irclog2html for #oe on 20060914

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01:45.45leoncamelhey, psokolovsky. do you slove the problem of libpng-config ?
01:46.10psokolovskyleoncamel, actually, just having a look at it ;-)
01:47.26leoncamelpsokolovsky, ok, could you give me some clue, so that I could fix it ?
01:48.00psokolovskyleoncamel, wait few mins, and I just might have it fixed ;-)
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01:48.20leoncamelpsokolovsky, GREAT .. I am waiting for it. :)
01:53.52psokolovskyleoncamel, please remind me, what exactly failed in your build?
01:54.25leoncamelpsokolovsky, I am trying to build opie-image.
01:54.48psokolovskyleoncamel, what package failed exactly when trying to link with libpng?
01:55.14leoncamelpsokolovsky, oh. libxine-fb
02:01.08leoncamelpsokolovsky, how it that going ?
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02:04.19psokolovskyleoncamel, pretty well ;-)
02:04.52leoncamelpsokolovsky, OK. please share me your patch ?
02:05.02psokolovskynot yet ready
02:05.46leoncamelpsokolovsky, :) OK.
02:23.01psokolovskystoopid sh scripts
02:23.28psokolovskyleoncamel, I have a solution, but it's dirty
02:23.41psokolovskyshould stop using shell and rewrite stuff in python
02:23.54leoncamelpsokolovsky, OK. Please share me your patch ? ;)
02:24.16psokolovskyleoncamel, as it's dirty, some more time needed to get it right
02:24.59leoncamelpsokolovsky, why not add runconf section into the file ?
02:25.28leoncamelpsokolovsky, I think it is a better way.
02:25.59psokolovskyleoncamel, no, that's not better way nor really a solution.
02:26.39leoncamelpsokolovsky, hmm, kergoth is the maintainer of this pacakage .
02:27.40leoncamelpsokolovsky, hmm, why is it not a really solution ?
02:27.41psokolovskyleoncamel, wanna wait while he fixes it?
02:28.10psokolovskybecause problem is due to different stuff
02:28.10leoncamelpsokolovsky, NO. I wanna fix it ASAP.
02:28.27leoncamelpsokolovsky, OK. could you tell me more about the problem ?
02:28.35leoncamelpsokolovsky, what exactly it is ?
02:28.45psokolovskyleoncamel, I either tell or fix it ;-)
02:28.54psokolovskypatch will say it all ;-)
02:29.18leoncamelpsokolovsky, HMM. I am not clear.
02:29.41leoncamelpsokolovsky, is there anyother package similiar with libpng ?
02:30.09leoncamelpsokolovsky, which provided a xxxx-config tool ?
02:30.11psokolovskyyeah, quite few actually have the same problem, and I'm fixing it in general way
02:30.28leoncamelpsokolovsky, OK. how did you fix it ?
02:32.55psokolovskyI will commit fix as soon as I have it
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02:46.40psokolovskyleoncamel, ready to perform acceptance of the fix?
02:47.13leoncamelpsokolovsky, what ?
02:47.54psokolovskyleoncamel, I need your help to check that both your issue fixed and no regressions introduced. Can you build curl package now?
02:48.13*** join/#oe Laibsc1 (
02:48.23leoncamelpsokolovsky, yes. curl is already there .
02:48.56psokolovskyleoncamel, please have a look at curl-config in staging dir. does it have right paths?
02:49.04leoncamelpsokolovsky, yes.
02:49.17leoncamelpsokolovsky, I am reading through it just now . :)
02:50.19CIA-903pfalcon * rde34b2ed... 10/ (1 classes/binconfig.bbclass): (log message trimmed)
02:50.19CIA-9binconfig.bbclass: Fix path rewriting for staged packages.
02:50.19CIA-9* This bbclass does path rewriting within *-config scripts for packages
02:50.19CIA-9being staged. However, it used to expect variable assignments in form foo=bar,
02:50.19CIA-9whereas some packages (e.g. libpng) have foo="bar". Fixed to understand both
02:50.24CIA-9* Note: I consider this fix a workaround, as it uses overquoted regexps passed
02:50.28psokolovskyleoncamel, here we go
02:50.49psokolovskyleoncamel, please rebuild both packages and check that their configs are ok.
02:51.07psokolovskyleoncamel, do sth like "bitbake libpng -c rebuild"
02:51.13psokolovskythe same for curl
02:51.51psokolovskyleoncamel, when checking *-configs after rebuild, make sure that they aer actually new, i.e. have latest timestamp
02:54.00leoncamelpsokolovsky, OK. I will rebuild all package to test it . :)
02:54.34psokolovskyleoncamel, please rebuild these two if possible now, and let me know, so I can close bug
02:54.50leoncamelpsokolovsky, OK. :)
02:55.29leoncamelpsokolovsky, I am pulling now .. :)
02:55.56psokolovskyleoncamel, if you're interested what it was, patch is in commit ML/its archives. if you look, libpng*.bb wasn't touched at all in fix.
02:56.42leoncamelpsokolovsky, hmm, you only modified the "classess/binconfig.bbclass".  right ?
02:57.39leoncamelpsokolovsky, OK. testing started .. I am waiting for it .
02:57.55leoncamelpsokolovsky, BTW, where are you living now ?
02:58.23psokolovskyleoncamel, I'm from Ukraine
02:58.43leoncamelpsokolovsky, OH. I am living in China. :) nice to meet you .
02:58.56psokolovskyleoncamel, me too ;-)
02:59.58leoncamelpsokolovsky, and how long did you using OE ?
03:00.44psokolovskyleoncamel, not that long, a bit longer than 2 months ;-)
03:01.01leoncamelpsokolovsky, hmm,  . maybe this should be closed at the same time.
03:01.10leoncamelpsokolovsky, rebuilding now
03:01.28psokolovskyleoncamel, waiting for your confirmation it's actually fixed ;-)
03:02.45leoncamelpsokolovsky, what a *bad* new ...
03:02.58leoncamelpsokolovsky, it *WORKS* ... ;)
03:03.10psokolovskyleoncamel, both packages?
03:03.19leoncamelpsokolovsky, what's the next ?
03:03.43psokolovskyleoncamel, you tested curl, right?
03:04.08leoncamelpsokolovsky, OH.. the libpng works. and the curl is testing now.. :)
03:05.26leoncamelpsokolovsky, :). what a *good* news. IT STILL WORKS..
03:05.37leoncamelpsokolovsky, thanks you for you kindly and quickly help .. ;)
03:06.26psokolovskyleoncamel, ok, so we're golden ;-). Sorry for hassle. And thanks for helping with verifying it. Enjoy OE!
03:07.31leoncamelpsokolovsky, aha .. I am continue building libxine-fb now. :)
03:11.42leoncamelpsokolovsky, :). and are you maintaining the "classess" now ?
03:12.14psokolovskyleoncamel, nope, just striving to be useful OE developer ;-)
03:13.13leoncamelpsokolovsky, and you are one of OE developer ?
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03:13.29leoncamelpsokolovsky, OK. the libxine-fb works. :)
03:14.09psokolovskyleoncamel, I have commit and would like to move OE further.
