irclog2html for #gllug on 20061025

00:01.01eeeeyoreoh sod it i'll try disconnecting the other drive
00:01.32secretlondonprob the best option
00:02.09wethrinI found that happened with mine. I turned the BIOS auto-detection on, and then it was detected by the BIOS
00:02.13wethrinWorked okay in Linux
00:02.55wethrinHm.....OpenBSD may support my wireless network card
00:05.43wethrinThis means I might be able to get rid of my only Windows machine
00:05.48eeeeyoreokay switched out the cdrom drive and the usb keyboard and it seems to be working so far!
00:06.35eeeeyoreof course i skip the disc check, probably will regret that in half an hour :)
00:09.02eeeeyoreoh, i have FC4
00:09.08eeeeyorei don't think it's going to upgrade that
00:09.10wethrinThat's old
00:10.17secretlondoni found red hat 6.1 the other day
00:10.49eeeeyoremaybe i can just reinstall but leave my home dir or something
00:11.31wethrinI have RedHat 5.1 for Alpha at home somewhere
00:11.34wethrinAnd 6.2 for Sparc
00:11.38wethrinDeluxe Edition, no less
00:11.54secretlondonooh delux!
00:12.20wethrinIt's gathering dust on my shelf. Interested in it?
00:13.59secretlondonno use to me
00:14.03secretlondonI don't have any suns
00:14.05eeeeyorewell that was fun
00:14.12eeeeyorei'm clearly going to have to install FC5 first
00:14.35wethrinsecretlondon: They're easy to come by
00:15.27secretlondonwethrin: really?
00:16.03wethrinKeep an eye out on the Freecycle lists, for a start
00:16.11wethrinMost of mine were university rescues
00:16.15keithlard_oh no! someone is having a fight outside my flat!
00:16.16wethrinMy SGI gear certainly was
00:16.21wethrinkeithlard_: Pour milk over them
00:16.22secretlondonwhere is freecycle?
00:16.33wethringoogle://london freecycle
00:16.39wethrin(i.e. I don't know the location of the mailing list)
00:16.43secretlondonk ty
00:16.52wethrinI think there's a list maintained at
00:17.07wethrinI'd guess it's likely to be a busy list, though
00:17.12keithlard_hmm they seem to have made up now
00:17.21wethrinThe Newcastle one tends to get around 30-40 posts a day
00:17.24secretlondonkeithlard: I blame beer
00:17.38wethrinNo no no! Beer can do no wrong!
00:18.12keithlard_no... fighting again
00:18.24secretlondoni mere;y have an athlon 2800, a duron 750 and a p166
00:18.39secretlondonweird hardware is good - mine is tame
00:21.38secretlondonand I'm danmed if I know either ;)
00:21.53keithlard_and shrieking
00:25.27secretlondonnb if you want your bug to be noticed don't file it against some really weird bit of universe when it's actually a problem with the installer
00:31.18secretlondonlondon freecycle - 32652 members
00:31.47secretlondonbout 4000 messages a month
00:33.22wethrinThat's quite a bit
00:33.31wethrinYou'll be learning about mail filters, then :)
00:33.51secretlondonI probably can't download it all on this connection - I have mad leeched wireless
00:34.39secretlondoni'll see what it's like for the first day - and may set to journal or something
00:34.46secretlondonbut that may mean I miss everything
00:35.32wethrinCurrently in this place, I have (that I personally own), 3 PCs (inc. laptop), two Macs (inc. laptop), two SGI machines, 2 Alphas, one VAX, one (non-working) HP Apollo, and 7 Sparc64s
00:35.48wethrinAnd a BBC
00:35.55secretlondonoh I have an electron
00:36.04secretlondondoesn't run linux afaik
00:36.28wethrinNowt wrong wi' BBC BASIC
00:37.11eeeeyorei learn't to program on BBC basic
00:37.20wethrinOh, I have a Psion 5 too
00:37.27eeeeyorei had a psion
00:37.29secretlondoneeeyore: me too
00:37.31eeeeyoreseries 5
00:37.41eeeeyorei miss it dearly
00:37.44wethrinDidn't the C64 have something called Lunix? (Little Unix)
00:37.54eeeeyoreone day i put it into my inside coat pocket
00:37.58wethrinI don't use it, but it feels wrong to not have it
00:38.06*** part/#gllug toby (
00:38.31eeeeyoreonly turned out that wasn't my pocket it was my sleeve, through it went like a slide and out onto the concrete.
00:38.40secretlondonthe bbc micro had a tube thing that allowed a z80 processor
00:38.50eeeeyorei used to write some OPL too
00:38.54wethrinI have a double-processor Apple 2
00:39.00wethrinSo it can run Apple stuff, and CP/M
00:39.18eeeeyorei had a conversion of a pascal game i had written 95% complete at the time of breakage
00:39.19secretlondonwe had an amstrad which could run cp/m
00:39.38secretlondoncpc 6128
00:39.38wethrineeeeyore: Ouch
00:39.43wethrinAh, don't have one of those
00:39.49wethrinSomewhere hidden in a box I have a PC1512DD
00:39.57secretlondonmy dad had it until recently but threw it out :(
00:40.17wethrinthat was naughty
00:40.30secretlondonhe wouldn't get why i'd want it
00:40.35wethrinI'm going to drastically reduce the amount of crap I have at (parents') home around Christmas-time, though
00:40.46catalystalthough I suppose that's a secret :(
00:40.53wethrincatalyst: Probably closer than most of the Glluggers :)
00:40.53secretlondoncatalyst: the gllug bit is also a giveaway
00:41.04catalystsurely not!
00:41.15catalystthough I'm currently closer to london than I usually am
00:41.24wethrinOh, you're in Amersham?
00:41.28catalystthat I am
00:41.29secretlondonwell I'm actually in zone 2 as we type
00:41.36catalystI'm in special zone D
00:41.41catalystso, err, HAH
00:41.43wethrinYou're SPESHUL!
00:41.44secretlondonooh you must be special
00:41.55catalystI am special :)
00:41.55catalyst(in many ways)
00:42.11wethrinIt's a bit irritating that I can get half price travel to London just by nipping a couple of miles up the road to Amersham
00:42.30secretlondonyou have the met line up there i think
00:42.43catalystonly when it's running XD
00:42.53catalystit's quicker to get an overland train into marylebone
00:43.04catalystwethrin: where are you?
00:43.11wethrincatalyst: Currently? Durham
00:43.17wethrinOtherwise Beaconsfield
00:43.18catalystwethrin: where are you normally?
00:43.20catalystah right
00:43.25wethrinNormally Durham :)
00:43.54catalystah right
00:44.43wethrinI'll be around Beac. over the Christma period. We should have beer if you're around
00:45.00secretlondonbeer is always good, but perhaps not in beaconsfield
00:45.15wethrinsecretlondon: Why not? There's some nice pubs in the Old Town
00:45.15catalystit is my mission to come on more GLLUG things
00:45.22catalystso far I've been to about half of one
00:45.31wethrincatalyst: That was a micro-LBW
00:45.31secretlondonwethrin: it's getting there and back on the 0p I live on
00:45.38catalystwethrin: case closed :(
00:45.48wethrinsecretlondon: Minor issue
00:45.49catalystcan I say I've been on an LBW?
00:46.04catalystsecretlondon: we can subsidise travel >:)
00:46.14catalystwhere "we" is people who work for a living
00:46.21catalystsince I'm a poor student
00:46.28catalystI don't think I count ¬_¬
00:46.34catalystwethrin can pay \o/
00:46.39secretlondoni'm an fe student and dole scrounger
00:46.50secretlondonbut at some point i'll get my ccna
00:47.03secretlondoncisco assoc. level qualification
00:47.41secretlondoncisco certified network associate
00:47.49secretlondonnewbie networker
00:47.56secretlondondoing an an fe college
00:48.02catalystI once tried to put a network together
00:48.09catalystthen my housemates did it properly
00:48.17catalystnow I am at their mercy
00:48.37wethrincatalyst: I'm a poor student!
00:48.38secretlondoni was like that with linux so I changed distro and educated myself
00:48.45catalystwethrin: lies!
00:48.58wethrincatalyst: It's true! I spend all my money on good booze
00:49.06catalystthis is acceptable
00:49.11wethrinI don't even have enough to spend on fast cars or women
00:49.14catalystI go to football matches instead of lectures
00:49.25wethrinGood plan
00:49.27catalystI prefer slower women, otherwise they run off without me :(
00:49.32secretlondonwethrin: you must have a fabulous leccy bill tho
00:49.58wethrinOne of my friends, who's a rugby referee, said he can score tickets to some international game up in Edinburggh around March
00:50.13wethrinsecretlondon: Haven't got one since housemates have arrived :)
00:50.18wethrinI've only got a few things on
00:50.28wethrinUm...4 computers
00:50.30secretlondonwethrin: ah - I supposed you'd blow the fuse first
00:50.57wethrinErr, leccy
00:51.27catalystI own 2 computers
00:51.36catalystmy housemate, in the room above me, owns about 40
00:51.45catalystat any time, 6 or 7 at least are on
00:51.55catalysthe has 3 racks in his room
00:51.56wethrinI lost count of how many I have in total
00:52.03wethrinAlthough they're spread between 3 places
00:52.04catalystI live in fear of them collapsing into mine
00:52.21wethrinI was just going to get a 3/4 height and 1/2 height one
00:52.31wethrinOn the grounds a full height is just a bit too unweildy
00:52.43catalystthis doesn't bother Andy :)
00:52.55catalystunweildy is his middle name
00:53.02catalystwell, actually it's not
00:53.34wethrinIf you saw the place I'm in, you'd understand unweildy :)
00:53.46wethrinSteep stairs, followed by some rather sharp turns
00:54.01secretlondonmy bug person has managed to tell me he's having a kernel panic
00:54.01wethrinAlso a 7' rack has issues getting through a 6'something door
00:54.02catalystah! ever read Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency?
