IRC log for #gllug on 20110419

04:48.15*** join/#gllug boudiccas (~boudiccas@
04:48.15*** join/#gllug boudiccas (~boudiccas@unaffiliated/boudiccas)
06:31.42*** join/#gllug sabinef72 (
07:21.39*** join/#gllug alexj- (
07:40.29*** join/#gllug an0key_ (
08:43.15*** join/#gllug sabinef72 (
08:44.35*** join/#gllug boudiccas (~boztu@
08:47.19morsingboudiccas: It didn't work - you're still on IPv4
08:47.45boudiccasbut i'm using debian 6!
08:48.12morsingAnd? Your incompetent ISP probably hasn't enabled your IPv6
08:48.13boudiccasi'll investigate the IPv6 later when i'm more au fait with this debian
08:48.39morsingboudiccas: Check this:
08:56.02boudiccasmorsing, whats it about? i'm not going to be doing much surfing yet as i'm still setting this up
08:58.45murbboudiccas: adictive game
08:58.50murbonly reachable over v6
08:59.07murband they even filtered the gateway :(
09:01.02boudiccasah, i'm off games for the time being, too much else to do
09:03.37morsingboudiccas: *sigh*
09:03.49morsingboudiccas: Wasn't the point...
09:04.18murbboudiccas: it isn't just a game it is critical internet infrustructure!
09:05.00morsingboudiccas: It's actually quite serious
09:05.55boudiccaswell, sorry, but i dont have the time available for it yet
09:23.44*** join/#gllug Samb0 (
09:24.26boudiccaswhats the command to query usb devices please? my external hard drive isnt being picked up, and thats got my backup on
09:30.00boudiccasmorsing, can you help please?
09:30.10boudiccasah thanks murb
09:32.00boudiccasso i now know that its running as ..... Bus 001 Device 003: ID 1bcf:0c31 Sunplus Innovation Technology Inc.... but how do i translate that into a icon which i can clcik on to gain access to its files?
09:34.08antiphasedmesg and see what device has been plugged in
09:39.07morsingboudiccas: Linux and USB is shit. Almost impossible to link USB IDs and devices
09:42.58boudiccas is the paste from dmesg. it appears to be mounted as sdb, but how do i get it so that i can mount it please?
09:44.12morsingYou're contradicting yourself
09:44.19morsingIs it mounted or not?
09:44.40boudiccasmorsing, its not unknown, and the answer i think is 'no'
09:45.08morsingSo, mount /dev/ddb /mnt/blah
09:47.30wethrinprobably mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
09:47.48wethrinbut it's got a couple of partitions on it
10:04.04boudiccaswhats wrong with this line for /etc/fstab ............... /dev/sdb/mnt/backupautorw,user, noauto00 ............ it just says its bad but doesnt say how?
10:05.29halisure it's just sdb?
10:05.32halinot sdb1 or anything
10:05.33morsingAll the weird control characters are bad
10:06.01haliand no space before noauto
10:06.08boudiccasno, i think that its just sdb, with no partitions on it
10:07.35boudiccasi'm so used to putting spaces after a word, it just slipped in :)
10:08.25*** join/#gllug bmalee (
10:09.17wethrinThe weird control characters aren't bad - they're just tabs
10:11.07boudiccasshould it be /mount/backup instead of /mnt/ ?
10:11.25halicant be whatever you want it to be
10:11.27halii like /mnt
10:11.32halinice and old school
10:12.14wethrinmedia is the trendy place to put it
10:12.33boudiccaswhen i run it, this is what i get .......... mount backup   mount: can't find backup in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
10:13.18wethrinyou'd want 'mount /mnt/backup'
10:17.19morsingboudiccas: Why don't you just remove your spacebar, just as you've done with your shift key?
10:19.09*** join/#gllug zooz (
10:20.30boudiccasright, i've created a folder called backup in /mnt so we're getting there
10:21.59morsingboudiccas: Do you understand what mount does?
