irclog2html for #newircd on 20040915

00:04.39CIA-3freenode-newircd: Geert * r106 /branches/Geert/FEATURES: Added a comment about the Inode system.
00:13.16*** join/#newircd dooky (~jeff@dooky.developer.poipu)
00:17.47*** join/#newircd Helio|ghost (
00:22.18*** join/#newircd xir (yonah@
00:28.19xirregarding the +d thing you can't have spaces in it, it is the same here on dancer with freenode
00:28.46xiryou can have wildcards though
00:53.38GXTibuild time :D
01:00.28*** join/#newircd GPHemsley (
01:01.23*** join/#newircd GPHemsley (