IRC log for #kde on 20091101

00:00.12PovAddictyou can put launchers in a systray??
00:00.16sreichoneforall: a widget is e.g. a task manager, a folderview, etc etc
00:00.19oneforallcibaer yeah I liked that too in the right click it had the K menu to add it right there
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00:00.21cibaerme? not in systray
00:00.31cibaerin panel
00:00.45sreichPovAddict: no. plasma widgets can be embedded in the systray, but I think that is trunk atm...
00:00.50cibaerthat would be also in the kde4 quicklauncher
00:01.01cibaeralso..a nice feature..
00:01.03oneforallyeah kde3 right click on the kicker(now panel) :)
00:01.31PovAddictI think KDE has always called it panel
00:01.44PovAddictthe kicker was only the app-launching menu on the panel
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00:02.05oneforallwell kde to restart ir when it diapeared was  umm kicker & :)
00:02.34sreichand now it's plasma that hosts the panels, widgets etc
00:02.42sreichso plasma-desktop & restarts it
00:02.46sreichwell, starts it
00:03.04PovAddictis getting distracted here
00:03.10PovAddictquits some IRC channels
00:03.11oneforallwell its a habit for me to say it
00:03.41PovAddictbtw just closing my current wallet and moving the .kwl from my old kde3.5 system was enough, worked perfectly
00:03.43oneforalleven doing plasma-desktop I have to think of whatits called for that
00:04.00*** part/#kde PovAddict (n=nicolas@synecdoche/developer/povaddict)
00:04.10momesana_cibaer: a shame that bluetooth still doesn't work for kde4. It's a vital piece of software
00:04.12oneforallstill start typing kic<backspace>
00:04.23momesana_especially the bluetooth:/ sdp:/ protocols
00:04.25cibaerI don't know if it does not work in general
00:04.31cibaerfor me it did not work
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00:08.28oneforallhmm so is that the only way to get the clock to change, is plasma-desktop
00:08.47marcosRzI wonder if !kubuntu #netbook edition works kool on 10.1" WSGA screen, or should I go for a 'normal' kde?
00:08.57marcosRzI wanted to twit that
00:09.17oneforallI see i the setting panel in regions & language it changed there . but not the clock and not under date & time in the setting panel
00:10.47paul424also why you don't set the kde4.3 to be the fastest when installed out of the package ... than someone could use the bells and whistles if he want ... now I just played around with the settings and it works very nice ... before I prefered the gnome or xfce ...
00:11.05cibaeranother feature I really like to see in kde4 to set the clock from context menu
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00:12.10oneforallcontext menu you mean when you right click on the clock and it there. ?
00:12.13sreichpaul424: because people tend to be amazed by animations/"bells and whistles"
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00:12.52oneforallI miss that . always having to goto the setting panel is terrible
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00:13.43sreichcibaer: yeah, it is a bit out of the way..
00:13.49sreichcibaer: file a wish
00:14.09sreichmakes sense to be able to set the time from either the context menu, or in the widget's settings
00:14.14oneforallugh I removed it from the kicker and brought it back and its still on army time .
00:14.39cibaervote :)
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00:15.39sreichoneforall: did you restart plasma?
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00:16.03cibaermhm, would be a simple task
00:16.15cibaerperhaps I can work on this
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00:17.03oneforallsreich na I kinda hate doing it when it hasn't crashed . But I guess thats the only way. need to report that I gess
00:18.07sreichyes, I'm guessing it's because of the plasma time dataengine not being updated or something along those lines..
00:20.55momesana_cibaer: find out how to acquire root privileges in kde
00:21.03momesana_cibaer: I guess the rest won't be that difficult
00:21.09momesana_cibaer: maybe we can do that together
00:21.43momesana_cibaer: I haven't done any kde specific programming lately but I often program in qt
00:21.44oneforall$ plasma-desktop hmm thats didn't do it
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00:22.02sreichmomesana_: root privileges for what?
00:22.08momesana_sreich: for setting the clock
00:22.19paul424ehem how do I disable the folders preview from the desktoip ?
00:22.30oneforallyeah iirc kde3 it did that asked for the root passowrd
00:22.38momesana_sreich: changing the date requires root priviliges ... try using "date" as a normal user ;)
00:22.48sreichmomesana_: that's easy
00:22.55sreichsame way syssettings does it
00:22.59momesana_sreich: nope. I mean from within an application
00:23.11cibaerit is possible to have 2 kde4 installations? and easily switch between them? also from kde3 sessions (using programms from different kde4-versions)?
00:23.11momesana_sreich: I don't think systemsettings uses kdesu
00:23.17sreichsystem settings is an application
00:23.20oneforallyeah the app whould have to use kdesu
00:23.34cibaerfor now I don't want to switch to trunk
00:23.46oneforalllike super user konsole does :0
00:23.48momesana_sreich: yes, but kdesu starts a new process with admin priviliges as far as I know
00:24.13momesana_sreich: you want to elevate an existing process into super user mode
00:24.19sreichmomesana_: system settings does use kdesu, indirectly or otherwise
00:24.28momesana_sreich: I am not familiar with the systemsettings code but it's hard to belive that it works with kdesu
00:24.32sreichme neither
00:24.35momesana_sreich: how you know?
00:24.41momesana_sreich: I really doubt that
00:24.50sreichbecause kdesu pops up with an indirect command
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00:25.49momesana_sreich: you are right
00:25.54cibaerha, thats cool: in kde4 I can open the time kcm, and are asked for root pwd when I want to apply
00:25.55momesana_sreich: ugly
00:25.58cibaerthats nice
00:26.03oneforallwell konsole super user uses kdesu , cltrl+alt+F1 :)
00:26.04sreichmomesana_: the command that it runs is, yeah :)
00:26.12sreichbut other than that it's nice
00:26.20sreichcibaer: yep
00:26.22oneforalluser editor does too
00:26.29sreichmost kcm's tend to do that
00:26.43momesana_sreich: I think it is not possible at all to assign a user process root privileges after it has been started but I am not sure
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00:27.39sreichmomesana_: yeah, I don't think so either, but the command it runs is external
00:27.42sreichit seems
00:29.09momesana_sreich: in kde3 there seemed to be a way to elevate the process into superuser mode
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00:29.33momesana_sreich: "seemed" which doesn't mean that it was really so
00:30.10momesana_cibaer: actually it would be enough to put a button in the clock applet that activates the system settings dialog with the date and settings widget
00:30.37momesana_cibaer: is that possible using dbus?
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00:30.52shepherdHeya, I have a lame question: The icons on my desktop, I can barely read the text beneath each one because the text is white with a faint black shadow,  is there a way to change the color of that text?
