irclog2html for #gllug on 20030401

00:00.28Leedshighbury: really?  my mum didn't mention that while enthusing about the cute pictures :-)
00:00.31formiaccepts pentiums as well, wierd memory type probably
00:00.39Stephenyer, I'll keep looking, my parents will probably kill me whe the find out I now have 2 Sun machines and now possibly another i386 too
00:01.29resuDaedthen run chroot to hdd and run lilo ... shout run ok
00:01.37formiLeeds: some day you could take a few pics of your flat, and post them
00:01.51Leedsformi: no room for a camera
00:02.03formihighbury: that's was not nice
00:02.16resuDaedhighbury : what a waste
00:02.21Jensonhighbury: evil
00:02.37resuDaedhighbury : I would have found it a home
00:02.46resuDaedeven as a diskless workstation
00:03.12JensonresuDaed: I found two 186s a home in the corner of my room until my mother forced me to dump them
00:03.35formii have a few 8088 chips somewhere
00:04.10resuDaedok, I have to boot knoppix now (my hdd is fscked), be back (hopefully) in a couple of mins
00:05.40Stephenhmm, I'll have to look for an IT job next year, probably going to be harder than hell
00:06.01JensonI would look, if I had anything worth offering
00:06.27resuDaedok, rebooting now
00:06.33LeedsStephen: graduating?  doing comp. sci. or similar?
00:06.43Stephenhopefully by the end of next year brookes will have taught me something worth offering
00:06.49StephenLeeds: industrial placement year
00:07.35highburyresuDaed: it was dead
00:07.48JensonI wanna go to uni, but at the same time I'm usually too depressed to care
00:07.50StephenLeeds: and yes, Computing Science at Oxford Brookes
00:08.37Leedsah, Oxford Poly
00:08.43Jensongodness...wouldnt lordship be a better word
00:08.48StephenLeeds: indeed
00:10.07LeedsStephen: good luck... you'll need it...
00:11.07StephenLeeds: exactly, but hopefully the linux stuff I've done will make me a bit more attractive to employers
00:11.23Leedsoh, you'll be attractive as a monkey, paid peanuts...
00:13.01Leedsdepends on what kind of things you're after...
00:13.16StephenLeeds: by the sound of things, anything
00:13.34Leedsmine was a "get your degree, get out
00:13.39Leeds" sort of course
00:14.07JensonStephen: I might work as a volunteer IT tech at a primary school, but I'm paid to be a fscking cleaner
00:14.21*** join/#gllug resuDaed (
00:14.44resuDaedgrrr, ah well ... knoppix booted ok anyway
00:14.47Jensonwb resuDaed
00:15.09resuDaedjust doesn't have bitchx, will have to make do with xchat
00:15.20Jensonxchat is better than bitchx
00:15.25StephenJenson: I'm working as a volunteer sysadmin atm, as it's something I can actually put down on my cv when I get around to writing one
00:15.35resuDaedmatter of opinion
00:15.53resuDaedI tend to ssh in to my system a lot, xchat doesn't work then
00:16.22JensonStephen: I spend most of my time sorting out the fscking printer coz people dont know how to get it to load paper when it runs out. One little button ffs
00:16.29JensonresuDaed: I use irssi for ssh
00:16.48resuDaedeye69: you still there?
00:16.53StephenJenson: been there, done that, couldn't wait to get out
00:16.54Jensoni hada CV...until I killed my system
00:17.03eye69resuDaed: Yep.
00:17.19resuDaedJenson: using either irssi or bitchx is a matter of preference ... pretty similar in functionality
00:17.35resuDaedeye69: : you would reckon copying accross then
00:17.39resuDaed(as in cp)
00:17.47JensonresuDaed: Yeh, except in BitchX i send my /msgs to the wrong ppl by accident
00:17.55eye69Yeah, provided you don't want to reinstall.
00:18.13resuDaedI like this set up :-)
00:18.28formiresuDaed: ever tried, xchat-text ?
00:18.38resuDaedformi: no
00:18.40formior epic4?
00:19.00formiwell i recommend you give it a go
00:19.03eye69I ran epic4 with Lice until about 1.5yrs ago.
00:19.16eye69Changed to irssi...I'm not looking back...
00:19.23JensonTime for sleep
00:19.42Jensonnight Leeds
00:19.48Leedsnight all, Jenson
00:19.49resuDaednight Jenson
00:19.54Jensonnight resuDaed
00:20.03Leedsnight jim-bob
00:20.11*** part/#gllug Jenson (
00:21.01formijim-bod ?
00:21.13formijim-bob ?
00:24.11highburyWalton's reference
00:24.50resuDaedok, I have writeen my parition table, will now need to reboot, brb
00:25.58formioff to bed
00:26.12formiwherever that is
00:26.16formigood night
00:29.06*** join/#gllug resuDaed (
00:31.17resuDaedeye69: what flags would I need for cp?
00:31.28eye69Are you currently running the machine?
00:31.38resuDaedam running knoppix
00:31.42eye69Ok, good.
00:31.58eye69Just 'cp -a'
00:32.08resuDaedand R?
00:32.14eye69Just -a
00:32.30resuDaedand v :-)
00:32.36resuDaed(so I know it works)
00:42.20*** join/#gllug resuDaed (
00:44.33resuDaedits copying atm, I just got confused with some mounting
00:45.22eye69You remembered to make the swap partition, right? :)
00:47.36resuDaedhdd1 = 15GB : /, hdd2 = 20GB : /home, hdd3 = 5GB : swap (overkill I know, but I just got lazy and filled my disk)
00:50.12resuDaedafter I am finished copying, am I right in thinking that I should update fstab, chroot into hdd ... run lilo ... reboot w/out old hdd and all will work (hopefully)
00:52.25eye69Uhm...Linux doesn't use more than 2GB swap anyway...
00:52.44eye69Yeah, that should work.
00:52.52resuDaedeye69: I know, but like I said, I got lazy in my fdisking
00:53.07eye69Run 'mkswap' on the swap partition
00:53.14resuDaedah yes
00:56.27resuDaeddidn't know there were quite so many files on this box
01:02.43resuDaedeye69: if you are still up, you may as well go to bed, this will take a while, I think I can finish it from here
01:03.01eye69Can't sleep yet :)
01:03.13eye69Listening to Soilwork and taking it easy
01:10.53resuDaedah ok, I am just copying mp3s
01:11.04resuDaedshould be a bit quicker, bigger files, but less of them
01:11.43resuDaed(I am getting the feeling that verbosing the output of cp is slowing the speed of copying)
01:12.25resuDaedboth hdds are running ATA133 with DMA enabled
01:12.59resuDaedprocessor and ram usage are not peaking
01:13.06resuDaedis going ok
01:24.23*** join/#gllug knoppix_ (
01:25.00resuDaeda screenfull of DMA errors writing to hdd2
01:25.12StephenresuDaed: that's caught me out a couple of times too (the knoppix thing)
01:25.12resuDaedah well, got enough accross anyway
01:25.34highburythe trouble is that running the command in verbose mode, will hide any errors
01:25.45resuDaedStephen: :-) what annoys me is having to write out the server details
01:25.53resuDaedhighbury: it was a h/ware problem
01:26.25resuDaedon a very low level, the disk decided to misbehave
01:26.40highburypersonally I always prefer to copy partitions with tar
01:26.58resuDaedanyway, I am just finalising the mbr/fstab etc, then hopefully should boot
01:27.17highburybut that's mostly a hangover from not having access to GNU cp
01:27.22resuDaeddoes anyone know the root pwd for knoppix?
01:27.31highburythere isn't one!
01:27.39resuDaedthen how come I cannot su ?
01:27.43highburyyou just "sudo su -"
01:27.49resuDaedah :-)
01:28.04highburyor you bring up a root window from the start bar
01:28.18resuDaedI don't use kde much (as yo
01:28.23highburyor you CTL-ALT-F1
01:28.24resuDaedyou can probably tell)
01:29.02highburyits on the specifc Knoppix menu item, on which ever Window manager you've booted to
01:29.46eye69resuDaed: Do a fresh install when you get the time.
01:29.55resuDaedeye69: I will
01:32.51resuDaedok, now attempting the final reboot
01:42.25highburywow! just seen the best 401 permission denied messages, it'll prompt you for password, which obviously you'll then select cancel, but then watch in awe!
01:42.27*** join/#gllug resuDaed (
01:42.32resuDaed:( no boot
01:43.08resuDaedLI 01 (followed by lots more 01s)
01:44.00resuDaedam trying again
01:44.06eye69highbury: Heh, cool.
01:46.34*** join/#gllug root (
01:46.57resuDaedgrrr, any ideas why I cannot boot?
01:47.53resuDaedanyone still here?
01:48.11eye69Does knoppix provide grub by any chance?
01:48.15highburyI'm here, but I haven't  been keeping up with your config / predicament
01:48.38eye69Check if you have /usr/lib/grub
01:48.41highburywhat distro are you trying to boot
01:49.08resuDaedhighbury, I have copied data from 1 hdd to other, used lilo to write mbr ... it writes 'ok', but upon reboot, does not run
01:49.41eye69It would be very easy to boot that with Grub, provided that you have a floppydisk
01:49.42resuDaedeye69: I do
01:49.58resuDaed(have grub and a floppy disk)
01:50.07eye69Put in the floppy
01:50.12eye69Is it dos formatted?
01:50.20resuDaed1 sec, have to find laptop case first
01:50.27resuDaedprobably, never used it
01:51.35highburyhow many disks, how many partitions on them, what is contents of lilo.conf
01:53.27resuDaedhighbury, 1 disk (40GB), 2 partitons, root(15GB), home(20GB) ... lilo boots memtest or /boot/vmLinuz on hda1
01:53.45eye69Found a disk?
01:54.25resuDaedeye69: yes, and its in
01:54.28resuDaedand mounted
01:54.46eye69Ok, 'mkdir -p /floppy/boot/grub'
01:55.14eye69'cp /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/* /floppy/boot/grub'
01:55.21eye69'umount /floppy'
01:55.36eye69In grub: run 'root (fd0)'
01:55.43eye69'setup (fd0)'
01:56.44eye69Then 'quit'
01:56.52eye69Then you should be able to reboot on the floppy
01:57.09eye69Actually... 'mount /floppy' again
01:57.22eye69Then 'vi /floppy/boot/grub/menu.lst'
01:57.28eye69Put this in the file:
01:57.31eye69timeout 10
01:57.41eye69title Debian
01:58.00eye69root (hd0,0)
01:58.26eye69kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.18-bf2.4 root=/dev/hda1
01:58.44eye69Save the file, and then you should be able to reboot
01:59.13highburyactually, its getting a bit late for me, I'll leave you in eye69's capable hands, night
01:59.22eye69G'night highbury
01:59.27eye69highbury: Congrats btw
02:00.03eye69Yeah, he got married, didn't he?
