IRC log for #n950club on 20131221

00:21.24*** join/#n950club planasb (~planasb@unaffiliated/planasb)
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08:00.37*** join/#n950club MFaro-Tusino (
08:03.46MFaro-TusinoHow is everyone?
08:39.27smokexgood :)
08:39.48smokexhos u MFaro-Tusino
08:40.38MFaro-TusinoI'm well - Tired - Long day at work
08:41.24smokexyou had to work on saturday?
08:56.31MFaro-TusinoYes - retail work never stops
08:56.58smokexah.. yeah
09:05.48MFaro-TusinoHows the N950 build going?
09:16.49*** join/#n950club krnlyng (~liar@
09:21.38smokexMFaro-Tusino: your build is still the latest
09:21.48MFaro-Tusinodid it work?
09:21.57smokexdunno got side tracked :D
09:22.04MFaro-Tusino(I can't test and it seems vgrade never approved my commit)
09:22.09smokexADD took over once again
09:23.01smokexcould you push future changes to the n950 club repo?
09:23.58smokexI'd like to get that set up as the main repo.. especially since the most active members of our group have admin there and can add others
09:25.42krnlynghas anyone succesfully build max's kernel?
09:39.45MFaro-Tusinomax's kernel?
09:44.28MFaro-Tusinowhat/how does it differ from the stock kernel?
10:01.31valdur55Is n9 adaption only package witch isn't from jolla's repo?
10:04.36valdur55if so, then we will need search rotation bug from this package...
10:07.37MFaro-TusinoWell there is a N9 adaption package in jolla repo
10:07.45MFaro-TusinoJust can't get it (not authorised)
10:08.39valdur55yes, i know that :)
10:09.29valdur55So, it can be different than nemo adaption....
10:09.57MFaro-Tusinoi believe so
10:10.24valdur55and kernel adaption handles rotation...
10:10.30MFaro-TusinoI'm still waiting for a friend to give me access to some goodies he found early on
10:10.45MFaro-TusinoWill help us A LOT
10:11.02MFaro-TusinoSmokex: He's just waiting to get back home from his travels
10:12.25DocScrutinizer05now jolla not sharing N9 adaption is telling a lot about the policy ind mindset of the whole company
10:13.31DocScrutinizer05are they afraid their awesome snapdragon hw alone doesn't cut it?
10:16.05DocScrutinizer05Nokia been successful as long as they sold decent hardware. They tried to move away from hardware as cashcow towards appstore shit and selling OS, and they failed epically. You might think Jolla had learned and would revert to selling awesome hardware to the customers and only give some amount of support with the software. But no, they still buy the hardware at foxcon and think they can sell OS and apps
10:17.22DocScrutinizer05this won't fly, since this 'niche' been 100% covered by android and particularly apple
10:18.12DocScrutinizer05and when I don't like the android/apple concept then I don't want to pick a jolla phone that does exactly same shit
10:19.25DocScrutinizer05I think jolla is dead before they started
10:23.04valdur55killed by whom?
10:23.25valdur55Maybe swithing numbers in will break or fix something..
10:24.03valdur55both results are good :D
10:24.18MFaro-TusinoWell we found a QT_WAYLAND_INVERTED entry
10:24.27MFaro-Tusinowhich would fix the gestures (we assume)
10:24.44MFaro-Tusinothough we can't compile the source code and create the .so we need
10:27.38valdur55maybe :)  replacement is not working because Qtcompositor is using varname without WAYLAND and that is werid...
10:28.33MFaro-Tusinono we can't set it ahha
10:28.40MFaro-TusinoWe can find the env variables
10:28.45MFaro-Tusinobut cant seem to set it
10:29.12DocScrutinizer05no wayland for me, neither on my desktop PC nor on my pocket PC
10:29.32DocScrutinizer05no mir or whatever either
10:30.36DocScrutinizer05I *completely* miss the sound rationale why an OS for embedded needs to move away from X11 and towards wayland
10:30.45valdur55and ignore message comes from /etc/profile.d/developer.... file and this is fixable by adding this INVERTED_Y to list where are listed varnames...
10:33.33DocScrutinizer05also no systemd on my embedded devices!
10:33.41valdur55why not?
10:33.57DocScrutinizer05because of systemd is a bloated BS
10:34.08DocScrutinizer05completely insane concept
10:34.50DocScrutinizer05absolutely not scalable, heck it even kills udev and thus /usr
10:35.10valdur55ok :) i am to young for understanding those issues...
