IRC log for #neo900 on 20131205

00:02.39DocScrutinizer05well, chances
00:02.55DocScrutinizer05not decided upon yet
00:03.15DocScrutinizer05depends on what WLAN/BT module we will get (that meets our needs)
00:04.10ds2is there going to be an uncommited UART that is exposed? recall something about expansion in the FAQ
00:05.49DocScrutinizer05UART pretty unclear, We a) have assigned all 3 UARTS iirc (IRDA for example), and when we go for 1GB RAM and NAND on bottom balls of SoC, then we lose one UART, one McBSP, and some GPIO. Not clear yet if we can do that at all
00:06.21DocScrutinizer05if we got a UART to spare,we will route it to "expansion bay"
00:06.31DocScrutinizer05just like I2C and power
00:06.34DocScrutinizer05and USB
00:06.40ds2so only I2C is sure to be there?
00:07.16ds2not well integrated but if there is a bus, a BLE chip can be added
00:09.59ds2who makes a MCP NAND/RAM combo with 1G of RAM?
00:14.41*** join/#neo900 trench (trench@unaffiliated/trench)
00:17.07DocScrutinizer05nobody, that's the problem
00:18.57ds2is there enough balls to get a 1G RAM only POP and route NAND through the regular balls?
00:20.10DocScrutinizer05there's even a 1GB RAM PoP chip
00:20.22ds2that's what I mean
00:20.26DocScrutinizer05but we need to find a source
00:20.29ds2I know 1G POPs exists
00:20.48ds2is anyone besides micron willing to talk to you?
00:21.23DocScrutinizer05micron not willing to talk to us, afaik
00:21.42DocScrutinizer05at least not unless we buy a 10k or so
00:22.01DocScrutinizer05digikey has MOQ:1k
00:22.32DocScrutinizer05we need: 200 :-P
00:22.42DocScrutinizer05well, 250 now
00:23.05dos1DocScrutinizer05: yep; sorry, was afk
00:23.21DocScrutinizer05it's alive! \o/
00:23.55dos1funny chars, eh? ęóąśłżźćń - now you know why I want left part of space to be the compose key? :D
00:25.11ds2not giving much hope in the 1000 unit phase succeeding?
00:26.08DocScrutinizer05well, 1k seems pretty possible. 200? :-S
00:27.15dos1ds2: hope is one thing, the reality is another - we have to be prepared to both options
00:27.21ds2asking people to break up trays is hard
00:27.41ds2better to eat the extra part (so costs goes up 5x)
00:27.52ds2i build small volume stuff and run into this :(
00:29.43dos1with >500 it may be not that painful
00:29.53dos1with just >200 however...
00:30.14ds2what's the price at 1K pieces?
00:31.09DocScrutinizer05steep, eh? particularly at *5
00:31.18ds2is this the same part used in the BeagleBoard xM?
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00:32.06ds2nope. BBX is 512M only
00:32.18ds2how much are the DM3730's?
00:32.37DocScrutinizer05arind the same or 50% more iirc
00:33.06DocScrutinizer05RAM: USD21.68775
00:33.18ds2wonder if anyone wants a BBX w/1G memory
00:33.35ds2who's doing the assemble for you guys?
00:33.57DocScrutinizer05I dunno if I may disclose this
00:34.21DocScrutinizer05but the same guys Nikolaus suggested to openpandora
00:34.29ds2I know them
00:35.00ds2there are other guys around :D
00:35.21DocScrutinizer05yes, but we found our way arounf with that particular company
00:35.40DocScrutinizer05and the conditions are almost too good to be true
00:35.54ds2small guys like folks I work with
00:35.56DocScrutinizer05fab risk goes with fab, deferred payment
00:36.19ds2they are based in the SF bay area
00:36.26ds2the fab is $$$$$$$$ :(
00:36.27DocScrutinizer05so we basically buy 100% yield
00:36.47ds2at the prices they want for it, it should be 120% yield
00:37.24ds2I came within mm's of pulling the trigger on a custom DM3730 board build
00:38.25ds2i had everything lined up for a custom DM3730 board build but the customer killed it at the last minute
00:38.37ds2fab was a major issue
00:39.14DocScrutinizer05that's why we only build to order. And fab knows that, so we can give them a go with no upfront payment
00:39.34ds2no that isn't the problem
00:39.46ds2unless you order about 2000 or pieces, the fab is $$$$$$$$$$
00:40.46ds2have you considered an intermediate step where you rework N900 boards?