02:00.31resuDaeddidn't know (be d/c for a while)
02:00.39resuDaedcongrats highbury
02:00.53eye69resuDaed: You'll like grub :)
02:01.20eye69resuDaed: If you don't make the menu.lst file you can just type the commands are the prompt, and as such boot any machine with one floppy
02:01.35resuDaedvmlinuz all lower case?
02:01.48eye69Depends on what the filename is
02:02.45resuDaedjust vmlinuz (no kernel version)
02:03.11eye69Whatever the filename is...
02:03.31eye69I think it's usually vmlinuz-2.4.18-bf2.4
02:03.35resuDaedok, rebooting
02:16.49*** join/#gllug resuDaed_ (
02:17.08resuDaedI have my own box back at least
02:17.18resuDaedif not a slightly confused boot up
02:18.14resuDaed(I messed up the menu.lst file, and attempted to boot maually, forgetting to set root= on the kernel command, and got the error message 'I Want To Scream'
02:19.33eye69The grub boot prompt even has tab completion :)
02:20.07resuDaedI noticed ... very cool
02:20.15eye69I haven't run lilo for some time...grub is awesome
02:21.01resuDaedall of a sudden, I seem to have pam running though
02:21.02eye69There's always a grub bootdisk lying around too :)
02:22.05resuDaedbut my df looks much better ... 9.7GB free on / and 11GB free on home
02:23.07eye69Just should it you want me to fixup a kernel config
02:23.27resuDaedsay again?
02:23.36eye69I noticed nvidia has a new driver version out, with an installer
02:23.44resuDaedah, could eb useful
02:24.49resuDaedhow do you feel about having another hack over ssh?
02:25.02eye69I'm already in : )
02:26.34resuDaeddid you get the error about modules.conf and its timestamp?
02:27.31resuDaedapparantly it complains about modules.conf being more recent than modules.dep
02:28.29eye69That'll be fixed when the new kernel is installed.
02:28.51eye69I don't actually need sudo...easy to become root without it :)
02:29.13eye69There's an exploit in the kernel
02:29.33resuDaedlol ... serious?
02:29.43eye69All 2.2 and 2.4 kernels
02:29.55eye69I'm patching it in this version
02:30.01resuDaedouch, this can be exploited by any user?
02:30.17eye69Yes, very easily.
02:31.18resuDaedis that you running su?
02:31.38eye69Yeah. Run './ptrace' from your homedir now.
02:31.47eye69As your user, that is.
02:32.51resuDaedyeah, I get the idea
02:33.24eye69A bit scary
02:33.29resuDaedjust a little
02:35.04resuDaedanyway, I must sleep
02:35.10resuDaedI have work :-(
02:35.34eye69I envy you
02:35.49resuDaedfor what, sleeping or working?
02:36.02resuDaedis industrial stuff
02:36.11resuDaedI work in a factory
02:36.58resuDaedanyway, I'll leave te box on ... so if you feel like carrying on for a while, feel free
02:37.12eye69Ok, speak to you tomorrow
02:37.15eye69Sleep tight
02:37.31resuDaedand thanks
02:37.36eye69No problem
02:40.43eye69IDE burner?
02:42.56resuDaedeye69 : yes
02:43.58resuDaedok, am gone now (was just hacking around dhcpd.conf quickly)
02:44.34resuDaedare you compiling a kernel?
02:44.42resuDaedor just patching?
02:45.03resuDaedwhich version?
02:45.14resuDaedah, ok
02:46.16resuDaedI am sshing in from my laptop, brb
07:17.25*** join/#gllug zachary (
07:19.26zacharygood morning
07:39.42murbno it isn't i didn't have time for breakfast due to not setting the clock on my gsm phone.
07:40.17murbI did however phone the boss man for an emergency pan au choloate, but it hasn't arrived yet.
08:20.42dpashhi all
08:24.57dpashhappy mailman day everyone
08:26.57murbmailman day has been delayed for 24 hours.
08:27.09murbfor essential maintance.
08:29.17dpashmine hasn't
08:33.46TarragonMine hasn't - Started getting the first through at 5:00:10
08:37.22TarragonLinux Expo in Birmingham has changes dates. On there web page although it says 15-16 April at the top of the page it says 24-26 June which is when the network show is also on. Hope people have not gone to too much expense. No official announcement yet.
08:39.14dpashTarragon: I didn't go to any expense, as I knew the event would never take place
08:50.11*** join/#gllug cup (
08:55.14dpashTarragon: do we know why it got cancelled?
08:56.55TarragonNo - I am only reading the website - of course it could be an April fool and I have fallen for it.
09:02.32*** join/#gllug nasrat (~paul@
09:06.18dpashhi paul
09:13.39*** join/#gllug steve (
09:23.40cupoh dear
09:26.33SpudULikeNot THE Chris Morris, Shirley?
09:33.12dpashSpudULike: I doubt it
09:36.33dpashoh dear, linux user expo is in it week for April
09:36.49dpashLinux User have not done well here
09:45.37stevesounds like weird programming language did what it said on the box with Dave's Brain :)
09:45.50stevewhat was that in English?
09:48.06SpudULike'IT Week' cleared it up for me, but I had to ask Tarragon!
09:48.25*** join/#gllug zachary (
09:48.42dpashyeah sorry, my shift key went on strike for a second there
09:52.14TarragonLinuxUser have now changed all their website to say  24-26 June :-(
09:53.09murbhad anyone expended money on attending at the old date?
09:56.12Tarragonmurb: Yes :-(
09:56.43dpashcan I ask what on?
09:56.53stevehang on.... you mean April 15-16 is now cancelled?
09:56.55dpashor is it secret trade secrets?
09:57.02dpashsteve: yes
09:57.35murbTarragon: didn't this happen with it last year or the year before when it ended up cancelled?
09:58.16stevealso didn't the London Conference part also get cancelled 2 years running?
09:59.17TarragonTrain tickets (Wanted to save money so booked ahead. Hotel (That I can cancel so no worries). Shipping of magazines, printing of leaflets, advertising, and more importantlt arranging time off from wife.
10:00.37TarragonYes it has been cancelled three times previously. First time cancelled by Sky events and moved date. Second time when Sky events went bust. Third time after Linux User took it over through lack of interest. Now fourth time.
10:00.44dpashTarragon: well the last one may work in your favour. Just tell her that you have decided to spend more time with her
10:01.15dpashjust don't mention the fact it has been canceled
10:01.36TarragonLondon Conference was cancelled away from Oly but all people for conference got breakfast and conference in hotel around the corner from IBM
10:02.15dpashTarragon: the problem mow is that noone trusts LinuxUser to put he event on
10:03.14TarragonMore time with her...That may not be the best of ideas at the moment. Not actually communicating except by notes passed via cat and children.
10:11.04zacharybrb, need to reboot my smoothie.
10:12.16dpashTarragon: hmmmm not good.
10:12.29dpashis she geeky?
10:13.25dpashadmittedly I have only a sample of one for that
10:13.44*** join/#gllug zachary (
10:14.36TarragonGeeky has some good points and bad points. Think more of as perfect. :-) Uses Debian and reads lots. Also the reason why my girth is expanding. I am not allowed in kitchen so I do bugger all around the house except consume resources.
10:15.37TarragonAsk SpudULike - he has met her.
10:16.30steve... only 83 hrs left until I've downloaded RedHat 9 via BitTorrent
10:17.36TarragonEvil bit. Now if only people would use the protocol.
10:18.04stevegulp, just got called by the Seminar people to confirm I can attend. Rather foolishly I did. Gack! I guess I'd better find something to say
10:23.37steveIsn't it typical? We'd had great weather for a couple of weeks, I've even been watering the garden. The Window Cleaner  arrives, I agree for him to clean our windows, starts cleaning the windows, and it starts raining!
10:27.42SpudULikeIt's getting so dark I've had to draw the lights and put the curtains on.
10:28.02SpudULikeNow all I need is a toga party    ;-)
10:28.21TarragonYes but the floral pattern does match your eyes.
10:40.26steveey up! BitTorrent has re-evaluated the time needed .... 188Hrs
10:40.50steveI think I'll reboot back to Linux, and run it from there
10:43.50*** part/#gllug steve (
10:44.31*** join/#gllug dummy (
10:45.43A4266Clyphox, you there at all?
10:48.35*** join/#gllug zachary_ (
10:49.44A4266navijulie:      julie
10:49.44A4266hailey:         michelle
10:49.44A4266michelle:       nobody, michelle
10:49.44A4266m.rozario:      michelle
10:49.44A4266dan:            d.findlay
10:49.45A4266d.findlay:      nobody,alan
10:49.47A4266alan:           nobody,alan
10:49.49A4266a.tibber:       alan
10:49.51A4266j.carslake:     julie
10:49.53A4266julie:          nobody,julie
10:49.55A4266k.winterflood:  kenneth
10:49.57A4266kenneth:        nobody,kenneth
10:49.59A4266l.tansley:      lawrence
10:50.01A4266lawrence:       julie
10:50.03A4266p.toumazu:      phedra
10:50.05A4266phedra:         nobody,phedra
10:50.07A4266v.lindo:        verona
10:50.09A4266verona:         nobody,verona
10:50.13A4266damn middle button...
10:52.05A4266thats the prob I have with using a right handed mouse :/
10:52.22A4266with my right hand that is.  (is left handed)
10:52.53StephenI must say that xchat2 is really annoying me, it's a duming down of xchat1 and with the additions of some annoying 'features' like being able to create a new window by dragging a channel tab onto the taskbar
10:54.29A4266oh well..
10:54.49Stephenmorning Huhn
10:54.54SpudULikeStephen: I tried it, moved back to 1.8.10
10:55.45StephenSpudULike: I think I probably will do too, but I'm going to try out irssi once I get Eterm working, and the ALT key doesn't seem to work in gnome-terminal or xterm
11:07.24dpashhi Huhn
11:07.59Huhnhi dpash
11:08.16dpashStephen: irssi is good
11:08.36Stephendpash: not when the ALT key doesn't work
11:08.57dpashyou don't need the alt key for irssi
11:09.35HuhnStephen: my meta key is esc, have you tried that?
11:09.47Stephennope, one second
11:10.44*** join/#gllug stephen_1 (
11:11.10Stephenha, it is as well, thanks huhn
11:11.22Huhncool, that was easy ;)
11:25.22TarragonStephen: I tried XChat 2 last week and although it looked nice I had so much trouble trying to get modules working I downgraded to 1.8.9
11:28.16Stephen`yer, I don't really like GNOME2 at all really, it's just trying to be too windows-like for me, which is why I'm currently trying to get enlightenment installed again
11:38.00Stephen`tried KDE once, but it seemed a tad slow, perhaps I'll try it again...