00:54.10catalystdo you own a sofa?
00:54.15wethrinAnd the Long Dark Teatime of the Soul
00:54.21wethrinNo. They're the landlord's
00:54.27catalystis it on the stairs?
00:54.36catalystsecretlondon: always a bonus :)
00:54.57secretlondonpreviously we just had a black screen and a flashing cursor
00:54.58wethrinsecretlondon: Get a sofa
00:55.00catalystif you pretend to know what you're doing, other people tend to follow along on the principle that they don't but if someone else does then it's alright
00:55.01wethrincatalyst: No
00:55.19catalystthis is a problem in lemming based societies
00:55.21secretlondoni'm the only person active in the bug channel, so I must be in charge, right?
00:55.46catalystyou could tell me which channel it is and let me answer the questions
00:55.52catalystI'm sure I can pretend to be qualified
00:56.34catalystI'm currently on a quest to find open source software to replace all the apps I use under windows
00:56.41catalystjust because I felt like it
00:56.54wethrinFor work purposes, that's not possible
00:57.12wethrinFor home purposes, I use nothing that requires Windows. Except possibly my wireless card
00:57.21wethrinBut that could well be supported by OpenBSD
00:57.49wethrinHopefully it'd even support WPA
00:58.35wethrinOr whatever the current encryption buzzword is
00:58.46secretlondonwpa 2
00:58.58catalystwhich is why I generally run windows
00:59.09catalystthat and it doesn't self destruct so often as mandriva seems to on my box
00:59.20secretlondonI'm told that world of warcraft can run under wine, my ex everquest 2 doesn't
00:59.28wethrin*nod* Whatever it is, it works with my Mac, and the Windows drivers
01:00.41secretlondonsecond life - the sex, gambling and drama simulator has an alpha linux client
01:01.17secretlondonbah 2am
01:01.31catalystBugger. My mp3 player's been playing by itself in my pocket for potentially several hours
01:01.38catalystI hope it lasts the trip back to Soton
01:01.45catalystI have no charger here :(
01:01.46wethrinCharge it overnight
01:01.57catalystsecretlondon: I've gone to bed at 7am the past two nights running
01:02.52wethrinCoo. Gllug list has 598 members
01:03.45secretlondonmy canon digicam takes a mere 4 aa batteries..
01:03.58serrisMy wife is recharging her camera too for tomorrow
01:04.14secretlondonwe have plans to blog and stuff
01:04.19serris: )
01:04.27secretlondonpromotional stuff
01:04.28wethrinI used to have a Canon, until it got lost somewhere
01:04.34wethrinNow I have a bigger one
01:04.42serrisShe just went to bed. Told her I'm waking her up at 7AM so she can get ready. She didn't welcome the idea
01:04.45secretlondoni have a film slr but never use it as its film
01:04.59wethrinDigital SLR's the way to go
01:05.07serrisShe has a Olympus E500 DSLR
01:05.09secretlondonyeah but they cost ££
01:05.09serrisIt's a nifty camera
01:05.16serrisThis was 360 quid
01:05.19secretlondonand they can be too big for use
01:05.20wethrinEh, a friend paid for half of it
01:05.35wethrinIt's a bit inconvenient if I'm walking in large groups up mountains
01:05.39serrisWith 2 batteries, 1GB memory card, usb memory card reader and a carrybag
01:05.41secretlondoncanon and nikon are best in the field if you can
01:05.43serrisEbay ftw
01:05.59serrisThe 360 includes shipping + VAT
01:06.52wethrinThe D200 is apparently lovely
01:06.55serrisMy wife could probably argue to the contrary to that, secretlondon. She has conversations with deep-blue when he's over about it. But I kind of just switch my mind off when they do so and if my name ever comes up in the conversation I just nod and smile
01:08.07serrisSo I don't really have facts as to why Olympus is one of the better ones to get but yeah
01:08.21serrisIt's rather a nice camera. The macro mod is a bit shoddy
01:08.25serrisThe flash burns your retina
01:08.39wethrinOlympus make nice film cameras. No-one seems to be hugely convinced by their digital offerings, though
01:08.58cpufreakproblem with canon is the quality
01:08.59serrisBut it's quite easy to use. Her old point and shoot digital camera, every single shot I took with it unless we were outside in direct sunlight had major camera shake
01:09.09serristhis has really good quality
01:09.11cpufreakI've got a eos 5d, and an old eos5
01:09.22cpufreakmy old eos5 is really good quality
01:09.25cpufreaknever had a problem
01:09.31serriswethrin: I know
01:09.33cpufreakthe eos5d has been back 2 or 3 times
01:09.40cpufreakand its only a few months old
01:09.45serrisbut whenever she posts her pictures on sites, everyone says "OMG what camera did you use?!?!?!"
01:09.45cpufreaki swear by canon lenses tho
01:09.53serrisAnd she says Olympus, and no one believes her
01:10.44wethrinA lot of camera stuff is the operator
01:10.51secretlondonof course
01:11.04serrisThen again most people don't really seem to grasp the fact, it's not the camera that counts, it's the person taking the picutres
01:11.14wethrinThe Nikkor lenses are good. The Sigma ones are cheap, and seem to be of sufficient quality that they're fine unless you're a professional
01:11.16secretlondonbut a lot is the lenses, and that matters more than a crude megapixel count
01:11.39serrisI think this is a 4Megapixel?
01:11.42serrisI'm not really sure actually
01:11.54wethrinIt's also said about musical instruments that a professional is someone who can make a good sound out of a bad instrument
01:12.16serrisOr playing online games. you can have the best rig out there but it's not going to make you any better
01:12.47serrisIt all helps improve things but at the end of the day it's down to the person taking the pictures
01:13.23catalystgoodnight london
01:13.28catalystand durham
01:13.31wethrinnight catalyst :)
01:13.38wethrinor even, Amersham
01:13.42secretlondonnight cat
01:14.26wethrinDepending what I take pictures of, I tend to dispose of about 1/4-3/4 of the pictures I take
01:14.45wethrinBut there's normally only a small number in each set that look *really* good
01:15.00serrisI took Photography AS. Out of lets say every 34 pictures only about 2-3 came out fairly good
01:15.10secretlondonwell you take as many as you've got storage space for - its not film
01:15.24serrisThat's why for example fashion photographers click away 300-400 pictures and end up selecting one or two
01:16.06wethrinWhen I was taking pictures of a cricket match, or horseracing, I got rid of most of the pictures I took before I even downloaded them
01:16.59serrisI didn't really either. Mostof my classes were spent at home bunking or outside smoking in the name of "Waiting for my prints to dry"
01:17.37serrisbut the teacher didn't teach much. If you talk to my wife about photography for 30 minutes you learn more than what I learnt in a year
01:17.49wethrinooh, Social has 135 members
01:18.05wethrinI've never even seen a 10% turnout
01:18.33wethrinAre people so averse to beer on a Friday night?
01:18.36serrisI wouldn't mind going to some GLLUG meetings but from what I notied, a lot of them fall on the nights I work
01:18.46wethrinMost are on Saturdays
01:18.50serrisThat's the problem
01:18.54serrisI workon the weekend
01:18.57serriswork on*
01:19.24wethrinah. Mostly (i.e. unless someone organises one), socials are on Fridays that I'm passing through London
01:19.43serrisIt'd be rather suiting. I hvae to stack beers, wines and spirits on Saturday night so if I turned up drunk to work it'd be a lot of fun
01:19.50serrisFriday's no good either. I work then too =/
01:20.05serrisI know
01:20.27serrisbut I have a week off in November and I'mplanning to attend atleast one social event then
01:20.36serrisPlus I'm going to the linux expo today
01:20.45serrisSo will check in to say hi at the GLLUG stand
01:22.59wethrinEmail the list and demand beer
01:23.16serrisI have a bunch of beer at home
01:23.20serrisI think over 30 cans
01:24.14serrisI bought an 18 pack of fosters for a fiver at work
01:24.33wethrinoh dear
01:24.53serriswell I don't really drink fosters. Bought it for a mate since it was cheap. But hten he never took it away
01:25.03serrisSo it's sitting in my kitchen
01:25.30serrisHmm... I'mtempted to put a few in the fridge and drink later
01:26.27serrisHave you tried that fruity white Kronnenbourg 1664
01:26.45wethrinKronenbourg Blanc?
01:26.58wethrinI've had some of that in London, where I found it quite refreshing
01:27.09wethrinI had one up at the Edinburgh festival this year, and it was awful
01:27.12serrisI thought it was quite good
01:27.21serrisHmm.. Was it bottled or tapped?
01:28.25wethrinIt was served in plastic, which is just wrong
01:28.37serrisThat's the problem
01:28.40serrisThe bottled one is very nice
01:29.32wethrinTry some Innis & Gunn, if you can find it
01:29.39wethrinTesco and/or Waitrose might have it
01:29.48serrisI stack it weekly
01:29.54serrisTiny bottles
01:31.13wethrin330ml or so
01:32.41serrisSoemthing like that, yes
01:38.14wethrinI should probably do something about sleeping
01:40.50secretlondoni have an expo to go to.
