IRC log for #neo900 on 20140917

00:00.23*** join/#neo900 b1101 (~b@
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00:34.09wpwraka dog that barks doesn't bite. and we have lots to chew :)
00:35.20OksanaThank you :) I am questioning infobot.
01:37.33*** join/#neo900 wicket64 (~wicket@gateway/tor-sasl/wicket64)
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01:54.16*** join/#neo900 AndrewX192 (~andrew@unaffiliated/andrewx192)
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05:55.43*** join/#neo900 Mihanizat0r (~MirandaLS@
06:24.29*** join/#neo900 jonwil (
06:34.52OksanaGood night.
06:41.50freemangordonjonwil: hi! are you aware there is leaked ARM hexrays? :)
06:42.22jonwilI have it already :)
06:42.50freemangordonih, so now /me expects REed phone-ui :P
06:43.39freemangordontoo bad it doesn't support FP, but is waaay better than nothing
06:46.00*** join/#neo900 kolp (
06:50.46jonwilwell I plan to dig deeper and see what I can do with a few of the bits I wanted to play with
06:50.53jonwilNot sure how deep down the rabbit hole I will go
06:51.05freemangordonjonwil: see on #maemo-ssu
06:53.09jonwilWill play with the cellular services daemon stuff again maybe
06:53.13jonwiland the connectivity UI
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10:01.59*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
10:07.40jonwilholy crap this is cool
10:08.21*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae_ (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
10:21.01freemangordon_jonwil: ARM hexrays?
10:21.48jonwilbecause its a newer (and more accurate) decompiler its even better than the x86 version I have
10:29.05jonwilgoing to dive back into the cellular services daemon I recon
10:33.48Palijonwil: and pulseaudio-module-nokia-*?
10:34.28jonwilprobably not those, even with ARM hexrays they are still a nightmare because arm hexrays doesn't do a thing for anything floating point and I know those will be full of floating point
10:35.37Palicannot reuse some parts from pulseaudio-module-meego-*?
10:36.16Palior sysinfo packages?
10:36.42jonwilcellular services daemon is where my interest lies
10:36.49jonwilso thats where I want to go next :)
10:38.32Palialso see packages isa-utils and cellmo-watch which are only in pr1.0
10:38.43Palimaybe there is something interesting... maybe not
10:52.35DocScrutinizer05wow, jonwil, Pali and freemangordon_, meeting of the giants :-D
10:59.03freemangordon_jonwil: I guess that means you're not interested in helping me with nm-navigation-provider?
10:59.30jonwilnot right now no, I want to play with the csd-sim plugin :)
11:17.54jonwillol at the typo in the function isi_router_subscribe_indicatios in libtelcommon
11:20.43DocScrutinizer05jonwil: do you think you could give nolo a short shot and see what else except parboiled uboot is in there?
11:21.08jonwilwhere do I get a binary to feed into IDA?
11:21.31DocScrutinizer05flasher extract fiasco-combined
11:21.41jonwilI dont have flasher access right now
11:22.00DocScrutinizer05fires up dd
11:22.27jonwilI will see what IDA makes of nolo
11:23.44jonwilalso if it really does have uboot code in there isn't that a GPL violation?
11:24.33DocScrutinizer05IroN900:~# dd if=/dev/mtd0ro of=/home/user/MyDocs/mtd0_bootloader
11:24.35DocScrutinizer05256+0 Datensätze ein
11:24.36DocScrutinizer05256+0 Datensätze aus
11:24.38DocScrutinizer05131072 Bytes (131 kB) kopiert, 0,0287476 s, 4,6 MB/s
11:28.26DocScrutinizer05jonwil: seems I made a backup of my stuff at
11:29.29jonwilis the n900 big or little endian?
11:39.13jonwilhmmm without knowing the format of what I am looking at and where to point IDA to start disassembly, I cant do anything with that image file
11:39.33jonwilso back to csd-sim :)
11:55.14DocScrutinizer05that is what ROM-bootloader will load and start
11:56.12DocScrutinizer05Pali: can you help out jonwil about start addr in /dev/mtd0 ?
11:57.08DocScrutinizer05jonwil: first there's MLO aka XLoader in there
11:57.27jonwilyeah I think I saw that
11:57.34jonwildo I want big or little endian?
11:57.43jonwillittle endian I think
11:57.48DocScrutinizer05prolly le
11:58.25jonwilok, so now I need to figure out what to set up as RAM and ROM for this (i.e. what the memory map is) since I dont know
11:59.20DocScrutinizer05Pali and freemangordon_ had a closer look into the boot process of OMAP/ARMv7
11:59.33Palihere are MTD offsets:
11:59.45DocScrutinizer05I only know that MLO gets loaded to static RAM (64kByte?)
12:00.00Paliso you can extract xloader and secondary from mtd dump
12:00.56Palix-loader loads secondary image at address 0x80400000
12:01.59DocScrutinizer05secondary aka NOLO
12:02.53jonwilso the secondary starts at offset 00004000 in the mtd0 that I have?
12:02.57PaliI heard that nolo components were created from elf files using objcopy -O binary
12:03.15DocScrutinizer05haha, awesome
12:03.21jonwilor is that offset from the start of a full nand dump?
12:03.36DocScrutinizer05that should be the same
12:03.44DocScrutinizer05ntd0 is first partition
12:03.53Palijonwil: 0xffff using this code for creating mtd dump:
12:04.07Paliit not using dd but nanddump
12:04.14Paliwith lot of arguments!!!!
12:04.25jonwilhmmm ok
12:04.31Pali(which skip oob data and padding and lot of other)
12:04.43jonwilok, so the dump I have isnt what I need then
12:04.48jonwilI need one made with nanddump
12:05.00PaliI think that dd on /dev/mtd will return also some oob and other garbage
12:05.23Paliabove 0xFFFF code will create exact image as you flash into n900
12:06.42infobotit has been said that 0xffff is, or
12:07.18Paliin second link is tarball with precompiled arm binary which I used on my n900 for creating dumps
12:08.42Pali$ 0xFFFF -t secondary -e
12:09.03Palithis should dump secondary image (NOLO) on n900 to current working directory
12:09.17Palidepends on nanddump binary
12:09.47Palihmm... we already have 0xFFFF in Extras-devel:
12:10.06Paliso no need to dig into that TMO tarball
12:10.21Palijust apt-get install 0xffff
12:10.34jonwilI dont have extras-devel enabled on my phone
12:10.42Paliit is in extras-testing too
12:10.53jonwilI dont have extras-testing enabled either
12:10.54jonwilplus my phone is about to run out of battery so I cant fiddle with it right now anyway
12:11.03jonwilneed to plug it in for charging
12:11.11PaliDocScrutinizer05: ^^^
12:11.21Paliand vote for packages :-)
12:19.25wpwrakdos1: have you considered adding comcastify to ? it seems that it would create a more professional user experience.
