IRC log for #harmattan on 20120330

00:43.42itsnotabigtruckheh, i just realized that accli -I inquires about its /parent process'/ aegis state
00:43.51itsnotabigtruckrather than its own
00:48.43itsnotabigtruckwhich explains why aegis-exec accli -I and aegis-exec sh -c 'accli -I' produce drastically different results
00:51.26itsnotabigtruckanyone still here, who has open mode running?
01:24.33tgalalSazpaimon: hey I did follow your advice :P
01:24.46tgalalbasically I automated it
01:27.55itsnotabigtrucktgalal: meh, lacks the charm of sazpaimon's approach though
01:28.29itsnotabigtruckmake it count how many times the button is pushed and say wazapp has been delayed by 1 more week each time :p
01:33.11*** join/#harmattan adlan (~adlan@
01:34.04tgalalitsnotabigtruck: lol nice one
01:34.14tgalalI will
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02:27.42itsnotabigtruckanyone on?
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05:44.43denismhi, does anybody knows, which runlevels N9 has?
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06:06.05jonnidenism: [023456]
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06:07.48denismjonni: thank you, do you know where is a list of names for them for dsmetool -t ?
06:08.16denism(like for example 2 or 5 = shutdown)
06:10.17jonniafaik dsmetool uses numbers for runlevels
06:11.48denismunluckily no, it requires names :( at least the receiver says: got telinit '2' from pid 3133: /sbin/dsmetool ignoring unknown telinit runlevel request
06:12.04denismand 'dsmetool -t shutdown' works properly
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06:48.04jonnidenism: not all runlevels can be entered with dsmetool, but you have "shutdown, user, actdead and reboot" which it accepts as parameter.
06:49.22DocScrutinizerand N9 is particularly funny about actdead - even ssh sessions via WLAN survive transitions user->actdead
06:50.07jonniand serial console getty connection survices also :)
06:50.25DocScrutinizerso basically actdead just means: display disabled, really shut down when USB eventually unplugged
06:50.45jonniwell it kills some processes
06:50.57DocScrutinizeridly wonders what actdead will result in when no USB plugged in
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06:53.32DocScrutinizeror am I just confused by powerbutton actually doing actdead instead of shutdown when usb (charger) plugged in?
06:54.12DocScrutinizeralso, what's dsme shutdown going to do when device is charging?
06:54.13jonniDocScrutinizer: nope with powerbutton state changes to SHUTDOWN
06:55.51jonnibut yes, after shutdown if you have usb icon showing in the screen then you are in initlevel 5 (actdead)
06:56.32DocScrutinizersince there's no real powerdown state as long as device hooked up to a power source and thus charging
06:56.37denismjonni: thank you
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08:37.39rdnzlusing screenSaverDelayed from qml works as expected but i'm having org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied errors in sdk's application output window - do i need some aegis magic to silence this?
08:40.04*** join/#harmattan Khertan (c16a270a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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09:12.13KhertanHow can i manage text highlight in a TextArea, i mean i want to color some words, i need to use pseudo <html> syntax ... but ... this mean i need to get all text, remove previous html tag, parse it, and set it ... each time onTextChanged, as there is no way to set partial text, or get information on partial changes, someone have another idea ?
09:14.59rigoKHertan, use CSS
09:15.08Khertanrigo ?
09:15.18Khertancss ? to highlight text ?
09:15.19Khertanhow ?
09:16.17rigoby having a CSS class with a certain forground/background color and wrapping <span class="yourclass">highlighted text</span>
09:16.47Khertanyeah .... of course
09:17.04Khertanthis solve nothing
09:17.19rigodunno which capacities the thing has, but if the rendering is based on web stuff ...
09:17.57Khertanyou need to parse the text on onTextChanged signal remove all span, parse the text, put span, put the result in the TextArea.text
09:18.13Khertanrigo: which capacity TextArea have ?
09:18.40rigoah, ok, just triggered by the "web" keyword. Don't know how they handle this internally.
