IRC log for #n950club on 20131211

12:24.18*** join/#n950club infobot (
12:24.42jussiooh DocScrutinizer05 is the man today :)
12:24.52*** mode/#n950club [+v infobot] by ChanServ
12:25.06jussiDocScrutinizer05: command character is ! ?
12:25.13smokexhe had the foresight to register this chan 2 years ago
12:25.18DocScrutinizer05~chanadd #n950club
12:25.18infobotJoining #n950club...
12:25.41infobot[op] a wallet
12:25.58smokexoh its a supy
12:26.18DocScrutinizer05~wtf wtf
12:26.53infobotAll conversations are logged to Lines starting with spaces are not logged. Logs are updated daily.
12:27.36MFaro-TusinoThanks DocScrutinizer05 for helping us out :)
12:27.40*** topic/#n950club by DocScrutinizer05 -> #N950club | chanlog at
12:27.59DocScrutinizer05MFaro-Tusino: yw
12:28.32DocScrutinizer05~+chanset #n950club
12:28.32infobotchan: #n950club (see _default also)
12:29.14DocScrutinizer05~+chanset #maemo
12:29.14infobotchan: #maemo (see _default also)
12:29.50DocScrutinizer05~+chanset #n950club factoidSearch $chan #maemo _default
12:29.50infobotSetting factoidSearch for #n950club to '$chan #maemo _default'.
12:30.01infobotmethinks multiboot is, or **DEPRECATED*, see ~maemo-multiboot
12:31.00DocScrutinizer05would you please try opping yourselves?
12:31.17DocScrutinizer05hint: /msg chanserv op
12:31.52DocScrutinizer05hint: /msg chanserv help op
12:32.06infoboti guess op is a wallet
12:32.24DocScrutinizer05infobot can't op you
12:32.33DocScrutinizer05chanserv does that
12:33.08*** mode/#n950club [+o smokex] by ChanServ
12:34.28*** mode/#n950club [+o MFaro-Tusino] by ChanServ
12:34.30smokex/cs op #n950club
12:34.45DocScrutinizer05chanserv doesn't listen to attention-chars. infobot listens to ~ only
12:34.52DocScrutinizer05and to highlights
12:34.58MFaro-Tusinowooo - I feel priviliged now haha
12:34.58DocScrutinizer05infobot: botsnack
12:34.58infobot:), DocScrutinizer05
12:36.03DocScrutinizer05smokex: I got me convenient user cmd definition in my client for that
12:36.04smokexso our chanserv doesn't have the extensions
12:37.00DocScrutinizer05there are bots that are set up to have +o in a certain channel and thus can op other users
12:37.11DocScrutinizer05I don't like to grant +o to infobot
12:37.51DocScrutinizer05particularly since it's freenode's chanserv that's supposed to handle all that
12:38.25smokexI know quite a lot about irc but wanted to try it and see if our chanserv accepted the commands properly
12:38.51DocScrutinizer05/cs help
12:39.31smokexI have service bots set up on channels on other networks to +q me and what not
12:40.42smokexwhen I send the command
12:40.54smokexI usually stay down though
12:41.45DocScrutinizer05>>Don't keep channel operator privileges. <<
12:41.55DocScrutinizer05>>Use channel operator privileges sparingly.<<
12:42.12*** mode/#n950club [-o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
12:42.38smokex/cs deop #n950club
12:42.45*** mode/#n950club [-o smokex] by ChanServ
12:44.00*** mode/#n950club [-o MFaro-Tusino] by ChanServ
12:44.34*** mode/#n950club [+o ZogG_laptop] by ChanServ
12:44.42*** mode/#n950club [-o ZogG_laptop] by ChanServ
12:47.59*** part/#n950club MFaro-Tusino (
12:48.16*** join/#n950club MFaro-Tusino (
12:50.11smokexI wonder how many of those 4000 N950s actually made it out to people
12:50.20smokexand how many stayed at Nokia
12:51.08DocScrutinizer05prolly nobody knows
12:51.55MFaro-Tusinowell I got 2, and you got one, and a friend of mine has 3, another with 2, thus 3992 left unaccounted for :p
12:52.25smokex17 in this channel with who knows how many :P
12:52.47DocScrutinizer05I know ChanServ and infobot don't have a single one
12:53.02smokexshhhh don't make them feel bad
12:53.13infobotACTION starts crying and hides from docscrutinizer05 in the darkest corner of the room. :(
12:53.26smokexhahaha :D
12:53.45smokexI can't stand the bots that randomly answer questions with gibberish
12:54.41smokexthere is a help channel for a p2p client I work on and people ask questions for issues like incorrectly configured firewalls, the bot makes a smart ass answer then the user immediately leaves
12:54.52DocScrutinizer05she doesn't say anything unless attention char or highlighted
12:55.55DocScrutinizer05except for an occasional "I'm here, courtesy DocScrutinizer05" on joining
12:56.52smokexhah :D
13:01.18jussiMFaro-Tusino: smokex, I can just flash sailfish straght over my existing nemo?
