
22:46.59highburyMy Brother is their Marketting Director
22:47.01zimmgltron rocks !
22:47.36JensonGames was what I did when I first met Win (and DOS a little later when Doom was released), and when I first met Mac OS 10 so it makes sense
22:48.11formithe last game appart from nibbles on my phone that i played was quake 1
22:48.36JensonI like quake 1
22:48.50JensonAltohugh neither of my win machines run it properly anymore
22:49.15formiand that was way back
22:51.22JensonShit why can't I find that CD I wrote for someone yesterday
22:51.46Resudaedbecause you're extremely disorganised like the rest of us
22:51.59JensonCould be that
22:52.04JensonIt was on the CD rack lol
22:52.32ResudaedI need inspiration for my site content, can't think of anything to put up :-)
22:52.53JensonYou can inspire yourself from my sites if I give you the URLs
22:53.52Resudaedinspiration would be a good thing, yet again I have created a great framwork for a site, but have no content
22:54.10Jensonnot much on there
22:54.22Jensonmy old personal site
22:54.41Jensonanother old personal site
22:55.04Jensonmy homepage on whcih i need to sort out the graphics
22:55.21JensonI'm sure there are others too but I've forgotten the,
22:56.24*** join/#gllug zimm (
22:56.54Jensonwb zimm mate
22:57.42JensonYou have broadband?
22:57.58zimm128k , when it feels like it
22:58.26JensonI get 48k when my dialup feels like it so broadband is an improvemtn on that
22:58.35JensonWhy didn't you get 128k ISDN?
22:58.58zimmits noyt my house .. the landlord already had cable TV
22:59.02dankolbISDN is expensive
22:59.17Resudaedwhen I'm earning, I'm looking at T3
22:59.55dankolbzimm: Definitely
23:00.16zimmjust stupid uni admin to put up with ..
23:00.17JensonI want cable
23:00.27Jenson500kb nice
23:00.37zimmheh .. we used to get triple that ,,
23:00.47JensonI was pleased when I got BT dialup that sometimes manages 7k
23:01.04JensonI usually get 3 or 4k mind you
23:01.15dankolbWe had 10Mbit in rooms, but I had a firewall that limited to about 6Mbit
23:01.16JensonHaven't got 7k for a long long time
23:01.44ResudaedI am happy when BY reaches 61.8k (only in the early hours of the morning)
23:01.59zimmdankolb: which Uni ?
23:02.24JensonYou went to Oxford?
23:02.35dankolbI did
23:02.53zimmOxford told me to piss off !
23:03.33Resudaed:-) jenson
23:04.10JensonI have a mate who should get into Cambridge......she hates the idea of Oxford mind you.....she's the only clever one among us.
23:04.23dankolbYeah, well, the less said about the Tabs, the better
23:04.32JensonYou'd like her dankolb she speaks English properly
23:04.50dankolbMost people do
23:05.22Resudaedand damn proud
23:05.40skuggnever tried it before
23:05.52ResudaedI don't even know what it is
23:06.04JensonI used to speak English properly, but the internet and chat and spellchckers corrupeted me
23:06.13skuggResudaed, i heard about it from leeds (i think) not long ago
23:06.25zimmwhen you start "saying" LOL ,, its time to quit
23:06.36Resudaedskugg, what is it ? :)
23:06.50JensonI used to say it zimm.....for quite a while and then I stopped thank god
23:07.04*** join/#gllug SpudUAway (
23:07.12Resudaedevening spud
23:07.19Jensoni'll take you up on that at a meet sometime dankolb
23:07.22JensonHey spud
23:07.27dankolbYou're on
23:07.39SpudUAwayHi guys.
23:08.02dankolbHi SpudULike
23:08.12zacharyhi SpudULike
23:09.11SpudULikeDamn, I always miss the best bits.  I have to ask - on what - "<Jenson> i'll take you up on that at a meet sometime dankolb"!
