irclog2html for #gllug on 20040402

00:01.18formii think i was told there was a perl mongers meeting today
00:01.33wethrinThere was a Heretics meet
00:01.42formii was at the last, and it wasn't pretty
00:01.53wethrinI was there too - it was fine.
00:02.03formiwethrin: you are ugly
00:02.09George-I'm ugly
00:02.12wethrinyou're drunk
00:02.27MacLeedsin the morning...
00:02.40formiGeorge-: if you are drunk go to bed
00:02.40wethrinI'll still be drunk. Oh, wait...
00:02.51George-I'm not drunk.
00:02.52MacLeedsGeorge- can't be drunk
00:02.57George-I hate alcohol
00:02.58MacLeedshe's too ickle
00:02.59George-I can't be drunk
00:03.04George-MacLeeds: yeh, shut up :)
00:03.24formiMacLeeds: define ickle
00:03.26George-I'm taller than YOU
00:03.30MacLeedsformi: underage
00:03.33TarragonGeorge-: Go to bed. No Story for you tonight!
00:03.37George-Tarragon: ..
00:03.40wethrinahoy Tarragon
00:03.46wethrinHave you got your email working yet?
00:04.00TarragonNo but it has been promised tomorrow
00:04.02formithis stars to look like a "jenson's job"
00:04.08George-formi: ?
00:04.31formieverybody taking the micky out of poor George-!
00:04.50wethrinformi: Let's not go there, please :)
00:04.53MacLeedsformi: trust me - he deserves it...
00:05.04TarragonAwwwwwwh. Poor little George-
00:05.05MacLeedsyou should look at his code!
00:05.08wethrinTarragon: Hrm. Well, I'll email you once you're caught up with the rest of yours
00:05.17formiMacLeeds: let's hope then he doesn't leave to close to Jenson
00:05.17George-Will you STOP talking about my AWFUL code
00:05.22highburyI don't want to ban another users, just cos he sleeps with everybody
00:05.26wethrinGeorge-: Stop spouting Perl onto the channel
00:05.47George-wethrin: haha
00:06.02wethring'night murb - z;eep well
00:06.16TarragonNight murb
00:06.17MacLeedsnight murb
00:06.20George-formi: referring to me?
00:06.41formimurb: buy another keyboard, or a couple of hands
00:07.40wethrinformi: Nah - he just needs to sober up
00:07.56George-I'm hyper enough as it is
00:08.00George-I don't need no alcohol
00:08.08formiwethrin: if you take a fish out of the water, it dies
00:08.20wethrinformi: Not a lungfish
00:08.23TarragonDid you have too many sweets at playtime?
00:08.34wethrinSugar high?
00:08.46George-Tarragon: no
00:08.52George-Tarragon: I'm just generally a hyperactive person
00:08.56George-Tarragon: ask Leeds ;)
00:08.57formiI had 1 pint of extra cold guiness, because it was free
00:09.03George-formi: cheapskate
00:09.26formiand then a bad attack of double-reverse ironitis
00:10.00MacLeedsTarragon: it's true
00:10.12MacLeedshe is, in fact, a nutter
00:10.45George-MacLeeds: you're really quite rotten to me :)
00:10.53TarragonOh God not another one.
00:11.03George-Tarragon: ?
00:11.05formispeaking about cheapstakes, if somebody talks to resuDaed, tell him he still owes me £35, 13 months overdue!
00:11.06MacLeedsGeorge-: true...
00:11.13wethrinTarragon: MacLeeds is the same as Leeds, so you don't have anything to worry about
00:11.14George-formi: haha
00:11.31George-formi: why does he owe you 35 quid?
00:11.48formiMacLeeds: are you a proper MacLeeds, with kilt and all?
00:11.55Tarragonwethrin: No I meant George- is another nutter. We have so many already
00:12.03George-Tarragon: who are the others?
00:12.10MacLeedsnope, I am an honourary member of the clan Leeds
00:12.27formiTarragon: proper nutters never learn *nix
00:12.31MacLeedsor something...
00:12.58formiMacLeeds: does it means you need no kilt, and no underpants?
00:13.04George-All I can remember from the meeting is that Leeds was eating right the way through it
00:13.12MacLeedsformi: something like that
00:13.52formiso you perform your duties as honorary half naked menber?
00:14.03MacLeedsyes, I have a half-naked member
00:14.13MacLeedsor something
00:14.19wethrinMacLeeds: Is that along the lines of "the Scottish play"?
00:14.27MacLeedswethrin: right
00:14.27formiMacLeeds: you don't need to remind us
00:14.38wethrinI need sleep.