10:35.33DocScrutinizer05and when I hear I need dbus to *boot* my system, I feel an incurable nausea that feels like it never will vanish
10:36.08valdur55What will happening when we use this dss_rotation:
10:37.27*** join/#n950club ZogG_laptop (~ZogG_lapt@
10:37.27*** join/#n950club ZogG_laptop (~ZogG_lapt@funtoo/user/ZogG)
10:40.25DocScrutinizer05for 25 or 30 years the linux scene been driven by experts that had a clue, a goal, and an idea of how *nix works and a strive to unify and keep in sync all unixoid OS, this resulted in apps like twinkle working on ~20 *nix OS without major platform specific patches needed. since ~5 or more years it seems a new generation is trying to turn linux into a competitor to iwndows, with same idiotic "we're the only thin that rules" mindset,
10:40.27DocScrutinizer05completely denying any effort to stay compatible to the general unix basics
10:40.50RzRhi hackers
10:41.09valdur55I am 19 yeas old :)
10:41.12RzRi still see this channel alive
10:41.18MFaro-Tusinovaldur55: same here
10:41.32valdur55oh really? nice
10:41.54RzRturn linux into a competitor to iwndows
10:42.09RzRnot that linux is getting better and better
10:42.16RzRbut windows getting worse and worse
10:42.37RzRthere still remaining a litle hope for the year of linux desktop
10:42.56DocScrutinizer05RzR: sorry, this sounds to me like you're suggesting linux had to get better to compete with windows
10:42.58RzRbut there is mac between both...
10:43.09DocScrutinizer05I think it's pretty much the absolute opposite
10:43.40RzRu think linux desktop is improving ?
10:44.02DocScrutinizer05linux is NOT - and never been - the inferior but free-as-in-beer alternative to redmond borne bullshit
10:44.17RzR*NOT* that linux is getting better and better
10:44.24DocScrutinizer05linux always been a unix
10:44.28RzRthat's what I just said
10:44.52RzRbut i do think there is a place for win every house
10:44.55DocScrutinizer05you still seem to say linux needs to get better to compete with windows
10:45.00RzRnow pple are using tables etc ...
10:45.17DocScrutinizer05while I say linux been way better than any windows ever been, from beginning
10:45.33RzRi wanted to say that interessest on windows is decreasing
10:45.38RzRthe PC is dead :)
10:46.03RzRpple want services now , no need for a general purpose tool
10:46.25DocScrutinizer05linux got abused, exploited, raped and wasted by idiots like shuttleworth and ASUS who thought it's a nice and cheap alternative OS to windows
10:46.53RzRI also think the OS is awesome
10:47.18RzReven a basic redhat from late 1990ies is mote usable to me than current windows
10:47.27RzRbut i am not talking about the product
10:47.29DocScrutinizer05HECK, shuttleworth, HEAR ME! when I *wanted* a windowsy OS I'd get *windows*, NOT buntkuh!
10:47.31RzRbut the market
10:47.43RzRyou cant change pple that easy
10:48.21RzRso i still enhance ... windows is belonging to the previous generation
10:48.48RzRnow early adopters wont lead others to windows on the destktop at least
10:48.52DocScrutinizer05all your base are belong to us
10:48.52RzRcould be on mobile
10:49.03RzRbut not
10:49.15valdur55I run debian in my tablet  :)
10:49.23RzRDid ms surface sells well ?
10:49.31RzRvaldur55, which desktop ? gnome ? kde ?
10:49.36valdur55It iis in chroot env. :)
10:49.47RzRok so vnc and lxde ... this is lame
10:50.10valdur55xterminal :D
10:50.25RzRthere is a market for that :)
10:50.53RzRbtw I'll be curious to know where will steamos go
10:50.55RzRwhich is deb based
10:51.44MFaro-TusinoI have a surface
10:51.49valdur55i use it for coding....
10:51.50MFaro-TusinoLinux wont run on my desktop
10:51.59MFaro-TusinoBut windows 8 does
10:52.01DocScrutinizer05it's an offense to talk about distros like they were discrete distinct OS
10:52.25valdur55and use vim :) ...
10:52.52valdur55and apache2 webserver :D
10:53.48RzRdid u notice that jolla didnt mention about GNU/Linux on their website too ?