00:40.50DocScrutinizer05yes, setting up and calibrating of the line is expensive, no matter if you run 200 or 200k devices after it works
00:41.05DocScrutinizer05meh, not possible
00:41.14ds2depop the OMAP3530, install a DM3730 + 1G RAM and redo the sysboot lines to boot from eMMC
00:41.21ds2why's that?
00:41.31ds2oh that #@%@$#@#@$
00:41.36DocScrutinizer05just to start with
00:41.56ds2I have repop'ed beagles and they work fine
00:42.09DocScrutinizer05can be done
00:42.20DocScrutinizer05if you know your job
00:42.46DocScrutinizer05yield like 40% on <10, maybe 70 on >100
00:43.30DocScrutinizer05I doubt you can get much higher than 70% yield
00:43.55ds2better then that if the guys know what they are doing
00:44.03ds2i had a BB done, no issues
00:44.04DocScrutinizer05but anyway, no option for neo900
00:44.30ds2the main issue is the DM3730 wants an extra cap otherwise, it is a drop in
00:44.41DocScrutinizer05maybe, yes
00:44.54DocScrutinizer05no issue, we have our own PCB
00:45.10DocScrutinizer05with our own nice LTE modem
00:45.26DocScrutinizer05or combined UMTS&CDMA2000
00:45.50ds2the power usage can be scary ;)
00:45.58DocScrutinizer05with embedded GPS+GLONASS
00:46.22ds2as long as the GPS is as sensitive (if not more so) then the n900 one
00:46.33ds2most android GPSs suck
00:46.36DocScrutinizer05whatever, any hints about sourcing HIGHLY appreciated
00:46.54ds2sourcing GPS or what part?
00:47.19DocScrutinizer05SMIA95 connectors
00:47.37ds2Micron is your best bet
00:47.46ds2the other folks won't even talk to you
00:47.47DocScrutinizer05frikken little c-springs
00:47.59ds2no idea what SMIA95's are
00:48.19DocScrutinizer05molex 64pin connector OBSOLETE unobtainium
00:48.29DocScrutinizer05latter one mission critical
00:48.37ds2for the display?
00:48.51ds2wonder if hirose or samtec has a part that will cross
00:48.52DocScrutinizer05MOLEX yes
00:49.11DocScrutinizer05they all look a tiny bit different each time
00:50.08DocScrutinizer05damn, not even a ticket for the molex
00:50.17ds2ouch on the camera
00:50.32DocScrutinizer05"defined by Nokia and ST"
00:51.11ds2are you talking to micron directly on the memory?
00:51.15ds2or just via digikey?
00:51.24DocScrutinizer05Nikolaus doing that, I dunno
00:51.56DocScrutinizer05should I point him to something?
00:52.12DocScrutinizer05some not so known channel into micron, or sth?
00:52.20ds2talk to avnet or arrow
00:52.34DocScrutinizer05I think they said "sorry"
00:52.40DocScrutinizer05avnet_ at least
00:52.55ds2wtf? other folks have done similar volumes through them
00:53.04DocScrutinizer05avnet is always-innovating no?
00:53.23ds2avnet is a major US electronics distributior
00:53.26ds2like arrow
00:53.30DocScrutinizer05aaah avnet, arrow. Sorry
00:53.50DocScrutinizer05yeah, I had a pointer to avnet from Nikolaus
00:54.03ds2is this done as a company or just a loose groip of people?