01:45.32wethrinmethinks the booze doth protest too much
01:46.12wethrinRight. Sleeptinme
06:30.53*** join/#gllug CopeDe (
06:31.16CopeDehello mozrat
06:31.24mozratHow are you?
06:31.31CopeDefine thanks :)
06:31.36mozratgoody :D
06:32.50CopeDeand also with you?
06:33.10mozratPretty good thanks - just getting ready for the Expo today
06:33.17mozratback in a sec
06:34.21CopeDeah, das expo
06:41.15murbdie expo
06:41.40CopeDe:) hello murb!
06:44.59murbhe turned off his alarm clock and has now missed the tiler :(
06:45.20CopeDehello rh
06:45.29murbhowever i do have a seemingly functioning openbsd in xen
06:45.39CopeDethis is good!
06:46.11murboh and qemu++
06:48.14CopeDemurb: are you in the fatherland?
06:48.30murbich wohn im oberfranken.
06:49.32CopeDeNearly Bavarian?
06:49.45CopeDeIch bin im Frankfurt am Main
06:50.58murbfranken ist zwei hunderjahr im bayern :(
06:51.44murb(it was sold by the french)
06:51.55murbCopeDe: what are you doing in ffm?
06:52.10murbsabinef72: yes it is all your fault.
06:52.31CopeDemurb: visiting a site, helping users, measuring (and fixing) performance problems
06:53.45mozratso unorganised this month
06:54.35mozratCope, you are in Germany? </obvious question>
06:55.05murbmozrat: the last time i checked Frankfurt am Main was in hessen
06:55.21murbCopeDe: I used to live in Wiesbaden, and still have a flat htere.
06:55.39mozratmurb: I didn't scroll up :-)
06:58.36CopeDemurb: I ate in darmstadt last night, that's kinda near, isn't it?
06:59.42murbdarmstadt is half way to heidelberg.
06:59.46mozratCopeDe: you are on hols?
07:01.58morsingCopeDe: How Germany? Why didn't you tell me you were there?
07:02.15CopeDehello morsing
07:02.29mozratCopeDe: ooh, have fun
07:02.35morsingVie sind die wurst?
07:02.50morsingBye mozrat
07:02.52mozratmorsing: what time are you showing up at the Expo?
07:02.59morsingI'M NOT!
07:03.02mozratoh :(
07:03.04mozratJust checking
07:03.08morsingIt's pay-day today
07:03.22mozratCatch you all later, hopefully I can get laptop > bluetooth > mobile working
07:03.53CopeDethe wurst I had for breakfast was ok; but the sempf was average
07:09.38trousersMorning dudes
07:14.01trousersmorsing! Check it! :P
07:22.30murbsabinef72: read scroll back, it is all your fault.
07:22.51sabinef72calm down calm down
07:22.58trousersOkay, I'm off to the expo :)
07:23.30sabinef72murb: why is it my fault ? Germany is lovely
07:23.55murbthat franken was sold to bayern.
07:24.21sabinef72what is franken ?
07:24.37sabinef72or perhaps who ?
07:24.54murbit is the area i live in .
07:25.38sabinef72so your town is sold ? how is it possible ?
07:25.48morsingmurb bought it
07:34.22z00daxyay! I have presidential box tickets for the cricket match today
07:34.50z00daxNZ Vs Pak, being played about 2 miles down the road from my parents place
07:38.01sabinef72z00dax !!!!!!!!!!
07:38.39serrismorning z00dax
07:39.56sabinef72hi serris : how are you ?
07:40.21serrisHi sabinef72. I'm fine, and yoU?
07:40.25sabinef72murb: no it's not my faulttttttttt
07:40.29sabinef72serris: yes I'm ok
07:40.32z00daxsabinef72: serris:
07:41.08murbsabinef72: you are not the mother of napoleon?
07:41.16z00daxsabinef72: come over! its lots and lots of fun
07:41.30sabinef72z00dax: I really would like to go there one day
07:41.48z00daxi think everyone should come and visit India once!
07:41.48serrisI just woke up and damn the house is cold
07:41.57z00daxserris: light a fire
07:41.57serrisMakes me not really wanna go out to smoke
07:42.03sabinef72murb: yes I'm french... but also a bit german and belgium ! So it's not ALL my fault
07:42.08z00daxsee, there is a reason to give up smoking
07:42.32serrisNo, there's a reason to put more clothes on when attempting to go outside to smoke
07:42.33z00daxmurb: that would actually be quite a walk!
07:42.45murbsabinef72: belgium doens't exist so you must be lying
07:43.05*** join/#gllug SlayerXP (
07:43.05sabinef72murb: how comes ?
07:43.20sabinef72z00dax: don't forget pictures please !
07:43.37z00daxsabinef72: i am taking a few :) but no camera and mobile phones on the cricket stadium property!
07:43.38sabinef72serris: smoke is shit
07:43.48sabinef72why ?
07:43.57sabinef72I never see cricket in my life !
07:44.10murbz00dax: unless you pay.
07:44.15serrisI thought smoke was something caused by burning things
07:46.13serrisAh well, brb smoking
07:46.49sabinef72serris come back
07:46.50sabinef72don't go
07:49.33murbhave they banned people that smoke in france yet?
07:49.52merlinnthat will never happen
07:49.56sabinef72in all public parts (train station....)
07:50.13sabinef72it's seem in january, some pubs will be without smoke
07:50.16merlinnin france?
07:50.24merlinnholy shit
07:50.33murbahah gare le nord without the stink of tobacco and urine!
07:50.34sabinef72and some restaurant too
07:50.38murbi don't belive it.
07:50.40merlinnthat's like banning british people from drinking
07:51.55sabinef72some pubs and restaurants already do it
07:52.08serrisPubs are going to be banning smoking in the UK
07:52.11murbsabinef72: ban british people?
07:54.58murbsabinef72: didn't?
07:55.43serrisI'm planning on going to France sometime. Just over the channel to get some cigarettes. I think they're still cheaper than buying them in the UK
07:55.51merlinnquite a lot
07:56.02murbhow much do they cost in france?
07:56.15merlinnfor a single box about 3quid
07:56.20serrisIn Hungary I managed to get 2 cartons of Mayfair and a carton of Benson & Hedges Silver for 34 quid alltogehter
07:56.25murbfor 200?
07:56.27merlinnI'd go to somewhere like hungary or so
07:56.43murbi think it is about 20 euro for 200 just over the boarder in .cz
07:56.44merlinnwhy don't you get a cheap flight
07:56.56merlinnit's the same price as getting a sicky cruise
07:57.24serrisCheaper, murb
07:57.31serrisSome guy at work used to sell me some
07:57.43serrisHe'd sell them to me at about 2.50 quid a 20 deck of Moon Black
07:57.48serrisHe bought them for about 80p
07:57.52serrisBack in .cz
07:58.00merlinnmoon black?
07:58.06merlinnI wouldn't buy anything named moon black
07:58.12murbwhy not?
07:58.15serrisThey're rubbish
07:58.15murbit is a common brand in .cz
07:58.19merlinnsounds dodge
07:58.22serrisWe have it in Hungary too
07:58.26sabinef72serris: tell me when you will be there
07:58.26serrisBut it's not very good
07:58.28serrisRather cheap though
07:58.28murbmany people here smoke them.
07:58.38sabinef72murb: don't you like France ?
07:58.41serrisWill do : )
07:58.46merlinnare they sugar cured or dry cured?
07:58.55serrisMy mate is half french so I'm dragging him along, but at the moment don't really have enough money to go
07:59.01merlinnI find it really difficult to smoke non english cigarettes
07:59.09murbsabinef72: i just don't like the french xenophobia.
07:59.10sabinef72serris: you should go in Spain, there are cheaper than in France
07:59.11merlinnbecause english cigs are so unhealthily prepared
07:59.17merlinnthey taste better
07:59.26sabinef72murb: xenophobia ?????,,
07:59.28merlinnor I'm more accustomed to them
07:59.28serrisIt'd be faster to get to Hungary and I'm pretty sure they're cheaper there
07:59.47serrisI ended up getting used to Mayfair
08:00.12merlinnthey're a lot cheaper there than france
08:00.12serrisThe Marlboro Reds only cost about 15 quid a carton back in Hungary
08:00.29serrisWhile Mayfair was a tenner a carton
08:00.35sabinef72merlinn: I agree
08:00.43serrisHere I think Sainsbury's are still one of the cheapest place to get them at
08:00.46murbserris: how much vat do you pay in .hu?
08:00.55serrisGood question
08:01.06murbi know .cz is now 19%
08:01.28serrisIt went up a little since we joined the EU
08:02.01serrisI remember most cigarettes used to be around 390HUF a few years ago. That's about 1 quid. Now the cheapest are around 460HUF
08:02.44merlinnare there any places to ski in hungary?
08:02.50serrishow do you "accidentally" go to Hungary?
08:02.55serrisA few
08:03.04serrisbut it's better to just cross over to Slovakia
08:03.17serrisMy cousin goes to France to ski
08:03.34murb(it was the quickest route from wien -> Banksa Bystrica
08:05.38merlinnI want to buy a place near a ski slope
08:06.30murbmerlinn: # for all your high tatra ski wishes
08:09.09murbStary Smokovec didn't seem like a bad resort.
