IRC log for #ldstech on 20110319

00:06.12CIA-95ims: lundjr * r1809 /trunk/web/src/ (15 files in 7 dirs): CONNECT-715 ContactService now uses ConnectUser.
00:08.03CIA-95ims: lundjr * r1810 /trunk/web/src/test/java/org/lds/connect/service/contact/newContact/ CONNECT-715 Cleanup of NewContactFacadeTest.
00:37.46*** join/#ldstech sshaw (
00:38.32CIA-95stack: uresksj * r4948 /ide/eclipse-build/trunk/ Removing unused dependency.
00:49.04CIA-95stack: uresksj * r4949 /ide/tasks/thirdparty-updatesites/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
00:49.05CIA-95stack: STACK-3256
00:49.05CIA-95stack: Adding the XQDT site to our list of mirrored repos.
00:51.39CIA-95ldstech: timriker * r375 /trunk/joomla/ (2 files in 2 dirs): show ldsaccount id on project member list
00:53.47CIA-95stack: uresksj * r4950 /ide/eclipse-build/trunk/ (6 files in 3 dirs):
00:53.47CIA-95stack: STACK-3256
00:53.47CIA-95stack: Adding XQDT as an optional install.
01:01.58CIA-95stack: uresksj * r4951 /ide/eclipse-build/trunk/ ( release.txt): Cleanup
01:20.40CIA-95ldstech: timriker * r376 /trunk/joomla/ (4 files in 4 dirs): alternate projectadmin
01:28.32CIA-95stack: youngstrommj * r4952 / (26 files in 21 dirs):
01:28.32CIA-95stack: STACK-3252
01:28.32CIA-95stack: STACK-3254
01:33.58CIA-95ldstech: timriker * r377 /trunk/joomla/ (2 files in 2 dirs): jira and wsvn links
01:38.15CIA-95ldstech: timriker * r378 /trunk/joomla/components/com_talentpool/views/projects/tmpl/default.php: separate
01:45.35CIA-95ldstech: timriker * r379 /trunk/joomla/components/com_talentpool/views/joinproject/tmpl/default.php: header
01:53.22CIA-95ldstech: timriker * r380 /trunk/joomla/components/com_talentpool/views/joinproject/tmpl/default.php: wsvn on project page too
02:46.16CIA-95bsir: kathryngz * r3448 /trunk/web/ (area_office_purchasing.php includes/ProductOrderTable.php): pr
02:46.30CIA-95ldstech: Hankyusa * r21905 /wiki/Meetinghouse_Internet_benefits: /* For members */ added Duty to God
02:46.56CIA-95ldstech: Hankyusa * r21906 /wiki/Meetinghouse_Internet_benefits: /* For members */
02:47.45CIA-95ldstech: Hankyusa * r21907 /wiki/Meetinghouse_Internet_benefits: /* For members */
03:58.07CIA-95ldstech: Knaptonks * r21908 /wiki/Brown_bag_sessions_(meetinghouse):
04:13.33*** join/#ldstech smootar_ (~smootar@
04:13.39*** join/#ldstech josephscott (~josephsco@
04:44.58*** join/#ldstech smootar__ (~smootar@
04:53.10*** join/#ldstech smootar_ (~smootar@
08:47.38*** join/#ldstech CIA-112 (~CIA@
13:20.19CIA-112scriptures: sirbryan * r2774 /iphone/trunk/scriptures_iphone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Added quotes to User paths
15:50.16CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3449 /trunk/web/ (4 files in 2 dirs): generate pr, edit storehouse
16:19.45CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3450 /trunk/web/ (4 files in 3 dirs): bishop's order validation
16:29.13CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3451 /trunk/web/storehouse.php: bishops' order
16:37.46CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3452 /trunk/web/assets/scripts/storehouse.js: bishop's order
16:43.20CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3453 /trunk/web/ (assets/scripts/storehouse.js storehouse_donated_labor.php): bishop's order
16:50.30CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3454 /trunk/web/storehouse.php: bishops' order form
16:56.29CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3455 /trunk/web/assets/scripts/storehouse.js: order detail
17:08.56CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3456 /trunk/web/assets/scripts/storehouse.js: ward stake dropdown validation
17:28.16CIA-112ims: jenkinset * r1811 /trunk/web/src/main/ (4 files in 4 dirs): CONNECT-691: More work on view layer: fixed worm; created an additional NewContactForm field to persist unit name across validation errors.
17:38.22CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3457 /trunk/web/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
17:45.56CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3458 /trunk/web/ (3 files in 2 dirs): don labor validation, order comm bulk addition
17:55.34CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3459 /trunk/web/ (3 files in 2 dirs): don labor
17:56.14CIA-112ldstech: Starkjs * r21909 /wiki/Brown_bag_sessions_(meetinghouse):
17:59.15CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3460 /trunk/web/ (3 files in 2 dirs): gen pr
18:08.39CIA-112gcv: davidweiss * r82 /trunk/Conference/ (3 files in 2 dirs): removed some logging
18:12.30CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3461 /trunk/web/ (3 files in 2 dirs): pr form, validation on unit dropdowns
19:54.12CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3462 /trunk/web/storehouse_donated_labor.php: edit donated labor_date
20:18.08CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3463 /trunk/web/ (assets/scripts/storehouse.js storehouse_donated_labor.php): validation
20:44.53CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3464 /trunk/web/assets/scripts/storehouse.js: validation
21:02.12CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3465 /trunk/web/ (3 files in 2 dirs): validation; add s/h (unit number not saving)
21:06.08*** join/#ldstech techgurufloyd (~Adium@
21:30.49CIA-112bsir: kathryngz * r3466 /trunk/web/ (area_office_storehouses.php assets/scripts/storehouse.js):
22:10.39CIA-112bsir: timriker * r3467 /trunk/db/ (17 files): eol
22:10.50CIA-112bsir: timriker * r3468 /trunk/db/ (18 files): eol
22:14.39CIA-112bsir: timriker * r3469 /trunk/db/ (SchemaChange-1.12.sql SchemaChange-1.13.sql): typos
22:29.44CIA-112bsir: timriker * r3470 /trunk/web/includes/Recordset.php: quotes

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.