10:53.51DocScrutinizer05I frequently install tools form debian-distros on my redhat-based system without even worrying
10:54.18DocScrutinizer05seems nobody understands that this is not particularly amazing a thing you can do on linux
10:54.29RzRyou can even install cygwin in wine if you want too :)
10:54.54DocScrutinizer05since 99% are spoiled by this windowsy approach about installing apps
10:55.07RzRlike on ubuntu store ? lol
10:55.29DocScrutinizer05nfc what's buntkuh store
10:55.56DocScrutinizer05I probably never 2visited a store/shop/othershit" in my life
10:56.20DocScrutinizer05neither appstore not buntkuh nor ovi nor any similar nonsense
10:57.22DocScrutinizer05and I'm not going to chage this habit for damn jolla/sailfish crap
10:59.41RzRbtw openrepos did smart by sharing libs
11:00.04RzRDocScrutinizer05, tell us about neo900 ?
11:00.41DocScrutinizer05of course you can't know when you're a jolly 19 years old, but maemo5/fremantle (N900) worked not despite but BECAUSE of OVI store not really working for maemo ever
11:02.47RzRbtw have you seen WebOs moved into LG tv ?
11:03.53DocScrutinizer05and concepts like sysV-init and /usr been evaluated and designed by experts that look like giants compared to a Lennart Poettering and the nonsense he's trying to do to the complete unix/linux design
11:04.28RzRsystemd is just the begining
11:04.41RzRthere are neat tools around
11:05.15RzRlike containerization etc .. we didnt have that in the 70ies
11:05.18DocScrutinizer05I really get angry seeing flakes like poettering and the whole ubuntu/KDE4 team rushing over linux and wrecking it in a nonsensical effort to make it more windowsy
11:05.51RzRi dont see how systemd and windows are connected ?
11:06.16RzRthe socket listener hacker is coming from osx isnt it
11:08.11DocScrutinizer05you don't see how systemd is related to windows? then read the rationale why we don't need /usr anymore nowadays, according to the braindamaged systemd supporters, and maybe you see it akin to the way windows manages resources
11:10.07RzRthis ?
11:11.06DocScrutinizer05it's the general mindset of "let's  completely discard everything that's been there since we have a better idea how to do it, and we fail to grok why it's been done the way it been before we came up with our leete new ideas. We don't care about heritage, compatibility, other devels, continuity, or even QA and long term support. We want leete new stuff we can fap on"
11:11.18RzRImproved compatibility with other Unixes/Linuxes in behavior:
11:12.12RzRbtw there is an other linux distro that does weird things like /opt/package/version/flags/ ...
11:12.35DocScrutinizer05who cares about *distros*?
11:12.39RzRand use symlinks or env var to load the appropriate libs
11:13.02RzRthis is simple but smarter that rely on the distro re/packagers
11:13.31RzR<DocScrutinizer05> who cares about *distros*?
11:13.33RzRyou :)
11:13.44DocScrutinizer05the problem is that poettering, shuttleworth and similar fools think they are free to do whatever they like since it's *their* distro
11:13.47RzRyou probably hate unity
11:14.14RzRwell they are paid to make the "product" competitive
11:14.18RzRso cant blame them
11:14.34RzRcommunity distros are not in the same track
11:14.44RzRafaik debian does uses systemd yet
11:15.03DocScrutinizer05they should get put on trial at court and sentenced to 20 years windows admin
11:16.30DocScrutinizer05I don't give a flying F about unity and other similar crap, as long as those fools keep their damn stuff in their friggin distro and it doesn't leak into general larger linux sphere by requiring changes to mainline, like systemd does
11:16.34RzRthen create your own "modern lightweight and efficient" gnu/linux distro
11:16.49valdur55Oh. i have better idea.  Forcing it to one orientation will be better fix:
11:17.26DocScrutinizer05RzR: I don't need to do that, it's already there
11:17.30valdur55Because sailfish is  atm  forcet to portait...
11:17.46DocScrutinizer05i just want to shoot the fools who rush over it and wreck it
11:18.12DocScrutinizer05like poettering does, twice a year with a new brainfart
11:18.39DocScrutinizer05and in between the ubunto dudes come with two of their farts to compete with his
11:18.40valdur55those apps which use keyboard...
11:19.47valdur55btw. how to recompile kernel adaption?
