irclog2html for #oe on 20060518

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00:37.34Zero_Chaosanyone in here work on openwrt?
00:38.49kergothnot sure. don't think so, though I talked with the openwrt folks long long ago
00:40.00Zero_ChaosI want to do some work and get stuff working, but they use an aweful looking buildroot
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01:08.58*** topic/#oe is OpenEmbedded Developer Lounge | OE and bitbake were made to match, keep them both up to date | BitBake 1.4.2 has been released - only use HEAD if you are developing it | this is still not a distribution support channel
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02:13.27jacquesFetch failed:
02:13.36jacquesyet the file is actually:
02:14.09jacqueshow does that even happen? ppl building exlusively on windows in cygwin or something ?
02:14.52jacquesdate on file is dec21 2005, so it doesn't seem like the site changed the capitalization recently
02:21.38*** join/#oe punk-ass (
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02:29.40JustinPjacques: which branch?
02:30.25jacqueswell, I am using the nslu2-linux branch
02:30.32jacquesif that makes any sense
02:30.49JustinPnslu2 was IIRC merged into dev
02:31.30jacquescat MT/options  
02:31.35jacquesthat help at all?
02:31.40JustinPthen you're using .dev
02:31.44jacquesok :-)
02:32.04JustinPfully up to date?
02:32.14jacquesno, it's a couple of days old
02:32.24jacquesmay 15
02:32.33jacquesabout 49 hours old
02:33.30jacquesBTW, after I changed the filename on the above and made the .md5 file, it built that package but failed later: NOTE: package libxss-1.0.1-r0: task do_populate_staging: failed
02:33.52jacquesNOTE: make DESTDIR=/home/packages/nslu2/mtnA/angstrom/tmp/work/armv5te-linux-gnueabi/libxss-1.0.1-r0/temp-staging install
02:33.52jacquesmake: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
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03:36.13jacqueshmm, qemu should probably have been nailed down to a specific date. the patches no longer apply.
03:36.40jacques(trying to build a qemuarm dist)
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05:35.48_law_qemu-native builds find now, but there is another problem ( glibc do_package doesnt work
05:42.33JustinPmine worked fine
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07:51.30hrw|workhow to 'kill' system? run amarok 1.4
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08:19.59ade|deskmorning all
08:31.07Ifaistosgreetings !
08:32.02IfaistosAny recommentations on what 'strategy' to follow on system (kernel+fs) updates using ipkg ?
08:32.26Ifaistoswrite a script that removes old packages and then installs the new ones
08:32.56Ifaistosor create a "mega" package that contains all changed/update packets inside ?
08:33.35hrw|workipkg update;ipkg upgrade
08:33.50hrw|workits what I do
08:34.13hrw|workif something is extra needed then it is added to task-* packages (task-bootstrap, task-opie-*)
08:35.33Ifaistoshrw | work : what i am looking for is a way to do system update without modyfing the configs
08:36.21Ifaistoshrw | work : and with little user 'help' ;/
08:36.22hrw|workIfaistos: ipkg support 'conffiles' which are not changed during update
08:38.49*** join/#oe punk-ass (
08:40.47Ifaistoshrw | work : what about if extra packages need to be added or removed so that the existing system image will be exactly like if you installed it from a 'clean' image ?
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08:42.35hrw|workIfaistos: create task-ifaistos package which will be installed in every your image. if you need to add something add it into task-ifaistos, bump PR and rebuild. when it will be installed on device new deps will get fetched and installed
08:43.12hrw|workIfaistos: if something need to be removed add it into conflicts: field of task-ifaistos so user will get notice that upgrade need removal of some stuff
08:47.51Ifaistoshrw | work : should task-ifaistos contain incremental changes between versions or it should contain all ? what i mean is if task-ifaistos-r2 should contain only changes from task-ifaistos-r1 oe or it should contain r0+r1 in case someone with an r0 system does an upgrade ?
08:48.46hrw|workIfaistos: user will get latest version so....
08:52.56koengood  morning all
08:56.29hrw|workhi koen
08:57.07*** join/#oe do13_ (
08:57.10koenhey hrw|work
08:57.13do13_morning all
08:57.26hrw|workhi dirk
08:57.45do13_hey Marcin
08:58.10koen2hey dirk
08:58.17do13_hi koen
08:58.34Ifaistoskoen : Hi !
08:58.40do13_hrw|work: new logo looks good on tosa
08:58.51hrw|workdo13_: thx for confirmation
08:59.00*** join/#oe chrisromain (
08:59.00hrw|workdo13_: tosa has rotated console?
08:59.04Ifaistoshrw | work : i am looking for something similar to the Debian apt-get dist_upgrade
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08:59.17do13_hrw|work: no
08:59.33hrw|workIfaistos: 'ipkg upgrade' - ipkg is 'dpkg + apt-get' all-in-one tool
08:59.53hrw|workdo13_: collie/akita has problem with logo - I suspect console rotate ;(
09:00.13do13_hrw|work: what kind of problem?
09:01.20hrw|workdo13_: not booting at all
09:02.05hrw|workdo13_: will test with serial cable but not in next 2-4 days rather ;(
09:02.19hrw|workcollie/2.6 from OE is too big anyway
09:04.19do13_hrw|work: did you checked collie/2.6?
09:05.03hrw|workdo13_: tried but had not enough time to get booting config
09:08.21ade|deskhrw|work: added a comment to the HP thing :)
09:11.22chrisromainhi all.
09:14.03chrisromaindo13_: tested your 2.6/gpe image on tosa. works perfectly but the light key is seen as down key. moreover, putting Z on sleep is OK but it wakes up by itself after ~10mn
09:16.33do13_chrisromain: There is a bug in the pm driver. The tosa checks every 10 mins the battery status. If you remove the charger it wil work as expected
09:17.07do13_chrisromain: I suspect the keymap needs a few tweaks:)
09:17.45hrw|workdo13_: guylhem recently post me infos that he will submit fixes for keymap for tosa/2.6 into bugtracker
09:18.01do13_hrw|work: thx
09:18.24chrisromaindo13_: yep. the default keyboard repeat time is too low.
09:18.38chrisromaindo13_: ok i'll check that with guylhem
09:18.43hrw|workchrisromain: 'kbdrate' allow to change that
09:19.46do13_chrisromain: did you checked wifi?
09:23.00hrw|workdo13_: if I submitted working version of patch and it got 's-o-b' of maintainer can I use his 's-o-b' when submit cleaned (description) version or not?
09:23.10hrw|workdo13_: its my first accepted patch
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09:24.47do13_hrw|work:  can I use his 's-o-b' when submit cleaned (description) version or not??????
09:25.13chrisromaindo13_: does not work. /sbin/usbctl on 1 gives No such file or directory
09:25.40do13_chrisromain: remove the usbctl lines from /etc/network/interfaces
09:26.40do13_hrw|work: I can't understand the last part from your qestion
09:26.54chrisromaindo13_: wlan-ng exited with return code 1
09:26.57chrisromainNo such device
09:27.14do13_chrisromain: do a modprobe ohci-hcd first
09:27.32hrw|workdo13_: I sent patch with long description, got 'patch is OK + s-o-b (signed-off-by) line' but also got request of resending patch with cleaned description. now I'm resending patch (cleaned desc) - can I add s-o-b line of maintainer or let he add it once more?
