irclog2html for #gllug on 20030919

00:05.44*** join/#gllug aslan (~leigh@
00:06.55*** part/#gllug aslan (~leigh@
09:25.00*** join/#gllug cup (
09:25.20*** join/#gllug Leeds (
09:45.32*** join/#gllug Tarragon (
09:49.23eye69Hello Tarragon
09:49.41TarragonAnybody ever heard of a band called "The Darkness"?
09:49.47TarragonHi eye69
09:50.11stephenyes, I've hard of them, but that's about it
09:52.14TarragonThe Darkness Permission to land CD has a wierd copy protection. False TOC gives an extra track that is just white noise for 33 minutes. Causes Cdda2wav to die. Grip dies as well even if you say don't rip that track
09:53.28stephenI never buy CDs anyway, they're an absolute rip off, so I don't care :P
09:55.12TarragonAh, not mine. Belongs to one of my nieces and she wants to leave the original at home while at Uni. How she can listen to such rubbish is beyond me anyway.
09:56.36TarragonI only play my Aqua vinyl singles anyway  :-]
09:58.24stephengrr, _still_ hasn't got the newly-patched SSH and sendmail packages from a couple of days ago
10:41.19*** join/#gllug zachary (
10:41.36TarragonMoin zachary
10:49.37zacharyNew MS virus already on the loose? Had 60 emails this morning, my norm is about 5.
10:50.57Jenson|AwayTarragon: I've heard of the Darkness, they're from the same county as me
10:51.07Jenson|Awaywell, actually they arent lol, coz i live on the border
10:51.23Jenson|Awayanyway, i'm not here, just online researching the ECDL
10:51.26Jenson|Awaygotta go now
11:07.34*** join/#gllug Cope (
11:07.53TarragonAvast ye landlubber!
11:14.27cupsome mentioned it is pirate day today, who makes this stuff up? - Don't blame me - I got it from JD. Also UserFriendly has it as their cartoon today
11:42.47*** join/#gllug Leeds (
11:43.35LeedsWethrin: see the news this morning?
11:52.49Leedssince you asked...
12:04.39murblenot very newsworthy
12:05.34Leedswe were discussing it earlier in the week
12:08.36Leedswhich is why I prefaced my original comment with Wethrin, because I didn't think anyone else would really care...
13:43.01*** join/#gllug cup (
14:04.41gregjha, i got a visa for 2 years!
14:05.09Leedsmazel tov!
14:05.26Leedscongratulations... in Hebrew
14:05.37gregjdziekuje :D
14:06.29Leedsdid you chase them in the end or not?
14:08.19gregjthey respond to my latest letter
14:08.29gregji wanted to go there on monday
14:08.43gregjbecause i had to give them 5 days for response
14:34.49Leedsgregj: so does that mean you're legal now?
14:45.02Leedsyou're still not a Brit - no need to act like one :-P
14:45.47gregji have to vain in croud
14:46.20gregjmaybe this sentence sounds a bit different in english
14:46.31gregjthis is translation, word by word
14:47.23Leedsit makes very little sense...
14:47.43gregjsure ;]
14:48.10Leedswhat are you trying to say?
14:48.13gregjit means that you bahave just like everyone else that surrounds you - so you are part of croud
14:48.31TarragonBlend into the crowd
14:48.39gregjoh, blend
14:48.55gregjTarragon: thanks :D
14:51.00Leedsah yes
14:51.51gregji wasn't sure about this vain
14:58.43Leedsvain is... someone who cares too much about their appearance...
15:03.26gregjso rather oposite
15:05.17gregjever heard about cross compiler
15:05.42Leedsum, yeah, of course I have
15:05.58Leedsit's just easier to work natively... the speed doesn't really bother me
15:06.14gregjman, you cannot use your ipaq meanwhile
15:06.20gregjleave it overnight
15:07.30Leedsit's not my iPAQ... it's HP's iPAQ :-)
15:07.46Leedsand it doesn't take *that* long
15:09.50gregj./yours --help
15:11.05gregjwell, i said "your ipaq"
15:11.36gregjwhich is incorrrect in your opinion (maybe you are sharing this opinion with hp ;] )
15:11.57LeedsI don't understad
15:12.08Leedsit is your iPAQ - it is yours
15:12.19gregjthank you ;)
15:12.40Leedsit is my iPAQ - it is mine
15:12.46gregjso it is yours
15:12.59Leedsit is HP's iPAQ - it is HP's (or it is their iPAQ - it is theirs)
15:15.11LeedsBram got an NTK write-up for A-A-P
15:15.26gregjwhatever that means
15:17.56LeedsBram = author of vim and A-A-P
15:18.26LeedsA-A-P = cool build/install/download framwork thing written in Python with various Euro-funding and a fledgling IDE growing around it
15:19.15LeedsNTK = Need To Know (*the* weekly high-tech sarcastic update for the uk) - you should *really* read this if you don't already -
15:20.16gregji will
15:21.43LeedsI've met one of the two blokes who run ntk a few times - good bloke... and both of them are very good friends with a very good friend of mine
15:23.46Leedsand A-A-P is certainly high on my list of things to get addicted to :-)
15:24.39gregjand qt
15:24.42gregjcute :D
15:25.49LeedsA-A-P is better... if for no other reasons than a) Python b) vim and c) approximately named after the Dutch word for monkey :-)
15:30.13gregjape is monkey in dutch afair
15:31.04LeedsI did say approximately - anyway, that's what Bram said when I asked him about it at FOSDEM...
