irclog2html for #gllug on 20060112

01:25.10*** join/#gllug Leeds (n=richardc@
02:00.33AndrewBlackhi leeds
02:10.15Leedsmorning andrew
08:10.51Leedsibot seen mozrat
08:11.05ibotmozrat <> was last seen on IRC in channel #gllug, 18d 17h 16m 20s ago, saying: 's'.
08:17.52*** join/#gllug SlayerXP (
08:22.56Leedsmorning mart
08:24.56Leedshow is Thursday treating you?
08:25.35SlayerXPnot bad.  I have the first norwegian-sourced antibody box sitting on the desk by me
08:50.38LeedsI'm not sure I'm 100% happy with this thunderbird 1.5
08:54.00Leedsnot 100% happy at all
08:55.34*** join/#gllug morsing (
08:58.43Leedsnope, it is in fact failing to do the 2 important things a mail client should do, being picking up and displaying incoming mail, and sending outgoing mail
08:59.48LeedsI suspect there may be some contention for my sound card
09:01.15Leedshmm... multiple openings of sound cards should be a solved problem by now
09:05.06morsingCheck it!
09:13.52morsingWhat does frowsy mean?
09:15.31Leedscertainly not a common word
09:16.10morsingSlayerXP, Leeds: Thanks, my annoying Norwegian colleague apparently get a "word of the day" email. He did manage to confuse us a bit!
09:16.40SlayerXPmorsing: use clabbers to find words to confuse his with
09:19.08Leedsreally not what I'd picture him looking like:
09:19.57Leedsstruck me that I'd been using his software for about 10 years, reading his writings, trusting him with my data, without having a clue what he actually looked like
09:21.20SlayerXPdidn't he have some nasty disease and snuf it?
09:21.36Leedsah, Cantonese phone spam
09:21.47Leedsnope, he seems to be getting better... had a daughter late last year
09:22.09LeedsI blame rhowe...
09:22.56LeedsI'm told they're trying to sell me a hair loss medication
09:23.14morsingLeeds: Who is he?
09:23.47SlayerXPmorsing: he develops some linux distro you won't have heard of
09:23.57SlayerXPsomething like that
09:23.59morsingSounds crap
09:25.49stephenmorsing: he's the creator and chief maintainer of Slackware
09:29.24Leedshe's the one and only Pat
09:31.30morsing~seen rdancer
09:31.37ibotrdancer <n=foo@unaffiliated/rdancer> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 9d 4h 50m 7s ago, saying: 'i run gnome-control-center, attempted to change the font, and it didn't work.'.
09:39.53Leeds"The sensation of purple"
09:41.14Leedsnice phrase...
09:47.37*** join/#gllug kbsingh (
09:49.37Leedskbsingh: what is your goal for the day?
09:50.48kbsingh@work -> to get a release for our project done today.
09:51.50LeedsI appear to have eaten about 400g of carrots this afternoon
09:52.07kbsinghraw ?
09:52.50LeedsI just gave away the remains of the 450g bag
09:53.38Leedsvery healthy thing to spend the afternoon noshing on
09:54.06kbsinghbut 400g ?
09:55.10LeedsI was given the bag - must work out where they come from... could be the cornerstone of a whole new eating regime
09:55.24rhoweHm, now why is xdm showing a plain login screen, and why, when I login, do I get an xterm instead of GNOME?
09:57.32Leedsrhowe: because it's using the xdm startup rather than xinit/startx
09:58.30rhoweTime for an update
10:00.34rhowehm, seems everything but the panel has made it through to Debian now
10:00.40rhoweWhich is kinda useless :P
10:11.38rhoweThis should be interesting :)
10:12.21Leedshometime, I think
10:26.53*** join/#gllug JAV (
10:35.26Copemalicious fonts vulnerability in windows... whatever next
10:35.36kbsinghhey cope
10:35.40Copemorning kbsingh
10:36.23SlayerXPthat was funny
10:36.51SlayerXP"The patch for the Microsoft Clip Gallery 5.0 addresses a vulnerability that could cause a buffer overrun in Clip Art Gallery. The buffer overrun could cause Clip Gallery 5.0 to stop responding, or it could allow the execution of arbitrary code on a user's computer."
10:46.46rhoweThere will be many more holes in image libraries etc
10:47.07Gonzohi do u guys know some sites like :)
10:48.07Gonzoi think there was a discussion about it on the ml some time ago
10:49.07wethrinCHECK IT!
10:50.01morsingAhh... It's still there
10:50.09morsingwethrin: Hotel?
10:50.18wethrinfor what? Fosdem?
10:50.35kbsingh26 bugzilla's down, 134 more to go
10:50.49wethrinMark them all as "won't fix" :)
10:54.09morsingwethrin: YES!
10:59.01morsingping wethrin
11:18.08morsingibot wake wethrin
11:18.12ibotwethrin: GOOD MORNING!!!
11:25.14wethrinI was going into work
11:28.41wethrinFSVO work, anyway :)
11:28.56morsingibot FSVO
11:28.58iboti guess fsvo is For Some Value Of
11:29.42wethrinWell, some would argue it's not a proper job
11:31.09morsingLike me?