10:22.18morsingYou need to create /mnt/backup as well
10:22.44boudiccasand this is what i get .... root@london:/home/boztu# mount /mnt/backup /dev/sdb5 looks like swapspace - not mounted mount: you must specify the filesystem type
10:23.01morsingboudiccas: Why don't you just copy your stuff to your VPS instead of having un-reliable USB-drives?
10:23.18boudiccasmorsing, what vps?
10:23.20morsingboudiccas: Why now sdb5? Can you make up your mind?
10:23.38morsingboudiccas: Get one from your friend Kitty
10:23.41zoozboudiccas, the syntax of mount is : mount /dev/device/you/want/to/mount /mount/point
10:25.15hali old but still going strong
10:42.29boudiccasthis is one line from dmesg ........ [ 5713.547132]  sdb: sdb1 sdb2 < sdb5 > ......... so which sdbfoo is the usb external hard drive on then please?
10:43.13boudiccassdb1 gives the debian 6 filesystem
10:43.28morsingboudiccas: lol :)
10:43.30antiphasesudo parted -l
10:53.06boudiccas ........... it looks like i've overwritten my backups. fuck!
10:53.35morsingboudiccas: Get a VPS and rsync instead
10:54.34murbor S3 account and various other tools.
10:54.43boudiccasany ideas as to how i can get them back again please?
10:54.45antiphasesdb1 is the large partition as you can see
10:54.59antiphaseDoesn't it mount at all?
10:55.16murbyeah sdb2 is just a container for sdb5
10:55.21boudiccaswhen i mount sdb1 i get the same filesystem as on the main drive
10:55.32murbboudiccas: are you using RAID or anything?
10:55.45antiphaseWhat were you expecting to be on there?
10:55.53boudiccasmy backups
10:56.03murbwhat does blkid say?
10:59.38antiphaseIf you were expecting backups, I'd think it a bit odd that you'd accidentally copied your root file system over them personally. There's no accounting for taste though
11:00.08morsingboudiccas: What does 'mount | grep "/ "' say?
11:00.25morsingboudiccas: I think you're looking at the wrong thing
11:02.56boudiccasmorsing, mount | grep "/ "                 /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
11:07.43boudiccasoh fuck fuck fuck! everythign gone, its enough to make a saint swear!
11:08.46morsingboudiccas: Even your partition table on that USB drive looks odd
11:09.04morsingI find it hard to believe you're looking at the right thing
11:11.16boudiccaswell how else can i find my usb drive with all my backups on?
11:11.50boudiccasi'm open to any serious suggestions in the hope that i can get my backups back
11:21.01boudiccasits an external usb hard drive of 250gig, which appears to have been overwritten by the main /
11:54.58*** join/#gllug bmalee (
11:57.43morsingboudiccas: If you're right, the partitioning on the drive looks like someone's run dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb which I find really hard to believe
11:58.19morsingboudiccas: What does df say?
11:59.32boudiccasmorsing, /dev/sdb1             228G  4.1G  213G   2% /media/e32ba709-0a1b-4924-b1b8-d4f208c052eb
11:59.33boudiccas/dev/sr0              4.4G  4.4G     0 100% /media/cdrom0
11:59.33boudiccas/dev/sdb1             228G  4.1G  213G   2% /mnt/backup
11:59.33*** join/#gllug antiphase (
12:00.25boudiccasthis seems strange that there should be two sdb1's
12:00.32*** join/#gllug kjs (~kjs@fedora/kjs)
12:01.18morsingboudiccas: So basically you don't have an sda?
12:01.49morsingboudiccas: What about fdisk -l?
12:04.39boudiccas .......... is the output morsing
12:05.22morsingboudiccas: pastebin is blocked by our proxy
12:06.00boudiccasmorsing, you want me to paste it in the channel?
12:08.18morsingNo, put it in a file on your webserver and paste the link
12:09.28boudiccasi havent got access to it now as i've lost the password on the backup! its all on the external hard drive
12:09.48morsingboudiccas: What I'm trying to establish is if your sda and sdb is the same drive and you haven't even found your USB drive yet
12:09.52boudiccasyou want me to pm you with the poaste from th epastebin
12:10.06boudiccasyes, i think it looks funny too
12:10.08morsingCould do, or email
12:10.22boudiccascant email as i havent got the passwords again
12:10.33morsingHuh? Passwords for emailing?