00:14.39George-hahaha.. the scottish filesystem
00:14.42wethring'night all
00:14.50TarragonNight wethrin
00:15.02George-MacLeeds: tell this scottish chap that he's much more interesting than you are
00:15.03formiwethrin: have a nice hangover
00:15.19MacLeedsGeorge-: will do
00:15.39formiMacLeeds: tell this scottish chap you kicked George- out the channel
00:15.46formiand don't lie
00:15.50*** kick/#gllug [George-!] by MacLeeds (MacLeeds)
00:15.52*** join/#gllug George- (
00:15.58George-not funny
00:16.15George-I think I deserve honourary +v for putting up with this shit
00:16.19MacLeedswell I couldn't make a liar out of formi
00:16.26formiGeorge-: you are not experienced enough too apreciate how funny it was
00:16.28George-MacLeeds: you've kicked me countless times before!
00:16.43MacLeedsabout 5
00:16.55formiGeorge-: if you keep comming back, he'll keep kicking you
00:16.57Tarragon10 is a rounder number
00:17.12MacLeedsTarragon: sure, but what's the hurry?
00:17.50George-MacLeeds: grr
00:18.13George-you guys kick me because I'm ickle
00:18.15George-this is unfair
00:18.16formiMacLeeds: you can get extra points with a 10min ban
00:18.54George-and you get umpteen points if you make me +v
00:18.55TarragonI don't think I have kicked you yet
00:18.58MacLeedsGeorge-: more because you're an annoying KDE weenie with a wasted laptop, really
00:19.26George-annoying kde weenie?
00:19.31*** mode/#gllug [+o Tarragon] by wethrin
00:19.38wethrinTarragon: Did you want a chance?
00:19.42*** mode/#gllug [-o Tarragon] by Tarragon
00:19.45formiMacLeeds: can i get op rights you i can stop being the only one who hasn't kicked George-
00:20.19George-MacLeeds: you don't kick JD for being a kde guy
00:20.27MacLeedsyeah, but I like him :-P
00:20.36MacLeedsanyway - he's not a weenie
00:20.39George-what have I done to deserve this?
00:20.43*** mode/#gllug [+o formi] by ChanServ
00:20.58MacLeedsnot much
00:21.01formiGeorge-: no bad feelings
00:21.08*** kick/#gllug [George-!] by formi (formi)
00:21.08*** join/#gllug George- (
00:21.14highburyhey guys make you minds up, if you get fed up with him, tell him to fuck off
00:21.15*** mode/#gllug [-o formi] by formi
00:21.27*** mode/#gllug [-o wethrin] by wethrin
00:21.28George-highbury: I think they just like the /kick command
00:21.30highburyif thats not enough we can ban him
00:21.39George-I haven't even DONE ANYTHING!
00:21.45George-MacLeeds: this is all your fault
00:21.52highburymaybe we'll start taking away op rights
00:21.59MacLeedshow's that then?
00:22.09George-MacLeeds: you're the first guy who kicked me
00:22.19formiGeorge-: you are the first person i kicked out of a public channel in about 4 years, considered yourself honored!
00:22.30George-formi: no, I will consider myself honoured
00:22.51formiGeorge-: that's what i meant
00:22.59George-that's not what you said
00:23.17George-MacLeeds: define "weenie"
00:24.12George-MacLeeds: can't we just be friends?
00:24.27George-Tarragon: bah
00:24.32George-highbury: I'm not a wanker.
00:24.54formiwanker = individual who drives a Mitshubisi Pajero
00:25.01MacLeedsGeorge-: you're a teenaged boy... *no-one* is going to believe that :-)
00:25.38formiGeorge-: and we've already guessed you can use your hands
00:25.41highburynn folks
00:25.45MacLeedsnight highbury
00:25.50TarragonNight highbury
00:25.53formihighbury: night
00:27.03TarragonInuit film has just finished on TV so I am off to Tescos for some more beer. Back in 40
00:27.38formiTescos selling beer at this time of the night?
00:27.42MacLeedsand, um... do Tescos sell beer at 1:30am?
00:27.50formithey are dodgier than i thought
00:28.35Tarragon24hr store. If not then at least I can get some more tonic water
00:29.28formiTarragon: open the tap, and then you might get water
00:31.50formiTarragon: low tech way of going about it, but works sometimes, just ask Coca-Cola
00:33.05MacLeedswith added carcinogens!
00:35.08formiMacLeeds: nobody is perfect
00:35.40formieven though if we are talking about massice usain corp, they will try to rip you off
00:35.45MacLeedshang on... you're saying big evil multinational culture-destroying American company isn't perfect?  are you really formi? :-)
00:36.28formiyou've caught me