irclog2html for #kde on 20050110

00:00.28srednaHm, what was it that qustars was again?
00:00.50grepperBorg^Queen, there's a qstars ?
00:01.02grepperoh, I was hoping it was a qt port of kstars
00:01.05Renzeit's a rather cheesy screensaver
00:01.30grepperif kstars had a qt port I'd be all over it
00:01.32srednagrepper: Do you want non-kde apps ?!
00:01.51greppersredna, I'm building a ubuntu box for my nephew, so yeah
00:02.07srednagrepper: Why ubunto?
00:02.19greppersredna, clean, simple
00:02.29srednagrepper: As in not using KDE?
00:02.30greppernice menus and n00b friendly
00:02.38greppereh ?
00:02.49srednaI just ask
00:02.55grepperwell, debian's menus would be too confusing to a 9 and 7 yr old
00:03.05grepperand ubuntu is only gnome atm
00:03.11srednagrepper: Mepis?
00:03.14Borg^Queengrepper I had no idea you were so young
00:03.19greppergranted I could customize them
00:03.34srednaRofl@ Borg^Queen
00:04.39grepperthat is a thought
00:04.49grepperbut its not debian based is it ?
00:04.50StevenRwhats mepis?
00:04.51Borg^QueenI can always use an extra cane
00:05.02srednaI wonder what reedemans lovesources gentoo live cd is like
00:05.10srednaI'tm pretty sure it has kde
00:05.19srednaRenze: Drinking again?
00:05.28Renzesredna: no, just a headache
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00:05.42RenzeI'm all out of alcohol :(
00:05.43srednaHm, where does all those unwanted letters come from when I type???
00:06.28Borg^QueenNice teeth
00:06.29srednaYOPIIIII, umbrella did it!!!
00:06.33mobtekBorg^Queen: wassup about kstars?
00:06.39RenzeBorg^Queen: if you whacked hard enough, it would solve all my problems :)
00:06.49mobtekBorg^Queen: nah I use kstars
00:06.52mobtekthere is a qstars?
00:07.04mobtekbrbski phoneage :)
00:07.11mobteknah sorry dude
00:07.14sredna"what happens if you die from it, bot?" "Well, if you die nothing more happens."
00:07.27grepperheh, how rumors get started
00:07.55greppermephis is coming out with a qt port of kstars ?
00:08.03srednaBecause of the lack of live video in irc?
00:08.30Borg^Queen`I"m sooo lost
00:08.54srednaMy brother just installed mepis on a box for his friends girlfriend, in disqqust over fedora 3
00:09.01srednaHe said it works well
00:09.28srednaAllthough it comes with kde 3.2.3 which he thought was a bit old-fashioned
00:09.31Borg^QueenMepis is a new distro
00:09.42srednaYay, new kdesdk .-)
00:10.24Borg^QueenNew what?
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00:10.40srednaKbuild kdeartwork
00:11.03aseigoBallfire: yeah, known issue
00:11.05srednaBorg^Queen: Cervisia, umbrella, a huge bunch of scripts and utilities
00:11.25mobtekBorg^Queen: :P
00:11.25aseigoBallfire: it's been like that for a while... January is the month i clean up all those layouting bugs =)
00:11.39Borg^Queenmobtek: ?
00:11.40srednaaseigo: Are you still in charge of kscd?
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00:11.48aseigosredna: sure
00:11.51aseigosredna: why?
00:11.57aseigowait. if it's a bug. no. ;-P
00:12.21srednaaseigo: I had it crashing a few time when attempting to fetch cddb info, which it fails to do automatically
00:12.22Aletheshowdy aseigo
00:12.26srednaaseigo: And it does not autostart
00:12.41srednaWhen I put in a cd
00:12.48aseigosredna: cddb isn't kscd. it uses libkcddb, just so you know =)
00:12.55srednaaseigo: I do know
00:12.57aseigosredna: and there were some recent changes to that...
00:13.16aseigosredna: i haven't had a chance to thoroughly check those changes out, but yeah, i've heard a couple of crash reports around that
00:13.17srednaaseigo: And I wondered if the issue andrs posted on kde-core-devel has to do with it
00:13.22aseigosredna: backtraces welcome, of course =)
00:13.31aseigoi wouldn't be surprised
00:13.33aseigoAlethes: hey =)
00:13.41srednaaseigo: I'll be sure to generate one for you mext time it happens
00:13.54aseigosredna: as for autostart. are you using digital playback or regular playback?