12:25.12DocScrutinizer05DAMN YOU APT-GET!!!
12:25.32DocScrutinizer05The following packages have unmet dependencies:
12:25.37DocScrutinizer05E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
12:26.37DocScrutinizer05that's what you have to pay for getting speedyham
12:27.43DocScrutinizer05Pali: sorry, I cannot install 0xFFFF
12:33.41freemangordon_DocScrutinizer05: you need recent enough CSSU version in order to install speedyham :)
12:34.06keriodon't be so tsun-tsun, DocScrutinizer
12:35.37DocScrutinizer05no, you need to disable cssu update to keep stuff like speedyham or procps
12:36.09DocScrutinizer05which is exactly the reason why I don't update cssu any more
12:48.54DocScrutinizer05jonwil: maybe I already saved some private stuff to my private directory "bootloader/" in fiasco+co
12:49.26kerioDocScrutinizer05: hold on, isn't speedyham just a certain version onwards
12:50.37DocScrutinizer05kerio: I honestly dunno and don't care anymore. dependencies got just more messed up with CSSU instead of cleaning them up
12:51.49DocScrutinizer05a system that breaks when I install procps since the crappyshittymessybox has a completely useless ps... unbearable
12:52.14jonwilok, so I have nolo in IDA now but I dont know which byte is the first one executed
12:52.36jonwilI loaded the file at 80400000
13:01.18DocScrutinizer05yawn at
13:01.21DocScrutinizer05W: GPG error: fremantle Release: The following signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED 1382708562 KEYEXPIRED 1382708562 KEYEXPIRED 1382708562
13:01.23DocScrutinizer05W: GPG error: ./ Release: The following signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED 1349249546 KEYEXPIRED 1349249546 KEYEXPIRED 1349249546
13:01.26DocScrutinizer05W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
13:02.19DocScrutinizer05planned obsolescence
13:04.04kerioi just deleted the keys so the messages are shorter
13:05.29DocScrutinizer05embarrassing that my enable-catalogs script has a defunct trap
13:06.00DocScrutinizer05# trap "e=$?; echo ${bn}: aborting with error $e; exit $e" ERR
13:06.55DocScrutinizer05I already guess that it's not a great idea to have env vars in a trap this way, they get expanded at "compile time", not when trap catches
13:07.36DocScrutinizer05but I don't see why /usr/local/sbin/enable-catalogs: trap: line 80: ERR: bad trap
13:08.22DocScrutinizer05line 80 is obvious, that's my very special call to main()
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14:08.26DocScrutinizer05on a sidenote: we finally got a legally compliant fineprint on
14:09.17DocScrutinizer05it assures our donors thet they get the rebate and interest we promised
14:09.52DocScrutinizer05technically we handle your donations as a credit
14:10.15DocScrutinizer05VC credit
14:10.30wpwrakthis sounds like newsletter material :)
14:11.38wpwrakshall we plan to write that bastard, say, early next week ? when dos1 has had his exam and a weekend to recover his strength ?
14:11.56DocScrutinizer05sounds like a plan
14:12.03wpwrakdos1: that is, unless you plan to hop on a plane right after the exam :)
14:14.10DocScrutinizer05we also need to publish that development of proto_V2 actually started
14:14.27DocScrutinizer054 bb-xM secured
14:14.45DocScrutinizer05contract with GDC signed
14:14.57DocScrutinizer05well, "contract"
14:16.20DocScrutinizer05we need to publish a more honest realistic timeline estimation as well
14:16.46DocScrutinizer05I already mentioned that proto_V3 cannot start any earlier than February 2015
14:16.59DocScrutinizer05no way we ship series devices in Q4
14:17.55DocScrutinizer05we're 6 months late which is in line with the delay we suffered from damn reorg
14:21.48DocScrutinizer05and GDC available time to dedicate to Neo900 got diminished by project Pyra or whatever, something we didn't have on our radar a year ago when we sketched original timeline
14:25.54wpwrakyup. these are the main items to mention. we can keep ME aspects for the next newsletter, maybe 1-2 weeks later, when i'll have finished my scans
14:26.33DocScrutinizer05didn't know we have ME aspect related news to publish
14:26.40wpwrakby then we'll also have some more detailed feedback on the hacklab
14:26.52wpwrakwell, the scans. progress update ;)
14:27.03DocScrutinizer05what we need to kick off last month is N900 spare parts sourcing campaign
14:27.45wpwrakit's the pcb side of ME. pcb outline and component placement (IR, for example. and there will probably be more critters that need to fit into some hole in the case)
14:27.58DocScrutinizer05we don't know how many to source, and we don't have the funds to do so
14:28.56DocScrutinizer05(more critters) supposed to be result of proto_V1
14:29.23wpwrakmaybe have the items you listed for the next newsletter. let's keep it reasonably small, else it'll take days to finish (as happened before)
14:30.07DocScrutinizer05we never get to where I want to be regarding newsletters, when we publish one every other month
14:30.18DocScrutinizer05"keep it short" doesn't help
14:30.57DocScrutinizer05I don't see why writing newsletters always is such a drama
14:30.59wpwrak(more critters) v1 seems more limited to me: the things that are actually in contact with the n900 elements. but there are also many that just shouldn't be in contact with n900 elements :)
14:31.26wpwraki think if we keep them short and to the point, it'll be much less of a drama
14:32.16DocScrutinizer05it seems that it's exactly this "keep them short and to the point2 that takes a week to get it right
14:32.33wpwrakand agreed, two months is too long. every ~2 weeks would sound reasonable. not too often (after all, we'll want to have something to report and not have to "milk" some minor or previously described things), but also not every once in a blue moon
14:33.40wpwrakthe previous ones were a bit overloaded. too many topics, each complex. if we have one BIG topic, then there should be little else. if we have many, they should be small
14:33.56DocScrutinizer05write down some quick and dirty stuff and *publish* it (after I had a cursory look at it and confirmed that it's ok)
14:34.29DocScrutinizer05according to "Entschuldigen Sie den langen Brief, ich hatte keine Zeit fuer einen kuerzeren"
14:34.35wpwrakhehe ;-)
14:36.04wpwrakso, possible timeline: a) the things you listed above, but not the n900 parts. they'll need a bit of preparation. b) 1-2 weeks later, one for the n900 parts only. c) 1-2 weeks after that, ME, and what other things have come up until then.
