IRC log for #neo900 on 20160215

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01:36.39Oksana>>  in former times, the third contact was an NTC to test battery temperature. Seems that's not exactly the case anymore for BL-5J  << Is it possible to bring this practice back? Would Neo900 be compatible with it? Would it help to charge battery in 30C without frying the battery? How difficult is it to make "smart", open-hardware battery compatible with N900-Neo900? /The smart charger chip... BQ24297, right? Opening the data sheet, wondering how helpful it is... /
01:38.18OksanaWhat are HDQ and BSI?
01:44.19DocScrutinizer05HDQ is a onewire bidir data bus protocol (see bq27000, _not_ bq27200), BSI is Nokia's 'Battery Size Indicator'
01:49.41DocScrutinizer05and no, we didn't have a NTC in battery that's used for temperature sensing in N900, so we won't try to come up with this in Neo900
01:51.03DocScrutinizer05even while BL-5J actually has a NTC or PTC (can't recall) on BSI, we will not try to invent a 'new' scheme for temperature management around it
01:52.58DocScrutinizer05it also seems that, since N900 doesn't use the battery internal NTC (dunno about other devices using same battery), there are batteries out there labeled "compatible to N900" which actually don't have a NTC but instead have a simple resistor
01:53.26DocScrutinizer05using such a battery in a new design like you suggest would actually be dangerous
02:05.43wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: i think Oksana is just looking for more ways to stop charging, not to charge more aggressively
02:06.14wpwrak(30 C ? what's that ? winter ?)
02:10.03Oksanaawpwrak: I am actually looking for ways to charge safely while ambient temperatures are high
02:12.32Oksanaa26°C-30°C is common temperature around here, and cautious DT-33 battery chargers do not want to charge. So retreating to air-conditioned building is the least-annoying option
02:14.11wpwrakOksanaa: yup, and "safely" in this case means "cut back if anything seems amiss, even if finns wouldn't consider this a possibly risky scenario", right ?
02:14.14OksanaaAnd yes, 3-contact charger would have to be fail-safed against simple-resistor batteries
02:14.38wpwrak(dt-33) ah, interesting
02:15.09wpwrakokay, so you're seeking the gap between (hopefully) overly cautious critters and the real boundaries
02:16.08wpwrakand the finns were playing it safe then :)
02:16.19DocScrutinizer05as the name BSI already suggests, the resistance value on that contact isn't standardized but individual at least for different battery types. So any general purpose charger with ability to charge different battery types can not make any use of the NTC on 3rd contact
02:16.32OksanaaYes. Something akin to "charge battery while there is no damage to battery"
02:17.03wpwrakmaybe we should add a smoke detector and a little halon bottle ... :)
02:17.59wpwrakOksanaa: have you ever has trouble with batteries violently misbehaving ? or are you more concerned about accelerated aging ?
02:19.23OksanaaI have about one or two aged-or-something not-full-capacity batteries, and about four nice-capacity batteries
02:19.52DocScrutinizer05anyway Neo900 won't behave like DT-33
02:19.52OksanaaI am more concerned (currently) with refusing-to-charge situation
02:20.19OksanaaBecause it has better positioned battery temperature sensor?
02:20.40DocScrutinizer05I don't know, I never looked into a DT-33
02:22.23OksanaaLike, ideally positioned sensor would cut-off charging around 45?
02:23.33DocScrutinizer05yes, and right now the internal temperature of my N900 is pretty much identical to room temperature
02:24.39DocScrutinizer05which means there's not much heating it up except the battery charging itself
02:24.55DocScrutinizer05which doesn't happen right now since it's unplugged
02:25.19DocScrutinizer05so sensor is expected to actually show the battery cell temperature
02:25.35wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: hmm, do we have a battery spec sheet around somewhere ? maybe from gta02 ?
02:25.51DocScrutinizer05I posted it a few hours ago, no
02:25.52wpwraki kinda wonder how high they can go. 45 C would seem low.
02:26.24DocScrutinizer0545° is from that one
02:26.49wpwrakah yes, that's the one. thanks !
