IRC log for #gooseproject on 20140116

00:00.08lirodon"I'll definitely look at the ascendos website and see/think about how I could help out - and I'll write more later. It's been a busy weekend, an even busier Monday and tomorrow morning we have monthly maintenance..."
00:00.47herlowhen was that?
00:01.53herlolirodon: macropin: okay, it's just about dinner time here. I need to sign off and go spend some time with my family. :)
00:02.04lirodona few days ago
00:03.04herlookay, cool
00:03.26herloI'll be back online in a couple of hours. I plan to start digging into getting things going again.
00:03.32macropinno problem, herlo. good talking to you.
00:03.38herlomacropin: you too
00:15.59lirodonI think the entire build platform just needs a name we can brand it under in the wiki
00:32.59herlolirodon: dospkg
00:33.07herlogoes back to eating.
02:21.34herlois back and going to be working on getting 7 going.
02:22.04herlolirodon: trying to think of a better name than dospkg
02:22.17herlogoozbach: you around?
02:22.29shalkieWait.. what?
02:22.58shalkiehas clearly missed many a thing
02:24.31goozbachI'm around, but not really attentive
02:25.01herloshalkie: read back
02:25.20herlogoozbach: not a big deal, just wanted to check to see what it would take to start directing this channel to #ascendos
02:25.26herloand do you have any qualms with doing that?
02:27.30goozbachno qualms and it's a chanserv option
02:27.58herlogoozbach: I understand that. I meant what would it take for you to do that 'real soon now (tm)'?
02:28.09goozbachlet's ask timriker to move infobot first for logging unless logging is not longer wanted
02:28.16goozbachrealls soon now
02:28.19goozbachI can do it tonight
02:28.23goozbachI suppose
02:28.23herlowe should probably ask the ascendos folks
02:28.28herloabout logging
02:28.39herlolirodon and macropin would be excellent choices.
02:30.53herlolirodon: what would it take for us to have emails?
02:31.01herloI think it might be a good thing to start down that path.
02:34.55*** topic/#gooseproject by herlo -> GoOSe Project - | GoOSe is joining Ascendos and CentOS -
02:37.14shalkieWhat a sad day.
02:37.16herlogoozbach: why don't we say that we're going to close everything down here, save koji and the mirror stuff and point it all to ascendos
02:37.20herloshalkie: sad day?
02:37.42shalkieGoOSe project going away.
02:37.52herloshalkie: we're just becoming more.
02:38.15herloshalkie: and you knew my feelings on GoOSe as of recent anyway, right?
02:38.32herloIt's not like we were making any progress. At least with this idea, we may get some serious traction.
02:38.56herlogoozbach: I meant to say that we should try to do it by Feb 1
02:39.04herlogoozbach: shalkie: does that sound okay to you guys?
02:39.24herloshalkie: one bright spot, we'll be using the GoOSe methodology going forward. :)
02:41.04goozbachGoOSe hasn't died, it's just transformed ala johnathan livingstone segull (hope that's the reference I'm hunting for)
02:41.30herloJonathan Livingston Seagull but close. :)
02:41.59herloooh, maybe that's the name I'll call it
02:42.06herloseems apropos
02:42.40herlolirodon: the new packaging tool is going to be called 'seagull'
02:42.50herloverifies that this isn't already something
02:43.50shalkieYeah, I knew your feeling as of late herlo.
02:44.29herloshalkie: so in that light, this is a good thing. At least we're not just closing the doors and not doing anything.
02:44.49herlogah, can't call it seagull very easily.
02:58.30*** join/#gooseproject bochecha (~bochecha@fedora/bochecha)
03:19.01lirodonherlo: seagulls fly
03:19.18lirodonbut thenagain...
03:19.33lirodon(yes, I was a little gone too)
03:24.42herlolirodon: right, they also 'ascend' :)
03:25.10herloI'll come up with another cool bird, or something. I'm doing a blog post atm.
03:25.47lirodonI was thinking something like just, the spanish word for package
03:26.19herlopaquete doesn't sound fun
03:26.29herlobut that's along the same lines as what I was doing just a bit ago
03:35.14herlolirodon: how interested are you in actually building packages, signing packages, mashing repos or doing composes, etc?