23:09.20skuggResudaed, it's a text-based dungeon game :)
23:09.30dankolbSpudULike: Speech
23:09.36dankolbOr rather, speech impediments
23:09.53JensonSpudULike: I challenged him that I can speak in a more common accent that what he can
23:09.57JensonAnd he knows I can
23:10.03JensonAfterall he went to Oxford
23:10.42Resudaedwhy the hell was that /me
23:11.29JensonGod knows Resudaed
23:11.48Resudaedthe heating's on too high in here, is affecting me
23:12.22SpudULikedank and Jenson - I suppose that really comes down to your definition of common, don't it guv'?
23:12.39ResudaedI can't typ proprly anyor jnson
23:12.59dankolbIt do
23:13.02Jensonlol SpudULike I'm more common than him
23:13.10dankolb# Common people
23:13.16JensonTry all ya like dankolb aint gonna work mate
23:17.38JensonWell Tarragon trust you not to be scared of me :P
23:17.44JensonAnd good evening
23:18.01formii shall not comment
23:18.54Resudaedtyping with toung and without thos buttons is vry difficult
23:19.40Jensonwell I'm not going to stop you using your tounge Resudaed coz I can't think of a good way to do that
23:19.54dankolbDuct tape his mouth shut
23:20.09ResudaedJenson, you never heard of gagging someone?
23:20.22JensonYeah, actually
23:20.28JensonBut it didn't occur to me
23:20.58formiso you haven't done it?
23:21.21formigood girl
23:21.46Tarragonzimm: Google - copy and paste
23:21.54JensonBy not chatting zimm
23:21.55zimmTarragon: aye :-)
23:22.09*** join/#gllug dankolb_ (
23:22.38dankolb_Always when the conversation gets interesting.
23:22.41dankolb_Bloody disconnects
23:22.48zimmJenson: im currently watching one of the two films i have to review
23:23.01JensonAnd chatting
23:23.04TarragonWhat are the two films?
23:23.08zimmwell , yeh , that too
23:23.11JensonHow old are you anyway zimm?
23:23.36zimmTarragon: "A matter of life and death" (1947 starts david niven) , and the matrix
23:23.43zimmJenson: 24
23:24.09JensonDamn that still makes me one of the youngest
23:24.20formiwell guys
23:24.21dankolb_The baby of the channel
23:24.29Jensonbaby lol
23:24.29formiim disconnecting
23:24.34Jensonbabe more like.....just kidding
23:24.36zimmJenson: how old are you then ?
23:24.36dankolb_C'ya formi
23:24.39JensonSee ya formi
23:24.42Jenson18 zimm
23:24.44formiroot@dp:~# uptime
23:24.45dankolb_Token babe
23:24.47TarragonA matter of life and death - very moving is that the one with the stairway at the end?
23:24.49zimmlaters formi
23:24.54formienough is enough
23:24.57Resudaedzimm, she's even younger than me :-)
23:25.00zimmTarragon: yup , thats the one
23:25.06Resudaednight formi
23:25.14formigood night
23:25.18JensonYeah Resudaed but we don't have to tell everyone that
23:25.59Resudaedzimm is everyone ??
23:26.16JensonNo not everyone, just everyone who was looking
23:27.09JensonWell it's time for me to get going.
23:27.14Resudaed:-) sry jenson, didn't mean to cause offence
23:27.17TarragonA matter of life and death(amolad) forerunner of TV's Quantum Leap"
23:27.32JensonResudaed: Don't worry, you didn't
23:27.39TarragonPast your bedtime young 'uns
23:28.11JensonTarragon: No not really
23:28.28JensonAh you going to sleep tonight Tarragon?
23:28.50TarragonYes you have school in th emorning and you know how you are aways grumpy if you don't get all your sleep.
23:29.03JensonI got out of bed at 12:15 today
23:29.06JensonI'm not tired
23:29.17JensonMind you I did go to bed at about 2am the ladt 3 days
23:29.42TarragonNo - Working. Here or using a Mac all night
23:29.56JensonWhat did happen zimm?
23:30.10JensonTarragon: At least you can work at times when no-one pisses you off.
23:30.20zimmJenson: i have no idea ,, but it involved alcohol , a mobile phone and a smoke ..
23:30.36Tarragonzimm: in amolad is conductor 71 a forerunner of Al in quantum leap?