13:01.47MFaro-Tusinorecommend you rm -rf everything buy boot-orig and lost+found but yes
13:01.55DocScrutinizer05please edit topic to your liking. But keep chanlog note and maybe add a URL to a website that's your "home"
13:02.57DocScrutinizer05best practice for /topic: separate items with " | "
13:03.01smokexjussi you don't actually flash sailfish atm.. we haven't created a bin
13:03.20smokexyou just extract a tar on to a partition
13:03.36MFaro-TusinoDocScrutinizer05: When does it log?
13:03.42jussismokex: ahhh!
13:03.46DocScrutinizer05alas only once a day
13:03.57MFaro-TusinoCool :)
13:04.12MFaro-TusinoOnly because I noticed it wasn't created yet
13:04.31DocScrutinizer05yeah, infobot is lazy on updating the html logs
13:05.38DocScrutinizer05if you want to create new factoids, please consider prepending them with channame, similar to
13:05.49DocScrutinizer05~literal multiboot
13:05.49infobot"#maemo multiboot" is ", or **DEPRECATED*, see ~maemo-multiboot"
13:06.06jussitries to remember where he knows DocScrutinizer05 from
13:06.37DocScrutinizer05no idea
13:07.56jussiwere you staff? ubuntu something? hrm...
13:10.12smokexlooks like he's active on mer
13:12.29smokexwtv 808 pureview extended life battery x 6 + external charger x 5
13:14.38smokexDocScrutinizer05: I think battery charging issues would be a kernel level issue right?
13:15.14smokexso mer would be where the problem lies for the N950 battery not charging
13:22.28DocScrutinizer05hmm, in N950?
13:22.46DocScrutinizer05I think it's using a pretty custom specially patched BME
13:22.58MFaro-TusinoBME is Nokia
13:24.51DocScrutinizer05however see my work done for USB hostmode in N9(50), I checked the battery management chip, identified it and controlled it in a way that's pretty similar to fremantle bme alternative
13:26.05MFaro-Tusinohostmode was never achieved right?
13:27.23DocScrutinizer05nope, full hostmode never been achieved
13:32.35DocScrutinizer05you can charge using something similar to (google for it)
13:32.49DocScrutinizer05not exactly kernel issue
13:36.21DocScrutinizer05jussi: you either know me from openmoko or from maemo
13:36.39jussiprobably maemo.
13:37.24jussiMFaro-Tusino: so... I just delete everything in the partition and extract the vgrade thing there, right?
13:38.30MFaro-Tusinodon't delete boot-orig or lost+found
13:38.39MFaro-Tusino(not necessary but just nicer)
13:40.23jussihrm, Where Im looking at doesnt seem to have either of those...
13:40.59jussior will those be on harmattan side?
13:41.23jussiIm looking at the nemo partition, as automounted by ubuntu
13:54.28MFaro-Tusinonvm then
13:54.43smokexDocScrutinizer05: I'm guessing you don't have an N9/50 any more right?
13:55.05DocScrutinizer05glares at his N9 and N950
13:55.12smokexohh :D
13:55.33smokexwill you help us hack at this thing some more?