00:54.03DocScrutinizer05he said "sometimes they can help"
00:54.20DocScrutinizer05Golden Delicious GmbH
00:54.37DocScrutinizer05to avnet
00:54.43DocScrutinizer05to $sourcing
00:55.02ShadowJKDoes the memory fit on any other SoC?
00:55.19DocScrutinizer05hardly, LPDDR(1)
00:55.27ds2LPDDR1 is universal
00:55.34ds2but the POP form factor is TI specific
00:55.42DocScrutinizer05yes, but you don't want it on OMAP4
00:56.06ds2universal as in many SoC's will use it
00:56.12DocScrutinizer05we could get a LPDDR2 RAM chip
00:56.15ds2the AM33x will, the Freescale stuff will
00:56.30ds2LPDDR2 is a diff voltage, IIRC
00:56.32DocScrutinizer05even on PoP168
00:56.42ShadowJKSo basically only people building stuff with TI omap3 would use it?
00:56.43DocScrutinizer05and differend CAS etc
00:56.50ds2and then you need to hack MLO
00:57.07ds2TI OMAP3/AM35x, DM37x
00:57.32DocScrutinizer05afk bbl
00:59.53DocScrutinizer05Nokia used a damn phantom chip 1GB-RAM&NAND PoP in N9
01:00.08DocScrutinizer05aunt google never heard of it
01:00.15DocScrutinizer05custom made
01:01.16DocScrutinizer05I searched my fingers bloody
01:02.52DocScrutinizer05you only learn about such negilgible details when you actually start sourcing, while before you do you think "oh my, there's a device that HAS DM3730 with 1GB RAM"
01:03.47DocScrutinizer05friggin molex connector is the killer
01:04.30DocScrutinizer05took me like two days to find the type, then another 2 days to finally accept it's *very* hard to source, or maybe impossible
01:05.08DocScrutinizer05fekken 50ct conector killing the project - FIIINE
01:06.01DocScrutinizer05again, we might build 1000 of those critters
01:06.13DocScrutinizer05but not 200
01:06.36DocScrutinizer05even 1000 for sure cost more than gold
01:06.47DocScrutinizer05200: nogo
01:09.08DocScrutinizer05(please check back to confirm part number before sourcing 5000 for us!)
01:09.19DocScrutinizer05I might have picked the wrong half
01:11.42DocScrutinizer05alibaba bunglers announce MOQ:100 and then tell "Sorry, onsolete, VERY hard to find"
01:12.01DocScrutinizer05even obsolete
02:05.07ds2who made that 1G chip?
02:05.14ds2micron? elpida? samsung?
02:20.13DocScrutinizer05the unobtanium N9 chip?
02:20.36DocScrutinizer05I seem to recall it been elpida
02:23.29ds2oh them
02:23.47ds2those folks won't talk to us little fish :(
02:25.50dos1wow, they use their nokia font even for schematics? :D
02:25.59ds2definitely not micron
02:27.33DocScrutinizer05I already considered buying broken N9 to slaughter them ;-P
02:28.03DocScrutinizer05*of course* this chip also not available as spare part for N9 repair
02:28.34ds2could it be a preelpida  bankruptcy part?
02:29.08DocScrutinizer05all I have is that picture I pasted above
02:29.32DocScrutinizer05even elpida been concluded by somebody else from (e1)
02:30.34DocScrutinizer05might as well have been some other guessing of that guy
02:31.10DocScrutinizer05I have a hard time remembering *all* the useless facts and links I gathered during last 2 or 3 months
02:31.18ds2there is a code you can read from the memory itself
02:31.21ds2that will id the mfg
02:31.51DocScrutinizer05should that code show up in dmesg?
02:32.06DocScrutinizer05thought as much :-/
02:32.07ds2look at the datasheet
02:32.17ds2the n9 is a DM3730?