11:31.28morsingwethrin: How much are they paying you?
11:31.47wethrinI get £12k/year, tax-free
11:32.00morsingwethrin: Not bad. That's more than rhowe
11:32.16wethrinWell, if he spends all his money on going to China... :)
11:32.46morsingwethrin: So what do you want to be when you grow up?
11:38.02*** join/#gllug eye69 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:38.02*** join/#gllug murb (n=murble@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:38.02*** join/#gllug iTron (n=tron@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:25.10*** join/#gllug Leeds (n=richardc@
02:00.33AndrewBlackhi leeds
02:10.15Leedsmorning andrew
08:10.51Leedsibot seen mozrat
08:11.05ibotmozrat <> was last seen on IRC in channel #gllug, 18d 17h 16m 20s ago, saying: 's'.
08:17.52*** join/#gllug SlayerXP (
08:22.56Leedsmorning mart
08:24.56Leedshow is Thursday treating you?
08:25.35SlayerXPnot bad.  I have the first norwegian-sourced antibody box sitting on the desk by me
08:50.38LeedsI'm not sure I'm 100% happy with this thunderbird 1.5
08:54.00Leedsnot 100% happy at all
08:55.34*** join/#gllug morsing (
08:58.43Leedsnope, it is in fact failing to do the 2 important things a mail client should do, being picking up and displaying incoming mail, and sending outgoing mail
08:59.48LeedsI suspect there may be some contention for my sound card
09:01.15Leedshmm... multiple openings of sound cards should be a solved problem by now
09:05.06morsingCheck it!
09:13.52morsingWhat does frowsy mean?
09:15.31Leedscertainly not a common word
09:16.10morsingSlayerXP, Leeds: Thanks, my annoying Norwegian colleague apparently get a "word of the day" email. He did manage to confuse us a bit!
09:16.40SlayerXPmorsing: use clabbers to find words to confuse his with
09:19.08Leedsreally not what I'd picture him looking like:
09:19.57Leedsstruck me that I'd been using his software for about 10 years, reading his writings, trusting him with my data, without having a clue what he actually looked like
09:21.20SlayerXPdidn't he have some nasty disease and snuf it?
09:21.36Leedsah, Cantonese phone spam
09:21.47Leedsnope, he seems to be getting better... had a daughter late last year
09:22.09LeedsI blame rhowe...
09:22.56LeedsI'm told they're trying to sell me a hair loss medication
09:23.14morsingLeeds: Who is he?
09:23.47SlayerXPmorsing: he develops some linux distro you won't have heard of
09:23.57SlayerXPsomething like that
09:23.59morsingSounds crap
09:25.49stephenmorsing: he's the creator and chief maintainer of Slackware
09:29.24Leedshe's the one and only Pat
09:31.30morsing~seen rdancer
09:31.37ibotrdancer <n=foo@unaffiliated/rdancer> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 9d 4h 50m 7s ago, saying: 'i run gnome-control-center, attempted to change the font, and it didn't work.'.
09:39.53Leeds"The sensation of purple"
09:41.14Leedsnice phrase...
09:47.37*** join/#gllug kbsingh (
09:49.37Leedskbsingh: what is your goal for the day?
09:50.48kbsingh@work -> to get a release for our project done today.
09:51.50LeedsI appear to have eaten about 400g of carrots this afternoon
09:52.07kbsinghraw ?
09:52.50LeedsI just gave away the remains of the 450g bag
09:53.38Leedsvery healthy thing to spend the afternoon noshing on
09:54.06kbsinghbut 400g ?
09:55.10LeedsI was given the bag - must work out where they come from... could be the cornerstone of a whole new eating regime
09:55.24rhoweHm, now why is xdm showing a plain login screen, and why, when I login, do I get an xterm instead of GNOME?
09:57.32Leedsrhowe: because it's using the xdm startup rather than xinit/startx
09:58.30rhoweTime for an update
10:00.34rhowehm, seems everything but the panel has made it through to Debian now
10:00.40rhoweWhich is kinda useless :P
10:11.38rhoweThis should be interesting :)
10:12.21Leedshometime, I think
10:26.53*** join/#gllug JAV (
10:35.26Copemalicious fonts vulnerability in windows... whatever next
10:35.36kbsinghhey cope
10:35.40Copemorning kbsingh
10:36.23SlayerXPthat was funny
10:36.51SlayerXP"The patch for the Microsoft Clip Gallery 5.0 addresses a vulnerability that could cause a buffer overrun in Clip Art Gallery. The buffer overrun could cause Clip Gallery 5.0 to stop responding, or it could allow the execution of arbitrary code on a user's computer."
10:46.46rhoweThere will be many more holes in image libraries etc
10:47.07Gonzohi do u guys know some sites like :)
10:48.07Gonzoi think there was a discussion about it on the ml some time ago
10:49.07wethrinCHECK IT!
10:50.01morsingAhh... It's still there
10:50.09morsingwethrin: Hotel?
10:50.18wethrinfor what? Fosdem?