08:09.14murbalthough i was only there in the summer.
08:15.45morsingping CopeDe
08:29.38morsingCopeDe: What's with the password resets?
08:35.07CopeDei need my password to be reset
08:37.25morsingAll the time?
08:37.36morsingDoes anyone have a tent I can borrow?
08:38.26CopeDeyes, but i don't live near you
08:38.50morsingCopeDe: Are you going to change the passwd again?
08:39.08morsingIt will ask yu when you log in. I've reset it
08:49.45CopeDemorsing: what did you set it to?
08:51.39morsingWhat you asked for
08:51.54Leedsmorsing: what did he ask for?
08:52.10morsingLeeds: Money
08:57.11*** join/#gllug goibhniu (n=cillian@
08:58.40CopeDePermission denied, please try again.
08:58.53CopeDemorsing: what does lsuser say of nelsonst?
08:59.46morsingHang-on, I might have copied a whitespace from your mail
09:00.07morsingTry again
09:04.17CopeDemorsing: very strange
09:04.35CopeDewhatever i offer as a new password, it thinks it is recent and thus not valid
09:05.12CopeDeeg I suggested C0ckSh@ft
09:05.21CopeDewhich I have definitely not used before
09:05.32CopeDeand it says it isn't valid
09:07.44CopeDeall have apparently been used before...
09:07.45CopeDeYou broke it!
09:09.12morsingThat's definate;y not what you emailed us..
09:09.36morsingSorry, I'm confused
09:10.19morsingCopeDe: You can login and change it to whatever now
09:16.23CopeDeok... back up
09:16.39CopeDe1) I emailed you asking you to change password
09:16.41CopeDe2) You did
09:16.51CopeDe3) I logged on with this password
09:17.01CopeDe4) It asks for a new password (as expected)
09:17.18CopeDe5) I enter any number of random, never-been-used-before passwords
09:17.31CopeDe6) It says it has been recently used, and tells me it is invalid.
09:17.35cpufreakdon't base your passwords on words then
09:18.02*** join/#gllug huw-l (
09:18.53CopeDethat has nothing to do with it; it gave the same message with completely random passwords
09:19.08CopeDeeg sgj%y$_a
09:19.25murbCopeDe: maybe it is broken?
09:19.48CopeDemurb: i believe so, as suggested by the statement: <CopeDe> You broke it!
09:20.56morsingCopeDe: Wait a sec
09:21.13morsingSorry, we're quite busy this week
09:37.11*** join/#gllug eeyore (
09:37.27eeyorefedora 6 install 90% complete
09:37.42eeyoresoon i can find out how many things it breaks :)
09:37.54eeyorei really hope not my database, but it's all part of the excitement
09:38.33CopeDeooh exciting
09:38.38eeyoreyou borrow money then you pay back capiche?
09:38.49morsingThe thing is
09:39.02morsingEver since taking out a second loan in March
09:39.13sabinef72sorry I'm washing my keyboard
09:39.14morsingthe payments on the first loan has stopped...
09:39.26morsingFree money?
09:43.51Leedsno such thing as free money
09:44.04morsingLeeds: So they just forgot about my loan?
09:44.11morsingShould I tell them?
09:44.28Leedsno... sooner or later - probably later - they will notice and charge you huge penalties for missing payments
09:44.32sabinef72Leeds !!!!!!!!!!!!!
09:44.40sabinef72Leeds: did you think at me ?
09:44.48morsingsabinef72: I did
09:44.53sabinef72I don't know why I'm afraid he will answer no
09:44.55Leedssabinef72: constantly!
09:45.27Leedsseriously... it's always at the top of my mental to-do list... just, haven't got around to it
09:46.13morsingLeeds: What about me?
09:46.26sabinef72morsing: I'm still waiting your one
09:47.15sabinef72yes it's me !
09:47.24sabinef72don't you have postcard in England ?
09:48.15Leedsmorsing: no, I never think of you
09:48.43eeyoreburstnet slogan: how much packet loss do you want today?
09:49.56eeyoremake: warning: clock skew detected: your build may not be complete
09:50.02eeyoreFailed to start Xserver
09:50.07eeyoreand so it BEGINS!
09:51.07CopeDewhat are you trying to build?
09:51.26Leedsthe hard drive appears to be failing to spin up
09:51.39eeyorenot trying to build anything, just install fedora 6
09:58.06CopeDemake: warning: clock skew detected: your build may not be complete
09:58.25CopeDesounds rather like you typed "make", as if you were building something.
09:59.23eeyoreis anyone else running fc6 here?
10:09.27antiphaseThey'll probably be laying into their machine with a boot, rather than chatting idly on IRC
10:14.05eeyorewell i have a spare windows machine :)
10:22.42antiphaseI though ATI and support were mutually exclusive concepts
10:23.03eeyorelike all graphics cards that aren't from the 80's
10:23.21antiphaseI suppose they do VESA modes OK
10:23.33eeyoreyah lol
10:23.42eeyorewant to try the composite thing
10:24.30CopeDeooh hello keithlard
10:24.55serrisI'm off to the Linux expo. Talk to you all later : )
10:25.01serriscya wethrin
10:25.26serrisWill do : )
10:25.37wethrinDon't forget to get freebies!
10:30.20CopeDethat'll fix it
10:30.21CopeDeif in doubt - reboot;
10:30.39eeyorei feel lucky this time
10:30.39CopeDebecause running up and down init scripts always fixes things
10:30.49wethrinCopeDe: Sadly that often works, even when it shouldn't
10:31.18CopeDeheh, I'm not knocking it; I am much in favour of sanity reboots
10:34.02eeyorei just can't remember how to correctly restart X/gnome
10:34.30eeyorethis time gadget, this time
10:34.44eeyoregot excited for a second
10:34.48eeyorebut that was teh grub screen
10:37.11eeyorethis time it will *really* work
10:37.23Leedsyeah, right
10:37.44eeyorei think it's good to have to spend a day messing with the xorg.conf every upgrade
10:37.51eeyoreit's all about getting back to basics
10:38.17eeyoreboot successfull with ATI driver
10:38.25eeyorenow i try to switch on the wizzy bits
10:38.42eeyoreand ailx or whatever it is
10:39.25eeyoredefinately have 3d support just tryied glxgears
10:39.55Leedsdon't like binary drivers
10:41.12eeyoreme neither, but there are no open source ones
10:41.47eeyoreif the drivers were open source this would have "just worked"
10:42.20LeedsI've got working - if slow - free 3d
10:42.47eeyoreit just told me it couldn't be enabled
10:43.10Leedswhat card do you have?
10:44.11Leedsno idea what that is underneath... r100 and r200 work well, and r300 works somewhat
10:46.29eeyorebugger the proprietary drivers don't support it
10:46.31eeyoreat all
10:46.46eeyoremind you i just rebooted with the radeon driver and that didn't work either
10:48.17Leedsshower time!
10:53.09cpufreakjust run Vista
10:54.36eeyorei have osX at home, i'm that desperate.
10:54.48eeyorei mean *not* that derperate.heh
11:00.08eeyoreyeah i can't get the open source drivers working with it either
11:03.46CopeDebuy supported hardware, then.
11:03.47CopeDehth, hand
11:06.18eeyorethis is suppose to be supported
11:07.01eeyorealso i know full well that it's near impossible under xorg to disable the onboard, i tried already
11:07.48antiphaseSurely you can do it in the BIOS though
11:08.24eeyoreyes, it's just that linux seems to ignore it
11:11.28eeyoreoh thats nice it nuked my java install too
11:31.39Leedsthere's whiskey in the giro!
11:31.56*** join/#gllug phearless (
11:42.01morsingOk, phoned my bank...
11:42.06phearlesshi :)
12:45.51*** join/#gllug Jasperw (
12:55.13CopeDenearly time to go back to England
13:06.49*** join/#gllug Gethoper (n=chatzill@
13:07.58rhoweLeeds: Did you see the Lik Sang announcement?
13:10.14eeyorei seem to remember there is some way to show the html source of the finished DOM in firefox
13:10.21eeyorebut i can't remember how
13:25.01goibhniuphear tubes!
13:50.12phearlessphear less !
13:51.20*** join/#gllug SlayerXP (
13:55.18morsingwethrin: Where are you over X-mas/New year?
13:55.50wethrinmorsing: Beaconsfield, mostly
13:56.23murbwethrin: you should be in upper frankonia
13:56.43wethrinmurb: I'm most likely going to be in Oxford over New Year
13:57.43wethrinGrrr. The pricing of silicon wafers from Siltronix appears to be quite random
13:57.53*** join/#gllug PussInBoots (i=PussInBo@gateway/tor/x-9b3179286982dc12)
14:03.15*** join/#gllug cbz (
14:03.58cbzhello morsing
14:39.37morsingHow does on-line check-in work?
14:40.18antiphaseYou check in, on-line
14:50.48morsingAnd then what?
14:53.13antiphaseI've no idea, I've enever done it. I was merely being facetious
14:58.25phearlessanybody know where i can buy Rubber Screws for a CPU fan ?
14:59.32antiphaseI've never seen a rubber screw
15:00.03*** join/#gllug Gethoper (n=chatzill@
15:00.07cbzphearless: dorothy bradbury
15:00.17boudiccasIf i have this as a bash script ... #!/bin/bash
15:00.18boudiccas./FAH502-Linux.exe -forceasm >>folding.log 2>&1 & .... how can i write a bash script to kill it please?