02:32.18DocScrutinizer05datasheet? of what?
02:32.27DocScrutinizer05err omap yes
02:32.28ds2of the LPDDR1
02:32.34ds2no, omap or dm3730?
02:32.42ds2they have different ram controllers, IIRC
02:32.51DocScrutinizer05omap3630 I think
02:33.08ds2that's a 3730 controller
02:35.10ds2it uses a variation of the EMIF IIRC
02:35.16ds2the 3530 uses a SDRC
02:36.12DocScrutinizer05it's definitely a 36/37 cpu
02:36.43DocScrutinizer05since it has "better" cpu than N900
02:36.54DocScrutinizer05which is 3430
02:37.01ds23430 == 3530
02:37.19ds2both of them HS parts?
02:37.40DocScrutinizer05dunno, don't think so but that's only guesswork
02:37.53ds2the N900 is HS, IIRC
02:38.35DocScrutinizer05but the 3530 TRM has info about HS iirc
02:38.39ds2just for stats, how many N900s shipped? 1million?
02:38.46DocScrutinizer05no idea
02:38.48ds2the HS parts need a special key for MLO
02:38.58ds2more then 10K units?
02:39.13ds2so 1K neo's is just 1% or less
02:39.16DocScrutinizer05we still have ~30k active devices :-)
02:39.32DocScrutinizer05last time we checked
02:39.37ds2wonder if it make sense to shoot for 2000 boards
02:39.48ds2large volume == better chance of getting parts
02:40.01ds2parts go down by volume
02:40.10DocScrutinizer05no $$ in kitty
02:40.32DocScrutinizer05a feeble 50k, almost
02:40.33ds2what is each unit costing right now?
02:40.46ds250K seems a lot for 200 units
02:40.58DocScrutinizer05we reckon a 700+ right now, for the bare board
02:41.42ds2is there a spreadsheet of part costs you can share?
02:41.44ds2seems high
02:42.01DocScrutinizer05may go down when we complete phase5 (1k units)
02:42.09ds2the main costs should be CPU/memory/modem, right?
02:42.21DocScrutinizer05ds2: ^we don't even have such spreadsheet yet
02:42.30ds2at 2K unit, your fab costs should be sub $5 if it isn't already
02:43.14DocScrutinizer05yeah, might be correct
02:43.48ds2memory + processor is about price of a beagle board (~$150)
02:43.55DocScrutinizer05I have no data about that stuff, Nikolaus handles that
02:43.59ds2so where is the other 500 or so going to?
02:44.11DocScrutinizer05100+ is modem
02:44.23ds2you guys buying them retail?
02:44.41ds2$100+ is like in singles
02:45.04DocScrutinizer05there's not much difference between 1 and 100 modems
02:45.24ds21 vs 2K should have a noticeable difference
02:45.35DocScrutinizer05yes, that's why phase5
02:45.54ds2$100 still seems steep
02:46.10DocScrutinizer05please look at
02:46.37dos1I think we should somehow better estimate what the price drop will be with 1k devices than "significantly"
02:47.00DocScrutinizer05I think Nikolaus will not do that
02:47.30DocScrutinizer05he refuses to come up with any hard numbers yet, and I know why
02:47.43ds2is this a for-profit venture?
02:47.49DocScrutinizer05not really
02:48.04dos1sure, I don't expect hard numbers
02:48.20DocScrutinizer05lemme put it this way: I hope for 5000 units to earn some money for the time I invested
02:48.54DocScrutinizer05otherwise I could make more money as a coder monkey
02:49.02ds2think the 200 unit goal is a lost cost
02:49.08ds2lost cause
02:49.31DocScrutinizer05hmm, how thatß
02:49.40ds2bom cost too high
02:49.53DocScrutinizer05that's why it will cost 700
02:50.05ds2you might be able to build 1K unit with a 60K or so kittle
02:50.37DocScrutinizer05don't see that
02:50.38ds2i believe a sub 500 BOM cost is possible
02:50.52dos1there are about 300 gta04s produced
02:51.02ds2no offense to digikey but avoid them
02:51.10ds2digikey pricing will lead you astray
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02:52.59DocScrutinizer051k batch for 60k (even EUR) is quite a dream
02:53.46ds2oops math error
02:53.57dos160k / 1k = 60?