00:14.01BallfireJanuary is the month i clean up all those layouting bugs =) <--- great
00:14.12aseigoBallfire: esp since this is January right =)
00:14.13srednaaseigo: Hm, dunno. Is that a setting?
00:14.20aseigosredna: yes...
00:14.47srednaHm, where?
00:15.16srednaThat is disabled, and unchecked
00:15.32srednaaseigo: So is use regular
00:16.05aseigosredna: disabled? as in you can't even select it if you wanted to? in any case, you are using regular play.. hrm.. well, i'll look into it in any case.
00:16.34srednaaseigo: Btw, I noticed that manyu CDs has a texst file with album and track information nowadays, which could obviously beused instead of fethcing cddb data -- does kscd use that?
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00:16.50aseigosredna: yes.. cdda
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00:17.00*** part/#kde tixo (~TiXo@
00:17.45theobromasorry showing kids irc stuff:)
00:18.08srednaaseigo: Another issue that may have to do with the copy control: Some CDs keep replaying the last track, after a pause
00:19.14Alethes[19:19 alethes@pennywise:~] sudo kate
00:19.14Aletheskate: ERROR: Communication problem with kate, it probably crashed.
00:19.17aseigosredna: you mean the disc finishes, there's a brief pause, and then the last track plays again?
00:19.27srednaaseigo: Yes
00:19.27Aletheswhy can't I sudo kate?
00:19.43aseigosredna: because i can see that happening if kscd thinks there's a last track at 3059 minutes or whatever it was in that screenshot =)
00:19.48RenzeAlethes: do you allow root to open windows in your X session?
00:19.52srednaAlethes: Try using kdesu instead
00:20.03AlethesRenze: not sure, actually
00:20.05aseigosredna: it'll attempt to play that last track and libwm will likely just go "oh. must mean the first track before that"
00:20.19srednaaseigo: Exactly why I suspected that file :)
00:20.29RenzeAlethes: I suspect you'll have more luck with kdesu
00:20.33Alethesit's using the default theme heh
00:20.48RenzeAlethes: no, it's using whatever theme you have root set to use :)
00:20.54Alethesthat's what I mean :)
00:21.17Alethesgonna change root's theme now
00:21.20srednaaseigo: I have some that I bought after fejecting burned copies from my brother actually, since I don't mind paying the musicians and even the record companies
00:21.41Borg^Queenwell aseigo after you've finished with the devil, can you help me figure out why qstars isn't making?
00:22.21srednaaseigo: But I dislike the copy protection, I have the right to copy my records, and also play them through my computer (which the copy protections attmepts to prevent as well, they just forgot that windows is not a 110% monopoly yet)
00:22.46Borg^Queensredna: what are you talking about>?
00:22.57srednaBorg^Queen: CDs
00:23.10Borg^QueenWhat about them?
00:23.20Borg^QueenYou can't copy them?
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00:24.07Alethesaseigo: would it be possible to prompt for root's password with kdesu or whatever whenever trying to save a file that your user doesn't have access to?
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00:25.27Borg^Queensredna: what is that? It thinks it's a track?
00:26.14srednaBorg^Queen: Well, dont' ask me, I just found it funny, + I suspects the misintepretation beeing responsible for the last song on such cds beeing repeated
00:26.52srednaBorg^Queen: Apart from that,  I have no problem copying or playing CDs here
00:27.19Borg^QueenOdd thing
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00:35.54Borg^Queenaseigo: do you have minute to help me figure out why qstars has an error during make?
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00:36.07RenzeBorg^Queen: what's the error?
00:36.50StevenRBorg^Queen: you got a pastebin of the error?
00:36.50Borg^QueenIt's very short, can I query you?
00:36.50Borg^QueenI posted it on
00:37.01Borg^Queenone sec
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00:42.53Borg^QueenSo what do you guys think is the problem?
00:43.40KynlemHey everyone :-) Does anyone know what can be the reason of error 'modem doesnt respond', modem is configured to use /dev/ttyS2 (it is in COM3) and CR/LF , CRTSCTS ?
00:43.59mobtekhaha Borg^Queen I don't even rememeber writing that post on kde-apps
00:44.09Borg^Queen`Did it work before?
