IRC log for #neo900 on 20141220

00:05.23*** join/#neo900 rblanco (
00:19.14*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (
00:50.35*** join/#neo900 xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
01:00.37*** join/#neo900 che11 (
01:10.08*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (
01:25.27Oksana(headdesks) It does sound funny, even if the poster himself is in favour of keeping the Council.
02:00.58OksanaHow does "Matrix keyboard connected to row[7:0] x col[7:0] dedicated matrixscanner IO at GAIA." correlate with "ROW[8], COL[10], 18" at block diagram? Sorry, but I have no understanding of keyboard pin-out.
02:03.35wpwrakyou mean how we transform an 8x10 to 8x8 matrix ?
02:05.24wpwrakthe answer is simple: we don't :-) we just define a different matrix. the matrix is defined by the PCB.
02:05.39OksanaI don't know. I don't know what pins the domesheet keyboards has, I don't know what uses them. Just trying to parse these numbers to get a meaningful picture of how it works.
02:06.17OksanaOk, you define a larger matrix for Neo900 than was used in N900?
02:07.14OksanaDoes it mean that there will be a change, regarding N-key rollover?
02:08.27wpwrakyes, the matrix is larger. i guess (that comes from nik) it's mainly motivated by the number of pins that keyboard controller chip has
02:10.42wpwraknot sure if there are user-visible differences. in any case, i'd expect them to be barely noticeable.
02:10.52OksanaOk, so part of matrix will be unused, since domesheet array stays fairly similar? There will be some signals in the matrix which never actually happen?
02:11.28wpwrakactually, i wonder if we couldn't have a nicer solution for the three shift keys than equipping with with diodes (as of the current draft schematics)
02:12.12wpwraki mean, we have that HUGE matrix :) nokia managed with 8x8 and no diodes at all
02:12.55OksanaYou mean, you have diodes for Ctrl, Shift, and Fn? To avoid the N-key rollover issue?
02:12.58wpwrakthe number of keys should be (*) identical to N900, yes
02:13.34wpwrak(*) if there's the odd switch, we may hook it up to the matrix. but i don't think we have anything like that at the moment
02:13.43wpwrak(diodes) yes
02:13.58Oksana{Re-arranging the keys in a matrix in a smarter way} sounds more complicated than {adding three diodes}.
02:14.04wpwrakwell, nik put them there. maybe i can get rid of them again ;-)
02:16.22wpwrakbut i'm not sure the matrix is actually finished. there's a number of things there that doesn't seem to make sense
02:18.26OksanaIf you get a matrix arranged differently from what Nokia had, you will have to: 1. publish it somewhere; 2. make sure it's problem-proof.
02:19.41OksanaRight-Down-Up gives a dot. Funny.
02:19.43wpwraknokia's matrix probably doesn't work well for > 2 simultaneous keypresses. i.e., they don't have the modifier keys in an isolated sub-matrix
02:21.12wpwrakyes, that's the false key that's supposed to appear then. seems that both physics and logic are being strictly enforced ;-)
02:30.41*** join/#neo900 kolp_ (
04:12.29*** join/#neo900 blueLumocolor (
05:23.36OksanaAnybody here? ;-)
05:24.54OksanaJust looking on CDS-SMS plug-in and thinking: how do I find how it reads incoming flash-SMS, and how do I get default Conversations app to send flash-SMS?
05:25.55DocScrutinizer05you need not-so-commonly-used "PDU" for that, iirc
05:26.18OksanaYes, I have looked at the link some time ago. The matrix made sense.
05:26.38Oksana ?
05:28.37OksanaOk, some explanation here:
05:32.24DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: thanks for sorting the LED issue/ooopsie
06:04.53*** join/#neo900 ashneo76 (
06:37.59DocScrutinizer05Oksana: you found the exact explanation for PDU, flash and blinking SMS. Note there are also invisible SMS and command code SMS or whatever
06:39.19OksanaThank you for pointers! Not going to parse the intricacies of SMS right now, though...
