irclog2html for #gllug on 20041217

00:00.18irvinedand most experienced, the hard core amongst us emerge wearing many layers, with a jacket, room keys, and a good book, tea/coffee
00:00.38irvinedtypically hte holiday makers emerge wearing socks, without room keys and in a dressing gown.
00:00.48irvinedcar keys are also a big  bonus.
00:23.15Katrinaif i'm compiling for an i586 on a system with an i686 os running, do i just need to set ARCH=i586 and go?
00:26.59harknessSounds sensible.
00:27.31harknessKatrina: Compiling anything exciting?
00:28.39Katrinafollowing the LFS instructions, attempting to script them together (I already went through once to make a working system)
00:29.27Katrinajust i want an i586 not i686 because i'd like it on my mini ITX machine, which is slooooow, and claims to be an i686 which is a problem because it don't support all the correct instructions :)
00:29.36Katrinathus it crashes with the i686 version i put on it :(
00:29.53harknessKatrina: One of the guys I work with has scripted the LFS build as I recall
00:29.59Katrinahehe :)
00:30.43harknessHe is very passionate about LFS
00:30.51Katrinai like it :)
00:31.34harknessI must admit to getting very lazy with all the lovely apt and yum repositories about
00:33.01harknessKatrina: Is the java thing fun or coursework?
00:33.17Katrinafun :)
00:33.31harknessnot that the two cannot both be fun
00:33.38Katrinaour current coursework is to build a ludo game, i've virtually completed it in an hour or so so far
00:34.00Katrinai help other people out :)
00:34.04Katrinait's more fun that way
00:34.11harknessCan you choose any particular language?
00:34.22Katrinanah, just java for now :)
00:34.40Katrinai learned java in about a week when i got here, since i just directly put my C++ knowledge onto iy
00:34.52Katrinai like java now, as a langauge it's very nice to use :)
00:35.08harknessI understand one can do the same with Perl too.
00:35.36Katrinaaye, perl's next on my list when i get round to it
00:35.51Katrinaand... i've strained the back of my neck
00:36.10harknessstrained it with java!? ;-)
00:36.18Katrinapotentially ;p
00:36.32KatrinaC++ rawks
00:36.34harknessI have heard many people say some funny things of java....
00:36.42Katrinajava as a language is very well designed
00:36.58GeorgeSEE PLUS PLUS!!!!!!!!!!!
00:37.02Georgeand KDE!
00:37.03Katrinaso long as you get the OO principles right in your head it's great to use for large projects that require structure
00:37.30GeorgeI hate you.
00:37.50GeorgeI hope you die
00:38.37GeorgeI love you harkness
00:38.46Georgeyou're much nicer than that horrible Katrina person
00:39.03harknessGeorge: Nothing like wearing your heart on your sleeve!
00:39.43harknessOkay - just being very verbal with your emotions......
00:40.25harknessKatrina: as trophies?
00:40.47Katrinayes, scalps are so passe
00:44.07gregjhello folks
00:44.37harknesshey gregj
00:45.55Katrinagrr, it still appears under i686-linux-pc even though ARCH is set to i586. I guess that's due to the CHOST variable? is it possible to give it a target thingy as well?
01:29.09gregjibot google XIO:  fatal IO error 25 (Inappropriate ioctl for device) on X server ":0.0"
01:32.04gregjibot google XIO:  "fatal IO error 25" (Inappropriate ioctl for device) on X server ":0.0"
01:32.45gregjibot google XIO:  "fatal IO error 25" linux
01:33.13gregjnow I got dead X
01:33.45Georgegregj: hehe
01:33.54Georgegregj: how's KDE these days for you? :P
01:34.57gregjnot having that much time as I used to have in UK
01:35.03gregjbut progressing slowly
01:35.15Georgegregj: what, you're not in .uk?
01:35.20gregjthis problem seems to be 2610-rc3-mm1 related
01:35.22Georgegregj: but.. but.. you have a email :)
01:35.24gregjnope, I am in .pl now
01:35.31gregjbut I'll be back
01:35.42gregjI feel halfish Brit
01:35.50gregjexcept for my language ;)
01:35.51GeorgeKatrina: I have :P
01:36.04GeorgeKatrina: and,,
01:36.46Georgegregj: do they offer emails?
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