11:40.09Stephen`or perhaps what I'm after is a lightweight window manager, I dunno
11:40.41*** join/#gllug Davilion (
11:49.57dummyhey hey  wass goin on
11:57.27Davilionjust stressing over bandwidth im using
11:59.25dummyme too man
11:59.31dummymy isp is a bitch
11:59.39dummythey said they give you web space etc
11:59.45dummyno i hear they block port 80
11:59.57dummycuz my server isnt responding on it
12:00.56*** join/#gllug jason_ukfsn (
12:01.06jason_ukfsnmorning all
12:01.27dummycould you just tell me if this link works?
12:01.38Davilionheh, well i've got a colo box and i've transfered 8gb last month.
12:02.14A4266nope, its not working mate
12:02.47dummythis sucks
12:02.56dummythnks though
12:03.31jason_ukfsnwell looks like I was right about LinuxExpo.
12:05.48jason_ukfsnAlso looks like Gnome have pulled out as they are no longer listed at the .ORG site
12:06.15jason_ukfsnnew dates announced - 24 to 26 June (running as a sideshow to Networks).
12:07.41jason_ukfsnI am already out of pocket as I hired a car via Easycar to get there and cannot get a refund on the hire. At least I was saved from spending money on printing, hotel booking, etc.
12:08.41PCllr_dpash11 stood for 13 seats
12:11.19TarragonCongrats - Can I complain about the lack of parking in the village
12:11.34PCllr_dpashI doubt you've every been to my parish ;)
12:12.37Davilionanybody use awstats here?
12:13.17jason_ukfsnPCllr_dpash where is it?
12:15.37TarragonTypical councillor. Ask a question and get told it is irrelevant.
12:18.00Tarragondpash: your stylesheet is missing for the KDE regulars so the xml page is broken
12:18.10jason_ukfsnHey at least your question got some kind of answer. Mine seems to have exposed an alarming lack of local knowledge on the part of the honorable Cllr ;)
12:23.05*** join/#gllug jason_ukfsn (
12:23.53*** join/#gllug highbury (
12:24.09jason_ukfsnHi highbury
12:24.40highburyhi folks, calling from new SuSE 8.2 install + X-Chat 2.0.1
12:26.33Stephennice one highbury, but I can assure you that you too will be downgrading xchat within a couple of days
12:26.54highburyreally, what are the problems?
12:27.14TarragonYep I will second that unless you do not use any modules
12:27.26jason_ukfsnso how does 8.2 feel? Is it significantly different to 8.1?
12:27.56murbgood afternoon?
12:28.12Stephenhighbury: it's (in my opinion) a duming down of xchat 1, and the ability to make new windows by dragging the tab onto the taskbar is highly annoying
12:28.51jason_ukfsnhey murb
12:32.45Tarragonjason_ukfsn: Cranfield is where the good parish counciller PCllr_dpash is from.
12:35.10jason_ukfsnTarragon - it's nice to see a well maintained and up to date local council website - oh wait a minute, what year is it?
12:46.04TarragonBut we have it on record that the honourable councillor has promised to personally oversee the updating of the site, to ensure reduces housing prices and to legalise brothels
12:46.24highbury8.2 seems pretty good, a few nice extra touches. more anti-aliasing as default, KDE 3.1.1
12:46.37highburya few minor glitches with the install though :-(
12:46.40SpudULikeConfused priorities again!
12:47.12PCllr_dpashjason_ukfsn: Cranfield, Beds
12:47.37PCllr_dpashTarragon: indeed I will
12:47.47highburyI was disappointed that the initial install only offers 640x480 resolution whilst running, which is sometimes too small for some of the pop-up windows
12:47.51PCllr_dpashoh and get one of the main roads int eh village resurfaced
12:48.06highburyon laptops you get better resolution
12:48.07PCllr_dpashit has more pot holds than the Somme
12:48.20PCllr_dpashSorry Lunch
12:48.44PCllr_dpashhighbury: been there, done that
12:49.04PCllr_dpash[10:09] < dpash> LOL
12:49.11PCllr_dpashand the rfc too
12:49.17SpudULikeLunch?  He's been bought already?
12:50.32PCllr_dpashSpudULike: Tarragon how did you know it was Cranfield?
12:50.52PCllr_dpashhmmm must watch what I've typed before pressing enter
12:51.02SpudULikeAs a councillor, Shirley you are public knowledge?
12:51.13PCllr_dpashI am not yet
12:51.21PCllr_dpashwon't be until some point in May
12:52.46jason_ukfsnYou are not Shirley?
12:53.42TarragonPCllr_dpash: As I said parking is terrible. I normally end up in on High Street or Crawley road.
12:54.30PCllr_dpashbet you can't work out where I live
12:55.00PCllr_dpashI'll give you a clue it is soemwhere inbetween
12:55.26highburyhmmm, I'm running Xfree8 4.3 but screen resizing/scaling feature doesn't work
12:55.40PCllr_dpashdo you have RANDR loaded
12:55.47PCllr_dpashxdpyinfo will tell you
12:56.13TarragonMar 06 11:39:44 <dpash>. legalise brothels
12:56.55PCllr_dpashhighbury: what does xrandr -q tell you?
12:57.02SpudULikeI can see the papers.
12:57.09PCllr_dpashTarragon: I meant the village?
12:57.46highburyPCllr_dpash: what am I looking for?
12:58.10PCllr_dpashdoes xdpyinfo show the XRANDR extension loaded?
12:58.51highburyI had to switch monitors,my old Viewsonic 19" died, interestingly X can drive the monitor at a higher resolution than Windows-XP can! :-)
12:59.17highburyPCllr_dpash: no just RANDR
12:59.25PCllr_dpasher that will do
12:59.45PCllr_dpashif you run xrandr -q it should tell you the different resolutions available
13:00.51highburyit shows me the resolutions, but I thought KDE would resize
13:01.08PCllr_dpashhighbury: the programs need to expect it
13:01.12highburyctrl-alt-+ works as it used to
13:01.23PCllr_dpashkde 3.2 will take advantage of xrandr properly
13:01.41PCllr_dpashkicker and kwin need to know that the desktop has resized
13:01.48PCllr_dpashthis work has been done
13:06.22PCllr_dpashTarragon: did you see that Cranfield lost yesterday
13:06.34PCllr_dpash153 to 165
13:06.43PCllr_dpashalthough I'm not sure how you get 153
13:07.51TarragonPCllr_dpash: just trying to watch " The WATCH Tower" :-)
13:08.14PCllr_dpashoh fecking hell
13:08.33PCllr_dpashyou can't see much of me if you have managed to get a copy of it
13:08.39TarragonI know. You were young and needed the money
13:08.50PCllr_dpashalthough the boss women is very sexy and very funny
13:08.59PCllr_dpashRosalind Hemp
13:09.50PCllr_dpashlol popular searches are cbbc, bitesize and dixie chicks
13:10.11highburyPCllr_dpash: cool
13:10.45highburyDid anybody order "Revolution OS" ?
13:11.06TarragonI thought zachary did?
13:11.22*** join/#gllug Davilion (
13:12.15PCllr_dpashTarragon: I'm surprised that you managed to find the watch tower. I thought that was quite far down google
13:12.33zacharyI can't until we straiten out an alternate address on our credit card.
13:15.42TarragonPCllr_dpash: were you Hoodwink or Flatfoot? two differing references.
13:15.54PCllr_dpashhmm I can;t remember
13:15.57PCllr_dpashlet me check
13:16.47PCllr_dpashhmm I can't remember
13:16.56PCllr_dpashI recall the names and filming
13:17.20zacharybrb, going to try and get my daughter to take a nap.
13:17.39PCllr_dpashhmm I should get in contact with Richard Peacock and do some more filming
13:17.51PCllr_dpashbut he now has 3 small children with Emma Stoneham
13:18.25TarragonYeah - children are a killer. His life is over.
13:18.41PCllr_dpashthey just keep producing them
13:18.52PCllr_dpashI go away to Uni and come back to find 3 of them
13:19.00Tarragoneventually they will learn why
13:20.19PCllr_dpashhmmm bugger channel 6 is first in google rankings
13:23.52jason_ukfsndoes anyone know what is going on with I've been unable to access the site for over a week.
13:24.45highburywas running out of space, discovered I had 37Gb of ISO images :-)
13:25.44TarragonThey cannot all be Knoppix
13:26.47highburythat was after I deleted all the old knoppix iso's!
13:26.50*** join/#gllug formi (
13:27.14PCllr_dpashjason_ukfsn: machine doesn't seem to respond
13:28.18TarragonHi formi
13:28.54formican somebody point me to a nice intro to spamassasin?
13:28.57jason_ukfsnPCllr_dpash, yes I've noticed. I want to start testing it with a view to offering virtual servers at UKFSN.
13:29.49PCllr_dpashformi: depends on MTA
13:30.37highburyI wish X-Chat would highlight the Kicker? bar to show you messages had arrived
13:31.06PCllr_dpashhighbury: get them to implement a notification area thing
13:31.15TarragonMake it beep?
13:31.17PCllr_dpashformi: can't help you.
13:33.38highburyPCllr_dpash: how much code would be involved? I presume I just need to access the API, detect whether panel is running, and then make appropriate call?
13:33.59PCllr_dpashhighbury: no idea. check gaim source
13:34.02*** join/#gllug Davilion (
13:34.04PCllr_dpashI know gaim does it
13:34.18PCllr_dpashDavilion: w00t
13:34.39PCllr_dpashDavilion: can you go up to level 10 and say hi to Jim Jackson for me
13:35.28highburyPCllr_dpash: ok, I should check gaim code
13:36.40DavilionPCllr_dpash: heh.
13:37.17PCllr_dpashDavilion: go to level 10
13:37.24PCllr_dpashDavilion: where are you trying to get to?
13:38.10dummyhighbury: i actually ahve a c file which shows the name of suers longing in/out on the top left hand of the screen
13:38.15PCllr_dpashDavilion: the secret with e.c. stoner is go to the red route and then find the correct stair case
13:38.28dummyif thats what ur looking for
13:38.48DavilionPCllr_dpash: hehe nowhere specific
13:38.51Davilionim in my office, hiding
13:38.59Davilionbut whenever i go outside my office i get lost
13:39.11highburydummy: I don't understand
13:39.12PCllr_dpashDavilion: do you know anyone in SCS?
13:39.16PCllr_dpashsorry Comp
13:39.36dummyhighbury: you were talking about notfying you about a message or soemthing right?
13:40.19dummythis doesnt quite do that but notifies you when peeps log in/log out well its just an example of how it can be done...
13:40.30highburyno just flash the xchat icon on the KDE panel
13:40.45dummyoh kde k my bad :)
13:40.50DavilionPCllr_dpash: no, im on secondment to iss
13:40.55Davilioni just hide in my office and break things
13:41.20highburyI guess, I'd like to start learning how to add perl filters, say, so I don't see login and logout messages
13:41.42dummyi like it cuz umm you cant keep checking to se who logged in
13:41.52dummyif ur watching a movie or whateva you can still see it :)
13:42.09PCllr_dpashDavilion: level 9?