02:26.58DocScrutinizer05[2016-02-13 Sat 16:09:36] <DocScrutinizer05> for some background see  specifically page 64 for allowable cell temperature range
02:27.34wpwrakindeed, 45 C
02:28.18DocScrutinizer05temp range for charging is very narrow
02:28.54DocScrutinizer05well, not THAT narrow, given that safety range ends at 60°C already
02:28.56wpwrakindeed. maybe an external battery then:
02:29.16wpwrakthat one's supposed to be good for up to 85 C. not sure if i believe it.
02:29.30DocScrutinizer05depends on separator
02:29.36wpwrakbut it would be very interesting to watch someone try to take that firecracker through airport security ;-)
02:31.53OksanaHmm... Looking it up, and yes, I did get this 45 value from the pdf file :-) It's also mentioned here:
02:32.14DocScrutinizer05it's pretty common
02:32.36DocScrutinizer05also the 60°C, while batteries tend to actually runaway at 70°C
02:33.08DocScrutinizer05some might need more to go poooof
02:33.23DocScrutinizer05I wouldn't bet on it
02:33.33wpwrakyes, looked at a pack from panasonic. 45 C, too
02:34.11DocScrutinizer05it's mainly defined by cell chemistry I guess, so you'll find similar specs on all LiIon of that type
02:34.39wpwrakopen letter: "dear battery industry, please make batteries also us down in the south can charge."
02:34.43DocScrutinizer05while the safety limit is defined by separator as well
02:35.29DocScrutinizer05I think you actually _may_ charge them at >45° but not at rate
02:35.55DocScrutinizer05and possibly not up to final voltage
02:36.20Oksanafirecracker: A tad bulky, cylindrical (I can guess that it is better battery shape, given how most battery types are cylindrical), very nice temperature range (-55 ºC to +85 ºC), is 3.6V good enough compatibility with 3.7V (how much current would N900-Neo900 typically draw from the battery? discharge plots are funny) and voltage increases with temperature (nice)
02:38.08wpwrakhmm, this suggests that it's mainly a question of battery life:
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02:39.08wpwrakthe tech of the firecracker may be of this type:
02:39.26DocScrutinizer05sorry, this cell is not for phones etc, way too high Z
02:39.53OksanaZ? Impedance? Aka, not correct current despite similar voltage?
02:40.38DocScrutinizer05yes, doesn't provide sufficient current
02:41.45DocScrutinizer05"similar voltage" - I see the voltage drops to as low as 3.2V with a mere 100mA
02:42.02wpwrakdoesn't actually say. but yes, 500 mA pulse current is lame.
02:43.15OksanaRechargeability No What?!
02:43.17wpwrak(V/T) ah, there it is. suckish indeed.
02:46.40DocScrutinizer05maximum pulse current: 500mA. We need 2A or more
02:47.35DocScrutinizer05(3.2V) "Discharge Characteristics" @ 33R|100mA
02:47.55DocScrutinizer05this is a completely different cell chemistry
02:48.28wpwrakyeah, modem's greedy. 2 A for it alone.
02:49.07DocScrutinizer05evidently different since it's a primary cell, no accu
02:49.47DocScrutinizer05not rechargeable, for utility metering purposes
02:50.38DocScrutinizer05meant to power your average animal tracker necklace
02:50.55DocScrutinizer05or your alarm system
02:52.27DocScrutinizer05generally systems that need to run for several years unattended
02:52.56wpwrakyeah, it's all wrong :(
02:54.01DocScrutinizer055000h æ 4mA
02:59.04wpwrakperfect for smartwatches :)
03:01.23DocScrutinizer05I guess they are meant for operation hour counters etc
03:01.30Oksanasmartwatches... Of that size :-/ It would only fit inside the "human" hand, not inside smartwatch itself
03:03.04DocScrutinizer05ideal for some humble hour counter LCD circuit
03:03.53DocScrutinizer05almost 10 years
03:04.48DocScrutinizer05exactly the type of device you expect to find at emergency power generators etc
03:06.04DocScrutinizer05this type of "smart"watch
03:06.34DocScrutinizer05smart enough to tell personal when to change the oil of the engine etc
03:07.57DocScrutinizer05on your car you look at the odometer for that, on stationary engines you got a hour counter
03:08.55DocScrutinizer05well actually contenporary cars might as well have a 'smart'watch with a battery like that, and tell you when to change oil in plaintext on the dashboard display
03:13.46OksanaNice... To survive extreme temperatures, Nickel Metal Hydride is recommended instead of LiIon: Charge cut-off at 60C?
