irclog2html for #oe on 20061015

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02:16.42CIA-403lenehan * r4e215232... 10/ (1 packages/diffutils/
02:16.42CIA-4diffutils 2.8.1: Use alternatives for diff since busybox also supplies a
02:16.42CIA-4diff command. As per #1472.
02:16.47CIA-403lenehan * r52356cfd... 10/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
02:16.47CIA-4psmisc: Psmisc was updated to use alternatives for fuser, however the PR
02:16.47CIA-4wasn't incremented, so bump the PR so the change gets propagated.
02:41.32CIA-403lenehan * r017c3ffd... 10/ (1 packages/fakeroot/
02:41.32CIA-4fakeroot 1.2.13: Fakeroot requires getopt which is provided via util-linux,
02:41.32CIA-4so make it RDEPEND on util-linux. Closes #1452.
02:41.37CIA-403lenehan * r5c481417... 10/ (1 packages/fakeroot/ fakeroot 1.2.13: Run it through to tidy it up.
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07:33.08tmbinc_mickey|zzZZzz: it *was* packaged? into what package? why wasn't it in the manifest?
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08:26.51mickey|zzZZzztmbinc_: no it wasn't. it is now: <CIA-4> mickeyl * r84667dc5... / (4 files in 3 dirs): python: add heapq and bisect support to python-lang, remove bisect from python-threading
08:27.12mickey|zzZZzztmbinc: but it didn't land in python-core, but python-lang instead, which is why twisted may want to RDEPEND on python-lan
08:34.18tmbinc_mickey|squash: oh, fine. Yes, python-core was just because it was a package which i needed anyway :) and i didn't knew better. Nice that it has now a final place. I'll update the twisted packages then. (it's been an issues only since a recent twisted version since old versions brought their own, probably for pre-python-2.3 compatibility)
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09:54.14zeckemickey|squash: I'm writing three sentences now
10:04.43mithro3 sentences?
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10:20.14hrwmithro: OEDEM summary
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10:25.32CIA-403hrw * rb4deec43... 10/ (4 files in 3 dirs): libaio: revert __io_getevents_0_4.patch (FTBFS on x86) and fix ARM version of io_syscall5 as suggested by Jamie Lenehan
10:29.41hrwsomeone has debian/arm available?
10:30.34koenhrw: install angstrom ;)
10:31.21hrwkoen: I need pure debian
10:31.56hrwdebian chroot on spitz could be probably be a solution..
10:32.12suihkulokkihrw: do you need root?
10:32.14hrwkoen: rb4deec43... need to be checked on arm
10:32.28hrwsuihkulokki: no - just need toolchain and libaio-dev installed
10:32.50hrwsuihkulokki: or even someone who will try to build aio-stress.c on such machine
10:33.28hrwKevin`: arm one? I have few x86 pure debian boxes available
10:33.44Kevin`I wish :)
10:34.01koenI did petition ARM for an MPCore board yesterday :)
10:34.31suihkulokkikoen: supposedly the MPCore board comes with only 64MB of ram
10:35.13koensuihkulokki: it is sadly just a versatile + MPCore tile(s)
10:35.42koensuihkulokki: but my aim was to tell ARM that OE is doing the heavy lifting for debian/ARM
10:37.13zeckewow camino sucks
10:37.26zeckeone site can disturb the layout of one in another window
10:37.36koenzecke: ain't it cute?
10:37.52koenzecke: and the popup blocker doesn't actually block popups
10:38.13koenzecke: the flash popups will just suck CPU while being invisible
10:38.18hrwBug report submitted to: "Debian Bug Tracking System" <>
10:40.30suihkulokkihrw: where can I find aio-stress.c ?