03:35.39herloI kind of think we need to have at least two of us doing this and it sounds like macropin and goozbach are not available as much as needed.
03:35.41lirodonI'm also, right now, taking online university courses (mostly in the daytime)
03:36.04herlolirodon: that's fine. I work a dayjob and have contract work at least 40-60 hours a week.
03:36.13herlototal, that is.
03:38.22lirodonI'll find other people to help too
03:40.00herloright, I think once we get the SIG going, it'll help too
03:40.09herlobut that charter is at least a few days off.
03:40.23lirodonAnd I also got a good name for your tool; Juntar.
03:40.28lirodonJuntar is a Spanish word meaning "to collect"
03:40.48lirodonwhich is kinda what packages do
03:41.54herloor colis
03:42.06herloit's french for package
03:42.36herlojuntar sounds like Klingon
03:42.47lirodoncolis is good too
03:43.07herlomezclar is another
03:43.15herloit's spanish for combine
03:43.34lirodoncolis is better because its quicker to type
03:43.40herloI kind of like colis
03:43.46herlojuntar isn't too bad
03:43.59bochechaherlo: colis means "package" in the context of shipping something
03:44.08bochechathe more generic word for package is "paquet"
03:44.18lirodonwe "ship" these packages to users on ISO files :D
03:44.23herlobochecha: yes
03:44.32bochechalirodon: in French, that wouldn't make any sense
03:44.32herlobochecha: don't want to use paquet
03:44.38lirodonpaquet sounds like it would be a good name for an actual package manager
03:44.47herlobochecha: and it doesn't really matter that much
03:44.49bochecha"colis" really is for a physical box you're sending to someone through snail mail
03:44.51lirodonI think a verb would fit better
03:45.04bochechaherlo: agreed, just thought I'd show off with my knowledge of French :)
03:45.09herlobochecha: :)
03:45.29herloI could go with cobrar
03:45.37bochechafor what is worth, I found that using some kind of home-made transliteration of the Chinese translations often leans to nice names
03:45.40herlobochecha: so do you still have your build group for el7?
03:45.52bochechaherlo: what build group?
03:45.59herlothe package build group
03:46.03herloyou know in koji
03:46.14bochechaI've never had anything for el7 in my koji
03:46.22herlohow did you bootstrap?
03:46.26bochechaI didn't
03:46.29lirodonbochecha: just be careful you don't pick a name that can translate to "mother's vagina" like Ikea did
03:46.31bochechaI'm not doing anything related to el7
03:46.46bochechalirodon: lufsig is awesome
03:46.54lirodonLufsig is best wolf.
03:47.06herlobochecha: you said at one point you were doing something to convert systemd, I guess I infered it was going to be for el7
03:47.07bochechaHong Kongers love Lufsig
03:47.12lirodonI saw that on the Wikipedia "did you know"; kinda reminds me of Bite the Wax Tadpole
03:47.20bochechaherlo: no, it was to get systemd onto an el **6** base :)
03:47.34herlobochecha: right, just thought it was leading up to something.
03:47.43herlois sad
03:47.46bochechawe just wanted systemd on our products, which is based on el6
03:48.01herloahh well, I'll look at the fedora epel7 groups then
03:48.13herloI know dgilmore was going to start working on them soon.
03:48.34herlolirodon: let's go with cobrar
03:48.41herlothough I do really like colis
03:48.48lirodonThat sounds cool, easy to pronounce/type
03:48.49herlobut bochecha ruined it. :-P
03:49.03lirodonI was also thinking of giving the entire build suite a name we can use on the wiki
03:49.12herlolirodon: koji?
03:49.24lirodoni.e. the whole set of tools
03:49.33herloyes, that is what 90% of them are already called
03:49.34lirodonI was thinking Ascendble
03:49.56herloor Ascendable
03:50.07lirodoni.e. a pun on Assemble
03:50.11bochechafor what is worth, the "s" in "colis" is mute, you pronounce it "colee"
03:50.19herloyes, I knew that :)
03:50.28herloyou frenchy
03:50.39herloI dated a girl once, that was her nickname.