03:14.45DocScrutinizer05yes, NiMH are more resiliant regarding temperature. Ask speedevil who did high altitude balloon stuff with cameras etc
03:18.05DocScrutinizer05OUCH!!  >>A single cell driving a load or a cell connected in parallel to other cells cannot suffer from polarity reversal, because no other cells are present.[citation needed]<< citation: Aristoteles
03:19.27OksanaWhat does it even mean? /Not going to mix up + and - terminals, regardless of what is written; some electronics would get fried by such carelessness/
03:51.46wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: i have a more daring conjecture: no cell in parallel to no other cell can also never suffer from reversal ;-)
03:52.54DocScrutinizer05the reversal happens on deep discharge, so yes
03:53.46DocScrutinizer05Oksana: it's about cell damage by deep discharge of stacks
04:08.12DocScrutinizer05\o/ xiangfu finished CNY :-)
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20:56.52robotanarchy_can someone tell me, which one the GSM modem is?
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20:57.33robotanarchy_...if it is there at all
20:58.11DocScrutinizer05nope, isn't
20:58.33DocScrutinizer05modem in N900 is connected via SSI/HSI and shows up as a network interface
20:59.41DocScrutinizer05module cmt_speech              8952  1   is the kernel module for audio
21:00.12DocScrutinizer05here's all from lsmod:
21:00.14DocScrutinizer05ssi_mcsaab_imp         11316  0
21:00.15DocScrutinizer05phonet                 15336  22 pn_pep,ssi_mcsaab_imp
21:00.17DocScrutinizer05cmt_speech              8952  1
21:04.29robotanarchy_DocScrutinizer05: thanks! modprobe phonet and modprobe cmt_speech worked, and now I have more devices
21:04.43robotanarchy_2: upnlink0: <POINTOPOINT,NOARP> mtu 65541 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1
21:04.47robotanarchy_that seems to be it
21:04.50robotanarchy_from ip a
21:05.27DocScrutinizer05now you 'just' need some ISI-driver
21:05.38robotanarchy_Where can I find the best patched kernel btw? right now I run 4.4-rc7, as it was recommended in the debian900 config file
21:05.55DocScrutinizer05ask freemangordon
21:06.19DocScrutinizer05and/or Pali
21:06.52DocScrutinizer05generally you're prolly more on-topic in #maemo
21:06.52Paliyes, this is last tree with n900 patches which we have
21:07.07Wizzuprobotanarchy_: cool, so that is (modem) works in 4.4-rc7
21:07.09bencohwhat about v4.5-rc1?
21:07.09Palimodem should work
21:07.12WizzupIt didn't work yet in 4.1-rcX
21:07.19Palimodem is part of mainline kernel btw
21:07.27Paliwith cmt audio too!
21:07.42WizzupI tried it in 4.1, didn't work, but it seems 4.4. may give me better luck
21:07.54WizzupPali: so I guess maemo can almost run on it, too?
21:08.00WizzupI recall FMG was doing some work on the userspace part
21:08.13bencohrobotanarchy_: btw
21:08.20Paliyes, patched! maemo works (somehow) on that linux-n900 tree
21:10.02robotanarchy_bencoh: thanks! I didn't try the 4.5-rc1 branch yet, as it is not the default on that github page :p
21:10.16robotanarchy_4.4.-rc7 was just the first one I saw
21:11.52robotanarchy_Pali: also thanks for the link
21:12.23WizzupI should build 4.4-rc7
21:12.27WizzupI have my test n900 with me :)
21:12.46WizzupPali: also, jw, any news on that audio race condition problem?
21:12.54WizzupI know you CC'd me at some point
21:17.22Wizzupbencoh: also wondering how he managed to make a call, old pulseaudio?
21:34.11robotanarchy_DocScrutinizer05: I'll ask in #maemo next time, thanks for the hint. So... after looking through all /dev/ entries, I actually do not have a new device. although there are SSI related modules active:
21:35.09DocScrutinizer05sorry, I'm at my wisdom's end
21:36.02DocScrutinizer05I guess network devices like NIC or HSI-modem don't show up as devices but rather under ifconfig as network interfaces
21:37.00DocScrutinizer05doesn't make much sense in a UNIX perspective, but I actually wouldn't know which /dev device is my ethernet NIC either
21:38.00DocScrutinizer05/dev/net/* ?
