IRC log for #neo900 on 20160717

00:00.53wpwrakother nice things include schematics with some automatic annotations (as "thrown-away" output, not something you'd use for editing), e.g., for pin types or feedback from the BOM generator. very convenient.
00:01.57wpwrakerr, s/thrown/throw/  # do not discard before use :)
00:08.49chomwittDocScrutinizer05: thanks
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01:04.11DocScrutinizer05chomwitt: you may also wait until newest version finishes upload
01:04.43DocScrutinizer05ETA ~5h
01:05.17DocScrutinizer05though in 3h I need to restart the upload thanks to dang forced reconnect of my ADSL
01:07.40chomwittok. i'm more of a software guy. i mean i cant help in the layout or sth , but i'm intrigued by the use of the Vagrant to establish a common ground for your hw work.
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02:05.08DocScrutinizer05ohmy, sometimes it's not satisfying to fulfill the own legend. I found a way to make kicad spin in an endless busy loop, just spitting out flickering coordinate values in status line. Nothing short of killing the app could stop it
02:06.14DocScrutinizer05I *guess* I played back a macro that included recording and playing back $self along with some mouse movements and trace drawing ;-P
02:18.14wpwrakkicad has macros ?
02:27.40DocScrutinizer05err yep, I posted the hotkey list screenshot, there you see them at bottom, ctrl+$[[:num:]] to record, $[[:num:]] to playback, iirc
02:28.44DocScrutinizer05kicad also has a scripting console with an almost ubearable python help function, but entering pcbnew as command finally reveals some useful info
02:29.42DocScrutinizer05what sucks big time is: I found no way whatsoever to edit or even just view the macro content
02:29.47wpwrakyes, the python is a bit tricky. alas, only available in pcbnew (so far)
02:30.50wpwrakwell, you're ahead of me there. until now i didn't even know there were macros :) (not sure what one would want to use them for, but ...)
02:32.13DocScrutinizer05there are two menu points: save macros, load macros
02:33.08DocScrutinizer05I tried the macros with no immediate visible success, but maybe half a minute or a minute later kicad freaked out
02:33.30wpwraknice :)
02:35.22DocScrutinizer05I've done what I always tell all users to never do: I git the (macro) key several times in row. Not because I was impatient (as my users usually are) but because I wanted to see the flickering of the tiny indicator showing "recording macro"... alas a fail
02:36.18wpwrakinstead you found the self-destruct sequence. nice :)
02:36.24DocScrutinizer05(fail) obviously there's no such indicator
02:36.44DocScrutinizer05but maybe it was pebkac
02:37.40DocScrutinizer05hitting "record macro 0" key sequence while recording macro 0 may or may not be a silly thing to do. No idea how to close macro recording
02:38.52DocScrutinizer05maybe I even hit the "play macro 0" key while recording macro 0, which for sure must be a silly thing to do, no? ;-P
02:41.26DocScrutinizer05then I also frew a trace while recording macro, and I hoped for that trace getting drawn anew when I playback the macro. Well, according to the coords display in status line that might have worked X-P
02:43.03DocScrutinizer05so when the recorded macro 0 was >>draw trace; play macro 0<<, then I can only complain about one thing: WHERE THE F*SCK is the "macro recording running..." indicator
02:43.47DocScrutinizer05and why the heck can't you abort macro playback with ctrl-C, ESC or whatever
02:46.17wpwraki guess you don't really need macros, and it's just that nobody got around to remove them. if there are some very simple but highly repetitive actions, you can just edit the design files directly. that's likely to be more reliable.
02:46.25sn0wmonsterIs the N900 the only Nokia phone that would likely be used to boot *nix?
02:46.55sn0wmonsterI am setting up a category for security discussions on mobile devices, and I want to include Nokia, but there isn't much sense in including *all* Nokia products, as you can't boot/root all of them
02:49.15DocScrutinizer05there's N900 and N9, afaikthat's it, the rest was Symbian or WinPhone
02:50.27DocScrutinizer05N9 is "Maemo" Harmattan alias (sometimes, incorrectly) called Meego, and it's terribly crippled by a security layer called Aegis
02:50.50infobot , or "The purpose of this framework is: ... to make sure that the platform meets the requirements set by third party software that requires a safe execution environment.", or, or
02:53.20DocScrutinizer05generally see Nokia Internet Tablets, aka
02:53.26infobotrumour has it, nit is Nokia Internet Tablet originally been run by a community member unaffiliated to nokia and the name been internettablettalk,org, you still see "ITT" at some places in wiki etc
02:55.16DocScrutinizer05err, I dunno why I said that
02:55.54DocScrutinizer05maybe free association re "internet tablet"
02:56.44DocScrutinizer05NIT was the only linux series of Nokia afaik, except some true tablets maybe
02:57.45DocScrutinizer05maemo been on Nokia 770 (no N), N800, N810, N900, N9
02:58.26DocScrutinizer05only N900 and N9 had phone functionality
03:06.26DocScrutinizer05when you're interested in details how aegis works, just ask. For now it may suffice to say it's a nifty variant of tivoization and everybody hates it
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03:36.18DocScrutinizer05(ITT) anyway when you see a google search hit pointing to, please don't click it, there must be an identical hit under and clicking those old links in google will further emphasize them, while they are actually obsolete and should fade out
03:53.00wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: A4 or A3 ? :)
03:58.20DocScrutinizer51A3, you can either print on 2 A4 or shrink, when you got no A3 printer
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04:01.25wpwrakvery well ... will also give us some room to clean up things (like the modem, cough, cough), and mayhaps merge some of the more scattered stuff
04:01.27DocScrutinizer05for now the direct transfer may always sit on left side half of the A3, so you can tell printer driver to only print 1,3,5...
