IRC log for #neo900 on 20140619

00:01.53DocScrutinizer05you folks have noticed nice new µblog dos1 installed to
00:02.08dos1hey, it's not there yet! :D
00:02.32dos1but will be in some minutes
00:02.36DocScrutinizer05pops open a beer bottle
00:35.58FIQDocScrutinizer51 didn't have enough patience
00:36.45DocScrutinizer05 :-P
00:37.41FIQnice name
00:38.17FIQwhy not @neo900?
00:39.25DocScrutinizer05because that's prerelease sandbox testing
00:39.27FIQwhat happens if you post involves too long texts (>140), or what about "&"?
00:40.04dos1twitter is not a main channel for our microblog, it's just "also posted there"
00:40.19FIQwhere's the main channel?
00:42.36dos1on in few minutes :)
00:43.09dos1right now it's in testing - DocScrutinizer05 and wpwrak try hard to break it :D
00:43.43DocScrutinizer05nah, we try hard NOT to break it ;-P
01:25.27DocScrutinizer05[2014-06-19 Thu 03:23:44] <dos1> microblog is alive!
01:26.04dos1and @neo900 on twitter was already taken :c
01:26.07dos1it's @neo900ug if you want to follow :)
01:29.03DocScrutinizer05which fucker took @neo900 ?
01:29.37DocScrutinizer05I guess there must be a reason I hate twitter
01:30.08dos1"Joined January 2010", speaking with some character set I surely can't read
01:30.15DocScrutinizer05can I spam that "account"?
01:31.46DocScrutinizer05BLAERGH! sending same illegible sequence over and over again
01:32.39DocScrutinizer05prolly coordinating a bot net
01:33.18DocScrutinizer0522.4k tweets?
01:33.30DocScrutinizer05is that what I think it is?
01:36.21DocScrutinizer05honestly, twitter is such a pile of ...
01:36.27DocScrutinizer05holds his nose
02:04.35DocScrutinizer05ok, this looks kinda OKish now
02:04.47DocScrutinizer05hope some folks will like it
02:05.03DocScrutinizer05...and support us to reach 200 devices to build, again
02:06.17DocScrutinizer05dos1: did wit tell Marin of Zeit about our anti-NSA concept?
02:17.34*** join/#neo900 silviof (~silviof@unaffiliated/silviof)
02:38.52wpwrakinstead of "anti-NSA", i'd rather emphasize trustworthiness. with this phone, you're the boss again, and now just a sheep to be chased around by manufacturer, provider, and all sorts of shady organizations.
02:39.43wpwrakof course, the more closed-source bolbs the freemantle folks can kill for us, the truer this becomes :)
02:52.07DocScrutinizer05you didn't grock our sandboxing concept yet, do you?
02:52.15DocScrutinizer05grok, even
02:52.55DocScrutinizer05we're not even shipping *any* software
02:54.14DocScrutinizer05a Samschlung Gall Axy will *never* be safe, not even when you run freeBSD on it
02:55.31DocScrutinizer05on Neo900 you can run android (replicant) and it's still at least 'usable' regarding what can happen to you and what NSA *cannot* do with you and your phone
02:57.18DocScrutinizer05the "you're the boss" aspect is already covered by user's choice between roundabout half a dozen plus some alternative OS you can install and use
02:58.54DocScrutinizer05you're "boss" as well on a cyanogenmod droid phone, and on a jailbroken fruitphone
02:59.04wpwrak(you're the boss) i mean as the catchphrase, to get people interested
03:00.09wpwrakwell, on cyan you have to live with whatever dubious hw choices the phone maker made. e.g., modem sharing memory.
03:00.38DocScrutinizer05as a catchphrase this hardware is like a mixture of fort nox and a dungeon for anybody trying to do shit to you
03:00.47wpwrakand on the rotten apple, it's closed source paradise. so yes, you may briefly feel you're in charge, but you're still blindfolded and shackled :-)
03:01.44DocScrutinizer05we're not selling the rooted OS
03:02.15DocScrutinizer05we're selling the fort nox in hardware, and you decide which OS and apps to run on it
03:02.33wpwrakdoens't change that you're still the boss :)
03:03.14wpwrakif you don't like the wording, i'm sure we can come up with something else. but i'd say a key feature is user empowerment that begins at the hardware
03:03.16DocScrutinizer05I'm not going to marked a selling pont that isn't
03:04.11wpwrakyou don't think the owner of a neo900 would be more empowered than with the competition ?