10:41.29hrwsuihkulokki: moment
10:42.01hrwsuihkulokki: instruction how to compile is in file
10:42.08hrwone gcc invocation
10:43.35suihkulokki/usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../ undefined reference to `__io_getevents_0_4'
10:44.13hrwsuihkulokki: THX
10:44.47hrwsuihkulokki: so libaio will get updated in debian soon
10:44.57zeckeone would hope that :)
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10:45.58hrw(C) in oe manual is sorted by anykind other then 'I started, I added, I added, I added too'?
10:46.16koenit's using zecke_sort
10:46.45koenI could give to the .c file, but you can only compile it with gcc 1.2 ;)
10:46.46zeckekoen: I need to enforce my trademark here
10:52.10hrwCIA-4: ing
10:52.45*** join/#oe psokolovsky (
10:53.23hrwwe will require bitbake 1.6.0 not 1.4.2
10:55.08CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * r123c0282... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: typo (lack of space between words)
10:55.14CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * rdb97c909... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: we do not have MAINTAINER field anymore
10:55.19CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * re11c6c27... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: we do not have MAINTAINER field anymore (2)
10:55.47CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * ra5c45296... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: s/need to specify everything by yourself/need to specify everything other by yourself/
10:55.51CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * r447fa700... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: required BitBake version is 1.6.0, not 1.4.2
10:57.13CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * r7e13fccd... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: another BitBake version bump
10:57.20hrwminimal supported monotone is still 0.28?
10:57.30koen0.26 iirc
10:58.06hrwkoen: do you plan to update 0.30 OE snapshot?
10:58.49koenhrw: when 0.31 gets released (approx. next week)
10:59.16koenI'll just do it now as well :)
10:59.57hrwI want to add info about 0.30 snapshot into docs
11:00.24CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * rbe2f4b76... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: link to monotone homepage instead of giving link
11:03.28koenhrw: snapshots updated
11:06.13CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * rca5216bb... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: rephrase 'getting OE' section, added info about 0.30 snapshot
11:09.42CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * r55b1d126... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: merge all paragraphs to be oneliners in whole document
11:13.32hrwhi psokolovsky
11:18.33hrwhow would you call 'arm' as cpu architecture? (compared to armv5te, armv4 names)
11:31.50koenhrw: 'ARM<number>' is the arch, 'ARMv<number>' is the instruction set
11:34.50hrwmachine need 3 things: target_arch, machine_features, pref_prov_virtual/kernel
11:34.53hrwsomething more?
11:35.23koenwith my COMPATIBLE_MACHINE proposal pref/virtual-kernel would become optional :)
11:38.18CIA-403hrw * r3d4d1770... 10/ (2 files in 2 dirs): openzaurus-sa: added COMPATIBLE_MACHINE
11:39.23CIA-403hrw * raf751acf... 10/ (2 files in 2 dirs): openzaurus-pxa27x: added COMPATIBLE_MACHINE
11:41.18hrwcrap kernels
11:41.30hrwor even crap 'so called' kernels
11:41.46leoncamel_irssithere are so many *-sa and *pxa stuff recently . :)
11:42.12hrwleoncamel_irssi: or *omap
11:43.03leoncamel_irssihrw: but *why* ? the COMPATIBLE_MACHINE ?
11:43.35hrwleoncamel_irssi: openzaurus-* kernels suxx
11:44.52leoncamel_irssihrw: ;). does the handhelds-* also suxx ?
11:45.04koenhrw: linux sucks, use eCos ;)
11:45.09hrwleoncamel_irssi: I cant discuss handhelds-* kernels as I do not use them
11:45.17hrwkoen: or vxworks
11:45.40hrwleoncamel_irssi: openzaurus-* ones are 2.4-crapix. very very low quality
11:45.51leoncamel_irssihrw: hmm, maybe *pSOS*. come on, what's wrong with linux. ;)
11:46.33hrwleoncamel_irssi: you never used 2.4 kernel on zaurus?
11:46.52mithroanyone know of a single page wiki?
11:47.31leoncamel_irssihrw: I needn't either. I preferre handhelds-* kernel
11:49.52*** join/#oe EvilDevil (
11:50.21leoncamel_irssihrw: well, what's wrong with zaurus kernel 2.4 series ?
