IRC log for #neo900 on 20131213

00:01.05DocScrutinizer05the window for preorders closing eventually. not though before new year
00:01.40DocScrutinizer05this is just a heads-up yet
00:03.10DocScrutinizer05to make those aware of the situation and plans who thought they will wait until true ordering for the finalized product will open
00:04.07DocScrutinizer05they might find themselves in a second production run that may or may not happen, and for sure will take a few more months after first batch got finished
00:04.59DocScrutinizer05we build to order, not for the shelf (we couldn't afford that)
00:05.50DocScrutinizer05and to order means we need to order the components for our customers, which will take several weeks or months, and won't get repeated once done
00:06.02DocScrutinizer05at least not before we finished first batch
00:06.21DocScrutinizer05or rather, got enough orders to do a second batch
00:12.57FIQwasn't there 3 donations today?
00:13.31FIQjust saying that you'll probably end up with around 240 rather than 229 if you close down donations soon after new year
00:13.57FIQif the speed goes like the last few days
00:22.09FIQmy point stands though
00:22.16DocScrutinizer05and yes, we will of course adapt the true order volume of components to the number of prorders we received until that point in time
00:22.43FIQreferring to "as it looks right now we will source 229 components and that's it"
03:13.36*** join/#neo900 thrakcattack (
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10:14.47obesdDocScrutinizer05: what about an electric motor controlled by the host cpu, that when told it retracts the electricity plug from the baseband and any other black box components, so they cannot have electricity
10:15.35obesdthen a hardware analysis on chosen baseband components to make sure they do not contain anything that could store and use electricity
10:16.22obesdand cutting off radio frequency rfid type energy supply as well etc
10:17.10DocScrutinizer05nope, our approach is surveillance, not forcing
10:17.40DocScrutinizer05I rather want to know that modem tried something fishy
10:18.17DocScrutinizer05hi dos1
10:20.24DocScrutinizer05obesd: for you we will place a micro-explosive under the modem, to definitely shut it down for good. As soon as our surveillance/monitoring shows it tries to communicate to somebody when it shouldn't
10:20.56DocScrutinizer05saves us all hardware analysis for hidden plutonium batteries and the like
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11:03.27obesdDocScrutinizer05: loll :)
11:03.50obesdyeah you have a good point there, surveillance of when the black box does something suspicious
11:03.53obesdthats important
11:04.47obesdi wonder if an OS like replicant will make use of the technology and alert me (or log) when the modem decides it will try to secretly stay on or do other things
11:07.20FIQtbh I doubt the modem is evil
11:26.08*** join/#neo900 Neros (
11:26.58DocScrutinizer05tbh I am quite sure it's genuinely not
11:27.12DocScrutinizer05but I also know there are exploits OTA
11:27.28DocScrutinizer05and even:
11:27.36infobotrrlp is, like, the Radio Resource LCS (Location Service) Protocol as specified first in GSM TS 04.31, or
11:28.18DocScrutinizer05and stuff like silent SMS, to triangulate the MT
11:28.26obesdFIQ: if you doubt the baseband is evil, you havent been researching basebands enuff ;-D
11:28.57DocScrutinizer05I'm absolutely sure baseband is crappy like hell
11:29.29DocScrutinizer05I've seen 2 firmwares so far
11:29.45obesdDocScrutinizer05: i am curious about the rumours i keep hearing about fake basestations or gsm operators being able to send commands to your baseband, to either execute code on the baseband or on the sim card (eg "operator update")
11:30.17obesdyeah it is clear there are remote exploits to execute code on the baseband
11:30.44DocScrutinizer05yes, SIM is yet another "second OS" (see that silly article) that can execute stuff and even get commands OTA
11:30.54obesdim interested to know if there are actual "features" perhaps intended for operators to apply important updates inside the sim for example
11:31.14DocScrutinizer05yes, there are
11:31.39DocScrutinizer05you can send SMS that go directly to the SIM and trigger in SIM whatever operator placed in there
11:31.40obesdinteresting, so the operator can execute arbitary commands in the sym ?  i heard something about them being able to send a java applet, which is run by the sim
11:32.03FIQ[12:30:44] <DocScrutinizer05> yes, SIM is yet another "second OS" (see that silly article) that can execute stuff and even get commands OTA
11:32.15FIQpretty sure there's a good reason to this
11:32.23FIQfor convenient service
11:32.25obesdso say they execute commands on the sim, what can the sim do ?