14:36.07DocScrutinizer05it makes no sense to wait 8 weeks to agree on a date so we 3 can co-author a *short* newsletter
14:36.20wpwrakfor c) i'll also have the interactive block diagram :)
14:36.36wpwrakyou can agree now ;-)
14:36.50DocScrutinizer05timelines for newsletters have proven to be useless
14:37.13DocScrutinizer05we had such timeline agreements like 4 times now
14:37.45wpwrakmy main point is to keep the BIG item (n900 parts sourcing) away from the rest. the rest should be relatively painless. n900 parts sourcing will need all our attention.
14:37.49DocScrutinizer05a timeline is useless when nobody *does* anything to make it happen
14:38.39DocScrutinizer05then go ahead and draft something. awaiting your draft to check and approve it let#s say tomorrow?
14:38.45wpwrakwell, we had a bit of chaos with vacations and exams, and parts 1 & 2 of the trilogy being frustratingly difficult to do
14:39.23DocScrutinizer05it been frustratingly difficult since we already had way too much on our plate
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14:39.59DocScrutinizer05the problem is NOT (and never been) too many newsletters per time
14:40.08DocScrutinizer05or too few topics
14:43.19DocScrutinizer05how often I asked for "please write a 3 sentences newsletter about fact X" and nothing happened because it was considered "not enough"
14:43.54DocScrutinizer05then when next newsletter actually been considered a ncessity, it suddenly been "too much"
14:45.46Palijonwil: first instruction in secondary.bin is executed
14:45.57Paliit is branch somewhere
14:46.10jonwilok, so first bytes in that file, got ya
14:46.36wpwraki guess we should accumulate "a bit more than enough", then pick the best / most urgent. newsletter has two functions: progress report and announcements. urgent announcements should trump reports.
14:47.06wpwrakprogress reports can wait. for to-the-minute reporting, we have IRC
14:47.27DocScrutinizer05we need to get stuff out there when it's happening
14:47.45wpwrakthat's how you end up with "not enough"
14:48.09DocScrutinizer05it's actually up to prohect management to decide what's "enough"
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14:49.06jonwilok, without a proper memory map (i.e. where code is, where data is, where, where stack is etc) so I can create usable segments in IDA, I dont think I can look at this properly
14:49.41DocScrutinizer05jonwil: you're aware that NOLO does set up all this on its own
14:49.41wpwraki think we the newsletter should function like a weekly journal. if you want to know what just went "boom" in your city, you don't look for the spiegel print edition. but if you want regular updates on the big picture, you may choose that source of information.
14:49.57wpwrakanyway, lemme write that blurb ...
14:50.20DocScrutinizer05no, our newsletters are no periodical
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14:50.37DocScrutinizer05they are (or SHOULD be) event-driven
14:51.06*** join/#neo900 Oksana (~chatzilla@
14:51.09jonwilok, so what exactly am I looking for in nolo?
14:51.39DocScrutinizer05jonwil: interesting details we didn't expect to find there and didn't know about already
14:52.03DocScrutinizer05initialization stuff not to be found in uBoot
14:52.25DocScrutinizer05details about flashing
14:52.33wpwrakfrom when does that Q4 estimate actually come ? was that something already pre-reorg or did it get set/moved later ?
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14:53.25DocScrutinizer05it got changed from iirc Q3 eventually, during the early (pre-)reorg phase starting in March
14:54.52DocScrutinizer05March till August are 6 months, and those 6 months are missing now, that's our delay we already have to cope with. Then we also see some slowdown compared to what we initially expected for progress speed
14:54.58wpwrakperfect, thanks !
14:55.49jonwilI suspect my low-level knowledge of how you talk to hardware on ARM (i.e. hardware registers/memory spaces claimed by hardware/whatever it is) is not up to the task of reverse engineering nolo
14:56.14wpwrakwell, we all know how it is with time estimates: ask an engineer for his best estimate. then add one. then multiply by two. finally, convert to the next higher unit. so "tomorrow" (= 1 day) means 4 weeks :)
14:56.16DocScrutinizer05jonwil: yeah, that's nasty
14:57.48DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: depends. 24h +1h *2 ^^unit-conversion = 50 days
14:57.56wpwrakjake42: btw, very nice post you wrote to the hacklab list (when looking for someone to make a case part). thanks !
14:59.04wpwrak(50 days) same order of magnitude ;-)
14:59.07jonwilI know how it works on other platforms including x86 and also the (rather obscure) 65816 CPU
14:59.15jonwiland I think 68000 too
14:59.17jonwilbut not ARM
15:00.37DocScrutinizer05there are register address ranges assigned to subsystems. and that rnage (set of offsets to particular registers) can have minimum 1 and maximum prolly 6 additional global offsets on top
15:01.40jake42wpwrak: glad you like it :-)
15:01.47DocScrutinizer05at least that's what I seen for mentorgraphics musb IP block when looking into hostmode hack
15:01.50jake42lets see if something comes out of it
15:02.44DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: it's perfectly suitable for a newsletter. Maybe one english sentence to explain what it is
15:02.55wpwrakseems that we may already have netted gurki :)
15:03.40DocScrutinizer05I'll eventually meet him and discuss stuff en detail
15:03.41wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: (suitable) you're talking about jake42's post ?
15:04.17wpwrakjake42: is it "public" enough to reference in our newsletter ?
15:04.27DocScrutinizer05yes, it is
15:04.33wpwrakah wait, it'll expire very soon
15:04.56wpwrakalready gone
15:04.58DocScrutinizer05I already checked that before I asked "please make this a new page on and link to it from "careers" "
15:06.19wpwrak"careers" sounds a bit exaggerated :) it's more like "gigs" :)
15:06.31jake42wpwrak: pastebin expired?