10:50.35kbsingh26 bugzilla's down, 134 more to go
10:50.49wethrinMark them all as "won't fix" :)
10:54.09morsingwethrin: YES!
10:59.01morsingping wethrin
11:18.08morsingibot wake wethrin
11:18.12ibotwethrin: GOOD MORNING!!!
11:25.14wethrinI was going into work
11:28.41wethrinFSVO work, anyway :)
11:28.56morsingibot FSVO
11:28.58iboti guess fsvo is For Some Value Of
11:29.42wethrinWell, some would argue it's not a proper job
11:31.09morsingLike me?
11:31.28morsingwethrin: How much are they paying you?
11:31.47wethrinI get £12k/year, tax-free
11:32.00morsingwethrin: Not bad. That's more than rhowe
11:32.16wethrinWell, if he spends all his money on going to China... :)
11:32.46morsingwethrin: So what do you want to be when you grow up?
11:38.02*** join/#gllug eye69 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:38.02*** join/#gllug murb (n=murble@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:38.02*** join/#gllug iTron (n=tron@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:41.04*** join/#gllug Leeds (
11:42.48Leedshmm... Oxford vs. Oxford
11:43.21wethrinUniversity Challenge?
11:43.48wethrinWhich colleges?
11:44.11LeedsSt. John's vs. St. Hugh's
11:44.44Leedsboth 1st round runners-up
11:45.20wethrinSo no important colleges, then :0
11:45.43morsingLeeds: What? Go?
11:45.53Leedsmorsing: what?
11:46.05morsingLeeds: You're tallking about the Go turnament?
11:46.18wethrinmorsing: No, University Challenge
11:47.41*** join/#gllug SlayerXP (
11:47.52LeedsI didn't know there was a Go tournament
11:48.03morsingLeeds: Neither did I
11:48.56morsingWho monitors and controls insurance companies?
11:49.41LeedsFSA and/or GISC
11:49.54Leedsah, no, just the FSA now
11:51.38Leedsand my Treo refuses to stay on the phone network - it doesn't hang completely any more, just goes into flight mode whenever it feels like it
11:54.47*** join/#gllug SlayerXP (
11:58.40morsingCan I check the environment and ulimits for a running process?
12:00.28Copeyou have my permission
12:02.01morsingLeeds: Correct Cope's misuse of your language!
12:04.30Copemorsing: I think you'll find that is perfectly acceptable interpretation of the idiomatic use of "can?"
12:04.46wethrinmorsing: You should've said "How can I"
12:07.16Copemorsing: or "Is it possible to...."
12:36.37*** join/#gllug pome (
12:39.10pomehello all
13:09.33*** join/#gllug IAmAI (i=hidden-u@
13:09.46*** part/#gllug pome (
13:16.57IAmAIHow are you?
13:17.37*** join/#gllug SlayerXP (
13:20.06IAmAII've just read someone say that Vista will be based on UNIX.
13:21.14IAmAII've also read someon say it will be 'modelled' on UNIX i.e. 'admin' accounts and 'user' accounts.
13:21.27IAmAIWhich can be done in XP, but is slightly problamatic, so no one does it :P
13:21.31Erwinmy cousin's brother's college roommate has confirmed that. He had lunch with an intern at Microsoft last week.
13:21.52IAmAIWhich? Is based on, or modelled on?
13:22.06IAmAII do hope they're getting rid of drive letters - they're really old hat now.
13:22.59ErwinHe said that this year, there will be a amazing user friendly operating system based on UNIX and running on Intel chips.
13:23.44IAmAII kinda had the idea of multiple roots. For example, instead of C:\Windows\System32 you would have Windows:\System32 (or whatever).
13:24.27IAmAIOr Instead of 'C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\My Music', you would have 'Documents:\My Music'.
13:25.03Copeif you look at xp internals its massively influenced by commercial unixes
13:25.17IAmAISo kinda similar to drive letters, except it's more than one character. Not quite like Unix, but I would be suprised if Microsoft did a file system exactly like Unix.
13:25.31ErwinWhile as if you start up a KDE session it is clear that the developers were guided by a higher, divine entity.
13:25.41Copeand win2k3
13:25.42IAmAII expect Microsoft like their backslashes :D
13:27.20IAmAICan only recommend an ISP?
13:30.24IAmAICan anyone recommend an ISP?
13:30.43morsingUKFSN if you're brave
13:30.51morsingPlusNet is very good!
13:32.54IAmAIAnyone charge no connection free at all?
13:37.41kbsinghAOL ?
13:38.02IAmAIEeeew. Not AOL :P
13:40.55kbsinghI use Zen, plusnet, nildram and aaisp
13:41.01CopeIAmAI: define ISP - what do you want to do?
13:41.31IAmAIInternet Service Provier
13:41.37IAmAII want a monthly contract and I want to play online games.
13:41.46IAmAIAnd I want no, or a high cap.
13:41.49kbsinghthey are all about the same in the long run. aaisp has the best network as far as I am concerned, and ipv6 helps:)
13:41.55IAmAICos I may want to download stuff.