02:54.35dos1we should easily get 1k orders for 60 eur :)
02:55.09DocScrutinizer05even when we sell the board for 250EUR then, it's still a snap
02:55.46DocScrutinizer05and that would be WAAAY more per board for *me* than I ever hoped for
02:56.50dos1190k profit? looks great for me :)
02:57.29dos1ds2: please elaborate :D
03:02.29dos1ds2: but now seriously, I think it wouldn't hurt to have some mail conversation between you three (you, Doc and Nikolaus) about all this sourcing and pricing stuff maybe?
03:03.57dos1for my unexperienced eye you seem quite experienced, and I guess some outside PoV may be helpful :)
03:04.40DocScrutinizer05for now we don't need mail, this stuff can get discussed in the open - we're not disclosing any secrets when ds2 tells us where to source cheap components (or where to source at all those components)
03:05.03dos1DocScrutinizer05: the alternative is to get Nikolaus there :)
03:05.15DocScrutinizer05ooh, right
03:05.22DocScrutinizer05that's actually a problem
03:06.03dos1it can be public mailing list maybe even
03:06.50DocScrutinizer05this kind of dialog is only possible in chat. email is like writing letters
03:07.00dos1huh, right
03:07.33dos1anyway, it's pretty late, need to get some sleep
03:07.49DocScrutinizer05I need to get some milk, and a pretzel
03:07.54DocScrutinizer05cya, dos1
04:58.35*** join/#neo900 Herbstb3rt (
05:51.54ds2be glad to help if I can
05:52.01ds2usually busy doing other things
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08:26.52DocScrutinizer05duh, been busy for 2h reading washington post and comments
08:54.38*** join/#neo900 infobot (
08:54.38*** topic/#neo900 is | conversations are logged to | 2013-11-04 - the day our fundraiser reached its goal, 25k EUR | 2013-12-02 - 200 devices reached! | Now heading for 1000 devices to build! | latest news: OHSW live
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09:02.11*** topic/#neo900 is | conversations are logged to | 2013-11-04 - the day our fundraiser reached its goal, 25k EUR | 2013-12-02 - 200 devices reached! | Now heading for 1000 devices to build! | latest news: OHSW live
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15:28.20skrzypDocScrutinizer05: It's a crappy pseudo-IT polish blog, but have lots of visitors
15:29.28skrzypI don't send their any request, they probsly wrote this article upon comments on my Wykop link.
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22:53.15DocScrutinizer05howdy dos1
22:54.21DocScrutinizer05skrzyp: thanks!
22:55.42FIQcheckboxes at the donate page means how much progress has been done not by backers, but by the project leaders I guess?
22:57.58DocScrutinizer05FIQ: that's a terrible mess I'm not happy with. Originally it been meant to show which donation campaign phase we're in. But recently Nikolaus and dos1 came up with an idea to also cram in some indication on how far internal development progressed - something I think isn't simple to answer in a long explanation and absolutely not compatible with the donation phases
22:59.32dos1well, not really "how far internal development progressed"
22:59.50dos1I rather saw it as a very convienient way to link to some results
22:59.58dos1like last update
23:00.04DocScrutinizer05for some unclear reason the idea came up that with recent presentation of a mech prototype somehow "phase-1" *development* got accomplished - something I ABSOLUTELY disagree
23:00.31dos1it's not "finished, done, never touch again" is pretty unclear reagrding thaz
23:01.25FIQif phase 1 internal work isn't done, which I assumed by that page
23:01.29FIQthen the info is misleading
23:01.41DocScrutinizer05I'd prefer to roll back any "shiny" or whatever attribute suggesting any form of development progress indicator
23:02.09FIQand should not be there
23:02.10DocScrutinizer05FIQ: absolutely
23:02.49DocScrutinizer05development doesn't map to a phases model
23:03.44dos1"Thanks to reaching 5 000 EUR we expect that we can do the schematics, component identification and initial mechanical PCB design."