15:05.12murbboudiccas: pkill -9 FAH502-Linux.exe
15:05.14phearless sell only fans, not rubber screws :(
15:05.28murbor you could just save the pid and kill that.
15:05.30phearlessLinux.exe ?! o_O
15:09.14phearlesswhich google keywords should I se to look for rubber screws for a CPU fan ?
15:12.11boudiccasmurb; the finished script turns out to be ... #!/bin/bash
15:12.11boudiccaskill -9 `ps afx | grep FAH502-Linux.exe | grep -v [g]rep | awk '{print $1 }'` ... which works very well
15:12.57murbboudiccas: why not just use pkill ?
15:13.22murband why -9?
15:13.33boudiccasbecause its got to run as a script which doesn't know the random pids
15:13.36murbwouldn't it be kinder to send a more gental signal at first.
15:13.45murbbut you really don't need to use grep and awk
15:14.06boudiccasmaybe not, but this one works and cuts the mustard very well
15:14.18murbkill `ps afx | awk '/FAH502-Linux.ex[e]/ {print $1 }'`
15:15.29murbi'm sure there are laws against it.
15:15.36morsingCheck it!
15:15.41murband if not htere should be.
15:15.45boudiccasmurb; yes, yours works just as well :)
15:15.50morsingAnyone up for a curry and a pint after work?
15:17.09boudiccasmmmm,beer curry! luverly jubbly!
15:17.31boudiccaswith a nice of 19 too
15:18.00morsingnice 22 boudiccas
15:18.06morsingnice -3 ibot
15:19.33boudiccasmy mother told me last week that i was fat! i told her that I was in shape, and round is a shape!
15:19.52morsingboudiccas: You *are* fat!
15:20.12boudiccasmorsing; how do you know, you've never met me! :)
15:21.06boudiccaswhats the Hewlett Packrd phone that runs some version of windows on it?
15:21.55morsingibot boudiccas
15:22.14boudiccassilence is golden :)
15:22.50boudiccasso secretive that not even ibot knows anyhting about me :)
15:23.23morsingibot knows everything!
15:23.25ibotYes, I do, morsing.
15:23.56boudiccasbut ibot doesn't know any information/gossip about boudiccas :)
15:24.16boudiccasergo, ibot doesn't know everything
15:30.52morsingrhowe! Dinner at your place tonight?
15:34.03morsingrhowe: Why are you ignoring me?
15:36.56*** join/#gllug JohnDoe666 (
15:38.44phearlesscan I change just the fan of a Radeon 9700 Pro ?
15:39.51phearlesscan I buy one ?
15:39.58phearlessi do not find anything on the web
15:40.07phearlessok so I buy a new graphic card
15:40.27phearlessand I replace the old fan on the old card by the new fan of the new card
15:40.40phearlessdoes not make sense
15:48.10rhowemorsing: Dinner at my place?
15:48.15rhowemorsing: I haven't got any food :P
15:48.27morsingrhowe: I'll bring beer
15:48.33rhowemorsing: Jia won't be impressed
15:48.43morsingI'll impress her
15:48.50morsingAre you two still married?
15:49.10rhowemorsing: heh, sure am
16:06.08cbzphearless: see fan mounts
16:13.24Kittyis anyone here on the 28 bus?
16:14.37phearlessyou are IRCing from the bus 28 and you look for a friend ?
16:14.40morsingNo - I'm at work
16:16.35boudiccasindigent ... a goodly word
16:16.54Kittyno i am on the 27
16:17.00Kittywe was at the expo
16:17.12boudiccaswas it good
16:17.13Kittyand are on our way to the lonix bash
16:17.30Kittywe ddos'd the 28, so fail overed to the 27
16:18.51Kittyoh yay, a drunk
16:41.33*** join/#gllug Gethoper (n=chatzill@
16:44.08*** join/#gllug PussInBoots (i=PussInBo@gateway/tor/x-88c9ba6977b3bfba)
17:03.08Leedsrhowe: of course :-(
17:11.45*** join/#gllug xotl (
17:13.24*** join/#gllug sabinette (
17:14.20*** join/#gllug secretlondon (
17:16.15serrishi all
17:20.26serrishow's it going secretlondon?
17:20.30serrisDid you go to the expo?
17:20.42secretlondonserris: I didn't make it - must go tomorrow
17:20.50secretlondonserris: did you go?
17:20.54serrisDid you go last year?
17:20.57Leedswith a mixture of people I know a bit, and people I've never met
17:21.04secretlondonno - I don't think I've actually been since 2001
17:21.24serrisYep. Saw trousers & mozrat
17:21.43secretlondonhow was it?
17:21.52serrisNot as good as before
17:22.05serrisThe only good bit was talking to mozrat
17:22.28*** join/#gllug PussInBoots (i=PussInBo@gateway/tor/x-ae4c4d386d6eb672)
17:22.54serrisHe gave me a free Lonix pen since I complained this is my first expo I did not get a free pen at
17:22.54serrisMe mate got a tshirt but not a pen
17:23.24secretlondonthe last one I went to had vodka flowing down a giant ice tux
17:23.37secretlondoni think i'll settle for a tshirt
17:23.47serrisI mean the 1st linunx expo we went to we got about 20 pens each
17:23.49wethrinThat was when SGI still had some money
17:24.06wethrinI got 9 t-shirts, and a cap from one of the Linux Expos. I think it was the second one
17:24.25secretlondonclothes and pens always come in useful
17:25.27serrisBut we did get some Novell Suse Enterprise 10 Eval CDs
17:25.30serrisand Desktop ones too
17:25.42serrissome Novell clip kind of things
17:25.49serrisand a bunch of flyers
17:26.02secretlondonoh cds are good
17:26.06serrisI do have a GLLUG flyer too
17:26.23serrisYeah and mozrat also gave me a Ubuntu 6.06 CD
17:26.38serrisI was about to head over to the Ubuntu stand to nab one but didn't make it as mozrat handed me one
17:26.42*** join/#gllug sabinette (
17:27.14secretlondonwe have lots of free cds
17:27.35secretlondonwe should have kubuntu and edubuntu too i think
17:27.46serrisI did get a nifty subscription (trial) to Linux Magazine
17:28.17serris3 issues + a free mag for 6 quid
17:29.50serrisI must say I like the GLLUG flyers
17:30.36secretlondonwethrin: I have had about 80 emails from freecycle - none of which were suns
17:30.41serrisOh do you like weird tribal looking New Zealand guys dancing around in hoola looking skirts screaming weird stuff to attract you to new linux hosting?
17:30.48wethrinsecretlondon: Keep waiting around
17:30.49serrisThey even had a guitar
17:31.05secretlondonwethrin: I know
17:31.09serrisI think that was one of the more exciting features
17:31.13wethrinI have the interweb via OpenBSD!
17:31.29secretlondonooh has never played with open bsd
17:31.42murbi have openbsd urnning on xen so nah
17:31.44wethrinIt rocks rather muchly. Specially for firewalls
17:31.51murbnah the firewall foo sucks
17:31.54wethrinAnd I might still try it over the weekend
17:31.56wethrinRubbish :-P
17:32.02murbatleast compared to netfilter
17:32.09murbof ipfilter
17:32.17secretlondonit is supposed to be the security bsd isn't it
17:32.22murbit is just a poor reimplentation and modification of ipfilter
17:32.29secretlondonalthough I'm a bit scared about the songs I read about on wikipedia
17:33.29wethrinsecretlondon: Yeah
17:33.34wethrinmurb: Bah :-P
17:33.45serrisThe songs were on sale at the OpenBSD stand
17:34.15secretlondonoh god that needs a photo taking tomorrow for wikipedia ;)
17:34.30serrisI think it was either 6 quid or a tenner?
17:34.34serrisI know their DVD was 30 quid
17:34.48serristhe fluffy fish that their mascot is was 25 quid
17:34.59serrisTshirts were I think a tenner and 6 quid for the Audio CD
17:42.55secretlondonme on LJ: That's not free software! person: yeah but it's pretty cheap tho
17:49.50wethrinwhat sw?
17:54.01secretlondonit was on ubuntu-users and someone asked about linux software to put together student newspapers. everyone said scribus, but someone said that as well you'll need something that does cmyk. he suggested pixel (non free), I said krita does cmyk too
17:54.13secretlondonthe gimp doesn't of course
17:54.33wethrinNo, most things don't
17:54.39wethrinQuark XPress!
17:54.46wethrinOr whatever the Adobe rival is called
17:54.58secretlondonkrita - kde art app
17:55.24secretlondonit's looking rather nice, a lot of the kde ones are - i prefer the feel of gnome but kde have some nice software
17:55.44wethrinWhy doesn't gimp do it? That seems to be the major thing holding back its adoption in the more professional image wranglers
17:55.56secretlondonthe gimp is also the world's ugliest art app
17:56.01wethrinThat's true
17:56.10wethrinI tend to use Photoshop proper, if needed
17:56.31secretlondoni'm trying to sue krita and show foto - don't like the gimp
17:56.43secretlondoni feel weak when i boot in my windows partition ;)
17:56.54wethrinPhotoshop on Mac++
17:57.03murbhave you seen the gimp shell that makes it look like photoshop?
17:57.13wethrinI might start taking my camera pictures in RAW mode, and doing some twiddles in Photosho
17:57.13murbphotoshop on the mac is also bloody expensive.