04:01.52DocScrutinizer05yep, that's the idea
04:06.43wpwrak(sit) naw, it's actually off-sheet. so i'm moving them now into A3, delete the "legend" box (kicad has its own), etc. next round will migrate the copyright notice.
04:08.26DocScrutinizer05no way the latter, it doesn't belong there anyway
04:09.07DocScrutinizer05Neo900 paid for it, Neo900 UG owns it
04:10.32wpwrakyeah, dunno what exactly you agreed on with nik, but in any case, it should at least mention "Neo900" :)
04:11.15wpwraki've also s/GTA04b7/neo900/g-rf
04:11.29DocScrutinizer05we didn't agree on anything, so this note is mute
04:12.20wpwrakmay need a bit of s/neo900/Neo900/ at some point, but one thing at a time. for now it's the coarse stuff.
04:12.27DocScrutinizer05who paid the work owns the result, as long as no explicit different agreement
04:13.36DocScrutinizer05heh, the captitals are actually an interesting topic. I dunno if I always been consistent on it either
04:14.06DocScrutinizer05in filenames etc usually lower case
04:15.34DocScrutinizer05the name usually leading Capital unless very special situation. URL lower case though
04:15.50wpwrakhmm, with european copyright law (urheberrecht), which is quite different from the us copyright law, there may be some issue with just nuking gdc. might be worth a polite mail to nik.
04:16.24wpwrak(capitalization) yup. for now, i treat everything like a file name. some things aren't, but meh :) (for now)
04:16.24DocScrutinizer05nope, particularly German Urheberrecht is very clear on paid work
04:16.47DocScrutinizer05Nik been subcontractor of Neo900 UG
04:18.47DocScrutinizer05unless you explicitly agree different, a subcontractor acts in name and on behalf of the contracting entity, and copyright is part of the value sold to the paying & contracting entity
04:18.58wpwrakyes, but some of the library stuff comes from before. since we'll probably use these libraries (that is, unless i find that the conversion has done something horrible, which is still a possibility), their status would be a bit different. so it depends on what exactly you agreed on back then. or if you didn't specify such details, that should be done asap.
04:19.14wpwrakafter all, we'll want to stay on good terms :)
04:19.41DocScrutinizer05sure, we will mention GDC, but only on second position
04:20.45DocScrutinizer05mind you, the whole core (which is basically the only stuff that's originating from GTA04) is still missing
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04:21.09DocScrutinizer05and he didn't even provide the component libraries
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04:33.11wpwraki also got gems like "Package SOT223-6 doesn't have enough pads for all 10 pins of device TPS73733". well, fortunately only that one of such potential nastiness. a bit of minor bickering, but hopefully harmless. (probably related to the script trying to patch up the layout. now that would be a major leap of AI ;-)
04:36.31wpwrakhmm, interesting. it turned L1601 (NFC/RFID Reader) by 90 deg. apparently completely unprovoked. let's hope that's the worst it did ...
04:37.58DocScrutinizer05how could this happen for just one random arbitrary component? wouldn't it happen to all rotated components then?
04:39.43DocScrutinizer05or did the conversion work fine and KiCAD kicked out the orientation due to some DRC or whatever?
04:39.44wpwrakmaybe it thought there wasn't enough room for the component
04:39.57wpwrak(it = the converter)
04:40.00DocScrutinizer05yep, exactly such stuff
04:40.36DocScrutinizer05nah, I don't expect the comberter applying any such highly sohisticated intelligence
04:42.27DocScrutinizer05I yet have to look into the ULP, but I'm pretty sure it simply iterates over all components and traces and writes their properties out in another (actually kicad's) syntax
04:43.12wpwrakit had to align everything with the grid. so there most be some heuristics at work. also, the critter ran for more than half a CPU-hour in total (with several interruptions, for dialogs and the occasional complaint). so definitely heavy processing there.
04:43.32DocScrutinizer05aiui there might be per-sheet net names, which the author mentiones as "this needed quite a dirty hack"
04:45.12DocScrutinizer05so let's have a look at this ULP then
04:46.06wpwrakfwiw, this is my transcript:
04:46.37wpwrakthe timestamps tell you when to stop chatting, so that you don't accidently type into some dialog field :)
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05:58.53DocScrutinizer05>> The Eagle pop-ups will appear unannounced and grab the input focus. Keystrokes will therefore end up in Eagle dialogs, changing inputs.<< sounds like a common issue with all desktops
05:59.00DocScrutinizer05not only with eagle
06:00.12DocScrutinizer05*smart* programs copy all STDIN to /dev/null in the popup, until 0.5s no further keystroke coming in
06:00.52DocScrutinizer05I possibly get a "Gebrauchsmusterschutz" or a patent on this ;-)
06:01.07wpwrakthe main problem here is that it grabs the focus. so even if you're peacefully typing elsewhere, it ends up in that bloody dialog.
06:01.28wpwrakand to make things worse, the dialogs pop up after something like ten minutes of silent computation.