15:08.15wpwrakyes. "hidden Posting 9289c1f9 from anonymous posted at 2014-09-16 14:52:41 expires: 2014-09-17 14:52:41"
15:08.38wpwrakapparently UTC or such, not local time, for here it's 12:08
15:09.49jake42must have been utc+2
15:10.00jonwilI also discovered that I still cant figure out more than I did in the past even with all my new tools
15:11.56jake42wpwrak: I can make another one or send it to contact@
15:13.11wpwraksomething with a URL would be ideal
15:13.25jonwilonly 3 ways that is ever going to be figured out, 1.Leak/discovery of code/docs (for example versions of those isi docs that used to be out there which contain the info I need), 2.Nokian (or ex-Nokian) somehow coming out of the woodwork and sharing info or 3.Someone reverse engineering the baseband firmware
15:13.27DocScrutinizer05jake42: send to contact@ please
15:13.40jonwilI suspect onoe of those 3 will ever happen so I may as well give up :P
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15:23.50mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: didn't get to donate yesterday :( but am doing it now :)
15:25.54mvaenskaenow how much to pledge though :)
15:26.39DocScrutinizer05as much as you can spare. We're short on funds (or will be, in a 2..3 months)
15:27.13mvaenskaeouch, shortage of funds doesn't sound good :(
15:27.14DocScrutinizer05also the amazing 2%/month interest are only on the donation amount
15:28.12mvaenskaei was contemplating on buying a laptop but the thinkpads will get their touchpad buttons back next generation so i will not buy one now for sure... but study fees are arriving soon
15:29.28mvaenskaebut 2 - 3 months isn't february; is proto_v3 in jeopardy?
15:37.20mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: will there be any further planned prototypes after v3?
15:37.21DocScrutinizer05i'd not say jeopardy, we just need to raise more funds for V3
15:38.02DocScrutinizer05planned, nope. We *hope* to start mass production after V3. But that's what V3 is for to tell us if we're ready to do so
15:39.16mvaenskaeok, i will try to see if i can find people interested in the neo900 in my courses :)
15:39.58DocScrutinizer05mvaenskae: when donations continue to come in at current rate, we might actually have enough funds at that point in time. and I hope for donations seing a new peak after we show V2 results
15:41.29mvaenskaethat is good news, if it goes until february/march there might be 600 devices to produce if we get lucky :)
15:42.24DocScrutinizer05one of the problem is we're starting to source risk components already, which is something we didn't plan for in our original business plan. Another thing that hurts us is delay which results in increased recurring cost for the whole project
15:43.01DocScrutinizer05yes, 600 devices looks like
15:43.12DocScrutinizer05seems like it's a valid guess
15:43.41DocScrutinizer05we're rapidly approaching 400 ATM
15:47.08DocScrutinizer05our original cost estimations for device based on a 25kEUR needed for R&D, financed by an estimated 200 devices. Now if we go to 600 devices, R&D can go up to 75kEUR and device still doesn't go more expensive. Right now we think we will stay under 75kEUR for R&D regardless of increased costs due to above mentioned issues.
15:49.57DocScrutinizer05IOW the *relative* device price will even go down, despite increased cost of R&D. This however doesn't mean we know for sure what will be the pricetag in the end and if it actually can be <700EUR, that been a very early estimation particularly not accounting for actual BOM cost etc
15:52.18mvaenskaedonated and sent email, payment might reach you until monday though :)
15:52.52mvaenskaeoh, it should already reach you on friday, today is wednesday, not thursday \o/
15:54.31mvaenskaeno thanking me :) thank me if i can bring in more people that donate ;)
15:54.54DocScrutinizer05dos1: we now safely can state "reserve one device for you" under "donations"
15:55.18DocScrutinizer05dos1: thnks to new fineprint
15:56.40DocScrutinizer05since we officially offer a slot in preorder list now in return of a >=100EUR "donation"
15:57.00mvaenskaeif the total price was below 700 euro it would be great, you could offer it as an iphone competitor ;)
15:58.26DocScrutinizer05that's still our goal, yes. But we cannot promise anything yet, see above
15:59.02DocScrutinizer05we also don't know about actual cost of R&D till the end until we done it
15:59.16mvaenskaebut 75k is a huge amount of money
15:59.38mvaenskaei think for a completely new device that's rather cheap though :)
16:00.09DocScrutinizer05actually not for a device of this compelxity. 6 proto_V2 boards incl R&D needed to get there from pre_V2 are already ~20kEUR
16:01.01DocScrutinizer05eventually wpwrak will publish an updated detailled business plan
16:01.25DocScrutinizer05originally we only had a 5 lines estimation from Nikolaus
16:04.07DocScrutinizer05(above quoted 20kEUR does not include the expenses for running Neo900 UG group, it's mere cost for getting the boards built)
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16:05.56mvaenskaeindeed, totally forgot about those
16:05.59DocScrutinizer05original estimations been based on everybody doing volunteer work for free (as in beer) basically. This wasn't sustainable and we changed that a 2 months or so ago, since the project turned into full time for more than one person
16:06.06wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: a biz plan is a tad more involved than what we have now and i'm not really sure you want to wait until i learn how to do that :)
16:06.27wpwrakbut we have the financial estimates for R&D, which are a tiny bit of a biz plan
16:07.03DocScrutinizer05well, we publish what we got. How you name the thing is another question
16:07.12wpwrakhehe ;-)
16:08.36DocScrutinizer05in two days this channel exists exactly one year. Time to celebrate and have some decent info about state of things
16:11.31wpwraktime to get a fireworks permit ;-)
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16:18.08jake42shoot some $$$ into the air :-)
16:18.54mvaenskaeshoot some $$$ into development D:
16:19.00mvaenskaemuch more needed
16:19.20mvaenskaei take it the dual modem setup is from the table, right?
16:19.26jake42yeah, was just kidding ;-)
16:19.34DocScrutinizer05nah, we'll simply use that reel with several 100s of 220uF elcos I scavanged from OM junk heap and connect those critters to 220V mains ;-)
16:19.53jake42that'll do
16:21.18DocScrutinizer05electrolytic capacitors
16:21.33mvaenskaeis 220uF a lot?
16:21.41DocScrutinizer05quite, for SMD
16:22.23DocScrutinizer05those things are almost size of a sugar cube
16:22.43mvaenskaehow much energy is stored there?
16:22.55wpwrakerm, where are we now with NFC ? what nik wrote didn't sound overly enthusiastic
16:23.23DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: yeah, we need to gently push him
16:24.07DocScrutinizer05did you read my answer?
16:24.20wpwraki'm trying to figure out what you mean there :)
16:24.44wpwrakso the SIM card acts as the "secure core".