09:29.17do13_hrw|work: ahhh. I'm not quite sure. I would add his s-o-b line and resend the patch. You should mention the cleaned desc
09:29.38chrisromaindo13_: seems to work, have to config my wep key
09:30.25do13_chrisromain: on suspend you have to remove the ohci-hcd module. otherwise the device will crash
09:31.45do13_chrisromain: usbctl works only with the 2.4 kernel. We need a replacement for the 2.6 kernel
09:35.57chrisromaindo13_: wiki is OK.
09:37.12do13_chrisromain: thx
09:37.34do13_hey CoreDump|home
10:05.54RPmorning all
10:06.32koenhey RP
10:06.55hrw|workhi RP
10:07.09hrw|workRP: did you tried logo + console rotation?
10:07.24RPhrw|work: no, never tried it
10:11.18hrw|workRP: looks like cxx00 with 640px wide logo are unable to boot
10:11.31hrw|workRP: c7x0 boot nice with same logo patch
10:12.04hrw|workRP: cxx00 with 480px logo boot, reserve space for logo but do not show it
10:12.33RPhrw|work: Sounds like the console rotation code is at fault....
10:13.02zecke~praise bluez for messing autoconf
10:13.04ibotAll hail bluez for messing autoconf!
10:13.36hrw|workRP: yes. and I remember that you was the one testing it when it was created
10:14.25RPhrw|work: I didn't write though ;-)
10:15.10*** join/#oe likewise (
10:15.18RPhrw|work: I'll add it to the to look at list but I can't promise when it'll happen
10:15.44hrw|workRP: I can test it on collie but not before next weekend
10:16.35RPI simply just don't have time for anything atm :-(
10:17.00zeckeRP: :(
10:18.51RPhrw|work: If you report it to the fb maintainer on linux-fbdev, he might be able to look at it/fix it
10:19.05RPHe wrote the console rotation code
10:20.33hrw|workRP: will do - thx to CoreDump|home I know now that it is in console rotation.
10:21.35koenhrw|work: did you update gpe-bootsplash with the new logo already?
10:23.04CoreDump|homeah new bootsplash,nice =)
10:23.32hrw|workkoen: not yet
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10:39.36hrw|workRP: is correct place - right?
10:40.49hrw|workRP: ignore - found archive on MARC
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10:52.36mickeyl|lunchhi, and bbl
10:52.57RPmickeyl|lunch: hi and bye :)
10:56.04koen~bon appetit
10:56.06ibot[bon appetit] smacznego.  Guten Appetit.  Eet Smakelijk.  God Appetitt.  Buon Appetito.  Buen apetito  Bom Apetite. buen apetito
10:56.31CIA-903mickeyl * rb89c24d7... 10/packages/meta/ (3 files):
10:56.31CIA-9task-opie: add task-opie-everything
10:56.31CIA-9task-python-sharprom|everything: add python-spyro and python-spydi
10:56.36CIA-903mickeyl * r288e8c6c... 10/packages/python/ ( python-imdbpy: upgrade to 2.5
10:56.39CIA-903mickeyl * r12c8ec6e... 10/packages/python/ (
10:56.39CIA-9add python-spydi, a distributed indexer
10:56.40CIA-9add python-spyro, a distributed ORB
10:56.44CIA-903mickeyl * r759f136b... 10/packages/busybox/ (busybox-1.01/uclibc_posix.patch busybox-1.01: improve uclibc-posix patch to not break the glibc build. closes #657
10:57.26RPmickeyl|lunch: Why task-opie-everything instead of adding an extra task to task-opie?
10:57.39RPer, sorry, ignore me :)
10:58.23theturtleI've put ASSUME_PROVIDED += "qemu-native" in my local.conf, and installed qemu 8.1 with my distro, but i get a NOTE: generating locale es_NI (UTF-8)
10:58.23theturtleqemu: uncaught target signal 11 (Segmentation fault) - exiting when bitbaking glibc... do someone has an idea on what happens ?
10:58.49RPtheturtle: qemu segfaulted?
10:59.17theturtleyep sure, but i don't understand why as it is a fresh install, and i don't know how to "dig" to find why it segfaults
11:01.26RPI guess if you found the command it was running that would give you a start at identifying the problem. I know qemu has issues on certain machines but I've never seen anyone pinpoint why...
11:01.57theturtleok, i'm running on an amd64, that could be the problem
11:12.23*** join/#oe Cobelius (
11:13.04CobeliusIs it possible to configre bitbake that it looks for .bb files in 3 different directories?
11:13.21hrw|workBBFILES="path1 path2 path3"
11:13.27hrw|workor use collections
11:13.38Cobeliusah okay I tried it with ':' between the pathts
11:14.02polyonymousBBPATH then, I believe?
11:14.33hrw|workBBPATH has nothing to BBFILES
11:15.04polyonymousyes, but the original question was not about BBFILES.
11:15.14hrw|work18 13:13 < Cobelius> Is it possible to configre bitbake that it looks for .bb files in 3 different directories?
11:15.22hrw| files == BBFILES
11:16.17polyonymousAh, yes, .bb files, not all bitbake files..
11:16.49Cobeliusah okay it seems to work now
11:16.51Cobeliusthank you
11:17.05polyonymoushrw, do you think brave soul can try angstrom on spitz now?
11:17.19hrw|workpolyonymous: never tried angstrom
11:17.24polyonymousI see.
11:17.38hrw|workpolyonymous: no time, no spitz
11:17.47polyonymousJust got back after being away from the net for one month and thought I'd try something new ;-)
11:18.19polyonymousWell, if it compiles, I'll try to see for myself.
11:18.20hrw|workpolyonymous: want to look at oz
11:18.30CobeliusDoes somebody know if I can overrive default packages by multiple directories?
11:18.31polyonymoushrw|work, I used to run .dev build
11:19.00hrw|workCobelius: that need BBCOLLECTION stuff
11:19.25polyonymousBut now it just didn't build for me from scratch and instead of trying to fix I thought I'd try angstrom. But I will get back to OZ, anyway, as I'm only going to try angstrom with altboot.
11:20.15polyonymousAnd month ago I had not problems with unversioned OZ build. Things change ;-)
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11:30.41CIA-903hrw 07org.oe.oz354x * rc1b50bb6... 10/packages/gpe-bootsplash/ (3 files in 2 dirs): gpe-bootsplash: use new OZ logos
11:30.45CIA-903hrw 07org.oe.oz354x * rfcf80f6f... 10/packages/linux/ (5 files in 2 dirs): linux-openzaurus: disabled logo on akita/spitz/poodle - need to find out why 'console rotation + logo == not booting image'
11:36.02*** join/#oe woglinde (
11:36.08zeckewoglinde: hey
11:36.12hrw|workhi woglinde
11:36.16zeckewoglinde: I already ordered some stuff from the Thai
11:36.21zeckewoglinde: you are welcome to join
11:37.07woglindehi hrw
11:38.17koenhmmm, thai food
11:38.35woglindewahah that loosers
11:38.48woglindeinsted of a pim application thez ship google talk on the n770
11:40.44woglindebackporting from 2.6 to 2.4.20
11:41.15koen"Andre adds, "We've seen a lot of devices running Trolltech/Qtopia, but that's not really promoting Linux, because you need to add $30 to $40 to the BOM."
