irclog2html for #gllug on 20040528

00:03.26murbI'm trying to work out what time it starts it is not clear from the website.
00:03.46murbLeeds: and do you know how long trasnfers are likly to take from leeds bradford airport?
00:04.02Leedswhat, into town?
00:04.41murbwell whereever their venue is.
00:04.43LeedsI've not been to LBA for maybe 10 years...
00:05.33murboh, i'm just looking at various options and working out total costs.
00:05.40*** join/#gllug Karen (
00:06.19murblo again!
00:08.06Leedsso... touchy about anti-lawyer comments, are we? :-)
00:08.24rhowelawyers suck!
00:08.30Karenyes, when I'm in this sort of mood:-P
00:08.33Leedsrhowe: that is very true
00:08.49rhoweLeeds: But only if you pay them enough, I suspect
00:08.52murbrhowe: friendly lawyers are good though.
00:09.06murbrhowe: and we don't want unhappyones, bad things may happen.
00:09.10rhowemurb: Yes, albeit less common than one would like
00:09.12murbrhowe: consider it like pissing off your sysadmin.
00:11.17Karenhow many children read the gllug list?
00:11.24LeedsKaren: if you sue me, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine
00:11.27rhoweKaren: Well, I do... :)
00:11.45*** join/#gllug evangineer (
00:12.10KarenI only wonder 'cos someone has contacted me saying his/her kids read it, and therefore I ought not to use profain language
00:12.28LeedsKaren: it was a little blunt... it was only a joke, after all
00:12.31murbKaren: oh what did you post?
00:13.02murbKaren: depends on how you define kids, i think George may technically count as one.
00:13.10murbbut seeing as he also users IRC..
00:13.25Leedsgeorge is a fuckwit anyway
00:13.27murband goes to a posh school, i think you can consider him already corrupted.
00:13.32KarenLeeds: yes, a little blunt
00:14.29Karenbecause I was rather peeved at the time
00:14.41LeedsI think you made that very clear :-)
00:14.55murbKaren: oh that post looks fair enough L:)
00:15.27Leedsto be fair, I've heard some great anti-lawyer jokes over the years from legal people in the family, and my dad's practice is the best source of dirty jokes I know :-)
00:15.45KarenIt hadn't occurred to me that there might be lots of 10 year olds reading though
00:15.47murbdoes Alain ever come to meetings anyway?
00:16.37Karenyeah - it's like gay/race related jokes  etc - it's ok when you tell them about yourself
00:17.13LeedsJews have big noses because air is free?
00:17.36murbLeeds: I never understood those kinds of jokes.
00:18.15JAVLeeds: :D
00:18.32gregjHow many social workers does it take to change a light bulb?  
00:18.48Leedsonly 1 but the bulb has to want to change?
00:18.50gregjZero! None of them can actually do anything, so they form a
00:18.50gregjcommittee and write a paper entitled,
00:18.51gregj"Learning to live with darkness."
00:19.38murbgregj: you are not supposed to laught at your own joke.
00:19.54gregjme is new in england
00:19.56Karengrr - this wasn't why I came online
00:20.01Leedssimilar to the Jewish mother version... "Don't worry about me, I'll just sit in the darkness, I don't know, my son is so busy he can't even be bothered to come change a lightbulb for his old Mum..."
00:20.05murbwhy did you come on line?
00:20.05KarenI was supposed to be looking for telephone numbers
00:20.29LeedsKaren: I suggest the walls of a phone box in the West End
00:21.23murbgrr nationwide are getting evil with their credit card terms and conditions :(
00:22.16gregjwhat's the change ?
00:26.33KarenLeeds: not *those* phone numbers, - I've got loads of them already:-P
00:26.51murboh and my other hate for this am is organisations that you join one year and then assume you want to be a member for ever and keep on sending reminders for this year :(
00:27.38gregjfor them..
00:29.26Leedsmurb: ukuug?
00:29.56murbLeeds: one example.
00:30.08murbi didn't think the behaved like this in the past though.
00:30.22murbI'm pretty sure last year i also pay for summer conference + years membership at the same time and had no problems.
00:30.50murbthis year i'm not sure if i can afford the conference and without that the membership is otherwise a waste of time.
00:30.59Leedsthat's the way I've done it for at least 4 years...
00:31.32murbI especailly like them drawing my attention to their great 21.5% discount on ORA books when GLLUG gets tham at 25% just by turning up :)
00:31.57Leedsthey send a couple of reminders in the first half of the year, then I pay for the conference and the membership at the same time
00:32.08Leedsto be fair, GLLUG shouldn't really get that... and we don't get it often
00:34.14murbLeeds: well fosdem seem to get the discount as well :)
00:35.18Leedsright, fosdem is different
00:36.09Leedsyou know it costs Josette to come to GLLUG, right?  she makes a loss whenever she comes
00:39.34Karenright bed time for me