06:52.18DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: TNO related to MSL?
07:13.19*** join/#neo900 gry (noone@2400:8900::f03c:91ff:fe89:8366)
07:18.41*** join/#neo900 DocScrutinizer51 (~lagrange@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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07:20.35DocScrutinizer05freenode weekend madness hogged?
07:24.01DocScrutinizer05that's obviously another way to tell "server doesn't send pings"
07:30.43*** join/#neo900 DocScrutinizer51 (~lagrange@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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07:33.00DocScrutinizer05kornbluth FTW
07:34.33DocScrutinizer05freenode usual weekend problems
07:35.55OksanaAmplified by holidays?
07:36.02DocScrutinizer05and generally known "idiocy": my DNS for tells me to connect to in USA while I'm only a few km away from server in Frankfurt?
07:37.03DocScrutinizer05I added 6667 joerg_rw:mypassword to my ZNC config, as first server line
07:38.06DocScrutinizer05I completely fail to understand the supposed benefits of roundrobbin
07:39.02DocScrutinizer05it more often than not connects me to servers in USA, particularly since (or whatever it was) is deprecated or even vanished
07:40.02DocScrutinizer05and I hate my traffic getting redirected to USA err NSA deliberately, while a "local" server would be available
07:43.47OksanaNo clue as to the algorithm of round-robbing-ing:
07:44.02DocScrutinizer05it might be "funny" just to increase the amount of useless data the NSA has to record and filter and analyze, but other than that it's plain silly
07:45.58DocScrutinizer05>> We do not provide regional rotations, except Asia/Pacific Rim, because we aren't very good at keeping them up-to-date as the main rotation changes.<<
07:46.49DocScrutinizer05the complete concept of rotation basically evades me
07:50.31DocScrutinizer05hey, now it hit oksana?
09:27.30*** join/#neo900 kolp (
09:32.09*** join/#neo900 DocScrutinizer51 (~lagrange@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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09:52.53*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (~paul@2a01:348:6:860a:1dbd:bb2a:117f:5f2)
10:01.12*** join/#neo900 DocScrutinizer51 (~lagrange@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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10:02.31wpwrak(leds) np :) which set do you like ?
10:03.19wpwrak(plasma-desktopD11330.png) ? no TNO or MSL (maximum shelf life ?) i can see
10:04.15DocScrutinizer05haven't checked yet, prolly both are fine, I however guess that better efficiency at red and blue is even finer, given green is physiologically a color that needs lower brightness for same effect
10:04.59DocScrutinizer05there's no TNO mentioned in context of MSL and baking etc, but it might be related I thought
10:07.30wpwrakhmm, according to green has the weakest multiplier, so it would have to be strongest (in terms of mcd) to match the others, no ?
10:07.40wpwrakerr, wait
10:07.49wpwrakno, you're right. green is biggest
10:08.23wpwrakbrain hasn't booted far enough yet to make it to arrays of 3 or larger :)
10:09.12DocScrutinizer51heh, get a coffee! that's what I do now :)
10:09.32wpwrakhowever .... mcd are already adjusted for the eye's sensitivity
10:10.29DocScrutinizer51brightness beats cheap and true-color here
10:13.36DocScrutinizer05how many mcd we got from the bright ones?
10:13.59DocScrutinizer05max, per color
10:18.07DocScrutinizer05(obviously you're right re relative brightness in Candela. When comparing to brightness of a candle, no physiological effects matter, they are already booked in)
10:35.24wpwrakprocessing ..
10:54.41DocScrutinizer05ZNC kinda sucks, on installation
10:56.54DocScrutinizer05CentOS install comes with a Fedora init.d scropt that has some funny paths set up. Running standard setup procedure tells you
10:57.04DocScrutinizer05[ .. ] Writing config [/root/.znc/configs/znc.conf]...