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11:52.14hrwleoncamel_irssi: other then their tons of unknown patches, weird interdependencies, abilities to crash in random places?
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11:54.45leoncamel_irssihrw: sound terrible.
11:54.53CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * r6276a508... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: added task-base section
11:55.03CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * r6ed7e98b... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: added some infos about adding machine
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12:00.52leoncamel_irssihrw: does the document updated automaticly when you commited ?
12:01.05koenevery 30 minutes
12:01.38leoncamel_irssikoen: OH. how it works ?
12:01.51koena cronjob that build the html from the xml file
12:01.53leoncamel_irssikoen: refresh every 30 minutes ?
12:02.57leoncamel_irssikoen: hmm, if there isn't any commits, the cronjob will build the html then ?
12:04.08*** join/#oe furlongm__ (n=furlongm@
12:09.33koenit will build it every 30 minutes, regardless of commits
12:09.50koenwe want to hook it up to the CIA script, but we haven't had the time yet
12:21.36hrwleoncamel_irssi: it takes 3s anyway
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12:25.08hrwhtml version has too many divs..
12:25.19leoncamel_irssihrw: Ok.
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12:36.39CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * rcb9ac106... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: add new paragraph before steps
12:36.40CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * rd26a375b... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: added myself to (C)
12:39.28CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * r8e6fdbce... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: rewording in task-base: distro/machine config not .conf
12:39.59leoncamelhrw, WOW, there are a lot of commit on org.oe.documention. :)
12:40.16hrwleoncamel: many of them are simple rewording
12:40.23*** join/#oe furlongm___ (n=furlongm@
12:40.23hrwI prefer to commit often
12:40.58rwhitbycommit early, commit often.
12:41.25leoncamelhrw, yes. I agree
12:42.03*** join/#oe Laibsch (
12:42.32hrwand another rewording...
12:42.35hrwhi Laibsch
12:42.53CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * r3f29d540... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: another rewording in task-base: distro options list things
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12:44.31hrwtime for 'creating a new distro' part
12:44.53leoncamelhrw, why is the COMPATIBLE_MACHINE required by every linux kernel stuff ?
12:45.00leoncamelhrw, IIRC
12:45.11hrwleoncamel: to know which machines are handled by this kernel recipe
12:45.26hrwleoncamel: will linux-ipod produce working kernel for my spitz zaurus?
12:45.46hrwor koen's dualCPU x86 machine?
12:46.54hrwgot it?
12:47.38leoncamelhrw, I think the developer would know "what he/she will do". i thought this dependancy it redundancy.
12:47.53hrwleoncamel: bitbake will does not know
12:48.31hrwleoncamel: we had a time when linux-jlime kernel was built for machines just because someone forgot to tell which kernel is preferred
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12:50.02leoncamelhrw, hmm, OK. why not *abort* if "the someone" forget the kernel preferre ? is it make sense ?
12:50.38hrwleoncamel: we discussed it already many times
12:51.23leoncamelhrw, :). OK. word it into usermanual ? or FAQ ?
12:51.45hrwkernel policy
12:52.22leoncamelhrw, WOW. I miss it. :).
12:52.52hrwwe too
12:56.12leoncamelhrw, hmm, I thought there was a chapter named "kernel policy" now, but I found nonthing. ;) so, you are planning it now ?
12:56.37hrwleoncamel: we need to create list of missing policies and start writing them
12:56.47hrwand I will rather do not write it today
12:57.27leoncamelhrw, :). OK. I am waiting for it. It will make sense.