09:19.25rigoin general terms, you need a selector to manipulate that selector with CSS
09:19.31Khertan(i never talk about web ... :) but didn't precise that it was a qml TextArea :) )
09:19.32rigospan is such a selector
09:20.09Khertanbut yeah i know how manipulate things in html :)
09:20.15Khertanwith js
09:20.20rigoso if this is using pseudo web (dunno how far), the way is to create a selector and then manipulate the selector
09:20.33Khertanit s pseudo html :) not pseudo web :)
09:20.47rigosur, JS is always the more complex option ;)
09:20.49Khertanas you cna't manipulate the content of a TextArea
09:21.27KhertanGet and Set text is the only methods managing the content
09:21.34Khertana bit limited
09:21.49rigobut if the content of TextArea already contains your selector, you can address it without parsing, changing and re-injecting
09:22.21Khertanit s qml ... not javascript ... you can't set partial content
09:22.37Khertanalso can't retrieve partial content
09:22.52Khertannor knowing what have been updated on textChanged
09:23.26rigo=> not for me anymore, sorry
09:23.46Khertani ve try many work arround to avoid qml
09:24.23Khertanbut last update on harmattan breaks the QTextEdit widget ... or something else in the QProxyWidget
09:24.33Khertanso KhtEditor segfault
09:24.49Khertanand the only way arround is to rewrite it with something officially supported
09:25.18rigoand I have no clue what is officially supported
09:25.35rigoyou'll have to wait for jonni
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09:32.29ZogG_laptopsup dudes
09:47.55*** join/#harmattan tgalal (c0648208@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:57.29dm8tbrnot mucken futch
10:05.59ieatlinti learnt that oven + alcohol can equal 2nd degree burn
10:06.18ieatlintalso, pizza
10:08.30derameasily.. also lumps of coal when combined with not enough sleep in past day
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12:06.03pacan i use the same firmware for flashing the 16 and the 64 version of N9?
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12:06.51denismpa: yes
12:08.41paok thanks :)
12:32.15Khertansomeone have voodoo dolls of the inventors of QML at Trolltech/Nokia ?
12:32.50Khertanwant to offer some voodoo pin's
12:34.58jonnihides behind a tree
12:35.11X-FadeKhertan: spotify:track:0IYlWIpSsxobpYlFz38VbJ
12:35.38X-FadeOr even :)
12:40.44KhertanX-Fade: already listening :!/s/Please+Destroy+This+World/4cjNU0?src=5
12:41.22X-FadeKhertan: Ah, nice and quiet song :)
12:41.51KhertanI listening that when i want to relax
12:43.43X-FadeOh yes, very relaxing song.. Real chill out music.
13:05.39KhertanX-Fade: if you prefer french dark female voice :!/s/Pourquoi/32rlQZ?src=5
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13:54.24itsnotabigtruckanyone on with open mode running
13:55.42itsnotabigtruckKhertan pa denism ieatlint deram ZogG_laptop ^
14:00.15Khertanwhat did you call "open mode" ?
14:00.17Khertandevel mode ?
14:00.37Khertanor kernel without aegis ?
14:02.09deramopen mode is with open kernel, I presume, and no, just devel mode on my device
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14:02.22Khertanitsnotabigtruck: so just devel mode here
14:03.05itsnotabigtruckderam Khertan: i meant, any configuration that produces the disclaimer on boot
14:03.23itsnotabigtruckit doesn't have to be a special kernel, in fact it's better if it's not
14:04.08deramno disclamer, I'm still within the warranty
14:10.29*** join/#harmattan jluisn (~quassel@
14:15.40pano, i still try to believe it's ok to keep aegis there, but probably not for long..
14:17.54paquestion: is it normal that , when i use earphones (the stock nokia earphones) to call
14:18.13paand i just call, and nothing else, the sound sucks hard?
14:18.27pabut if i start using the phone during the call, then it's ok
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14:28.45paperhaps it's coz of call recorder
14:37.45pais by the way anyone using it?
14:37.56pai tried to record calls while i was using the earphones
14:38.04paand i cannot hear the voice from the caller
14:38.07pamine i can
14:39.07paprobably it's because the microphone used is the one on the headset
14:46.13pahm i tried with another without micro, but it's the same
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15:11.45rigopa, interesting
15:12.03rigoI have it, but did not try it so far
15:12.24pai remember i coul record some calls properly
15:12.31pabut without earphones
15:14.48rigohm, curious, because the micro is redirected ok, but the sound isn't
15:14.52ZogG_laptopi recorded without headphones
15:15.35rigounless the phone was nearby, the micro good enough and thus the phone micro recorded your voice, not the micro of the headset
15:15.57rigoand the speaker in the phone was deactivated thus no signal there, thus no recording
15:16.32ZogG_laptopi said without =)
15:17.14rigopa was with
15:24.32KhertanWhat type of rich text support QML TextArea ?
15:24.43Khertanonly pseudo "html" ? RTF isn't supported ?
15:27.31ZogG_laptopitsnotabigtruck: nope
15:27.47ZogG_laptopKhertan: i think it is
15:36.12KhertanZogG_laptop: doesn't look like :)
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15:40.12Khertan{\rtf1 ... doesn't works
15:41.57Khertandoesn't support too <span>
15:44.19Khertanvoooodddooooo doll's needed here !
16:04.03*** join/#harmattan NIN101 (~NIN@
16:18.27itsnotabigtruckspeed x is pretty cool, but it lacks volume control
16:18.35itsnotabigtrucklooks like they forgot to include the policy file
16:24.06itsnotabigtrucker, except it does include a policy file
16:24.15pa20 nok
16:24.20pamaybe i buy it
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16:27.21padid anybody try FCam?