03:04.25DocScrutinizer05again, depends
03:04.36wpwrakempowered for or against whatever they choose, including nosy TLAs
03:04.59DocScrutinizer05it's not a property of our product. Simple as that
03:06.07DocScrutinizer05on our product openness starts not where the boss sits, but it starts where the architect builds the buikding where the bosses chair will be
03:06.42wpwrakthe product enables empowerment by design. whether the customer uses it or not is their own choice.
03:06.55DocScrutinizer05you can run cheesy closed google-android on neo900
03:07.21DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: other product do as well
03:07.46DocScrutinizer05again: I'm not going to sell this on a selling point that isn't
03:08.02wpwrakwhich other product have a nicely isolated and monitored (!) modem ?
03:08.25DocScrutinizer05that's NOT "you're the boss" as used by you just above
03:09.02DocScrutinizer05that's rather "you're Mr Tuttle"
03:09.11wpwrakwhat i mean is that you're not required to give up control
03:09.46wpwrakcounterexample: apple. there you get a nice safe kindergarden but you have to accept to be treated like a child.
03:09.57DocScrutinizer05sorry, you failed to sell that slogan to me
03:10.52DocScrutinizer05"you're the boss" clearly means "rooted"
03:11.13DocScrutinizer05or 2jailbroken"
03:11.20wpwrakwell, we can find other slogans. what i find important is to emphasize the idea of not having to bow before some powers that be
03:11.46wpwrakyou're the boss of neo900 ug. have you been rooted ? ;-)
03:12.19DocScrutinizer05I think anti-NSA is more to the point than "you're the boss", sorry
03:13.24wpwrak(powers that be) in more abstract terms, this would be structural power. e.g., if you have to accept humilation just to get something that should be rightfully yours.
03:14.09wpwrak"anti-NSA" is rather questionable. i mean, if neo900 would even appear on NSA's radar, they would have it out of the nets quicker than you'd imagine
03:16.10DocScrutinizer05I'm really not in the mood for a punching session
03:16.27wpwrakalso, while pretty much everybody finds what the NSA are doing at least a little revulsive, few enough people would make "anti-NSA" a key factor in their choice of a phone
03:17.06DocScrutinizer05yeah. let's discuss this next year please
03:18.16wpwrakand those who would may have lots of fancy demands neo900 can't meet anyway. i'm sure you've seen the type. they always say "i like it. if you'd do/change $SOMETHING, then i'd buy one." of course, even if you did, they would just find another thing.
03:18.32wpwrakyeah, no hurry with it. let's pick this up again later.
03:18.49wpwrakand you should do something about that sleepwalking :)
03:19.18DocScrutinizer05meanwhile I reconsider "the most secure phone hardware you can get"
03:19.38wpwrakor maybe joerg should do something about those people who use his nick while he's asleep ;-)
03:19.44DocScrutinizer05and I will delete "boss" from my dictionary
03:22.13DocScrutinizer05nobody feel happy when hearing or reading the word "boss"
03:22.59DocScrutinizer05it's magnitudes worse than "no negatives!"
03:23.04wpwrak"you're in charge" "you hold the keys" "you have control" "master of you universe" whatever.
03:23.24DocScrutinizer05I'm in charge sounds scary
03:23.28wpwrak"declare your independence !" "break the chains !" etc.
03:23.54wpwraknote: "in charge" not "charged" ;-)
03:23.56DocScrutinizer05we're not breaking chains, we exploit them
03:24.40DocScrutinizer05you're a poor marketing drone, sorry to say that :-)
03:24.51wpwrakuuuh ... you want exploitation ... how about: "Dominate !", "Your dominance", ... ?
03:25.46wpwrak"You rule". that can also just be used to say that you're great.
03:26.09DocScrutinizer05how about "unlike2 X-P
03:26.36DocScrutinizer05maybe we can even find a worse slogan than that
03:26.37wpwrak"unlike2 X-P" ? or just "unlike"
03:28.05DocScrutinizer51you're pretty time demanding, didyou ever hear :
03:28.37wpwrakactually, "not like the rest" (independent, free, innovative) or, if you refer it to "like" in the fakebook sense, "no false friends" or "doesn't keep bad company" could work. since the phone wouldn't betray you.