16:25.05wpwraki have a hard time with this, though: "and contact the one-wire serial communication to that unused SIM pin"
16:25.37wpwrakthe manual shows an SPI-like interface: SIGOUT, SIGIN, SIG_CLK
16:25.44DocScrutinizer05that's how NFC chip connects to SIM as secure element
16:25.50wpwrakand doesn't mention SIMs
16:26.38wpwrakthe only reference to that connection i found browsing through the pn532 documents is that spi-like interface
16:27.11wpwrakno mention of telephony coexistence either
16:28.40DocScrutinizer05PMUVCC  A8  Power  SIM Power in from mobile PMU
16:29.03DocScrutinizer05SIMVCC  B8  Power  SIM Power out to UICC
16:32.56wpwrakbut we'll use the PN532, right ?
16:33.22mvaenskaewhat is this "secure" channel you are talking about?
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16:35.22DocScrutinizer05we should use the PN5xx chip that best meets our needs
16:35.47wpwrakthe pn532 user manual briefly talks about the SAM (page 90) but that's again sigin/sigout/clad (sic_clk)
16:36.11wpwrakso what are the requirements from the SIM side ?
16:36.21wpwrakwhich SIMs do we support ?
16:36.49DocScrutinizer05mvaenskae: it's a communication channel to SIM card that allows secure card functions in SIM serving as authentication etc for NFC applications like POS payment etc
16:37.14wpwrakor which systems (which would include a suitable SIM) ?
16:37.19mvaenskaenfs payment... only the neo900 i wouls trust with it :)
16:38.16DocScrutinizer05N9 missed on that sibgle trace to SIM so users were disappointed it cannot do those usecases they hoped for
16:40.11DocScrutinizer05and I don't know which existing "ecosystems" use this, I already mentioned it seems they are not to be found in Germany a lot. They are more widespread in Asia and America it seems
16:40.24wpwraki don't know much about all that NFC stuff. so you can enable the SIM from your telephone operator for, say, mifare ?
16:40.46DocScrutinizer05seems some operators offer such SIMs, yes
16:40.58wpwrakhmm. sounds as if we don't have a clear use case then
16:41.01dos1AFAIK here in Poland banks plan to introduce some mobile NFC stuff next year
16:41.55DocScrutinizer05(clear usecase) do we ever have such thing for any of the more exciting features of Neo900?
16:42.23drathirdos1: orange have working now nfc i guess in poland...?
16:42.38DocScrutinizer05anyway it seems other phones implement it this way, so Neo900 should as well
16:42.39drathirits carier dependent?
16:42.41dos1there's trend of rebranding banks to use GSM careers names, which looks like a beginning of longer nfc strategy
16:42.43mvaenskaeinclude a time travelling chip and it would sell like hot bread on a sunday morning
16:42.53dos1drathir: well, no idea tbh, I don't use that
16:43.40wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: what i wonder is whether there's some additional element to it what the others have and we won't. it all seems that NFC is full of proprietary solutions. so we'd be excluded by definition.
16:43.54drathirbecause if transver data over network that carier should be responsable, or banks if they provide app which be using nfc...
16:43.58wpwrakhence i wonder whether it even makes sense to pretend to "have" it
16:44.21DocScrutinizer05no additional element
16:44.48wpwrakno system-specific application or such ?
16:45.02dos1drathir: afaik it's an app that runs on SIM, so it is dependent on what operator installs on your SIM
16:45.30mvaenskaeis the nfc solution dependant on the sim though? would otherwise make for a great key if using nfc to open your home doors :)
16:46.01DocScrutinizer05no, NFC is absolutely functional without SIM support
16:46.32DocScrutinizer05except security features provided by "secure element"
16:46.34dos1yup - that's mobile banking via NFC that requires SIM
16:46.36mvaenskaegreat, which standard is it though? afaiu there are different ones out there :/
16:46.57dos1or stuff like that
16:47.35wpwrakit would seem that there are two completely separate modes of operation then: a) without SIM: do what you want, but it won't work with any of the "official" systems. b) with SIM: where the SIM+NFC combo basically acts as key, without any other user interaction
16:47.59DocScrutinizer05not quite
16:48.52DocScrutinizer05a) isn't incompatibe to "official systems" and b) is only one mode of several the chip supports
16:49.24DocScrutinizer05actually the two fundamentally distinct modes are a) card and b) reader
16:49.30wpwraki mean that a) will not interoperate with their security architecture, unless the latter is broken
16:50.06wpwrakokay, so we have a) DIY card, b) "key" card, c) reader ?
16:50.19DocScrutinizer05that's the purpose of "their security architecture" that it only works with officially issued SIM or secure cards
16:50.38wpwrakyes, exactly
16:51.02drathirdos1: thanks a lot... never using nfc...
16:51.03DocScrutinizer05b) "key" card is something you can usually do with the chip alone
16:51.25mvaenskaedos1: how are your exams going on? :)
16:51.56DocScrutinizer05see about the modes it provides
16:52.21DocScrutinizer05it knows MiFare internal and with external secure element iirc
16:53.19DocScrutinizer05>> When configured in card emulation mode, PN544 supports both integrated Mifare Classic solution (optional) and all card modes supported by both PN544 and present phone SIM or separate secure element. Supported modes are pictured on this page.<<
16:53.54wpwrakyes, but what do they mean ? :)
16:54.03wpwrakexecutive summary, please :)
16:54.14wpwrakthat's probably some 10k+ pages of standards
16:59.02DocScrutinizer05we only deliver the hardware which will work as intended by chip manuf and under 100% control of APE to comply with our requirements regarding privacy and security. Which protocols the users use in whatever usecase scenario isn't my concern
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17:00.25wpwrakhmm, so it's basically "implement the reference design, ship it, and hope for the best". hmm. sweet memories ;-)
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17:01.11DocScrutinizer05you're free to dive into it, all the way to the gory ground
17:01.14wpwrakwell, at least better than wasting time to engineer something "nice". so the cost if basically that of adding the chip and making al the recommended connections.
17:01.50wpwrak(dive in) naw, i'd drop it if it isn't well specified ;-)
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17:02.36DocScrutinizer05I can't see any specification lacks
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17:03.28wpwrak;-) anyway, so it seems the PN532 won't do, since it doesn't have that SIM interface. alas, the documentation is less than candid or complete
17:03.32DocScrutinizer05a 2we don't implement that since we can't be a***d to read the 10k pages of documentation" is no option anyway
17:05.22wpwrakwell, we don't have to match samsung and apple feature list item by feature list item ...