00:30.55cibaerdon't know, have to take a look
00:31.09momesana_cibaer: it be good to ask on kde-devel
00:31.27sreichmomesana_: through dbus? why?
00:31.27cibaeror look on other places how it is done
00:31.33sreichthat sounds liek a complete hack
00:31.47momesana_sreich: well, applications should talk to each other through dbus
00:31.50paul424hi how do I speed up the konqueror ?
00:31.56momesana_sreich: as they did through dcop in kde3
00:32.03sreichmomesana_: yes...when it's needed..
00:32.29sreichbut that implies that the system settings dialog that has the data and settings kcm is always running
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00:32.34sreichwhich doesn't make any sense
00:32.46sreichjust run it yourself
00:32.51momesana_sreich: yes, didn't think about that
00:32.52sreich(in code, I mean)
00:33.12momesana_sreich: what if a systemsettings dialog is already open?
00:33.48sreichdbus, dcop, etc. are meant for IPC, meaning 2 > processes have to be alive for it to work (well there is a wake/execute when needed, but that's a separate thing)
00:33.49momesana_sreich: actually one should look if there is a systemsettings dialog open first, if not start one, then set it to the preferred date and time settings dialog
00:34.48paul424hi how do I speed up the konqueror ?
00:35.14momesana_paul424: why? is it too slow?
00:35.36paul424takes ages to open a fresh window from desktop
00:35.39sreichmomesana_: the kcm is not exposed to dbus btw...
00:35.55momesana_sreich: hm
00:35.59sreichanyways, the kcm is likely just a frontend for some time-adjusting lib..
00:36.04momesana_paul424: you have to find out why this is the case
00:36.31momesana_paul424: there is actually nothing you can do to speed up an application like konqueror except hacking on its code and finding bottlenecks
00:36.42momesana_paul424: on my box it's pretty fast
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00:37.06momesana_paul424: it takes less than a second to open a window after I click on the konqueror icon
00:37.26momesana_paul424: fractions of a second
00:38.11lokomoko BLASPHEMY! A theme for kde!
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00:38.34lokomokoHas the world gone mad!
00:38.47oneforallok I did a kill -9 3982 then plasma-desktop
00:38.50momesana_paul424: you mean it is fast when you start it via console and slow if you do it otherwise?
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00:39.50momesana_paul424: very very strange
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00:40.10momesana_paul424: what about starting it via Alt + F2
00:41.13paul424if there woud be a way to debug that ... instead I see only a bougncing coursor
00:41.19paul424the alt f2 does not work
00:41.49momesana_paul424: what? if you press alt + f2 the run dialog doesn't appear?
00:42.06momesana_paul424: a run dialog should appear where you can type in konqueror to make it start
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00:43.00paul424yeah kill me,. but thats not working ... also after choosing the runner from the main menu I get
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00:43.19paul424it after a few seconds ....
00:43.30momesana_paul424: something seems to be seriously wrong with your kde it seems
00:44.50momesana_paul424: maybe it's better to log out, move your .kde settings directory to .kde.backup and then start kde to get a fresh configuration. If everything works then ... it might have been something wierd with your configuration. You can revert to your old config files by deleting the new .kde dir and moving back your .kde.back directory
00:45.25paul424ok thanks
00:45.53momesana_paul424: what version of kde are you using anyway?
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00:46.41sasallihello. how can i change font size of windows, desktop etc. thanks!
00:46.59sasalliKDE 4.3.2
00:47.12sreichSystem Settings->Appearance->Fonts
00:47.27paul424MonsieurHibou: I use KDE 4.3.2
00:47.39paul424momesana_: upps I mean you
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00:47.42sasalliaha, Thanks sreich!
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01:02.17psypointerwill kde 4 support seperate x screens anytime or isn't this feature planned?
01:02.31psypointer(xinerama doesn't work with composite, so i have no eyecandy here :( )
01:03.05sreichuse twinview
01:03.11sreichif you have nvidia
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01:12.46psypointeruhm wtf sreich
01:12.52psypointerthats exactly what i needed
01:13.06psypointersreich: thanks, but whats the difference between twin view and dual view with xinerama?
01:13.28psypointer(i worked almost 1 year without composite because i thought that it isn't supported with 2 displays :S)
01:14.20sreichidk, I think it's an nvidia thing
01:14.29sreichthey "deprecated" xinerama
01:14.31sreichI guess
01:14.45psypointerhm, so it is a nvidia driver feature, not a default xorg feature
01:15.18FoxBlitzzHow come PowerDevil sometimes fails to grab the backlight level (therefore setting the backlight to 0% every time the power profile changes or I drag the slider)?
01:15.44FoxBlitzzThe xbacklight utility works fine
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01:16.54FoxBlitzzThis doesn't always occur. Most of the time on boot, it is able to see the backlight and interface with it
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01:18.51shepherdSigh, anytime any application does anything related to audio it puts my master volume to 0...
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01:37.00paul424makmanalp: ok now it works well thanks
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01:44.58psypointerokay, good bye guys!
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01:45.49paul424hmm so quiet here, because of the helloween ?
01:46.51PhrkOnLshmore likely because it is saturday night
01:47.07PhrkOnLshthough halloween probably compounds int
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01:54.48paul424PhrkOnLsh: do you have any idea how I can customize the size of the icons at the toolbar of konqueror ?
01:55.11sreichpaul424: right click
01:55.22PhrkOnLshpaul424: right click -> icon size
01:57.24white_pelicanis there a poker game available on a par with the old kpoker?
01:57.56paul424hehe thats amazing how sometimes you are failing at simple things :\ hmm anyway big thanks
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02:03.15paul424also is there a way of restoring the defualt main menu  structure ? I mean the entries ... ?
02:03.50paul424also suppose I want to run some command just after the desktop starts, where should I put it ?
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02:11.20sreichpaul424: for the latter, SystemSettings::Advanced->Autostart
02:11.44sreichpaul424: default menu structure? you mean so Kickoff looks like the classic one? right click it and select classic, provided widgets are unlocked
02:12.22paul424no I just lost the entries ... now the development label is empty
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02:53.31oops6_4Hi can anyone tell me how big is KDE source code if I check out from svn
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02:54.40PhrkOnLshoops6_4: you don't want to check out all of kde
02:56.00oops6_4PhrkOnLsh: actually I just want to check out Kate source code how do I do it just want to start fixing some bug there. how do I do this
02:56.11PhrkOnLshoops6_4: checkout the kdesdk module
02:56.31oops6_4PhrkOnLsh: ok will do that thanks has the details
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02:59.36oops6_4PhrkOnLsh: to work with this code I have to have kdevelop is it so ?
03:00.01PhrkOnLshjust cmake, gcc and the build dependencie
03:00.09PhrkOnLshkdevelop is just iciing on the cake
03:00.28maazuno kdevelop?