11:32.32FIQnot surprised if it's abused for other stuff though...
11:32.55DocScrutinizer05the SIM can do almost anything, with the modem
11:33.01FIQi.e. for stuff like reset PIN, force deactivate it (nonpaying customer) and such
11:33.50obesdso without even using any exploits, an operator could send a sim command to active silent answer mode, and hear things through the microphone ?
11:33.59DocScrutinizer05SAT is defining that SIM has full control over display and over HID
11:34.26DocScrutinizer05when the MT has any such display and HID aka kbd/touchscreen
11:34.39DocScrutinizer05SIM can initiate SMS and phonecalls
11:34.46FIQwell, sim has good reasons to have ota control commands
11:34.51FIQunless it's too powerful
11:34.54DocScrutinizer05and of course chage own program
11:34.55FIQand/or abused
11:35.26obesdit would be good to see a full numeration on some wiki of exactly what can be done
11:35.33FIQi.e. "send SMS on demand" is something I hardly see a reason for
11:35.41DocScrutinizer05also I think the SIM has control over the phonebook stored in modem
11:35.56DocScrutinizer05when the modem has such phonebook
11:35.57obesdyeah the sim seems to have its on sim-stored address book
11:36.07obesdyeah the sim seems to have its own* sim-stored address book
11:36.30FIQoh yeah I remember that from the old phone days
11:36.37DocScrutinizer05there's a SIM based AB and a modem based AB
11:36.43FIQthere was 2 storage options for contacts etc
11:36.52FIQand SMS
11:36.54DocScrutinizer05same for SMS
11:37.55obesdhmm so on most phones can the modem listen to the microphone? i would assume yes, but havent seen any evidence
11:37.58FIQI wonder if the SIM was more powerful than the phone itself back in the 3310 days
11:38.05DocScrutinizer05obesd: yes
11:38.31DocScrutinizer05FIQ: not really
11:38.41anYcI guess they also evolved
11:39.01obesdDocScrutinizer05: so i guess it would logically follow then, that the operator can simply send a command, without any exploits, to the sim and/or modem and tell it to answer phone calls without ringing, then listen in on the microphone?
11:39.15anYce.g., I had to replace my SIM in order to use UMTS
11:39.30DocScrutinizer05obesd: I guess yes that's possible
11:39.41FIQI wonder if the same applies for LTE? @ anYc
11:40.02obesdDocScrutinizer05: yeah i have heard rumours of that ability, but not hard facts/data on how, or if it was exploit based or simply just built in
11:40.46anYcI don't know. I don't own any LTE device yet.
11:41.08FIQwouldn't be surprised if the SIM contained some odd exploits that none knows about that allows command execution by end user - or worse, via stuff like SMS
11:41.13obesdi have seen some presentations on exploiting basebands over IP connections too
11:41.20FIQkinda like the weird iPhone sms exploits a few years ago :D
11:41.23obesdso a fake tower wouldnt be needed
11:41.47DocScrutinizer05FIQ: that's no exploit, that's a pretty standard feature I think
11:42.12obesdFIQ: what was this iphone sms exploit i havent heard about?
11:42.34FIQobesd: let me google a bit, it was a while ago I heard about it
11:43.51FIQ as I said, old :D
11:43.58obesdcheers. i also see this and sms spoofing
11:44.11obesdlol same link
11:44.35DocScrutinizer05O2-germany offers so called "homezone", where the SIM calculates if you are in a radius of 500m around some address you defined as your "home", calls are cheaper in this homezone
11:45.01DocScrutinizer05the SIM does some trigonometric math to decide whether or not you are in homezone
11:45.09obesdthe research presenting on basebands said the various GSM standards group had a 80s approach to  security, and thought all the "operator features" they where building in couldnt be abused, but now any cracker could use them with a fake base station
11:45.20DocScrutinizer05and obviously it does some other stuff via the radio too
11:45.31DocScrutinizer05since it works without GPS
11:46.58DocScrutinizer05obesd: that's basically the situation, yes
11:47.57DocScrutinizer05while the phone needs to pass tough authentication to get accepted by the network, the network aka BTS doesn't need to authenticate at all to the mobile
11:48.19FIQno authorization requirement? genius!