13:55.51smokexI'll have a working image out soontm
13:56.01DocScrutinizer05sorry, no. I get eczema when touching that thing
13:56.28DocScrutinizer05trustzone infested
13:57.58DocScrutinizer05MeeGo 1.2  version 1.2011.22-6_PR_RM680
13:58.04DocScrutinizer05and that won't change
13:59.01DocScrutinizer05later versions successively locked down the thing and you can't downgrade to earlier versions
13:59.28MFaro-TusinoI just flashed from that yesterday to boot sailfish
13:59.38DocScrutinizer05this version still had a loophole to truly root the shit
14:00.31DocScrutinizer05honestly I'm not willing to bother with the HARM devices anymore. They are flawed on a very basic hw level (namely xloader)
14:02.25DocScrutinizer05xloader will lock down "CAL" (or whatever they call it on that platform) when you boot anything kernel that's not signed by a valid Nokia signature
14:12.53MFaro-Tusinowell i figured nobody was fiddling with it anymore so I may as well use it :p
14:19.11DocScrutinizer05smokex: that's only half the truth
14:20.13DocScrutinizer05check TrustZone and ROMBL and HS-platform (HighSecurity)
14:20.33DocScrutinizer05ROMBL will only load xloader that has correct signature
14:21.05DocScrutinizer05so on N950 you can only use the xloader signed by nokia made for N950
14:21.23DocScrutinizer05and THAT xloader is nasty
14:22.05DocScrutinizer05you can't replace or patch or fix it
14:22.47smokexwhat was CAL
14:23.01DocScrutinizer05and obviously you can't change the ROM-BootLoader or the public key it uses to verify x-loader
14:23.44DocScrutinizer05CAL is a part(ition) of NAND (at least on N900) where all sorts of device parameters are stored
14:23.48MFaro-Tusinoonly thing I know about CAL was that it caused the warranty warning when you flashed kernels
14:24.22DocScrutinizer05yes, also a flag "warranty void2 can get set there by x-loader
14:24.29DocScrutinizer05or by NOLO
14:24.34jussiand sailfish booted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
14:24.35DocScrutinizer05or even by kernel
14:25.26DocScrutinizer05and you can't clear it since as soon as you load a kernel that would allow you to write to CAL what you want, the CAL partition is already locked
14:26.03DocScrutinizer05that's why you can't change device lock code in HARM with openmode kernel
14:26.12DocScrutinizer05device lockcode is stored in CAL
14:27.19smokexwell... looks like my burning platform ambience theme is almost ready to go
14:27.40MFaro-Tusinojussi: :D
14:29.19MFaro-Tusinoi'm out of here - bed is calling my name. Thanks for the help and great chat DocScrutinizer05:
14:29.31MFaro-Tusinosmokex: I'll talk to you in the morning :)
14:29.37smokexkk :)
14:29.49jussibah, n950 needs a big simcard... :/
14:30.15DocScrutinizer05jussi: do NOT use micro->mini SIM adapter!!
14:30.34jussiDocScrutinizer05: why not?
14:30.36DocScrutinizer05it will lock up in the slot-in mech and destroy it
14:30.48jussieven if I tape it up?
14:30.57DocScrutinizer05your own peril
14:31.13DocScrutinizer05I heard of at least 5 destroyed N950
14:31.39jussiok :D
14:32.03DocScrutinizer05the contact springs lock up in the gap between card and adapter
14:32.13smokexyeah I heard that too
14:32.40jussithanks for the early addvice
14:32.55DocScrutinizer05you can recover from this by insering a *thin* stiff plastic between the upper surface of card/adapter and the tray, to unlock the contacts
14:33.25DocScrutinizer05forcing card out of slot is destroying the tray, fatally
14:35.24DocScrutinizer05btw there's abig warning about that in the N950 user manual that shipped printed paper with the device
14:35.47jussikeeps bootme off the network...
14:37.01jussiI cant seem to use wlan - does that mean it doesnt work with wpa?
14:43.46smokexI use wpa
14:44.48jussistrange, just didnt work with the elisa box. plugged ina spare router, works now.
14:47.50jussibtw, that vgrade version, will it work with n9 also?
14:50.38*** mode/#n950club [+o jussi] by ChanServ
14:50.58smokexDocScrutinizer05: how locked down is it? harmattan is still able ot communicate with hardware in open mode
14:51.08*** topic/#n950club by jussi -> #N950club | chanlog at | Images: |
14:51.17*** mode/#n950club [-o jussi] by ChanServ
14:57.08smokexso we should be able to send and recieve messages with the battery for instance
15:02.58jussiis jolla store and harbour passwords the same ?