06:01.29DocScrutinizer05yes, all popups do that usually
06:02.59DocScrutinizer05they *could* actually pop up without grabbing focus, but that's a rather exotic feature for a window manager, I guess
06:03.20wpwrakand of course, if you screw up the dialog (or aren't sure whether you may have changed something you didn't mean to change), it's do-it-all-over-once-more time
06:04.05DocScrutinizer05yeah, I could figure those dialogs don't accept ctrl-Z or ctrl-U or whatever, for 'undo'
06:05.01wpwrakyou can press Esc, but ... :)
06:07.48DocScrutinizer05...but unlike kicad, this will stop the ULP? ;-)
06:14.58wpwrakyeah. then, do-it-all-over-once-more time (which gets boring after a while)
06:17.46DocScrutinizer05I canimagine that. I *seem* to recall there was a speedup trick though for ULP (or was it just scripts? or something completely different?) to disable display update during running the program
06:18.33wpwrakzx81 fast mode ? :)
06:19.21DocScrutinizer05yeah, wondering. No not really, it was something about X11 and not drawing/rendering the stuff done in program/script
06:19.54DocScrutinizer05ugh, that was eggsell
06:20.42DocScrutinizer05tell eggsell _not_ to update spreadsheet after each singe vlaue insert to a cell
06:21.05DocScrutinizer05speeds up by factor 50
06:25.30DocScrutinizer05took a year of my life ;-) But *somewhere* must be a patent letter with my name as program developer
06:29.05DocScrutinizer05((update cell content, not calculate whole sheet(s) on that)) you really don't want excel to run across a possibly 10000s of cells with many of them having formulas or content verification attached, when your counter variable of a for( ; ; ) loop literally lives in one of those excel cells ;-P
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14:24.54wpwrakhmm. conversion produced many subtly unconnected signals (in the schematics). they show up as tiny boxes on what looks like healthy connections. will be fun to eradicate ...
14:29.39DocScrutinizer05makes me aware I didn't even look for a 'search' fubction in kicad
14:30.45wpwrakit's there :)
14:31.13DocScrutinizer05not to mention the absolutely crazy missing page selector, or did I fail to spot it?
14:31.34wpwrakriddle me this: what does the "IR" on P-OTG on the "OTG" page mean ? "i, robot" ?
14:31.57wpwrak(page sel) go to the front page, double-click on the sub-sheet you want to see
14:32.14DocScrutinizer05shit yeah, I found this. It's mad
14:32.31DocScrutinizer05subsheets as objects to click on
14:32.32wpwrakdelete ? (y)
14:32.54wpwraklater, we can rearrange the subsheets in a nicer way
14:33.07DocScrutinizer05I'd like a page number
14:33.09wpwrakbut first the coarse cleanup
14:33.34wpwrakthere's a page number in the sub-sheet number
14:34.11DocScrutinizer05that's pretty useless, or does a hotkey like alt-G <number> exist?
14:34.35wpwrakdunno if you can make such a hotkey
14:35.04DocScrutinizer05I seem to know it's not possibly to view the schematics page after page
14:35.21wpwrakin any case, i think we can reduce the number of sheets by something like half. then navigation will become much easier, too
14:35.36wpwrakgenerate PDF, then view page by page
14:35.49DocScrutinizer05oooh no great idea
14:36.22wpwrakworks for me :)
14:36.51wpwrakjust go with the flow. after a short while you'll find all this quite natural
14:36.54DocScrutinizer05that's mad, look at pdf to find out which sheet to click in editor
14:37.19DocScrutinizer05or: jump forth and back between two adjacent related pages :-(
14:37.49wpwrakbut maybe you'll want to wait until the cleanup has progressed a bit more. for now there are many things that are ugly but are not high priority for fixing
14:37.58DocScrutinizer05I can assure you I'll never think *that's* any natural
14:38.20wpwraki.e., first i want to be sure the conversion hasn't left any major issues. but i won't be able to tell before fixing the structure.
14:39.48wpwrakgrr. "GND" net "exported" on the OTG page. really ?
14:39.55wpwrakhauls out the nukes
14:40.34DocScrutinizer05I dunno what you refer to re "IR" on P-OTG
14:40.53DocScrutinizer05aaah, nfc
14:41.32DocScrutinizer05this is a component introduced (and prolly designed) by Nik
14:41.55DocScrutinizer05and most likely recycled and mod-o-fied from some random other part
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14:42.40DocScrutinizer05(pages) maybe we found out about pupose of macros, eh?
14:42.56wpwrakso i guess the "IR" can go ? at least it makes no sense to me
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14:45.05DocScrutinizer05(pages) go figure "go page6 to page7" becomes "pick menu 'view - leave sheet', then on main page remember you been on page 6, find page 7 and doubleclick on the symbol"
14:45.47DocScrutinizer05absolutely unbearable
14:46.07DocScrutinizer05s also some weird hierarchy viewer
14:46.48DocScrutinizer05but I don't want several mouse clicks just to jump to next page
14:48.12DocScrutinizer05in eagle I at least have which works really great with scrollwheel
14:49.05DocScrutinizer05it totally absolutely evades me how kicad failed to get something similar
14:49.26wpwraka complaining joerg is a happy joerg ;-)
14:50.00DocScrutinizer05I already see me hacking software again, something I didn't do for... 4 years or somesuch
14:50.07DocScrutinizer05kicad begs for improvements
14:51.02wpwrakhope your C++ foo is strong :) then i'd have a little wish list for you ...
14:51.34DocScrutinizer05oh I forgot I did that silly little fancy to automatically create the index page as last page of eagle schematics
14:51.53DocScrutinizer05no, I suck a C++
14:52.26wpwrakstares with some hatred at the ugliness that has been faithfully preserved from eagle. well, there shall be a reckoning. but, later ...
