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00:03.13*** join/#gllug perdenab (
00:04.09evangineerrhowe, ever used gridbaglayout?
00:04.49Marios_I did...
00:04.51Marios_it sucks
00:05.03Marios_very very complicated...try Springlayout
00:05.23evangineercheck this out
00:08.15rhoweevangineer: Hm, no
00:08.25Marios_funny !!
00:08.36Marios_it does suck indeed
00:08.38rhoweevangineer: I've never done anything complicated in swing - borderlayout solved most of my problems - either that or netbeans' absolutelayout
00:09.21Marios_SpringLayout is good
00:09.33rhoweYeah, heard good things about it
00:09.35Marios_especially for designing table like stuff
00:09.40evangineerrhowe, did you see the link?
00:10.04rhoweevangineer: I did, but I'm browserless atm
00:11.12evangineerah, have a look at it when you are browsered up! ;-)
00:11.46evangineerworse, I did it deliberately because it amused me
00:13.19perdenabenglish is a living language.... it should be exercised to its fullest
00:13.39evangineermeanwhile in another channel, some geezer is clearly well liquored up.
00:14.00evangineerjudging by his rambling and appalling puns
00:14.46perdenabin some parts of the anglosphere, "geezer" = gaffer
00:16.57evangineeramusing thing is the geezer is simultaneously passing on sage tips about assembler
00:18.50perdenabboth convenient and sad that anglisch has lost its case endings... i pace hither and yon, reflecting whence came our fine language (descended as it is from roots francophone, gaelophone and saxophone) and whither it goeth
00:20.01evangineerhmm, some java programmers need to get a life
00:30.14*** join/#gllug irvined_ (~irvined@
00:38.38rhoweThis is going to take a while
00:45.28rhoweHow is it?
00:56.53evangineersome aspects are clearly better than apt-get, but I'm not happy with the way it doesn't show recommends or suggests.  it means I have to do an "aptitude show <pkgname>" before an install just to be sure I'm not missing anything. not the workflow I wanted really.
00:57.11rhoweapt has an option to show both of those, these days
00:57.18rhowedselect of course does them too
00:58.13evangineeri did briefly try the dselect cli, but that was even worse!
00:58.23rhoweIt's nice once you're used to it
00:58.33rhoweAlso, echo expert > /etc/dpkg/dselect.cfg
00:59.54rhowe_ to purge, + to add, enter to accept selection, X to force selection
01:00.18rhoweThe commands are a little arbitrary :)
01:01.18perdenaby'know, there are people in the world who would see the above as an example of why unix sucks... too much disagreement and "lack of standards".  however, what they are missing is that this is how better apps are developed, and progress is made... and that it is well and truly a big tent
01:01.47rhowes/tent/cauldron of cheap stew/
01:01.53rhoweYou have to dig around to get the nice bits
01:02.05perdenabsuch people would have us using ibm 3090's or vms on 1200 baud terminals, with no internet
01:03.08perdenabi work with at least one of them... i leave him alone.  reminds me of that zero-dimensional critter in "flatland"
01:05.44perdenabsomeone like that would read this, and wonder where the joke was
01:07.13evangineerI would say that rather than "engineering" software, it grows and evolves
01:07.52evangineeryou get bugs in gardens
01:08.03evangineerso that much fits
01:08.41evangineerrefactoring is like pruning
01:10.01perdenabtoday i have been re-reading some bits of Carl Sagan's "Cosmos"... what a great book
01:10.50perdenabin one chapter he discusses how scientific thinking as we know it appeared briefly during greek times, then was snuffed out again by people who were nervous about open discussion and big tents
01:11.23perdenabwho valued mysticism, vague bromides and "the master said so" over discussing the merits
01:11.28evangineerthat's sounds vaguely like what is happening in the states right now.
01:11.56perdenabyou could say the same thing about IT in the UK, particularly where the central govt is involved
01:12.18evangineersome forms of science are effectively verboten and others are disregarded if the conclusions they present are ideologically unsound.
01:12.19perdenabor, for that matter, just about any pronouncement from New Labour these days
01:14.24evangineerall that bollocks about id cards, biometric passports, national identity databases and the rest.
01:15.00perdenabit is a pity when ideology gets in the way of science.  the stem cell thing, though, really does spring from a grassroots concern about using humans nazi-style for science fodder... re-using fetuses today might turn into a fetus-growing industry tomorrow, is the moral concern
01:15.06perdenabextreme though that might seem
01:15.15perdenabi agree about blunkett
01:16.03evangineerI understand the moral concerns and sympathize, the focus should be imposing the proper controls rather than stopping it altogether.