11:42.20woglindekoen is opie running well on the n770 with angstroem as distribution?
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11:46.41koenwoglinde: the 770 kernel doesn't build right now
11:46.55koenwoglinde: and why would nokia need to put on pim if it isn't a pda?
11:47.17koenwe crossed the 100 bug thresshold
11:47.33woglindekoen because otherwise it makes no sin
11:48.01woglindethere is no one who needs a  tablet http-brwosing only device
11:48.20koenthat's what I'm using it for :)
11:48.39woglindeyeah becaus you have ten other pdas
11:49.04koenI don't use pim on any of the toys lying around
11:49.24zeckekoen: because syncing is broken :)
11:49.25koenonly my nokia ever leaves my desk
11:49.33koenzecke: exactly
11:49.38zeckewoglinde: I found the article kind interesting
11:49.39koenzecke: no iSync plugin for opensync
11:49.50zeckewoglinde: I wonder about the team size
11:49.54woglindezecke which one?
11:50.11koenwoglinde: did you know that montevista has some minions on staff who's only job is to backpart to 2.4?
11:50.17woglindehm maybee nokia prefers to use goole-calendar after the talk thing
11:50.35zeckewoglinde: probably, google prefers it :)
11:50.59zeckewoglinde: and with ajax this is the way to go
11:51.12zeckewoglinde: put an interpreter on the phone, let the servers run stuff for you
11:51.47woglindekoen hm yeah I see buisness area if you told your customers that you cannt tkae 2.6 kernel
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11:52.53woglindehm Harald claims that motorola uses some selinux features on the a780
11:53.26koenlocking out costumer
11:53.35woglinde*g* yeah
11:53.47zeckenot only
11:53.50woglindehm dont know why montavista didnt get this idea
11:54.09zeckewoglinde: is he finally done with the port?
11:54.22woglindezecke read the last blog entry
11:54.26zeckewoglinde: e.g. implementing the gsm mutliplexer should not take longer than a week
11:54.28woglindehe has problems with some drivers
11:55.06woglindezecke for you, I dont know if I ever could write a gsm multiplexer
11:56.23zeckewoglinde: get drunk, stoned and program with your feets, you can implement any etsi standard... ;)
11:56.51koenthat's how they were written after all ;)
11:56.56zeckewoglinde: it is raining and my modulator stopped working, is this a coincidence?
11:56.57woglindezecke I will hire zyou for $ 1000 p.a
11:57.48NAbysszecke: Sounds like how they designed the standard ;)
11:58.29zeckeNAbyss: last summer I sat  next to  a chairman of a DVB group...
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12:07.50NAbysszecke: Oh?
12:10.07hrw|workI worked for one of companies which make DVB soft/hard
12:14.27_guillermozecke: I just posted the pcmciautils patch, could not do it before
12:14.48zecke_guillermo: that is fine
12:14.58hrw|workmickeyl: live?
12:15.21mickeylkind of
12:15.31zeckemickeyl: hey, did your toy arrive?
12:15.43mickeylzecke: not exactly... a call did arrive
12:15.50mickeyl"sorry, it's sold out, we can't get it from any distributor"
12:15.59mickeylthen I checked the web again
12:16.01zeckemickeyl: sue them ;)
12:16.03mickeyland found one who has it in stock
12:16.10mickeylnow crossing fingers (again)
12:16.57zeckemickeyl: get one of the other linux phones
12:17.19zeckekoen: well Qtopia targets these phones as well (from the linuxdevices article)
12:17.22mickeylzecke: the a780 looks like it will be the best supported in the next months. I don't think there's currently any alternative
12:17.23hrw|work~lart net connection at work
12:17.46zeckekoen: and to save BOM they let the phone stack run on linux directly (most of the time)
12:17.53mickeylwth is BOM btw.?
12:17.58zeckekoen: and then you get to fear manipulation..
12:18.02zeckemickeyl: Bill of Material
12:18.12zeckemickeyl: or like jg said it, Your saussage recipe
12:18.24mickeyli don't find this andre guy very convincing, btw.
12:18.43zeckemickeyl: in what way?
12:19.10mickeylzecke: his blaming X and Qtopia sounds to me like he just didn't want to really take a look, but work on an own UI.
12:19.24mickeyljust my intuition
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12:19.33zeckemickeyl: no
12:19.35peterbrettHey folks
12:19.44zeckemickeyl: they have real time requirements
12:19.45peterbrettAny OZ types around?
12:19.54mickeylpeterbrett: probably in #openzaurus
12:19.54hrw|workpeterbrett: no :D
12:19.55zeckemickeyl: because they want to save money for two distinct cpus ;)
12:20.19peterbrettpeterbrett: Ah right, the person who told me to ask here was lying then :P
12:20.36mickeylyeah. #openzaurus really is the OpenZaurus support channel
12:20.49mickeyl#oe contains few OZ people, but is probably not the right channel
12:21.18mickeylunless you are a developer and want to chat about .bb's with me
12:21.22mickeylor hrw :)
12:21.26mickeylor whoever
12:21.54peterbrettmickeyl: I might want to chat about bb's with you later :P
12:22.41mickeylexcellent :D
12:23.06mickeylRP: thanks for assisting in trying to convince ;)
12:23.57RPmickeyl: np. his reply suggests he's seeing the light ;-)
12:25.03mickeylhehe *nod*
12:25.39mickeylI'm afraid I will have to touch Opie again
12:25.44mickeylto add support for the MOTO.
12:26.12mickeylwith 48MB RAM and 240x320 touchscreen it really looks like Opie would be the preferred GUI
12:26.36mickeylat least until our super-duper Opie2 is ready
12:27.19RPmickeyl: If they do need help doing things with the kernel, let me know as I've been there before with new devices :)
12:27.58RPI like opie, Its just a shame it involves trolltech :-/
12:28.27mickeylRP: already tried to advertise you and the linux-openzaurus
12:28.35mickeylRP: with mixed success as you can see in this thread :)
12:28.51mickeylRP: we have to be a bit slow with Harald... he's one of those kernel developers with an ego :))
12:28.57mickeyli like him though.
12:29.44zeckemickeyl: an 'ego'
12:29.49_guillermoI get this copmpiling gpesyncd: gpesyncd/po/
12:29.55_guillermois missing
12:30.03zeckeRP: Yeah a shame that Qt is an addictive drug
12:30.04mickeyl_guillermo: sounds like you need to report that to GPE
12:30.04_guillermois it a bug?
12:30.10RPI don't understand why these people don't just puhs all their code
12:30.21zecke_guillermo: since yesterday, if you want something stable use Opie
12:30.21mickeylheh, he got that wrong.
12:30.30RPThat made me smile - hes probably using half my patches :)
12:30.43mickeylright. i guess he was just a bit overwhelmed by the number of patches in :)
12:30.47_guillermozecke: you love opie sooo much :) I need gpe!
12:31.06RPmickeyl: Compare it with the git one for an idea of what's been merged :)
12:31.39zecke_guillermo: you don't need GPE for java ;)
12:31.47zecke_guillermo: use matchbox and your apps
12:31.50mickeylRP: yay!
12:32.02zecke_guillermo: didn't you have that error yesterday already?
12:32.16_guillermoI don't use gpe, just a modificated gpe-image
12:32.32zecke_guillermo: remobe gpesyncd as it is broken?