03:29.04DocScrutinizer51books a 20h on wpwrak
03:29.18wpwrakwhatever that means :)
03:31.40wpwrak"no false friends" should also be quite easy to understand for those who hate NSA, CGHQ, et al.
03:32.00wpwrakand of course, it includes all sorts of other false friends
03:33.58wpwrakand of course in that context, we have "trust" as in "Trusted Computing", a term that orwell couldn't have coined better.
03:39.38DocScrutinizer05*sigh* you don't ever sleep, eh?
03:45.53DocScrutinizer51what that means? thatmtoday been one of the most exhausting ones of this year, and I don't think the result been adequate
03:47.35DocScrutinizer51and that after 20h I now feel like chilling a bit
03:49.50wpwrak(trusted computing) exactly !
03:49.55wpwrakhappy chillin' ! :)
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07:27.52joecoollol was gonna suggest twitter for short updates
07:28.07joecooljapanese always get the jump on relevant twitter handles
07:28.09joecool <
07:28.28joecooli'm gonna guess that's not about the phone :)
07:56.56wpwrakmaybe he was concentrating on it and walked into something ... :)
08:00.43DocScrutinizer05looks like a bot
08:01.39DocScrutinizer05I mean, 22400 tweets, most of them 5番パー。 ?
08:03.34DocScrutinizer05or 1, 2, 3, 4
08:03.37DocScrutinizer055th par.
08:04.29DocScrutinizer05I probably don't have than number of posts in IRC in that time ;-)
08:05.16infobotxyawn is probably sleep
08:05.32DocScrutinizer05she's so wise
08:06.17DocScrutinizer05infobot, try again
08:06.25infobotmethinks xyawn is nap
08:07.55DocScrutinizer05is stubborn and won't do like suggested
08:10.39infobotgood coffee
08:11.28joecoolgood thing facebook wasn't chosen
08:11.31joecoolthat shit's offline
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09:56.25DocScrutinizer05what I learned today: Wells Fargo is cumbersome for US citizens when they want to do a money transfer to Neo900 UG account
09:59.50*** join/#neo900 thrakcattack (
10:02.26DocScrutinizer05My bank consultant (Deutsche Bank) been pretty puzzled when I tild him that US customers of my company have problems doing a IBAN/SWIFT money order to my (well Neo900 UG's) account. He couldn't help with providing details how I could talk some Wells Fargo account owner in US through that process - surprising info ;-)
10:02.53flingDocScrutinizer05: I want to trade my gta04 in for neo900 :>
10:03.06flingI have a complete openphoenux device…
10:03.31DocScrutinizer05sorry, Neo900 UG can't do that, since GTA04 is a product of Golde Delicious Computers
10:04.18DocScrutinizer05but of course you can Talk to Nikolaus and ask him what he can do for you :-)
10:05.12DocScrutinizer05anyway, duly noted. Maybe we need GTA04 developer devices. I'd contact you in this case
10:06.52*** join/#neo900 che1 (
10:07.52flingDocScrutinizer05: thanks ;>
10:07.53DocScrutinizer05thanks for the offer and info
10:11.04DocScrutinizer05so, this been xoom. Next: PayPal
11:08.10dos1joecool: twitter wasn't "chosen" as well - it's just automatically crossposted there :P
11:27.14DocScrutinizer05crossposts "Neo900 UG has a PayPal account. Stay tuned and wait patient for it to get fully activated
11:28.23*** join/#neo900 remarc (~sequantz@
11:30.07DocScrutinizer05next step: bitcions. I'm really not up to this. dos1, could you have a look into it and tell me what needs to get done?