01:16.08perdenabthey are pushing thru the IDs with no pretense as to justifying it... "we will not share the business case, for confidentiality reasons"... translation, it's coming cause we want it, and you get no say
01:16.28perdenabyep, suppressing it completely will drive it into the crime underworld
01:16.54evangineerprohibition simply doesn't work
01:17.29evangineerit creates wealthy and powerful criminal enterprises
01:17.33perdenabhere in the UK, the MMR thing was handled dreadfully... we are supposed to accept MMR because the govt shouts at us it's safe, and removes alternatives just to show who's boss
01:17.38perdenabnot very confidence-insipring
01:18.13evangineerfunny how the govt favours choice almost everywhere else
01:18.17perdenabmeanwhile, the one guy who was actually treating kids successfully was transferred to god knows where, for daring to differ with the party line
01:19.06perdenabif the govt is concerned about herd immunity due to dropping immunisation rates, let it bring back the single jabs it pointedly removed
01:23.36evangineerI think a lot of the decision making on these sort of issues should be made locally rather than at the centre and the people should have more of a say on the issues and provided with the resources to establish the facts for themselves and come to their own decisions.
01:24.24perdenabwe can't have that, since if people could compare, the "accomplishments" and policies of a certain central govt might come up lacking
01:24.30evangineerattempts to spin backfire and the public becomes more cynical and suspicious as a result.
01:24.43perdenabthe solution is not to improve those things, but to remove all possibilities for comparison
01:26.03perdenabhence the removal or attacks on bendy buses, private health and education (except where used by the leadership), private railways, volunteer organisations, and self-employed contractors, not to mention the govt's own chilling comments about IT orgs that criticise it being frozen out of the bids process
01:26.30perdenabagree about the cynicism
01:26.51perdenabs/bendy buses/routemasters/
01:27.36perdenabpeople complain that bendy buses are worse than routemasters.  the solution?  retire the routemasters years early.  less basis for comparison, and the whingers are figuratively smacked, all in one go
01:27.49perdenabpublic service can be such a rewarding profession
01:32.58perdenaband btw, i agree completely about restoring local control... i expect it will be quite a struggle though
01:39.17evangineertrue, the current concentration of power and wealth in the system is predicated on central control
01:42.25evangineeradd the current apparent lack of accountability and it is clear the current system is dysfunctional
01:44.59evangineerand btw, the civil contingencies bill is the equivalent of the usa patriot act if not worse.
01:45.26perdenabhopefully the new entrants to the EU will show the older states how to do things
01:45.39evangineerone can only hope
01:46.01perdenabthey have been trying to get out from under the soviet model, while the EU seems tottering rather quickly in the opposite direction
01:47.13perdenabit has been said that one reason east germany (and now germany as a whole) is such a disaster area, is that it was not permitted to grow and thrive as hungary and czech did, because the west german govt was headed in a centralised, statist, status quo direction
01:47.28perdenabit was never freed to the extent of those countries
01:48.37perdenab...and now the neo-nazis are getting a foothold there.  luverly
01:48.57perdenabas such people do in badly managed systems
01:49.56Marios_perdenab: that decentralised system can only work in big countries though
01:50.04perdenabthe EU is a big place
01:50.22perdenabbesides, a decentralised model is working very nicely in tiny switzerland
01:50.24Marios_yes but you are talking about new EU countries
01:50.28perdenabvery weak central govt
01:50.57Marios_well when you have a very decentralised system you have corruption too
01:51.42perdenabthe corruption comes from unaccountability, and fear.  can happen either way, but is easier to enforce across the board with a centralised system
01:52.03perdenabwith strong central control, someone who offends the govt can be blackballed all over the EU, not just in one province or country
01:52.11perdenabas in the USSR
01:52.49Marios_well EU is still a baby and these things can only change slowly
01:53.18Marios_but the EU newcomers have other problems to solve first and then the centralised or decentralised problem
01:53.31perdenabtrue... and i hope the current unaccounable and very nearly 100% unelected EU govt gets lots of pushback to clean up its act
01:54.08Marios_as far as I know from least when i was there ... every time we tried to decentralised got corrupted
01:54.12perdenabthe EU newcomers seem to value freedom a bit more than the current EU leadership
01:54.17perdenabat least some of them
01:54.51perdenabif people have good reason to fear those in power, then the govt will be corrupt whether big or small
01:55.08perdenabbecause the govt will always be able to silence its opponents for the price of a thug with a cricket bat
01:55.13Marios_so you are right about finding models for accountability
01:55.19Marios_this is the biggest concern
01:55.43Marios_if everyone can be accountable of his actions first things will get better
01:59.27Marios_anywayz gotta go for dinner
02:00.11perdenaband i gotta go to bed
02:00.23Marios_talk to you later then
02:00.38Marios_bye !
02:00.49*** part/#gllug perdenab (
02:13.48*** join/#gllug rhowe (
02:17.58*** join/#gllug SpItHash (
02:18.47*** part/#gllug SpItHash (
02:52.12*** join/#gllug irvined__ (~irvined@
02:55.57*** join/#gllug Neh (
02:59.08*** join/#gllug evangineer (
03:19.46*** join/#gllug irvined__ (~irvined@
03:21.46evangineerhmm, has nielsen been spying on me? he has an anti-centralization rant as well