12:32.42zeckepb_: could you fix that autotools stuff?
12:33.12RPmickeyl: and some of the patches in -git are in -mm or other places with merging pending. Someday we *will manage a mainline kernel :)
12:34.09zeckemickeyl: hehe, yeah PXA270 worked out of the box, we will stick with mainline..
12:34.20zeckeyeah thanks to RP it is working out of the box :}
12:34.36_guillermozecke: sometimes I use gpe-images to be sure it's not my custom image what fails
12:34.57_guillermozecke: any sucess with java and opie? is kaffe-qt usable?
12:34.59zeckeI get annoyed by the continous OE breakgae of GPE
12:35.07zecke_guillermo: no it isn't
12:35.34zeckeneed to work...
12:35.41zeckelater guys
12:35.48zeckemickeyl: good luck with your phone
12:36.04zeckemickeyl: I think I will have a motorola soon as well
12:36.21mickeylzecke: cool! which one?
12:36.22_guillermozecke: would be possible using jamvm-gtk and e-image? what graphic implementation is enlightment using?
12:36.30mickeylzecke: cu
12:36.36hrw|workcu zecke
12:36.55RPlater zecke
12:36.56hrw|work_guillermo: own one
12:37.13_guillermotoo bad
12:37.44_guillermois the motorola a780 working with oe?
12:37.46mickeylRP: atm. i'm mainly interested in getting the patches for a full fledged kernel completed. We can check later if it would make more sense to just enhance linux-openzaurus. i really don't like all the different kernels
12:38.17mickeyl_guillermo: i just added basic OE support. we need some more weeks until the kernel runs, but then we have Opie and GPE and E on the a780 :D
12:38.32mickeylalthough E will probably suck
12:38.46_guillermothat sounds great, anyone knows if it's available in germany?
12:38.55mickeyl_guillermo: if you HURRY up, yes
12:39.08mickeyli had to run through hoops to order one
12:39.21mickeylARP DATACON ( seems to have some in stock -
12:39.21_guillermoops you were talking before ablut that one
12:39.42koenmickeyl: ah, it seem the resident trolltech troll is on the ezx list as well
12:39.52mickeylkoen: hehe. indeed. i was very surprised :)
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12:40.27pb__hi mickeyl
12:40.47_guillermomickeyl: I will ask you whenever you get it to see how it feels
12:41.03pb__zecke: which autotools stuff?
12:41.03mickeyli think it's just important to have one "reference phone" with full OE support to improve the OE value for phone developers.
12:41.06mickeylhi pb_
12:41.18mickeylalthough that will cost me 480 EUR
12:41.23zeckepb__: gpesyncd/po/
12:41.25mickeyland probably my wife will kill me for that
12:41.34zeckepb__: looks like some one is referencing this file
12:42.12pb__gpesyncd scares me a bit but I will take a look
12:42.24koenpb__: florian already fixed it iirc
12:42.32RPmickeyl: Agreed, a phone in OE would be great
12:42.44pb__ah, even better
12:43.14pb__zecke: it seems I am too slow
12:43.29zeckewhy is OE broken then ;)
12:43.40CIA-903hrw 07org.oe.oz354x * r1313f63a... 10/packages/zsh/ zsh: do not ship zsh as symlink to builddir
12:43.46CIA-903hrw * r8e42a379... 10/packages/zsh/ zsh: do not ship zsh as symlink to builddir
12:43.54pb__zecke: dunno, I guess oe must suck
12:44.10zeckepb__: right, give me your key and it will instantly suck less
12:44.47zeckekoen: *firewalled*...
12:45.04_guillermohow important is the motorola movement toward opensource for oe? any impact?
12:45.04koenzecke: "Comment: Remove unused gettext bits breaking builds."
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12:48.08CIA-903koen * r3ce424d5... 10/conf/distro/angstrom-2006.9.conf: angstrom 2006.9: slide srcdate forward to avoid some build problems
12:48.27hrw|workNOTE: package zsh-4.3.2-r0: task do_build: completed
12:50.13mickeylme too
12:51.01koena phone which can't even make calls yet ;)
12:51.53mickeylfor calls, i have my trusty k700
12:51.57zeckemickeyl: I had offered harald help on the ccc congress in december
12:51.57mickeyleverything else is for fun
12:52.07koensiemens s55 :)
12:52.35mickeylzecke: ah, did you tell him about OE then?
12:52.41zeckemickeyl: mailed him
12:52.53zeckemickeyl: I was hacking in the 'main' room while he gave his talk
12:52.59koenas I want to run X on the phone
12:53.01zeckepretty good speaker this guy is
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12:53.38mickeylunfortunately it looked like they had to spend a lot of time convincing MOTO to release stuff
12:53.39koenmickeyl: don't forget to post a message on the angstrom site
12:53.44mickeylit's sad that's always such a struggle :/
12:53.56mickeylkoen: righto, will do
12:55.31zeckemickeyl: it might have been lost in the mail (... my offer to help)
12:55.47zeckemickeyl: he should be in berlin (when he is not traveling)
12:55.53mickeylzecke: possible. then again, as he said, he wasn't interested in userland until pretty recently
12:56.10mickeylzecke: oh cool, that would make visiting you even more interesting. we could maybe arrange a meeting
12:57.05mickeylzecke: you could have a look at my Embedded Linux / OE book plans, if you have time and motivation. I just have done an expose
12:58.02zecketurn in your expose until...
12:58.23koenzecke: 'apple + backtic'
12:58.39mickeyldo that. as i will be an OSX user later this year as well...
12:58.42koenthat's F10, but easier :)
12:58.54hrw|worklife suxx
12:58.59mickeylhrw|work: nah
12:59.00mickeylwhat's up?
12:59.36hrw|worknothing - I'm sitting at work bored
12:59.52mickeylhrw|work: i can understand that. I'm not coming forwards here. :/
13:00.02mickeylin, even
13:00.16zeckemickeyl: I can offer you a bed to sleep
13:00.20zeckenothing fancy though
13:00.31mickeylzecke: cool, thanks. I don't need luxury :)
13:00.32zeckemickeyl: you might even go to ROAD...
13:00.57mickeylthey need to be kicked because of missing q1/2006
13:01.21zeckewell if Big Company needs 2 years...
13:01.38zeckethen a Small Company with award winning software needs half of it ;)
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13:03.02hrw|workmickeyl: for testing
13:04.10mickeylhrw|work: *nod*
13:04.24zeckeI missed something...
13:05.00zeckehrw|work: that is understandable, take a rest, you deserve it
13:05.08mickeylhrw|work: i was in that position 6 months ago
13:06.33mickeylhrw|work: let's meet in winter in Berlin. I all goes well, we may have a couple of opportunities then
13:07.31zeckehrw|work: I have bed for you as well :}
13:07.43zeckehrw|work: or you need to share it with mickeyl
13:08.01mickeyli can as well sleep on the floor. I'm tough.
13:08.28zeckeI hope you have no cat allergy
13:08.34hrw|workzecke: I will go with Ania
13:09.14mithrodoes anyone know really cheap picoControllers? Something which costs the order of 10's of cents?
13:10.02hrw|work! script rox
13:10.02cdbothrw|work: Don't know, don't care
13:10.14hrw|workcdbot: fsck you
13:10.15cdbothrw|work: Dunno?