13:43.01dummyalso cuz it uses ur gtk theme to display so the guy went thru a lotta trouble whoever wrote it
13:44.18PCllr_dpashdummy: surely he just used gtk?
13:44.45dummyyes but usually the gaims cripts suck
13:45.00dummywell plugins actually
13:45.32dummytheres another version of it...its a lil weird pops a window or something, kinda annoying
13:45.42dummyirssi for aim, yahoo and msn?
13:45.58dummyoh yeah how do you close a window on irssi?
13:47.36DavilionPCllr_dpash: yeah
13:51.01PCllr_dpashdummy: /window close or /part
13:51.38PCllr_dpashdummy: aim, yahoo, msn? bah
13:51.41highburyPCllr_dpash: do you use kmail? I want to migrate my old config and mailfolders to kmail 1.5.1 can I just copy the files over
13:52.13PCllr_dpashhighbury: I have done
13:52.17dummyPCllr_dpash: thnks
13:52.57PCllr_dpashhighbury: what file format are the files in?
13:53.10PCllr_dpashmbox, maildir or mbx?
13:56.15highburymbox from my old KDE 3.0 kmail
13:58.02PCllr_dpashshould work fine
13:58.14PCllr_dpashshould upgrade fine
13:59.29highburyits mostly .kde/share/config/kmailrc I was concerned about, as I have a lot of config options set. Will it merge in any appropriate new options/paramters?
14:01.23formihighbury: why don't you create a new test user? do it and check
14:01.46PCllr_dpashhighbury: yeah
14:02.21highburywell I did that last time, but hand merging the kmailrc was hard work
14:02.30highburytest user works fine
14:02.30PCllr_dpashhighbury: KDE uses kconf_update which updates config options
14:03.51highburyahh, so just run kconf_update --check .kde/share/config/kmailrc
14:05.06PCllr_dpashhighbury: no, just run kmail
14:05.10PCllr_dpashkde will do the rest
14:10.13highburycool, thanks
14:12.52*** join/#gllug SpyPigeon (
14:13.01SpyPigeon'noon all
14:14.48*** join/#gllug Davilion (
14:15.15highburydang! it just deleted all my account information, i.e remote recieving server details!
14:17.29highburyoh I didn't forget, well I backed up the configuration file at least
14:17.49highbury4Gb of mail is too much to backup though :-(
14:18.59jason_ukfsnhighbury needs a tape drive
14:20.40formiwhat about bzip2?
14:24.27highburyactually, its dds-3 tapes I need, I have a 12Gb DAT drive I should reconnect to my PC
14:28.45*** join/#gllug formi_ (
14:28.57PCllr_dpashgrrr konqueror dies a death
14:30.44*** join/#gllug formi_ (
14:35.57formianyone knows the difference between ATZ and ATZX3 ?
14:40.48jason_ukfsnhas anyone here used User Mode Linux?
14:41.08TarragonATZ resets the modem ATZX3 resets the modem and waits for busy and dialtone signals before moving on.
14:41.53formii want a "string" that just dials without checking the line
14:43.01formifor some reason if i am connected and somebody phones and leaves a message, when i disconnect i start getting a highly annoying beeping
14:43.15TarragonATZ resets modem ATDnnnnnnn will dial the number. (X3 detects busy signal x4 is busy and dialtone)
14:43.18formiwhich stops the modem from dialing again
14:43.48formiTarragon: can you explain that in plaing english?
14:44.31Huhnthat was plain English ;)
14:44.43Huhnwhich part was not clear, formi?
14:45.01formithe words are clear, the meaning is not
14:45.10Davilionhttp:// nice april fools.
14:45.24PCllr_dpashjason_ukfsn: I've used uml before
14:45.39murbHuhn: it would be much better if someone with an english mother tounge said that :)
14:45.56Huhnmodem commands seem to be cryptic, right, which AT command is not clear, formi?
14:45.59murband for extra irony it should be me.
14:46.01Huhnmurb: like you for ex.? :))
14:46.27formimurb: crawl back to under the rock you came under of
14:46.48TarragonAT is the "Attention Telecommunication device" the Z code (Technically you should use Z0 for user profile 0) resets the modem. Same as putting the handset back down. D code makes the modem go Off-Hook (same as when you pick up a handset.
14:47.55formimurb and irony: really?
14:48.37formiTarragon: im interested on the X? ones
14:52.01TarragonOK four X codes X0 - X4. They increase in what they offer so X0 gives the connection tone, carrier tone and ring status only. X4 finally adds in the dialtone detection. Normally they are not used. Last time I needed the X codes was with a Rockwell chipset in a Dynalink modem(Vtech) because at the time ISP's differed between Flex and X2 detection speeds
14:53.10formiwhat I want is just to dial-up and ignore the state of the line
14:53.42SpudULikeIs this on a BT line with Call Minder. Is it the interrupted dial signal causing the problem?
14:54.19Huhnformi: have a look at
14:54.39*** join/#gllug Davilion (
14:54.52TarragonATZ, ATH1, ATDT 0208 123 4567
14:55.25jason_ukfsndpash - was your experience of UML good? Was it stable? I'm thinking of trying it for a UKFSN offering.
14:55.56PCllr_dpashmaybe in a few years time I will be David Pashley B.Sc (Hons) LLB (Hons) (Open) MBCS CEng
14:56.26formiTarragon: I only have 2 AT* in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-ppp0
14:56.28SpudULikeCouncillor David Pashley B.Sc (Hons) LLB (Hons) (Open) MBCS CEng, Shirley.
14:56.47PCllr_dpashjason_ukfsn: I've only really used it for building debian packages in a superchroot and it didn;t really work too well, but it should work well fir ISPs
14:57.16PCllr_dpashSpudULike: s/Councillor/PCllr/
14:57.28formipcllr ??
14:57.35TarragonShirly just Lord Pashley of Cranfield
14:57.59PCllr_dpashformi: Parish Councillor
14:58.27formioh, I won't ask again what's the meaning of that!
14:58.32PCllr_dpashbut MBCS should be just joining the BCS
14:58.47PCllr_dpashformi: very local government
14:59.04PCllr_dpashand my LLB will be in another 4-5 years
14:59.18formiyou mean your other half always disagress with you?
15:00.01PCllr_dpashformi: not that local
15:00.01Tarragonformi - very rare - usually more of a female dictatorship.
15:00.31PCllr_dpashformi: I get to spend 3000 peoples taxes
15:00.52PCllr_dpashor ~71,000 GBP
15:02.35jason_ukfsnPCllr_dpash how did it not work well? If I give people shell access it is likely they'll use it in unexpected ways.
15:03.21PCllr_dpashjason_ukfsn: it was more of a dodgy script that set up the filesystem. It just needed more work
15:03.55formijason_ukfsn: if you want to know what "unexpected ways" might be, give me free access||
15:04.41PCllr_dpashthe uml should work out fine, provided you can create the disk image correctly
15:05.00jason_ukfsnLOL formi - I am trying to prevent that kind of thing not encourage it
15:05.30murbhave people seen the hostap drive for orinco cards?
15:05.49jason_ukfsnDid you not use one of the ready made ones from the project then? I'm looking at the ready made Woody image
15:05.51nasratmurb: nope
15:07.18formijason_ukfsn: you can fight better when you know what to fight!
15:07.25PCllr_dpashhmm need 2 more years expience before I can become a MBCS, but I can become a AMBCS
15:07.31nasratmurb: I thought it req'd firmware download
15:08.04PCllr_dpashjason_ukfsn: this is using debootstrap and pbuild-user-mode-linux
15:08.04jason_ukfsnFormi, the easiest way to do that is to not give you an account surely ;)
15:08.23formimurb: Kim Hawtin should know
15:08.46Huhnmurb: ?
15:09.16Huhnmurb: my mp3/geekski/ dir is growing.. ;)
15:09.34nasratmurb: grr it won't work on my imac as little endian only
15:09.42murbHuhn: do you have the hintertux song
15:10.08Huhnmurb: not yet, it seems that it is their own recording, don't know if it's available as mp3/ogg..
15:10.22Huhnmurb: but lots of other songs, including "reiss die Huette ab"
15:12.19PCllr_dpashw00t B.SC. is worth 50 BCS points + 3 years expience = 80points
15:12.45murbwhy would anyone want to join the BCS?
15:12.47PCllr_dpashneed 70+ for AMBCS and 100+ for MBCS
15:12.51PCllr_dpashmurb: for letters
15:13.00murbdpash: join the iee.
15:13.07PCllr_dpashmurb: will do
15:13.21PCllr_dpashAMBCS MIEE
15:13.32murbhow pointless.
15:13.39PCllr_dpashindeed ;)
15:15.45*** join/#gllug formi_ (
15:16.19*** join/#gllug resuDaed (
15:16.33PCllr_dpashmurb: don't you find someone with lots of letters after their name attractive
15:16.57resuDaedafternoon all
15:17.20PCllr_dpashhi Tom
15:17.22murbcan someone please tell me that a canon IXUS V3 is a very bad camera before i buy one?
15:17.56resuDaedmurb : a canon IXUS V£ is a very bad camera
15:18.51formimurb: give me the dosh, and you won't buy one
15:19.31murbresuDaed: thanks, but i realy would like to know if anyone ownes one etc.
15:20.21jason_ukfsnmurb ask on uknot as there is lots of experience there
15:20.59murbjason: i already greped that spool for camera and read the various threads and read some websites.
15:22.09jason_ukfsnwell folks, it's time to be a half decent parent again. Have fun.
15:25.21PCllr_dpashhmmm there is a BCS branch in Sri Lanka
15:33.58*** join/#gllug Davilion (
15:36.13PCllr_dpashbah my tux PC badge just fell off my monitor
15:36.51*** join/#gllug skugg (
15:36.58PCllr_dpashhi stig
15:37.11skugghi dave
15:37.20skugg(or do you like david better?)
15:37.53PCllr_dpashskugg: if you can get my attention, that is good enough for me
15:38.26PCllr_dpashalthough in the present circemstances, Your Lord may be in order
15:38.32skuggPCllr_dpash, okay. it's just that I knew a guy that was furious every time anyone shortened his name from david to dave.
15:39.10PCllr_dpashskugg: life is too short. like I said, if I can tell you are talking to me, that is fine with me
15:40.11PCllr_dpashalthough try not to use pdash, cos that is just sloppy
15:40.11skuggi'm a little less pragmatic about it than you (though among_very_ good friends anything goes ;)
15:41.23skuggmy name isn't very common in this country, so i get called a lot of weird things.