14:52.30DocScrutinizer05tbh I only can edit existing code
14:58.20DocScrutinizer05hmm "find R12" works, "find&replace: R12, R1212" doesn't, it doesn't even *find* R12
14:59.28DocScrutinizer05(only edit existing code) I lack the needed experience on all the C++ syntactical madness to write own code efficiently
15:00.08DocScrutinizer05I'd much rather use Oberon for example, or Delphi (decades ago)
15:02.21DocScrutinizer05re C++ also many object class hierarchies drive me mad, since in my book they never met any intelligent lifeform
15:03.17MonkeyofDoomimplementation inheritance is a terrible idea
15:03.36DocScrutinizer05prolly, often, yes
15:06.12DocScrutinizer05then occasionally you run into BS like Qt's rich text edit textbox, which literally creates an object out of every single char. No surprise the memory allocated is $size_of_ASCII_text * 30, and thanks to ~destructor this doubles(!!!) when you close the window with this textbox
15:08.25wpwrakkicad is wx, and you get multi-platform fun with macos and widows added to the mix :)
15:08.47MonkeyofDoomhaha, great
15:08.51DocScrutinizer05was *much* fun when I opened twinklephone's 2MB logfiles in the app's (Qt richtext) local logfile viewer, on a P-II with 128MB, under KDE
15:09.07MonkeyofDoomQt is one of the better C++ codebases out there...
15:09.25DocScrutinizer05what's a maco? a shark?
15:09.48MonkeyofDoomit's the singular of "OS X"
15:10.05DocScrutinizer05aaah :-D
15:10.40DocScrutinizer05I was wondering which weird dungeon MMRPG wpwrak was talking about
15:11.18DocScrutinizer05sharks and weeping widows ;-D
15:14.52DocScrutinizer05anyway I'm pretty sure adding a sane page number selector or even just a textbox to type-enter page number numerically is a relatively simple task
15:16.29DocScrutinizer05what also occurred to me is adding "next page" and "previous page" as those weird sheet 'ison' little squeres to lower right/left of every single schematics sheet
15:18.02DocScrutinizer05when I want to go from page 6 to 7, I really _really_ don't want to jump back to page 1 to find the icon for page 7 to click on it
15:19.24DocScrutinizer05I'd rather open 38 windows for the 38 sheets of our schematics, than navigating through the schematics in kicad via a star topology centered at page one
15:22.12wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: have you tried clicking on the "Navigate schematic hierachy" icon ? it's transient, but that's a reasonably quick way of jumping
15:22.54DocScrutinizer05I seen that thing, it's a first poor approach to beat some sense into page flipping
15:23.44DocScrutinizer05make that thing permanently open in a sidebar or hovering little window, and it might be bearable
15:24.20wpwrakmaybe suggest it on #kicad ?
15:25.50DocScrutinizer05sure, eventually
15:27.33DocScrutinizer05for now what just hit my mind is: instead of spending time on fixing broken conversion results in kicad schematics editor, by all means we rather should invest the effort introduced by conversion eagle->kicad into improving the converter
15:29.24DocScrutinizer05*particularly* for obviously buggy stuff (like disconnected networks/wires) that occurs multiple times and is no obvious reason why it might be hard to implement that right
15:30.13DocScrutinizer05ULP is pretty easy to read and understand
15:38.15wpwrakmost of the editing is stuff that has different semantics. the converter did just the best it could.
15:38.50wpwrakbesides, someone has to go through everything manually anyway, to see if there are any "surprises"
15:38.56DocScrutinizer05I understand that, however I referred to obvious bugs that have no such reason
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15:40.05wpwrakwell, not too much of that so far. i got one signal that looked broken (currently at the 5th sheet)
15:40.25wpwrakthat is, unintentionally broken
15:40.32DocScrutinizer05anything "different semantics" long term should get handled by config options to define how to cope with them
15:41.52wpwrakwell, we only need to convert the thing once :)
15:42.01DocScrutinizer05a made up example: eagle uses layer number 1 to 200, kicad uses names layers. Converter needs a config option to define which eagle layer number relates to which names layer in kicad
15:42.32DocScrutinizer05((only need to convert the thing once)) that's exactly the misconception I wanted to correct
15:44.37wpwrakhmm, what else do you plan to convert from eagle to kicad ?
15:44.52DocScrutinizer05if we'd fix the converter so it produces reliable 100% bug free output, each team member could decide freely which editor to use, and we might also run into situations where we once more want to import (partial) schematics into Neo900 schematics
15:45.37DocScrutinizer05think core system
15:46.28wpwrakah, you're saying tht you don't like eeschema. therefore, you want to spend a few months trying to build the perfect converter. yes, makes sense :)
15:46.51DocScrutinizer05no, I'm not saying that. Please stop this
15:47.46wpwrakby the way, something that would actually be useful is a proper definition of the frame that goes on all the sheets. kicad's default is very large, and we may want to integrate things like the copyright notice right into the template
15:47.49DocScrutinizer05this sort of sarcasm is a tad misplaced from somebody who scripts excel sheet edits
15:49.20wpwrakthe tool to edit that stuff is called pl_editor. it's a bit on the enigmatic side. i haven't quite figured out how to use it properly. (just managed to clean up the frames for anelok, where the sudden template change created very messy schematics sheets)
15:50.11DocScrutinizer05yeah, I accidentally opened it
15:50.20DocScrutinizer05didn't look into it at all yet
15:52.26DocScrutinizer05regarding converter, the thing started like 15 years ago iirc what I seen in git. back when eagle had no faintly sane project file format, nowadays it's XML. So maybe writing a C program instead of the ULP would be the more appropriate approach nowadays
15:53.49DocScrutinizer05there's also an existing ULP that does export to *.scr eagle scripts which are mere draw and place commands
15:54.22DocScrutinizer05if that's more maybe useful for a conversion to kicad
15:54.37wpwrakah, another kicad feature request: when on a label, have a way to jump to the page(s) that reference it. now that would be crazily useful :) (in eagle, we had those FOO/3.2, which sometimes helped, but even these weren't necessarily complete)
15:55.58wpwrakaah, now comes page 6. the modem. joy.