16:27.26pai was looking at the api
16:28.24pai saw that the focus is expressed in diopters
16:28.37pais there any way to convert it to/from meters?
16:30.23SpeedEvil1/10 dioptres = m
16:30.33SpeedEvilso 1 dioptre = 10cm
16:31.05SpeedEvil1 dioptre = 1m, 2 = .5m, 4 = .25m, ...
16:31.12SpeedEvilreciprocal metres
16:31.17paah i see
16:31.44pabut i guess it's not possible to use the camera as distance meter
16:32.09paat least not for too long distances
16:32.11SpeedEvilIf you read out the distance of maximum sharpness, and calibrate
16:32.19SpeedEvilBut only under a couple of meters or so
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17:06.19villageryeah... I once wanted to make an app for distance measurement that way, but found that you it doesn't take many meters to get to max focus anyway, so with such a limit, it wouldn't be too useful for what I wanted...
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17:28.03rishiDoes anyone know how N9 implements the Accounts -> Google feature. It does not offer the usual OAuth web page. I am wondering whether it does something clever or not?
17:28.47itsnotabigtruckrishi: i don't think it uses oauth
17:28.53itsnotabigtruckbut i'm not sure what it uses
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17:32.25itsnotabigtruckto reiterate, anyone here running open mode?
17:32.39itsnotabigtruckrishi villager SpeedEvil ^
17:33.55rishiitsnotabigtruck: What is it? :-) Another name for the developer mode?
17:35.25itsnotabigtruckrishi: nah, it lets you boot custom kernels and disable aegis 'officially', at the cost of complexity and a scary warranty void screen
17:35.51rishiitsnotabigtruck: Then, no.
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18:29.36Sazpaimoni cant get kexec to work :/
18:29.48Sazpaimonit just keeps resetting back to the original kernel
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20:48.04jpwhitingitsnotabigtruck: hey there, have you developed any harmattan apps yet?
20:51.31itsnotabigtruckjpwhiting: what do you count as an 'app' :p
20:52.04itsnotabigtrucki haven't built any fancy user friendly gui apps, if that's what you mean
20:52.53jpwhitingitsnotabigtruck: well, any app really, I'm making a remember the milk app for MeeGo, but have a question
20:52.57itsnotabigtruckbut i'd imagine you've noticed my other projects
20:53.12jpwhitingmainly I don't see how to have a subclass of QApplication to hold all the app logic
20:53.16jpwhitingwith slots and such
20:53.29jpwhitingbecause of the createApplication() booster thing
20:54.05jpwhitingguess I could have a regular QObject to hold all that stuff instead
20:54.24itsnotabigtruckno idea about that...have you installed inception?
20:54.37jpwhitingno, what's inception?
20:55.08itsnotabigtruckjpwhiting: :O
20:55.42jpwhitingkind of lurks here, but doesn't usually pay much attention, my bad
21:00.02jpwhitingwow, interesting
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21:09.29itsnotabigtruckjpwhiting: so, get incepted! :p
21:09.43jpwhitingmay just do that
21:10.25itsnotabigtruckjpwhiting: i've done some other little apps but they aren't as interesting, though you might find ad-hac useful if you don't have that yet
21:10.48jpwhitingdoesn't have a sim card in his N9, so that might be less than useful :)
21:10.58jpwhitingis stuck on verizon at the moment
21:11.08jpwhitingjust use the N9 for development
21:11.14itsnotabigtruckaw, lame
21:13.21jpwhitingis lame :)
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21:27.22TronicAny news on the overclocking side?
21:31.29itsnotabigtruckTronic: not that i'm aware of...the problem is that no one with the knowledge to do it is willing to make the module and distribute it
21:31.48itsnotabigtruckTronic: perhaps you could see to it, given that no one else is
21:32.26itsnotabigtruckit's definitely possible, rainisto mentioned on FMC he's already done it himself
21:34.44TronicI have no idea how to compile kernel modules for Harmattan, to start with.,
21:35.06itsnotabigtruckTronic: it's surprisingly easy
21:35.09TronicAlso no idea on how to do the frequency setting.
21:35.41TronicI suppose the "surprisingly easy" part involves setting up scratchbox. I only have Qt SDK.
21:35.42itsnotabigtrucki forget the command but you point make to the kernel tree and to your source
21:35.49itsnotabigtruckand kbuild takes care of the rest
21:36.00itsnotabigtruckyeah, you need scratchbox, and also the headers package for what you're building against
21:36.07itsnotabigtruckyou need to get scratchbox anyway
21:36.32itsnotabigtruckeveryone doing anything serious needs itsooner rather than later, and i don't understand why it has so little uptake within this channel
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22:33.22KhertanSomeone could explain me the diffrerence in Qml Qt Component TextArea what is the difference between StyledText and RichText
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23:01.47villagerKhertan: from what I can tell from a couple of searches, one of the differences is that StyledText isn't supported, maybe not implemented, and probably isn't supposed to work
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