17:57.18wethrinyes, well
17:57.29murbi think my sister got it for free though.
17:57.38murbbucks lea were obviously feeling rich
17:58.06wethrinTime to go!
18:02.56secretlondonmurb : if they licensed it ;)
18:03.10murbsecretlondon: of course they did
18:03.25murbbut it was also a student version so maybe a little be cheaper than normal.
18:03.42secretlondonmurb: fair enough, many places i've worked have a cavalier attitude to software licensing
18:04.32*** join/#gllug Leeds (n=richardc@
18:04.37murbsecretlondon: this was part of some kind of going to university grant thing, i know th emoney was paid because we had to send them the invoices.
18:04.51secretlondonmurb: ok cool.
18:06.27Leedshmm... this xchat is meant to have sepllchecking built-in
18:06.39secretlondonmine does, it underlines borked words
18:07.01Leedswell it didn't seem to have any problem with sepllchecking :-|
18:07.38secretlondonmine underlined borked
18:08.18secretlondonit underlines as you type
18:09.00Leedsit should be truned on in the settings, but I don't see any underlinding...
18:09.06Leedsone mo
18:09.31*** join/#gllug Leeds (n=richardc@
18:09.51Leedsso, are we sepllchecking now then?
18:09.53Leedsno, apparently not
18:10.56secretlondoni'm on chat 2.6.6 running on ubuntu dapper
18:12.02Leeds2.6.8, just now built and installed from source
18:12.11secretlondondo you have spelling dictionaries installed? I've no idea how it finds them
18:12.39*** join/#gllug Puss1nB00ts (i=PussInBo@gateway/tor/x-097917397a89dca4)
18:12.45secretlondonooh mine is eng gb too - it likes centre but not center
18:13.32Leedspossibly not
18:18.17Leedsokay, dicts installed... I'll be back
18:18.26*** join/#gllug Leeds (n=richardc@
18:18.48secretlondonI can't see anything at first glance that tells me which dicts it uses
18:19.26serrisAnyone have any experience with CentOS?
18:20.00*** join/#gllug Gunde (n=spamyous@
18:20.51stephenserris: z.00dax is the CentOS man around these parts
18:22.33serrisMe mate bought some CentOS disks at the expo
18:22.41murbfrom lance?
18:23.05serrisI think so
18:23.31serrisWell to his recomendation, I'm going to run it on one of my rigs as an Apache MySQL and PHP server
18:46.03*** join/#gllug gw280 (
18:46.08gw280trousers: you weirdo
18:47.02*** part/#gllug gw280 (
18:58.25boudiccasserris; i run centos on this desktop
18:59.07boudiccasyes, tis I!
19:23.11Gundeoooh, heating magically came on just now!
19:24.39Gundeindeed, means I might not have to spend all evening with two jumpers and wrapped into a down duvet.
19:25.17secretlondonmine is still borked
19:25.56secretlondoni haven't chased all summer as it was the summer..
19:26.19GundeAnd I did chase them, without effect though.
19:26.52GundeI read today it is not legal here to shorten your rent if that happens, what a pity.
19:27.29secretlondoni've got an assured tenency (housing association) so I need to sort them out rather than move
19:28.24GundeSame here, but my half assured year is over. Nevertheless, I like the house and my housemates, so I'd rather not move out.
19:28.49secretlondongunde: I'm not sure what you've got - assured shorthold?
19:29.14secretlondonMine is permanent tenency as long as pay the rent and don't be a nazi (there are a few other conditions but that's what it amounts to)
19:29.26Gundeyes, fixed for half a year, afterwards both side can cancel the contract with one months notice.
19:30.00secretlondonah that's different. assured tenancies are special housing association ones, a bit like the secure tenancies that council tenants get
19:30.37GundeI am not familiar with the different kind of contracts in Britain, but I can guess from the context.
19:40.36serrisok I'm banned from cooking
19:40.49serrisI just set fire to the pan
19:52.23morsingboudiccas: Can I go to bed now?
19:52.54boudiccasmorsing; i've no idea, have you been a good boy?
19:54.41boudiccasthen you can stay up later then, but only because its half-term atm
19:55.05secretlondonhalf term in lewisham too
19:55.25serrisThat was fun
19:55.38serrisI think the house is still covered in thick smoke
19:55.44serrisI wonder where I put my gas mask
19:55.45boudiccasserris; playing fireman again? :)
19:55.54serrisNo, playing chef
19:56.10Gunde*moan* Heating is off again.
19:56.32serrisI put some paper towels for my wife's grilled cheese too close to the fire so that caught fire, I frew it on the sandwich which caught fire too
19:56.35serrisit was fun
19:56.49serrisMy wife is like "What the hell are you doing? There shouldn't be flames coming out of the kitchen..."
19:56.59Gundeserris: admit it, you did that on purpose to get expelled from the kitchen...
19:57.04serrisI reasurred her everything was cool and under control while I was slapping the fire with a spatula
19:57.51serristhat didn't work. So I ate that grilled cheese but she didn't really trust me to make another one
19:57.52boudiccasbetter to cover it with a wet tea towel and turn off the heat source
19:57.59serrisAh that'd be lame
19:58.09serrisI left the flame on and just kept smacking it
19:58.10boudiccasmaybe, but safer
19:58.42boudiccasflambe cheese sandwich! :))))))))))
19:59.13serrisyeah I threw half of it away
19:59.18serristhe paper burnt / melted onto it
19:59.28serrisit tasted like ash
19:59.50boudiccaspaper doesn't melt, normally :)
20:00.10boudiccasso, what does ash taste of?
20:04.30serrisTastes like a bbq
20:04.40serriswhen you drop your chicken or something in
20:04.44serrisget it out and wipe it off
20:04.51serrisAnd it has that weird ash tasting thing
20:05.52mozratAdvice please!!
20:06.03serrishey mozrat
20:06.40serrisThanks for that pen
20:06.42mozratThe pub we are looking to take MadDog too on Friday night is supposed to be very busy that night
20:06.48mozratyeah... you're welcome!
20:08.05serrisI didn't think the Linux expo was as good this year
20:08.50mozratNo, it probably wasn't but this was the first year I've manned a stand
20:08.52mozratso, I had fun
20:09.22serrisI just set fire to my kitchen :D
20:09.28mozratnice one!
20:09.31serrisI know
20:12.11mozratWell - if the pub is busy.... we'll have to take him elsewhere!
20:12.33secretlondoni missed today but am doing tomorrow
20:12.58mozratsecretlondon: make sure you say "hello" to me
20:13.21secretlondonmozrat: i will. I'll be the female on the ubuntu community stall
20:13.46serrisThat stool had a lot of people at it today
20:13.54serrismozrat: I liked the GLLUG flyer btw
20:14.00mozratsecretlondon: cool!
20:14.07mozratthat stall was stacked all day today
20:14.12mozratserris: cool thanks :-)
20:14.21secretlondonreally. i guess we have too many volunteers?
20:14.32mozratsecretlondon: no, lots of visitors
20:14.45secretlondonoh ok- theres a canonical stall too at the expo
20:14.54morsingG'night all!
20:14.59secretlondonnight morsing
20:15.04mozratmorsing: are you coming tomorrow?
20:15.06serrisg'night morsing
20:15.09morsingmozrat: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
20:15.41mozratmorsing: I saw George today
20:21.04secretlondonmozrat: there was a uk ubuntu community meet from 2->4, that could have been it
20:22.05mozratsecretlondon: that was double packed.. the stall was popular all day
20:26.56mozratoops, that image for Fridays beer meeting is wrong.
20:27.09secretlondoni'm amused by the names some of our users give to their computers - we have a large number of "bigboy"s and "monster"s appearing in bug reports..
20:31.42serrisHmm... interesting
20:32.02serrisMy laptop is called Whatever, my webserver is called Clit and my file server is Arkham
20:34.06secretlondoni think we have young gadget mad boys as a target group. the next release is really targeting bling and gadgetry
20:34.29secretlondonof course we are disappointed they choose to install non free graphics drivers
20:35.26secretlondonubuntu has a cool factor i reckon
20:36.14serrisI use Fluxbuntu. I don't really like Gnome and the bloat wiht it
20:36.47secretlondoni have 2 of my 3 with xubuntu on, not looked at the flux packages
20:37.56serrisWell Well my favourite Window Manager is Fluxbox
20:38.14serrisAnd I like the hardware support of Ubuntu
20:38.20serrisSo it seemed like a good idea to get involved with that project
20:38.50secretlondoni've never played with. I like kde apps better than gnome apps but find kde ugly. i run gnome with kde libs which seems to work
20:39.32serrisI like CLI apps so Fluxbox is rather good for that
20:39.54serrisbut I managed to install both the Gnome and KDE libraries and run the software fine under Fluxbuntu
20:53.17*** join/#gllug Erwin (n=erwin@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Erwin)
21:19.54sabinef72mozzie !!!!!!!!!!!
21:20.44sabinef72how are you man ?
21:21.08mozratGood thanks. pretty tired
21:21.14mozratbeen at the Linux Expo all day
21:21.21mozratJust blogging about it now
21:21.38sabinef72where was it ?
21:22.20mozratin west London
21:22.40sabinef72nice !
21:22.43sabinef72was it fun for you ?
21:23.13mozratVery fun
21:23.55sabinef72you took a day off to go there ?