13:13.44hrw|workmickeyl: rc4 built -
13:16.17theturtlecould someone give me an approximation of 'bitbake gpe-image' on a decent cpu please ? (amd64x2)
13:16.23mickeylhrw|work: noted.
13:16.27theturtle*time approximation sorry
13:16.36zecketheturtle: billions of cyclons
13:16.37mickeyltheturtle: 2-3 hours
13:16.48theturtlemickeyl : ok thanks
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13:20.15mickeylhrw|work: do you have a moment of spare time?
13:20.32mickeyl(for reading a toc)
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13:20.47hrw|workmickeyl: sure
13:21.45theturtleintltools seem to lack a dependency on libxml-parser-perl
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13:22.45mickeylhrw|work: mail sent. thanks
13:23.33theturtlei got "/home/theturtle/ipaq/tmp/work/armv5te-linux/libxml-parser-perl-2.34-r0/temp/run.do_configure.3716: line 377: /home/theturtle/ipaq/tmp/staging/arm-linux/perl/ No such file or directory" is there a way to know which package should provide this file ?
13:24.18polyonymousI'd guess perl itself.
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13:27.20hrw|workmickeyl: basically: OK, add "Network Attached Storage" to list in chapter 2
13:28.53mickeylhrw|work: ah right
13:29.41mithrohrm osef doesnt appear to work for me :/
13:29.56mickeylmithro: goes up and down like an elevator atm.
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13:30.43mithrowho run it?
13:31.04ibotmethinks oesf is newer name of ZUG - it provide forum for Zaurus/Ipaq/Simpad/etc users (see zug). It has nothing common with OpenEmbedded (except first two words), or
13:31.52hrw|work~lart subversion for lack of check of ^C
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13:37.29cbrakekoen: thx for idea about cherokee -- I'll check it out ...
13:39.15hrw|work - great photos
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13:42.45theturtleI get "checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool" though i've bitbaked libxml-parser-perl and libxml-parser-perl-native. How can i go through ?
13:43.02CroftonJan Ulrich is getting lots of air time at the moment
13:43.16mithroanyone here done stuff with power switching?
13:44.04cbrakeany ideas where to find the "stat" command in OE?  I think rsync is needing it.  
13:45.33cbrakeI guess that would be the stat package  :-)
13:51.24polyonymousI'd guess it's coreutils, but that would be just a guess ;-)
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13:56.41hrw|workhi Bernardo
13:58.37KenJlimehrw|work: could you please commit the new jlime-donkey distro file. Just wanna get it in so I can start testing stuff
14:00.48KenJlimekoen: or if you can
14:00.54hrw|workKenJlime: which bug it was?
14:01.01KenJlimelet me check
14:01.12theturtlewhen bitbaking intltools, configure script is complaining about missing XML::Parser though it is installed. Any idea on why it happens ?
14:01.43hrw|workgot it
14:02.52hrw|workwill push in minute(s)
14:05.52KenJlimehrw|work: did you push it against the dev branch?
14:06.27KenJlimedoing monotone update gives me a message about multiple heads
14:06.43hrw|workwill merge
14:07.01KenJlimeoki thx
14:07.05CIA-903hrw 07org.oe.oz354x * r1335c60a... 10/packages/pipepanic/ pipepanic: add all files - taken from .dev
14:07.09CIA-903hrw * r93a7ad23... 10/conf/distro/jlime-donkey.conf: jlime-donkey: new distro - close #1002
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14:08.03hrw|workpushed again
14:08.08KenJlimeoki, will check
14:08.09hrw|work~lart me for not merging
14:09.01KenJlimeworked fine now, big rhx
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14:09.41CIA-903koen * re2cc7feb... 10/packages/intltool/ intltool: add dep on xml-parser(-native)
14:10.43theturtlekoen : seems there's a deeper trouble with xml-parser
14:11.36Bernardochouimat: modern version of sisifo's myth?
14:11.41theturtlekoen : see
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14:12.34chouimatBernardo: hehe ... you this kind a lot of money but an amoeba has more brain cells ... so apt to use a computer
14:12.36theturtleso configure script of intltool is failing as perl -e "require XML::Parser" fails
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14:14.08Bernardochouimat: I did helldesk a few years back... Third line support
14:14.10Bernardochouimat: and believe it or not, many times I'd ask the user to check the power plug...
14:15.09koenthe people on the ezx list are frightingly cluefull
14:15.53chouimatBernardo: I did helpdesk for a cable company ... so I know that one too ...
14:17.08BernardoI did it for fellow programmers and for our company customers...
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14:21.26chouimatBernardo: after doing this (helpdesk) I really think that this is right: "Give fire to a man and you will keep warm for a day, Put a man on fire and you will keep him warm for life"
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14:26.58lardman|workchouimat: what about 'for the rest of his life'
14:27.38chouimatlardman|work: can work too ... but I find it more funnier the way I wrote it ;)
14:27.40theturtleis there a way to set library path for bitbake and oe environment ?
14:28.45CIA-903koen * r1cc5c103... 10/packages/intltool/ intltool: remove dep on xml-parser since it doesn't build
14:29.37koenNOTE: package gpesyncd-0.0+cvs-20060518-r0: task do_build: completed
14:30.19theturtlekoen : seems to be a simple library path problem, perl loads XML::Parser, which requires, which is in tmp/staging/x86_64-linux/lib/, but it can't find it
14:30.32ixothi've done LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oe/build/zaurus26/tmp/staging/x86_64-linux/lib bitbake opie-image and now it finds it
14:30.35theturtlebut i have no idea on how to fix it
14:30.47theturtleixoth : will try that
14:32.55theturtleixoth : it works now, thanks, simple LD path problem
14:33.36ixothyes, but the problem is that we should incorporate this so that it finds this lib by itself
14:35.16theturtleyep, but don't see how to do that
14:35.50theturtleit's a more general perl-native related problem
14:35.59theturtleshould also fail with other libs
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14:36.03ixothi think it should be done somewhere inside bitbake
14:36.55ixothbut i have no idea where... perhaps some bb guru should find the right way to do it
14:37.15ixothand, in the meantime, we have to use this kludge
14:38.26theturtleixoth : it could be fixed temporarly in bb file perhaps
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14:40.54koenmickeyl: it seems harald is getting into OE now :)
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14:43.29joshinWhere can I download bitbake?  I can't seem to connect to svn://
14:45.19joshinHmmm, can't connect to the server...  
14:46.23koenit seems berlios is down (again)
14:47.06mithrohey mickeyl, how did you ever start writing books?
14:48.42ixothand another problem that I have building from scratch
14:50.02ixothin package libopieobex0-1.2.1, in Makefile, there's wrong (supposedly) include path
14:50.14mickeylmithro: As a child, I've always been praised for my essays. I enjoy writing. Years later, I wanted to read a good Python GUI book... when I didn't find one, I said, "Hey, I can do that.". And so it began.
14:51.11ixothso we have to change -I$(OPIEDIR)/noncore/net/opietooth/lib for -I$(OPIEDIR)/include/opietooth
14:52.33koenand mickeyl lived happily ever after
14:52.46mickeyli hope so... atm. I'm pretty unhappy
14:52.53koenhrw|work: cu
14:52.54mickeylcu hrw
14:53.01koenhrw|work: your phone will arrive soon ;)
14:53.18mickeylhehe. if it was just that ;)
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14:56.26joshinSo what are the odds of getting a working Collie image using gcc4.1?