03:14.12psokolovskyleoncamel, cool
03:14.48leoncamelpsokolovsky, :)
03:15.19leoncamelpsokolovsky, I haven't got the mail from OE which contains your patch . :)
03:16.09leoncamelpsokolovsky, OK. the building continues. :)
03:17.25psokolovskyleoncamel, maybe you need to subscribe to is you want to get commit mails (traffic is noticeable though)
03:18.19leoncamelpsokolovsky, hmm, OK. I am reading you patch from the website. :)
03:19.31CIA-903pfalcon * re0dd8288... 10/ (1 packages/libpng/
03:19.31CIA-9libpng 1.2.12: Bump PR so seconf fix to #1326 was propogated.
03:19.31CIA-9* Fixes paths in libpng-config.
03:20.55leoncamelpsokolovsky, I have a question about binclasses.
03:21.05leoncamelpsokolovsky, get_binconfig_mangle returns a string for "sed" using ?
03:21.26psokolovskyleoncamel, yep, it seems ;-)
03:22.01leoncamelpsokolovsky, hmm, how about your modification on libpng package ?
03:22.14leoncamelpsokolovsky, the lastest commit of yours.
03:22.25leoncamelpsokolovsky, what's that ?
03:22.45psokolovskyleoncamel, that's required for all other people who have broken version of libpng to upgrade automatically
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03:28.48leoncamelpsokolovsky, here is another problem .
03:29.14leoncamelpsokolovsky, I builded opie-image failed.
03:29.23leoncamelpsokolovsky, could you mind have a look at it ?
03:32.38psokolovskyleoncamel, some dependency problem
03:33.12leoncamelpsokolovsky, hmm, maybe the opie-task-* stuff. any clue ?
03:36.15psokolovskyleoncamel, please report this as bug, and as workaround, try to build missing packages manually
03:36.45psokolovskyleoncamel, I really don't know what that can be, so far I haven't built opie-image yet (only gpe)
03:38.40leoncamelnothing builded .
03:38.56leoncamelpsokolovsky, and do you rebuild gpe-image recently ?
03:39.06leoncamelpsokolovsky, it is also failed building gpe-image.
03:39.23leoncamelpsokolovsky, pls have a look at this :
03:42.57psokolovskyleoncamel, what target are you building for? I don't have that lib in workdir
03:43.53leoncamelpsokolovsky, you mean the "machine" option ?
03:44.07psokolovskyleoncamel, yes, "distro" too
03:44.58leoncamelthe distro is based on generic-unstable.conf, and add my favoriate option.
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03:45.42psokolovskyleoncamel, so, you should what you select, why you need it, and why it breaks ;-)
03:45.52psokolovskyangstrom doesn't build that lib
03:46.13leoncamelpsokolovsky, and the machine is based on openzaurus.
03:46.28psokolovskyshould know I meant
03:47.13psokolovskythe likely cause is that you nead a proper distro or define stuff to build more precisely yourself
03:47.16leoncamelpsokolovsky, hmm, yes.
03:48.08leoncamelpsokolovsky, I will check it.
03:49.12leoncamelpsokolovsky, but the pacakge liblbxutil-X11R7.1-1.0.1. is either buggy ? right ?
03:49.58leoncamelpsokolovsky, and it should reported to bugzilla ? right ?
03:50.44psokolovskyleoncamel, yes, that would be nice
03:51.18psokolovskyok, time to get some sleep
03:51.41psokolovskyHave a nice day/morning, people!
03:53.10leoncamelpsokolovsky, :) have a nice dream .. ;)
05:34.58CIA-903lenehan * rc6382b7d... 10/ (1 packages/clamav/
05:34.59CIA-9clamav 0.84: Inherit binconfig so that the clamav-config script is staged,
05:34.59CIA-9so that building applications that depend on libclamav works. Also update
05:34.59CIA-9some descriptions.
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07:29.36CIA-903pH5 * r75b12926... 10/ (1 packages/avahi/
07:29.36CIA-9avahi: add 0.6.14
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07:29.45CIA-903pH5 * r83d3a002... 10/ (14 files in 8 dirs): udev: remove needless machine specifications
07:41.20CIA-903clarson * r0cb00e95... 10/ (1 classes/package.bbclass):
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07:54.57koen_kergoth: you are landing depchain today?
07:55.10koen_good morning all
07:55.30kergothyup, finally got it only adding rrecommends on -dev and -dbg packages that actually exist
08:06.00koenhey XorA
08:06.06koen <- mentions OE
08:12.18blaster8Anyone have a clue how Firmware Loading works in OE?
08:12.41kergothkoen: nice
08:13.07koenblaster8: afaik via udev if you have a recent 2.6 kernel
08:13.25blaster8and how udev works for networking devices :)
08:13.26RPmorning all
08:13.44blaster8anyway, I'm digging around for any documentation I can find
08:13.52koenhey RP
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08:21.51ade|deskmorning folks
08:22.02RPmorning ade|desk
08:22.05kergoth sad that i dont even make the top 25 active talkers in here anymore :P
08:23.07RPhmm. 5th :)
08:23.54koenthe "most used words" is funny
08:24.09ade|deskkergoth: ah the trick is to be the top lurker
08:24.34kergothRP brings happiness to the world. 26.8% lines contained smiling faces. :)
08:25.38kergothIt seems that lrg's shift-key is hanging: 5.5% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
08:25.38kergothFor example, like this: <lrg> RP: :)
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08:28.37ade|deskare those times UTC ?
08:34.29XorAkergoth: just accdently dump bitbake source in the channel, that should make your stats interesting :-)
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08:59.50v8jlenekergoth: Your change to package.bbclass has broke everything here. See for an example.
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09:03.06kergothv8jlene: oops, sorry about that, a delta got in that i didnt catch.  checking in the fix
09:04.46kergothv8jlene: pushed, try that
09:05.10kergoth(too many trees)
09:05.14CIA-903clarson * r48ef0434... 10/ (1 classes/package.bbclass): package.bbclass: yank an unintentional change.
09:05.14v8jlenekergoth: no problems. I'll will applogise to the cpan class though... which isn't broken afterall ;)
09:06.57ibotmethinks irc is Internet Relay Chat or a massive time sink
09:07.26v8jlenekergoth: All working again now. Thanks.
09:07.29ibotit has been said that ibot is a blootbot written in perl run by TimRiker on his server. logs on<chan>/ , ibot, jbot, apt are all the same process. It uses sqlite, but mysql or other SQL storage is also supported.
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09:09.03kergoththe oe packaging stuff really has a lot of cruft from old ways of doing things
09:09.09kergothneeds a cleanup
09:15.20koenif only &*$#&#@ uclibc would build, I'd be a lot closer to building a nice installer for Ångström
09:16.03florian_kcgood morning
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09:33.28RPkergoth: Its not the only thing :-/
09:42.15minipandav8jlene: hullo, seems someone else meet gettext-native breakage yesterday. :-)
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09:49.10ade|deskkoen: i think that your uclibc problem is a toolchain error not the library itself
09:49.58koenthe toolchain works fine when building glibc
09:50.05v8jleneminipanda: Yeah, seem to be something gentoo have done with their java setup.
09:50.14ade|deskthe daily compile logs for uclibc svn show it is working for all arch but bfin and hppa
09:50.19koenade|desk: and it has virtually all patches from buildroot/uclibc applied
09:50.29koenade|desk: 'arm' is a bit vague
09:50.51koenade|desk: OABI, EABI, vfp, fpa, softfpa, softvfp, iwmxt?