03:00.42PhrkOnLshyou don't need it.
03:01.17oops6_4PhrkOnLsh: so just QT and cmake will do that work, It means I can use QT Creator too
03:01.39PhrkOnLshwatching a movie, bll
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03:03.24oops6_4PhrkOnLsh: ok thanks
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03:24.37Moulthow do i make it such that links from external programs eg: kopete, quassel, etc open in my existing konqueror window in a new tab instead of opening a new window?
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03:29.53xdan779Moult: under konq settings -> configure konqueror -> General checkmark the box called open as tab in existing konqueror when url is called externally of note this is under version 4.3.1
03:30.06Moultxdan779: i already have that checked.
03:32.18Moult <-- just testing
03:33.01xdan779Moult: that is the correct option to do that, I am not sure it there is a differant way of setting that
03:33.14Moulthmm, well it's still not working. oh well.
03:33.20Moultswitches back to Firefox.
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03:37.30yao_ziyuannext time kde can use something like this:
03:37.51yao_ziyuanthe window decoration is Aurorae
03:37.59oops6_4I checked out the kdesdk from svn the as per the README file I tried compiling it as cmake but its give this error  then I tried cmake -G Kdevelop3 but still won't work please tell me how do I compile kdesdk
03:38.06yao_ziyuanthe window buttons aren't original, of course.
03:38.15yao_ziyuanbut this is the best so far
03:38.25sreichnot imo
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03:38.38sreichthere's one that I like more in Aurorae..
03:38.59sreichthe "glowglass" one
03:39.00yao_ziyuansreich: which?
03:41.19yao_ziyuani see.
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03:49.34oneforallah crap this happens too much to go back to click on that darn peanut or the destop or another app , and the darn thing snaps back to the old spot O.o
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03:53.15oops6_4I checked out the kdesdk from svn the as per the README file I tried compiling it as cmake but its give this error  then I tried cmake -G Kdevelop3 but still won't work please tell me how do I compile kdesdk
03:53.20oneforallkonq file manager mode is there a way to resize  the right/left tabs bar ? I'd like to cut the width down
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03:57.18paul424is there such feauture that, if I say I have high contrast wallpaper then the kde chooses to colour of the font for each icon, so that it is readable ?
04:07.16sugoiis there a mp3 player owned by kde? i know amarok used kde, but is it the kde de facto mp3 player?
04:07.49Moultsugoi: amarok joined kde i think. just use it.
04:08.16sugoii'm happy to use it - just looking for opinions i spose
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04:11.10genuHey I'm trying to modify a plasmoid...and i'm supposed add a few lines to the code... ...where is the file I need to modify though?
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04:27.20oneforalldarn mow I can't get konq to use mplayer instead of gmplayer.
04:29.27oneforallIOts not letting me add it to the file association and when I right click I don't see the check box the save it either
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04:30.34oneforallright click<open with>mplayer then the check box
04:30.55detriageis there a way to turn off slide hovers on panel popups?
04:31.45sreichdetriage: what do you mean?
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04:33.32genuHey I'm trying to modify a plasmoid...and i'm supposed add a few lines to the code... ...where is the file I need to modify though?
04:33.46detriagesreich: the desription hover popup on plasma panels.
04:33.56sreichthe tooltips?
04:34.03detriagesreich: its annoyingly laggy and i just noticed why.
04:34.13detriagesreich: yeah, tooltips.
04:34.28sreichtask manager widget settings
04:34.45oneforallRemember application association for this type of file
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04:35.22detriagesreich: where?
04:35.36sreichright click the task manager widget
04:37.42detriagesreich: act. believe it or not its the tooltips on launchable application items in panel.
04:38.25detriagepanel-wide tooltips.
04:38.34sreichyou can also do System Settings->Desktop..
04:38.45sreichAll effects->Sliding Popups(0)
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04:39.11sreichthink that turns off their slideyness
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04:42.47oneforallerr again a pain to get it back to quickview and even then its not the same.
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04:52.14oneforalldarn searh bar is so small in width .
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05:09.12Hell-Razoranybody know what may cause the error "undefined symbol: _ZN9QListData7detach3Ev" i googled around with no help. heres an output of the error
05:09.58PhrkOnLshHell-Razor: someone was in here yesterday asking about that, i think
05:10.17PhrkOnLshbut I don't have my logs around to give you any hekp :(
05:10.35Hell-Razorauh damn
05:11.18Hell-Razorall i can see is it may have to do with qt and kde
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05:17.55oops6_4PhrkOnLsh: Hi I checked out the Kdesdk but not able to compile kate has some error are there any dependencies which I have to 1st install and then compile
05:18.31oops6_4PhrkOnLsh: its showing some errors with ui files
05:18.37PhrkOnLshoops6_4: many you shouldn't have to compile, they should be available for your distro..
05:18.48PhrkOnLshoops6_4: but this is a problem for #kde-devel I think
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05:35.34oneforallhmm rc3 why not get 4.3.2 . it needs a couple patches thou kdesu-allow_NOPASS_in_suauth.patch.gz and  kdelibs-4.3.2-mutex.diff.gz
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06:10.10PhrkOnLshis kwin tabbing featured for 4.4 or after?
06:10.28lmurrayPhrkOnLsh, 4.4
06:10.37PhrkOnLshlmurray: thanks :-)
06:10.39lmurrayWe are almost at a merge to trunk
06:10.52PhrkOnLshlmurray: that is looking like an awesome feature ;)
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06:11.27PhrkOnLshhas too many konqi windows with too many tabs ;)
06:11.31lmurrayAs long as you know exactly what it's used for
06:11.41lmurrayIt's not a WM-based application tabbing
06:11.49lmurrayIt's window tabbing
06:12.09lmurrayWhy everyone thinks it's the former I have no idea
06:12.18PhrkOnLshwait, explain that to me
06:12.39lmurrayYou will not be able to have applications open new "tabs" in the decoration
06:12.43PhrkOnLshwindows tabbing->one tab per applications?
06:12.53lmurrayBut you will be able to merge two windows to have the same geometry at all times.
06:13.16PhrkOnLshis confused
06:13.21PhrkOnLshdigs up the planet posts about it
06:14.11lmurrayIn Konqueror if you open a new page in a new window it will open a new floating window. If you want that to appear in the decoration tabs you must manually drag it there
06:14.17PhrkOnLshand watches konqi segfault
06:14.28PhrkOnLshlmurray: yes, i know that
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06:14.50lmurraySo as long as you don't expect windows to automatically be added to the decoration tabs then it's fine :)
06:14.59lmurrayMany people think they will automatically be created
06:15.13PhrkOnLshlmurray: no, i understood that
06:15.21PhrkOnLshlmurray: will it persist across sessions, though?