17:06.36DocScrutinizer05maybe not, but we won't drop features of technology we implement, just because we don't know of a special usecase or understand every detail of how it works
17:06.43wpwraknik mentioned the TRF7960/TRF7970. any opinion on these ?
17:07.29DocScrutinizer05yes, it has no linus support basically, and also no secure element support, afaik
17:07.53DocScrutinizer05Nik's notion is "then community shall write drivers for it!"
17:08.07DocScrutinizer05I beg to differ
17:09.45mvaenskaenot if there are 10k pages docs ;)
17:10.07wpwrak(secure element) that would raise the question of why a direct connection is required. other than for convenience, it would seem that this channel wouldn't have any special requirement. well, maybe there's no "sim tunnel" protocol on the modem side.
17:11.05DocScrutinizer05exactly, such protocol doesn't exist
17:13.35DocScrutinizer05and actually this is supposed to work without battery even
17:14.05wpwrakhmm, public data sheet of the pn544 is a joke :-(
17:15.02wpwrak talks about 2 wires ...
17:15.41wpwrak"The SWP specification is currently under discussion of the ETSI SCP and not finalized yet". well, data sheet is from 2007, so ...
17:22.15wpwrakthey explicitly mention card emulation with NFC WI, but don't say anything about card emulation and SWP
17:22.46wpwrakdo you have more up to date or more detailed documentation ? that data sheet lacks a lot of things
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17:24.06wpwrakyes, but does it support card emulation when connected with SWP ?
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17:24.31DocScrutinizer05SWP  C7  PWR  SWP connection
17:24.54DocScrutinizer05card emulation?
17:25.28DocScrutinizer05obviously SWP is meant for the sole pupose to communicate to SIM
17:25.32wpwrak"NFC WI in card emulation mode"
17:26.00wpwrakso we just assume it'll work
17:26.12DocScrutinizer05don't we always?
17:26.59wpwraknext: the external components, pages 25 and 26 in the data sheet whose link you posted three times
17:27.26DocScrutinizer05I'm NOT going to evaluate that chip right here and now
17:27.49DocScrutinizer05actually afk, got some RL stuff to do
17:28.27wpwraki guess we can try to steal these from the PN532 data sheet, which has component values
17:28.36DocScrutinizer05I pulled that link I posted here 3 times out of my bookmarks
17:29.11DocScrutinizer05it's roundabout 10 months since I looked into it last time
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17:39.35wpwraknow ... let's see how many fires are there waiting to be fought in the bom ... (luckily, most of the time it's just a question of searching for an alternative source)
17:46.00wpwraka new kid on the block :) ("an arrow company" ... seems that not only element14 are on a shopping tour)
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17:49.48wpwrakhmm, INA231A gone from the world until end of october, LP55231 only at chip1stop (and in a few weeks back at mouser), MSL0201RGB lost in space, as expected
17:52.43wpwraknothing too worrisome
17:53.43*** join/#neo900 paulk-leonov (
17:57.02DocScrutinizer05I just recall we have another aspect that's not covered by block diagram so far: optional digital video output
17:57.35DocScrutinizer05completely up to further R&D to see what could get done there
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18:34.07wpwrakis that "mention it to nik and see what he thinks ?"
18:44.39gurkiDocScrutinizer05: well. if there is no other way you could just grab the internal display signal using a splitter and add a rgb/whateverthisdisplayisdrivenwith to hdmi chip
18:44.45gurkitalking bout < 10 bucks here
18:44.59gurkiquickndirty, but ll work
18:45.22gurkionly becomes a problem if u wanna ve res > full hd
18:45.40gurkibut i guess that soc is too slow for > full hd anyway
18:48.15DocScrutinizer05gurki: yes, basically that's what we planned to do. Though HDMI might not be the first choice, depends on licening/patent/royalty situation as well as availability of both the chip and the docs
18:49.04DocScrutinizer05the other question is the mere physical connector
18:49.11gurkidocs? this really is nothing youd need docs for *g*
18:49.17gurkicopy the data sheet schematic and ure fine
18:49.33gurki(at least this is what i did. and it works jsut fine)
18:49.50DocScrutinizer05micro-USB is just low profile enough to embed it to the spacer frame
18:49.58gurkiwell. dont know a smaller connector than minihdmi ...
18:50.27gurkiminivga is just as big. and will die pretty soon
18:50.57gurkimicrousb _should_ ve the same height than minihdmi. not sure on this though
18:51.42DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: (is that...) basically yes
18:54.09DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: ^^^
18:54.23DocScrutinizer05though there been a lot more in ML
18:55.39DocScrutinizer05iirc slimport chip been vaporware
18:57.19mvaenskaewhy not display port? isn't it royalty free?
18:57.32DocScrutinizer05generally we seem to need a two-stage approach: first convert/encode the LCD signal (RGB) to a compressed format like HDMI, then convert HDMI to e.g. slimport
18:59.53DocScrutinizer05there seems to be only slimport (sibling to displayport ?) and MHL wich could get routed via micro-USB
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19:02.16DocScrutinizer05  is waaay too large
19:03.30wpwrakwouldn't the "canonical" approach MHL and then something like this ?
19:04.41DocScrutinizer05of course
19:04.50wpwrak#s/approach/approach be/
19:05.18DocScrutinizer05we looked into it, dinno where it happened, prolly ML
19:05.55DocScrutinizer05also dunno if we looked into micro-DP already
19:07.12DocScrutinizer05generally you face a) royalty issues, to the point where you need to join a nasty club (with hefty fees) to get access to the datasheets etc. And you face vaporware
19:07.26DocScrutinizer05the latter been b) which I missed
19:09.11DocScrutinizer05even worse, regarding "join a club", you may have to get approval of your design to obtain the chips, so you couldn't build and sell a copy-bit killer device
19:10.31DocScrutinizer05aaah I think the whole story is buried in the 2000 posts tmo thread
19:19.01wpwrakah, nasty club. one more :-( where are those anti-trust laws when you need them ?
19:20.50gurkieh. dafuq.
19:21.07gurkii think i got adapters from and to kinda like anything around. including datasheets
19:21.11gurkididnt sign anything
19:21.23gurki(talking bout chips here)
19:21.27gurkifeel like u exaggerate a bit
19:34.26DocScrutinizer05I don't exaggerate, I quite facts
19:35.16wpwrakgurki: getting chips is one thing, using them in a commercial product quite another one ...