09:51.03koenand their permutations
09:51.17ade|deski doubt EABI is used in the compile
09:51.50ade|deskvfp,fpa,soft etc .. should be little difference
09:53.08koenmaybe, but the buildlog doesn't mention it
09:53.16ade|deskkoen what arch are you trying for and i will take a look tomorrow
09:53.18koenso for arm the buildbot is pretty useless
09:54.31koenDISTRO=angstrom-2007.1 MACHINE=h2200 ANGSTROM_MODE=uclibc
09:54.35ade|deskkoen in the same way i{3,4,5,6}86 is only reported as i386 in the logs
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09:55.54ade|deskok so eabi arm little endian with thumb as well ... don't ask too much of your toolchain then ;)
09:56.34koenKERNEL_SOURCE="/data/build/koen/OE/build/tmp/angstrom/cross/arm-angstrom-linux-uclibcgnueabi" looks weird to me
09:56.41ade|deskkoen: USE_BX might help
09:56.59koenbut the whole uclibc/ dir in OE seems to be on crack for the uninitiated
09:57.41ade|deski totally agree
09:58.36koendoes uclibc need 'kernel sources' or 'linux-libc-headers' ?
10:00.13ade|deskgood point, pre 2.6.15 uclibc should use the linux-libc-headers, as on 2.6.18 its better to use the kernel source to make the headers first
10:02.18koenthat would make uclibc depend on the kernel
10:12.37CIA-903MartinDietze * r619a276e... 10/ (3 files in 2 dirs): xorg-lib: added nylon-specific solutions to bugs #1411, #1412 (can well be made common by maintainers)
10:12.46CIA-903MartinDietze * rb4bf51e9... 10/ (5 files in 4 dirs): kismet: added kismet configuration for mtx-1, mtx-2 for version 2005-01-R1
10:12.48CIA-903MartinDietze * r1482c6f1... 10/ (1 classes/nylon-helpers.bbclass conf/distro/nylon.conf): nylon: added nylon-helpers.bbclass (helper functions for working on the svn trunk), updated preferred providers in nylon.conf.
10:12.54CIA-903MartinDietze * r1549b228... 10/ (7 files in 4 dirs): busybox: added nylon setup for versions 1.2.0 and 1.2.1
10:13.05CIA-903MartinDietze * r14f21ea0... 10/ (1 packages/ppp-dsl/ ppp-dsl: added ppp-dsl version for monolithic kernels.
10:13.14CIA-903MartinDietze * ra9647afc... 10/ (4 files in 3 dirs): mtn: added configuration for cvs20041113 version of mtd-utils which works for nylon/mtx-[12].
10:13.24CIA-903MartinDietze * r178ad077... 10/ (1 packages/meta/ packages/meta/
10:13.24CIA-9nylon-feed: changed some defaults, added packages
10:13.24CIA-9* use linux-hotplug instead of hotplug-ng
10:13.24CIA-9* use ntp instead of ntp-bin
10:13.26CIA-9* add python
10:13.28CIA-9* add boost
10:16.45koenoh dear
10:17.13koenthe nylon people are starting to use unnecessary _nylon overrides again
10:26.57koenRP: could you have a look at ?
10:27.26koenade|desk: I pointed uclibc to the kernel sources
10:27.33koenade|desk: lets see how far it gets
10:27.45koens/kernel sources/staged kernel headers/
10:28.20koenPackaged contents of uclibc into /data/build/koen/OE/build/tmp/angstrom/deploy/ipk/uclibc_0.9.28+svn20060914-r2_armv5te.ipk
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10:30.36XorAkoen: quick build an angstrom image and see if it dies :-)
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10:33.55do13_morning all
10:34.04koenhey do13_
10:34.17do13_hi koen
10:44.04XorA~lart stupid windows for making a different USB port == different device
10:47.24RPkoen: That is a bit of a problem although understandable. The kernel is machine specific and if uclibc has machine specific depends, it should arguably also be machine specific.
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10:47.44RPkoen: Really, we need a set of clean headers for uclibc, or a dummy kernel package
10:48.28RPkoen: or, kernel staging shoud not be machine specific
10:49.20koenuclibc is built within minutes, so making it machine specific wouldn't be a big problem
10:49.39RPkoen: It shouldn't be machine specific though :)
10:50.40koenI'd vote for fixing up our linux-libc-package, but that is probably a wasted effort
10:51.24RPkoen: Better off making a headers package from a 2.6.18-rc kernel source
10:51.56koenI saw a 'make headers' command in some git branch earlier
10:52.36RPkoen: It should be in 2.6.18-rc
10:53.12koenhey mickeyl
10:53.34mickeylhi guys
10:53.34RPmorning mickeyl
10:54.02mickeylRP: are you into eds? i.e. do you know about the status of the 200601 variant?
10:54.12mickeyl(which is the one in OE)
10:54.28RPmickeyl: I know people who are :)
10:54.50RPmickeyl: ross did the dbus port of eds and is working on getting that merged with upstream
10:55.12RP(ross being
10:55.12mickeylRP: lets say I have the opportunity to recommend basing a PIM application suite for a mobile phone. Those guys are already using Gtk+ 2.6. Do you think eds 200601xx is stable enough for a product?
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10:55.35RPmickeyl: Nokia use it in the 770 for the addressbook
10:55.49koenwhich I must add is a piece of crap
10:55.57mickeylRP: *nod*
10:56.04koenit crashes after importing a vcard
10:56.16mickeylgconf-dbus is worrying me a bit
10:56.18mickeylit doesn
10:56.31mickeyl't seem to be accepted in mainstream
10:56.52RPmickeyl: It should end up in mainstream eventually
10:58.24leoncamelreenoo, morning
10:58.31RPmorning reenoo
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10:59.25RPmickeyl: I just asked ross and dbus-glib will be merged for 2.18
10:59.35RPkoen: The vcard issue isn't eds's fault ;-)
10:59.49reenoohi leoncamel
10:59.51reenoohey RP
10:59.57koenRP: could be, but the  770 is a bad example to use
10:59.59mickeylRP: 2.18 of what?
11:00.09mickeylah, gnome
11:00.18mickeylexcellent, thanks
11:00.42mickeyli have some more questions to ask you, but i'm afraid i need to do that via email... *cough*
11:01.01RPmickeyl: ross also mentioned the addressbook is well tested and stable, the calander a bit less though dates does work with it :)
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11:01.43mickeylRP: i see. i've noticed TRUNK needs gtk+ 2.10 now, so we're kind of stuck with the january version
11:01.43RPIf the calendar did have any issues, I suspect there'd interest in fixing them but dates should have caught any major issues
11:01.44koenmickeyl: and keep in mind that eds(-dbus) will give you syncing with opensync for free
11:01.48fluxhola :)
11:02.02mickeylkoen: *strike* eds was a very good recommendation. i like it
11:02.13RPmickeyl: That is due to the syncing/merging process with mainline eds - you can't win really :-/
11:02.30mickeylkoen: so we just need to come up with a solution for *cough* outlook *cough*
11:02.47mickeylRP: of course. you know though, when you have to make a product, you need to fixate versions
11:02.49koendidn't ximian/novell open-source the connector?
11:04.03chouimatkoen yup put it depend on specific version of outlook web interface
11:05.03koenade|desk: could you have a look at ?
11:05.19mickeylRP: on a slightly related note... do you know how the performance situation is w/ gtk+ 2.10. is that sorted out yet?