11:48.34DocScrutinizer05since the whole security concern back when been about not allowing any fraud
11:48.52FIQhow come there hasn't been *any* reports on this actually happening?
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11:49.16DocScrutinizer05err, we seen that on CCC two years ago iirc
11:49.29FIQi.e. people trolling others' sim
11:50.05DocScrutinizer05Harald ran a local 'test' BTS and watched people's phones roaming to that BTS and people sending SMS via that BTS
11:50.35DocScrutinizer05and I think they even demonstarted a SMS to Nokia phones that killed them
11:52.25obesdFIQ: maybe because the crackers can be very undetectable with this ;)
11:54.37obesdi have seen spoofed sms' before
12:03.32obesdso there is a 2009 blackhat presentation on this sms exploit somewhere as wel
12:11.13DocScrutinizer05yeah, my friend Harald. always a joy to listen to his talks
12:40.44obesdso you are friends with Harald?
12:40.44obesdthats cool
12:40.48obesdknow any links of his talks :) ?
12:41.16obesdi found these links on sms hacks dunno if they are any good yet (havent seen them yet)
12:42.41DocScrutinizer05Harald and I shared Openmoko visitor appartment when we were both at Taipei
12:42.51obesdnice sounds like fun
12:43.29obesdoh man i think i could add this to my pentesting services
12:43.57obesdi know a number of high security entities, who actually have many staff's mobile phones VPNed into the corporate network
12:46.10DocScrutinizer05currently I'm in a slow chat with Harald about which RFID/NFC chip to use for Neo900
12:47.14DocScrutinizer05alas [2013-12-13 13:12:13] [Whois] LaF0rge has been idle for 5 days, 14 hours, 24 minutes, and 17 seconds.
12:47.29obesdinteresting, hopefully a secure one hehe :)
12:47.39obesdlol that is slow
12:47.47DocScrutinizer05how could it be insecure?
12:48.07DocScrutinizer05I mean, it's connected via I2C or UART
12:48.30obesdperhaps a wireless exploit
12:48.40DocScrutinizer05to exploit what?
12:49.21obesdperhaps the NFC driver in the host OS could have a buffer overflow in some part of the code that is run, before any user prompts. perhaps the nfc chip itself has firmware exploits over the air
12:50.12DocScrutinizer05well, perhaps the USB driver has exploits, or the kbd driver has exploits
12:50.20obesdperhaps they do, yes
12:50.32DocScrutinizer05how is that relevant for my selection of NFC chip?
12:50.46obesdwell perhaps some vendors have more crappy implementations of the NFC stack than others
12:50.59DocScrutinizer05so what?
12:51.33obesdperhaps a more robust implementation is a better choice, perhaps, depending on the big picture
12:51.36DocScrutinizer05what do you hope to "exploit" in that chip? the MAC?
12:51.42ShadowJKsuspects we don't get a nfc stack with the chip
12:52.18obesdwell yes an exploit such as this
12:52.36DocScrutinizer05LOL, how's that related to the chip?
12:52.38obesdi havent read to much about it, it may be independant of the NFC chip, and reply upon exploiting android software
12:53.02obesdmaybe some NFC chips have remote firmware level exploits as well
12:53.16DocScrutinizer05have WUT?