23:03.46FIQif you want to inform progress, it's probably better to try to elaborate shortly on what was just finished, and what you're going to do now (something which you already do by "news")
23:03.58dos1well, right, schematics are not really there yet
23:04.14DocScrutinizer05yes, and two of those 3 points are far from being finalized
23:04.39DocScrutinizer05FIQ: ack
23:05.05dos1initial mechanical PCB design is there, was ordered, was presented on OHSW
23:05.09dos1isn't that it?
23:05.31dos1then what will be the "initial design"?
23:05.38DocScrutinizer05it's ONE step of initial mech verification
23:06.15DocScrutinizer05there need to be more of those PCBs with identified flaws squashed
23:06.48dos1sure, but those aren't "initial" anymore
23:06.53DocScrutinizer05we have no complete schematics at all yet, not even rudimentary, and we have not yet completed component id, by far not
23:07.30dos1the most important thing I wanted to put there is the link to
23:07.42DocScrutinizer05heck we haven't even decided yet on the WLAN module
23:08.35DocScrutinizer05you can keep the link, nothing wrong with it. But pretty please remove any shiny highlights and checkmarks that suggest we might consider done with err whatever
23:08.45FIQbtw, >1.5k€ donors would get prototypes.. would that be as part of phase 2 or 3?
23:09.12FIQjust curious
23:09.26DocScrutinizer05we have phases in donation campaign, we don't have phases in development
23:09.39DocScrutinizer05and the 1.5k offer is valid all the time
23:10.39DocScrutinizer05hw development is a complex process where you always do several "phases" concurrently and actually never completely finalize any of them
23:11.46DocScrutinizer05there might come in changes to schematics or even ME pretty late in development, even weeks before MP starts
23:12.18DocScrutinizer05so neither schem nor ME-eval is ever "closed"
23:13.09DocScrutinizer05and the prototypes we will hand out to 1.5ers are meant to be semi-working complete devices, of course not a dummy like the thing demonstrated for ME-eval on OHSW
23:13.15*** join/#neo900 Mistah_Darcy (
23:13.51merlin1991I've got 2 atmel avr cpus here and want to connect them over i2c I can't find any definite info though what kind of resistors I should use as pull ups
23:14.45DocScrutinizer05hmm, I2C electrical specs should be reprinted in datasheet of every single I2C-enabled chip
23:15.03DocScrutinizer05iirc 1k, but don't quote me on that
23:16.48DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: N900 using 2k2
23:17.34DocScrutinizer05(e.g. R4807, R4808)
23:18.59DocScrutinizer05and 1k (R4805, R4806) ;-D
23:20.16DocScrutinizer05and 4k7 (R4242-45)
23:20.33merlin1991okay you're starting to confuse me ;)
23:21.27DocScrutinizer05it's probably not really THAT relevant
23:21.54DocScrutinizer051k is more on the safe highspeed side, while higher values are more on the optimized side
23:21.57DocScrutinizer05I guess
23:22.54DocScrutinizer05prolly also depends on real and phantom (trace length etc) load on your I2C bus
23:24.34DocScrutinizer05the smaller the pullup, the higher the power consumption but also the higher the upper freq limit
23:25.05merlin1991the chip only supports 400kHz speed
23:25.49DocScrutinizer05then you're probably safe with 4.7k, but when you don't care to much about the marginal increase in power consumption then go for 1k nevertheless
23:26.03DocScrutinizer05too much*
23:26.20DocScrutinizer05and RTFDS ;-)
23:26.31merlin1991I'm sitting in front of it
23:26.45merlin1991and it has a highly confusing table which defines some min / max values for the pullup
23:26.54merlin1991which depends on a billion factors
23:27.21DocScrutinizer05that's what it is like
23:27.41merlin1991and it doesn't even fit on 1 screen in readable size :D
23:27.51DocScrutinizer05depends on real and phantom load, on upper freq, on driver impedance and whatnot else
23:28.38DocScrutinizer05I'd simply pick the most safe value (for highest freq etc), which most likely is 1k
23:29.55DocScrutinizer051k makes for an average consumption while active of 3.6mA (@1.8V)
23:30.09DocScrutinizer051st approach
23:30.36DocScrutinizer05with higher values you can cut down on this consumption
23:31.06DocScrutinizer05at the expense of other factors becoming more limited, like upper freq etc
23:31.54FIQwould neo900 support any kind of OC?