11:30.44flingDocScrutinizer05: just generate a private key and an address from it
11:31.01flingDocScrutinizer05: no need to use a client even
11:31.22flingDocScrutinizer05: then import the private key to a client when you will need to send the coins :>
11:35.17DocScrutinizer05aha! o.O ;-P
11:35.29dos1fling: I don't think Joerg is interested in nice pile of bitcoins residing in his wallet :P
11:35.50dos1I quess some service like coinbase will be handy there
11:36.01DocScrutinizer05yup, prolly
11:37.26flingI can pay in bitcoins btw :P
11:37.35DocScrutinizer05also:  ;-P
11:38.03dos1you forgot "a" :D
11:39.55DocScrutinizer05that sounds more like it
11:40.30DocScrutinizer05ok, laters. Now my bank wants to see me in person
11:41.08DocScrutinizer05(stupid signatures, since name of company "changed ")
11:41.57DocScrutinizer05Neo900 UG (haftungsbeschränkt) (in Gründung)  ->  Neo900 UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
11:42.23DocScrutinizer05of course you have to redo all the paperwork :-S
11:42.49dos1coinbase "instant exchange" fee: 1% plus $0.15
11:42.52bencohwhat does (haftungsbeschränkt) (in Gründung) stand for ?
11:43.01bencoh(no, I dont speak german)
11:43.25dos1bencoh: "haftungsbeschränkt" is "limited", and "in Gründung" - "in establishing"
11:43.44dos1"limited liability" even
11:43.56bencohoh I see
12:00.47DocScrutinizer05bbl, folks
12:01.52DocScrutinizer05dos1: when you're bored, you could already ponder how to integrate PP and BTC into the website
12:05.43dos1coinbase should be very easy
12:06.35dos1with paypal, we can either provide the e-mail and let the users pay by themselves, or put some of their buttons on the website
12:06.51dos1however, different buttons (like "buy now", "donate" etc.) have different set of rules
12:30.36DocScrutinizer05headdesks a little... Holiday, no banks today
12:31.39DocScrutinizer05the results of 24/7 working for Neo900 ;-D complete detachment from RL
12:32.58DocScrutinizer05already wondered why the heck nobody is available via phone
12:34.03bencohat 3am ?
12:34.23bencohoh you mean right now
12:34.27DocScrutinizer05cmd: Do 19. Jun 14:34:26 CEST 2014
12:37.55DocScrutinizer05dos1: I know the buttons, had some of them for my private account, for hostmode and maemo donations
12:38.15DocScrutinizer05huge success ¡  ;-P
12:38.28dos1yep, but the rules suck
12:39.09DocScrutinizer05what particularly?
12:39.46DocScrutinizer05(not general rules of PP, those are :X anyway)
12:41.25dos1Note: This button is intended for fundraising. If you are not raising money for a cause, please choose another option. Nonprofits must verify their status to withdraw donations they receive. Users that are not verified nonprofits must demonstrate how their donations will be used, once they raise more than $10,000.
12:41.51dos1I'm not sure yet what exactly "must demonstrate how their donations will be used" means
12:42.22DocScrutinizer05we're not non-profit, and we're basically not "raising funds" like PP defines that, I guess
12:45.09DocScrutinizer05we will "sell" publicly visible development of a device incl documentation to our "customers" I guess
12:46.06dos1"buy now" button then? ;)
12:46.22DocScrutinizer05though the wording sucks
12:48.19DocScrutinizer05"you're bidding for 'supporter status in project Neo900', for details see #70"
12:49.54DocScrutinizer05"delivery of your customer identification number: by email"
12:51.41DocScrutinizer05yeah, it sucks
12:53.35DocScrutinizer05"your supporter status entitles you for a frequent newsletter which provides download URLs to get the results of the work you supported, plus other privileges"
12:54.38*** join/#neo900 NIN101 (
12:54.41DocScrutinizer05ny tax adviser completely bailed out, my lawyer said "ummm, I need to think about this for a few hours" ;-)
12:56.11DocScrutinizer05crowd funding is a concept not commonly adopted into laws and terms of service yet. *OUR* crowdfunding with rebate is sth they pull their hair out
12:59.10DocScrutinizer05but we're not running any scam or doing tax evasion or are dishonest to our supporters, so it's not something we must not do per se, just there's not a single law that really fits for it
12:59.46DocScrutinizer05and with PP all the same
13:01.15DocScrutinizer05nicely goes along with bitcoins indeed ;-)
13:01.54*** join/#neo900 misv (