11:05.33RPmickeyl: That's a very related note :)
11:05.42mickeylrighto, it is
11:05.53RPmickeyl: There has been dicussion but not a lot of action. We can't get the cario people interested
11:06.28RPjorn@o-hand did spend some time on it and there are ideas of how to solve the problem floating around :-/
11:06.59RPo-hand do want to see that addressed
11:09.30RPmickeyl: It might be worth you talking to some people at o-hand, if you send me an email, perhaps I can introduce you to some people
11:10.17RPI do most things except gtk/apps here which means I'm probably not the best person to talk to about this :)
11:10.58rwhitbyMorning all
11:10.59mickeylRP: that would be really helpful. we might have a chance to cooperate business wise as well here :)
11:11.12mickeylRP: I'll prepare this mail today. thanks for the offer
11:11.37RPmickeyl: Indeed :). ok, thanks
11:12.38minipandaWarning: unable to open an initial console.
11:12.54koenminipanda: no /dev/console in the rootfs?
11:12.55minipandabut seems /dev/console was there ...
11:13.35koenNOTE: preferred version 2.4 of glibc not available (for item virtual/arm-angstrom-linux-uclibcgnueabi-libc-for-gcc)
11:13.57mickeylthat again
11:13.58minipandakoen: oh, no /dev/console in latest build
11:14.13koenmickeyl: this has a different twist
11:14.32minipandakoen: so what shall i do with generic-unstable? i mean howto fix it
11:14.56koenmickeyl: PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/arm-angstrom-linux-uclibcgnueabi-libc-for-gcc = "uclibc"
11:16.49*** join/#oe Cwiiis (
11:17.26RPkoen, mickeyl: I just made the message a little more helpful to show why bitbake gets confused. 50% of the time it picks the wrong one which leads to weird breakage :-/
11:17.44mickeylvery good
11:17.58*** part/#oe den-ros (
11:18.05koenRP: in this case the uclibc check in glibc needed to get fixed
11:18.37minipandakoen: well, is that lack of whole /dev is caused by udev package?
11:19.09koenminipanda: it should be created by base-files or makedevs or something
11:19.47CIA-903koen * rf7550674... 10/ (1 packages/glibc/glibc-package.bbclass): glibc: adjust check for uclibc
11:22.09koenlater all
11:22.21CIA-903koen * r647f04c8... 10/ (3 files in 3 dirs): angstrom: some more uclibc stuff
11:22.45mickeylundefined symbol: XmbResetIC
11:25.03*** join/#oe frank7d (
11:29.31mickeyl| Cannot load module /buildx86/tmp/work/i686-linux/gtk+-2.6.10-r2/gtk+-2.6.10/modules/input/ /buildx86/tmp/work/i686-linux/gtk+-2.6.10-r2/gtk+-2.6.10/modules/input/.libs/ undefined symbol: XmbResetIC
11:29.32mickeyl| /buildx86/tmp/work/i686-linux/gtk+-2.6.10-r2/gtk+-2.6.10/modules/input/ does not export GTK+ IM module API: /buildx86/tmp/work/i686-linux/gtk+-2.6.10-r2/gtk+-2.6.10/modules/input/.libs/ undefined symbol: XmbResetIC
11:29.34mickeylever seen that?
11:30.21RPsome missing x depends?
11:30.37mickeylinterestingly the corresponding image built fine for arm
11:30.44mickeyli'm building for MACHINE=native atm.
11:30.54mickeylprobably some header / library confusion
11:31.17mickeylguess i should remove X completely from the build machine
11:32.11mickeylX_HAVE_UTF8_STRING again
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11:44.06mickeylwhat's the size saving anyway nowadays for diet-x11?
11:54.49minipandakoen|away: makedev or makedevs?
11:55.16*** join/#oe greentux (
11:56.25minipandacrap, in $OESTUFF/build/tmp/rootfs/ have /dev, but in bootstrap-image.tar.gz, no!
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11:56.45greentuxhi rp, hi hrw
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12:35.50CIA-903rwhitby * r006e08a6... 10/ (1 packages/ixp4xx/ ixp4xx-npe: Added support for version 2.3 microcode (but mc_grab doesn't extract it properly)
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12:41.45XorAhmm, hostap results in a hard lock that not even Magic Sysreq will get out of
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12:47.32hrwits good to have account with 0.00/h  rate
12:53.35chouimatthis really interesting to read
12:55.48leoncamelhey. hrw.
12:56.08leoncamelhrw, do you know why about this ?
12:56.12leoncamelhrw, any clue ?
12:56.56hrwleoncamel: bitbake  meta-opie
12:57.02*** join/#oe do13_ (
12:57.18hrwleoncamel: looks like BUILD_ALL_DEPS is not working now
12:57.23hrwhi dirk
12:57.45do13_hey Marcin
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13:08.37XorARP: in kernel hostap seems to be shafted in linux-openzaurus_2.6.17
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13:14.53kepen918soy kepen?
13:15.46kepen918con quien hablo?
13:16.04kepen918puedes decirme quien eres?
13:16.34XorAkepen918: English please
13:16.53kepen918oh sorry, i no spike english
13:17.11do13_kepen918: you are from spain?
13:19.16kepen918in catalonia
13:19.27kepen918i from catañonia
13:19.34CIA-903rwhitby * ra3a176fe... 10/ (1 packages/images/ slugos-image: reverted blaster8's changes, as they break the current builds.
13:19.43kepen918help, my english its very bad
13:20.23do13_kepen918: sorry, I can't speak spanish
13:21.07kepen918bye bye
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13:30.50CIA-903rwhitby * rc9d0318a... 10/ (1 packages/ixp4xx/ ixp4xx-npe: fixed the extraction
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13:42.43pH5RP: what do you think about this: ( whitelist and partitioned blkdevs)
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13:45.28CIA-903rwhitby * r8156b74b... 10/ (1 packages/meta/ slugos-packages: Demoted bwmon for ucslugc as it fails to build
13:45.43greentuxsomenody interested in a greenphone to build support in oe?
13:55.16mickey|bbli wouldn't pay for it, but i would be interested
13:55.32mickey|bbldunno whether we it will come with an open source qtopia btw.
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13:59.28RPgreentux: I'd interested in one for a 2.6 kernel port and I'd suspect base OE support would result :)
13:59.30infoclogi am a newbie in embedded. I was reading a microcontroller spec and could not understand wht RTT meant ?
14:00.14infoclogUSB 2.0,
14:00.14infoclogEthernet 10/100,
14:00.24infoclogoops.. sorry !!
14:01.05RPpH5: Does that script work with partitions or does a race situation result?
14:01.27koengreentux: I suspect most OE devs would be interested in a greenphone to make it really 'open' ;)
14:02.43RPXorA: It works for me? :-/
14:07.56XorARP: ooops with hard lock here, and I dont have serial cable
14:11.04mickey|bblany idea where to find libiberty on a debian system?
14:11.25greentuxkoen, ok i can organise one or perhaps two
14:11.53mickey|bblsounds good
14:12.00greentuxkoen but which of the devs can do some useful things?
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14:12.33koengreentux: that depends on what you'd find usefull
14:12.47greentuxkoen kernel 2.6 is most important for me...
14:12.52koengreentux: I think almost every OE dev can add device support and patch the appropriate packages
14:13.13koenfor kernel 2.6 I'd recommend contacting a kernel dev like RP
14:13.39gielchouimat: what about a little vietnamese lady? :P
14:14.12chouimatgiel: I say less than 100$ ... and this include the maintenance cost :P
14:15.13chouimatgiel: I was joking ... it's just I don't feel like cleaning and do last week dishes today ...