13:42.24IAmAIIf anyone has lower than average connection charges, I'm for that :P
13:46.03CopeIAmAI: I am aware of the acronymn; I was unaware of what you understood by it.  If you meant ADSL provider, then you should have said so.
13:46.18IAmAIEr... Yes sorry.
14:13.12Copehello morsing
14:14.36morsingWeird swedish women:
14:15.31ErwinYou mean if you were her you wouldn't let the spider go?
14:15.54morsingErwin: I wouldn't have slept with the spider in the first place!
14:19.57wethrinooh :)
14:20.44morsingCope: Was she a spider?
14:20.55Copenow, but she was very skinny
14:30.33IAmAIWhy would I spider want to live in an ear?
14:52.25morsingHow is the FAT filesystem "novel and non-obvious"?!
15:01.22wethrinISTR that the patent only applied to media that was pre-formatted with FAT for embedded use
15:01.26wethrin*not* to the filesystem in general
15:01.47morsingibot ISTR
15:01.48ibotmethinks istr is I'm So Totally Retarded (I can't remember what ISTR stands for)
15:02.31morsingwethrin: And that is non-trivial?
15:09.29wethrinISTR = I Seem To Remember
15:09.51wethrinmorsing: Well, no, but the patent is a much more limited scope than purely FAT
15:11.52morsingYay - announced
15:12.20morsingwethrin: You coming?
15:12.30wethrinAnd it's not
15:13.38morsingIs it?
15:13.43morsingI'm not good at speed reading!
15:13.55morsingWhere's Croydon then? Near Durham?
15:14.06wethrinAlmost, but the other side of the river
15:14.11wethrinTrains from Victoria should go there
15:15.31morsing~seen DrHyde
15:15.54ibotdrhyde <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openzaurus, 238d 21h 11m 35s ago, saying: 'i think i get double insane points for doing it :-)'.
15:15.54wethrinNot on this channel.
15:15.55morsingwethrin: It usually lists other channels as well
15:17.25*** join/#gllug AndrewBlack_ (n=chatzill@
15:18.03wethrinmorsing: but only channels where ibot's on
15:18.27morsingwethrin: Indeed
15:18.57wethrinRight. I'm going to see about doing some measurements (hah)
15:34.20kbsinghgreen glowing pigs.....
15:34.26kbsingh... why ?
15:34.46morsingWow - I'm close to being the most stupid person here:
15:34.57wethrinWhy? You ask the most questions?
15:58.25JAV  ---> alternative method of rebooting in winXP
15:58.43JAV(good afternoon) :)
16:03.16*** join/#gllug Leeds (
16:15.42JAVgreat film
16:17.45morsingYes :-)
16:17.56morsingOnly good one Spielberg has ever made
16:19.04Leedsbed time
16:20.32CopeLeeds: what model is your belkin usb card?
16:21.39Leedswhat belkin usb card?
16:41.43gregjJAV: works
16:41.44gregjnice thingie
16:42.29JAVnice feature, isn't it?
16:54.53kbsingh82 bugzilla's to go
17:02.32morsingIs my notice period 1 month or four weeks or what?
17:05.41wethrinWhat does your contract say?
17:17.44andrewhi there everone
17:19.57andrewi am chatting on IRC as a deflection activity from doing my homework
17:20.44stephenyou say that as if it's a bad thing
17:21.00ErwinDo first things things, and second things never.
17:23.18morsingwethrin: Despite my contract (which I think says three months) what does the law say?
17:23.27morsingIs it 1 month?
17:24.49*** join/#gllug George (i=george@kde/developer/gwright)
17:25.03wethrinmorsing: I don't know
17:25.07morsingHow was the exam?
17:25.12morsingDoes anyone know?
17:25.30andrewIANAL but if your contract says 3 months it is 3 months
17:26.36morsingandrew: No - law says something liek one month so the contract isn't valid
17:30.09andrewOK - I declare my ignorance on this.   Have you found another job?
17:30.32morsingandrew: Yes
17:32.00morsingWell, I haven't been offered the job yet but it's 95%
17:32.23*** part/#gllug morsing (
17:32.49ErwinI wouldn't quit until you have a signed contract.
17:36.50ErwinWhen is it? I paid something like 50 for a seat where I was served dinner & champagne, ordering a month ahead :-)
17:37.46wethrinBastard :-P
17:37.53wethrinlast weekend in february
17:39.29Erwinvalue fare is about 30 ukp each way? that's the champagne-less carriages though :-)
17:40.23wethrinErr. How?
17:40.46wethrinI've just checked, and outbound 10.43 on the Friday the cheapest is £64.50; return cheapest is £49.50
17:41.33Erwinwell, it's on the 25-26th, sat & sun?
17:42.17Erwinthe 06:26 on the 25th is 29.50
17:42.28wethrinRight. Now, there's some problems with that
17:42.40wethrin1. Coming from Durham, I won't be able to get to Waterloo for 05.30
17:42.49wethrin2. Even if I come from home, I won't be able to get to Waterloo for 05.30
17:42.56wethrin3. The Friday night pub is rather important
17:43.31Erwinthe 08:39 is 39.50
17:44.03wethrinOn Friday?