15:56.06DocScrutinizer05yep, they don't work in eagle when they are dangling pointers (obviously). But for kicad that would be a very nice way to add "next page" / "previous page" and even index list links to pages
15:56.37wpwrak(next/prev/index) yup
15:57.44DocScrutinizer05please don't miss a "back" hotkey and taskbar icon, while implementing those :-)
16:00.16DocScrutinizer05while we're at feature request brainstorming: an undo feature which opens a *list* with the last N (>30, basically unlimited) actions, named and human-readable, and allows to accomplish 17 undos with one select action in the list, would be mad useful too
16:00.59wpwrak(implementing) naw, no C++ for me, thanks :)
16:01.27wpwrak(undo) i hope you realize just how fragile such a thing would be ;-)
16:02.29DocScrutinizer05sort of implies the "back" button which is just a shortcut for "find last page jump command in list and undo only that. Also a redo list in a similar way like the undo list comes in handy. and when you could save the whole list to a file, you already got your macro generator
16:03.04DocScrutinizer05I don't see how an undo would be fragile
16:04.17wpwrake.g., if you try to undo something you've changed later
16:04.39wpwrakor something upon which something done later depends
16:05.09wpwrakyou'll have some fun designing that dependency graph ;-)
16:05.10DocScrutinizer05you can't undo selectively. Never, in no environment/app I'm aware of
16:05.47wpwrakah, you meant to just stack them. i see
16:05.50DocScrutinizer05undo is a simple rollback, in database speak
16:07.25DocScrutinizer05kicad alread has multi-undo, alas no visible list of what gets undone
16:08.07DocScrutinizer05and no true one-click multi-undo of course, due to lack of such list, right?
16:08.27wpwrakgrr. modem page, IGT (L16) has an "antenna". even better, it's unconnected. @#$%^ ...
16:09.03DocScrutinizer05kicad even also has redo already, however again user has no clue what is going to be redone
16:10.00DocScrutinizer05('antenna') hehehe yes
16:11.19wpwrakalready deleted :)
16:11.33DocScrutinizer05I guess that's an easy exercise
16:11.47wpwrakoh yes. very. and satisfying as well :)
16:11.56DocScrutinizer05hrhrhr :-D
16:12.44DocScrutinizer05are you documenting the converter-introduced crap in any form?
16:12.58wpwrakwhat worries me a bit is that this is the sort of stuff that should show up when running a check. guess nik never got that far ...
16:13.17DocScrutinizer05nik never runs any checks
16:13.18wpwrakthat one's not conversion-introduced
16:13.24DocScrutinizer05I know
16:13.38DocScrutinizer05doesn't change my question
16:13.46DocScrutinizer05rather confirms it
16:14.36wpwrakand no, so far there's not much worth mentioning. it's mainly conversion of what should be global labels and deletion of converter-generated global labels
16:14.53wpwraki add TODOs where there are trickier things that need looking at later
16:15.06DocScrutinizer05well, I guess I will redo that whole process anyway, once to gain practice in kicad, then to debug the converter, and last not least to have a second parallel redundant result to compare to yours
16:15.21wpwrak(so, in a way, nik's dream workflow is coming true ;)
16:15.42DocScrutinizer05which is that dream workföow?
16:16.29DocScrutinizer05btw I'm pretty happy we use this channel for all this convo
16:16.34wpwrakchange annotations in the schematics
16:17.08DocScrutinizer05aaah, yeah sort of, though he rejected that approach too: "NO edits in schematics whatsoever"
16:17.24DocScrutinizer05except by him
16:17.54wpwrakah yes, he somehow wanted that on top. well, it's not as if my little TODOs would be easily overlooked :)
16:18.07DocScrutinizer05he even rejected scripts to automate the edits which I provided
16:19.43wpwrak(todo) e.g., on page 3 (OTG) of
16:20.14DocScrutinizer05the "dream workflow" rather is: print the schematics, add annotations and changes using a pencil, scan and send per email, or send physical paper by snailmail
16:20.54wpwrakand don't forget the "apostille". else, there bureaucracy would be insufficient
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16:23.24DocScrutinizer05could you take care to remove all ">size" labels on all components?
16:25.56DocScrutinizer05maybe find&replace ">size", "", globally. If that works for you
16:27.19wpwrakyeah, that's for a later pass. i'm now fixing the global labels and any small glitches i spot. there's a number of global changes for later. also, for example, some text size changes, where the converted eagle size looks bad.
16:28.25wpwrakmay components need more than just changing >SIZE anyway. so far, i haven't done anything to actually improve readability.
16:29.11DocScrutinizer05yeah, e.g. on pahe3 also the component seems ungrouped
16:29.14wpwrakalso, i guess we'll want to rename some of the component references. such that one can actually tell what is a component reference and what isn't. way too many things that are guesswork.
16:29.42wpwrakthe ESD ?
16:30.06DocScrutinizer05looks as if the rectangle is misplaced and too large
16:30.07wpwrakas far as i can tell, that's some of nik's artistic creations
16:30.43DocScrutinizer05dang! right, looks exactly same weird way in eagle
16:30.56wpwrakmany times when i though i had caught some major screw-up of the converter, i found to my dismay that it actually precisely reproduced something that was already there
16:31.31wpwrake.g., look closely at the transistor on the modem page :)
16:31.32DocScrutinizer05hehe, now you understand how I felt reviewing the schematics
16:32.08wpwrakyeah, they're no fun
16:33.19DocScrutinizer05what exactly would you doubt about converter in T601?
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16:33.35DocScrutinizer05it's a pretty weird symbol, yes
16:33.51wpwraklook at the tip of the arrow (zoom in) :)
16:34.40wpwrakah, and another "open" signal. i'm beginning to wonder what they really are ...