00:44.20Borg^Queenmobtek: you're getting old
00:44.30mobtekhahah indeed
00:44.36*** part/#kde theobroma (
00:44.38mobtekI hit 33 in december hehehe
00:44.42Borg^QueenKynlem: did the modem work before?
00:44.57Borg^QueenThat's not old, you're barely out of diapers
00:45.02KynlemIt works on Windows 98
00:45.22KynlemOn W I checked that it is in COM3
00:45.22Borg^QueenKynlem: is it a winmodem?
00:45.26Underlordis there a shell app in kde that works like a javascript prompt, returning the inputs to stdout?
00:45.28Borg^QueenA softare modem
00:45.33Borg^Queensoftware even
00:45.58KynlemI guess, that no coz
00:46.19Borg^QueenWho made the modem?
00:46.22Kynlem-- at the end of the page there is annotation by dude who has that modem and seems that it worked for him ........
00:46.27srednaBorg^Queen: I have that method here
00:46.29srednaAnders@pluto ~ $ grep applicationDirPath /opt/qt-copy/include/qapplication.h
00:46.48Borg^Queensredna: what?
00:46.54srednaBorg^Queen: Your error
00:46.58KynlemCirrus Logic 33600 bps PnP V34
00:47.08Borg^QueenYou get that too?
00:47.17srednaBorg^Queen: Are you sure the path to the include directory is correct?
00:47.20Renze33.6? whoa, that certainly predates winmodems
00:47.22Borg^QueenOk that modem should work with linux
00:47.40Borg^Queensredna: I think so
00:47.59Borg^QueenKynlem: what are you using to dial out, kppp?
00:48.00KynlemBorg^Queen, yes that is my modem
00:48.28Borg^Queenok try different tys until you find the right one
00:48.37srednaTry swithcing the eol setting, and make sure the device is correct
00:48.41Borg^QueenAlso, is the modem set to pnp?
00:48.45Borg^QueenOr are you specifying a com?
00:48.52Renzeyou might also want to check permissions
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00:49.15Borg^Queenyeah that too
00:49.30KynlemBorg^Queen, tty1-3 return 'not responds' and tty4 returns 'it is busy'
00:49.42Borg^QueenAnd the others?
00:49.43AssociateXHi hello
00:49.49Borg^QueenKeep going
00:49.56Borg^QueenHello AssociateX
00:49.58KynlemBorg^Queen, my modem is in com3
00:50.14Borg^QueenAye, try it anyway
00:50.19Borg^Queenmodems are a funny thing
00:50.29AssociateXBorg^Queen, eyes me for what?
00:50.51KynlemBorg^Queen, try what ........ ?
00:51.10srednaKynlem: Try enabling debug output
00:51.13Borg^QueenTry different coms etc in the kppp settings
00:51.21KynlemI tried.
00:51.24RenzeBorg^Queen: hey, I have so little to brag about... let me have at least one :)
00:51.38Borg^Queenok ok
00:51.45Kynlem-- Borg^Queen, tty0, tt1, tty2 return 'not responds' and tty3 returns 'it is busy' --
00:52.02Borg^Queenand the others
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00:52.34aseigoBorg^Queen: did you get an answer yet?
00:52.36Borg^QueenMy modem is one com3, which shows up as ttyS4
00:52.57Borg^QueenNo one likes me
00:53.56aseigoBorg^Queen: ok. at the top of mainwindow.cpp is there a #include <qapplication.h>?
00:54.13KynlemBy mandrake installation tuts I was told that COM3 is tty2
00:54.15Borg^QueenEEECK Boy germs!
00:54.59Borg^Queenaseigo: pardon? In the term?
00:55.00illogic-alI'm in "The Mood".
00:55.40Kynlemok let me try all
00:55.52Borg^QueenThat's a lad
00:56.53illogic-almy dns is not working!
00:56.53Borg^Queenaseigo: I'm not following you. In the term or in the actual dir
00:57.10Borg^QueenIt's a Renze's fault
00:57.18Renzeof course it is
00:57.18aseigoBorg^Queen: open mainwindow.cpp in a text editor.
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00:58.55Borg^QueenSorry I meant yes
00:58.56I440r_grr i KNOW im workin on it lol
00:59.00aseigoBorg^Queen: now look for that line:  #include <qapplication.h>
00:59.04Borg^Queenapt:  did it hurt?