17:44.19Erwinthe 07:43 is 29.50. On Friday.
17:44.37ErwinI guess they also use the airline system of varying ticket prices..
17:45.18wethrinYes, but 0839 is still rather early. Mean we need to be there before 0800, and so leaving home before 7am
17:48.55ErwinHmm. BA flies for 83.50. But planes are a horrible hassle compared to the Eurostar.
17:50.30wethrinDepends where you're coming from
17:50.40wethrinAnd I got one for £78.50
17:51.24ErwinFrom Durham City Airport? :-)
17:51.58wethrinI can fly from NCL for £138
17:52.59ErwinOK, there's 290 miles from Durham to Waterloo
17:53.20ErwinBy the time you get to Waterloo the Eurostar will be leaving from King's Cross
17:54.24wethrinOther way around
17:55.00ErwinNo, they are moving the Eurostar station to King's Cross/St Pancreas :)
17:55.29wethrinYes, but not for another year or so :0
17:55.38wethrinAnyway, coming from Durham, I get into Kings X, not Waterloo
01:25.10*** join/#gllug Leeds (n=richardc@
02:00.33AndrewBlackhi leeds
02:10.15Leedsmorning andrew
08:10.51Leedsibot seen mozrat
08:11.05ibotmozrat <> was last seen on IRC in channel #gllug, 18d 17h 16m 20s ago, saying: 's'.
08:17.52*** join/#gllug SlayerXP (
08:22.56Leedsmorning mart
08:24.56Leedshow is Thursday treating you?
08:25.35SlayerXPnot bad.  I have the first norwegian-sourced antibody box sitting on the desk by me
08:50.38LeedsI'm not sure I'm 100% happy with this thunderbird 1.5
08:54.00Leedsnot 100% happy at all
08:55.34*** join/#gllug morsing (
08:58.43Leedsnope, it is in fact failing to do the 2 important things a mail client should do, being picking up and displaying incoming mail, and sending outgoing mail
08:59.48LeedsI suspect there may be some contention for my sound card
09:01.15Leedshmm... multiple openings of sound cards should be a solved problem by now
09:05.06morsingCheck it!
09:13.52morsingWhat does frowsy mean?
09:15.31Leedscertainly not a common word
09:16.10morsingSlayerXP, Leeds: Thanks, my annoying Norwegian colleague apparently get a "word of the day" email. He did manage to confuse us a bit!
09:16.40SlayerXPmorsing: use clabbers to find words to confuse his with
09:19.08Leedsreally not what I'd picture him looking like:
09:19.57Leedsstruck me that I'd been using his software for about 10 years, reading his writings, trusting him with my data, without having a clue what he actually looked like
09:21.20SlayerXPdidn't he have some nasty disease and snuf it?
09:21.36Leedsah, Cantonese phone spam
09:21.47Leedsnope, he seems to be getting better... had a daughter late last year
09:22.09LeedsI blame rhowe...
09:22.56LeedsI'm told they're trying to sell me a hair loss medication
09:23.14morsingLeeds: Who is he?
09:23.47SlayerXPmorsing: he develops some linux distro you won't have heard of
09:23.57SlayerXPsomething like that
09:23.59morsingSounds crap
09:25.49stephenmorsing: he's the creator and chief maintainer of Slackware
09:29.24Leedshe's the one and only Pat
09:31.30morsing~seen rdancer
09:31.37ibotrdancer <n=foo@unaffiliated/rdancer> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 9d 4h 50m 7s ago, saying: 'i run gnome-control-center, attempted to change the font, and it didn't work.'.
09:39.53Leeds"The sensation of purple"
09:41.14Leedsnice phrase...
09:47.37*** join/#gllug kbsingh (
09:49.37Leedskbsingh: what is your goal for the day?
09:50.48kbsingh@work -> to get a release for our project done today.
09:51.50LeedsI appear to have eaten about 400g of carrots this afternoon
09:52.07kbsinghraw ?
09:52.50LeedsI just gave away the remains of the 450g bag
09:53.38Leedsvery healthy thing to spend the afternoon noshing on
09:54.06kbsinghbut 400g ?
09:55.10LeedsI was given the bag - must work out where they come from... could be the cornerstone of a whole new eating regime
09:55.24rhoweHm, now why is xdm showing a plain login screen, and why, when I login, do I get an xterm instead of GNOME?
09:57.32Leedsrhowe: because it's using the xdm startup rather than xinit/startx
09:58.30rhoweTime for an update
10:00.34rhowehm, seems everything but the panel has made it through to Debian now
10:00.40rhoweWhich is kinda useless :P
10:11.38rhoweThis should be interesting :)
10:12.21Leedshometime, I think
10:26.53*** join/#gllug JAV (
10:35.26Copemalicious fonts vulnerability in windows... whatever next
10:35.36kbsinghhey cope
10:35.40Copemorning kbsingh
10:36.23SlayerXPthat was funny
10:36.51SlayerXP"The patch for the Microsoft Clip Gallery 5.0 addresses a vulnerability that could cause a buffer overrun in Clip Art Gallery. The buffer overrun could cause Clip Gallery 5.0 to stop responding, or it could allow the execution of arbitrary code on a user's computer."