14:57.23mickeylhmm do we have gcc4.1 in OE ?
14:57.29mickeylif not, I'd say chances are pretty low
14:57.44mickeylhmm looks like we have.
14:57.54mickeyli'd rather use 4.2-snap though. 4.1 has some oddities
14:58.03mickeylthat's why we are waiting for 4.1.1
14:58.59ixothand.... hmm... anyone tried to build uclibc image? is it worth trying?
14:59.47joshinOk, I dusted off my poor old collie and figured that I should see what's new since I last played with oe/bitbake.  
15:00.26mickeylixoth: i think so. It's a bit orphaned in OE atm., but it'd be cool to have a more lean-and-mean setup for small systems.
15:00.32mickeylreally small, that is
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15:00.46mickeyla Zaurus w/ 4Gig Harddrive is no longer considered small
15:01.07joshinI'll try 4.2.  (Not even my most riced gentoo install is running 4.2.)
15:01.29ixothWell, I'm happy poodle user and i consider that whole system should run out of internal flash :)
15:01.55ixothno extra storage, except for data (mp3/movies/etc)
15:02.02mickeyli'll have a go at building uclibc as well asap
15:02.51ixothi'll try to build this as soon as i finish experimenting with 2.6
15:03.05ixothgoodbye everyone...
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15:11.55joshinSo what's down with berlios?
15:12.16woglindejoshin maybee traffice problems
15:15.37koenmickeyl: NOTE: package gcc-cross-4.1-20060512-r1: task do_compile: started
15:16.12mickeyl*crossing fingers*
15:17.27woglindehm new gcc?
15:17.38joshinIs there a mirror to berlios?  I wanna play too...
15:18.01woglindeor are there new features?
15:18.13koentrue eabi and 114 bugs less
15:19.05koenmickeyl: did you see in monotone's monotone repo?
15:19.14woglindehm yes I know that, but I meaned to the others 4.1 gcc's
15:20.02mickeylkoen: ya, that's pretty cool. we should have something like that for OE
15:22.16gielwhere do i find mount?
15:22.51mickeylbusybox or util-linux
15:22.52gieloh, that's only native?
15:22.57gielah util-linux
15:26.18koenNOTE: package gcc-cross-4.1-20060512-r1: task do_build: completed
15:26.45Kristofferanyone got any stats for speed improvments 4.1 over 3.4.x
15:28.20woglindekristoffer mostly there is no one who thinks about smart benchmark tests
15:31.20Kristofferwoglinde: oki, just wondering cause any speed improvment on the jornada is a big improvment.. 133Mhz isnt that fast :D
15:31.30Kristofferheard some rumors about it a couple of months ago
15:31.43woglindekristoffer maybee you will think about some benchmark tests
15:32.13Kristofferwoglinde: hmm, will do a testa build and see what I can come up with
15:32.35woglindehm in opie are some drystone-tests
15:32.46woglindedont know if they really says something
15:38.25joshincool koen!
15:38.54woglindeah koen: gratz
15:41.26woglindekristoffer < koen> NOTE: package gcc-cross-4.1-20060512-r1: task do_build: completed
15:41.52Kristofferah yeah
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15:46.03woglindejo chouimat
15:46.14Kristoffermultiple heads when doing monotome update
15:46.27koentry doing a pull first
15:46.43Kristofferjust did
15:50.48Kristofferkoen: nevermind, my stupid mistake
15:53.40Kristoffermonotone -db=OE.db checkout
15:53.41Kristoffer(17:53:25) TheCan: monotone: misuse: branch has multiple heads
15:55.07Kristofferhow "good" is it to do a monotone merge?
15:57.17woglindekristoffer if you only want to check out choose some of the revs
15:57.28woglindeif you will commit wait until someone has fix it
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15:58.04Kristofferwoglinde: I know man :D this is just a general question on what merge does (although I have a pretty good guess)
15:58.38NA|ZzzKristoffer: It only affects your local checkout, so no biggie there
15:59.51koenmickeyl: did you buy a 680 or 780?
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16:17.09mickeylkoen: a780. i think it looks more slick
16:17.15mickeylbesides, it has a better camera
16:17.28mickeyl680 advantage is full SD
16:17.32mickeyla780 only miniSD
16:17.40mickeyllike the nokia
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16:23.05mickeyla1200 definitly cooler, but a780 will have better support for quite some time
16:23.11mickeyldepends on what you want to do with ti
16:25.54koenmickeyl: I don't buy phones to take pictures
16:26.34mickeylfair enough. supportwise they're pretty close
16:26.48koenI think I'll go for the a780
16:27.07koenin case I'm stupid enough to put keys + phone in one pocket
16:27.58koen206 euro is still expensive, but justifiable
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16:32.12mickeylwhich canadians btw.?
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16:32.34mickeylyo Bernardo
16:32.43Bernardohi mickeyl
16:32.47ade|deskkoen: where are you buying from ?
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16:33.24Bernardo~lart msft isa proxy
16:37.34Bernardokoen: any idea if they'll deliver the phones with different localizations?
16:37.54koenBernardo: no idea
16:39.07ixothWhoa!! I've just flashed my poodle with 2.6 and it works!!!
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16:39.14ixothwell, at least it boots
16:40.16Bernardokoen: ok, thanks. I just wish I'd seen that site before buying my w900, maybe I'd have bought a moto a780 or a1200 instead
16:40.30koenI just heard of it today
16:40.44koen(via the above ezx mailinglist)
16:41.16mickeyltask-bootstrap w/ OS=linux-uclibc still compiles
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16:42.38koenmickeyl: it'd be nice is uclibc works with X and E
16:42.57koenI know gpe still has a lot i18n stuff un-ifdeffed
16:43.19BernardoI do like my w900, I just wish it had linux instead of symbian UIQ
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16:48.43koenmickeyl: don't forget to tell the ezx people about softfpa vs hardfpa
16:49.52koenmickeyl: before people start blaiming OE for float problems
16:50.38mickeyli don't think there will be any problems, because the qte on the device is totally incompatible anway
16:50.57koenyes, but they had a debian rootstrap to test with earlier
16:51.14mickeylah right. I will tell 'em.
16:51.15koenand haralds mail just says that the OZ one is smaller  
16:51.47koensaves me a mailinglist subscription ;)
16:51.55joshinkoen, how goes the 4.1 buile?
16:52.32koengcc-cross built fine
16:52.41koenI'm now trying to build a bootstrap-image with it
16:53.04koenbitbake is broken
16:53.16koenit doesn't build default_pref=-1 stuff anymore
16:53.45koenwhich makes the shell a bit useless...
16:54.05ade|deskuclibc svn doesn't compile a toolchain :( .. 0.9.28 works with gcc4 ... i still need to put some uclibc stuff into gcc4.1 though
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16:56.37ade|desk~change 269 usd to gbp
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17:12.39mickeylade|desk: please do, that'd be cool
17:12.46mickeylI'll test a uclibc for opie-image on collie since long
17:13.04mickeylhrw|gone: rc4 opie-image looks good so far
17:13.16mickeylhrw|gone: spitz, that is
17:13.27ade|deski need to back out the thumb crap from uclibc svn too
17:14.04ade|deski dont think that it has patched correctly for a long long time
17:14.20koenthumb would be a bit useless on collie
17:15.01ade|deskthumb is a bit useless in sh3,4 x86 , mips etc
17:17.08likewisekoen: :-)
17:18.03likewisecan someone do a "your-target-objdump -x | grep NEEDED" on some OE built librsvg?