21:24.12boudiccasmozrat; if i turned up tomorrow, would i have to pay to get in?
21:24.25boudiccascurrently ticket-less
21:24.48secretlondoni'll bbl - testing the rc for tomorrow..
21:25.01secretlondonboudiccas: afaik you'd have to pay
21:25.12sabinef72bye secretlondon
21:26.15mozratboudiccas: Umm, probably not
21:26.31mozratboudiccas: I'm sure I could sneak you in if you want to call yourself "Chris Bell"
21:26.44mozratChris is luckily a fairly unisex name
21:26.51mozratbut you need to buzz me when you are outside
21:26.58mozratI have some spare passes
21:27.07mozratsabinef72: I took 2 days off :-)
21:27.10mozratgoing again tomorrow
21:27.33sabinef72mozzie you are too much geek !
21:27.54mozratsabinef72: yep :-)
21:28.02sabinef72but we all like you !
21:28.05mozratBut benoit would be impressed with this photo....
21:29.51sabinef72he says : "I already saw Richard Stallman 3 times" !! ah ah !
21:30.04boudiccasprobably not a good idea me going atm for health reasons
21:30.56mozratboudiccas:  :((
21:31.00mozratsabinef72: ah well
21:31.19sabinef72Benoit is also too much geek
21:31.25mozratboudiccas: you are welcome to hang out on the GLLUG stand. We have chairs
21:33.58boudiccasmozrat; sorry, I've taken it to pm
21:43.13mozratgotta run, bye folks
21:53.11*** part/#gllug Gunde (n=spamyous@
22:00.16trousersHowdy all
22:01.56sabinef72hi trousers
22:05.05sabinef72night night
22:06.30serrishi trousers
22:15.15*** join/#gllug brb (
22:30.40mozrathey deep-blue
22:38.40deep-bluemozrat, howdy
22:38.48deep-bluedrink much and the lunix thing?
22:44.44trousersHallo serris , you coming again tomorrow?
22:46.46deep-bluei think he is AFK
22:46.51deep-bluebut he, like i, have work tomorrow
22:47.28mozratdeep-blue: didn't go :(
22:47.28trousersAh, eight
22:47.30wethrinevenin', folks
22:47.31mozratdeep-blue: had to do some work
22:47.33mozrathey wethrin!
22:47.41wethrinmoz! How was the Expo?
22:47.43trousersHowdy wethrin-a
22:47.46mozratwethrin: very good!
22:47.58wethrinGot fresh blood?
22:48.03trousersThere was lots of free stuff!
22:48.09mozratwethrin: you in town this Friday?
22:48.14wethrinNo, sadly
22:48.29mozratwethrin: MadDog is demanding we drink beer
22:48.33wethrintrousers: Did you get free t-shirts?
22:48.34deep-bluetrousers: not as much as last year
22:48.40wethrinmozrat: Oh, yay! Damn I can't come :(
22:48.47mozratwethrin: shame :(
22:48.51wethrinI bet he doesn't remember me
22:49.22trousersI dunno if I'll come tomorrow...
22:49.33trousersBy the way, did anybody here enroll in SoC 2006?
22:49.47murbi think george did
22:49.58mozrathe did
22:49.59murbbut i don't know if he is here any more as some people used to harras him.
22:50.24mozratmurb: trousers was thorougly "Georged" today
22:50.48wethrinmaddog is a fine fellow
22:50.51trousersI like him; he's not as bad as was made out to be
22:51.05wethrinCambridge has mellowed him a bit
22:51.23mozrattrousers: he was worse online. I like him too
22:52.22deep-bluemozrat: who was the dude there with the little toshiba tecra?
22:52.36mozratdeep-blue: I believe that was trousers!
22:52.48trousers'twas me :)
22:52.48deep-bluetrousers: what model is that if you dont mind me askin?
22:53.24deep-bluewhat were you running?
22:53.32trousersHad to netboot install it
22:53.41deep-blueahh serr mentioned your pcmcia troubles
22:53.57deep-bluei had the same prob with another tosh
22:54.01wethrinIn good news, I'm no longer double-natting!
22:54.05deep-blueis ur pcmcia drive a tosh?
22:54.07trousersmozrat: Getting all those packages over a good ol' hard ethernet line :)
22:54.13mozratdeep-blue: are you serris' chum?
22:54.17wethrinMy OpenBSD box is now talking PPPoE to my ISP
22:54.21trousersdeep-blue: Indeed, although mozrat gave me a USB CD drive today :)
22:54.44deep-bluetrousers: cool, else there is a floppy with a bootloader that can deal with those drives
22:54.46mozratdeep-blue: cool, nice to meet you guys today
22:54.56mozratI didn't know Mrs Serris is +1
22:54.58deep-blueive had customers with machines like that with no optical drives like that
22:55.08trousersdeep-blue: Oh, okay, but this model supports netbooting in BIOS, which is handy
22:55.10deep-bluemozrat: aye, was cool to meet you and the gllug too
22:55.53deep-bluetrousers: lucky! mine has no built in lan
22:55.58deep-bluethis is the floppy:
22:56.06mozratdeep-blue: if you are around on Friday night there is a pub meet
22:56.18deep-bluedepending if im working sat, i may just pop along
22:56.28trousersdeep-blue: This has no built in LAN, but does have a big-hunk'o'junk expansion thingy which does have LAN :)
22:56.40deep-bluetrousers: oooo yours is dock capable
22:57.13deep-blueprobs what the expansion pack is
22:59.25serrismozrat: I was incorrect at the expo. Due to some errors we were having with Fluxbuntu, we won't be switching to Edgy -yet-
22:59.27mozratEvil cow
22:59.49serrisWe'll probably wait out for the bugs that pop up in the next few weeks to be fixed and for it to be slightly more staable
23:00.01mozratserris: does the project have a URL?
23:01.44serrisWhat did that KDE geezer say about Fluxbuntu?
23:02.01mozratthe scruffy young KDE geezer with a mop of hair?
23:02.15serrisYeah, complaining 9 KDE symbols instead of 10
23:02.23serrisSomething Wright
23:02.31mozratThat was George, I didn't understand what he was on about
23:02.38wethrinNo-one understands him
23:02.42wethrinIt's safest to keep it that way
23:02.51deep-blueiirc KDE being 10, but the printers only putting 9 kde logos on it
23:03.04serrisAll I heard was something on the line of "I don't get why people put the OS they use on their bedge"
23:03.07mozratyeah, the T-Shirt printers fscked up
23:03.16serrisWhile I actually help develop it so .. yeah
23:03.38mozratserris: :-)
23:03.42serris: )
23:03.51serrisAh well
23:04.51trousersWoo, putting good stuff on my laptop at last... I may come tomorrow now, as I can always work on a program if I get bored
23:05.07deep-bluethey not got public wifi this year?
23:05.32mozrattrousers: I'll be on the FSFE stand in the afternoon tomorrow so you are welcome to give out leaflets and stuff tomorrow if you like
23:05.41mozratdeep-blue: not that I saw
23:06.03mozratbut.. you know.. it is better to chat to people anyway. People just go on IRC and waste time if they have internet
23:06.26mozratI'm not bothered about the lack of connectivity apart from the fact I'd like to blog from the expo
23:08.14serrisdeep-blue: mem test still running
23:08.19serrisStill no errors
23:08.21deep-blueno errors ><
23:08.29serris8 passes by now
23:08.42serrisNearly done with the 9th. Maybe the HDD is shoddy
23:08.42deep-bluelol more than clear
23:08.52trousersNo :(
23:08.54deep-bluei got no tools to hand for that
23:09.05serrisNor do I besides a hammer somewhere
23:09.09deep-blueless u wanna download the Westerndigital drive tester
23:09.14serrisNot really
23:10.01deep-bluei tried the noprobe switch on the cds loader, but i got the same dumping to reboot
23:10.30wethrinEveryone should have tools!
23:11.08serrisI agree but I just wish I could burn CDs on Fluxbuntu.
23:11.29deep-bluethe mkcdfs and isoburn tools on there?
23:11.43trousersserris: How do you get involved in developing something like KDE?
23:12.44*** join/#gllug rhowe_ (
23:13.26serrisI'm guessing same way I got involved with Fluxbuntu. Hung around the community, talked to the developer(s) and offered to help if there was any need while helping others in the channel/forum with getting their Fluxbuntu install working or other issues
23:13.28mozrattrousers: I would think by starting to triage bugs.. add patches.. own some abandoned packages etc
23:13.48serrisAnd give feedback, bug reports help and things like that
23:14.21serrisThe main Fluxbuntu developer is involved wtih some of the Ubuntu things by pretty much what me and mozrat just said
23:16.41trousersmozrat: Don't be suprised if you don't see me tomorrow :)
23:17.07mozratno worries :-)
23:17.40trousersYarr, it's just that I really want to get involved in something, but I don't know if I'm, well, good enough/correct material etc.
23:18.07deep-bluetrousers: i for involved in beta testing office 2003 a few years ago
23:18.07mozrattrousers: EVERYONE can do SOMETHING.. there is so much to do.
23:18.15mozratEspecially in the non-coding areas
23:18.30deep-bluethey ended up giving me a copy of office 2003 for posting 20 bugs or so
23:18.31trousersmozrat: I prefer the coding area :)
23:18.42mozrattrousers: which languages do you know?
23:18.45mozratany Python?