06:15.22lmurrayThen you're fine :
06:15.28lmurrayAtm no it's not
06:15.30lmurrayHaven't written that yet
06:15.37lmurrayIt's on the TODO though
06:15.44PhrkOnLshthat would be the cream on top :)
06:16.49PhrkOnLshthanks lmurray
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06:23.13oneforalllmurray talking about konq(file manager mode) how do I get it back to opening a wmv with mplayer and not the old netscape plugin.
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06:24.00lmurrayI'm not the person that you should be asking. I don't use Konqueror
06:25.31oneforallI never had this much trouble with konq in kde3 . its too much dolphin :(
06:26.11hagabakaugh, why does konqueror freeze/crash on so many websites?
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06:28.26oneforalldunno but kde3 konq is much better
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06:37.05oneforalleven the download popups are gone now .
06:38.48PhrkOnLshkonqueror in kde4 is AGES ahead of konq3.
06:40.12GNU\colossuswhile that's true, it could be better still
06:40.35PhrkOnLshsure, and so could $foo
06:40.42PhrkOnLshwhere $foo is anything
06:41.55oneforallwell considering all I used to do easier isn't working to well and lots are missing that not ages ahead that behind
06:42.22oneforalland this strigi thing is like a bug I want to stomp on
06:44.24PhrkOnLshoneforall: then disable it?
06:47.42oneforallwell it comes from this what looks like i and I right click on that and it gives me the option to remove the tray
06:48.12oneforalland I really hate I can't clcik now and have the video in mplayer .
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06:50.56oneforallerr frustrating . things that get in the damn way and now again searchign to turm it off
06:51.35PhrkOnLshoneforall: strigi?
06:52.11PhrkOnLshgrr what's wrong with my network?
06:52.17sugoiis there a hotkey (or hotkey-able action) to switch from the editor to the konsole window in kdevelop?
06:57.25oneforallyeah it was in the tray and that what was indexing all the downloads. and then a popup that stuck to the kicker panel that stacks 1 on top of the other and gets in the way. can't move them ot min. its in my way now could see to type all of minamize and guessing right now
06:57.25*** join/#kde thomasj_ (
06:57.51PhrkOnLshoneforall: what version of kde are you on
06:58.24PhrkOnLshright click the (i) go to systray settings and uncheck popup notices for file transfters and other jobs
06:59.01oneforallyeah i got that and there is one stuck there now
06:59.12oneforalland the i is gone now O.o
06:59.43PhrkOnLshbrb, debugging network
07:00.07oneforallerr now I unchecked the rest and kmix doesn't show and norrow to expand it
07:00.39oneforall1 running jon(0 seconds remaining
07:03.38oneforallerr got it got the i back clicked in it then it reduced it . now to get rid of that
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07:04.20oneforallahhh as soon as you right click it brings that back up ahhhh
07:04.44oneforallok right click on the left of it O.o
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07:46.57shadeslayerhi im thinking of checking out kde svn,can someone point me to a guide which builds it in such a way that i can choose between my stable KDE and KDE svn from kdm?
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07:48.33shadeslayerPhrkOnLsh: can you point me to the exact link?
07:49.25PhrkOnLshwonders if the search function is broken
07:50.10PhrkOnLshyou create a seperate user for trunk, log in using that user and, yeah, stuff happens
07:50.36shadeslayerPhrkOnLsh: bad stuff :P
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08:46.29PasNoxhello all
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08:50.33schmukkk2_how do i sync between computers?
08:50.36schmukkk2_kdepim stuff
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09:12.01robert_I minimized the plasma desktop wallpaper chooser thing and now the taskbar won't do anythnig
09:12.26robert_oh nevermind
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09:50.24Debian-userIs anyone here?
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09:51.02pinotreejust ask your question, don't ask "anybody here"
09:51.55Debian-userHow would i install new wallpapers manually? Downloading from
09:52.04Debian-userWhere would i paste?
09:52.12Debian-userIn /usr/share/wallpapers ?
09:52.31pinotreefor example, yes
09:53.28*** join/#kde gardintrapp (
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09:56.31Debian-userpinotree: I get only , Constantine form /usr/share/wallpapers,
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09:56.56Debian-userpinotree: Though i have downloaded from system settings>get new wallpapers
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09:57.34pinotreelocally downloaded wallpapers go to ~/.kde/share/wallpapers, as a simple user cannot write by default in system locations
09:59.09Debian-userpinotree: What's the shortcut key to see hidden files? , CTRL+H doesn't work i dolphin
09:59.30pinotreeview → show hidden files?
09:59.45TorchDebian-user: alt + .
10:01.01*** join/#kde Yemmi (
10:02.36Debian-userIs there any shortcut key to go to the desktop? CTRL+ALT+D is the shortcut key for gnome desktop.
10:03.17soa2iiCan I somehow access KDE3 KWallet-Data with KDE4 KWallet?
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10:05.02DumbleHello world !
10:05.24TorchDebian-user: see system settings -> keyboard and mouse -> global keyboard shortcuts. mainly kwin and plasma.
10:06.24gkiagia_soa2ii: yes, you can either import the kde3 kwallet data file or even replace the kde4 one with the kde3 one
10:08.11Debian-userpinotree: And if i want to manually install theme , where would i download theme from
10:08.21pinotreewhich kind of theme?
10:09.06Debian-userpinotree: Desktop theme like aya, oxygen etc
10:09.24soa2iigkiagia: Where do I find the KWallet-File?
10:09.33soa2ii.kde # find . -name "*wallet*"
10:09.37soa2iireturns nothing
10:10.00pinotreewhy searching as root?
10:10.11soa2iipinotree: I just got a root shell open
10:10.33Debian-usersoa2ii: Which linux distribution?
10:10.49pinotreeor ~/.kde4, depending on the distro
10:10.57soa2iiwtf... the file isn't there any more
10:11.20pinotreeDebian-user: right click on the desktop → desktop settings → look
10:11.31gkiagiamake sure you are not searching in root's home
10:12.24Debian-userpinotree: Where are those theme copied/installed?
10:12.38Debian-userpinotree: In /usr/share/kde4/apps ??
10:12.58Debian-userpinotree: It's plasma theme
10:13.08pinotreei told you above: a simple user cannot write int system locations.
10:13.09Debian-userpinotree: I want to install manually.
10:13.27gkiagiauser data always goes to ~/.kde/share
10:13.42pinotreeuse plasmapkg
10:14.42Debian-usergkiagia: Yes, got here: .kde/share/apps/desktoptheme
10:15.12*** join/#kde MadAGu (
10:15.29Debian-userAlso got here: /usr/share/kde4/apps/desktoptheme
10:15.39pinotreeDebian-user: <pinotree> use plasmapkg
10:15.46pinotreeit is a command
10:16.49Debian-userman plasmapkg : No manual entry for plasmapkg
10:17.07pinotree--help is still there
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10:43.12maurimy amule has download bandwith set to 36.... there is not possible to enance remains always set to 36
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10:45.08Torchmauri: quick googling seems to suggest amule is a wxwidgets app. how is it then related to kde?