13:03.44DocScrutinizer05it's a PITA here in Germany (and prolly Europe) where you cannot even donate an arbitrary amount of money to a random guy on the street without checking which laws apply for that. Literally, and there *are* laws even for that
13:06.05DocScrutinizer05probably when you'd (hypothetically) give a 50'000EUR to a beggar in the street, then *you* can get sued when you don't ask the dude for his ID card and write his data down. And only Go.. err some lawyer might know which other liabilities and obligations you had in such case
13:07.39DocScrutinizer05generally handing over money from A to B is under supervision and you need to check if you're obliged to inform some law enforcement entity when you do
13:08.14DocScrutinizer05(applies for >=15000 afaik)
13:10.02DocScrutinizer05example: you buy a car fro 20k. Sure like hell *both* seller and the guy who buys the car need to have data of the other one, simply because of the money that moves from A to B
13:11.06DocScrutinizer05the money is the most ugly aspect of our nice little project
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15:51.48wpwrakthey say money is only a problem if you don't have enough of it. it's just our temporary misfortune that we're still struggling with this bit :)
15:52.42wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: maybe you should take bids from the various spy organizations for some cleverly hidden exlusive backdoor ;-)
15:55.32dos11) take bids
15:55.44dos12) sell backdoor to some three letter agency
15:55.55dos13) introduce neo900 to the market
15:56.38dos14) simultenously introduce "neo900 NSA edition" to finish the transaction
15:58.34dos15) thoroughly document the differences in both editions and make the funding transparent ;)
16:07.21wpwrak6) make sure they have your exact address for sending those black helicopters :)
17:13.45wpwraknew edition, now with more yellow:
17:15.31wpwrakthat's the work of my script that parses the diagram and makes (well, will make) modifications based on semantics. more to come, hopefully soonish :)
17:20.25freemangordonwpwrak: BTW speakers power amplifier is TPA2012
17:21.11wpwrakthanks a lot !
17:22.12freemangordonwpwrak: you should find a copy of L3_L4 SM
17:22.39wpwraki have it, but didn't see that chip mentioned
17:23.30freemangordonit is, check on page 6-19
17:24.29wpwrakany other things i've overlooked ? the mysterious digital mic ? the R&D LED driver, any of the buttons ?
17:24.43wpwrakoh, indeed. gotta read the fine print :) thanks !
17:25.20freemangordonlooking ATM
17:26.21DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: audio amps got already specified, even in a ticket iirc
17:26.48DocScrutinizer05or in more recent mail chatter between me and Nik
17:27.12wpwrakin other words, only you know where it is ;-)
17:28.07DocScrutinizer05you should search for that BOM.txt file, and ask for a lsmod
17:28.10wpwrakthe problem of this project isn't that the information wouldn't exist but that it's in any of a few dozen different places, none of which are connected to each other. and it's just a question of time until also you will forget exact locations :)
17:28.38freemangordonwpwrak: BTW did you look at maemo wiki trying to find the missing components?
17:28.41wpwrakah, ther's a bom.txt file ... looking ...
17:28.53wpwrakfreemangordon: you mean this ?
17:29.39wpwrakah, RE-BOMtxt
17:30.03freemangordonyep, that page
17:30.39DocScrutinizer05RE-BOM.txt is a copy of the tear down done by that company, mentioned at end of wiki7hardware/schematics
17:30.47wpwrakkewl. just what i needed. thanks ! :)
17:31.07DocScrutinizer05dang, I pointed you at that a week ago already
17:32.03wpwraki used that wiki extensively. but it's not as complete as i'd hope it to be.
17:32.47DocScrutinizer05original of RE-BOM.txt
17:33.19dos1seems we have 95 devices + 4 prototypes secured so far
17:33.42dos1not counting donations instructed, but not processed yet by GDC
17:34.20DocScrutinizer05cool, please update frontpage status
17:35.09freemangordonthat list is missing tk63115B-G LDO
17:35.29wpwrakabout 50%. where is that LDO ?
17:35.29DocScrutinizer05seems they were not perfect, eh?
17:35.45wpwrakgrmbl. that should have been two lines
17:36.15freemangordon2.8V V28_C according to SM
17:36.22wpwrakregarding LDOs and such, i also left out some of the minor chips in my block diagram.
17:36.36dos1almost 18k EUR transferred
17:36.37freemangordonlook at page 6-10
17:36.45DocScrutinizer05it's a BLOCK diagram
17:37.13DocScrutinizer05dos1: where from you get those numbers?