11:22.18DocScrutinizer05[2013-12-21 12:14:14] <RzR> well they are paid to make the "product" competitive
11:22.29RzRanyway i can tell that systemd does not match K.I.S.S philosophy
11:23.33DocScrutinizer05yes. exactly this is the problem. Shuttleworth for example tries to make money by exploiting and abusing linux and turning it into a cheap alternative to windows, while the huge majority of linux users is pretty happy about everything in linux that is NOT like on windows
11:24.24DocScrutinizer05the mistake been done by Linus been to not include such rogue behaviour into GPL
11:25.13DocScrutinizer05(KISS) yes, pretty obviously
11:26.35DocScrutinizer05been blatantly obvious to everybody from beginning, and been criticized a lot, but Mr Poetterin is immune to such criticism, since he's soooo much smarter than any of the experts that deal with unix longer than he's born
11:26.53infoboti heard freee is
11:27.29DocScrutinizer05would you *really* want THIS guy to dictate what your OS looks and works like?
11:28.30RzRi'll return to amiga os if i cant leave with
11:28.36RzRok gnu/hurd
11:30.28DocScrutinizer05a lot of experienced linuxers already suspected Poettering gets paid by microsoft to ruin linux from the inside
11:30.34RzRDocScrutinizer05, relax yourself w/ the 2d vid of your idol :
11:31.56MFaro-TusinoThis channel is always so off-topic hhhaahah
11:35.12krnlyngMFaro-Tusino: it's the 3.4 kernel used by jolla
11:35.45MFaro-Tusinokrnlyng: Ahh - so whats its benefits besides OS compatibility?
11:35.47DocScrutinizer05MFaro-Tusino: not really, you're fumbling with systemd and no /usr for example, with PukeAudio and now with wayland. I dunno about the last one but the first two been created by poettering and they are poettering
11:35.57infobot'sth is poettering' means it acts invasive, possessive, destructive, and generally in an egocentric exacerbating negative way. ``this cancer is extremely poettering''
11:37.06krnlyngMFaro-Tusino: droid compat
11:37.14krnlyngMFaro-Tusino: i have looked into it a bit
11:37.37krnlyngloading the module into a patched 2.6.32 works but is of no usw
11:37.40MFaro-TusinoAhh - so thats where the proprietary kernel we need is?
11:39.21krnlyngit's not a proprietary kernel blob
11:39.24krnlyngit's the source
11:39.47krnlyngand the mysatroker module should work with that kernel
11:39.49krnlyngso droid compat
11:41.51MFaro-TusinoYou have a link for the kernel?
11:42.43krnlyngit seems to compile for me
11:44.05RzRDocScrutinizer05, wayland ... how fun
11:47.23RzRDocScrutinizer05, mistake that url
11:48.33MFaro-TusinoNo idea how to compile :/
11:54.36krnlyngMFaro-Tusino: download both files
11:54.43krnlyngcd ~/Downloads
11:55.15krnlyngcd sailfishos_kernel_jolla_msm8930-master/
11:55.33krnlyngcp ../config- arch/arm/configs/max_defconfig
11:55.36krnlyngmake max_defconfig
11:55.43krnlyngmake zImage && make modules
11:55.48krnlyngmake install
11:56.03krnlyngmake install_modules || make modules_install # don't know which is correct
11:56.12krnlyngthen edit ubiboot
11:56.22MFaro-TusinoI don't use ubiboot
11:56.44krnlyngthen edit whatever :D
11:57.08MFaro-Tusinoedit the moslo - I think thats tricky
12:13.30*** part/#n950club vgrade (
12:26.27*** join/#n950club ZogG_laptop (~ZogG_lapt@funtoo/user/ZogG)
12:59.25e^xcan you explain me why my ubiboot on n9 loads harmattan if i try to load nitdroid
12:59.30e^xsailfish loads ok
13:00.11e^xand ubiboot log says that it is loading zImage.pr13 or zImage_e-yes_nitdroid+l2fix as it should do
13:03.10krnlyngmaybe the wrong rootfs id
13:07.25krnlyngchange G_OS1_PARTITION=2
13:07.29krnlyngto the right partition
13:07.39krnlyngwhere nitdroid is installed
13:08.01e^xwhich file is this?
13:08.21krnlynge^x: /boot/ubiboot.conf
13:11.03e^xi've got the same parameters as in pastebin
13:11.39e^xwhere can i get the correct partition?
13:12.21e^xseems like both harmattan and nitdroid has PARTITION=2
13:22.42krnlyngwhere did you install nitdroid?
13:22.50krnlyngset the boot option to that partition
13:27.47e^xkrnlyng: when i plug the usb cable, 4 partitions are mounted. i extracted nitdroid to the one with a long string of random characters. to a directory "nitdroid"
13:27.57e^xi hope this is the right place for it
13:28.10e^xi don't know the number of this partition
13:32.50krnlyngdo "ls -l where-the-partition-is-mounted"
13:32.56krnlyngare you on linux or windows?