15:06.34smokexnot sure
15:12.47jussiargh, guess the store isnt available... :/
15:12.50jussioh well
15:13.14jussi2 year old just stole the phone.... :/
15:14.23jussinow then, got it back
15:15.32jussiooh, now store works :)
15:16.39jussior rather, "kinda works"
15:18.30jussihrm, guess the system update isnt a good idea...
15:22.25smokexit pulls in jolla device specific binaries
15:22.49smokexwait for my tar :)
15:22.54jussiyeah, figured there would be something like that  :D
15:22.58jussiI will :D
15:23.16jussifrustrating that I cant add apps
15:23.22jussithe downloads fail
15:24.28jussiand I thought close was from the top and right was minimize, hrm...
15:25.26jussialso, Im getting some white noisefrom the speaker on occaision. not sure how normal that is
15:32.31smokexyeah the off screen gestures are rotated
15:32.49smokexI think its a config file somewhere that messed up
15:33.17smokexthe white noise happens on the jolla device
15:33.35smokexand yes its annoying
15:34.11jussiok, good to know these are know issues
15:35.36jussiI guess there is no hope of store working...
15:35.51smokexit will eventually
15:35.57DocScrutinizer05jolla store :-o
15:36.22jussithe android apps would make my day :D
15:36.40jussigoes to see if he can find gestures config file...
15:37.46smokexI already tried changing /var/lib/environment/compositor/60-n9-n950-ui.conf
15:37.55smokexso thats not it
15:38.49jussiok, Ill keep that in mind, thanks
15:50.44smokexthat looks promising
15:51.52jussihrm, not really :/
16:05.34jussiok, so not sure where it is, but in meego it was provided by mcompositor
18:17.01*** join/#n950club npm (
18:52.40ZogG_laptopDocScrutinizer05: and you are here :P
18:53.01ZogG_laptopjussi: store works?
18:53.22ZogG_laptopdid you updated? used image or it was fixed on their side?
18:54.23*** join/#n950club HtheB (57d3a04c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:57.50valdur55smokex: i have also github account. valdur55
19:11.05HtheBso, any news smokex ?
19:30.52ZogG_laptopjussi: ?
19:44.40HtheBZogG_laptop: ?
19:45.14valdur55HtheB: ?
19:45.55valdur55irw: cat /etc/udev/rules.d/92-n770.rules
19:49.52HtheBsup with that
19:50.07vgradereads todays backlog
19:50.34HtheBi wanna know what the status is of the image
19:50.37HtheBfor n950
19:54.49infobotrumour has it, up is the opposite of down
19:54.52infobotop is probably a wallet
19:57.03RzR!op me
20:02.38*** join/#n950club roope (
20:04.01vgradecan anyone add to topic, thanks
20:05.26RzRor we should put it all on
20:14.22vgradeRzR: that link in topic
20:14.47vgradeRzR: ok here
20:22.20npmvgrade: thanks. looking forward to using at some point. but i'm confused about what happens from "flash to n950" and "sudo tar --numeric-owner -xjf vgrade-sailfish.tar.bz2 -C /mnt" steps
20:26.31RzRhi npm
20:26.37RzRcant flash it yet
20:26.42RzRjust unpack it
20:27.36RzRnpm, this worked for me
20:28.49HtheBsomehow, your website loads very slow
20:30.00npmRzR.. sorry being "thick"... so you mount a minimal image device over USB and then use tar to unpack the rest of the OS?
20:32.46npmbut thanks RzR, vgrade and everybody else involved for all the work and documentation
20:36.52vgradenpm: good page here with background
20:37.27vgradereplace occurences of nemo.tar.bz2 with sailfish.tar.bz2
20:38.11vgradealso good links on first post at
20:40.12RzRHtheB, define slow , months ? years  ?
20:40.51HtheBworks now though
20:41.20DocScrutinizer05[2013-12-11 21:05:26] <RzR> or we should put it all on
20:41.52RzRhi bro
20:42.03DocScrutinizer05links to random locations in the intarwebs which may vanish any time are always a PITA
20:42.13RzRlike ?