14:15.36gielchouimat: you might have noticed i wasn't completely serious either
14:15.45chouimatI noticed
14:16.53pH5mickey|bbl: libiberty.a is in binutils-dev
14:17.21mickey|bblthanks pH5
14:17.29mickey|bbli'm still a debian newby
14:17.34mickey|bbli have no idea how to query the package repository
14:17.39greentuxkoen ok will organise the devs
14:17.44mickey|bbl~lart having to use debian because of professional reasons
14:18.09koenmickey|bbl: is your friend :)
14:18.18*** join/#oe eFfeM-log (
14:18.19koensince is down most of the time
14:18.19mickey|bblgreentux: a greenphone for some of the Opie guys would maybe bring new life to Qt/Embedded and friends in OE
14:18.22*** join/#oe CosmicPenguin (i=nobody@nat/amd/x-5f05868c4f6ee68a)
14:18.23mickey|bblkoen: k
14:18.29greentuxkoen, but nobody knows if the sources you get with the device are useful enough...
14:18.43chouimatmickey|bbl: yup
14:18.49XorAmickey|bbl: apt-cache search
14:18.54koengreentux: I'm 100% sure the sources are either missing or crappy licensed
14:19.05koengreentux: unless I pay $$$$
14:19.23mickey|bblXorA: thanks
14:19.28greentuxkoen ok so i will order one community version and will report here...
14:20.00koengreentux: sounds great
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14:31.30koengcc-cross doesn't compile, and the patch to fix it is already applied
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14:45.48RPkoen: through binary only modules or worse?
14:46.46koenRP: it's mvista, so anything is possible
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14:47.32RPkoen: Hmm. mvista should know better. Plenty of people to lean on there I guess though
14:48.16koenRP: mv employs people who's only job is to backport 2.6 stuff to 2.4
14:48.30koenso they can lock people into 2.4-mv forever
14:48.38koenand at $40k per seat....
14:50.55RPkoen: I know...
14:51.58koenIt's probably cheaper to buy you a rust-free MG :)
14:52.44RPkoen: Don't believe the photos, its not that bad ;-). Not that I'd object to one mind ;-)
14:53.16RPFor rust free I have my nice shiny Daytona 675 :)
14:54.04XorAkoen: mv will use 2.4 because Linus said binary modules on 2.4 were not a GPL volation. He changed his mind for 2.6
14:54.47RPSurely if they're illegal for one, they're illegal for the other?
14:56.10koennot if Linus(TM) says it
14:56.38RPkoen: What Linus says don't matter. Its what the licence says...
14:57.45XorARP: that was a long and painful argument in lkml, Linus point was 2.4 interfaces were simple and public and therefore binary modules could claim to not be derivative, he sad that changed in 2.6
14:58.12XorARP: but any statements along those lines are going to be used by dodgy companies true or not
14:58.25RPXorA: I know :-(
14:59.19XorAand us little guys cant afford to sue normally
14:59.37RPXorA: There are few people who can :-(
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15:06.07pH5hi sirfred
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15:06.50sirfredpH5: hi
15:07.10koenhey sirfred
15:07.33pH5RP: what kind of race conditions? I'm still fighting with the ipaq to test this (it starts loosing interrupts after the first pcmcia card removal)
15:08.45RPpH5: When you insert a card, /dev/hda would appear but /dev/hda[1-9] won't appear until after the partition scanning occurs. Also, udev might delay the device creation/reorder it etc.
15:09.03RPhi sirfreg
15:09.10RPhi sirfred even :)
15:09.26sirfredRP: Hi. :)
15:09.43sirfredRP: Did you have time to ask the framebuffer maintainer about sync ?
15:10.16RPsirfred: no, I thought you were going to do that... :-/
15:10.40sirfredRP: I missunderstood you, sorry.
15:10.56sirfredRP: Do you know him?
15:11.34pH5RP: I understand. In this case the script won't work. The /dev/hda mount would have to sleep a while to wait for partitions to appear.
15:11.39RPsirfred: kind of. We've exchanged patches :)
15:11.54RPpH5: Yes, this was my concern...
15:12.15sirfredRP: That's a good beginning. :)
15:13.49sirfredRP: I suppose you've seen my mails about the SCALE issues with the IMAGEON. I don't know if you're interested anymore into those things.
15:13.57CIA-903koen * r3a18c612... 10/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
15:13.57CIA-9angstrom: prepare for uclibc/NPTL and seperate uclibc and glibc packages
15:13.57CIA-9* NOTE: DEPLOY_DIR changed, remove all do_packages and do_install stamps
15:14.31RPsirfred: I've seen them and I am interested, I just have no time :-(
15:15.08RPkoen: but does it run? :)
15:15.11sirfredRP: No problem, I just don't want to disturb you with unwanted mails.
15:15.15koenI have no idea :)
15:15.26RPsirfred: Please keep my cc'd, I do read them :)
15:15.36sirfredRP: of course
15:15.43koenRP: I decided to idiot-proof the infrastructure first :)
15:15.48RPsirfred: Do you want me to ask the fbdev maintainer some questions?
15:15.57RPkoen: Always good :)
15:16.07sirfredRP: Well, I'm pretty sure that sync is just for syncing hardware/software ops.
15:16.17sirfredRP: That's what other drivers do.
15:16.47sirfredI think the patch is useful. I know that only applies and accelerates the console.
15:16.52koenRP: my commit does force the equivalent of a rebuild :(
15:17.06RPsirfred: I think it also gets called when userspace reads/writes to /dev/fb
15:17.11koenRP: but it pretty much allows you to mix uclibc and glibc builds :)
15:17.29RPkoen: Mixing the types is cool :)
15:17.39sirfredRP: That makes sense, to avoid hardware operations to be out of sync.
15:18.02sirfredRP: Writing/reading the framebuffer from userspace can be seen as a non accelerated operation.
15:18.12sirfredRP: You must wait for any hw op to finish.
15:18.16koenmultimachine seperates the archs and DEPLOY_DIR = $ANGSTROM_MODE/deploy makes sure images and packages get seperated
15:18.17RPsirfred: Does your patch account for that?
15:18.47sirfredRP: It's the same from the driver perspective.
15:18.59sirfredRP: You don't need to hardware sync if your last operation was not hardware.
15:19.25RPsirfred: ok. Sorry, I just haven't followed the code as well as I'd like :-/
15:19.43sirfredRP: Well, it's a single patch.
15:19.52sirfredRP: But I think the console is faster.
15:20.06sirfredRP: Have being using it the last week and haven't found any issue.
15:20.41sirfredI understand that accelerated console is not a breaking feature, but, I think that if we have it, it should be the best it could.
15:21.14sirfredSo, accelerated framebuffer or not accelerated at all, but partially accelerated...
15:21.49RPsirfred: It did look like a good idea to me
15:22.13RPsirfred: I will test and if it works ok for me too, we can submit it for 2.6.19
15:22.27sirfredRP: That would be very nice.
15:22.33RPsirfred: I will also try and really speed up the scrolling :)
15:22.43sirfredRP: Please keep me informed if you find any problem.
15:22.45koendoes that play well with Xw100?
15:23.07sirfredkoen: It should, as far as the current w100fb plays well.
15:23.22RPsirfred: I'll let you know when I've tried it one way or another
15:23.31sirfredRP: thanks.