21:38.34robotanarchy_there's only /dev/net/tun, which is some fake device, that also openvpn uses, right?
21:38.51DocScrutinizer05prolly right
21:39.01DocScrutinizer05I have no clue here
21:39.08robotanarchy_okay, thanks anyway :)
21:40.00bencohdon't you need phonet?
21:40.12bencohhmm, maybe not
21:40.59robotanarchy_bencoh: I am not sure to be honest
21:41.27bencohENV{INTERFACE}=="phonet[0-9]*", RUN+="/lib/phonet-utils/netif-up $env{INTERFACE}"
21:41.32bencohI see that in udev rules
21:42.48bencohand netif-up basically runs phonet -a "$ADDR" -i "$IFACE" || exit $?
21:42.48bencohip link set dev "$IFACE" up || ifconfig "$IFACE" up
21:42.49bencohphonet -a "$ADDR" -i "$IFACE" || exit $?
21:42.49bencohip link set dev "$IFACE" up || ifconfig "$IFACE" up
21:42.57bencohwoops, sorry for the double-paste
21:43.11bencohso yeah, you need phonet to set the link up
21:43.46robotanarchy_bencoh: where's phonet usually packaged in? debian doesn't seem to have it packed
21:44.17freemangordonrobotanarchy_: it is part of the kernel
21:44.49bencohfreemangordon: the userland?
21:45.05freemangordonis a .ko
21:45.22bencohI'm talking about the phonet userland util used in maemo
21:45.30bencohdon't we need it on mainline/linux-n900?
21:45.51freemangordonoh, it is sscd iirc
21:47.15bencohI wonder why the udev rule is needed then
21:48.51robotanarchy_freemangordon: what does sscd mean?
21:50.43freemangordonbencoh: because it uses AF_PHONET socket :)
21:52.10freemangordonrobotanarchy_: "Daemon for controlling cellular modem"
21:53.57DocScrutinizer05prolly SSI connection||control daemon
21:54.44freemangordonrobotanarchy_: closed source, won't find it in debian
21:55.00DocScrutinizer05the ISI thing
21:55.26DocScrutinizer05[2016-02-15 Mon 22:05:26] <DocScrutinizer05> now you 'just' need some ISI-driver
21:56.13DocScrutinizer05you might find some ISI stuff in ofono and FSO
21:56.16bencohfreemangordon: do we really need sscd outside of maemo?
21:56.39DocScrutinizer05bencoh: for N900 yes
21:56.52robotanarchy_DocScrutinizer05: oh, I thought isi was a typo and you ment ssi >_<
21:56.56DocScrutinizer05well, or something similar
21:56.59bencohpavel doesn't mention it
21:57.10bencohI guess ofono does all the needed stuff (for phone)
21:57.13bencohbut what about modem?
21:57.30DocScrutinizer05ofono has an interface for ISI
21:57.36bencohyeah, isimodem
21:58.29bencohah, looks like ofono/isimodem has some gprs function... dunno if it really works
21:58.56DocScrutinizer05prolly gprs is the simplest part
21:59.18DocScrutinizer05aiui it just opens a virtual channel on SSI for the data
21:59.59DocScrutinizer05dunno if that's PPPoE or whatever protocol
22:00.19bencohcertainly not oE :)
22:00.47DocScrutinizer05PPPoI ;-)
22:03.55robotanarchy_FSO doesn't have anything ISI related from what I can find ( ISI). So I guess ofono is really needed :p
22:12.21robotanarchy_found something interesting here: " # provide cmt device for ofono
22:12.40robotanarchy_I'll try that after rebooting, because I unloaded some modules and can't reload them for some reason
22:17.57robotanarchy_there is /sys/bus/hsi/devices/n900-modem/. I'll play around with that tormorrow or so
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23:48.47DocScrutinizer05robotanarchy_: I don't see any 'modem' in my maemo fremantle system in /sys, however there's /sys/bus/ssi/*
23:49.37DocScrutinizer05maemo kernel doesn't have hsi yet
23:50.20DocScrutinizer05on newer kernels hsi module handles ssi too

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