12:53.39obesdhow about i do some research on NFC chips, then get back to you ;-)
12:55.27DocScrutinizer05yeah, sounds like a plan: you learn a bit about NFC chips and how they work, Then come back and tell me what's your concerns if you still have any then
12:55.51obesdthat sounds good
12:56.05DocScrutinizer05please keep in mind that Neo900 group doesn't do any OS related stuff
12:56.11obesdEverything is hackable, its just a question of how :)
12:56.18obesdyeah just the hardware ok
12:56.27DocScrutinizer05sure you can hack my wrist watch
12:56.57DocScrutinizer05I'm just wondering what's the possible *exploit* of such endeavor
12:57.14obesdSo am I too actually, busy trying to find any information on that
12:57.36obesd(for nfc chips, not wristwatches;)
12:58.38DocScrutinizer05well, you could make my watch going faster, and you could detune the carrier frequency of the NFC
12:58.52DocScrutinizer05I still don't see what that gets you
13:00.18obesdwell im not sure whats in nfc chips exactly, if there is a cpulike core and firmware running, gaining remote wireless code execution on that could get you something, like further access into the phone
13:00.28DocScrutinizer05sounds like "hacking the IrDA dongle"
13:01.22DocScrutinizer05no, you can't get further access to the phone via NFC, just like you can't via the modem or via the UART or the USB
13:02.04obesdim inclined to at least think to myself "orly" ;)
13:02.27DocScrutinizer05hacking WLAN or BT chips you at least theoretically could tamper my encryption
13:02.54obesdcant many of those wlan chips also do dma ?
13:03.04obesdand thus subvert the OS kernel
13:03.09DocScrutinizer05you could hack my printer and try to gain access to my PC
13:03.19obesdyeah you can actually
13:03.27obesdthere was a good presentation on that
13:04.22DocScrutinizer05I dunno about your PC but mine doesn't accept code from the printer
13:05.06DocScrutinizer05and Neo900 CPU won't accept code to execute, from NFC
13:05.23DocScrutinizer05nor from modem, nor from WLAN or BT
13:05.50obesdyeah but if we where talking about many NICs and WLAN chips they have DMA access to host ram, and can patch the OS kernel, without permission from the host cpu
13:06.35DocScrutinizer05Neo900 doesn't
13:06.49DocScrutinizer05this is not a PCI card
13:07.00obesdim more familar with PCs than mobile phones, but in many PC based NICs if you can exploit their firmware and execute arbritary code on their inbuilt cpu you can then
13:07.01obesdahh right
13:07.13obesdahh well thats good then :)
13:08.36obesdnot talking about neo900 here, as the neo900 has been designed more securely than all the other mobile phones i've seen, but the other mobile phones ive seen seem to have been designed even less securely than a pc
13:14.57DocScrutinizer05probably the worst exploit you could do to NFC: make it transmit RF constantly
13:15.18DocScrutinizer05so you could localize the device by a receiver
13:15.34DocScrutinizer05over a distance of at least 50m
13:15.44DocScrutinizer05when you got a really good one
13:17.00DocScrutinizer05however for that you'd need to enable the whole NFC on APE CPU side first
13:17.52DocScrutinizer05and when it is enabled then you *per definitionem* cam make a RFID send when you ping it with a RF signal challenge so it sends a response
13:18.40DocScrutinizer05since that's what RFID/NFC is designed to do. I don't see the exploit
13:19.45DocScrutinizer05the exploit is like "hahaha take THIS! I didn't switch off the light on your closet when I left"
13:24.32obesdwhat about this stuff:  so its the OS not the chip, but if the chip itself where vulnerable to a remote code execution by exploiting a vulnerability in the chips firmware, and running the exploit on the NFC chip the attacker could then exploit the OSes i2c drivers if vulnerable
13:25.39obesdplease excuse my 15 minutes of research on this, i havent been able to become a hardware/firmware/nfc/i2c exploitation expert in this amount of time ;-)
13:26.49obesdseems OS drivers usually are written to help things if the various hardware chips in a device is misbehaving/has a known hardware weird behaviour, but rarely are the drivers written to assume a hostile chip and protect against it
13:28.34DocScrutinizer05sorry, I2C sends commands to chip and then actively reads a limited set of 8bit register values which are handles strictly as data payload, no index or whatever in it, no end marker, nothing. I can't see how to exploit that
13:29.36DocScrutinizer05it's like trying to create a buffer oerflow by pressing the left mousebutton ;-P