23:30.43Jensonzimm: Best to try and find out methinks
23:31.28zimmTarragon: kinda , if you want to exlore the quantum leap link ..
23:31.29TarragonAh no-one normal admittedly. Still get occasional call from overseas.
23:31.41JensonBetter go before BT disconnects me
23:31.50JensonNo-one normal...that wouldn't include us lot then
23:31.53TarragonYour essays - just trying to think of padding
23:31.58JensonSee ya tomorrow guys
23:32.03zimmlaters Jenson
23:32.06dankolb_C'ya Jenson
23:32.19Jensonlater zimm
23:32.24Jensonlater Tarragon
23:32.30zimmTarragon: padding i can do ,, its starting the damn things i have trouble wiith
23:32.44*** part/#gllug Jenson (
23:33.15zimmhave to try and relate it all to palto too , which makes it trickier
23:38.00Resudaedanother HTML 4.01 change, there is no attribute called 'width' or 'height' in TD
23:38.40dankolb_They're screwing up HTML
23:39.35Resudaed(that was line 16)
23:39.50skuggdamn, is that arachnaphobia on bbc1?
23:40.40Resudaedunless there is some major error in the above line 16, HTML is now well and truley screwed up
23:40.40skuggi cannot come up with anything i despise more :/
23:40.52dankolb_Resudaed: It's screwed up
23:41.03dankolb_skugg: People who attach Word .DOCs to emails?
23:41.12Resudaedthat line is fin isn't it, it's not just my coding
23:41.43dankolb_Looks fine to me
23:41.47dankolb_Use the HTML 3.2 spec
23:41.49skuggdankolb_, no. i can filter them out with procmail. procmail doesn't support filtering out spiders yet
23:43.27TarragonWhy relate the films to Plato?
23:44.45zimmTarragon: lol , cos im doing a philosophy degree
23:45.15dankolb_I have a friend who's doing Philosophy
23:45.44Resudaedalmost everything I know as HTML has been deprected in to CSS
23:45.45dankolb_Where are you doing phil?
23:46.00skuggdamn. my tv remote just called it a day.
23:46.02zimmdankolb_: lol , greenwich .. (dont laugh)
23:46.17skuggno more teletext then i guess.
23:46.19dankolb_Ah. Okay :)
23:46.26dankolb_skugg: But there's 8 minutes left of the dat
23:46.42dankolb_zimm: Friend who's doing phil is at UCL
23:46.57zimmdankolb_: cool ,  
23:47.09skuggdankolb_, yep. it refuses to work though. i've tried changing the batteries etc, but to no avail
23:47.33zimmdankolb_: I was at keele last year ,, but transferred cos the course was shit , and Stoke On Trent isnt the most inspiring of places
23:47.51skuggwhat's even worse is that the buttons on the actual tv to change channels are broken as well... have to poke into the tv with a screwdriver to change channels
23:48.01skuggnot good
23:48.24dankolb_As long as it's not tuned to ITV, you should be able to cope
23:48.59skuggwhat's to watch on itv? star trek is on bbc2, that's about the only thing i watch...
23:49.09skuggand simpsons
23:49.14dankolb_That's what I meant.
23:49.20dankolb_As long as it's *not* tuned to ITV
23:49.27skuggah, i see
23:49.28dankolb_Oh, and Enterprise is on Ch4
23:50.12dankolb_Maybe they have them at Reading University
23:50.29skuggall time low here now :P
23:50.39zimmthe oxford wit strikes again
23:50.43dankolb_No no. That's when Jenson's here
23:50.51dankolb_I just give the bad jokes
23:51.17dankolb_I have the best to learn from
23:58.25zimmanyone on ext3 ? and if so ,, which mode gets the vote ? ordered ? journal ? writeback ?
23:59.20skuggzimm, i'm on ext3. i'm using whatever is the default mode when created with -j :P
23:59.22dankolb_Yes, and don't know
23:59.28dankolb_wot skugg sed
23:59.36zimmheh , fairy nuff
23:59.43zimmordered is default
23:59.52skuggi see.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.