13:34.29e^xdrwx------  2 root  root  16384 Jan  1  1970 lost+found
13:34.29e^xdrwxr-xr-x  6 root  root   4096 Dec 21 14:24 nitdroid
13:34.29e^xdrwxr-xr-x 36 29999 29999  4096 Dec 21 14:51 user
13:35.27e^xor do you mean ls -l for /media/username/ ?
13:35.36krnlyngno wait
13:36.09krnlyngif booted into harmattan do on the phones terminal: "ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/"
13:36.25krnlyngthen look which partition is the nitdroid partition
13:41.07e^xkrnlyng: i've got only by-path and by-id and i can't figure out anything by them
13:41.59krnlyngdo mount and give me the output
13:42.25krnlyngand ls "/dev/mmcblk0*"
13:45.27e^xmount gives a long string that i don't want to write because i don't have it through ssh and ls /dev/mmcblk0* gives /dev/mmcblk0, /dev/mmcblk0p1 and other three with last char changed to 2-3
14:07.59*** join/#n950club krnlyng (~liar@
14:10.22e^xkrnlyng: i randomly tried to configure partitions 0, 1, 3 and 4, but ubiboot didn't find anything from them
14:13.54e^xkrnlyng: and here is the output of mount
14:16.04krnlynge^x: from the mount i can say its neither 3 nor 1
14:16.18krnlynge^x: how did you install nitdroid in the first place?
14:19.52e^xby following the ubiboot tutorial in
14:20.56e^xthen did: tar xfj nitdroid_n9_jellybean_alpha5.tar.bz2 -C /media/username/be678b38-c8ec-4102-bddf-be09eac08d29/nitdroid
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17:54.26valdur55e^x: give this command output:  mount | grep home
18:05.22valdur55damn. i missed space after home.. ok ..
18:05.33valdur55/dev/mmcblk0p3 on /home
18:08.02e^xso you mean that i should put G_OS1_PARTITION=3 ?
18:17.51valdur55you can try it :)
18:18.10valdur55and be sure that /media/username/be678b38-c8ec-4102-bddf-be09eac08d29/  have  user  dir on it...
18:25.07e^xi have tried everything between 0 and 4. and the directory has user and nitdroid directories
18:25.25e^xand as i understood, nitroid doesn't have to be in user directory?
18:26.16valdur55nitroid should be placed in  N9's  /home/nitroid folder
18:31.20e^xso is it in the right place or not?
18:31.32e^xdoes / equal to rootfs?
18:32.17e^xand this long string of chars mounted to my computer equals /home ?
18:42.35valdur55dunno...  when there is "user" folder, then it is N9's  /home
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21:26.47smokexe^x if you had followed the wiki instructions for ubiboot you wouldn't have put nitdroid in a folder and you would have used the partition labeled Alt_OS
21:27.09smokexoh wait
21:27.22smokexnever mind my ramblings
22:18.39valdur55MFaro-Tusino: hey!
22:21.02MFaro-Tusinovaldur55: How'd things develop whilst I slept?
22:30.22MFaro-Tusinokrnlyng: The compiled kernel replaces the current one in Sailfish right?
22:30.50krnlyngMFaro-Tusino: which kernel are you talking about?
22:31.20MFaro-Tusinothe max one
22:31.29MFaro-TusinoYou were telling me how to compile it yesterday
22:31.51krnlyngit would replace the 2.6.32 kernel
22:32.19MFaro-TusinoOkay - so what file in ubiboot do you replace?
22:33.11krnlyngnothing yet because i am unable to compile it so it works on n9
22:33.35MFaro-Tusinoahhh okay
22:33.49MFaro-TusinoSo what we have is just the shource code?
22:34.20krnlyngi am able to compile it for a jolla phone
22:35.11krnlyngi am off to bed
22:38.39valdur55Nothing .... i had busy day ...
22:39.53MFaro-TusinoI'm about to go christmas shopping - AGAIN!
22:40.38MFaro-Tusinokrnlyng: can you send me the config file for the kernel to my email - mfarotusino@
22:40.51MFaro-TusinoNot now, but when you get a chance - seems its deleted off yandex
22:41.22krnlyngMFaro-Tusino: sbj_defconfig is the same file
22:41.35krnlyngonly the version string was changed iirc
22:41.52krnlyngit's basically the same file thoguh
22:41.53MFaro-Tusinookay thanks
22:42.31krnlyngi just got a vmlinux which is half jolla half n9 stuff xD
22:42.41krnlyngi don't think it will work :D

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