10:57.05DocScrutinizer05[ !! ] Unable to open file
10:57.07DocScrutinizer05[ ?? ] Please specify an alternate location (or "stdout" for displaying the config)
10:57.57DocScrutinizer05*after* you entered all the basically redundant crap (redundant since there's already a config file somewhere else from your 0.98 ZNC installation)
10:59.59DocScrutinizer05when the spartan
11:00.01DocScrutinizer05[root@lagrange init.d]# /etc/init.d/znc restart
11:00.03DocScrutinizer05Stopping znc:                                              [FAILED]
11:00.04DocScrutinizer05Starting znc:                                              [FAILED]
11:00.41DocScrutinizer05isn't what you like and you comment out the ">/dev/null 2>&1" in init script, you get
11:01.12DocScrutinizer05Starting znc: [ .. ] Checking for list of available modules...
11:01.13DocScrutinizer05[ >> ] ok
11:01.15DocScrutinizer05[ .. ] Opening config [/home/znc/znc/configs/znc.conf]...
11:01.16DocScrutinizer05[ !! ] No such file
11:01.56DocScrutinizer05but later on (after fixing the path to config file in initscript) you notice that ZNC also prints stuff like:
11:02.35DocScrutinizer05[ .. ] Adding server [ 6667 joerg_rw:MyEX-SekritPassword]...
11:03.18DocScrutinizer05asking in channel #tnc about this gets you the helpful info "you're supposed to use SASL on freenode!"
11:03.29DocScrutinizer05#znc even
11:06.35wpwrakmax luminosity etc. is in your mail
11:06.47wpwrakgood luck comparing these values, though ;-)
11:19.37DocScrutinizer05APA1606 looks good
11:20.15DocScrutinizer05on a sidenote to simplify your workload: iirc the LP5523 can do max 25mA
11:24.58wpwrakcorrect. so the 30 mA figures don't make much sense
11:26.57DocScrutinizer0530mA Imax is fine, so we don't build hard-brickable stuff (which I generally hate to do)
11:28.31DocScrutinizer05there's already too much that got a self-destruction mode: CPU on overclocking/overvoltage, Indicator LED, flash LEDs (overheating), speakers (without XPROT) etc
11:29.49DocScrutinizer05not to mention all the other IO collision things "available" for self destruction in N900
11:30.26*** join/#neo900 SylvieLorxu (
11:30.51DocScrutinizer05an extremely fine one: the LP5523 IRQ output(?) can get configured to push-pull at Vbatt level
11:31.31DocScrutinizer05I guess the SoC wil adore this on a 1V8 GPIO
11:32.56DocScrutinizer05[internal note: make sure we got a 470R series protective R on that line]
11:34.10DocScrutinizer05or make that 10k or sth
11:36.41wpwrakokay, updated for 25.5 mA
11:38.01wpwrak(irq @ Vbat) i like engineers with a good killer instinct ;-)
11:43.14*** join/#neo900 rblanco (
11:51.15*** join/#neo900 phre4k (
12:00.13*** join/#neo900 paulk-collins (
12:00.18DocScrutinizer05still the APA1606 looks good
12:07.06DocScrutinizer05QBLP617-IG (true Green) however is a monster: typ 380mcd
12:07.49DocScrutinizer05could we get 2 sampled of each type, for true visual tests?
12:14.32DocScrutinizer05idly points at
12:28.34DocScrutinizer05the true-green/bluegreen type always has extreme outstanding mcd
12:29.42DocScrutinizer05partly thanks to high Vfwd which is same as for blue, partly thanks to the technology and maybe also due to physiological effects though those shouldn't count here
12:32.27*** join/#neo900 arcean (
12:33.04*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
13:04.15wpwrak(true green) if you don't mind the little detail that it doesn't seem to exist on this plane of reality :)
13:05.42wpwrakdid you get the mail nik just sent ?
13:06.05wpwrak"Re: Kamerataster + Schaltplan neu"
13:19.37*** join/#neo900 xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
13:37.08*** join/#neo900 jonwil (
13:45.05jonwilyeah I saw that
13:45.10jonwil(I am on that mailing list)
13:45.25DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: (mail) look closer!