23:32.04DocScrutinizer05aczually I'm wrong, that#s peak consumption, not evarage
23:32.20DocScrutinizer05FIQ: like beagleboard
23:32.55DocScrutinizer05we're not actively counteracting OC
23:32.55FIQnot planning to decrease life of my potential neo900, but I've begun slight OC experimentation on my n900 given that it will most likely fail anytime soon, and unlikely to be caused by cpu failure
23:33.18FIQDocScrutinizer05: ok
23:34.24merlin1991hm the max for the resistor is defined as 300ns / Cb   Cb is capacitance of the bus line in pF but what's ns in that case? :D
23:35.51DocScrutinizer05FIQ: we however will think about ways that tell an EE who examines the device that it has been OCed
23:36.24DocScrutinizer05clock width?
23:36.32infobot[ee] for gEEks.  Electronics Engineer
23:36.50FIQyou totally meant the former definition
23:37.15DocScrutinizer05ns is nanoseconds?
23:37.33dos1DocScrutinizer05: I added different checkmark style per Nikolaus request. please bring it to him rather than to me; but for now I can of course remove it
23:38.00DocScrutinizer05dos1: yes, please do
23:38.23DocScrutinizer05I'm rather sure I know there's been a misunderstanding between the both of you
23:38.45DocScrutinizer05started by your referenced to "phase1 completed"
23:39.14dos1hmm? I used it in news, because Nikolaus used it in presentation
23:39.16mashinaNeo900 ist liebe, Neo900 ist leben
23:39.31FIQsite doesn't work in n900 :D
23:39.41FIQa bit ironic
23:39.43dos1FIQ: why? it works on mine
23:39.45FIQwell, progressbar
23:39.53dos1oh, right
23:40.15dos1too old microb engine for recent jquery versions :(
23:40.20FIQnot only is the red and "lighter yellow" not showing up (which I can live with)
23:40.47FIQbut the 200 devices text overlap the black 200 devices border :P
23:41.30dos1I guess I could make at least progress bar working
23:41.47dos1the whole page uses bootstrap, which uses jquery
23:42.00DocScrutinizer05I looked at it yesterday and it wasn't too bad
23:42.31dos1(allowed to massively speed up doing it at the beginning, but tbh I'd choose something else if I'd have to start from scratch)
23:42.36FIQalso hovering the phases doesn't work
23:42.45dos1yeah, that's bootstrap
23:43.01FIQDocScrutinizer05: the site *mostly* works
23:43.07dos1maaaybe it'll work with earlier jquery version? from 1.x branch?
23:43.13dos1I'll try, but not today
23:43.16FIQa few things, mostly regarding donate part of the site fails
23:43.31DocScrutinizer05(phase-1) well, Nikolaus and I refer to those phases internally sometimes, since we both know those are "metaphors" for something we want to accomplish. This shouldn't get used publicly to describe progress in development
23:44.11merlin1991hm according to this datasheet 1k would be cutting it close to the minimum, min is defined as Vdd -0,4V / 3mA which would give me 967 Ohm (Vdd is 3,3)
23:44.22ds2DocScrutinizer05: yesterday, you mention sourcing dome sheets...what's that for?