10:46.46rhoweThere will be many more holes in image libraries etc
10:47.07Gonzohi do u guys know some sites like :)
10:48.07Gonzoi think there was a discussion about it on the ml some time ago
10:49.07wethrinCHECK IT!
10:50.01morsingAhh... It's still there
10:50.09morsingwethrin: Hotel?
10:50.18wethrinfor what? Fosdem?
10:50.35kbsingh26 bugzilla's down, 134 more to go
10:50.49wethrinMark them all as "won't fix" :)
10:54.09morsingwethrin: YES!
10:59.01morsingping wethrin
11:18.08morsingibot wake wethrin
11:18.12ibotwethrin: GOOD MORNING!!!
11:25.14wethrinI was going into work
11:28.41wethrinFSVO work, anyway :)
11:28.56morsingibot FSVO
11:28.58iboti guess fsvo is For Some Value Of
11:29.42wethrinWell, some would argue it's not a proper job
11:31.09morsingLike me?
11:31.28morsingwethrin: How much are they paying you?
11:31.47wethrinI get £12k/year, tax-free
11:32.00morsingwethrin: Not bad. That's more than rhowe
11:32.16wethrinWell, if he spends all his money on going to China... :)
11:32.46morsingwethrin: So what do you want to be when you grow up?
11:38.02*** join/#gllug eye69 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:38.02*** join/#gllug murb (n=murble@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:38.02*** join/#gllug iTron (n=tron@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:41.04*** join/#gllug Leeds (
11:42.48Leedshmm... Oxford vs. Oxford
11:43.21wethrinUniversity Challenge?
11:43.48wethrinWhich colleges?
11:44.11LeedsSt. John's vs. St. Hugh's
11:44.44Leedsboth 1st round runners-up
11:45.20wethrinSo no important colleges, then :0
11:45.43morsingLeeds: What? Go?
11:45.53Leedsmorsing: what?
11:46.05morsingLeeds: You're tallking about the Go turnament?
11:46.18wethrinmorsing: No, University Challenge
11:47.41*** join/#gllug SlayerXP (
11:47.52LeedsI didn't know there was a Go tournament
11:48.03morsingLeeds: Neither did I
11:48.56morsingWho monitors and controls insurance companies?
11:49.41LeedsFSA and/or GISC
11:49.54Leedsah, no, just the FSA now
11:51.38Leedsand my Treo refuses to stay on the phone network - it doesn't hang completely any more, just goes into flight mode whenever it feels like it
11:54.47*** join/#gllug SlayerXP (
11:58.40morsingCan I check the environment and ulimits for a running process?
12:00.28Copeyou have my permission
12:02.01morsingLeeds: Correct Cope's misuse of your language!
12:04.30Copemorsing: I think you'll find that is perfectly acceptable interpretation of the idiomatic use of "can?"
12:04.46wethrinmorsing: You should've said "How can I"
12:07.16Copemorsing: or "Is it possible to...."
12:36.37*** join/#gllug pome (
12:39.10pomehello all
13:09.33*** join/#gllug IAmAI (i=hidden-u@
13:09.46*** part/#gllug pome (
13:16.57IAmAIHow are you?
13:17.37*** join/#gllug SlayerXP (
13:20.06IAmAII've just read someone say that Vista will be based on UNIX.
13:21.14IAmAII've also read someon say it will be 'modelled' on UNIX i.e. 'admin' accounts and 'user' accounts.
13:21.27IAmAIWhich can be done in XP, but is slightly problamatic, so no one does it :P
13:21.31Erwinmy cousin's brother's college roommate has confirmed that. He had lunch with an intern at Microsoft last week.
13:21.52IAmAIWhich? Is based on, or modelled on?
13:22.06IAmAII do hope they're getting rid of drive letters - they're really old hat now.
13:22.59ErwinHe said that this year, there will be a amazing user friendly operating system based on UNIX and running on Intel chips.
13:23.44IAmAII kinda had the idea of multiple roots. For example, instead of C:\Windows\System32 you would have Windows:\System32 (or whatever).
13:24.27IAmAIOr Instead of 'C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\My Music', you would have 'Documents:\My Music'.
13:25.03Copeif you look at xp internals its massively influenced by commercial unixes
13:25.17IAmAISo kinda similar to drive letters, except it's more than one character. Not quite like Unix, but I would be suprised if Microsoft did a file system exactly like Unix.
13:25.31ErwinWhile as if you start up a KDE session it is clear that the developers were guided by a higher, divine entity.
13:25.41Copeand win2k3
13:25.42IAmAII expect Microsoft like their backslashes :D
13:27.20IAmAICan only recommend an ISP?
13:30.24IAmAICan anyone recommend an ISP?
13:30.43morsingUKFSN if you're brave
13:30.51morsingPlusNet is very good!
13:32.54IAmAIAnyone charge no connection free at all?