12:11.21boudiccasyes, to get into my isp
12:12.17morsingboudiccas: Right, easy to fix
12:12.34morsingumount /mnt/backup
12:12.42boudiccasthe external hard drive is formatted ntfs, if thats of nay help
12:12.52morsingmount -t ntfs /dev/sdc1 /mnt/backup
12:13.18morsingThat'll get your stuff back
12:13.37boudiccasumount /mnt/backup
12:13.37boudiccasumount: /mnt/backup: not mounted
12:14.02morsinglol :)
12:14.05morsingOk, proceed
12:14.23boudiccasNTFS signature is missing.
12:14.23boudiccasFailed to mount '/dev/sdc1': Invalid argument
12:14.23boudiccasThe device '/dev/sdc1' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.
12:14.23boudiccasMaybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a
12:14.24boudiccaspartition (e.g. /dev/sda, no
12:14.52murbboudiccas: i don't think the in kernel ntfs suppotr is that good.
12:14.52boudiccasthe whole of the external drive is formatted NTFS
12:15.01murbyou might be better off with ntfs3g
12:15.21morsingboudiccas: It's sdc1, trust me
12:15.31murbwhat does lsscsi say?
12:15.32*** join/#gllug dick_turpin (
12:15.39morsingboudiccas: If formatted under Windows, it might tell you it's the "whole" drive, but it's not
12:15.48morsingWindows can't even do that, I think
12:15.52murbmorsing: it can
12:15.55boudiccasno it was formatted under linux as ntfs
12:16.01murbthere is some  kind standard for that.
12:16.02morsingmurb: Ok, but it's nnot. It's sdc1
12:16.03murbboudiccas: !?
12:16.10murbmorsing: sure in this case, but it is possible.
12:16.22murbboudiccas: what were you thinking?
12:16.49boudiccasmurb,  lsscsi
12:16.49boudiccasbash: lsscsi: command not found
12:17.14dick_turpinz00dax: Are you on identica?
12:17.52dick_turpinz00dax: Is this you?
12:18.21morsingboudiccas: Have you ever mounted this before?
12:18.45boudiccasyes, it was left permanently mounted for my backups every six hours
12:19.24boudiccasand i did a complete backup  just before i nuked my centos setup
12:20.32morsingYou need to install support for NTFS on your new system
12:21.16boudiccaswhats the package called as it cant find lower case ntfs
12:21.21morsingBut don't worry, you haven't lost your backups, just your mind
12:21.33morsingPLEASE - next time don't use NTFS
12:22.33boudiccasE: Unable to locate package NTFS
12:22.59morsingapt-cache search ntfs?
12:23.21murbapt-get moo is better
13:00.28haliNTFS is pretty ok
13:02.16morsinghali: She's screwed - don't know how she's done it
13:18.08boudiccasthanks for trying anyway morsing
13:21.58kjsI am installing fedora via kickstart and it randomly just hangs during "package installation" anyone else seen this??! I guess it could be a fubar dvd.
13:25.10morsingkjs: You're not trying to install it on Sharon's USB drive, are you?
13:27.51kjshas no idea who Sharron is...
13:27.58z00daxdick_turpin: that is me yes
13:28.16morsingkjs: Huh!?!? How many years have you been on this channel!?!?!
13:28.28kjstoo many...
13:28.34dick_turpinz00dax: Why have you not subscribed to me you bugger!
13:33.41z00daxdick_turpin: I dont really use it, I'm more of a twitter person
13:37.33dick_turpinz00dax: Hm I must hunt you down on there as well, is it the same username?
13:38.14dick_turpingoes off to stalk z00dax
13:41.25dick_turpinantiphase: Get on twitter or identica so I can spam you as well
13:41.42antiphaseI'm on twitter. You'll never guess my username though
13:43.53dick_turpin"Put a banging donk on it" that just has to be you
13:45.44kjsdick_turpin: whats your name on there?