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13:05.44hrwhi law
13:05.53_law_|iBookhi hrw
13:06.23hrwcreating of new distribution has 7 entries in list
13:11.28hrw_law_|iBook: wait a moment and CIA-4 will tell you
13:11.28CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * rc92c658d... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: creating of new distribution
13:11.31CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * ra0b62783... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: merged another paragraph into one line
13:11.35CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * rd9c068c0... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: LC_ALL=C for subversion output
13:13.08CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * r563832df... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: removed empty paragraph
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13:20.27hrwCIA-4: kick
13:20.27CIA-403hrw 07org.oe.documentation * r39e2c5ef... 10/ (1 usermanual/usermanual.xml): usermanual: creating of own image
13:20.31_law_|iBookhrw a okay  :-)
13:40.57CIA-403hrw * r0c0c4306... 10/ (1 packages/tasks/ task-base: support 'pci' feature
13:45.44CIA-403hrw * rad39206b... 10/ (1 conf/machine/guinness.conf): guiness: added pci to MACHINE_FEATURES
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14:13.20CIA-403pfalcon * rdc352035... 10/ (1 conf/machine/h4000.conf):
14:13.21CIA-4h4000: Remove pcmcia from MACHINE_FEATURES.
14:13.21CIA-4* h4000 has only internal pcmcia slot, to which acx100 wifi is hardwired.
14:13.21CIA-4Thus, no need to support arbitrary PCMCIA devices.
14:31.55LaibschSomebody willing to change the preferred version of binutils-cross and binutils to 2.17 in openzaurus-unstable.conf in .dev branch?  This would fix bug 1421.
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14:36.02Laibschzecke: In what way?  Can you comment in the bug report.  This was previously discussed briefly and others seemed to be unaware that this might create problems.
14:37.12zeckeLaibsch: did it build glibc 2.4 by default?
14:37.19zeckeLaibsch: or did you try to force it to?
14:37.56*** part/#oe Rexxar (n=Rexx@
14:38.11LaibschActually, I also made a change to compile glibc 2.5.  That seemed to work.
14:38.28LaibschI can retry with 2.4 (not reset default set elsewhere).
14:38.46zeckeLaibsch: the question is which glibc will be build by default
14:39.29LaibschI think 2.4 is default.  It was being built until I specifically set preferred version in local.conf.
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14:42.17CIA-403mickeyl * rbc947a86... 10/ (5 files in 2 dirs):
14:42.17CIA-4python-pyrex[-native]: upgrade to fixing compatibility with Python 2.4
14:42.17CIA-4This fixes errors like the following:
14:42.21CIA-403mickeyl * r7484bb8b... 10/ (7 files in 3 dirs): upgrade python-dbus to 0.71. patches (seem to be) no longer necessary. close #1479
14:44.16zeckeLaibsch: let me pull
14:44.35XorA|goneDO NOT change that binutils version
14:45.04zeckeRP: can LTT answer questions like: How much mem was used dirung execution of foo?
14:45.43XorA|goneLaibsch: if you want to use glibc 2.5 then use angstrom configuration
14:46.04LaibschXorA|gone: I compile for collie.
14:46.41XorA|gone2.17 doesnt work for glibc 2.3.5+cvs which is default for oz-unstable
14:47.06hrwLaibsch: create own distro
14:47.17XorA|goneadd collie support to Angstrom
14:47.21LaibschWow, that would be quite a feat for me.
14:47.23hrwLaibsch: openzaurus-laibsch.conf
14:47.37LaibschAre you serious?
14:47.42hrwLaibsch: I'm
14:47.49LaibschNobody else using collie anymore?
14:47.50XorA|goneLaibsch: why not, its a simple tet file
14:48.02hrwLaibsch: my collie gather dust
14:48.21XorAglibc 2.5 is the way of pain anyway :-)
14:48.23hrwhi XorA
14:48.33XorAhey hrw
14:49.16zeckeXorA: we do not pin glibc to 2.3.5 in oz unstable (even if one should do)
14:49.36XorAzecke: then we probably should, 2.4/2.5 arent working on arm
14:49.46LaibschBut "forking" will not help anyone.  If anything I want to get that stuff back in OE.  That is IMHO better.  But I guess there are some obstacles to it ATM.  But on the other hand.  The current config should not compile much anything.  So maybe openzaurus-collie.conf is better than openzaurus-laibsch.conf?