13:29.52FIQproceeds to hammer the left mousebutton really hard
13:30.58obesdisnt the xor link an example of exploiting an i2c driver
13:31.00DocScrutinizer05I mean I2C is a TWO-wire "bus"
13:32.52DocScrutinizer05sure you can write arbitrary crappy drivers for about everything and have biffer overflows in it, and I bet you wind a scenario for each such buffer overflow where it kicks in
13:33.47obesdso i guess if they could exploit a firmware bug on a nfc chip to run arbritary code on the nfc chip, then leverage that position to exploit a host i2c driver they could then own the OS
13:34.20DocScrutinizer05but when I monitor my door bell by polling a GPIO on my PC, then I have a hard time thinking about you coming with whatever contraption you attach to my door bell knob to make my PC get a buffer overflow
13:34.36obesdyeah i have a hard time thinking about it too
13:35.46DocScrutinizer05you must be really thck to write a driver for a two-wire master that would have a buffer overflow exploit
13:36.09obesdit seems V4L did it hehe
13:36.27obesdvideo4linux, in
13:36.32DocScrutinizer05how's V4L a 2-wire bus?
13:37.09DocScrutinizer05meh, this is a pretty useless and futile discussion
13:37.12obesd* Video4Linux Subdev Interface, drivers/media/radio/si4713-i2c.c
13:37.14DocScrutinizer05err "discussion"
13:37.20obesdi presume thats an i2c driver there
13:37.49obesdon the n900
13:38.32obesddont know why there is video 4 linux stuff in a n900 radio transmitter i2c driver actually, i though v4l was for inbuilt usb webcams or something
13:39.04DocScrutinizer05I don't know how that's related to hardware
13:39.33obesdwell someone asked "Well they cant do anything anyway even if they exploited an nfc chip" and i chimed in about perhaps using it to get further into a phone
13:39.49obesdneeding to post more concrete information i posted an example of exploiting an nfc chip, then using that position to exploit an i2c driver
13:39.59obesdto backup my point with more information
13:43.29obesdIts related to hardware because if you chose a NFC hardware chip that has lots of over the air exploits allowing an attacker to run abritary code on the NFC chip, then the attacker has now gained a more privileged position in which to attack other parts of the phone, like i2c drivers which are usually designed to think that the hardware chip itself would never be intentionally malicious
13:43.40DocScrutinizer05I'm not interested in discussion of the level "when somebody writes a flawed app that monitors the PSU fan rotations and it might have a buffer overflow when the fam speed has 4000, 4444,4000 in 1s intervals, then you could exploit the vacuum cleaner's control chip so you gain access to the PC via buffer overflow in said app, when you hold the vacuum cleaner to the PC's fan exhaust"
13:43.43obesdor maybe you could say thats just simply related to security
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13:44.19obesdwell its nice to compare to vacuum cleaners, except the reason the security community has been all over nfc is because any security vulnerabilities can be exploited by walking past someone
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13:45.16obesdor going to a financial conference with an exploit device hidden in your pocket and hanging around chatting with people, pwning their phones
13:45.50DocScrutinizer05yeah great. I'm sure you could do this with a Neo900 ;-P
13:46.10DocScrutinizer05after all that's what NFC is made for
13:47.01DocScrutinizer05your fault when you install above mentioned app on your device
13:47.25DocScrutinizer05and nothing the hw designer can do to protect you from such stupidity
13:48.41DocScrutinizer05all we can do is to restrict the number of connections to CPU to 3 wires, and all 3 under full control of the CPU
13:49.29DocScrutinizer05when you decide to monitor one of the three and when it goes low you detonate the nuke inside the device... your problem, not mine
13:50.16DocScrutinizer05I tell you there is NO WAY I2C can hurt the CPU when the CPU doesn't ask for getting hurt
13:50.38obesdyes i agree
13:50.55DocScrutinizer05ok, next topic then
13:51.29obesdthough i dont know if there is much difference between different nfc chips and if people will be finding remotely exploitable bugs in their firmware, so having a more secure nfc chip could be beneficial for the user who is concerned about security ;)
13:51.33obesdok next topic
13:52.21DocScrutinizer05more secure dor bell knob
13:52.50obesdi2c driver above was already shown to be exploitable ;)
13:52.53obesdthats a way in
13:53.00DocScrutinizer05SO WHAT??