19:35.49DocScrutinizer05to make full use of the HDMI chip(?) we checked, you need to be member of the club. Otherwise you only may use the reduced set of "free" functions, and that's not dicumented iirc but only a driver available for it
19:37.00DocScrutinizer05when you have decent fatasheets fro whatever chip related to digital vidoe, please share them. Much appreciated
19:38.01DocScrutinizer05 plus next roundabout 50 to 100 posts is probably covering most of our findings
19:39.07DocScrutinizer05iirc I even quoted emails we received from 7805 "manuf" which tells us "forget it, never came true"
19:39.45DocScrutinizer05that's why I say we need a 2-stage design
19:40.19DocScrutinizer05we have plain  raw digital RGB, not any encoded signal (MPEG and the like)
19:41.08DocScrutinizer05but that's more than enough for one day now, and I'm again 4h late even to my own weird schedule, to start my day
19:41.15DocScrutinizer05so bbl - maybe
19:42.47wpwrakmeanwhile, most other people where DocScrutinizer05 lives ask themselves if there's anything they still want/need to do before going to bed ;-)
19:43.37DocScrutinizer05ps: if I still recall the bottom line of the discussion in January/February, we agreed on trying to implement VGA on a sort of (Neo900-)proprietary connector, and offer (plans for) an adapter to VGA-proper
19:44.49DocScrutinizer05you can't get anything better than *maximum* 800*720p out of OAMP3 anyway
19:45.13ddarkwonders about can it be just analog signal at those 12 pins ?
19:45.37wpwraki squeezed 1024x768 out of a lowly ben. at the cost of one UBB, half a VGA cable, and a few resistors ;-)
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19:45.56DocScrutinizer05meh, maybe still
19:46.01wpwrakthis is how you do it ;-)
19:46.06DocScrutinizer05not video at any reasonable framerate
19:46.42wpwrak50 Hz refresh :) but agreed, the cpu was quite busy just refreshing ;-)
19:47.24DocScrutinizer05video framebuffer bus and DSP and GPU and everything blows chunks on more than 800*480 to 800*720
19:47.57DocScrutinizer05for 800*720 playback you already need to overclock N900
19:48.22wpwrakah, you're talking about video playback. with decoding and all that.
19:48.55wpwrakwho would want that anyway ? :) a desktop with a few xterms, now that would be something ! :)
19:49.27DocScrutinizer05quits and leaves the audience to reading the tmo thread
19:49.51DocScrutinizer05no use in re-iterating all arguments pro and con a 5th time
19:50.25DocScrutinizer05been there, heard that
19:56.30wpwrakthe joy of cell phone tracking, revisited:
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20:06.38mvaenskaewpwrak: and that is the reason i pledged today for a neo900 :) i rather decide myself when i am trackable and when not ;)
20:10.03wpwrakyeah, the whole spying stuff is really getting out of hand. also lovely: the NZ government was caught (well, exposed) with its pants down, mere days before the next elections, spying on their own people (via the NSA)
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20:13.36mvaenskaethe nsa, friendly neighbourhood watch, free of charge :)
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20:21.49DocScrutinizer05bb#1 arrived
20:23.06DocScrutinizer05with an address label with colored "ebay[TM]" logo on it
20:23.56wpwrakneat :)
20:24.31wpwrakso we need to find ~2 more
20:28.49wpwrakah, there's even a company in argentina that lists them. out of stock, though. lovely price: about USD 530 ;-))
20:29.42DocScrutinizer05"2NB28  \n  D9PKC" PoP
20:29.56DocScrutinizer05"M" ??
20:30.39DocScrutinizer05at least he TPS65950 looks familiar
20:31.30DocScrutinizer05DVI-jack ;-P
20:31.37mvaenskaewpwrak: argentina has a trade embargo, d'uh!
20:32.03wpwrakmvaenskae: self-inflicted, yes
20:32.56wpwrakwell, things are usually expensive here. when you import something, there are about 50% taxes and fees on it. so when a company sells imported stuff, it's usually at least twice the US price
20:32.57DocScrutinizer05slaps self for still not owning a DVI cable
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20:34.34mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: hdmi <-> dvi adapater should suffice?
20:35.17DocScrutinizer05wt is THIS? Mini[!!]-USB tagged "OTG"
20:36.43mvaenskaei am baffled by how long micro has lived up, shouldn't we have at least picco if using the lifetime of the mini?
20:37.07wpwrakwasn't that possible at some point in time ? i.e., before the USB ministry of truth decided to rewrite history, eradicating all traces of the "mini" connector ?
20:37.16DocScrutinizer05mini been a prototype who failed
20:38.02wpwrakwow. it had a long and prosperous life for a failed prototype ;-)
20:39.10DocScrutinizer05I wish I had 4 posts to mount to the holes marked "standoff"
20:40.04DocScrutinizer05oooh, S-video
20:40.17DocScrutinizer05better, maybe I have a plug for that
20:40.25DocScrutinizer05maybe not
20:41.35freemangordonI wont believe you don't have cinch<->cinch
20:41.49freemangordonoh, s-video
20:41.58DocScrutinizer05S-Video != CVBS
20:42.07freemangordonmy bad, i was thinking about composite
20:42.34DocScrutinizer05back to yer bag!!!
20:42.48DocScrutinizer05doc needs breakfast
20:48.59mvaenskaewhere would you put the svideo in?
20:49.14DocScrutinizer05the uSD slot in giving me idead about custom connectors of extremely low profile
20:49.25DocScrutinizer05to my TV?
20:50.22mvaenskaeoh right... TVs, stuff i will throw out immediatly
20:50.28mvaenskaei hate TVs
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21:11.00DocScrutinizer05I more and more wonder what's the true differences between my TV, my monitor and an iMac
21:12.05DocScrutinizer05actually I guess the major difference is: I don't own any iMac and my monitor is usually connected to a PC, my TV more infrequently
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21:12.32DocScrutinizer05the TV is more often connected to the N900
21:12.51DocScrutinizer05since my monitor foesn't have CVBS-in
21:13.01DocScrutinizer05and N900 no VGA-out
21:13.36DocScrutinizer05oooooh, and the TV has an IR remote
21:14.13DocScrutinizer05*my* monitor doesn't yet
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21:55.03mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: the TV is the device that allows the GEZ to bill you extreme sums :)
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22:09.53jonwilso yeah I dont know how far my n900 reverse engineering is going to go, I wont be doing anything that is super-low-level (since I dont have the know-how to do hardware stuff, i.e. bootloader/kernel/firmware/etc), I wont be doing anything heavy on the floating point (since my new tools dont help with that) and I dont currently have a n900 dev environment so that will limit how far I go in...