03:50.52herloI've dated a few since then. :)
03:50.57herloeven married a couple
03:51.15herlobochecha: we're going with cobrar. :)
03:51.29bochechascrolls up to figure out what that means
03:51.45bochechameh, nobody said what it meant
03:51.48lirodonor just Ascendos Toolbox
03:52.16herlobochecha: it means 'collect'
03:52.18herloor to collect
03:52.30herlolirodon: don't get hung up on that
03:52.37herloI think we'll end up calling it Koji.
03:52.47bochechawhat is the name for already?
03:52.57herlothe replacement to goosepkg
03:53.00lirodonI mean, I just wanted a way to differentiate this from the "old" build process on the wiki
03:53.05herlosame basic code
03:53.14herlolirodon: oh. Build process
03:53.27herloI'm writing up a bit on it now.
03:53.29bochechaherlo: why change the name?
03:53.33herlolirodon: do you have a blog?
03:53.41lirodonOn the site?
03:53.42herlos/you/we, Ascendos/
03:53.46lirodonWe have a news section
03:53.54herlobochecha: goose is closing its doors and joining Ascendos
03:54.07herlowe could keep the name, I suppose.
03:54.26herlolirodon: what's it running?
03:54.39bochechaoie is goose in French
03:54.44bochechapretty easy to type as a command
03:54.46herlowhat if we went to a static blog?
03:55.04herlooie, is that a command anywhere?
03:55.12bochechapretty hard to pronounce for non French, though ^_^
03:55.29herlobochecha: what is 'bird' in french?
03:55.51bochechato fly == voler
03:55.55bochechabut it also means to steal
03:55.56herlolol, same as spanish
03:56.02bochechaso not the best name ever
03:56.18herloI still like cobrar
03:56.33herloit sounds snake like
03:56.40herloand we could totally have a snake logo
03:57.09bochechaand it's written in python
03:57.10herlolirodon: what are your thoughts on using pelican?
03:57.20herlobochecha: indeed
03:57.28herlobochecha: you got my drift.
03:57.29lirodonnever heard of it
03:58.15bochechabut pelican is a bird, not a snake ^_^
03:58.42herlobochecha: different conversation, punk
03:58.55herlolirodon: it's a python-bast static blog generator
03:58.59lirodonWolfCMS is PHP
03:59.08herloit's what we use to generate
03:59.37herlolirodon: no need to change per se. I just want to put up news from time to time in the future.
03:59.45lirodonI can get you an account
04:00.02herlonotes he also signed up for the ascendos-announce and ascendos-dev lists
04:00.07herlolirodon: no rush.
04:00.11herlobut please
04:00.14bochechaherlo: 12am is too early for me to follow more than one conversation, I just arrived at work :P
04:00.25herloit's midnight there?
04:00.30bochechano, noon
04:00.33herlohmm, I would have thought it would be noon
04:00.34bochechanoon is not 12am?
04:00.34lirodonits actually quite easy
04:00.36herlono 12pm
04:00.40bochechaah right
04:00.56bochechabecause obviously, after 11am and before 1pm comes... 12pm
04:01.01herlobochecha: I take it that is not the vernacular used in france or HK?
04:01.12bochechawhat is a "vernacular" ?
04:01.22herloverbiage, wording. Things you say.
04:01.39bochechain France we count the time on 24 hours
04:01.42bochechaso now it's 12
04:01.45herlothe language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.
04:01.49herlovernacular ^^
04:01.51bochechamidnight is 0 o clock
04:02.12bochechain HK, they use the 12h-based am/pm stuff as well, but nobody ever understood how to deal with noon and midnight
04:02.24bochechaso they tend to say "noon" and "midnight" ;)
04:02.45bochechabut I have a feeling I'm taking everybody way off the original conversation :)
04:02.48herlobochecha: right, 24 hour clock
04:03.14herlouses that, it's 21:03 here
04:03.25bochechamakes so much more sense
04:03.40bochechabut I lost that habit, because nobody would understand what I was talking about here
04:03.49bochecha"meet you at 15:30!"
04:03.55bochecha"wait, where is that?"