16:36.51wpwraklooks like a genuine converter artefact. (between C602 and C603, but you can only see it in eeschema. not even the PDF shows it)
16:39.46DocScrutinizer05those are mandatory fix in converter
16:40.06DocScrutinizer05lemme check in eagle
16:42.21DocScrutinizer05eagle's (or author's) fault, there's a second wire only between C602 and C603
16:42.23wpwrakah, great. VMODEM3 bypass GND ends up precisely on VMODEM1. it was bad in eagle, and the conversion just perfected that badness :)
16:42.46DocScrutinizer05orphaned wire actually
16:43.15wpwrakah, that's it then
16:43.25wpwrakthe converter is really good. doesn't overlook a single flaw ;-)
16:43.59wpwrakhmm, that looks "normal", doesn't it ?
16:44.17DocScrutinizer05eagle's ERC should catch that, however alas ERC finds a *bazillion* errors, so it's almost useless
16:44.18wpwrakwhat i got is a wire that's broken (or such) in the middle
16:45.17DocScrutinizer05no, this is normal
16:45.21wpwrakyeah, i did an ERC run in kicad. afterwards the screen looked like custer's last stand. (kicad uses little arrows to indicate where it found problems)
16:46.05wpwrak(normal) ah, i see. so this confused the converter and it made it a little worse. (but easier to spot :)
16:47.32DocScrutinizer05alas not even eahle ERC finds it:
16:48.29DocScrutinizer05(hint: doubleclick on ERC error list item centers to the error)
16:49.03DocScrutinizer05or you checkmark "centered"
16:50.22DocScrutinizer05once I tried to fix exactly this one ERC error I highlighted in that screenshot. It's pretty much not possible, thanks to limited number of net classes and rules in ERC
16:53.18DocScrutinizer05I.E it seems eagle doesn't distinguish between power source and power sink
16:54.05DocScrutinizer05Vext is a power source iirc. So it's perfectly fine to no connect it to anything
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16:56.50DocScrutinizer05and tbh I failed to grok how to edit the net class of a pin of a component
17:01.23DocScrutinizer05ok, nevermind, I might be mistaken on what eagle shows and does there, it's possibly to select similar seemingly unconnected signal segments elsewhere too
17:04.54DocScrutinizer05but NOOOW I found it:
17:05.24DocScrutinizer05RMB on jointpoint, in "eye" mode
17:08.25DocScrutinizer05deleted that "antenna", nasty one
17:09.27DocScrutinizer05I'm not surprised we got several of them, seems pretty easy to introduce such crap in eagle, accidentally
17:10.02DocScrutinizer05please let me know of any other similar "disconnected signals" you find/found
17:11.55DocScrutinizer05RMB cycles though all objects having a snappoint near cursor
17:12.39wpwrak(eye) ah yes, that's exactly what i got, too
17:14.03wpwrakthere was another one .. hmm, i think on the button sheet. camera button, if i recall correctly.
17:17.27DocScrutinizer05deleted that too
17:18.08DocScrutinizer05I gather you can't even delete in your eagle trial version?
17:18.36wpwrakdunno. i deleted it in kicad :)
17:18.46DocScrutinizer05could you provide an example for the semantic fixes needed?
17:20.04DocScrutinizer05(kicad) how do you spot those glitches in kicad?
17:21.40wpwrakright now the main changes are deletion of the little global labels the converter puts everywhere and bringing back to life the original labels. there, i edit the name (FOO/10.1 -> FOO) and i also set the direction (input/output/bidir/etc.). then i move them onto the grid (since the converter put them off-grid)
17:22.17wpwrak(glitches) the "antennas) have a little square at the open end. so when i spot such a square, i check with the original, then delete and redraw
17:23.01wpwrakfurther down the line, ERC should also find such things. so if i miss some, that's not a big deal.
17:23.02DocScrutinizer05aaah smart of kicad
17:23.17DocScrutinizer05btw I spotted a offset joint in
17:24.16DocScrutinizer05possibly caused by the 'antenna' ?
17:27.05wpwraki'm not even sure how to interpret these weird switch symbols
17:30.01DocScrutinizer05ohmy! FFS!
17:34.31DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: still butt-fugly but
17:37.06wpwraki'm a bit undecided which is worse ;)
17:38.27DocScrutinizer05indeed, how about a third option to appoint fuggly-of-the-day?
17:39.49wpwrakah yes, that's better
17:39.58wpwraklemme steal the idea ...
17:40.09DocScrutinizer05feel free to... :-)
17:47.53wpwrakbtw, the modem page is very much not what we've specified in simsw
17:48.50DocScrutinizer05not exactly
17:48.59DocScrutinizer05and puzzling like hell
17:49.06wpwrakupdate, with modem sanitized:
17:49.18wpwrakat least now one can better see what's wrong :)
17:51.53DocScrutinizer05paghe 8 still a nightmare
17:52.35wpwraki only got to 7 so far :)
17:52.48DocScrutinizer05and I have a pretty hard time even getting what's going on at all there
17:52.48wpwrakin any case, pg 8 is basically junk
17:53.00wpwraknothing good :)
17:53.32DocScrutinizer05SIM on p.7 is tag:nuke
17:54.13wpwrakfor now, i limit myself to not correcting any design problems, and just leave a remark when it gets too painful. don't want to mix too many different types of changes.
17:54.14DocScrutinizer05you got the TODO but p.8 obsoletes both the SIM and the TODO
17:54.21DocScrutinizer05aah ok
17:54.35DocScrutinizer05yes, sane approach
17:55.14wpwrak(nuke) indeed
17:55.19DocScrutinizer05I love how almost all offsheets on p.7 are uncluttered now
17:56.05wpwrakyeah, i tried but couldn't resist cleanup that up at least a little
17:56.29wpwrakbut i understand why nik didn't do it. that was really a hard minute of work ...