00:59.09I440r_can someone tell me how to get kdm to run at boot in gentoo ?
00:59.14Borg^QueenYes it's in there
00:59.18Aletheswhy can I run sudo gedit but not sudo kate?
00:59.26I440r_illogic-al: yea yea
00:59.27illogic-alawesome. it's a root account too!
00:59.36I440r_how do i get kdm to run at boot ?
00:59.49RenzeI440r_: set the appropriate variable in /etc/rc.conf, and add xdm to your default startup
00:59.54srednaI440r_: A setting somewhere
00:59.59illogic-alif you use gentoo...
01:00.07I440r_renze in gentoo ?
01:00.18Borg^Queenaseigo: I have the line
01:00.20I440r_ok let me look :)
01:00.23Borg^QueenIt's a tight fit
01:00.44I440r_aha the xsession variable!
01:00.45illogic-alRenze: I know, there's no accounting for taste w/ gentoo users :-p
01:00.47sredna# nano -w /etc/rc.conf
01:00.47sredna(Edit the following two variables)
01:00.48RenzeI440r_: if you need baby-step instructions, just ask
01:00.59mobtekI440r_: yuppers
01:01.02aseigoBorg^Queen: what version of qt?
01:01.08mobtekand rc-update add xdm default?
01:01.23mobtekI440r_: for when you boot
01:01.24aseigoBorg^Queen: ah!
01:01.30I440r_renze no i dont need baby step instructions, im not new to gentoo or linux - im new to kde though. this isnt my box, im setting it up for a little old lady :)
01:01.33srednaI440r_: Of cause make the XSESSION reflect your actual version
01:01.39Borg^QueenDont' laugh
01:01.41*** join/#kde JDSmith (
01:01.41I440r_i did the adding to default :)
01:01.46I440r_im gona test it
01:01.51I440r_by doing the unthinkable!!!!!!!!!
01:01.59*** part/#kde I440r_ (
01:02.31aseigoBorg^Queen: you need to upgrade your Qt.. i don't think that was added until later.. 3.2 or maybe even 3.3
01:02.47aseigoBorg^Queen: what version of kde are you running? </puzzled look>
01:02.58Borg^QueenI'm stuck with what I have on this machine
01:03.02Borg^QueenUntil the new Debian comes out
01:03.04srednaHm, kio_http_cache_cleaner might be the moster that kills kde's opportunity
01:03.06Borg^QueenLong LONG story
01:03.46Alethesrror: "/var/tmp/kdecache-alethes" is owned by uid 1001 instead of uid 0.
01:03.46Borg^Queengo ahead, laugh
01:03.49AlethesLink points to "/var/tmp/kdecache-root"
01:03.53Alethesthis is the prob with running kde apps with sudo
01:04.01Alethesany way I can fix this without using kdesu?
01:04.26jepel_tailweaverWhy not just mod kdesu to use sudo?
01:04.47Renzethank you mistress, may I have some more?
01:05.23illogic-alFear me and my awesome balsa wood powers puny machine!
01:05.43Borg^QueenOf what?
01:05.49aseigoof swoon.
01:05.53mobtekwhats wrong with kdesu?
01:05.58aseigooff to a coffee shop! bbiaw
01:05.59illogic-alBorg^Queen: He's going all lovey dovey on you
01:06.03Borg^QueenWhat's that?
01:06.04illogic-almore boy cooties...
01:06.15mobtekaseigo: yes coffee is a damn fine idea
01:06.38Borg^QueenSo aseigo no hope of fixing it?
01:07.11illogic-al[20:06] <aseigo> off to a coffee shop! bbiaw
01:07.15srednaNothing is wrong with kdesu
01:07.51*** join/#kde i440r_ (
01:07.54i440r_nope that didnt work
01:08.10srednai440r_: Did you edit rc.conf?
01:08.18Borg^QueenDo you have gdm loaded?
01:08.26Renzei440r_: then you are not the gentoo'er you claim to be :)
01:08.29i440r_i uncommented the commented out XSESSION="kde"
01:08.34i440r_no i was told to use xdm
01:08.36i440r_why not kdm ?
01:08.44i440r_why is there no /etc/init.d/kdm ?