15:32.48gregj"SCUMM VM"
15:32.50gregjcool name
15:33.00Leedsha, yes
15:33.04gregjit really makes me keen on running it
15:33.09Leedsit's very cool
15:34.22gregji've order yesterday some materials from m$ . basicaly, that will try to convince me to use microsoft software
15:34.38Leedsordered = free, I hope
15:35.10gregjif it will come as bunch of .docs. i will reply - hang on, this ment to be something that has to convience linux ppl to sell windows over linux
15:35.17gregjhow should i open this, i don't have windows :D
15:35.24gregj3.5$ usd
15:35.35Leedsopenoffice :-P
15:35.38gregjm$ never gives anything for free
15:35.50Leedsnow if it comes as self-extracting .exe files... you're screwed
15:35.52gregjhang on, i am talking about real docs - pdfs and so on
15:36.55gregjopenoffice/star office _can_ open .doc. But that does not mean that it opens it correctly
15:37.36gregjand i can tell you, m$ guys don't care about whether it will or not open in anything else but their office
15:37.56Leeds(mplayer still building, btw)
15:38.08gregjapt-get install mplayer-686 :D
15:38.48Leedsfor arm?
15:39.09gregjhmm, let me see...
15:39.13gregjthere is debian for arm
15:40.42Leedsyou really think I don't know that? :-)
15:44.34Leedsit failed on the final linking!
16:13.07Leedsthe failure is in a function called licomb_y_mmx
16:13.17Leedswhich doesn't immediately sound useful on the iPAQ
17:08.10gregja sash hi
17:12.23*** join/#gllug zimm (
17:27.47SpudULikeHmmm, Dead Ringers on soon. And guess who has tickets for the recording on Tuesday 2nd October???   ;-)
17:28.06Leedspeople are talking like pirates in :-)
17:28.31SpudULikeIt is National 'Talk like a pirate' day.
17:28.40Leedswell yes, obviously
17:28.48SpudULikeShiver me' timbers.
17:29.26SpudULikeIt's no fun being a pirate on the canals!
17:29.43Leedsboard that barge, men!
17:29.45SpudULikeMake someone walk the plank and they just run off down the tow path.
17:30.25Leedsand I'm sure the locks get in the way of running from the Royal Navy
17:31.38SpudULikeNot sure on that, I think the British Waterways police are only allowed to go at 5 miles an hour.
17:32.38SpudULikeYeah, which is why they go everywhere by car/van.
17:33.06SpudULikeMust be murder driving with waders on.
17:33.06LeedsI think my dad defended someone once who got done for speeding on a jetski...
17:33.53SpudULikeThere must be speed limits for inshore waters.
17:34.45SpudULikeOK, gotta go, chat later.
18:43.00*** join/#gllug stephanb (
18:44.05Jensonstephanb: can i send you a weird song?
18:44.23stephanbJenson: you can indeed
18:52.08*** join/#gllug Leeds (
18:52.14Jensonheya Leeds
18:52.22Leedsfoo :-)
18:52.34stephanbLeeds: bar
18:52.47Leedsdon't mind if I do
19:05.06stephanbLeeds: how are things
19:05.17Leedsnot bad... you?
19:05.32stephanbjust come back from holiday, quite good
19:05.58stephanbbiarritz (southwest france)
19:09.12Leedssomething very disturbing is pointed out by TiVo...
19:09.39stephanbLeeds: whats that ?
19:09.42Leedsit records any time, night or day...
19:09.56Leedsovernight there are a lot less ads, and some of them are for porn...
19:10.22Leedsduring the day, a shocking number of ads contain the phrase "CCJ" or are otherwise about dodgy financial services
19:12.43stephanbLeeds: CCJ ?
19:12.57LeedsCounty Court Judgement
19:13.18stephanbLeeds: ??? meaning
19:13.40Leedsmeaning that you've lost a case in the county court...