15:24.36sirfredRP: What's actually making it faster is colour expansion, I think. We're saving a lot of bandwidth.
15:25.01XorAsirfred: I can test any w100 patches f you need extra testng
15:25.33sirfredRP: With the current approach, the 1bpp fonts have to be converted to 16bpp before being written to the framebuffer. With this patch we're transfering the 1bpp fonts directly, and colour expansion is being made by the w100
15:25.49sirfredXorA: The patch is available in Feel free to test it.
15:26.01RPsirfred: That is extremely useful :)
15:26.18sirfredRP: Sure Xw100 could also benefit with this.
15:26.43sirfredAnd also alpha blending, that's working fine in the libw100 demos.
15:26.45XorAsirfred: cool
15:27.09sirfredXorA: Be patient, because sf is really slow sometimes (most of times)
15:27.26RPsirfred: Both sound like they could be useful to X although it probably doesn't deal with those bit depths too often :-/
15:27.40RP(conversion from 24bpp would be more useful)
15:27.43*** join/#oe leoncamel (n=leoncame@
15:28.05sirfredRP: Conversion is possible, just have to split the 24bpp into a 16bpp non-alpha pixmap and a 4bpp alpha mask.
15:29.05RPsirfred: would that be more work than just converting it within X in the first place though?
15:29.14sirfredXorA: It should apply against the current linux openzaurus 2.6.17
15:29.34sirfredRP: Converting into what?
15:30.06sirfredRP: You mean blending in CPU ?
15:30.22sirfredRP: Well, excuse me. I was thinking about pixmaps with alpha channel.
15:30.54sirfredNot 24bpp non-alpha. The imageon does not support more than 16bpp.
15:31.29XorAsirfred: I shall try and check that out then
15:31.36*** join/#oe hvontres|poodle (n=root@
15:31.37sirfredXorA: Thanks.
15:32.55sirfredXorA: I've being playing a little with overlay + scaling in the imageon.
15:33.16sirfredXorA: You were interested into those things, if I remember correctly.
15:33.33XorAsirfred: I tried mplayer -vo w100 in Xw100, result is not pretty, but Im sure in time you will have the all singing and dancing solution
15:34.32XorAsirfred: I use my Z for video watchng on occasion
15:34.32RPsirfred: The next step for the overlay might be an xv extension :)
15:34.32sirfredRP: Yes, that would be nice.
15:34.33sirfredRP: And XvMC... the promised land.
15:34.40XorAwow Xv / XvMC would make mplayer/xine users happy
15:34.42sirfredRP: Unfortunately, it seems there's no information for any ATI chip regarding MC and IDCT. It's a pitty, because the IMAGEON seems to share most register names regarding IDCT
15:35.22RPsirfred: Its a shame there are no docs...
15:35.40sirfredRP: We need to hack ATI servers. :-\
15:35.59XorARP: sirfred apparently the DivX people managed to get docs before ATI lost them, but they were under NDA
15:36.03sirfredPerhaps it would be less efort than reverse engineer that part.
15:36.43sirfredXorA: And do they released any open code, DivX people, I mean?
15:37.09XorAsirfred: from what they said on forums they got it to do the WinCE version of the player, but no source :-(
15:37.28sirfredXorA: :-(
15:37.44sirfredXorA: I'm going to start playing again with the overlay issues.
15:37.49sirfredXorA: What I got by now is:
15:37.58sirfred1.-I was able to overlay from a surface in external memory.
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15:38.31sirfredAnyway, it seems there's some distortion for YUV surfaces, I don't know why.
15:38.50XorAsirfred: certanly sounds like things are in capable hands with you :-=)
15:39.10sirfred2.-Using stretchblt operations seems not to be the way to follow, because the chroma channels are not handled correctly.
15:39.42sirfredI tried to stretch separately luma and chroma. We can fake the graphic engine about the luma, saying that it's 8bpp src and dst.
15:40.02sirfredBut chroma is 4bpp, and I've found no way to say to the graphic engine to stretch a 4bpp plane.
15:40.37sirfredAnyway, it's very strange that overlays can not be scaled directly. I want to look at it again.
15:41.25XorAsirfred: who knows what mad ideas ATI had
15:41.38sirfredXorA: Well, I was able to scale the overlay directly, but only with an integer factor (by 2, by 3 and by 4), and that's not nice to show a video full screen.
15:41.44sirfredXorA: :)
15:41.54XorAsirfred: I would for a year at ST when they were designing gfx chips, and sense didnt seem to feature much
15:42.09sirfredXorA: ST?
15:42.34XorAsirfred: ST Microelectronics, they did the Kyro/KyroII and nvidias first chip
15:43.01sirfredXorA: Well, as you have seen, I've setup a wiki about the imageon (expect ATI not to close it)
15:43.15sirfredXorA: There's also a reference library to test functionality, if you're interested.
15:43.30XorAsirfred: I did look a few days ago, looked good what was there
15:43.35sirfredXorA: I have some demos about overlay, stretching,... Your comments + help would be appreciated.
15:43.46koensirfred: are the demos available as well?
15:43.55sirfredXorA: Well, there's a lot of information missing, but it's slowly progressing.
15:44.03sirfredkoen: Yes, they're part of the svn repository.
15:44.04XorAsirfred: I am closing up my job here, so Im actually busier than before I quit :-)
15:44.07sirfredkoen: In the tests directory.
15:44.34koenXorA: infect lrg with the 'ooooo! shiny!' virus ;)
15:45.03sirfredkoen: But please, don't try the 'hostcopyrot' one. :)
15:45.14sirfredkoen: If you don't want to restart your machine.
15:45.36sirfred'rot' for rotated, but it could be for 'rotten' in this case.
15:45.49koenI'd need to localize my Z first
15:46.01koenit's ~1.5m from a poweroutlet and within wifi coverage
15:47.24koenand it's running a build with broken alsa so I can't make it beep :)
15:51.37mickey|bblNOTE: package xxx-devel-image-1.0-r0: task do_build: completed
15:51.48mickey|bblthat was MACHINE = x86
15:51.52mickey|bblor rather, i686
15:51.56mickey|bblno, 'native' even
15:52.09mickey|bblnow let's see whether these binaries actually work
15:53.10sirfredmickey|bbl: That means that I could create a distro for an x86 machine?
15:53.32sirfredI'm thinking in an old 486 laptop I'm storing somewhere.
15:53.33mickey|bblwell, at least you can use OE to make an ad-hoc SDK
15:54.05CosmicPenguinmickey|bbl: <sarcasm> what an accomplishment, making an x86 image </sarcasm>
15:54.07mickey|bblbuilding a distro for x86 involves a bit more, but OE should do that as well
15:54.42mickey|bblCosmicPenguin: heh, after it took me 8 hours yesterday to build all the stuff manually this comes as quite a nice relief
15:55.09mickey|bblit even didn't work what I built yesterday
15:55.14CosmicPenguinWow - what was tripping you up?
15:55.23mickey|bblran into all kinds of problems w/ local stuff vs. native stuff
15:55.37mickey|bblheader files not matching, symbols missing
15:56.05mickey|bbli guess some stuff is easier to cross-build than locally
15:56.33CosmicPenguinyeah - I'll agree with that
15:56.33mickey|bbleds-dbus svn killed me :D
15:56.46XorA|gonetime to get bus
15:56.58CosmicPenguinWe actually did have problems bulding x86-64 -> x86-64
15:57.35mickey|bblwe really really need to get away with all the -native packages
15:57.41mickey|bblthis has to be different
16:08.35*** join/#oe XorA|gprs (n=zsirc@
16:09.06XorA|gprstraffic is insane out here
16:17.23RPmickey|bbl: I have ideas about native packages and multimachine...