01:08.56JDSmithxdm calls kdm
01:09.00srednai440r_: There is a line like DISPLAYMANAGER='kde' or so
01:09.00Renzei440r_: the xdm startup script launches whatever is set in DISPLAYMANAGER
01:09.00Borg^Queenremove xdm
01:09.01i440r_not in this case
01:09.12Borg^QueenNever mind
01:09.25srednaAnders@pluto ~ $ grep -i displaymanager /etc/rc.conf
01:09.54srednaRenze: It's 'kde' I think, allthoug my vesion is customized a wee bit
01:10.01Renzesredna: mine is kdm
01:10.11JDSmithit should be kdm
01:10.12srednaHum hum
01:10.12Renzemine is as I pasted above
01:10.12i440r_ok i got it :)
01:10.21Borg^Queenwell I need to get to work. BBL
01:10.27i440r_im not a noob with gentoo OR linux - but i never use kde personally
01:10.32i440r_so that i AM new with
01:10.38srednaBelieve renze over me i440r_, I use development packages and self-compiled kde
01:10.48Renzei440r_: well, the rc.conf/xdm stuff is nothing to do with kde and all to do with gentoo
01:11.20i440r_renze and i always skip over it all because i never use xdm or any of that stuff so it just didnt register with me
01:11.33Renzei440r_: poor excuse, you non-geek you
01:12.20i440r_ok its working :)
01:12.25i440r_renze whatever :P
01:12.35i440r_renze is my non geeky project :P
01:12.56mobteki440r_: there is a thing on for this hehe
01:13.30mobtek <-- near the bottom of the page
01:13.41Renzepeople still use Forth?!?
01:14.07mobtekpfft prolog :P
01:14.21Renzeprolog has it's uses... but it's not quite flexible enough
01:14.29xompwould anyone know of a way that I can pass the output of my monitor to disk? kind of like take a snapshot of a terminal session? I'm using a live linux cd that only has terminal access and need to take some snapshots of the menu's within it and dunno how :(
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01:20.08mobtekxomp: there is some utility for that
01:20.22mobtekcan't remember the name though
01:20.50xompmobtek, would you know how to mount an .ISO? I can make this into an .ISO then emulate it that way I'm sure
01:21.09mobtekmount an iso to see the data in it?
01:21.13mobtekuse a loopback
01:21.45mobtekmount -t iso9660 -o loop /cdrom/something.iso /mnt/cdrom/
01:21.54mobteksomething like that
01:22.23xompokay is there a way to run that .ISO? (its a live linux cd of sorts) in a terminal window? as if I have booted too it?
01:22.35mobtekhmm no idea :)
01:23.10sredna(usermode linux)
01:23.40srednaBut that's not that easy of cause
01:27.40*** join/#kde harpagon (~harpagon@
01:29.00srednaxomp: Screen has a logging option
01:29.08srednaIt you have that
01:29.10harpagonhi all...i am using can catch the clicks of my thumb buttons of my mouse..but i want to attach them to different actions than it attaches currently..does anyone know how to do this?
01:29.13xompsredna, really? :D
01:31.18mobtekharpagon: KHotKeys?
01:31.21sredna404 projects found
01:32.05xompsredna, got a real stupid question for you :p what is used to edit an "initrd.gz" file? *ducks*
01:32.16xompman, I can ask some strange questions can't I? hehe
01:32.39srednaxomp: I don't know
01:32.56srednaxomp: Bootsplash has something to add images to it
01:33.03harpagonmobtek, so how to use it?
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01:33.27harpagonwhat does it have to do with thumb buttons?
01:33.45xompsredna, thanks mate :) I appreciate your help \o/
01:33.53mobtekharpagon: did you find khotkeys?
01:33.59*** join/#kde sybox_ (
01:34.06harpagonmobtek, yes i did
01:34.11sybox_hi everyone
01:34.20sybox_how do i go to boot time options
01:34.21srednaxomp:  mkinitrd             (8)  - creates initial ramdisk images for preloading modules
01:34.28mobtekadd a new group then add a new action to that group
01:34.37mobtekthen add the mouse click in there iirc
01:34.57mobtekoh sorry thats only for keyboard
01:34.59mobtekI'm a dolt :P
01:35.05sybox_how do i go to boot time options?