20:42.57RzRtoo bad we did not backuped it into maemo / tizen or elinux
20:43.12DocScrutinizer05or like all the links in tmo to the various pastebins
20:43.42HtheBlol @
20:43.55DocScrutinizer05maemo considered a community asset now and quite warranted to never vanish completely
20:44.28RzRbtw are any of you going to tizen
20:44.33DocScrutinizer05Falk and me taking care about proper backups of everything
20:44.33ZogG_laptopRzR: do you use this image from wiki?
20:44.33RzRto fosdem
20:44.59RzRZogG_laptop, i used nemo one , did not test sf ones
20:45.07RzRZogG_laptop, would made my own from .ks
20:45.18ZogG_laptopRzR: did you update?
20:45.19DocScrutinizer05while we are talking about proper backups... are YOU the guys who are hogging skeiron last two days? ;-D
20:45.22RzRnot yet
20:45.28RzRwas busy on something else
20:45.36ZogG_laptopi have something between and :)
20:45.40RzRi wait you guys to fix the store :)
20:45.56ZogG_laptopRzR: jussi claied to have store
20:45.57RzRand i want to port my app to sfos 1st
20:46.03ZogG_laptopthat's what i wait for too
20:46.11RzRZogG_laptop, i installed a couple of app not more
20:46.18RzRDocScrutinizer05, no i am not
20:46.23ZogG_laptopi could install only one
20:46.32RzRthe doc one IICR
20:46.37ZogG_laptopand i got yandex store
20:46.49ZogG_laptopbut without android support :\
20:47.11RzRi dont care of android
20:47.18ZogG_laptopme iether
20:47.18HtheBRzR: i do :)
20:47.23ZogG_laptopjust was poking around
20:47.26DocScrutinizer05completely unrelated awesome stuff:
20:47.31HtheBI want a couople apps
20:47.33ZogG_laptopHtheB: than buy n5
20:47.36HtheBlike my banking app
20:49.02HtheByou mean nexus5
20:49.54ZogG_laptopDocScrutinizer05: you are hw maniac
20:50.20HtheBpiggz: whats that
20:50.43ZogG_laptopare you familiar with CAM modules for TV and diablo CAM or T-REX CAM ?
20:50.58DocScrutinizer05ZogG_laptop: c'mon, a complete linux system incl WLAN and a uSD slot in a standard size SD card is *awesome*
20:51.26ZogG_laptopDocScrutinizer05: it is
20:52.22ZogG_laptopbut CI+ and CAM modules are interesting too
20:52.40DocScrutinizer05to crack
20:53.18DocScrutinizer05and no, I don't know much about those
20:53.45DocScrutinizer05I.E. I never used any encrypted sat TV
20:54.19DocScrutinizer05currently I don't use DVB-S at all, didn't switch on my receiver since >1 year
20:54.43ZogG_laptopi bought tv with slot
20:54.54ZogG_laptopans dvb-s inside
20:55.08DocScrutinizer05I don't even know if mine has any, prolly not since it has no sat tuner
20:55.15ZogG_laptopnot sure if i should buy programmable am
20:55.24ZogG_laptopas they costy
20:55.58DocScrutinizer05-> #sat
20:56.48ZogG_laptopthere is one person there :P
20:58.57HtheBnot anymore
20:59.03DocScrutinizer05yeah, strange. No matter which channel you enter, there's always at least one person ;-)
20:59.48ZogG_laptopDocScrutinizer05: i actually created own chan but there was problem that i was only one there :(
21:00.01DocScrutinizer05btw I think you can edit topic as you like
21:00.41DocScrutinizer05I've set chanmode -i
21:01.00ZogG_laptoptopic here?
21:01.50DocScrutinizer05[2013-12-11 21:04:01] <vgrade> can anyone add to topic, thanks
21:02.00piggzHtheB: newsFish :)
21:02.56DocScrutinizer05however consider topic length limit, which you find in freenode's server messages you receive on logging in
21:03.47DocScrutinizer05[2013-12-09 16:04:18] [Support] DocScrutinizer05 CASEMAPPING=rfc1459 CHARSET=ascii NICKLEN=16 CHANNELLEN=50 TOPICLEN=390 ETR...