17:37.19DocScrutinizer05my spreadsheet?
17:37.25freemangordonsure, but some chips have ??? as their value
17:38.00dos1DocScrutinizer05: yup, augmented by data I'm collecting right now (like asking donors if they meant two donations for one device or for two of them etc.)
17:38.20wpwrak(LDO) ah, i see. yes that would be one of those below my inclusion threshold. basically everything that is clocks, power switching, power regulation, and virtually all of the passive components are not there
17:38.21DocScrutinizer05err, not many to ask this
17:38.56dos1yep, three
17:39.40freemangordonwpwrak: sure
17:39.59freemangordonthough I *think* I can find what that magic mic is
17:41.27wpwraki think the whole "number of devices" thing is a little bogus. the final number will change anyway (i.e., i'd expect most people to just wait in silence until we're ready to produce), so [...]
17:41.32wpwrakmic:  Star Micronics   MAB-03A-T-D1  :)
17:42.39wpwrak[...] it's a very very rough indicator (e.g., for component purchases) at best. i think the amount of money is far more important, because that's what in the end determines whether we can complete R&D or not
17:43.10wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: question: those unobtainium connectors you found. what was their part number again ?
17:44.15DocScrutinizer05500246471 or somesuch
17:44.38DocScrutinizer05please see ticket
17:44.45wpwrakwhich one ?
17:44.58DocScrutinizer05display connector?
17:45.52DocScrutinizer05maybe not?
17:48.15wpwrakfound the SFH7744 (optical proxy sensor) as well
17:48.39wpwrak(5000246471) thanks !
17:51.45DocScrutinizer05(5000246471) hehe, this was from top of my head and actually seems correct
17:52.19DocScrutinizer05ooops, missed one zero
17:52.52wpwrakstill not bad, for your age ;-)
17:54.33DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: we also need a good estimation on how many devices to build. We can't build on shelf, and we can't start sourcing of some components as late as opening of webshop
17:55.17DocScrutinizer05haha, age. Yeah, it's long ago already, no Alzheimer kicks in for those early memories
17:55.45DocScrutinizer05but don't ask me when I got up this morning
17:56.27wpwrak(how many to build) yes, but also there, you have a large uncertainty margin because of all the "silent bystanders"
17:56.43DocScrutinizer05we can't serve them
17:56.49DocScrutinizer05simple as that
17:57.03wpwrakoh, but we want to, very much ;-)
17:57.22DocScrutinizer05oh, but they will have to wait and hope for a second batch
17:57.57DocScrutinizer05and on second batch I bet the game will be absolutely the same, just way harder to source the critical components
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18:19.15DocScrutinizer05plugs in evil hooker800 to PC, in a presumably futile effort tosomehow scavenge contacts from it
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18:21.00*** topic/#neo900 is | conversations are logged to | 2013-11-04 - the day our fundraiser reached its goal, 25k EUR | 2013-12-02 - 200 devices reached! | 12-14 50035EUR, 232 units | 01-17 60kEUR, 300 units | 02-28 333 units, 70k€ | 03-28 350 units, 400 donations, 73555€ | 0501 360 410 75k
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18:22.14wpwrak(90% yield) yeah, if you're <90% (except for spinning up a run), that's not "poor yield" but "who let the kids into the fab ?" ;-)
18:23.38wpwrak(reworks) you call is "no go" i call it "an inevitable certainty" ;-) with a board that complex, there's virtually no way something nasty won't be overlooked. but it's also a very solvable problem. reworks are daily routine in the industry.
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18:48.01wpwrak"Balun   Gray Dot On Top" cute ;-)
18:57.56DocScrutinizer05well, prolly as good as ot gets
18:59.27DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: I hardly see any feasible rework aka field change order for a device like GTA04/Neo900/N900
19:00.20DocScrutinizer05we're not in China ;-)
19:01.13DocScrutinizer05any hw bug is either squashed before MP or gets shipped. Or we're dead
19:02.28DocScrutinizer05or are you talking about "reworks" like resoldering a tombstoned R or C or stuff like that?