16:20.56XorA|gprsRP: youll have to invent a pocket universe to give you more time
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17:43.03ade|deskkoen: will look at it tomorrow when i get back to the office for real
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17:47.21koenade|desk: thanks
17:47.49koenade|desk: I'll try to figure out how to add proper uclibc.confs for the machines I want to build for
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17:53.08hrwlikewise: hi
17:53.23koenhey hrw
17:53.26koenhey likewise
17:54.32likewisehrw: hi there
17:54.36likewisekoen: hi there as well
17:54.59hrwlikewise: can you remind me your email?
17:55.40hrwI'm too tired now to discuss.. ;(
17:56.02likewisenp, hold on
17:56.40likewisehrw: saw your OE mailing list mail as well, there is no hurry.
17:56.43koenlikewise: the cairo float patch was reverted since it caused troubles on some systems
17:57.24likewisekoen: ok, I will test it anyway in the next few weeks. I have also picked up working on a PCI Express card, but my VHDL knowledge is still near-zero.
17:57.47koenhey mickeyl
17:57.55hrwI want PIM which is able to link between contacts/todos/events/notes/mails...
17:58.00hrwhi mickeyl
17:58.09mickeylcheers hrw
17:58.10koenhrw: you mean 'people as first class objects'
17:58.23hrwkoen: no.
17:58.53hrwkoen: 'finish writing reply to *this* mail before 2006.09.14 20:00 CEST"
17:59.15koenah, you want a crm system
17:59.16hrwkoen: no person info at all in event
18:00.20koen is nice to watch for people that want to design a PIM system
18:01.05hrwkoen: it can be called crm, pim, anything but it has to be desktop app which use kde components
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18:03.46hrw~lart flashplayer for !alsa
18:06.42koenmickeyl: what's the url for the berlin baer?
18:07.37mickeylhold on a second
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18:11.30koenmickeyl: thanks
18:13.57*** join/#oe ggilbert_ (
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18:28.17hrwkoen: nice video
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18:31.02hrwmickeyl: | /home/hrw/devel/build/oz-dev/tmp/staging/arm-linux/qt2/lib/ undefined reference to `vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info'
18:31.07hrwmickeyl: ideas?
18:31.23hrwmickeyl: other then 'rebuild failed package with stdc++'?
18:32.23mickeylhrw: edit qmake-base.bbclass
18:32.37mickeyltry rebuilding package
18:33.59hrwmickeyl: built
18:34.13hrwmickeyl: opie-bluepin, opie-rdesktop fails with it
18:34.30hrwwhere it = 'undefined reference'
18:35.21hrw"Hrw-OZ-3542-from-dev" build
18:35.22koenit shows how simple things can make your like much easier
18:35.33CIA-903tmbinc 07org.oe.dreambox * r362d0008... 10/ (3 files in 2 dirs): swig: remove to fix merge conflict
18:35.46CIA-903tmbinc 07org.oe.dreambox * r52dfcd4e... 10/ (1 packages/gcc/gcc-4.1.0/zecke-xgcc-cpp.patch): merge: resolve orphaned node conflict
18:35.46CIA-903tmbinc 07org.oe.dreambox * r8caf60d4... 10/ (1 classes/package.bbclass): package.bbclass: work around bogus -dbg RDEPENDS on split packages
18:35.50CIA-903tmbinc 07org.oe.dreambox * r2f777287... 10/ (6 files in 4 dirs): busybox-1.2.1: port config, keymap endianess patch
18:36.04CIA-903tmbinc 07org.oe.dreambox * r9e6b5803... 10/ (1 packages/timezones/ timezones-alternative: fix do_install
18:36.10CIA-903tmbinc 07org.oe.dreambox * r20b54a43... 10/ (1 packages/swig/ swig-1.3.29: add disable_exceptions.diff
18:36.15CIA-903tmbinc 07org.oe.dreambox * r5f6adad9... 10/ (1 packages/samba/ packages/samba/ samba: fix smb.conf installation
18:36.21CIA-903tmbinc 07org.oe.dreambox * rb83ff04b... 10/ (3 files in 3 dirs): initscripts-opendreambox: fix mount
18:36.32CIA-903tmbinc 07org.oe.dreambox * rc04eb040... 10/ (1 packages/gstreamer/ don't depend on gconf
18:36.42CIA-903tmbinc 07org.oe.dreambox * r3c170089... 10/ (1 packages/enigma2/ enigma2: update to 20060911
18:36.53CIA-903tmbinc 07org.oe.dreambox * rec59c70d... 10/ (1 packages/initscripts/initscripts-1.0/dm7025/bootup): initscripts-opendreambox: fix conditional iframe
18:37.04CIA-903tmbinc 07org.oe.dreambox * rc8fda820... 10/ (1 packages/dreambox/ dreambox-compat: use install -d instead of mkdir
18:37.09mickeylhrw: try rebuilding everything with RTTI and see whether opie-rdesktop builds then
18:37.26hrwmickeyl: starting from qte?
18:37.59hrwsomeone know how much turion64 x2 notebooks are today? :D
18:38.16goxboxlivehi mickeyl
18:38.41goxboxlivecould you take a look at something for me. It will only take a minute
18:38.47hrwAnia bought laptop few days ago and I'm starting to feel that this is my last desktop machine
18:39.49*** join/#oe koen|away (
18:40.28hrwwe are close to 4K recipes..
18:41.17koenand 10k revs in .dev
18:42.45hrwasus a6m with t64x2 1.6GHz is <1000 EUR
18:43.40koenisn't a turion the AMD celeron?
18:43.59chouimatkoen yup
18:44.30hrwkoen: turion is mobile version of amd64 line
18:46.05*** join/#oe Slims (
18:46.06koenremember to put in loads or ram
18:46.11hrwamd celeron is sempron
18:46.32hrwkoen: I know - @work have only 768M
18:48.28hrwmickeyl: NOTE: package opie-rdesktop-1.2.2+cvs-20060913-r0: task do_build: completed
18:49.10mickeyldo me a favour and compare the size
18:49.12koenhrw: now mickeyl is fixing native builds, you could install opie ;)
18:49.13mickeylrtti vs. non-rtti
18:50.09koenmickeyl: iirc diet-x11 vs full x11 is ~0.5MB
18:50.20koenbut my memory is a bit hazy
18:50.25hrwshit.. now have to rebuilt no-rtti..
18:51.12hrwopie-rdesktop is not packaged properly..
18:51.34hrwrebuilding it first
18:52.41mickeylkoen: thanks.
18:52.51mickeyli have just learned that our device will feature...
18:52.57mickeyl... 1G
18:53.13mickeylso I no longer care about diets ;)
18:53.20hrwmickeyl: 256M RAM?
18:53.21koenGiB or Gib?
18:53.43mickeylwell, GB
18:53.46mickeylhrw: I'm afraid not.