01:35.12*** join/#kde nell (
01:35.16harpagonmobtek, :((
01:35.24nellok, why doesnt kde source /etc/profile when you run a terminal ?
01:35.30nellhow do i make it do so ?
01:35.39Kynlem33:38] <adikt> -h is nicer
01:35.40Kynlem[03:33:53] <DGT> how know were is sendmail on mandrake 8.1
01:35.40Kynlem[03:34:07] <Kynlem> Hey dudes :-)
01:35.40Kynlem[03:34:11] <adikt> shiwan, i gotta agree with you there
01:35.40Kynlem[03:34:22] <Kynlem> I got 'Cirrus Logic 33600 bps PnP V34' modem, and can't configure it on Linux Mandrake 7.2 / KDE2 / kppp . I know it's sorta old, but my PC isn't brand new too (PI 200MHz). Accoring to the footer of article I can say that my modem isn't winmodem. In Windows 98 it works OK and I checked what port it is in - COM3. So I tried dev/ttyS2 but it said 'Modem doesn\'t respond'. I tried the oth
01:35.44Kynlem[03:34:23] <adikt> shiwan, i get crossed trying to read that
01:35.46Kynlem[03:34:30] <adikt> crosseyed too
01:37.04sybox_how do i go to boot time options?
01:37.06Kynlempt ttyS3 said 'Modem doesn't respond'. ttyS4 said 'Modem is busy'. Also I tried different configurations of Flow Control and Line Termination but it still not works. If anyone knows, please reply :-)
01:37.06Kynlem[03:35:36] <Kynlem> [03:34:23] <adikt> shiwan, i get crossed trying to read that
01:37.06Kynlem[03:35:36] <Kynlem> [03:34:30] <adikt> crosseyed too
01:37.06Kynlem[03:35:42] <Kynlem> OOOOOPS
01:37.06Kynlem[03:35:44] * Quits: _I440r_ (~nell@216-110-82
01:37.13KynlemFSCK SORRY AGAIN
01:38.07*** part/#kde Aj` (
01:38.15mobtekhaha Kynlem
01:38.19srednasybox_: Kde has little to do with booting
01:38.23Kynlemsredna, I've tried all "tty"'s in the list and also I tried various FlowCtrl and LT settings but still not works
01:38.28harpagonmobtek, dont you have any other idea?
01:38.37mobtekharpagon: hmm there must be some app to remap mouse keys
01:38.47mobtekI'm surprised KDE doesn't have one
01:39.03JDSmiththat should let you remap some things
01:39.11mobtekJDSmith: ahh ta
01:39.13srednaKynlem: Sorry. I remember having the same trouble back in my mandrake 7.2 days
01:39.22harpagonit is for catcihng the events as far as i know JDSmith ..
01:39.27srednaKynlem: Did you try wvdial?
01:39.28harpagonkde can catch..
01:39.30Kynlemsredna, you didn't solve it than ?
01:39.35Kynlemsredna, no
01:39.38harpagonbut to something i dont want
01:39.53srednaKynlem: I got my modem to work with kppp eventually, by poking around
01:40.02srednaKynlem: For my brothers, we ended using vwdial
01:40.17KynlemIt is with kde2 by default ?
01:40.31JDSmithtry that site
01:40.37JDSmithshould give you some ideas
01:40.39srednaNo, vwdial is a small cli utility, find it at freshmeat
01:41.08Kynlemsredna, you think than can be kppp-special problem ?
01:41.26harpagoni am not using fedora
01:41.30harpagonbut gentoo
01:41.33srednaKynlem: No really, I just know that some modems simply does not work with it
01:41.49*** join/#kde I440r__ (
01:42.06I440r__ok now that im using an irc client that doesnt claim 5 minutes of lag for every action.....
01:42.06Kynlemok, guys anyway thanks for help :-)
01:42.14I440r__how do i make konsole source /etc/profile ?
01:42.16*** join/#kde sybox_ (
01:42.16srednaKynlem: I'm not aware of the reason, and it may have been solved in the meantime. But that does not help you if you run mandrake 7.2.
01:42.43*** join/#kde jcurry (
01:42.51srednaI440r__: That file should be sourced at login time, and inherited by subsequent sessions
01:42.58sybox_In kde there is an application that let's you setup your boot parameters in debian
01:43.03srednaI440r__: If it's not, your system is misconfigured
01:43.07I440r__its not being sourced at all
01:43.16I440r__neithr are the users .bash_profile or .bashrc
01:43.23sybox_but i don't know which application does that
01:43.26sybox_any help?