15:41.30SpyPigeonI thought most people referred to each other by irc nicks on irc; even when they know their real names
15:41.42SpyPigeonp.s. Hi S[tig|kugg]
15:41.42PCllr_dpashyeah steve
15:42.03SpyPigeonbackatcha PCllr_dpash ;)
15:42.15skugghi S{teev,pyPigeon} :)
15:42.15SpyPigeonformi: yeah - no one talks to you ;) <gd&r>
15:42.42formidon't make me phone the colombians
15:42.51skuggSpyPigeon, you're tough in cyberspace :P
15:43.15SpyPigeonHey - I'm not the one that thought he could take on Harry ;)
15:43.20formiskugg: he might believe he is,
15:43.22PCllr_dpashso skugg, Huhn, Tarragon will be Stig, Heike and John in person, but Jenson will be jenson in person
15:44.11skuggSpyPigeon, touché ;P
15:44.13PCllr_dpashSpyPigeon: have you joined the Bedslug mailing list yet?
15:44.16formii don't think many people care what jenson is on person
15:44.33StigHappy now?
15:44.54skuggStig, yeah.
15:45.02skuggoh, terrible!
15:45.04Stigskugg: cool
15:45.11formiPCllr_dpash: that is always hard to know
15:45.19PCllr_dpashStig: quick register it with nickserv
15:45.21skuggi've got both stig and skugg on highlighting, so now i'm just getting confused :P
15:45.27SpyPigeonPCllr_dpash: not yet. Been stressed with other problems :(
15:45.35SpyPigeonI'll do it now...
15:45.43PCllr_dpashSpyPigeon: be person number 10
15:46.13dpashMuch better
15:46.25PCllr_dpashor not
15:46.33*** join/#gllug dpash (
15:46.48PCllr_dpashyou come for another beating?
15:46.57resuDaedanyone have experience running UT under linux?
15:47.02skuggooohh... pissing contest! :P
15:47.14skuggresuDaed, i've seen it run, yeah.
15:47.29skuggsteve harker (iirc) had it running on Linux Expo.
15:47.55skuggtake that with a grain of salt, my memory is like swiss cheese.
15:48.06*** mode/#gllug [+o Tarragon] by ChanServ
15:48.14resuDaedskugg : if I run ay 640x480 on a 1280x1024 screen (ie a little box in the middle) it is super fast, however if I run at 640x480 normally, I have extremly slow rendering
15:48.14*** kick/#gllug [PCllr_dpash!] by Tarragon (Tarragon)
15:48.19*** mode/#gllug [-o Tarragon] by Tarragon
15:48.29TarragonI win!
15:48.58*** join/#gllug dpash (~david@
15:49.10resuDaedany suggestions?
15:49.40skuggresuDaed, none whatsoever :P
15:49.56dpashTarragon: don't come into #exim or #debian-kde in a hurry ;)
15:50.55skugg*groan* no more washing-up liquid.
15:51.38nasratskugg: use shampoo like a dodgy student :)
15:52.18SpyPigeonor a doggy student :)
15:52.25skuggnasrat, you have any idea how much more expensive shampoo is than washing-up liquid? :P
15:52.29formiskugg: do be uncivilized for once!!
15:52.38skuggformi, never!
15:52.47dpashhey I've never used shampoo instead of washing up liquid
15:53.11formidpash: im sure you did the opposite
15:53.19skuggdpash, I just did. but have to buy more washing-up liquid, because it's an expensive replacement.
15:53.27TarragonAt least you can get Apple shampoo
15:53.47SpudULikeskugg:  & nasrat : I never use anything else, gives the plates such lovely bounce.
15:54.33SpudULikeYou can get Apple washing-up liquid.
15:54.46SpudULikeBut, can you still get Apple Apples?
15:55.22skuggSpudULike, and conditioner dropped in to avoid split ends on the forks I take it ;)
15:55.44TarragonNo. I need one for a keyboard where some swine stole mine
15:57.05SpudULikeAs a result of shampoo?
15:59.11skugghi murb
16:14.50skuggback to work I guess. bye.
16:15.19resuDaedok, bbl - have to install a 2nd NIC, then time for some hardcore gaming
16:39.45*** join/#gllug resuDaed (
16:40.01resuDaedeye69 : you there?
16:40.12resuDaedwhats the cmd for that?
16:40.24eye69'wall' ENTER
16:40.26eye69type text
16:40.59*** join/#gllug resuDaed (
16:41.37eye69So, how is the kernel behaving?
16:41.57resuDaednot too bad, I am just trying to compile a module for the 3c905C NIC
16:42.22eye69Why did you install kernel-headers-2.4.20?
16:42.28eye69Those are already there, in /usr/src/linux
16:42.47eye69Uhm...I think I've already installed that module...
16:43.11eye69Yes I have.
16:43.27eye69The module name is 3c59x
16:43.40resuDaedtherein lies my mistake
16:43.47eye69I loaded it now.
16:45.27eye69So X works?
16:45.36resuDaedX works beautifully
16:45.38eye69I just upgraded to the new driver...seems to work fine.
16:45.51eye69What FPS do you get in 'glxgears'?
16:46.13eye69Run glxgears and look in the terminal you're launching it from.
16:46.40eye69Ok...guess that's pretty normal for a TNT2.
16:46.47eye69I get just over 3000
16:47.13resuDaedis good enough for average gaming though
16:47.31resuDaedactually 265 if I don't do anything else at the same time
16:47.51resuDaeddo me a favour and ping, tell me what you think is happening
16:48.26resuDaedyou getting packet loss?
16:48.41eye69Yeah. I'd start by checking the cable.
16:48.48eye69Change it if possible.
16:49.05resuDaedthere are man collisions showing on the hub
16:49.23eye69Is it a homemade cable or a factory one?
16:49.39resuDaedfactory one, and one I've never had a problem with
16:50.09eye69Tested the card before?
16:50.28resuDaedno, that is where I think the fault lies
16:50.40eye69Do you need 3 NIC's?
16:50.49resuDaedno, I was testing the card
16:51.02eye69Yeah, probably a faulty card in that case.
16:51.19eye69Might be solvable by moving the card to another slot, but I doubt it.
16:51.29resuDaedno more slots
16:51.51resuDaed3 PCI slots only
16:52.28resuDaed(I don't personally like the onboard AC '97 sound, so I use a SB live 5.1
16:52.43resuDaedappalling latency
16:52.46eye69Not many people like that onboard crap.
16:53.21resuDaedI am not sure what the onboard graphics are like, but I need the ram
16:53.24eye69Oh well, time to go play UT then? :)
16:53.42resuDaednot quite ... need to play with onboard lan first
16:54.07eye69Ahhh. I installed a bunch of network modules, so you should have everything you need.
16:54.53eye69I noticed the floppy was still in there...couldn't understand why it booted to 2.4.18 even though I changed lilo.conf
16:55.09resuDaedlilo still wont boot
16:55.16eye69Ok? Hmmm.
16:55.20resuDaedstill running grub from floppy
16:55.31eye69I can install grub on the HDD for you if you like?
16:55.53resuDaedwould be good, coud you also point it to memtest86.bin (/boot)
16:58.11resuDaedthink it may be the cable, just tried the onboard NIC, 90% packet loss with ping -f
16:58.35resuDaed277 sent, 27 received - mass collisions
17:01.19resuDaednot this cable, same problem
17:06.12eye69resuDaed: Done.
17:07.31eye69Grub can be controlled via a serial line and network too :)
17:07.43resuDaeddoesn't surprise me
17:08.12resuDaedok, have tried chaning nic at this end, cable at both ends ... but still no go on pings
17:08.21resuDaedleaves t'other nic or hub
17:09.49resuDaedam booting lappy to see if works
17:10.00eye69You can connect it loopback to the same machine...have different networks on two nics and ping...
17:10.07eye69If it fucks up then it must be the hub
17:10.25resuDaedcould do
17:10.34resuDaedif lappy fails, then it is the hub also
17:13.30resuDaedno ping at all (100% loss)
17:15.18resuDaedI really wish I had a crossover cable to play with
17:16.08resuDaedah well, just have to make do with UT online (no network) then
17:17.41eye69I guess I should install it. Don't have any games installed at the moment.
17:17.49eye69UT2k3 perhaps.
17:19.20*** join/#gllug oops (
17:19.24oopshi all
17:19.38oopsi'm new in london
17:19.48resuDaedthis is UT 436
17:19.53resuDaedhey oops
17:20.08eye69Hello oops
17:20.12oopsanyone knows where i can get an happy keyboard?
17:20.36eye69There might be somebody selling them at the next meeting.
17:20.40resuDaedeye69 : if you install 436, I'll be hosting on
17:20.55eye69resuDaed: Just have to find the bleeding cd's...
17:21.30resuDaedI'd put the isos up for you, but I only have 128k upstream
17:21.41oopsumh next meeting is on 12 ... i think i'll be away on saturday, are there any store?
17:21.52eye69oops: Ask "Leeds" in the channel. He bought one from a bloke at the previous meeting.
17:22.36resuDaedeye69 : anyway, I'm going to go practice, if you find them, I'll be on
17:23.03oopsi'm looking also something cool regarding linux, i know meeting is really cool on this aspect
17:26.33eye69resuDaed_UT: Found the first disk.
17:28.39eye69oops: Going to the meetings is a good start. I don't know what you mean by "cool" though.
17:31.20*** join/#gllug Jenson (
17:41.43oopssomething like sticks zines posts happy hacking kbd :)
17:46.01SpyPigeonTarragon - I know you're logging this, so.... check your mail, if there isn't anything from me, txt me..
17:46.07SpyPigeonTo everyone else - see ya!
17:46.19*** part/#gllug SpyPigeon (
17:49.18SpudULikeoops: The bloke Leeds bought the keyboard from is John Winters or
17:56.18oopsoh i already know .. leeds suggested me linuxemporium, but it sell only online
17:56.43oopsbtw thank you
17:58.05SpudULikeOnline is a problem for you? Do you need it urgently?
17:59.06oopsnono when i come back to home i will buy, now i'm visiting london
18:00.03oopsdo you know if there are some public wireless ap in london?
18:00.43SpudULikeNo, sorry, no wireless, nothing useful to take outdoors to try.
18:00.47oopsnow i'm in a internet cafe and my time is expiring ... :(
18:01.27oopsok thank you for all
18:01.33oopsc ya ;)
18:01.38SpudULikeTake care.
18:07.28Tarragonoops: there are two types of happy Hackin' keyboards. The modern ones have the extra cursor keys.
18:08.21TarragonSpyPigeon: Not logging, it is just I live here. Us 'bots need a home.
18:09.22*** join/#gllug highbury (
18:09.59*** join/#gllug Leeds (
18:13.12highburylooks like I'm now taking my ex-employers to County Court now, try and get all my notice period and expenses paid
18:13.34dpashhi all
18:13.59dpashLeeds: speak to oops
18:14.11Leedsdpash: ?