13:53.09DocScrutinizer05I'm starting to ponder getting +o
13:53.31obesdum, so the attacker can run kernel mode in the users phone, stealing their credentials,passwords whatever
13:53.43*** mode/#neo900 [+o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
13:54.03DocScrutinizer05you're noticing you start trolling, do you?
13:54.57obesdnah i honestly dont get it, ive been working in security for 15 years, what im saying seems on the ball to me
13:55.38DocScrutinizer05oh great, dunno how often you suggested to your customers to get safer door bell button
13:56.17DocScrutinizer05when there's a vulnerability in kernel, FIX IT!!!
13:56.28DocScrutinizer05it's not my job to fix it in hardware
13:56.44DocScrutinizer05and don't dare to answer!
13:56.52obesdbut we've just demonstrated how choice (1) nfc chip with no remotely exploitable firmware bugs vs (2) nfc chip with remotely exploitable  firwmare bugs, could provide a more privileged position to an attacker, to launch attacks on things like i2c drivers, to me that makes it relevant to choose a nfc chip in the first place with less bugs, thats pretty much my only point, unless im totally missing the point
13:57.01obesdnah its not your job to worry about software implementations
13:57.10*** mode/#neo900 [+q obesd!*@*] by DocScrutinizer05
13:57.49DocScrutinizer05we don't like this sort of negative propaganda and PR here, based on false basics
13:58.50DocScrutinizer05you simply miss the point that your brilliant I2C exploit didn't need any rooting of the chip
13:59.05DocScrutinizer05and now excuse me please
13:59.22DocScrutinizer05I have to find a rope to shoot myself
14:00.37*** part/#neo900 obesd (
14:00.55*** mode/#neo900 [-q obesd!*@*] by DocScrutinizer05
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14:04.27DocScrutinizer05New bug in PulseAudio found: the upsampler/rate-converter creates a buffer overflow in kernel space when audio signal is composed of exactly 2 sine waves of the frequencies 333Hz and 5678Hz
14:04.57DocScrutinizer05Oh PLEASE could we use microphones in Neo900 that filter out those two frequencies?
14:06.26DocScrutinizer05there must be safer microphones and less safe ones
14:07.10DocScrutinizer05heck when it's a digital mic we must make sure that it can't get rooted to bypass the filters
14:09.01FIQexploits are silly, but it's hardly your fault if the reason is that someone was stupid when creating the firmware
14:16.49DocScrutinizer05FIQ: I just get angry when somebody tells my I don't do the optimum possible to create the safest and best hardware, and then demands I should design to filter out certain data sequences from an input stream that's supposed to be immune against any arbitrary data sequence, and the definition of what I should filter out is a possible bug in the driver (prolly linux driver) for that interface
14:18.58DocScrutinizer05heck, show me the bug so I can get to know about the particular data sequence I shall filter out! but probably I will answer "why don't you fix it in software right away?"
14:21.12DocScrutinizer05FIQ: particularly the problem is: when you leave any such statement unanswered, people think you don't know to answer/fix the issue. No matter if you answered the same statement 50 times in the previous 50 posts
14:24.08DocScrutinizer05kinda like this one:
14:24.47DocScrutinizer05>>duh, Neo900 doesn't block against vulnerabilities in I2C NFC<<
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14:26.30DocScrutinizer05reddit makes "Neo900 RFID vulnerability" out of that
14:27.18DocScrutinizer05and don't ask me what it becomes on /. then
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19:21.38ishijoehello everyone
19:22.33ishijoeI don't know if I can ask it here but I'm from mauritius and wanted to know if I can order the neo900
19:22.34ishijoeif yes how?
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