04:05.01herloI could see exactly that happening here
04:05.17herlobochecha: so with a 12 hour clock, everything starts at 12
04:05.27herloit's essentially 0 hour
04:05.41bochechaexcept if you say 0pm, nobody understands ;)
04:05.51herloyou get to 11:59am, the next is 12:00 and because it starts over, its 12:00 in the pm
04:06.00bochechathat makes no sense
04:06.04herlobochecha: you don't 'SAY' it
04:06.19herloand I am not arguing sense, I'm just arguing how to understand it easier
04:06.22bochechaeither it turns over then it goes back to 0, or it doesn't and it's still the am
04:06.24bochechayeah, I know
04:06.40bochechabut somehow my brain refuses to just do it, and I keep getting it wrong the next time :)
04:06.53herloaww well, I give up then. :)
04:07.01bochechathat's what I did long ago :)
04:07.09herlomoving forward
04:08.59herlodammit! Fedora doesn't have any groups in koji for epel7 yet. :(
04:09.17herloI guess I might just have to go with what we know from el6
04:10.09herloahh, no epel7-build tag
04:12.32bochechayeah, dgilmore renamed the tags (and branches in git) for el7
04:12.56herlobut even without the -build tag, there isn't any groups in anything with epel7-
04:13.03bochechait simplifies quite a few things to have it all called the same way (although it could be even simpler if it was the same as %{dist})
04:13.05herlogl6.0-build build group
04:13.52bochechaisn't that the right tag?
04:14.25bochecha$ koji list-groups epel7-build
04:14.25bochechabuild  [epel7-build]
04:14.36bochechaare you pointing to Fedora's koji or yours? :)
04:15.26herlo <-- gl6.0-build srpm-build group
04:15.54herlobochecha: huh, I was pointing to fedoras when I looked it up. I don't have anything epel7
04:16.18herloodd, I see it now.
04:16.36herlobut when I went to list tags, I didn't even see epel7-build
04:17.27herlois just blind
04:17.38herloI see it there, the epel7-base threw me I bet
04:18.24herlobochecha: thanks for making me go back and look again.
04:24.31herloman, I love my computer. I just dropped it about two feet and it closed and suspended. Opened it back up a few seconds later and I unsuspend and connect to the wifi. My ssh session is still working. :)
05:18.32lirodonAny useful progress?
05:28.50herlolirodon: with the build?
05:28.53herloa little
05:29.22lirodonanything towards that, yeah (trying to recruit some people from a channel I frequent. We're mostly the developers of StepMania)
05:45.35herloyeah, I got a bit done tonight. Mostly writing up what it will take to get things going and where to start.
15:37.36goozbachdidn't we document the logo changes in the installer somewheres?
15:45.49herlogoozbach: in the anaconda package
15:49.52goozbachnot documented then, just the changes in the package
15:56.51herloprobably, but I think I documented it in git
15:57.12herloI try to be verbose
15:57.21goozbachlooking now
16:05.06*** join/#gooseproject lirodon (~lirodon@wikipedia/ViperSnake151)
19:33.39*** join/#gooseproject figg3 (
22:30.45herlohi lirodon
22:31.05herlowill not be around tonight. UPHPU meeting and stuff afterward too
22:31.16lirodonSo for the build tools, what distro would you suggest setting them up on?
22:31.32herlolirodon: any that work with python 2.7+
22:31.43herloand have reasonable support for ssl/tls
22:32.14herloI guess you need a recent version of git as well. But it doesn't have to be 1.8 or anything
22:32.56lirodonWould Fedora 20 be fine
22:59.28shalkieThere is a Fedora 20? Oh man, I am out of sequence with it.
22:59.41herloshalkie: released in December
23:02.53lirodonIt's just one newer than what EL7 is based on
23:03.07herloright, but you won't be using those rpms so it's okay
23:03.25herloyou'll be importing ones from f19 into the mock buildroot wherever we decide to put it probably.
23:03.36shalkieMeh, I will just wait for Fedora ∞
23:03.41herlothe distro you use is not something we will depend upon.
23:03.46herloshalkie: you'll be waiting forever.
23:03.47shalkieman, that is a small infinity.
23:04.37shalkieherlo: Yes, but then I move onto Fedora ∞+1 :-P
23:05.01herlobut that's still ∞
23:05.07herlojust saying...
23:05.51herloI would not recommend rawhide.
23:06.05herloI might recommend F20+1 though
23:06.11herloor F21 if you will
23:31.57*** join/#gooseproject Viper550 (~liroxiv@wikipedia/ViperSnake151)

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