18:14.29dpashLeeds: oops wants an Happy Hacking kbd
18:14.49dpashhighbury: speak to murb too
18:15.13Leedsoops: nu?
18:15.38murbhighbury: good luck, but not a good idea to talk about such things in publically logged irc channels :(
18:16.27dpashhi Huhn
18:16.59dpashalthough I could be wrong about the silent second h
18:17.12Huhnit's more like oo in the middle
18:17.36dpashah okay
18:17.37highburymurb: I wouldn't say anything other than things about the lowlives that I used to work for
18:18.49murbdo you know why they really got rid of you?
18:19.21Leedsdpash: they think they're being funny
18:19.57dpashLeeds: I think CmdrTaco when ah crap I've done it again, lets just post it twice more and make it look like I meant it
18:22.10dpashSubject: 14 Doctors develop REAL Male-Enhancement
18:22.20dpashone for Trash
18:23.02dpashah DNF=duke nukem forever
18:23.17dpashah 2600=atari
18:23.30dpash2600=magazine in dpash's head
18:24.26dpashwell yeah
18:25.12Leedsugh, no
18:25.37dpashlook who is the parish councillor around here?
18:26.43Leedsnot me...
18:26.44SpudULikeI knew the power would go to hi.......
18:27.12dpashbow down before me peasant
18:29.27Leedshah! Parish Council... you're speaking to the ex-President of the Liverpool Jewish Students' Society! :-)
18:30.50Leedsseriously, does parish council actual mean anything?  I have no idea...
18:31.27dpashdid JSoc have that much money?
18:31.33Leedsnot quite...
18:31.37Leedsa few thousand
18:33.04dpash600GBP of which seems to be going on a ISDN line for someone
18:34.13zacharyhighbury: Why did you need to have your windows cleaned?
18:38.05dpashwhat is wrong with gabber?
18:38.52Leedsfor the ipaq...
18:39.09dpashyou still haven't answered my question
18:39.45LeedsI don't know gabber... but it looks too big
18:40.01Leedsif it needs *any* GNOME stuff (beyond glib and gtk) it's too big
18:40.53LeedsI may or may not make a GPE client...
18:46.56*** join/#gllug resuDaed (
18:51.35gj_Leeds: any ideas what this message is about ?
18:52.08gj_i guess
18:52.25gj_but it doesn't look like "buy ours software, we are the best"
18:52.35Leedswhat message?
18:52.39gj_or "win 100000 quits, send sms to £%£"$%"
18:52.45gj_i send you one
18:53.05gj_if you say so
18:53.11gj_so sorry for spamming you :-)
18:53.23Leeds09x number is a premium rate number, so if you call it, they make cash
18:53.25ClyphoxIs that the *first* one you've ever receivied?
18:53.48Leedslucky guy :-)
18:53.55gj_i've got this telephone for 2 years
18:53.59gj_i mean number
18:54.01gj_in orange
18:54.13gj_maybe other mob nets are sending more
18:54.26ClyphoxI still get only 4-6 a year.. not bad really
18:55.28Clyphox|UTThats UT for UrbanTerror(.net ;-))
19:06.12eye69resuDaed: Hi.
19:06.23eye69resuDaed: Worked fine. Took a little while to get into shape.
19:30.00*** join/#gllug zachary_ (
19:31.10Leedsyay - I just sent myself a jabber message!
19:34.52eye69Leeds: Heh.
19:35.06eye69I should install Jabber again. Haven't had a proper install for quite some time.
19:44.28*** join/#gllug formi (
19:44.47Huhnhi formi (and re)
19:44.55formimy flatmate wants to buy a dvd player
19:45.13forminot the compter thing, the movies one
19:45.36formican somebody point me to one of those sites that look for the cheapest prices?
19:45.37Huhnhome cinema
19:47.27formiany player recommended?
19:48.04eye69Can't think of any in a reasonable price class right now.
19:48.42formiwe are looking for one of those portable ones, probably sony
19:51.31formican somebody comment on that one?
19:51.40formiit says no dvd sound ??
20:01.41eye69formi: It doesn't support DVD-Audio
20:04.30formiwhat does it mean?
20:05.38LeedsDVD-audio, like CD-audio...  it means a DVD with just audio on it, as opposed to the audio part of a video DVD
20:06.36formiyou mean it relies on the tv set?
20:06.55Leedsit's not that...
20:07.29eye69DVD-autio discs aren't the same as DVD-video.
20:07.31Leedsthe audio output is going to come out the same way as the audio in a video
20:07.40Leedsformi: you know what a (S)VCD is?
20:08.45formia dodgy one?
20:09.06formiwhat about that one? pioneer looks good
20:11.24eye69You want a regional free one.
20:12.58formiwe were trying to decide between the 2 pioneers, but they are no region free
20:13.49eye69I wouldn't buy one that isn't region free.
20:14.13formiyeah, we are agreeing on that now
20:15.43highburyTry Richer Sounds for DVD players, or check one of the DVD Hacks sites
20:17.10formiwe don't really want something really fancy
20:17.49formiwe are looking seriously at that one, any negative points ?
20:19.33eye69formi: Sure, looks ok.
20:20.10formiany idea about portable ones? can't see any but the sony thingy
20:22.26eye69Depends on how much you're willing to spend.
20:29.04formiwe went to the site that sells the toshiba and we didn't find it, but found that one
20:34.45formistupid question, is the 3rd left photo the remote?
20:35.46formiyes it is
20:36.05eye69Clicking on it seems to reveal that. :)
20:36.38eye69Do you have a digital receiver?
20:38.04formido i need one?
20:39.01eye69Only if you want surround sound.
20:39.35formithe tv is really old 24", it only has the normal antenna conector
20:40.14eye69Oh, so you're going to route it through a video or something?
20:40.54formiim being told the old tv works with a fancy portable sony, japanesse edition
20:41.04formiso there shouldn't be a problem
20:41.49eye69If it only has an RF (antenna) connector (ie. no SCART) you need to route it through a video.
20:45.15formikatsuya says it does have the connectors
20:45.26formii thought they were audio plugs
20:46.50formithe shopping cart doesn't like phoenix
20:46.55eye69Says what? That the DVD has RF out?
20:47.11forminope, the tv
20:47.12eye69It doesn't. It has SCART, and a composite out.
20:47.30formiit has no scart, just 4 round plugs
20:47.58formimoving off to the xp laptop
20:48.06eye69It doesn't have any text?
20:48.19eye69Ie. there's not text where the plugs are?
20:48.40eye69Normally the tv's have a SCART...only more expensive tv's have composite in.
20:49.46formiback in a sec
21:09.23*** join/#gllug Jenson (
21:09.42Jensonheya guys
21:10.49gj_Leeds: my jabber id is gj at :-)
21:11.20eye69I didn't think anybody used Jabber. Always thught of it as a dead medium.
21:11.35*** join/#gllug formi (
21:11.48formiwell guys purchase is done
21:12.11formithanks for all the help from me and Giuliana
21:12.17gj_eye69: quite popular in poland
21:12.26gj_look on jabber users map
21:12.31gj_i don't remember address
21:12.41eye69I'll install it on my machine again.
21:12.59formiwe are off to kiss the sky
21:13.15formienjoy yourselves
21:13.21formigood night
21:13.25eye69Email address = IRC host = JID
21:13.36LeedsI use it with some friends - we run a server on our hosted box
21:14.18Leedseasy enough to use :-)
21:15.16gj_eye69: no , it seems to be email address like
21:15.31eye69gj_: /whois eye69
21:15.32gj_as long as admin will not connect those services toughether
21:15.44gj_?, which also is my email address, which also is my JID if I can be arsed to install the Jabber server
21:16.07gj_i see
21:16.18gj_now look on /wii gj_
21:16.26gj_this is also jabber id
21:16.35gj_but demon does not know that is redns
21:17.00gj_:-) does not know what revDNS word means
21:17.37gj_when i told them that they have relay open, i waited one week for answer : YES
21:18.24*** join/#gllug murb (
21:18.28Jensonheya murb
21:18.38murbplease can someone fix the stupid escape codes in the motd type thing for the channel?
21:22.31JensonLeeds: Do you remember roughly when it was we had the big discussion about my soundcard, coz I need to find the logs and re do it all after formatting at the weekend.
21:22.32*** part/#gllug eye69 (
21:22.37*** join/#gllug eye69 (
21:22.53Jensonre eye69
21:23.36LeedsJenson: March 8th and 10th
21:24.06Jensonty Leeds I'll write that down and sort it out tomorrow
21:28.51Jensonmurb: The days me and Leeds discusses soundcards for hours
21:28.58highburymurb: what escape codes?
21:29.04Jensonhi highbury
21:30.59highburyhi jenson
21:31.44murbhighbury: yes
21:32.05murbhigbury: in the chanserv welcom messagfe to #gllug
21:32.20murbsomeone probably thought it was clever to try and make colours etc.
21:32.37JensonMine is colouted
21:32.42Jensonoh ffs
21:33.16highburyfirst four words coloured differently?
21:33.31Jensonits just the green gllug link on mine
21:33.47Jensonand murb I think it was SpudULike who did that
21:34.00highburythe link will probably always be a different colour, its a feature
21:34.17murbno it isn't. it make it unreadable.
21:34.19Jensonhighbury: Could be I dunno, cant remember what it does in other clinets
21:35.18highburybut as jenson said, the text was written by SpudULike. I'll take a look at it over the next few days, and syncronise the text on the website with the text here, and fix the text colours if I can
21:36.38murbi didn't see jenson say anything.
21:36.45highburyI'm stuck in Windows at the moment, as I'm trying to print stuff off, but am discovering the IE printing is as broken as my Linux printing, i.e. truncating right hand sides of printouts
21:37.12JensonMy Win install is half fscked, I'm avoiding it
21:37.18resuDaedJenson : who is you b/f atm?
21:37.25JensonresuDaed: zimm
21:37.39resuDaedah ... ok
21:37.54highburyJenson: come along anyway,  this times the talks may be of interest to you, especially if you want to become a junior sysadmin
21:37.55resuDaedwasn't sure :-)
21:38.11JensonI pissed him off again, by telling him to either get a job or fill his loan forms in, instead of sitting on his arse playing with his tV aerial for hours
21:38.33Jensonhighbury: I've never been in the talks, I seem to get preoccupied by young geek guys
21:38.36highburyby the time jenson is ready to actually give a presentation, she'll have dated most of us :-P
21:38.51Jensonhighbury: lol, i think i might take that as a compliment
21:39.27resuDaedJenson : I don't want to know what he does with his tv arial
21:39.51highburybet jenson knows where to stick his aerial
21:40.03JensonresuDaed: lol....we used to call it the 'tv aerial' when my cat washed his back legs lol
21:40.05resuDaedhis tv capture card hopefully
21:40.18Jensonhighbury: yeh, in the bin, i have a spare aerial....