13:46.34dick_turpintwitter = dick_turpin = dickturpin
13:52.07antiphaseMr. Potato Head appears to have hijacked your account
13:52.55dick_turpinantiphase: You know you want to lick it
13:53.28kjsfollowing you with my @techspotting account
13:56.32dick_turpinYay antiphase loves me
13:56.56dick_turpinkjs: Accepted and added to my "I like em" list
13:59.15dick_turpinantiphase: Ooh look its your mate
14:03.15antiphaseAh, handjob
14:14.04*** join/#gllug kjs_ (
14:33.29dick_turpinantiphase: ROTFLMAO my grandparents used to live round the back of Upney tube station so I know Upminster well
14:38.35antiphaseThat was Acton Town as it happens. I don't go further east than Hammersmith because there are ghettos and stuff
14:39.15dick_turpinI'm still laughing now you git
14:39.36dick_turpinBrilliant how there's a cake on the back page
14:40.42dick_turpinIt always used to fascinate me as kid the overground and underground trains in the same station at Upminster
14:41.38dick_turpinI used to get on at East ham and get off at Upney
14:47.20*** join/#gllug PcSett (
14:48.38skinjob... I thought Hammersmith was a ghetto...
14:50.31skinjobbasically, anything inside the M25 and not the city or westminster is mostly ghetto
14:50.36ChoHagHammersmith is the next yuppy area I think.
14:50.37skinjobI live in barking... thats a ghetto
14:50.57ChoHagskinjob: Not quite. There are some parts with no people.
14:52.09skinjobyeh theres the greenbelt between the ghettos... obviously
14:53.57skinjobtime to just accept it and get ghetto fabulous about it
14:54.40dick_turpinskinjob: Please move as I was born in Barking and I suspect you are ruining it.
15:05.38skinjobyeh it could be me..
15:05.52skinjobactually I'm off to bromley next
15:06.32halii need a bucket of ice
15:06.38halinew HR girl
15:06.38skinjobsee if I can take that down a notch or two
15:09.17dick_turpinhali: Pictures or it never happened
15:18.32haliright on
15:18.55*** join/#gllug boudiccas (~boztu@
15:24.50morsingboudiccas: Didn't work, you're still on IPv4
15:26.34boudiccasand will be for some time yet i suspect :) btw, do you reckon that its okay to delete <all> the files off the removable had drive, so that i can use it for backups again?
15:26.48morsingboudiccas: Type format C:
15:26.50boudiccass/had/ hard
15:27.15boudiccasmorsing, lol. this is NOT MS Windows, thank goodness
15:27.36morsingfondly remember the sales director who told him to run format c: on some old Unix servers he'd sold
15:28.06boudiccasyou cant help smiling at some of their ways :)
15:43.18*** join/#gllug kjs (~kjs@fedora/kjs)
16:03.39kjsthis is driving me insane, I am trying to install fedora from a kickstart... it works sometimes but not others, it crashes out randomly when it attempts to increase the resolution of the text console. Is there anyway of turning this off?? I have tried "text" in the kickstart, still does it... I have tried xdriver=vesa at boot as well... same results.
16:06.29kjsoh ffs... i typoed nomodeset as momodeset arggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh
16:09.01dick_turpinInstall Arch Linux
16:17.42ChoHagkjs: See if you can pass an option to blacklist whichever module is being loaded to set the mode.
16:18.12ChoHagI remember trying every variation I could to get Ubuntu to install with a screen it always tried too high a resolution for.
16:22.08kjsChoHag: yeah i think i have it nailed now.
16:22.40kjsNow i just need to respin the fedora install.
17:53.05*** join/#gllug alexj- (
18:00.29*** join/#gllug boudiccas (~boztu@
18:46.26ChoHag[20:46:15] [success] - Everything is OK
18:47.08ChoHag(Ignore the time, see the message)
20:31.58*** join/#gllug gmarkall (~graham@
21:45.22*** join/#gllug boudiccas (~boztu@

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