13:37.41kbsinghAOL ?
13:38.02IAmAIEeeew. Not AOL :P
13:40.55kbsinghI use Zen, plusnet, nildram and aaisp
13:41.01CopeIAmAI: define ISP - what do you want to do?
13:41.31IAmAIInternet Service Provier
13:41.37IAmAII want a monthly contract and I want to play online games.
13:41.46IAmAIAnd I want no, or a high cap.
13:41.49kbsinghthey are all about the same in the long run. aaisp has the best network as far as I am concerned, and ipv6 helps:)
13:41.55IAmAICos I may want to download stuff.
13:42.24IAmAIIf anyone has lower than average connection charges, I'm for that :P
13:46.03CopeIAmAI: I am aware of the acronymn; I was unaware of what you understood by it.  If you meant ADSL provider, then you should have said so.
13:46.18IAmAIEr... Yes sorry.
14:13.12Copehello morsing
14:14.36morsingWeird swedish women:
14:15.31ErwinYou mean if you were her you wouldn't let the spider go?
14:15.54morsingErwin: I wouldn't have slept with the spider in the first place!
14:19.57wethrinooh :)
14:20.44morsingCope: Was she a spider?
14:20.55Copenow, but she was very skinny
14:30.33IAmAIWhy would I spider want to live in an ear?
14:52.25morsingHow is the FAT filesystem "novel and non-obvious"?!
15:01.22wethrinISTR that the patent only applied to media that was pre-formatted with FAT for embedded use
15:01.26wethrin*not* to the filesystem in general
15:01.47morsingibot ISTR
15:01.48ibotmethinks istr is I'm So Totally Retarded (I can't remember what ISTR stands for)
15:02.31morsingwethrin: And that is non-trivial?
15:09.29wethrinISTR = I Seem To Remember
15:09.51wethrinmorsing: Well, no, but the patent is a much more limited scope than purely FAT
15:11.52morsingYay - announced
15:12.20morsingwethrin: You coming?
15:12.30wethrinAnd it's not
15:13.38morsingIs it?
15:13.43morsingI'm not good at speed reading!
15:13.55morsingWhere's Croydon then? Near Durham?
15:14.06wethrinAlmost, but the other side of the river
15:14.11wethrinTrains from Victoria should go there
15:15.31morsing~seen DrHyde
15:15.54ibotdrhyde <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openzaurus, 238d 21h 11m 35s ago, saying: 'i think i get double insane points for doing it :-)'.
15:15.54wethrinNot on this channel.
15:15.55morsingwethrin: It usually lists other channels as well
15:17.25*** join/#gllug AndrewBlack_ (n=chatzill@
15:18.03wethrinmorsing: but only channels where ibot's on
15:18.27morsingwethrin: Indeed
15:18.57wethrinRight. I'm going to see about doing some measurements (hah)
15:34.20kbsinghgreen glowing pigs.....
15:34.26kbsingh... why ?
15:34.46morsingWow - I'm close to being the most stupid person here:
15:34.57wethrinWhy? You ask the most questions?
15:58.25JAV  ---> alternative method of rebooting in winXP
15:58.43JAV(good afternoon) :)
16:03.16*** join/#gllug Leeds (
16:15.42JAVgreat film
16:17.45morsingYes :-)
16:17.56morsingOnly good one Spielberg has ever made
16:19.04Leedsbed time
16:20.32CopeLeeds: what model is your belkin usb card?
16:21.39Leedswhat belkin usb card?
16:41.43gregjJAV: works
16:41.44gregjnice thingie
16:42.29JAVnice feature, isn't it?
16:54.53kbsingh82 bugzilla's to go
17:02.32morsingIs my notice period 1 month or four weeks or what?
17:05.41wethrinWhat does your contract say?
17:17.44andrewhi there everone
17:19.57andrewi am chatting on IRC as a deflection activity from doing my homework
17:20.44stephenyou say that as if it's a bad thing
17:21.00ErwinDo first things things, and second things never.
17:23.18morsingwethrin: Despite my contract (which I think says three months) what does the law say?
17:23.27morsingIs it 1 month?
17:24.49*** join/#gllug George (i=george@kde/developer/gwright)
17:25.03wethrinmorsing: I don't know
17:25.07morsingHow was the exam?
17:25.12morsingDoes anyone know?
17:25.30andrewIANAL but if your contract says 3 months it is 3 months
17:26.36morsingandrew: No - law says something liek one month so the contract isn't valid
17:30.09andrewOK - I declare my ignorance on this.   Have you found another job?
17:30.32morsingandrew: Yes
17:32.00morsingWell, I haven't been offered the job yet but it's 95%
17:32.23*** part/#gllug morsing (
17:32.49ErwinI wouldn't quit until you have a signed contract.
17:36.50ErwinWhen is it? I paid something like 50 for a seat where I was served dinner & champagne, ordering a month ahead :-)
17:37.46wethrinBastard :-P
17:37.53wethrinlast weekend in february
17:39.29Erwinvalue fare is about 30 ukp each way? that's the champagne-less carriages though :-)
17:40.23wethrinErr. How?