10:46.22pinotreeTorch: correct
10:49.29mauriTorch: i not able to givew te maximum bandwidth
10:49.42Torchmauri: wrong channel to ask that.
10:50.20mauriTorch: soyy, do you know if is there a dedicated channel for amule?
10:50.29Torchmauri: no
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10:52.26shadeslayermauri: there is, #amule
10:52.46maurishadeslayer: tnk i have found it just now
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11:21.52bicyclerepairmanCan I get kmix to let me turn bass down and treble up?
11:22.34Torchbicyclerepairman: it's a mixer, not an EQ...
11:23.15bicyclerepairmanI need an EQ. is there a good one for KDE?
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11:31.14muep__would like an equalizer for pulseaudio
11:33.11shadeslayermuep__: alsamixer in a console?
11:33.41muep__what would that accomplish?
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11:33.54shadeslayermuep__: equliaser for PA
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11:34.07muep__kmix is a quite fine interface for the alsa mixers
11:34.17muep__though it seems to ignore the one offered by pulse
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11:34.58muep__which is a bit annoying, since the pulse one has a lot wider range of volumes
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11:38.43jospoortvlietanyone bored and interesting in doing some helping out by reading and commenting on an upcoming dot article? join #kde-promo for a sec and help out!
11:38.56jospoortvlieta request for review for the following articles:
11:39.15jospoortvlietany comments welcome.
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11:45.49shadeslayerjospoortvliet: You are not authorized to access this page.
11:45.58shadeslayeron the 2nd link
11:46.10jospoortvlietsrry fixed in a sec
11:46.34jospoortvlietshadeslayer: should work now
11:46.42jospoortvliettnx for taking time to have a look!
11:46.44shadeslayeryeah :)
11:46.47*** join/#kde ceu (n=ruut@
11:47.03jospoortvlietany comments are welcome, really, it's no rocket science to review an article...
11:47.04shadeslayerjospoortvliet: the first pic on the first link doesnt work
11:47.38jospoortvlietshadeslayer: darn copy-pasting. fixed.
11:47.53spatulaHi. Is there a command-line method for changing a KDE theme? (I want a high contrast theme and cannot see using the current theme to do this via the GUI.)
11:48.59jospoortvlietspatula: probably by changing the appropriate config files. Most likely to be found in ~/.kde/share/config
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11:50.15spatulaOkay, I'll take a look.
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11:51.37spatulaOkay, there's quite a few files in there. Any hints as to which ones I should look for?
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11:55.34jospoortvlietspatula: sorry, no idea...
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12:13.07renardHello. I got this error ( when trying to compile kdebase-workspace 4.3.2... Anyone can help me ? Found nothing in google.. kdesupport, kdelibs, kdepillibs, kdebase and kdebase-runtime went fine.
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12:14.29neverendingospatula: it is in kdeglobals, section "General" -> widgetStyle
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12:22.45renardOk, I found it. I was missing kdelibs-experimental... But anyone can explain me what it is ?
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12:47.38GNU\colossushow can I add a SSL/TLS CA root cert so that all of my KDE4 applications accepts certificates signed by that CA as valid?
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13:03.52bicyclerepairmandown the left hand side of dolphin there's a box with some often used locations. How do I set this up and add other directories there?
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13:06.28jospoortvlietbicyclerepairman: drag and drop folders or use right mouse button on the items.
13:06.59bicyclerepairmanOh yeah!
13:07.03bicyclerepairmanthat's handy
13:07.07jospoortvlietbicyclerepairman: it's shared between all KDE apps (but you can also make items private for a certain app, eg have kate show your documents but digikam not)
13:07.08bicyclerepairmanI'm loving KDE 4.
13:07.16jospoortvlietbicyclerepairman:  :D
13:07.36bicyclerepairmandramatic applause and cheers to the creators!
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13:09.39bicyclerepairmanand dolphin had tabbed browsing! wow!
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13:20.23linopolusWhats the kde app to rip audio cds?
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13:22.59Fri13linopolus: you can do it with Dolphin
13:23.10Fri13linopolus: just type "audiocd:/" to address
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13:23.51linopolusah thx
13:23.54Fri13select the folder by the format you want and copy files to place where you want them.
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13:48.09nomopofomowondering if you guys were aware that when i use the google shortcut, google gives an error
13:48.18nomopofomoin konqueror
13:49.00mondinisorry, krunner disappeared
13:49.57mondinidoes anyone know how to make plasma-desktop autostart again at login?
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13:50.10mondiniI'm running kde trunk
13:50.28mondiniand I have to do it everytime
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14:05.50uffocan anyone knows how to avoid Kopete to load everytime that akonadi thing?
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14:07.15RichiHis there _any_ way to selectively disable plugins?
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14:08.01RichiHi want to nuke flash in konqui, but not java. of course, i could create a new konqui-specific directory and soft-link accordingly, but...
14:08.19mnajibUnable to create io-slave: klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_http'
14:08.21RichiHand no, i do not want to disable flash on all browsers, just on my main one
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14:13.30breakerfallI'm having trouble enabling compositing in kde 4.3.2 on my desktop machine. Compositing is working fine (in Xfce4) on the same machine.
14:13.40breakerfallany ideas where I can start trying to debug the problem?
14:13.51breakerfallI have the same version of kde on my laptop, with the same xorg config
14:13.53breakerfalland it works great
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14:15.31breakerfallthe settings window tells me "Compositing is disabled"
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14:15.40breakerfallbut it shouldn't be (and isn't when I run xfce)
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14:19.42uffocan anyone knows how to avoid Kopete to load everytime that akonadi thing??
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14:21.41panoare there any news about the KDE git movement=
14:22.13EvilGuruAre there any plans to make spell-checking in Kate more intelligent? So using knowledge of the file type to avoid false positives
14:22.23Sho_pano: subscribe to the buildsystem ml and read the archive, all the news will be there
14:22.41Sho_short answer: no real news, going slowly
14:23.00EvilGuruFor example, in .html files all of the tags and attributes can be ignored and in .c files only comments need to be checked
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14:23.05panoSho_: ok, thanks^^
14:23.14Sho_err not buildsystem list
14:23.18Sho_the scm list of course
14:23.30Sho_isn't fully awake yet
14:23.53panoah thanks :-D
14:24.25Sho_the last real thing that happened was that on GCDS there was a BoF where many TODO items etc. were identified
14:24.38Sho_and then after GCDS, not much has happened on those TODOs afaik ...