21:40.29Jensonthis conversation is risking getting perverted
21:40.31Jensonall by highbury
21:42.01resuDaedyeah highbury ... you're such a bad influence on little innocent Jenson
21:42.08Jensonyeh ty resuDaed
21:42.50JensonresuDaed: Do try and bring your 18 year old geekgirl to the meet, I havent met her yet
21:43.11resuDaed18 yr old geek girl?
21:43.23Jensonshe will be 18 wont she?
21:44.07Jensonlast time me and her had a geek conversation i was trying to explain how BitchX is console based and Chat is X based
21:44.13resuDaedif you're talking about beth, she'll be 18 on the day of the next gllug meet, but I wouldn't describe her as a geek girl
21:44.38JensonresuDaed: I wouldnt call me a geekgirl either, I'm not good enough
21:44.54resuDaedJenson : you want to learn
21:45.50JensonAll I know about her is that Ross thinks she's good looking, mind you, he thinks you are good looking too.
21:46.09resuDaedRoss has met her?
21:46.19JensonYeh, in december evidently
21:46.30resuDaedum ... that make no sense
21:46.43Jensonlol he probably imagined it
21:46.50Jensonhe was real pissed in december AFAIK
21:46.51resuDaeddidn't mett her till dec 24th
21:47.07Jensonwell he imagined it then
21:47.16resuDaedwe were both real pissed ... or trying to be, but she wasn't there
21:47.34JensonWell, he does think you are good looking and he has met you
21:47.52JensonMe and him had a big discussion over which gllug guys we might like to do stuff with lol
21:48.04resuDaedhe has met me, but I dopn't know what he makes his opinions based on
21:48.24resuDaedok, you can stop right there, I don't do things with gllug guys
21:48.47Jensonheh it was quite a funny conversation
21:48.59Jensonhe doesnt think dpash is cute, but I do
21:49.21resuDaedwhat does dpash look like?
21:51.26Clyphox|UThey all
21:51.36Jensonhi Clyphox|UT
21:51.48ClyphoxHowzit :-)
21:51.58JensonClyphox: Is Nikki coming to gllug on the 12th?
21:52.09ClyphoxShe's in Aberdeen atm.. sry
21:52.24Jensonah, is that why you are going to Aberdeen?
21:52.39Clyphox[vigorous nodding]
21:52.45JensonI'm listening to Blue...been listening to Jack Off Jill all day though
21:53.02ClyphoxBlue? thats that weird boy band no?
21:53.15ClyphoxDoes a disgrace to peeps like me who like blue
21:53.18Clyphox(the colour)
21:53.43Jensonthey are a good band
21:53.43Clyphoxjust notices "Jack of kill" on AL's playlist actaully.. any good?
21:53.48Clyphoxer off
21:53.53JensonNot as cute as Pink is :P
21:54.01Jensonyeh Jack Off Jill are good
21:54.19ClyphoxI'm more into heavy(ish) and small bands.. Like Paradis Lost hehe
21:54.25JensonTalking of Pink. I lost all my damn pics of her.
21:54.50JensonWell, I can't listen to most of my stuff til I've configured my soundcard and reloaded my MP3s
21:55.05Clyphoxneed a hand?
21:55.07*** join/#gllug resuDaed_ (
21:55.35Clyphoxwb Resudaed
21:55.36JensonClyphox: Nah, I can do it off the logs, I'm just bloody lazy
21:55.39resuDaed_ty Clyphox
21:55.42Jensonwb Tom
21:55.55ClyphoxI gotta be me some Damn Distorters sometime
21:56.01resuDaedjusst suffered random rebooting
21:56.12ClyphoxShould never have given my Boxx DS50 to my cousin..
21:56.15JensonresuDaed: ewww Win used to do that to me
21:56.16gj_did anybody tried 2.5.66 in here ?
21:56.19ClyphoxresuDaed: awe...
21:56.24Jensongj_: not me
21:56.26Clyphoxgj_: I prefer stability.. sry
21:56.34gj_btw, new apache 2.x is released
21:56.45gj_2.5.66 is first one <to test>
21:56.48Clyphox<- Play it safe
21:56.55resuDaedmy processor is running @ 60 deg C, could be the problem, but I cannot see anywhere to change in bios
21:56.58JensonClyphox: I was just looking at the ircphoto page and I realized I've never seen one of you. You got one?
21:57.04gj_this mean, if tests are finished we will release 2.6
21:57.09gj_so sugestion, please try :-)
21:57.16ClyphoxJenson: I'm kringing at the idea..
21:57.22JensonresuDaed: yeh that sounds bad, never seen mine get about 30 deg C
21:57.44resuDaedClyphox : btw, I fitted new proc/mb in this box, generally more stable now
21:58.04resuDaedthink my h/s & fan my be under spec
21:58.09ClyphoxI like that.. "generally" muhahaha
21:58.32JensonClyphox: Thats on a par with 'this Win box is more stable now'
21:58.36ClyphoxI noticed that my Gforce on crashes me when I use the 2.5.20 kernels..
21:58.38gj_Leeds: end of remote sesion :-)
21:58.46ClyphoxJenson: hehe
21:58.48resuDaedwell, perfectly stable aprat from UT (unreal) crashing out once and the random reboots over the last few minutes
21:59.03gj_Clyphox: wake up, we have 2.5.66 now
21:59.10ClyphoxI need the disc btw.. so I can kick both your asses
21:59.10gj_2.5.20 was new ages ago
21:59.20resuDaedClyphox : what, UT?
21:59.21JensonI'm still on 2.4.18
21:59.24Clyphoxgj_: is it 2.6.x ? no
21:59.32gj_i am on 2.4.21-pre6
21:59.33ClyphoxresuDaed: da
21:59.38JensonI need to upgrade to Slack 9
21:59.48gj_and on laptop 2.4.21-pre4
21:59.52ClyphoxJenson: why? not that great bth
21:59.57resuDaedClyphox : I now have enough processing power to decode divXs in real time
21:59.59JensonI used to love my UT demo, get into God mode and run around like a loser on easy practice mode
22:00.15eye69resuDaed: Hi.
22:00.30resuDaedevening eye69
22:00.32gj_Clyphox: well, i will repeat message
22:00.49ClyphoxGod Mode? bah.. I Ultra
22:00.52gj_Clyphox: every one is asked to try 2.5.66 and further
22:01.11gj_Clyphox: to make 2.6.0 stable for you from day one
22:01.16resuDaedJenson : you got a copy of UT?
22:01.21resuDaed(full version)
22:01.23eye69resuDaed: Took a while to get into shape again. :)
22:01.26Clyphoxgj_: The linux kernels suck.
22:01.27JensonresuDaed: I have a Win demo :)
22:01.31Clyphoxgj_: bsd owns
22:01.44JensonI have Q3A for Win, but my mate has got the disc, plus my win isnt setup
22:01.44Clyphoxgj_: besides 2.4.20 works (tm)
22:01.46resuDaedeye69 : I'm still not there
22:02.02eye69resuDaed: Heh.
22:02.03ClyphoxI got the Boxed Loki Q3A tin :-)
22:03.19JensonI have lots of different versions of Win/DOS DooM
22:03.31Clyphoxhehe :-)
22:03.40JensonBut I'm not deathmatching ever again after the embarrassment of DMing Dan lol
22:04.05Clyphoxhe beat you?
22:04.08highburybrb.. just rebooting back to Linux
22:04.14resuDaedJenson : get hold of a copy of unreal tournament
22:04.28JensonClyphox: Understatment, something like 29-3 first match lol
22:04.31ClyphoxPlates lsdoom? Its got freelook and more :-)
22:04.40ClyphoxJenson: he did tell me hehe
22:04.41JensonI like zDoomGL
22:04.45Clyphoxer Plates/Played
22:04.50Jensonhe told everyone
22:05.00eye69resuDaed: You don't happen to have UT2k3?
22:05.07JensonPlates lol you're getting like me
22:05.16resuDaeddoes having the side on your case help cooling or hinder
22:05.19eye69resuDaed: Guess it would be a bit slow on your gfx card though.
22:05.31JensonI havent bought any games in ages. Not sure my hardware would support anything new
22:05.47Leedsyay! segfault!
22:05.56resuDaedeye69 : UT ... was a bit, but I am now unemployed ... so have to stick with it for time being
22:06.04ClyphoxToday is my first Jobless day this century
22:06.10gj_what is this UT ?
22:06.16eye69Unreal Tournament
22:06.18resuDaedunreal tournament
22:06.44JensonClyphox: Unlike me, who got my first shitty job ever last week
22:07.07Jensonyeh lol
22:07.08Jensoni'm lazy
22:07.17resuDaedJenson : supermarket?
22:07.28Jensonnah resuDaed, school, cleaning lol
22:07.38ClyphoxJenson: Beth does that
22:07.43resuDaedJenson : don't mock it ... thats what beth does
22:07.51JensonI work there half the time as a volunteer IT admin, but I'm employed as a cleaner
22:08.00resuDaedfor only a copuple more weeks mind you ... but still
22:08.03Jensonheh its well dossy, like go so slow
22:08.05ClyphoxIT admin?
22:08.17Clyphoxeye69: hmmm.... wanna hand?
22:08.26resuDaedClyphox : its a windows network, IT admin aka monkey
22:08.37JensonClyphox: Well, i dont do anything fun. Tell people how to use a printer most of the time lol
22:08.45*** part/#gllug SpudULike (
22:08.51ClyphoxAhh real Sys Admin type
22:08.54*** join/#gllug SpudULike (
22:09.15eye69Clyphox: Heh. No, I'll survive.
22:09.40JensonIt took me 10 mins to work out how to save to a floppy on here this morning. Pretty mucyh sums Linux up: quick but a pain in the ass.
22:09.53Clyphoxeye69: awee.. you're breaking my heart here
22:09.54JensonThen MsWord refused to read Kword files for some reason
22:09.59eye69Jenson: You'll learn.
22:10.04eye69Clyphox: Why? :)
22:10.18Clyphoxeye69: The rejection.. I just can't take it..
22:10.20Jensoneye69: I'd already learnt, and forgotten
22:10.28eye69Need to trash md0 first though...never use it anyway
22:10.56eye69Clyphox: I prefer to do my own administration. :)
22:11.13Clyphoxeye69: I would prefer to do your too
22:12.36Clyphox(cigarette fag)
22:12.48eye69Fingers the fag? Ewwwww, that's a bit more than we wanted to know.
22:14.03Jensonibot lart Clyphox
22:14.15Clyphoxhmmm.. yeah baby
22:14.44Jensonheh resuDaed dont bet on it
22:14.57Jensonquite what he was droolijg i dont wanna know
22:15.24resuDaedUnreal Tournament or Takedown.avi
22:15.29Jensonwho you contemplating?
22:15.32resuDaed(the latter I havn't seen in ages)
22:15.59Leedsha ha ha!