17:40.46wethrinI've just checked, and outbound 10.43 on the Friday the cheapest is £64.50; return cheapest is £49.50
17:41.33Erwinwell, it's on the 25-26th, sat & sun?
17:42.17Erwinthe 06:26 on the 25th is 29.50
17:42.28wethrinRight. Now, there's some problems with that
17:42.40wethrin1. Coming from Durham, I won't be able to get to Waterloo for 05.30
17:42.49wethrin2. Even if I come from home, I won't be able to get to Waterloo for 05.30
17:42.56wethrin3. The Friday night pub is rather important
17:43.31Erwinthe 08:39 is 39.50
17:44.03wethrinOn Friday?
17:44.19Erwinthe 07:43 is 29.50. On Friday.
17:44.37ErwinI guess they also use the airline system of varying ticket prices..
17:45.18wethrinYes, but 0839 is still rather early. Mean we need to be there before 0800, and so leaving home before 7am
17:48.55ErwinHmm. BA flies for 83.50. But planes are a horrible hassle compared to the Eurostar.
17:50.30wethrinDepends where you're coming from
17:50.40wethrinAnd I got one for £78.50
17:51.24ErwinFrom Durham City Airport? :-)
17:51.58wethrinI can fly from NCL for £138
17:52.59ErwinOK, there's 290 miles from Durham to Waterloo
17:53.20ErwinBy the time you get to Waterloo the Eurostar will be leaving from King's Cross
17:54.24wethrinOther way around
17:55.00ErwinNo, they are moving the Eurostar station to King's Cross/St Pancreas :)
17:55.29wethrinYes, but not for another year or so :0
17:55.38wethrinAnyway, coming from Durham, I get into Kings X, not Waterloo
18:47.19*** join/#gllug morsing (
19:05.00*** join/#gllug new2unix ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:10.19*** join/#gllug George (i=george@kde/developer/gwright)
19:34.18wethrinHa. bulldog
19:55.04Georgeha. sausages.
20:01.19morsingCheck it!
20:34.48*** join/#gllug Erwin (n=erwin@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Erwin)
20:38.34morsingMy contract says my notice period is 13 weeks
20:40.24ErwinGeez, this restaurant charges 150 ukp pp if you don't show up.
20:40.43morsingErwin: They can't do that!
20:41.25wethrinErwin: Which one's that?
20:41.59ErwinTHAT one. Gordon Ramsey's.
20:42.51wethrinWhy're you going there?
20:43.53ErwinBecause it's good? :)
20:45.03wethrinYes, but at that cancellation charge?
20:45.19ErwinWell, I plan to show up. But I think that it's too bookd for me to get a table just a month away
20:46.09wethrinhm. Go to Patara instead :)
20:47.18ErwinIs that a good Thai restaurant? My girlfriend likes to eat/cook Thai food, I prefer snobbish French cuisine :-)
20:48.15wethrinIt's a fantastic Thai restaurant
20:48.18wethrinmorsing: You've been there
20:48.50wethrinEh. I'm not keen on French cuisine. Overly pretentious, and there's better food around :)
20:54.27morsingwethrin: Have I?
20:55.24wethrinmorsing: To Patara, yes
20:55.51morsingWhere is it?
20:56.37wethrinMaddox Street
20:56.42wethrinThe Thai place we've been to a few times
21:03.34andrewis that the one we went to in Dec?
22:27.48*** join/#gllug gary_ (
22:28.11gary_good evening.  anyone about?
22:33.43gary_ah hah
22:57.46Georgewethrin: I got a reply from my LEA :P
22:59.43*** join/#gllug gary__ (
22:59.53wethrinwhat did they say?
22:59.55wethrinhi gary__
23:00.01Georgewethrin: they said come back in february when they have some forms to send out :P
23:00.06wethrinOkay :)
23:00.18Georgewethrin: I'm efficient :D
23:00.25Georgemore efficient that the govt.
23:00.52gary__hi wethrin
23:00.56wethrinHeh. They're not efficient
23:01.09Georgethat's ecause they're all oxonians :P
23:01.21wethrinNah. Not the ones at the low levels
23:01.33Georgedurham at the lower levels? :P
23:02.00gary__disappointed about the cancelled meeting
23:02.08wethrineh? No, lower levels of government
23:02.22wethringary__: Well, there'll be another one
23:03.10gary__true.  It's about time Tushar got a lonix night together isn't it?
23:03.23wethrinI guess so
23:03.31wethrinThere was a meeting last week
23:03.51Georgewethrin: yes
23:04.04Georgewethrin: lower levels of govt went to durham? :)
23:04.14wethrinGeorge: Ha. Probably not even that for the people you speak to
23:04.27Georgewethrin: *gasp* an ex poly???
23:04.36wethrinMaybe even that!
23:05.14wethrinI still find it amusing that a friend of mine who did philosophy at Uni is now working in a semi-government job, dealing with engineers
23:05.15gary__I'm going to go.  Early start tomorrow. cya
23:06.09Georgewethrin: friend?
23:06.55wethrinYes. Odd concept to you, I know

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