17:57.28wpwrakah, and i deleted the second MODEM-CD_A. one is plenty ;-)
17:57.48DocScrutinizer05btw what the heck? this isn't A3, is it?
17:58.05wpwrakthis is A3
17:58.14wpwrakthe original was A4, i think
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17:58.26DocScrutinizer05then kicad zoomed everything up to fill just as much space as in eagle on A4
17:58.29wpwrakso i have a bit of extra space
17:58.58wpwraknaw, size should be more or less identical
17:59.04DocScrutinizer05hmm ok not really
17:59.20DocScrutinizer05yeah, it just still looks crammed
17:59.46DocScrutinizer05IOW too large and too few symbols per sheet
18:00.35DocScrutinizer05this impression might change once I print that stuff to an actual A3 sheet
18:01.37wpwrakjust set the page to A4, and it would fit. well, without the labels i've added on the left side
18:01.52DocScrutinizer05I suggest introducing a "module" approach, including e.g. all the SIMMUX stuff from page 8 on page 7 as a 'blackbox
18:02.33DocScrutinizer05I'll eventuaklly elaborate on that
18:02.47DocScrutinizer05for now nevermind
18:03.43wpwrakwe just need the SIM bus and CD. simmux has a lot more. those few signals that are needed on the modem page will look clean even if we don't do anything more elaborate than bundling them.
18:03.52DocScrutinizer05actually for _this_ the sheet symbols in kicad may come in pretty handy
18:04.26DocScrutinizer05using them like components
18:05.04wpwrakyeah, never tried to have more than one layer of sub-sheets. not sure how convenient / messy that gets. but it's something we can play with.
18:05.16DocScrutinizer05I hope one schematics can have multiple icon boxes for same sheet?
18:05.28wpwraknot sure about that :)
18:05.41DocScrutinizer05try copy?
18:06.10DocScrutinizer05nevermind, i'll test that
18:07.35DocScrutinizer05#FFS, kicad handles sheet symbols completely different than components
18:07.37wpwrakit lets me copy the subsheet symbol, and it works, but i can't use the same sheet name (though the file name can be shared)
18:07.56wpwrakin kicad terminology, "component" == "symbol"
18:07.59DocScrutinizer05I didn't find a way to copy
18:08.20wpwraki marked a block, saved, went to the modem page, pasted
18:09.11DocScrutinizer05hah, you h4x0r ;-)
18:09.54DocScrutinizer05I bet you'll also find methods to bust kicad ;-))
18:10.12DocScrutinizer05even without exploiting macros
18:10.33wpwrakhaven't been very successful at crashing it lately :)
18:11.12DocScrutinizer05I'm not successful to copy what you did
18:11.54DocScrutinizer05I can mark a block but then it seems locked in move mode
18:12.28wpwrakblock-select the subsheet. right-click and select "Save Block"
18:12.43wpwrakdoble-click on destination subsheet
18:13.03wpwrakclick on the little pasteboard symbol (or right-click, etc.)
18:13.31wpwrakyou'll see that the subsheet title changes to sheet<junk> when pasting
18:14.35wpwrakthat's eeschema enforcing unique names. but it doesn't seem to mind the file being the same. however, i suspect that this may create a 2nd instance of the subsheet content. not sure, though.
18:15.01wpwrakanyway, for me it's lunch or death now. i'll make the non-heroic choice.
18:16.40DocScrutinizer05for me breakfast
18:18.18DocScrutinizer05pretty good we got a reference instance of KiCAD ;-)
18:18.35wpwrak(error) seems that you tried to create a loop ;-)
18:18.46DocScrutinizer05I guess we don't want to  try and follow this path any further
18:19.42DocScrutinizer05not before this is officially tackled and fixed in upstream
18:20.04wpwrakloops ? not sure they plan to support that :)
18:20.19wpwrakanyway, food
18:21.07DocScrutinizer05no loop of any kind
18:26.30DocScrutinizer05>>The sheet changes cannot be made because the destination sheet already has the sheet <ampli_ht.sch> or one of it's subsheets as a parent somewhere in the schematic hierarchy.<< says that the sheet I want to place this symbol *to* is already a subsheet
18:30.25DocScrutinizer05or maybe it tells me that the parent sheet of the sheet-symbol (*-horizontal) I want to place there (*-vertical) is already something different (main sheet #1), so it can't get changed to point to this sheet (*-vertical) as parent sheet of *-horizontal
18:31.11DocScrutinizer05which makes some sense
18:31.47DocScrutinizer05a child sheet can't have two parent sheets - weird critters those sheets, always only one parent
18:33.03DocScrutinizer05actually that's a rather silly implementation limitation, in fact kicad could keep a stack to "return from subroutine" on 'leave sheet', wherever we came from
18:33.53DocScrutinizer05It could also ignore the confligt and simply warn that 'leave sheet' won't return to this subsheet but rather to the main sheet. But noooo...
18:35.34DocScrutinizer05feels more silly than COBOL, which at least dynamically wrote the return address to the end of a subroutine - this was much fun for recursive programming but at least it allowed callingg a subroutine from more than one location
18:37.02DocScrutinizer05subsheet symbolsa, my ass. Who gave the devels THAT idea?