13:45.33jonwilWhat it sounds like is that the development guys seem to want to be more open
13:46.06DocScrutinizer05but management blocks as usual
13:46.42jonwilbut the management is concerned about the risks (i.e. will it give their competitors all their secrets, will it lead to patent lawsuits, will the people using their IP core have an issue with it, will the people building products with PowerVR-containing SOCs have an issue with it)
13:46.57DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: (true green) well, maybe not on digikey and from this manufacturer
13:47.37jonwilSome Android OEMs may not necessarily like the idea of open PowerVR GPU drivers for their devices
13:47.41dos1jonwil: most of those reasons are already moot thanks to recent "leak"
13:49.47jonwilremember that the "leak" is one set of code for one specific Android version (and specific SOC or whatever) and doesn't cover anywhere near the full set of devices using PowerVR cores
13:57.31dos1they probably won't really cover "full set of devices" in open drivers anyway, but I'd expect most of potentially troubling stuff to be shared between android versions, socs and devices
13:59.03jonwilI just hope any open drivers cover omap3 as well as omap4 (the leak seems to be for omap4 stuff)
14:00.59DocScrutinizer05I'd not hold my breath for that. I did same effort once, for ST-E NovaThor Mali(?) and the result been zilch. An arbitrary employee pushing doesn't make an open driver suite yet
14:03.43DocScrutinizer05(actually ST-E already published the stuff but the .h had a non-gpl compliant license and thus was "useless" for FOSS. And my effort was 'only' for changing the licensing)
14:10.54DocScrutinizer05well, meanwhile ST-Ericsson is no more
14:12.24DocScrutinizer05and NovaThor would have been just yet another all-in-one shared-RAM chipset
14:15.05DocScrutinizer05even sw development (e.g. me) had no access to the signing key, we had to sign our development binaries with a weird setup that got signature from a single unique signature server somewhere in Sweden or whatever. Sometimes it failed... ;-P
14:16.41*** join/#neo900 che1 (
14:18.57DocScrutinizer05first thing to do for the PVR dudes when planning to go FOSS was to provide *datasheets*, not sourcecode
14:20.18DocScrutinizer05community could care less about sourcecode of drivers, when there was a decent TRM describing how that GPU works, down to bit X in register Y
14:20.46kerioDocScrutinizer05: pls no flaming #znc :c
14:21.29kerio"wtf why is there no way to configure sasl via the web interface"
14:21.47DocScrutinizer05I think I didn't use "wtf"
14:22.08kerioi was paraphrasing
14:22.50DocScrutinizer05I just asked if there's a general way to give commands like '/msg *sasl bla foo bar' in any other way than via an IRC client
14:23.34kerioi think one of the plans is to add a web irc client to the web interface
14:23.46DocScrutinizer05and I *bet* there is. Just the hepful people in this channel gave an XY answer, which is even worse than asking an XY question
14:24.20DocScrutinizer05after all *all* ZNC configs are in plain text in some files on server
14:25.01infobotxy is, like, The XY problem: You want to do X, but don't know how. You think you can solve it using Y, but don't know how to do that, either. You ask about Y, which is a strange thing to want to do. Just ask about X.
14:25.36DocScrutinizer05I asked how to do X but they answered I could do Y or Z instead
14:25.39freemangordoncould someone try to explain me how exactly "downloading" that source code from a public server makes me criminal and stops me from contributing to FOSS SGX driver?