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14:28.33panoSho_: I found this "KDE moving to Git plan" the status column seems pretty "empty"^^
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14:30.57uffocan anyone knows how to avoid Kopete to load everytime that akonadi thing?? What developer do with akonadi in future (kde 4.4, 4.5) ? do they force to use akonadi in future releases or can be plain text used too optionally ?
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14:37.56ealexpcan I uninstall desktop effects in KDE ?
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14:40.34DexterFplasma-desktop is eating 70% CPU, just bootet, nothing running. how do I spot the culprit?
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14:41.00georgioushey guys
14:41.08georgiousI've just installed karmic koala
14:41.21georgiousbut I have accidentally misplaced the.. task bar
14:41.28georgiousand I dunno how do get it back to normal
14:41.36georgiousI wil make a screenshot
14:41.44breakerfallDoes anybody have any idea why KDE is showing "compositing is disabled" in the desktop effects settings? Note that if I logout and log into Xfce, compositing works fine
14:42.16breakerfallgeorgious, go into the widgets selection window and disable the task bar. The re-create it.
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14:43.10breakerfallI have an Nvidia card, by the way - with working compositing, but on this fresh install of KDE, it's disabled and will not let me start it.
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14:43.32Debian-userIs anyone here ?
14:43.38breakerfallwhen I attempt to "enable desktop effects", KDE spits the following error: Failed to activate desktop effects using the given configuration options. Settings will be reverted to their previous values. Check your X configuration. You may also consider changing advanced options, especially changing the compositing type.
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14:44.17georgiousbreakerfall: thanks, that worked
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14:44.39Debian-userWhat's the pdf viewer for kde? Is it kpdf ?
14:44.44bicyclerepairmanDexterF: see if X is using the right driver. If you have a decent GPU then it will offload that stuff from the CPU.
14:44.58bicyclerepairmanDebian-user: it was in KDE3.
14:45.05bicyclerepairmannow I can't remember what it's called.
14:46.03DexterFbicyclerepairman: RSSNow: guilty.
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14:46.21bicyclerepairmanDexterF: what does that mean?
14:46.26DexterFremoved, it, 0.5 load
14:47.00bicyclerepairmanI'm not following...
14:47.05icwienerDebian-user: In KDE4 it is Okular.
14:47.22DexterFrssnow was the plasmoid that caused the cpu load of 70%. I removed it, now cpu load is normal.
14:47.25bicyclerepairmanthat's it, okular. I'll go ahead and install it now.
14:47.42breakerfallreally, does nobody have any idea how I can get compositing working?
14:47.45bicyclerepairmanAh, I see!
14:47.58bicyclerepairmanbreakerfall: depends on your distro
14:48.07Debian-usericwiener: Yes,but it's a image viewer.
14:48.17pinotreeicwiener: no
14:48.37bicyclerepairmanif I understand correctly, you need DRI to use compositing
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14:49.12pinotreeicwiener: (ops, sorry)
14:49.18pinotreeDebian-user: no, it is the document viewer
14:49.31breakerfallbicyclerepairman, why does it depend on the distro?
14:49.47breakerfallbicyclerepairman, I have compositing working on other desktop environments, but KDE won't let me enable it
14:50.16bicyclerepairmanis that so
14:50.24bicyclerepairmanare you on gentoo?
14:50.28breakerfallyes indeedy
14:50.34bicyclerepairmanthen you need the xcomposite use flag
14:50.43bicyclerepairmanI had this problem
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14:50.59bicyclerepairmanI believe so, anyway...
14:51.06breakerfallbicyclerepairman, I'll check now, thanks
14:51.25breakerfallwonder why it wouldn't have it enabled by default and just allow the option to be set in settings?
14:51.34breakerfallif I'm going to have to compile kde again... :(
14:51.54bicyclerepairmanthat sucks.
14:52.05bicyclerepairmanI've compiled it like four times now
14:52.41bicyclerepairmanbut before you do,
14:52.57bicyclerepairmansee if there's anything else you want to enable while you're at it.
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14:53.23breakerfallbicyclerepairman, just double checked my make.conf and I already have that use flag in there
14:53.29breakerfallso I don't think that's the issue
14:53.38bicyclerepairmanlet me check my flags.
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14:54.10bicyclerepairmanhere are my X/qt/video related flags.
14:54.20bicyclerepairmanUSE="kde qt3 qt3support qt4 mng -gnome \
14:54.35bicyclerepairmando you have all of them?
14:54.51breakerfalland then some
14:55.10breakerfalllike I said, compositing works fine in XFCE... but I tested KDE4 on my laptop and it works nicely
14:55.30breakerfallso I installed it on my desktop, but compositing doesn't work. I can logout and back in to xfce, it works.
14:55.50bicyclerepairmanthat's nuts!
14:55.57bicyclerepairmanI really don't know the answer...
14:56.21bicyclerepairmanare you using the latest version in portage?
14:56.42bicyclerepairmansame as me...
14:57.07breakerfallI've noticed aswell, window placement is a bit bizarre (I'm on a dual screen setup)
14:57.45bicyclerepairmantwinview or xinerama?
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14:58.33breakerfallagain, the placement is fine in xfce, but it's a little weird in kde - kwin handles that, right?
14:58.42bicyclerepairmanI think so.
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14:59.29breakerfallI'd try dropping back to a previous nvidia driver, but the version of xorg I have installed is dependent on it :/
15:00.19bicyclerepairmanyou are using the binary bloblet, not the opensource one, right?
15:00.37bicyclerepairmanyou could ask in #gentoo-kde...
15:00.42breakerfallI'm a tad fedup of portage to be honest
15:00.44bicyclerepairmanabout the compositing...
15:00.51breakerfallgood point
15:00.54bicyclerepairmanI know what you mean
15:01.06DexterFcan I make the control bar "locked" like in kde3? I'd like to set the borders for the plasmoids myself
15:01.12breakerfallif this doesn't sort it, I'm calling it a day and moving to Arch. It's been 6+ years now, I'm tired :(
15:01.33bicyclerepairmanDexterF: yes.
15:01.48DexterFbicyclerepairman: well - how?
15:01.51bicyclerepairmanright click on desktop and choose "lock widgets"or something
15:01.58DexterFlemme try...
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15:02.18bicyclerepairmanbreakerfall: have you used arch before?
15:02.32bicyclerepairmanwhat's it like?
15:02.44bicyclerepairmanI've heard of several gentooers moving to arch
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15:03.04breakerfallbicyclerepairman, I have
15:03.08breakerfallit's on my laptop
15:03.16breakerfallah the joys of binary packages :p
15:03.36bicyclerepairmanI don't know about that...