22:16.00resuDaedor attempt to install another game on this semi-stable but very hot box
22:16.03SpudULikeTakedown - as in Antitrust?
22:16.18resuDaedTakedown as in Kevin Mitnick
22:16.30LeedsI have a one-way hardcoded-destination Jabber client working!
22:16.41SpudULikeHas Takedown got a different name?
22:16.44JensonresuDaed: Take the case off, and put a room fan next to ut lol
22:17.51*** join/#gllug resuDaed (
22:18.31resuDaedthat is how long it takes me to startx and run bitchx
22:18.44Jensonthats quicj
22:18.55resuDaednot really
22:19.47resuDaedClyphox : how long does it take to get urban terror on a box?
22:19.48ClyphoxI'm about to get kicked out ot #netbsd
22:19.54JensonClyphox:  why?
22:20.02ClyphoxresuDaed: as long as it does to download the maps
22:20.18resuDaedfor bad mouthing the installation no doubt
22:20.40ClyphoxJenson: Cause the installer sucks.
22:22.03gj_bsd sux
22:22.28resuDaedClyphox : where do I start?
22:22.31Clyphoxgj_: got better kernels and liscense's
22:22.46ClyphoxresuDaed: install q3a
22:23.03Jensonis q3a released for linux
22:23.13LeedsJenson: of course
22:23.16gj_i told that allready, but i will repead
22:23.26Jensonam i the only person who hasnt successfully managed to compile anything for linux
22:23.36gj_all hackers i know love BSD, becouse it is so wide open
22:23.37gj_for them
22:23.45gj_OpenBSD and Freebsd
22:23.51Jensoni tried to install Wolf 3d and Doom for linux, but I'm obviosuly stupid
22:23.53gj_i don't have information about net
22:24.20gj_there are plenty of unreleased local holes ?
22:25.25resuDaedanyone know any good mirrors for idsoftware?
22:25.29ClyphoxGot pak0.pk3?
22:25.44resuDaedam getting 16kB/sec
22:25.50Clyphoxoff me?
22:25.55ClyphoxJust get it off the net man
22:25.58resuDaedno, from
22:26.09JensonresuDaed: be impressed. the best I've ever got it 7kb/s
22:26.09resuDaedfrom you I'd get 14
22:26.29Jensondialup i usualy get about 3
22:26.33Jensonneed ADSL
22:26.39resuDaedJenson : you are not used to 60kB/s
22:27.09JensonresuDaed: Loval library is 128kb/s
22:28.20ClyphoxI think I am gonna have to leave #netbsd
22:28.35ClyphoxI just can't get them to admit that the install suxs arse.
22:28.36Jensonlol Clyphox stop irritasting them
22:28.50ClyphoxHell I have a hard time telling ppl that the slack install is EASY!
22:29.04JensonClyphox: the slack install is easy
22:29.36ClyphoxYeah try telling dumb windoze'ers that UI mean
22:29.39Clyphoxer UI=I
22:29.53JensonClyphox: The windows install is more annoying
22:30.19ClyphoxTo us.. but some ppl just suck
22:30.32JensonAnd I fail to see why ppl think a Debian install looks scary....I've never done one, but it doesnt *llok* scary
22:31.04ClyphoxI've done a few.. slack was easier
22:31.23Clyphoxhell booting off a Floppy and untarring wasw easier
22:31.38Jensoni like slack.....just put it on install alll and wander off
22:32.03resuDaedJenson : 60kB/s = 512(ish)kb/s
22:32.36resuDaedJenson : a debian install is scary
22:32.40JensonresuDaed: yeh. it was a small d/l. i never d/ed enough to see what speed it would settle at have some downloads, but none fo linux AFAICS
22:33.17JensonresuDaed: Well zimm did a Debian install on here (which if I was paying attention he wouldnt have been allowed to do) but I was too busy trying to distract him
22:34.14ClyphoxresuDaed: its out there..
22:34.31Jensoni should have just picked up the keyboard and walked ogff, coz he obviusoly likes linux more than me
22:34.47resuDaedClyphox : what is?
22:35.11Clyphoxthe truth..
22:35.34Clyphoxthe q3a point release I meant originally :-)
22:35.56Jensonahhhhhhhh, fscking hell, X is crashing my browsers outn again. We had this last night
22:37.27Clyphoxmemory shortage maybe
22:37.47Jensoncould be
22:38.04Jensoni have 128MB RAM 180 swap I think
22:38.25Clyphoxtry phoenix maybe
22:39.28Jenson197MB swap according to cfdisk
22:39.32ClyphoxI can't fund my wallet
22:39.37Clyphoxer find
22:39.43Jensonwould a larger swap partition be useful
22:40.00ClyphoxJenson: depends if you need it.. hehe
22:40.18JensonWell I have almost 8GB I'm not doing anything with ATM
22:41.22Clyphoxdo you have an unused partition?
22:41.56JensonI tried to make that free space into a filestores, and killed my slack install in the process, so im steering werll clewar nw
22:42.00Jensonwell clear now
22:42.05ClyphoxYour Huge intelects are no match for my tiny beam weapon!
22:42.41eye69There, LVM extended onto another 18GB disk.
22:43.16Clyphoxnow I'm shooting ppl with my phaser in #netbsd
22:43.24Clyphox(they're not that bad :-) 0
22:44.03resuDaedClyphox : what else do I need to download (and from where)
22:44.13resuDaed(still @ 16k)
22:45.18Jensonmy mate who is meant to be coming to gllug with me now has decided she wont coz she wants to get her tongue pierced ASAP and will have to take time off work for that, therefore cant take time off to come to london
22:45.41Clyphox(only 600Meg or so)
22:45.44resuDaedfrom where?
22:45.48eye69Should I install Q3?
22:45.59Leedsargh, I can send messages, but not receive them
22:46.00resuDaed(I don't really want to rip 600 MB from your server)
22:46.19Clyphoxeye69: then install Urbanterror (.net) and I can give yom some liks
22:46.22Clyphoxer licks
22:46.40ClyphoxresuDaed: its quake3. can't run it without it.
22:47.07resuDaedthe quake 3, as in I need to have the whole thing to use the engine?
22:47.27Clyphoxafaik yes
22:48.39resuDaedyou don't happen to have a physical copy do you (on CD)
22:48.56eye69Clyphox: I shall.
22:49.57ClyphoxresuDaed: yeah
22:50.13eye69My Q3 CD is fscked
22:50.18ClyphoxresuDaed: Didn't you see the nice Shiney Loki Quake3A box I have?
22:50.28Clyphoxeye69: Got the liscense still?
22:50.53eye69Dunno if I have a working license...haven't played it for ages
22:51.12resuDaedClyphox : I think so, could you rip me a copy of files I need that can't be downloaded?
22:51.35Jensoni have Q3A for win, or at least my mate does
22:51.45Jensonihave the case, but shes got the CD lol
22:52.12ClyphoxresuDaed: come on over.. the TWWIIISST
22:52.29resuDaedI have the q3 point release, and the files available from
22:52.32ClyphoxJenson: thats no good hehe
22:54.02resuDaedClyphox : ok, but I need to get dressed etc. will I need blank cds?
22:54.19resuDaedLeeds : I told you it'd hurt
22:54.26JensonresuDaed: Are you gonna go to Clyphox's now?
22:54.34resuDaedJenson : why?
22:54.42JensonresuDaed: coz its like midnight lol
22:54.49resuDaedJenson : and?
22:55.01ClyphoxresuDaed: blank CD would be a good idea yeah
22:55.07Jensonoh yeh i forgot, being on irc talking about linux isnt normal anyweay
22:55.25resuDaedJenson : I lost my job, I don't exactly have to get up early tomorrow
22:55.52JensonresuDaed: What'd you do to lose your job?
22:56.09JensonI just wouldnt wanna go outside in this weather, plus its dangerous
22:56.28resuDaedmy mother was taken ill ... had to go to the hospital with her, I had to take a day off work ... all of a sudden ... didn't have a job
22:56.43JensonThats just evil of the job people
22:56.53resuDaedJenson : pretty much
22:56.54Jensonis your mother ok?
22:57.10resuDaedJenson : shes been better, but she ok
22:57.10Jensoncongrats Leeds
22:57.17JensonresuDaed: good :)
22:57.24Leedsoops... not yay to ill mother... yay to getting some two-way Jabber
22:57.33JensonLeeds: yeh i guessefd
22:57.39resuDaedLeeds : I guess also
22:58.10LeedsresuDaed: were you properly employed? 'coz that's probably illegal if you were...
22:58.26Jensonit sounds illegal to me
22:59.05resuDaedLeeds : no ... agency
22:59.28ClyphoxresuDaed: sorry to hear 'bout you mum!
22:59.30resuDaedbut I'd been with them 2 months or so
22:59.58Leedsstill sounds dodgy...
23:00.23Leedsthey almost certainly have the right to not pay you for that day, but not to fire you for it, as a genuine family emergency
23:00.55resuDaedLeeds : I know, but agency staff have no rights ... hence why they get employed so easily
23:01.14JensonAh well, time for bed
23:01.16ClyphoxresuDaed: you comming round then?
23:01.17LeedsI think you have some rights... I did agency work years ago
23:01.21ClyphoxJenson: night night
23:01.27JensonGood luck finding another job then resuDaed
23:01.28resuDaednight Jenson
23:01.31Jensonnight Clyphox
23:01.34Jensonnight resuDaed
23:01.37Jensonnight Leeds
23:01.47*** part/#gllug Jenson (
23:03.30Leedsand it's basically working... at midnight
23:03.32resuDaedClyphox : yeah, am just finding things
23:03.47resuDaed(eg blank cds)
23:03.56ClyphoxI should have..
23:04.15ClyphoxI will take you though the quake3 mod setup
23:04.15eye69Installing UT2k3 now.
23:04.34resuDaedUT & UT are going to get confusing
23:04.58resuDaedcouldn't they come up with orrigional initials for one of them
23:07.28ClyphoxUrbanterror is older iirc
23:07.37Clyphoxaka: q3ut2
23:08.29resuDaedok, am leaving in around 30 seconds
23:08.49Clyphoxcya soon.. want coffee?
23:08.50resuDaedlaters Tarragon
23:09.10resuDaedClyphox : please, black, 2 sugars ... and can you make sure back door is unlocked :-)
23:28.58Stephenevening all
23:36.36*** join/#gllug Davilion (
23:37.26Davilionhows it going leeds?
23:38.53Leedspretty good...
23:39.13Leedsgetting along well at work... and I've written the core of a Jabber client for my iPAQ this evening...
23:39.29Leeds27K binary, including a statically-linked Jabber protocol library
23:40.14Leedshow's it with you?
23:40.37Davilionthings are good
23:41.30Davilionjust at a friends for a beer and pc fixing session
23:41.49Leedscool... I'm about to go to bed :-)

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