01:43.41srednasybox_: Kwrite :o
01:44.02I440r__sredna kde is being launched via kdm at boot. ther is NO shell login until AFTER kde starts
01:44.12I440r__so /etc/profile isnt being sourced at boot
01:44.23I440r__and THAT is very bad
01:44.50srednaI440r__: Well, in that case your system is misconfigured. A trick is to add '-l' at the first line of the startkde script, but it's kinda ugly
01:44.51I440r__also, when i open a konsole the users .bashrc and .bash_profile should ALSO be sourced and are NOT being
01:45.08I440r__err im not using startkde
01:45.11I440r__im using kdm
01:45.20srednaI440r__: Kdm is calling startkde
01:45.26I440r__or rather - im setting this system up for someone to use kdm
01:45.44srednaI440r__: A gentoo box?
01:46.05*** join/#kde lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
01:46.34srednaGood night everybody :)
01:48.29*** join/#kde da9000 (
01:49.23*** join/#kde AssociateX (
01:49.33da9000quick question: which program is the one I run (under KDE) to change KDM's settings ?
01:50.04mobtekkcontrol -> System Admin -> Login Manager
01:50.13da9000mobtek, thank you
01:50.21mobtekno probs, was just running it hehe
01:51.18da9000mobtek, heh. Is that were I can setit up so the KDM doesn't auto-launch on system bootup ?
01:51.32mobtekhmm nope
01:51.43mobtekjust take it out of the Xsession in /etc/X11 iirc
01:51.54da9000mobtek, i see.
01:53.33AssociateXI despise noatun
01:54.53AssociateXfor every audio file I click on, noatun pops up
01:55.04mobtekchange it in your file associations in konqi
01:55.17AssociateXwhen I try to shut it down it just goes to the tray
01:55.17sybox_mobtek no options there to stop running X so that i can install the nvidia drivers
01:55.32sybox_i mean in kcontrol->System admin etc
01:55.58AssociateXmobtek, did that, moved xmms up then saved, then noatun was at the top of the list again.
01:56.07mobtekAssociateX: heh weirdness
01:56.17mobteksybox_: then killall kdm :P
01:56.24mobtekthen install your new driver
01:56.27AssociateXmobtek, yes, but it's probably something simple though
01:56.31mobtekthen restart kdm heheh
01:57.03da9000mobtek, i think kdm will auto respawn
01:57.06*** join/#kde eean (
01:57.16mobtekda9000: no it won't :)
01:57.21mobtekI do that all the time :)
01:57.31da9000mobtek, ok, then it used to or something... thanks
01:57.48mobtekhe'll need to modprobe nvidia thought to get the new driver :)
01:58.12da9000the NV driver auto loads the kernel module after compuile
01:58.34mobtekyeah but he should be using the nvidia module not nv
01:59.06da9000that's what the NVidia driver installs (NV I meant NVidia, not ... didn't wanna type all that)
02:00.28da9000i'm outta here
02:00.31*** part/#kde da9000 (
02:00.40*** join/#kde safrican (
02:01.03safricanmy focus is messed up in kde 3.3.2 <-- i need to use mouse to switch windows, alt+tab doesn't work
02:01.07safricanany ideas ?
02:01.42safricanplease help
02:03.17mobteksafrican: hmm won't work if something other than the desktop has focus
02:04.12safricanmobtek: huh ?
02:06.40mobteklike if another app is covering the desktop where the mouse has focus
02:06.56safricanhow can i see if desktop has focus ?
02:08.59mobtekput the mouse over a clear piece of desktop then try using the scrollwhen and see if the desktop changes :)
02:09.40safricanum - it's not changing
02:10.21mobtekok set it in kcontrol
02:10.55safricanmobtek: yeah - i'm kinda new to KDE, i've been using xfce4/gnome for the past few years - kinda trying it out
02:10.55mobtekDesktop -> Multiple Desktops
02:11.10mobtekclick the Mouse wheel over desktop background switches desktop
02:11.25safricanyup done
02:11.38safricanbut it still doesn't help, i still need to use mouse to switch windows
02:11.43safricanalt+tab doesn't work
02:12.58mobtekhmm does your scrollwheel work in other apps at all?