23:18.48trousersC, mainly
23:18.56trousersNot any python, no
23:19.07trousersAlthough I might try it as it seems fairly simple + useful
23:19.21mozrattrousers: it is pretty simple (esp. if you already know C)
23:19.25serrisI'm trying to catch up on my Perl and shell scripting
23:20.12serrisPlus right now trying to get my head around XML+XSL
23:20.12trousersI like C, not too bloated
23:20.24*** part/#gllug cbz (
23:24.37deep-bluegah SLED is finally installed ><
23:27.11mozratdeep-blue: the demo version?
23:27.29deep-bluesee i was under the impression it was
23:27.35deep-blueaccorting to the Novell techie
23:27.41mozratthe only think missing is the ability to pull patches
23:27.48mozratit isn't time-bombed in anyway
23:27.48deep-blueits a demo, which doesnt expire, and has no support
23:27.58mozratand you aren't violating the licence by using it
23:28.11mozratso - fill yer boots
23:28.13deep-bluethe guy said i could fiddle all i want
23:28.18mozratI like SLED10 a lot
23:28.33deep-bluei liked OS10.1 enough to buy the boxed copy
23:28.41deep-bluebut if sled is as better as they say...
23:28.56mozratyou mean SUSE10.1?
23:29.14mozratSLED10 is based on the OpenSUSE 10.0 code, but with some refinements
23:29.24deep-blueaye, i picked the techies brain
23:29.27mozratlike NetworkManager and the new Computer menu stuff
23:29.39deep-blueits basically more refined, its a lot slimmer
23:29.45mozratbut I like the long term viability of it..
23:29.48deep-blue3000 packages to open suses 8000
23:30.02mozratyeah, that sucks a bit. I use kdissert a fair bit
23:30.20mozratand mixing repos makes me anxious.. sometimes unbearably so
23:30.28rhowe_I don't have sufficient ID to open a bank account!
23:30.36rhoweI'd either need to get a car or a gun
23:30.36mozratWho are you?
23:30.51rhowemozrat: I'm starting to wonder
23:31.30deep-blueget a shotgun, VERY easy to get a license for
23:31.49wethrinARSE. The default passwords don't work on my FC switch
23:32.14mozratwethrin: so don't run Fedora Core on your switch then
23:32.18rhowedeep-blue: That would do - "Shotgun or firearms certificate - current" would get me what I need
23:32.40deep-bluewould a provisional driving license do?
23:32.43wethrinmozrat: I don't
23:32.44rhowedeep-blue: Nope
23:32.55deep-bluewow they are strick
23:33.15rhowe"Full old style driving licence *UK) - current, signed" or "Full new style (UK) photocard driving licence and paper counterpart - current, signed"
23:33.27wethrinI don't see why a provisional wouldn't do
23:33.33rhoweOh, and "EEA photocard driving licence - current"
23:33.38wethrinThe only difference is that one tells you that you are able to drive
23:33.57rhoweHm, I could become Belgian
23:34.05rhowe"EEA member state identity card"
23:34.55rhowedeep-blue: Also, to use a passport or driving licence, it has to be certified!
23:35.06wethrinBelgium doesn't exist
23:35.17rhowedeep-blue: Oh, hang on, I'm misreading
23:35.26rhowedeep-blue: A certified passport will do
23:35.49rhowedeep-blue: "one from group A and one from group B" - the only thing in group A I have is a passport
23:36.17deep-bluewhats the list for group B?
23:36.29wethrinIs it possible to get irssi to re-read its config file without restarting?
23:36.36rhoweAnd group B is easy - utility bill (take your pick!), bank statement or phone bill
23:36.49murbrhowe: if they make it too difficult to open an account, well just walk away.
23:36.51rhowedeep-blue: There are others too, but those are the 3 that I can satisfy
23:37.05rhowemurb: It doesn't look too bad actually.. I was misreading
23:37.14murbI don't think hsbc ever saw anything more than an enrolment slip from me.
23:37.25*** join/#gllug wethrin (
23:37.37deep-blueu not got a mobile contract or anything like the utility bill in ur name?
23:37.38murbcertainly no passports or utility bills.
23:37.42rhowehm.. most people charge money to certify documents, do they not?
23:37.54rhoweTherefore I can't apply for this account by post without spending money :)
23:38.01*** join/#gllug wethrin (
23:38.03rhoweKinda negates any decent interest rate they offer :)
23:38.05murbrhowe: can't you visit them in person?
23:38.19rhowemurb: "Coventry" building society
23:38.26rhowemurb: I guess visiting them would cost me money too :)
23:38.31wethrinThis seems to work better
23:38.35murbrhowe: i avoided using some currancy trading people because of silly conditoins, it tured out they'd have been happy to have transfered my money and done the paper work later..
23:38.47murba pity i didn't kno wthat at the timne.
23:39.12deep-bluethere a free public ipv6 tunnel?
23:39.20rhowemurb: Yeah, sucks. CBS say they need proper proof of ID before they can open an account due to FSA money laundering regulations
23:39.29murbdeep-blue: it is called 6to4
23:39.34rhowedeep-blue: Several - BT Exact being one
23:39.44murbSixXS being one of the most well known.
23:39.46deep-blueiirc the bt closed for signups
23:39.46wethrindeep-blue: Yes
23:40.00wethrinI'm using uk6x (BT Exact)
23:41.56*** join/#gllug murble (
23:42.00mozratme thinks someone is about to get hobbled
23:42.04murbleoh it works.
23:42.30murble(you can now get via 6to4 connections)
23:42.50murblemy local is only 10 ms away
23:43.00wethrinOnly one of the hosts returned with a 'host' has a proper PTR record (calkins)
23:43.33wethrinmurble: Can you traceroute6 2001:898:2000:3::1
23:43.38deep-blueanyone noticed that FireFox doesnt seem to auto-download
23:43.54wethrinIt's a setting somewhere :)
23:44.39murbledeep-blue: autodownload what?
23:44.53murblei can it works.
23:45.27deep-bluei mean, if i TELL firefox to look for an update, it doesnt detect 2.0
23:46.30murbfrom everywhere i tried it form.
23:46.41murbwethrin: maybe bt are just rubbish?
23:47.24wethrinmurb: Must be
23:48.24wethrinIs what I get
23:50.33cpufreakslap bt.
23:50.51wethrinIt's been like that for some months
23:51.03murbwethrin: find a new tunnelbroker, they are not in short supply!
23:51.32cpufreakmurb: do you remember from ~3-4 years ago?
23:51.36wethrinmurb: Ehr. I can't be bothered. It's only that one places that I've noticed. So I'm just connecting to calkins instead
23:51.57murbcpufreak: i rembe rsome #brits people getting very upset.
23:52.05murbone of which was i htink you.
23:52.17cpufreakI don't think I got upset
23:52.22cpufreakthat was more likely cryogen
23:52.35wethrinWhy would they be upset?
23:52.48cpufreakit was providing a free ipv6 tunnel service
23:52.51cpufreakwhich was quite cool in itself
23:52.58cpufreakbut twats kept dossing it
23:53.05deep-bluemozrat: it is crippled, no online update facility
23:53.12merlinn\o/ ipng
23:53.19cpufreakutnil andyf had to pull it, to stop his boss complaining
23:53.19mozratdeep-blue: hmmm?
23:53.20merlinnthe free vhost company
23:53.25wethrinOMG TEH 31337 IPV6 H4XX0RING!
23:53.34merlinnit was because everyone used it for l33t vhosts
23:53.34cpufreak1 2 hv 2^64 vhosts pls
23:53.41merlinnand went ircing
23:53.45merlinnand got trashed
23:53.57merlinnI've still got all the old dangermouse scripts used to run that
23:54.05merlinnwe should revive ipng
23:54.14merlinnsee if we can turn clara off
23:54.26merlinnI don't think people bother ddosing eachother anymore really
23:54.33merlinnI think they're too busy ddosing betfair
23:54.43cpufreakfucking ddosers
23:54.48cpufreakmaking me have to talk to ultradns
23:54.52cpufreakI hate them so much
23:54.54merlinnooh soo gay
23:55.00merlinnwhy don't you just set up your own anycast dns platform
23:55.02cpufreakwe use them now because they give ddos protection
23:55.22cpufreakbecause the head of is security loves ultradns
23:55.22murbmerlinn: it is very easy to get wrong, as ultradns keep proving!
23:55.31wethrincpufreak: Was it just the 3com switch I was getting off you?
23:55.44merlinnanyone know how netscreen HA works?
23:55.50cpufreakwethrin: I thought you said you didn't want the 3com
23:55.55cpufreakand wanted just a cat 2900xl
23:56.03cpufreakI've found an ultra something for you
23:56.06cpufreakprobably a 1
23:56.19wethrinAhh. Yes. It was a Cisco switch, wasn't it?
23:56.50wethrinSorry - housemate brought up a 3com switch from his home, so I got confused
23:57.34murbproblem is old network kit likes to eat power fo lunch.
23:57.39wethrinOoh. More Sun hardware :)
23:58.00wethrinmurb: A lot of machines are off
23:58.11deep-bluemy office here is godly in winter
23:58.19wethrincpufreak: Is the Cisco rackable?
23:58.27cpufreakyou can have two
23:58.28deep-blue4x machines on, excluding a NAS and a fBSD router ><
23:58.32cpufreakincase a fan failin in one
23:58.37cpufreak* fails
23:59.21wethrinI have 4x machines on. Plus currently a SAN switch, and a few little devices

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