17:27.01mickeyli can... give me some minutes to build it
17:27.11koensame here :)
17:27.42ade|deskright hometime ... cya folks
17:27.46mickeylcu ade
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18:03.27DukeDHey everyone
18:06.45DukeDI just want to say I am not a system developer, just a user. Was reffered here to ask about a problem I am having. Problem: I have Zaurus C860, I just changed background to dark color and I noticed that it looks strange. I mean it seems as though I can see it refreshing the image... You know those florecent lights, when they are about to go out they look brighter and darker.. well this looks like this somewhat, anyone have advice for me? Is this so
18:08.41koenDukeD: I think you'd want #openzaurus
18:09.59DukeDeh, thanks, worth a try
18:10.03likewisemickeyl: I am not currently building, so I have patience :-)
18:10.07likewisekoen: I am not currently building, so I have patience :-)
18:10.29mickeyllikewise: that thing has a multitude of dependencies :D
18:10.34mickeylbuilding arts atm.
18:10.44mickeyllibart, even
18:10.58likewisemickeyl: cairo?
18:11.07mickeyldunno. i just said bitbake libsrvg
18:11.15mickeylor rsvg
18:11.48radugawhat duked is referring to, is a flickering behavior, of the LCD, that seems to show up in some roms, and some circumstances, and not others
18:11.58likewisemickeyl: thanks.  It's just that I think there are some "weak" dependencies, libraries that are only needed for some of it's functions.
18:12.03radugaer, not LCD, flickering of the backlight
18:12.16radugaive seen it before, but I'm not sure what causes it, or if its cause to be concerned at all
18:12.28mickeylthere are some values you can write to some sys file
18:12.30mickeyli dunno them offhand
18:12.33mickeylRP would know
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18:14.17koenraduga: switch to images, you can't fix roms, since they are read only
18:14.57DukeDHow do you mean koen?
18:15.18koenmickeyl: the gcc 4.1 snapshot seems to work: NOTE: package glibc-2.4-r5: task do_populate_staging: started
18:15.29mickeylvery cool, koen
18:16.09mickeylNOTE: package librsvg-2.11.1-r0: task do_compile: started
18:16.22koenmickeyl: gcc 4.x is a nice excuse to dump some legacy apps
18:16.29mickeyl*opie* ?
18:16.31mickeylor what
18:16.54koenthe plethora of qt/e hacks that haven't seen improvement since 2002  
18:17.07mickeylyeah... it's just that they are still used
18:17.34koenmost of them have usuable and maintained alternatives
18:18.07radugakoen: can we dump 2.4 already?
18:18.08koenany volunteers to add armv5te asm to liboil and evas?
18:18.12radugais that legacy enough?
18:18.30koenraduga: depends on your machine
18:18.36koenOE != OZ
18:18.44koenI can't repeat that enough
18:19.07joshinkoen, yes you can.  You shouldn't have to, but you can certainly repeat it too much.
18:19.10radugakoen: i wasn't referring to OZ specific things though,
18:19.19radugakoen: i was being a snide, and unhelpful remark.
18:19.28radugakoen: sorry, if you haven't put me on ignore yet :(
18:19.30mickeyllikewise: here we go
18:20.15likewisemickeyl|dinner: bon appetit.
18:20.20joshinAnyone know when/if berlios is going to come back up?
18:20.27likewisemickey|dinner: bon appetit.
18:20.32likewisemickey|dinner: and thanks
18:20.58koenlikewise: I suspect is dragging in X
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18:22.41likewisekoen: yep, I think so too. It's gtk+, and there are other parts there that need X. Although I do not think gdk_pixbuf needs X per se.
18:23.10koenlikewise: it shouldn't, but iirc it's part of the gtk+ package, which does have deps on X
18:23.31likewisekoen: Anyway: I plan on upgrading librsvg first, to one that doesn't depend on libart, but on cairo instead.
18:23.44koenlikewise: patches to make libgdk a seperate package will be gladly accepted :)
18:23.46likewisekoen: yes, I think we are saying the same regarding deps on X.
18:24.43likewisekoen: sure, I plan on doing this in OE. It's just that I need to learn how to do it. Yesterday I did it the old fashioned way (fooling libtool and pkg_config and all that) and it sucked big time.
18:25.14likewisekoen: there is a glib dependency in librsvg too, it's not the easiest package...
18:25.23koenglibc doesn't depend on X
18:25.50koenglib is mostly a convinience API for type and file access
18:26.10likewiseglib: no but glib is not easy to fool into cross-compiling AFAIK. Or was it librsvg's dependency on glibc. I don't know anymore...
18:29.20koendamn canadians being slow
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18:43.08ade|deskhowdy again
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18:50.39ade|deskoooooh spot the guy who got caught out doing apt-get -y upgrade
18:50.44ade|deskmtn 0.26 oops
18:54.44likewisekoen: huh? what are you waiting for from the Canadians/
18:55.36ixothweird stuff... my opie-image with 2.6 boots on poodle, but quickly consumes disk space on root fs... anyone encountered the same problem or i have to figure out things myself?
18:59.01likewisekoen: is the EOS 20 yours?
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19:17.56cedrichi all
19:18.40cedric~seen RP
19:18.44ibotrp is currently on #gpe #oe #openzaurus Has said a total of 149 messages. Is idling for 6h 36m 12s, last said: 'mickeyl: Agreed, a phone in OE would be great'.
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20:06.56swsi just tried to build oz354x bootstrap-image with kernel 2.6 and it failed compiling qemu, I dont need qemu can I disable it?
20:19.04woglindere hrw
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20:29.17zeckekoen: we have a manual on OE :}
20:29.28zeckekoen: kergoth did write it once up on a time
20:33.13Kristofferbtw, wheres kergoth gone? havent seen him in ages
20:33.27zeckeKristoffer: he moved from florida to a dessert
20:33.45woglindeif i remeber correctly
20:33.45kergothmn -> tx -> mn -> az
20:33.53woglindehi kergoth
20:34.03woglindemn minnesota?
20:34.04zeckekergoth: hey, do you have the docbook source for the manual?
20:34.05kergothit wont drop below 100F until next week sometime, if then.
20:34.15kergothand its only may :\
20:36.00JustinPkergoth: where abouts?
20:37.02kergothsuburb of phoenix, working in scottsdale atm
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20:38.49zeckeBTW: I have a 2GB RAM P4 machine for doing builds now
20:39.11woglindezecke he
20:39.23zeckewoglinde: only 3.7GHz
20:39.30zeckewoglinde: and it lacks a second cpu...
20:39.40woglindezecke where did you get it
20:39.55zeckewoglinde: Aldi North
20:39.59zeckewoglinde: well it has no public IP
20:40.06woglindenot a medion
20:40.33zeckewoglinde: I can use it for network simulations etc...