14:26.23DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: there's no explanation for nonsense
14:26.33kerioDocScrutinizer05: i wonder if there's a signal to make znc save the config
14:26.47DocScrutinizer05kill -SIGHUP znc
14:27.08keriothen i wonder if there's a signal to make znc load the config
14:27.12kerioi think hup is load
14:27.15kerioit's like standard
14:27.18freemangordonit is like walking on the street, find a closed letter, open it and see "top secret, authorized usage only" to make me criminal
14:27.43DocScrutinizer05err well, I guess it *saves* as soon as you give a command that changes the config
14:28.25DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: NSA did that to 10000s of US citizens ;-P
14:28.56keriono, it doesn't
14:28.59keriounless you have chansaver loaded
14:29.33DocScrutinizer05"you are obliged to help us by handig us all the data we ask you for. You will go gitmo when you tell anybody about the request, the data transfer, **or this letter**"
14:30.14DocScrutinizer05kerio: what's your definition of config then?
14:30.25freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: obviously I didn't mean in USA :).
14:30.36kerioDocScrutinizer05: znc doesn't save config on every change
14:30.50kerioit only saves on graceful shutdown
14:30.55kerioor on /znc saveconfig
14:31.13DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: doesn't matter, since one guy was brave and showed the letter to his lawyer, and in the end NSA been told by judge to stop this illegal practice
14:32.03DocScrutinizer05kerio: even worse then
14:32.16kerioi think you can SIGUSR1 to saveconfig
14:32.20kerioand SIGHUP to rehash
14:32.21freemangordonthanks got I am in EU, even in such a godforsaken like BG
14:32.24kerio(load config)
14:32.48freemangordon*place like
14:33.04DocScrutinizer05kerio: see why I hate to edit "config" via IRC?
14:33.17keriou mad
14:33.18DocScrutinizer05it's massively insane
14:34.21DocScrutinizer05kill -9 znc; vi .znc/config; /etc/init.d/znc restart
14:34.24jonwilregarding leaked PowerVR source code, I think the issue is proving that said PowerVR drivers didn't copy any code or info from PowerVR leak (if someone who has written code for the FOSS drivers has seen a single line of proprietary PowerVR leak code it would be hard to prove that nothing was copied)
14:34.40kerioDocScrutinizer05: that has some side effects tho :3
14:35.17DocScrutinizer05yeah, the amusing side effect that I don't get headache from ZNC "administrative user interface"
14:35.21freemangordonjonwil: sorry, but is it really me to prove anything?
14:35.30freemangordonisn't it the other way around?
14:35.44freemangordon"...unless proven guilty"?
14:35.48*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (~paul@2a01:348:6:860a:8dea:f7db:142c:298b)
14:36.14jonwilI know the guys working on WINE (which lets you run Windows stuff on Linux) and ReactOS (FOSS clone of Widows) had some legal issues because some people looked at the leaked Windows source code then contributed to those 2 projects.
14:36.29jonwilReactOS had to stop development and rewrite a bunch of stuff
14:36.54DocScrutinizer05an annoying habit in FOSS scene to always assume "guilty until proven to not be"
14:37.01freemangordonjonwil: this is not an answer to my question :)
14:37.51freemangordonwhom shall I prove I've never read that code?
14:38.18*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast1 (~paul@2a01:348:6:860a:8dea:f7db:142c:298b)
14:38.29DocScrutinizer05it results in bizzare concerns like "if I would buy a service from you, and in 3 years your wife is doing something illegal, then they will sue and imprison me for ever having talked to you"
14:40.39jonwilThere is also (in the US at least) the whole argument around whether APIs can be copyrightable (See the Oracle vs Google lawsuit).