15:03.45breakerfallI only stuck with gentoo as long as I did, because I like IT, not the package management... I like how it does things, how it's all layed out
15:03.47bicyclerepairmanI like to have them compiled and tuned etc etc
15:04.02breakerfallyou really believe there's any difference in speed? :D
15:04.13breakerfallthere used to be, but no longer, trust me.
15:04.37bicyclerepairmanthere is on my other computer :)
15:04.39breakerfallI would rather install firefox and open office in 2 minutes, than spend much longer waiting for them to compile. There's no speed benefit to doing that anymore
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15:05.09breakerfallthe only real benefit of source package management is, like gentoo, use flags. Defining dependents, etc
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15:05.46DexterFis there a "seperator" widget so I can confine the amoutn of space a plasmoid can take?
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15:06.21bicyclerepairmanDexterF: on the panel you mean?
15:06.28DexterFbicyclerepairman: yes
15:06.29sreichDexterF: in 4.3 you can add a spacer
15:06.37pierrethdo you know a cli to do a logout?
15:06.39DexterFsreich: can't find that.
15:06.59DexterFkde 4.3.2
15:07.05sreich"Panel Spacer"
15:07.24KefooHi all. I'm running 4.3.2 on Debian. I don't have the screensaver set to autostart, yet it still does, and it's keeping the display from going into power save. Any ideas?
15:07.28sreichyou can also go to the panel settings configuration and click "Add Spacer"
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15:11.44DexterFsreich: that's another plasmoid? happen to know if that's a standard one? don't see it here.
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15:21.15sreichDexterF: dunno. but did you find the add spacer option on the panel config?
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15:22.13DexterFsreich: duh. yes, now. it'S not in the context menu where I expected it.
15:22.15DexterFwonder why.
15:22.29sreichwhy would it be in the context menu?
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15:22.48DexterFwhy not?
15:22.52DexterFuh.. what ..
15:23.02sreichwhy not isn't a justification
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15:23.06DexterFhow do I conf itds width?!
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15:23.25sreichin the panel configuration..
15:23.32DexterFweeps silently
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15:23.40sreichDexterF: settle down..
15:23.51sreichif you find the outer edges of the spacer you can see it changes to a resize cursor
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15:25.35uffoan anyone knows how to avoid Kopete to load everytime that akonadi thing?? What developer do with akonadi in future (kde 4.4, 4.5) ? do they force to use akonadi in future releases or can be plain text used too optionally ?
15:25.39DexterFyes, and then I moved it left of the window list but it wouldnt let me place it there.
15:25.47DexterFok. i gotta run, fumble some more with it later
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15:29.21bicyclerepairmanSuraj: HELLO!!
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15:31.57liveusernaina ka man kah raha hai ki missing hi sahi par isko karke dakh
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15:32.42mokolokoliveuser: wtf? :D
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15:40.15soulchildAny news on kde ?
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15:42.40uffoNews like how to avoid Kopete to load everytime that akonadi thing or how to disable folder preview plasmoid?
15:43.16sreichuffo: you can disable the folderview widget's preview in it's settings dialog..
15:43.52sreichjust as you can with dolphin
15:44.24uffosreich: where i have searched everywhere but that folder preview is really annoyng
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15:46.51uffosreich: that annoyng thing that pops up on folders
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15:47.33sreichdon't think it can be disabled yet
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16:27.15litbhello all
16:27.21litbis there a raining effect for kwin?
16:27.28litbi loved that one with compiz <3
16:27.36sreichyeah, me too ;)
16:27.43sreichI think there's only snow
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16:28.26litbalright. if the slow would at least fall onto me and get stuck on the screen a bit it would be fun. but it only falls down :O
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16:44.20GNU\colossushow can I interface with a managesieve-enabled server (dovecot) with kmail?
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17:14.58_Pug_hi, can anybody tell me why kde always starts kmail at startup as soon as any groupware connection is configured ?
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17:21.53nomopofomoTrying to figure out how to automount an NTFS volume in KDE4, any ideas?
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17:26.50junkDawgienomopofomo: install the Device Manager plasmoid, and use it instead of Device Notifier.
17:28.13nomopofomojunkDawgie: that plasmoid will let me automount?
17:28.26nomopofomoand by automount i mean the partition will be usable without me having to click on it
17:28.59junkDawgieit should mount the volume with whatever your default permissions for ntfs are... usually read-only
17:29.18junkDawgieyes, it will mount automagically
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17:30.53nomopofomosounds to me like it's not what i'm looking for
17:31.19junkDawgieusb drive?
17:31.32sreichnomopofomo: why not?
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17:32.24nomopofomosreich: i'm trying to get the same functionality of the drive being ready at login. i.e. the program will edit fstab for me
17:32.47nomopofomoi thought junkDawgie was being sarcastic
17:32.55nomopofomoguess not?
17:33.14sreichwhy would he be sarcastic about that?
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17:34.43sreichmeh, it's a pretty common term
17:35.39nomopofomoso this plasmoid will edit the fstab?
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17:39.03nomopofomohow else can it automount?
17:39.45Half-LeftIt mounts when you click the device
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17:40.01junkDawgienomopofomo: if you want a permanent fstab entry and don't want to manually edit, you could use a graphical tool called ntfs-config (as root) if your distro has it.
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17:40.31nomopofomoit does but do you want to hear something absurd? i'm using kde and i don't want to mix with gtk
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17:41.04paul424what is the defualt kde4 console ? the Konsole does not works
17:41.39troypaul424: "konsole" is the kde default - and I've never seen a system where it didn't work - what's happening?
17:42.23paul424ohh ok small letters
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18:31.46wilsI'd like a link on my desktop that opens konsole up. The prompt I'm given there I want to be in a particular directory.
18:31.51wilsdo you think it can be done?
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18:33.25sreichwils: what directory is that?
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18:34.59wilsin /home/sam/dev/
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18:35.28sreichkonsole -e cd ~/dev
18:35.45pinotreekonsole --workdir ~/dev  ;)
18:36.00sreichpft, whatever
18:36.12pinotreepatpats sreich
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18:38.11MichouSalut tout le monde
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18:38.49MichouA la connexion, plasma n'était pas démarré / avait (déjà) planté (?)
18:39.24MichouHello there
18:39.30sreichhi :)
18:39.46MichouDoes someone know where are the kde / plasma log files ?
18:40.26aptmethinks /.xsession-errors is quite common
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18:54.12kavurthi guys. I have two kubuntu computers. when i plug in a pen drive, one of them mounts it automatically, the other doesn't. And the one which automatically mounts, doesn't allow me to unmount it using GUI. I can unmount using konsole. The one doesn't mount automatically allows to unmount using GUI. what should I do? why do they behave differently?