22:09.55jonwil...terms of cloning things
22:10.48jonwilstill plenty of places I can go though, cellular services daemon (figuring out more of the undocumented dbus calls and for each cellular services daemon dbus call which blobs are using it)
22:12.08jonwilor wlan stuff (figuring out what you would need to do to be able to replace the whole wlan system with new system that supports e.g. wlan security stuff not currently supported
22:12.26jonwilor going back to libconnui and friends
22:12.46jonwiland the whole connectivity UI
22:13.02jonwilor maybe some of the powervr libs, see what they look on
22:13.26freemangordonthat is full with NEON code IMO
22:13.58jonwilI didn't see anything nasty last time I looked
22:14.07jonwilin any case the goal is not to clone eapd
22:14.14jonwilbut to document all the things external it touches
22:14.22jonwilso a new thing can touch the same things
22:14.38freemangordonwouldn;t it be easier/more sane to clone it?
22:15.00jonwilnot really no, eapd is a beast and like you said possibly neon stuffs
22:15.18freemangordonoh, I was talking about powervr drivers :)
22:15.28jonwiloh ok
22:15.33jonwilmaybe powervr drivers do have neon
22:15.35jonwilI dont know
22:15.36freemangordonbut sure, eapd is some ~100k binary
22:15.54jonwilif I look at them I will cross that bridge when I come to it
22:15.57freemangordonthough there is lots of string is it
22:16.01jonwil#1 goal would be the 2D parts
22:16.04jonwilfor powervr
22:16.15jonwili.e. the bits that the x stuff talks to
22:16.38jonwilnot the opengl 3D parts (which aren't as much used on n900 I believe)
22:16.40DocScrutinizer51mvaenskae: (GEZ) nah, they charge a head-poll nw
22:17.42mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: ah, right, not in CH though, suckers want like 300 eur a year for owning a TV... how about NO
22:19.04jonwilWhat a great way to encourage piracy, it doesn't cost 300eur if you download your TV from BitTorrent...
22:19.59jonwilHere in oz we dont have a license fee thankfully
22:20.53freemangordonanyway, it is late here, going to have some sleep. night guys
22:21.10jonwilwe do have a government that wants to gut the government-owned ad-free broadcaster (the ABC) though (probably because the ABC is the one doing the most to talk about the bad things the government is doing)
22:21.35jonwilanyhow, I am sure I will find some interesting things to play with re n900 stuff
22:23.16jonwilHaving a dev environment would be nice but I dont have one anymore (the one I used to have was an ancient Pentium 4 with an even more ancient CRT monitor and it wasn't worth moving such ancient hardware to the other side of the country)
22:23.43jonwilI did grab a copy of all the files on the thing before I decommissioned it though
22:24.25jonwilThere is (or was) a windows-hosted VM for n900 dev, no clue how usable it would be though
22:36.34DocScrutinizer51the ALS of N900 is crap. Way too directional
22:37.26DocScrutinizer51I woner how hard it had been to make the window of ALS opaque
22:38.53DocScrutinizer51so ALS doesn't test the brightness of the ceiling but actually the brightness  on surface of display (or next to it)
22:40.45DocScrutinizer51always drives me mad when I sit under a ceiling which is dark but has bright spot lamps. Tilting N900 a 10 degrees can change backlight by two levels and switch on/off the kbd backlight
22:42.33DocScrutinizer51a pity we cannot easily fix this for Neo900
22:43.28DocScrutinizer51prolly usingfront cam would yield better results than ALS
22:44.15DocScrutinizer51idly wonders how much energy front cam is using
22:46.16OksanaYou really need translations... DocScrutinizer05on a sidenote: we finally got a legally compliant fine-print on
22:46.17OksanaDragon Pyra is ... something. A bit larger (5 inch screen), a bit more powerful (and power-hungry, too), unknown storage, undecided cellular-GPS modem. No sensors, no IR, no radio, no camera, no RFID. Unknown colour of keyboard back-light. Has stylus slot.
22:46.19OksanaThere are some NFC usecases around. PayWave, and such. dos1AFAIK here in Poland banks plan to introduce some mobile NFC stuff next year
22:46.20OksanaWell, we should help banks to get Linux-Maemo-Mer apps working. drathirbecause if transver data over network that carier should be responsable, or banks if they provide app which be using nfc...
22:46.22OksanaFeatures are good.DocScrutinizer05maybe not, but we won't drop features of technology we implement, just because we don't know of a special usecase or understand every detail of how it works
22:47.00DocScrutinizer51yeah I know oit's actually power here, however I'm more interested in energy per timespan which is kinda similar to average power
22:51.02DocScrutinizer51Oksana: what the heck? you'll eventually get klined for flooding ;) Maybe send the lines as you write them, not in a burst of like 8 lines
22:51.52OksanaWell, I was sleeping, and then I was reading the history... But yes, I could send the lines as I write them.
22:52.02DocScrutinizer51I think after 12 lines idoru kicks in
22:52.40DocScrutinizer51and idor is merciless :)
22:52.46OksanaI should ask them whether open-source (non-proprietary) applications are possible. Visa payWave for Mobile is available for Visa Issuers, mobile network operators (MNOs), mobile device manufacturers, and third-party wallet providers looking to develop proprietary applications.
22:54.46DocScrutinizer51just wonders how sercure elemt feature of NFC could sinergizewith a dual-SIM design
22:56.40*** join/#neo900 roman (
22:58.45OksanaNot "Visa Issuers", not MNOs, not "wallet providers"... Could approach them from position of "mobile device manufacturer" (Neo900). Rrr... For a vendor new to Visa Technology Program, Visa charges $3000 for registration processing. This is a one-time fee.
23:00.36OksanaOr could make an app for an existing Visa Issuer, and then the Visa Issuer would probably provide access to Visa payWave for Mobile.
23:16.38*** join/#neo900 Svetlana (quasselcor@freenode/staff/gry)
23:21.50OksanaNokia's phones previously certified by Visa: 603, 610, 808, 822, 920. That's all...
23:30.14DocScrutinizer51I bet those all had the one-wire communication to SIM
23:40.24DocScrutinizer51s/SIM/SIM /
23:41.04DocScrutinizer51or a hardcoded identity in ROM and a chip that supports challenge-response auth against such identity token
23:41.41DocScrutinizer51I wonder what apple is going to do
23:46.59*** join/#neo900 roottoor (

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