19:03.18DocScrutinizer05no systematic errors but manufacturing failures that can get fixed by manual rework
19:05.08DocScrutinizer05>>something nasty won't be overlooked.<< suggests you indeed think we could solder a wire to retrofit that trace to ball D12 of that BGA we missed to layout
19:05.25DocScrutinizer05obviously won't fly
19:06.20DocScrutinizer05in >90% of cases this isn't feasible, stuff like this needs to get weeded out before MP starts
19:21.25wpwraklet's worry about this when it happens :) there's usually a way to work around problems without having to crawl under BGAs. emphasis on "work around". sometimes you can't restore the intended functionality but do something else that's still good enough. but that really depends on each individual case.
19:21.59wpwrakanyway, on with the BOM. that's a lovely source of information :)
19:27.20dos1wpwrak: if you do something - keep microblogging! ;)
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19:43.22wpwrakyeah, i will when i'm through with this. just two more part left i hope to identify ...
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20:09.58DocScrutinizer05just holler! :-)
20:10.14DocScrutinizer05I prolly can tell you off top of my head
20:12.16wpwrakthe "Microphone Interface", basically ESD plus some analog filter
20:13.33wpwrakalso, the dual analog switch in the audio section appears to be a TS5A22366 though they don't have anything matching in the teardown
20:14.00wpwrak(I did see the two TS3DS26227 used for cam multiplexing)
20:20.08wpwrakTI or fairchild FSA859UCX
20:25.58DocScrutinizer05ooh, sorry, no idea about microphone "interface"
20:26.25DocScrutinizer05there's quite a number of those critters available
20:27.59DocScrutinizer05I have to admit those analog switches, filters, ESD etc were too boring so I never looked into then in detail
20:28.57wpwrakhehe ;-)
20:29.38wpwrakwell, this is one we'd actually want to clone with reasonable precision. the rest is much "dumber", just some zeners or such
20:41.53DocScrutinizer05which do we want to clone?
20:43.27DocScrutinizer05the microphone interface? Well, yeah kinda. But we could even clone it with discrete components, it's all in there every resistor and the Zeners/tranzorbs are pretty clear
20:53.03wpwrakyes, discrete is another option
20:53.28wpwrak(just back from watching the end of uk vs. uy. pretty wild :)
20:55.06wpwrakbtw, latest version:
20:56.02wpwrakand just found a few small graphics errors. fixing ...
20:56.30DocScrutinizer0530EUR true donation from USA \o/
20:57.14wpwrakthat's how many beers ? :)
21:01.53DocScrutinizer05ooops 30USD
21:02.01DocScrutinizer05== 20EUR
21:02.19DocScrutinizer05well, 7 then
21:02.46DocScrutinizer05which is a damn lot, more than I need in a month
21:03.11DocScrutinizer05it's also almost 2 moths of server
21:04.34DocScrutinizer05anyway I'm very grateful, not only for the donation but also for the faith in the project
21:05.08DocScrutinizer05and for working out that weird transatlantic money transfer stuff
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21:06.00DocScrutinizer05which is of even higher value to us than the money
21:07.21DocScrutinizer05I think it's fair to post that sending money from USA is now confirmed to work... well in two days
21:07.42DocScrutinizer05our **first** money transfer directly from US iirc
21:08.10wpwrakfound it. it's the EMIF02-MIC06F3
21:08.26DocScrutinizer05sounds about right
21:08.42wpwrakindeed. the "MIC" is a pretty nice hint. thanks, ST ;-)
21:10.43wpwrakfor the US and Canada, SWIFT should work in most cases. people just need to "over-specify" the transfer. in .de, they'll simply ignore the noise.
21:11.20wpwrakby the way, there's another fun system: some banks have a SWIFT code (BIC) but are not connected to the network
21:12.08wpwrakyou send money to them by first sending it to an account of an intermediary bank, with instructions to "manually" credit it to the final destination
21:17.41DocScrutinizer05that's like international calls in the 1920s
21:18.22wpwrakyeah ;-)
21:18.54wpwrakHSBC Argentina uses that, too. probably to avoid sending money into the country.
21:22.38DocScrutinizer05XOOM is lightning fast, eh?
21:23.32DocScrutinizer05well, they make money with the fee, not with the interest from keeping the money
21:24.06DocScrutinizer05so the faster they are, the more money they can make ;-)
21:28.54wpwrakthey could also make a little extra money by sitting on it for a while ;)
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