02:13.19mobtekif not add Option "ZAxisMApping" "4 5" in your xorg.conf in the mouse device section
02:13.26mobtekthen restart xorg
02:13.42mobtekwith a small A though :P
02:16.59safricani have it
02:17.14mobtekhmm ok weirdness then if it isn't working
02:17.52safricannever mind it's working now
02:17.59safricani had it to use unix's defaults - not kde
02:18.05safricanand i fixed it and it worksk now
02:19.41mobtekhahah ok kewl
02:19.49safrican:) thanks for the help
02:20.28*** join/#kde Emma242 (
02:20.39mobtekno probs
02:20.42Emma242hi guys
02:20.58Emma242how do I edit the session list in KDM?
02:21.38mobtekin /etc/X11/Xsession Emma242 methinks
02:21.52mobtekif you add more than one session type in there and restart xorg it should show up
02:21.58Emma242it llooks for .xinitrc, but my edit wont work...
02:21.59mobtekbut never tried it heheh
02:22.14Emma242this is xinitrc:
02:22.19Emma242trying to add wmi
02:22.57mobtekhaha my .xinitrc is only exec startkde :P
02:23.14Emma242everyones seem to be
02:24.28canllaithmine is a bit longer lol
02:25.01canllaithgood god, that is one hell of an xinitrc
02:25.25mobtekhaha thats what you get for using SuSe :P
02:25.39Renzeholy sh!t
02:25.51Renzethat's kinda long
02:26.07canllaithhahaha although I do the same thing
02:26.10canllaithjust in a different way.
02:26.21canllaithI have .xinitrc-kde, .xinitrc-kdecvs .xinitrc-xfce4
02:26.30canllaithand just copy them over my .xinitrc if I want to change wm
02:27.34canllaithhahaha 'finally start thw window manager' FINALLY is right.. .wow
02:28.28canllaithyay new charger!!
02:28.37canllaithNow I can stop soldering my old one twice a day
02:30.16grepperEmma242, kdm does a TryExec on the desktop files in your your xsessions directory to see which ones are in the kdm dropdown list
02:31.01mobtekgrepper: ahhh I knew I was wrong on that one :P
02:31.17Emma242I added wmi there..
02:32.01grepperEmma242, what was the dir called ?
02:32.06eeanI'm trying to follow the directions in , but the "create or select imlementation class for: Mainbase" window does not pop up
02:32.16Emma242what dir?
02:32.29grepperthe sessions directory
02:32.54eeandoes kdevelop need extra stuff configured for the qtruby stuff to work right?
02:33.18grepperEmma242:  did you try KDEDIR/share/apps/kdm/sessions  ?
02:33.52Emma242dont have it
02:34.07Emma242only a pics dir
02:34.11grepperits /usr/share/apps/kdm/sessions here
02:34.26eeanha, never mind, I'd have to use the CVS version of kdevelop
02:34.46grepper/usr/share/xsessions ?
02:35.11Emma242looking in /etc/opt/kde3/share
02:35.29Emma242cant find anything in  /usr/share
02:35.36Emma242well not kde
02:35.47grepperwhere is your KDEDIR ?
02:35.48Emma242or sessions
02:36.15Emma242isnt it /etc/opt/kde3/share?
02:36.29RenzeEmma242: depends on your distro
02:36.49Renzethen I have no idea :)
02:36.58Emma242thats all i find
02:37.58grepperkde-config --prefix
02:38.32Emma242ok /opt/kde3, heading over there
02:38.57Emma242sessions found
02:39.31Emma242wierd files
02:39.51grepperyou found the *.desktop files with the TryExec ?
02:42.44Emma242what is Name[hi] etc?
02:43.33grepperlocalization stuff - other languages
02:44.44Emma242made an wmi.desktop
02:45.13*** part/#kde safrican (
02:45.48Emma242thanks alot grepper !!
02:45.56greppernp :)
02:47.34mobtekhehe everyone has kdm questions today hehe
02:47.40mobtekmust be something in the air
02:47.44mobtekor drinking water :)
02:48.19greppermy X in hoary is borked
02:53.43mobtekgrepper: doh
02:55.00grepperstrange, same xorg file as my debian box where it works perfectly
02:55.25*** join/#kde MrGrim (