23:44.47DocScrutinizer05when Nikolaus used "phase-1" in his presentation, then that's not meant to state we accomplished anything that can get described by the dination campaign phases model
23:45.00DocScrutinizer05ds2: we need kbd
23:45.12ds2why can't we reuse what is on the existing keyboard?
23:45.59FIQdinations... dining
23:46.02dos1DocScrutinizer05: see his reply to my mail with latest news piece and later one in "200" thread
23:46.03DocScrutinizer05because we don't have existing kbds
23:46.13dos1DocScrutinizer05: for me it looks like a clear request to do that
23:46.32ds2I am confused... are we talking about the keyboard on the current N900 or is this an enhancement?
23:46.32DocScrutinizer05then I missed to protest that
23:46.41DocScrutinizer05we don't disclose development progress in that way
23:46.49DocScrutinizer05that would be dishonest
23:47.50DocScrutinizer05Nikolaus also only watches occasionally and loosely what's going on at the PR front
23:48.28DocScrutinizer05ds2: we are building complete devices. Where from shall we get the kbd?
23:48.51ds2DocScrutinizer05: I thought this was a refit board for the N900?
23:49.02FIQjust noticed
23:49.19ds2you are reusing plastic, right?
23:49.22FIQ(swedish price comparation page)
23:49.50ds2so you are replacing the keyboard as part of the 'refurb'?
23:50.20DocScrutinizer05ds2: please elaborate how we shall deliver a complete working device to users who order one, when we have no domesheets
23:50.43ds2maybe I should ask - where are the plastics coming from?
23:51.00DocScrutinizer05it's not clear yet where from we will get all the "old" parts, we might buy cases for 18EUR
23:51.07DocScrutinizer05and LCD for 45EUR
23:51.16DocScrutinizer05and digitizers for 23EUR
23:51.22ds2Ohhh... I thought you were buying up old N900's
23:51.30DocScrutinizer05maybe not
23:51.36ds2which would imply you get 1 KB, 1 camera, 1 screen, etc per old unit
23:51.45DocScrutinizer05that's a question decided upon during sourcing
23:52.01ds2I vaguely recall coming across a custom dome sheet maker at a trade show
23:52.11ds2have you considered a flex circuit with soldered on domes?
23:52.24DocScrutinizer05why flex?
23:52.53ds2isn't the current one on a flex? never took mine apart but the pictures seems to suggests it is
23:53.04DocScrutinizer05we can solder the clik domes directly on UPPEr PCB
23:53.41ds2hmmm ok
23:54.01ds2still confused but i am doing 10 things at once
23:54.42dos1DocScrutinizer05: anyway, bring it to him - he asked for that and now it's not there anymore
23:54.57dos1and if I really misunderstood him, then he'll just say so :)
23:55.07DocScrutinizer05yes, I will discuss it with him, but for now we're fine with removing it
23:55.16ds2Hmm... let me show you an item
23:55.52dos1(bummer, that glow looked cool :( )
23:56.02DocScrutinizer05dos1: irrelevant who misunderstood whom. We're not doing fingerpointing, we try to do the right thing[TM] and that is to remove any such misleading indicator
23:57.24DocScrutinizer05btw I'd prefer you sending Nikolaus to me when he has requests about our public appearance
23:57.33dos1sure, I know, I meant "it won't hurt anyway" :D
23:58.30ds2what about an array of those on the PCB?
23:58.41ds2more expensive for production but...
23:58.53dos1DocScrutinizer05: tbh I thought you're ok with that since you haven't protested
23:58.54DocScrutinizer05prolly exathe the ones Nikolaus planned as one of three alternatives
23:59.12DocScrutinizer05I simply missed that detail, sorry

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