18:53.52mickeyllet me check memory specs
18:54.32mickeylhmm 64MB in the develboard
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18:54.42mickeyldunno whether this will be increased for the final
18:55.04T0mWI don't why I keep buying Asus motherboards.  :(  
18:57.30hrwuf.. mail sent
18:59.10koenmickeyl: the bär was a bit pricey, so it looks like we'll be staying at the majestic
18:59.10koenthe cable modem is being sick again
18:59.57hrwmickeyl: 1093532 1121012, qte looks same size
19:00.15mickeylhmm, that's less worse than I've thought
19:01.36hrwtime to takeover
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19:02.37koens/ world/ :)
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19:26.48joshinDoing a fresh build of openslug from the makefile but am getting a "ImportError: cannot import name msg"  Is this expected, odd, or me doing something wrong on my end?
19:28.20CIA-903pH5 * r90bb70bf... 10/ (1 packages/linux/ handhelds-pxa-2.6_cvs: update HHV
19:31.30*** join/#oe koen|awa1 (
19:32.28hrwsleep well guys
19:32.44pgfellerhrw: sleep well & thanks
19:32.53hrw|gonenp pgfeller
19:34.14cyrilRomainjoshin: did you updated bitbake ? msg is one bitbake module
19:35.53joshinI thought I did.  Am grabbing again.  
19:36.18joshinmsg looks to be a new module.  It might not be part of the openslug master makefile.  Not sure yet.
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19:38.59cyrilRomainjoshin: looking at CIA, RP made some change on So I guess updating bitbake will solve your issue
19:39.32cyrilRomains/some/some recent/
19:39.44joshin1Yup, thanks!
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19:50.32eFfeMhi, anyone an idea what is wrong if bb tells me: ImportError: cannot import name msg
19:51.14cyrilRomaineFfeM: scroll up, updating bitbake worked for joshin
19:51.45eFfeMcyrilRomain: must see if this is in my log, was offline for 30 mins or so
19:51.47joshincyrilRomain, It hasn't worked yet.  I'm doing a fresh download
19:52.07joshinBut I expect it will...
19:52.39eFfeMoops. forgot that I do not have oe logged to disk
19:52.54eFfeMjoshin, what are you attempting?
19:53.24cyrilRomaineFfeM: joshin has the same error message
19:53.52joshinI'm trying to figure out why building gcc 4.1.x for openslug dies on my gentoo amd64 box and was trying a fresh install on a P3.
19:53.57eFfeMjust did an mtn update, before that it works
19:54.23joshineFfeM, what target are you trying to build for?
19:54.34joshincyrilRomain, I dare you to mtn update.  :)
19:54.38eFfeMjoshin there are some issues with amd, don't know the details, but apparently the openslug image is also bigger with amd than when build with intel
19:54.45eFfeMjoshin, openslug
19:54.56joshinBizarre.  AMD vs Intel or 64 vs 32 bit?
19:55.25eFfeMdunno. I have an D930 cpu (3 Ghz, dual core)
20:02.38joshinOk, looks like the current version of bitbake grabbed from org.nslu2-linux.bitbake has issues.
20:02.41eFfeMjoshin, thought it is amd64 vs rest of the world (including amd32) not totally sure though
20:03.33joshinSo cyrilRomain can you risk updating and see if the main repository is fine?  If so then the issue is with org.nslu2-linux.bitbake
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20:06.16eFfeMok, i'm leaving for a while (almost melting from my chair), back later, feel free to leave a msg
20:06.30eFfeM(might log on from the laptop as well)
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20:09.11Slimsi would like to compile a local saved kernel tree (mod of handhelds-sa-2.6 kernel )
20:09.14Slimswhat's the local.conf syntax to link to "my source tree" instead of the unpacked handhelds-sa-2.6 package in the work dir
20:10.07*** join/#oe eFfeM (
20:10.21eFfeMok, back from other system
20:11.00CIA-903eFfeM * ra1d864e3... 10/ (6 files in 3 dirs): asterisk: added on behalf of Corneliu Doban
20:11.24SlimseFfeM: :-)
20:11.30*** join/#oe W8TVI (n=me@
20:15.51pgfellerHi all, - on what do I have to DEPEND if I rely on uinput support?
20:17.10cyrilRomainjoshin: I'm on my laptop with a fresh OE checkout. but have another issue (I have to configure my local.conf). So I'll tell you asap
20:22.01joshinthanks cyrilRomain!
20:22.19cyrilRomainjoshin: do you have the error message as soon as you run bitbake ?
20:22.53cyrilRomainjoshin: ah, I have compilation issue on quilt (qemu because I use gcc4) but don't have your bitbake error
20:24.12cyrilRomainjoshin: is org.nslu2-linux.bitbake a bitbake branch (I mean not the bitbake/branches/bitbake-1.6 one) ?
20:24.53joshinI'm not (yet) sure.  After I deal with a sick and cranky 2.5 year old and get her to eat her lunch I'll poke at it.
20:26.41koen|awaypgfeller: on nothing, (R)DEPENDING on kernel-modules is a bug
20:27.23eFfeMkoen|away, does this bitbake thing ring a bell for you ?
20:28.22pgfellerkoen:  mhh ... should I check in the preinst script then, if the environment is suited for the package?
20:30.01koen|awaypgfeller: you can do RRECOMMENDS = "kernel-modules-uinput"
20:30.49pgfellerkoen: thanks .. I'll do so.
20:31.24koen|awaythere's no foolproof way to check for kernel features :(
20:31.56pgfellernp ... the pgm checks it again anyhow ;-)
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20:40.49CIA-903rpurdie * r607 10bitbake/lib/bb/ Convert Deps and RunDeps fields into sets, add debugging code for tracing indriect circular dependencies
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21:10.09CIA-903clarson * rdb2f843f... 10/ (5 files in 2 dirs): Restructure the subpackage metadata to facilitate use of that metadata by other packages.
21:12.05koenkergoth: yay!
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21:14.27CosmicPenguinwow - fun
21:17.06koenCosmicPenguin: might interest you
21:17.33koenCosmicPenguin: if you combine that with multimachine.bbclass you can switch between glibc and uclibc with much pain
21:17.55Croftonwhy would we do something painful?
21:19.30CIA-903clarson * rfd4f8197... 10/ (1 classes/package.bbclass conf/bitbake.conf):
21:19.53kergothnot as flexible as it could be, but gets the job done
21:20.00CosmicPenguinkoen: but could you do it on a package by package basis? :)
21:21.03koenCosmicPenguin: not yet
21:21.33koenCosmicPenguin: I only managed to build nano against uclibc
21:25.32*** part/#oe eFfeM-log (
21:31.48CosmicPenguinThis is where I figure out if I at all manged to make sugar work
21:40.07CosmicPenguinheh - I suppose I would need python first
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22:17.31CIA-903rpurdie * r608 10bitbake/lib/bb/ Add a small cache for task ids for a big speed improvement
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23:09.18klatthello all
23:10.54klattanyone know much about pdaxrom?
23:11.09woglindewrong channel
23:11.52klattim in the wrong channel?
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23:12.26CosmicPenguinwow - nice
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23:12.54woglindewatch my *yedimove*
23:12.58woglindehe koen
23:18.47koenhey woglinde
23:26.34woglindehehe yes but I need to be a regexp monster
23:27.02woglindeto fix many stupid regexp in oe
23:28.38CosmicPenguinheh - I always thought kergoth had some well defined regex-foo
23:28.49CosmicPenguinHe always managed to impress me - I guess I'm simple
23:28.52woglindepb is a regexp master
23:31.05*** join/#oe ScytheBlade1 (n=Death@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1)
23:42.08woglindeah nice
23:42.20woglindeand backreferenz
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.