18:38.43DocScrutinizer05no EE in a sane mind would really want that pseudo-nifty eyecand crap
18:40.47DocScrutinizer05it's a *totally* useless concept prolly driven by a ObjectOriented coding mindset
18:41.48DocScrutinizer05"how could we implement multi sheet? AAH I got it, our sheet object can have a child scheet object"
18:47.23DocScrutinizer05now what we need is a method to iterate through all the sheet objects until one of them shouts "That's me!" on the page number provided as parameter
18:48.27DocScrutinizer05how much simpler the world would have been, had they used a linked list for all the sheets
18:49.06DocScrutinizer05sorted by... TADAAA you guessed it: pagenumber
18:49.46DocScrutinizer05but a linked list, OMG that's not OO at all
18:51.03DocScrutinizer05exactly on topic regarding my recent rant about brainless object hierarchy in OO
18:51.51DocScrutinizer05a sheet has no child sheets, they are all syblings and childs of the project
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19:15.44DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: wb
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19:52.23DocScrutinizer05ceene: you asked ahycka about her notion regarding KiCAD?
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20:43.03wpwrakah, one suckish conversion thing seem to be the "NC" pins (crossed-out). they're actually some "NC component", which is quite bogus. kicad has explicit NC marking. it looks almost the same, except that no circle (indicating that it's not properly connected to anything) is drawn at the end of the pin.
20:43.51wpwrakso that'll be the topic of another editing phase. maybe on the *.sch directly.
20:44.03DocScrutinizer05hmm, isn't that easy enough to replace?
20:44.40DocScrutinizer05tbh I got nfc where the eagle NC crosses came from
20:44.41wpwraki need to resurrect my pin type annotation tools, so that we can check such things more efficiently, without having to manually poke around.
20:45.17wpwrak(replace) yeah, delete NC component, switch to "Place no-connected flag", place flag. done.
20:46.29wpwrakanyway, that'll be an easy one. on with the initial purge ...
20:46.57DocScrutinizer05I just wasted a bit of time investigating how to create a hotkey shortcut for Alt+V:H:Right:Enter - alas to no success since VirtualBox doesn't read kbd input on that high abstraction level, I'd probably need a tool that emulates raw keycodes rather than X-key_events
20:47.09wpwrakyuck :)
20:47.35DocScrutinizer05well, I conveniently postponed breakfast this way
20:48.30wpwrakoh, there's a nice insight into how the converter works on the sim switch page: in eagle, MODEM-CD_A is well above VSIM of U701D. after conversion, they're vertically aligned. so it's really trying pretty hard to make sense of things.
20:48.46DocScrutinizer05the irony: it would probably work in native KiCAD, however not for a VBox with KiCAD in it. And in VBox / xfce I don't have hotkey tools
20:49.45DocScrutinizer05macros are gone in daily
20:50.09DocScrutinizer05python scripting in EEschema might come eventually
20:50.39wpwrakdon't you have a spare machine you could convert to some debian derivate ? that would solve the vbox issues. i mean, for a while what you're doing will work, but at some point you'll probably want to be able to use the opengl canvas, even if only to experiment with things.
20:51.04wpwrak(python & eeschema) yes, i've heard so for some time, years :)
20:51.24wpwrak(macros gone in daily) ah, interesting
20:52.45DocScrutinizer05for openGL canvas I'd need a machine with a graca that supports openGL, aiui
20:52.46wpwrak(macros) april 16: "Like Wayne wrote, the macro code has some issues, never fixed, which make the macros hard to use, or not usable by most of users:"
20:53.32wpwrakanything halfway recent and decent should do. you don't need top-notch gfx.
20:54.11wpwrakso some core whatever ought to be fine. just avoid atoms. or pretty much anything with a dedicated gfx card. even fan-less will do.
20:54.25DocScrutinizer05on my workstation it seems openGL is not supported, uses built-in graphics
20:54.46wpwrakwhat cpu does it have ?
20:54.58DocScrutinizer05i5 even
20:55.08wpwrakusing built-in intel graphics ?
20:55.22wpwraki guess that should be more than enough
20:57.05DocScrutinizer05I guess I finally have to find a way to linux-dualboot the win7 box
20:57.09wpwrakthe "opengl" is more about api than about acceleration. in any case, it's mainly 2D acceleration anyway, just happens to use the 3D hw (which is how everyone does it these days. nobody really builds 2D accelerators anymore.)
20:57.23DocScrutinizer05last time I tried, I nuked the win7 install
20:57.34wpwraksounds like victory ;-)
20:57.54DocScrutinizer05no, since this box is a dedicated windows box
20:58.28wpwrakpoor box :)
20:58.43DocScrutinizer05I didn't think I'd even need a second better linux box, but I for sure need a win7 box sometimes, e.g. for TI pinmux
20:59.30wpwrakfrom the post about macros: "Record is not protected against re-entrance (which can happen by mistake). Try to type <1> during recording sequence of macro 1." i guess this sounds familiar :)
20:59.49DocScrutinizer05yeah indeed
21:00.33DocScrutinizer05I found out instantly ;-P
21:00.46DocScrutinizer05actually my strongest skill
21:00.59wpwrakmeh. i'll skip the sim switch sheet for cleanup. that one needs a total rewrite anyway.
21:01.19DocScrutinizer05and I need breakfast now, for good
21:01.56wpwrakhurry ! lest it becomes tomorrow's breakfast :
21:02.40wpwraknow the antenna connections. phew.
21:03.12DocScrutinizer05sucks to be me
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23:38.49wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: another partial wire: audio headset + mic, between R1205/R1206 and MIC-ECI
23:54.40wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: another partial wire: audio headset + mic, between R1205/R1206 and MIC-ECI
23:56.03DocScrutinizer05what about the camera trigger switch, where was that one? was it really a wrong wire?
23:57.43DocScrutinizer05btw "type: gate"??!?
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23:58.06DocScrutinizer05err wut?

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