19:13.53Leedsin this case, I think it means "was sued for unpaid bills"
19:14.00JDhi all
19:14.11stephanbLeeds: meaning these companies who advertise have been sued for not paying their bills ?
19:14.15Leedsah, JD will know :-)
19:14.49JDmost people will not touch you if you have CCJ (on the grounds you are a bad debt risk)
19:14.52Leedsstephanb: they're all ads for "lost your job, lost your house, lost your credit rating, get a loan from us to pay for your other loans!"
19:15.09JDthey will give you a loan for a huge interest rate
19:15.57stephanbJD: like these shopping "cards"
19:16.07JDstephanb: no
19:16.21Leedsthe point is that all the ads are "watching TV during the day? you must have no job and no credit rating!"
19:16.30JDstephanb: they normally won't touch people with CCJs but still have silly interest rates
19:17.13stephanbcapitalism is unfair, whats new about this ?
19:18.30JDstephanb: it is more that neoliberalism that is shit
19:18.30Leedsit's not so much the capitalism - although these firms are purely preying on the vunerable - it's more the fact that you don't see those ads in primetime or latenight, only during unemployed-viewer time
19:19.13JDLeeds: I think that is partly due to lower costs
19:19.47LeedsI don't think so
19:19.51Leedswell, yes
19:21.02Leedsthat's maybe why those ads aren't on in primetime...
19:21.22Leedsbut it's the sheer number of them - and the scariness of them - which gets me
19:23.16stephanbthe number of middle class 30yo women dressed as rock stars fallen off the back of a limo scares me
19:23.52stephanbthere are many things in this society that scares me
19:24.12JDstephanb: like Jenson?
19:24.31stephanbno not jenson
19:24.41JDyou mean she doesn't scare you?
19:25.19stephanbnot in the dimension of a "fallen" society
19:26.20stephanbshe doesn't come across to me as a selfish bitch who wants the kids, the career and the lot
19:26.25stephanbbut i may be wrong
19:34.57*** join/#gllug Tarragon ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:34.57*** join/#gllug stephen ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:34.57*** join/#gllug A4266|gone ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:34.57*** join/#gllug Jenson|Away (~jenson@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:34.57*** join/#gllug ragnor (~ragnor@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:36.03JDwell I've just seen 2 loan ads on E4
19:38.22JDthe thing about these ads the bother me is that they tend to take a loan unsecured loan and changes it to a secured loan
19:38.32JDso if you default you lose your house
19:38.49JDplus they suggest you take out extras for car/holiday/home improvements
20:48.20*** join/#gllug Leeds (
20:58.06JDrecorded big 'n' busty for you?
20:58.42Leedsdecided to record Dead Like Me on Wednesday rather than now
21:06.12Leedsjust confused me, that's all
21:06.27Leedsany good?
21:06.39JDso you have already recorded it or you have to wait until next wek?
21:06.44JDhmm not sure just yet
21:06.56JDask me in 15 minutes
21:07.11LeedsI will record it in 5 days
21:10.21*** part/#gllug stephanb (
21:10.31Leeds:( = don't like it, or :( = pity having to wait
21:11.17JDseems like clarrisa knows all but with death
21:11.39Leedsum, okay
21:14.58WethrinHow goes?
21:15.40murbleoh good evening
21:15.41JDit goes
21:17.16murbleand maybe merryhell
21:17.19JDtook me nearly 3 hours to drive from chelmsford to bedford
21:17.49murblethat is quite a time, what were you doing in chelmsford?
21:18.34murblethe other evening it took 3/4 of an hour from Stansted carparking to High Wycombe, going at the standard continental speed of 200kph on the motorway...
21:18.40Jenson|Awaychelmsfod is 4 mins from me by train
21:18.55murbleJenson|Away: all the more reason to avoid it :)
21:19.00Jenson|Away45 lol
21:19.00Jenson|Awayi cant tpye
21:19.11Jenson|Awayi knew sitting here zand not saying anything was a better idea
21:19.31murblehow entertaining is that?
21:19.32Jenson|Awaycoz im not making sense
21:19.36Jenson|Awayim tired
21:19.54murbleyeah, you are, well you should be unerstandable for people who normally trun and read murblish.
21:20.17JDmurble: I wouldn't bother correcting
21:20.26JDJenson|Away: you nearly scared me then
21:20.41JDmurble: I was working
21:20.42Jenson|AwayJD: lol
21:20.49murbleJD: sounds fatal
21:20.55murblewho'd want to work/
21:21.00JDthat isn't the half of ot
21:21.01Jenson|AwayJD: you must come down here and see my town sometime
21:21.08murbleI was on holiday today and did more work than i normally do when working from home.
21:21.11JDJenson|Away: /your/ town?