20:45.43eFfeMhi, anyone an idea on what can be wrong here? I just updated my sources to the latest version. Now it is hanging in NOTE: package glibc-2.3.5+cvs20050627-r6: task do_populate_staging: started
20:45.44JustinPand I still have a <1GHz Celeron
20:45.44JustinPkergoth: ick...Phoenix is *hot*
20:46.32JustinPeFfeM: usually takes a while for that to start
20:48.17eFfeMJustinP: I know, I've been waiting for quite a while (didn't time); and when running top I see that make is on top and on every refresh the pid is 200 or so higher than the previous time
20:48.52JustinPwait for 10-15m
20:49.00JustinPis your CPu waiting for IO a lot?
20:49.35eFfeMwaited already for 30 mins or so, just saw the pid number wrapping around, it is now at do_package
20:50.26eFfeMit's not very busy with the hard disk
20:51.03eFfeMthis is on a 3 Ghz dual core pentium with 2GB of mem
20:51.47woglindeeffem nothing
20:51.58woglindeto build the locales packages take so much time
20:52.52JustinPeFfeM: look at the wait % in top
20:53.41eFfeMwoglinde: i know, I've built several times before, but it was never this long
20:54.18woglindeeffem are you bilding opnzaurus?
20:54.20eFfeMJustinP: Cpu(s): 48.5% us,  3.7% sy,  0.0% ni, 47.2% id,  0.5% wa,  0.2% hi,  0.0% si
20:54.30eFfeMwoglinde: no, openslug
20:55.15eFfeMlocales does not seem to be the bad guy: NOTE: generation of binary locales disabled. this may break i18n!
20:56.37pb_yah, it doesn't build locales during do_populate_staging anyway.  that happens during do_package.
20:57.05pb_staging is basically just "make install".
20:57.30pb_package is longer because (even without binary locales) it involves a lot of file manipulation
20:57.31eFfeMat some point it went to do_package, perhaps
20:57.46eFfeMat some point it went to do_package
20:57.50eFfeM(no perhaps)
20:58.12pb_oh, right, sorry, I didn't notice you said that before
20:59.06eFfeMi'll wait it out, but thought something changed as things seem a lot slower
21:03.08eFfeMfinished, packaging did take a lot less time than staging
21:11.01woglindeeffem maybe the last time you had have something in the ccache
21:11.30zeckehmm lack of time :(
21:12.24zeckewoglinde: I need to get a new disk :(
21:12.39woglindezecke I told you that
21:13.02koenNOTE: package glibc-2.4-r5: task do_populate_staging: started seems to hang
21:14.14zeckewoglinde: the new paulana advertising is funn
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21:15.10zeckerwhitby: your autobuilder uses the Makefile only and runs make update ; make openslug; sleep 10; make... regulary?
21:15.15woglindezecke hm I rarely look tv these times
21:16.06zeckewoglinde: Oliver Kahn says: "Die Bank ist der schoenste Platz" (the bench is the most beautiful place)
21:16.14zeckewoglinde: after having looked at the breast of the waiter
21:16.14rwhitbyzecke: the autobuilder checks every 15 minutes, and if there is no autobuil running then it starts one.  It is an incremental build of all distros and optware packages from CVS in serial order.
21:16.41zeckerwhitby: what do I need to 'clone' it :)
21:17.08rwhitbyit's two shell scripts and a crontab.
21:17.27rwhitby(plus the top-level Makefile which you can get from the branch)
21:17.41zeckehighly non trivial things :)
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21:19.05rwhitbyzecke: msg me an email address and I'll forward them to you
21:20.07koenhrw, zecke: OE doesn't like the new autoconf debian pulled in, so you need to bitbake -b autoconf-native
21:20.32zeckekoen: hmm
21:20.40zeckekoen: but we do that on build anyway?
21:21.05koenzecke: no, since automake needs autoconf on the host before OE builds autoconf-native
21:21.38rwhitbyzecke: see PM
21:22.30eFfeMkoen, wrt your 23.13 note on glibc: is this your observation or did you get that from somewhere?
21:22.42koeneFfeM: observation
21:22.46eFfeMeventually it finished for me, it seems to invoke nested makes
21:22.56eFfeMi think it took me more than 1 hr
21:23.11koenit was at that point before 'thunderheart' started
21:23.23hrwkoen: thats why I got problem...
21:23.25koenI'll leave it running overninght
21:24.32zeckekoen: hmm that is bad
21:24.57hrwkoen: so now we have dependency chain... automake-native need autoconf-native which need automake-native
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21:25.16koenwe always had
21:25.27eFfeMi got out of it, might be when the pid wrapped
21:25.31hrwkoen: not if autoconf/host worked
21:25.47koenhrw: indeed
21:25.54eFfeMcalliing it a day...
21:26.26lamikrkoen: I saw from irc log that you plan to buy a780. Is it possible to install gpe on it?
21:26.40hrwkoen: when day will get 48h I will work out tool to check does tools which OE need exist on host and build if not
21:26.51koenlamikr: it should be
21:27.42lamikrnice, is there info from the flashchip?
21:28.01koenlamikr: yes, but the ezx people are working from sd first
21:28.58woglindenight hrw
21:29.00lamikrYes, that's smart.
21:29.05koen'night hrw
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21:48.42lamikrkoen: One big change is happened btw. in every cvs url that points to sourceforge. After moving the cvs services to new hardware, they changed the names. Address is now for example
21:50.21koenlamikr: feel free to push the change in .dev
21:50.49lamikrkoen: I will.
22:01.05zeckelamikr: see the fetcher report for other failing sources
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22:02.57lamikrzecke: In mailing list?
22:03.06zeckelamikr: yes, or I can put a updated version on ewi
22:04.20koenzecke: surfnet should be the fastest mirror
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22:04.49koenzecke: the uni has a 20Gbit uplink to that mirror :)
22:04.51koenhey CoreDump|home
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22:05.00zeckekoen: ah good
22:05.34koen'surfnet' is the name for the network between the 12 dutch universities
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22:07.56woglindekoen the name in germnay is DFN
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22:08.05woglindedeutsches forschungs netz
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22:08.19zeckewhere vanille is hosted at
22:08.33koenthe NDIX used to be down the street
22:08.38koentill they moved it
22:09.07koenNederland - Deutchland internet exchange
22:09.27koenwhich should have a big link to the dfn
22:12.49zeckeI still hope to get tickets for the WM :}
22:13.26Ken|JLimezecke: hockey as already begun :-P
22:13.55zeckeKen|JLime: it was too easy to get tickets ;)
22:15.50zeckewoglinde: when will we see us?
22:17.54woglindezecke dont know
22:18.04woglindeI will go to bed now
22:18.06zeckewoglinde: you need money, I need that folder :)
22:18.20woglindehm I need the macpro
22:18.35zeckewoglinde: pro?
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22:57.34zeckepb_: I'm preparing a patch for bluez
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23:26.57CIA-903freyther * r11bb54e0... 10/packages/bluez/ (files/no-user-include.patch
23:26.57CIA-9packages/bluez/bluez-utils: Do not add -I/usr/include
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23:43.10CIA-903mickeyl * r8d2aa23a... 10/conf/distro/ezx.conf: ezx.conf: add stuff for uclibc builds (uncommented atm.)
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23:55.20Ken|JLimeAnyway to set a default optimization on a specific package?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.