14:41.19DocScrutinizer05in my book I could come up with a sourcecode I claim some angel whispered into my ear at night while I was sleeping, and as long as nobody can prove that I used too many identical unique names for vars etc there's nothing wrong with that code
14:41.51freemangordonI exclude USA from the equation, I really CBA about all that patent crap going on there. I talk about EU
14:42.48freemangordonhowever, I have to run. bbl
14:42.57DocScrutinizer05we could stop using electric devices when we had to worrxy about some jackass claiming to have a patent on using "+" char to add two factors
14:43.06DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: cya! :-)
14:43.38DocScrutinizer05software patents,my a**
14:44.15DocScrutinizer05all in line with DMCA
14:44.21jonwilThe whole "Apple vs Android" patent fight is the #1 reason I refuse to give Apple a single cent of my money (e.g. buying their hardware, buying iTunes cards as gifts for people etc)
14:44.45DocScrutinizer05where speaking a sequence of digits can already be a crime
14:45.07*** join/#neo900 norly (
14:45.31DocScrutinizer05see the CSS(?) key story
14:45.43kerioin the UK it can be illegal to disclose that the government knows about the prime factorization of a certain number
14:46.12*** join/#neo900 norly (
14:47.02DocScrutinizer05in France it is (or was) illegal to encrypt your mail
14:48.25DocScrutinizer05[2014-12-19 Fri 21:27:01] <DocScrutinizer05> yup, it every time gives you a feeling like somebody beamed you into a parallel universe where complete ingorance is a mandatory skill for getting a responsible job
14:49.30DocScrutinizer05wait until Nestle gets patents on the act of breating
14:50.00DocScrutinizer05for now they only have patents on drinking water and mostly watery liquids
14:50.40jonwilToo bad there isn't a nice sane country we can all move to, one that isn't participating in the global "spy on everyone" business, one that doesn't have stupid anti-circumvention laws, one that doesn't carry out censorship (Germany is no good because they have censorship, they have it for what may be good reasons but its still censorship)
14:51.29kerioyeah idk about the laws against hate speech
14:51.45DocScrutinizer05hmm, Germany is poor on a lot of these thngs, but I don't know much about censoring in D
14:51.55kerioDocScrutinizer05: can't yell "heil hitler" in the streets
14:52.08keriothat's censorship
14:52.18DocScrutinizer05hmmm, arguable
14:53.03DocScrutinizer05we (the more sane 30% of Germans) like to think of it being a threat
14:53.10kerio30%? :o
14:53.29kerioi dunno, i can't stop thinking of stuff like that as not trusting the people enough
14:53.58DocScrutinizer05is not selling arms in supermarket censorship?
14:54.15jonwilI think in terms of German censorship of video games (The area I have heard the most about) it comes down to A.A prohibition on video games that contain anything Nazi related and B.That "index" thing that means developers have to remove violence, change humans to robots, change red blood to green or whatever in order to be able to sell their game in Germany
14:55.05DocScrutinizer05well, see above
14:55.11keriojonwil: fwiw, that's just cuz video games aren't considered art
14:55.16keriootherwise they wouldn't have that restriction
14:55.33jonwilwhich one? The Nazi rule or the other stuff?
14:55.46kerioboth, actually
14:55.54kerioAO ratings exist for other media
14:56.16kerioand frankly, i don't give a shit about gamestop not selling physical AO games
14:56.29keriovalve won't mind :3
15:02.41*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (~paul@2a01:348:6:860a:8dea:f7db:142c:298b)
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15:47.07wpwrak(mail) ah, you bounced it. if you really think you have to use that mechanism (e.g., if authenticity is important), you should warn people
15:49.08DocScrutinizer05felt lazy about adding own mail body
15:50.05wpwrak(true green) not at digi-key, mouser, octopart, ... :) maybe it's something their science and fantasy department put there - once they catch a few unicorns and european black swans, then they'll make it :)
15:51.37DocScrutinizer05those LEDs exist, just maybe not from this manuf and maybe even in this formfactor
15:52.41DocScrutinizer05I have several 3mm and 5mm wired bluegreen LEDs here and they are awesome and damn bright
15:58.03*** join/#neo900 Openbot (~Openbot@unaffiliated/openbot)
15:58.54Openbot74 people on this channel
15:58.55Openbotnice ;)
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16:02.26OpenbotHi xes
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16:23.15DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: aynway, what do you think about my idea to get real samples of as many alternatives as available?
16:24.14DocScrutinizer05could we invent an "universal footprint" so we don't need to decide and write in stone which LEDs to use in final product?

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