21:21.25Jenson|AwayJD: yeh :) like i own the place :P
21:21.34JDmurble: I told work that I wasn't going to do anymore unpaid overtime
21:21.58murbleI don't think that would work for me.
21:22.05murbleis anyone else here planning to
21:22.33JDmurble: I had thought of it
21:22.51murbleyou can get a return flight for 750 quid atm inc taxes.
21:23.13Wethrin£750 is a bit steep just for a geekthing
21:23.22JDWethrin: but it is LCA
21:23.42Wethrinit's not a Gllug meeting ;-)
21:23.45LeedsWethrin: I agree
21:24.07WethrinNow if I was to have a holiday at the same time there, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
21:24.16Leedsargh... every Sky program I watch on TiVo from this week... has trailers for Dead Like Me...
21:24.19murblewith a stopover in Kuala Lumpur
21:24.20WethrinOr if someone paid me to go.
21:24.29WethrinBut it's during termtime.
21:24.42JDJenson|Away: you found a follower?
21:24.46Jenson|AwayWethrin: yeh
21:24.46murbleWethrin: that is the point, you go for more than just the length of the converence.
21:25.00Jenson|AwayJD: yeh, well i found him ages ago lol, but then we had a fight lol
21:25.04Leedsmurble: I went to Hong Kong on the way out and Bangkok on the way back...
21:25.15murbleLeeds: how much was the flight?
21:25.34Leedsnot relevent to this discussion...
21:25.57WethrinLeeds is rich enough to afford it :)
21:26.05LeedsI had help...
21:26.12JDmurble: it should (or is that just my nickcolor script?)
21:26.18Leedsflew on two different airlines...
21:26.26murbleJD: /ignore doesn't seem to do it.
21:26.27JDLeeds: isn;t bangkok a shithole?
21:26.34JDmurble: oh
21:26.34LeedsJD: pretty much
21:26.46LeedsHK is very nice though
21:26.56JDLeeds: there are nicer places in .th
21:27.04WethrinBangkok is okay for about half a day to see the touristy bits.
21:27.06JDand shame that it is now .ch
21:27.15JDto get away from you?
21:27.23murbleand about 200 $us / night just for hotelage.
21:27.26Jenson|AwayJD: no lol
21:27.40JDmurble: I have a renewal of vowes to go too
21:27.45Jenson|AwayWethrin: how are your cats?
21:27.51WethrinErm. They're fine.
21:27.55LeedsJD: I didn't feel any .cn type of pressure
21:27.55murbleJD: the old ones where wearing out.
21:28.15JDmurble: clearly
21:28.32JDmurble: in st lucia in Mar 2005
21:28.36Jenson|Awaybut im not going
21:29.14JDJenson|Away: how do you know you have been invited if you aren't going to get invited until tomorrow?
21:29.36murbleJD: well clearly that will be too late.
21:29.54Jenson|Awaylol actually i was invited yesterday
21:29.56JDmurble: by a few weeks/months
21:30.00Jenson|Awaywell i was already invited
21:30.14Jenson|Awaybut i whinged about not knowing what to wear
21:30.16JDmurble: and is also slightly out of the way
21:30.19Jenson|Awayand now i have no money
21:30.24JDJenson|Away: wear black
21:30.30murbleJenson|Away: was it in the uk.
21:30.40Jenson|Awaymurble: yeh, north east london
21:30.48murblewell my only tie is black...
21:30.51murblei don't do weddings
21:30.56murbleonly funerals.
21:31.00JDmurble: I have 3 ties
21:31.35JDI prefer 3 piece suits
21:32.17Jenson|Awaynight boys :P
21:32.36Jenson|Awaynight Wethrin
21:33.30murbleJD: burtons?
21:34.19JDmurble: you know, the clothes shop
21:34.41murbleoh clothing retailer.
21:34.52murbleso you had to have alteast one tie per day you worked there?
21:34.59murblehmm + 1 for the interview
21:35.05JDno, but I had lots
21:35.27murbleof interviews?
21:35.49JDI have less now
21:36.04JDinterestingly the first tie they gave me is still my favourite
21:38.48murblethey gave you a tie for free!
21:38.56JDyeah and other things
21:39.16murblewhat was you role there?
21:39.42JDsales assistant
21:39.56murbleoh talking to custardS?
21:39.58murblehow horrible.
21:39.59JDI did end up as join in charge of shoes
21:40.06murblethat is like 1st line support by worse.
21:40.31JDat least the product was more reliable
21:42.44murbleI hope so.
21:59.36Leeds"could care less"
22:14.56WethrinShould I install Slackware on this laptop, or Hurd?
22:15.24murbleWethrin: do you not want to use it, or do you not want to use it. the choice is yours.
22:15.36murblechoose freebeard.
22:16.22Leedsdepends on if you want to use it or not

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