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19:06.36rogersman1hi...could someone please tell me if it possible to autostart a torrent download? Cant i just specify a default download directory and be done with the confirmation box? thanx
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19:08.19nomopofomothis is terrible! :( i can't figure out how to install this stupid plasmoid... i can make it fine... installs fine... but how do i use it?
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19:10.58Torchrogersman1: ktorrent --help
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19:14.08rogersman1Torch: sorry what i mean is, for example, click "download torrent" from mininova -> ktorrent starts confirmations...
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19:14.34rogersman1"ktorrent --silent" does not product this behaviour for me
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19:17.12ceudolphin doesn't seem to use inotify when the actual directory is a symbolic link
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19:20.37Torchrogersman1: strange. it does for me.
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19:25.42rogersman1oh...bugger...well at least I know what to do now...time for some creative googling....cheers Torch
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20:03.47NakkelWhere can I find information about creating custom protocol handlers for KDE/Konqueror? IIRC you could create a .desktop file to ~/.kde/share/services in KDE3 but its all fuzzy as I whacked around that area years ago :P
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20:29.28rogersman1Can someone please tell me how to bind extra keys for 5-button mice in kde? thanx
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20:46.45PhrkOnLshrogersman1: man xmodmap
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20:54.03rogersman1PhrkOnLsh: hmm, i was hoping to avoid more xorg modding as firefox already registers the extra buttons, oh well, cheers anyway
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21:01.03PasNoxbye all
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21:01.25vadiWhy some of my konsole repeat the pressed key more slower than other konsole?
21:01.58vadiIt should use the same configuration and so use the same delay to repeat key pressed
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21:16.27k4can someone point me how to enable plasma netbook shell ?
21:16.32k4i cant find any option
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21:19.02cb400fthere's supposed to be systemsettings module in 4.4
21:21.08cb400fk4: ^
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22:04.19tominglisi've got kde 4.3.2 on kubuntu 9.10 - i am only able to run kgpg as root, is there something wrong?
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22:12.17Torchtominglis: obviously yes
22:12.41tominglisTorch: :) do you know what it could be?
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22:13.05Torchtominglis: my crystal ball is in the shop this week ;-) pastebin the output when you run it as user from a shell.
22:14.36tominglisit gives no output
22:14.49tominglistominglis@Achilles:~$ kgpg
22:15.03tominglisif i try to run it on konsole or yakuake
22:15.32tominglisbut if i click on the icon i get a box in the tray for a few seconds and then nothing loads
22:15.47tominglisif i do ps -e while the box is there kgpg is one of the processes
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22:16.39shepherdIs there a direction to view removeable storage? like media:/
22:17.11Torchtominglis: sounds bad. in my karmic vm, it starts and runs okay. i don't know what else to say right now... you could strace it but that might get tedious.
22:17.13tominglisthat's what it says in yakuake when i run as sudo, and then the tray icon appears and i can use the applicationa s root
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22:17.39Torchtominglis: might be a permission problem with one of its config files...
22:18.55Torchtominglis: what does find $HOME/.kde/ -uid 0 produce?
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22:26.38tominglisTorch: do you have any suggestions? which files should i check the permissions of?
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22:28.06hagabakais there a way to let okular save pdf comments that can be displayed in adobe reader?
22:28.39hagabakacan any other linux program do that?
22:30.06hagabakaadobe website says the pdf file needs to be "enabled" with "Adobe LiveCycle™ enterprise server and design software"
22:31.30hagabakait also says that needs to be done to "save the PDF file to a local hard drive" too...another forum says Okular comments cannot be seen by other PDF readers "unless you print it to PDF", but I did that, and they're still not showing
22:32.02pinotreethat other forum is wrong too, we cannot print user-made annotations
22:33.16hagabakaso are okular comments only viewable in okular? are there any standards for the many other programs that can annotate PDF files?
22:34.09pinotreeokular comments are viewable only in okular because okular (or better, the library okular uses) does not support editing the annotations of the documents
22:34.27pinotreeyes, they are part of the pdf standard
22:34.33pinotreeno, they are not easy to alter
22:35.51hagabakaeven adobe reader doesn't let me put says "document rights" must be enabled, and I probably can't do that
22:36.11pinotreeadobe reader is a reader, not an editor
22:36.20pinotreeyou need full acrobat for that
22:36.25hagabakait does have the comment toolbar, but it doesn't let me enable it
22:36.37pinotree(full acrobat = €€€ or $$$)
22:36.58PhrkOnLshpinotree: not enough money symbols. It's an adobe product, remember?
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22:38.25ghabitHello. Does KDE have browser with webkit?
22:38.32ghabitAdvise me please.
22:39.22ghabitAny webkit browser on qt4 maybe?
22:39.34hagabakakonqueror can use webkit, but on my version at least it is still buggier than the "webkit-only" browsers like Arora, Chromium
22:39.44crazy_petei never could get webkit to compile, i had to disable it
22:40.19crazy_petesome crap about "don't know how to make 'p'"  Obviously a typo in a makefile,. i wonder who let THAT get past release! :)
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22:40.50ghabitJust curious, using konqueror, works good.
22:40.51crazy_petes/never could/on 4.5.3 couldn't/
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22:54.48ghabitI have amarok 2.2 crashing at startup, anyone know how to fix it?
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23:04.26harolddongCan someone tell me how the strigi indexing is actually supposed to work?  I'm running with the sesame backend on kubuntu karmic.  when I enable indexing it chugs away over and over on th same few folders repeatedly and then disables itself with no erros or anything.  It does index some things but not at all.
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23:17.09kolla - what's up with the grouping lines of the "plastique" style?
23:17.55kollagroup borders... whatever one call  them
23:18.54Torchkolla: groupboxes.
23:19.14pinotreegood question, i had that since recently as well
23:26.11kollathe crystal-SVG icon theme also seems broken
23:26.39Sho_fwiw, Plastique is actually part of Qt rather than KDE
23:30.49kollanot much to be done there
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23:47.13kollawonder what the heck's going on here...
23:50.39PhrkOnLshkolla: probably a bad config; it's not hurting you though, so I wouldn't go pounding through random things.
23:56.04kollahere for some reason there are lines
23:56.07troykolla: that looks like a rendering glitch - that icon is supposed to be animated (gear is spinning), but instead of displaying just the first frame, it's displaying them all
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23:57.18kollatroy: ah, hehe, ofcourse :)
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23:58.24kollaI need to restart X11 to see if it fixes the font renedering...
23:58.31troykolla: and not sure about the second one - I have no line here if I stack the toolbars
23:59.14troythat reminds me - chrome has a better integrated location bar than konq - sure we have inline search, but you need to know to type gg: first, which isn't exactly obvious
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