21:05.14DocScrutinizer05and some clients can't even handle that and truncate a 390char topic
21:05.27ZogG_laptopDocScrutinizer05: lol
21:05.38ZogG_laptopyou are so old
21:05.45ZogG_laptoplike internets itself
21:06.00ZogG_laptopi bet you use modem
21:06.07ZogG_laptopi'm just joking
21:06.20ZogG_laptopi have terrible sense of humour
21:06.22DocScrutinizer05poor joke, I miss the coherence
21:06.50DocScrutinizer05maybe you missed I just c&p a freenode server msg for your convenience
21:07.35DocScrutinizer05check your "" channel tab and you'll find exactly same thing
21:08.30DocScrutinizer052 lines before:
21:08.31DocScrutinizer05[2013-12-09 16:04:18] [Users] There are 205 users and 89098 invisible on 27 servers
21:09.02DocScrutinizer05[2013-12-09 16:04:18] [Users] 53837 channels formed
21:09.27DocScrutinizer05[2013-12-09 16:04:18] [MOTD] - Welcome to in London, UK! Massive thanks to
21:09.28DocScrutinizer05[2013-12-09 16:04:18] [MOTD] - UK2 ( for sponsoring this server.
21:11.49DocScrutinizer05btw I'm way older than this thing called internet nowadays
21:13.02DocScrutinizer05and I indeed use a modem: a DSL modem (I did before you started using the internet, I guess)
21:16.05ZogG_laptopi used modem :)
21:16.23ZogG_laptopi used BBS before internet
21:16.55DocScrutinizer05ooh, then it's BBS I know you from ;-P
21:17.00ZogG_laptopi tried fido but was kicked out as i connected without permission (no idea how i did it)
21:17.30ZogG_laptopDocScrutinizer05: i used local BBS to download music so i don't think so :)
21:18.08ZogG_laptopit's when i updated to 486 or was it pentium mmx i got after?
21:18.40DocScrutinizer05I stopped using BBS around 286 times
21:18.41ZogG_laptopfirst was 286 :)
21:18.57ZogG_laptopwe got internet really late
21:19.10RzRbybye dinosaurs
21:19.17RzRit's time to extinct
21:19.28ZogG_laptopi used it like for 30 mins it total by bying cards i could use to connect to internet
21:19.47ZogG_laptopit's not that i'm old
21:20.04ZogG_laptopi just didn't have moeny to buy PC so i got old one from someone
21:20.15rZrwas on amiga at that times
21:20.28rZrthen switched to linux in 1996
21:20.29DocScrutinizer05same here ;-)
21:20.59ZogG_laptopi started with linux at 2000+
21:21.04rZrgot a 500 and 500+ w/ gvp 6k30 + hdd
21:21.06ZogG_laptophad noone to teach
21:21.18ZogG_laptopi had NC (norton commander) on msdos
21:21.26rZrwe're happy for you
21:21.33ZogG_laptopand had friends of friends of friends to come to fix when i mess up
21:21.35rZrwe had diropus4 on amiga :)
21:21.42ZogG_laptopall info i got was from trying things out
21:21.45rZrdidnt we DocScrutinizer05
21:21.52ZogG_laptopold farts :P
21:22.23rZri am leaving now
21:22.26DocScrutinizer05I just recall two names: WB1.2 and kickstart
21:23.18DocScrutinizer05WB1.3 in EEPROM was fine, but I couldn't patch it anymore, like I did with kickstart
21:24.01DocScrutinizer05ooh, another name I recall: Mayer&Vogt(?) A&L Modula-2
21:24.18DocScrutinizer05first software I bought
21:24.39DocScrutinizer05except fish disks of course
21:45.45Basstard`I had completely forgotten that MEmacs was included in the Extras with Workbench 1.3.
21:55.27ZogG_laptopDocScrutinizer05: you see what you did here
21:59.32vgrade2400 baud modem here
22:09.18*** join/#n950club vgrade (
23:04.42*** join/#n950club DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
23:23.58*** join/#n950club MFaro-Tusino (
23:28.39MFaro-Tusinosmokex: \o

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