14:50.20hrwLaibsch: oz will use glibc 2.3.5 and gcc 3.4.4 binutils 2.16
14:50.37hrwLaibsch: this way it is sort of compatible with normal releases
14:51.29LaibschBut that breaks glibc compilation and without glibc you do not have much of anything ;-)
14:51.55zeckehrw: then set PREFERRED VERSION for glibc on oz-unstable
14:52.17hrwzecke: i suspected it has it.
14:52.26nicolasfrmickey: thanks for python-dbus. I hope pygtk2.10 will compile, so that we can make nice applets in matchbox
14:52.37zeckehrw: I can't find it :)
14:52.58XorAhrw: its possible we assumed it had it because 2.3.5+cvs was always the default for so long
14:53.19XorAthe real bug in 1421 is we didnt pin it if that is the case
14:53.34Laibschzecke: Which is what I suggested.
14:53.34zeckeXorA: ack
14:53.59zeckehrw: do you have time to edit the file?
14:55.35hrwpulling, will push
14:55.37Laibschhrw: Cool.  Thanks a lot.
14:56.01hrwzecke, XorA: can you look at recent .documentation changes?
14:56.12XorAhrw: I try and find time tomorrow
14:56.42hrwLaibsch: pushed
14:56.43zeckehrw: after i have finished this physics crap...
14:57.07CIA-403hrw * r68939422... 10/ (1 conf/distro/openzaurus-unstable.conf): openzaurus-unstable: set glibc version to same as in release versions: 2.3.5+cvs20050627 - probably will close #1421 bug
14:57.42XorAhrw: wont you need to pin -intermediate -initial aswell
14:58.39hrwXorA: there is no intermediate one
14:58.40XorAhrw: ignore me, we dont have those for 2.3.5
14:59.59hrwI will lecture on OpenEmbedded in wednesday
15:12.33Laibschhrw: Thanks.  I will try it out.
15:12.48psokolovskyLaibsch, Hi!
15:13.11psokolovskyLaibsch, you won't believe - I tested granule on h4000 ;-)))
15:14.06psokolovskyLaibsch, sorry that it took so long - I selected it as test to make build fam0.8.4-compatible packages, and that's time it took to get it work ;-)
15:14.47psokolovskyLaibsch, of course, it's barely usable on qvga. Another suggestion, that it would be nice to add a sample package with cards.
15:15.10psokolovskyLaibsch, but otherwise, looks nice! please submit it for OE mainline inclusion.
15:18.18Laibschpsokolovsky: Thanks for the report.  I was going to package it up.  Please make your comments about qvga etc to upstream at as well.  There is a task I opened in this respect.  The author is requesting feedback which I was so far unable to give him since my Z broke.  I got a replacement yesterday.
15:18.46psokolovskyLaibsch, will do
15:18.55Laibschpsokolovsky: Please do not forget to mention the device you had this running on.
15:19.31hrwLaibsch: which Z you finally got?
15:21.05Laibschhrw: I bought the used Z from my friend.  So it is again a collie.  got it for 50€ plus 256 meg SD card, Wifi SD, leather case and battery pack.  So this was OK for me.  I got it sooner than the C1000 my girlfriend could have brought along from Japan next month and I do not like the recent models too much.
15:21.37Laibschkoen|away: If you ever see that Nokia 770 for 99€ again, do not forget to let me know ;-)  I will get it instantly.
15:22.06Laibschs/Wifi SD/Wifi CF/
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15:49.04hrwI'm starting to hate more and more
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15:53.00zeckehrw: use abiword or koffice
15:53.03zeckehrw: lyx?
15:54.09hrwzecke: I need somethign to create presentation
15:54.24hrwI would like to make it nicer then the one which I had at oedem
15:54.43zeckelatexbeamer + OpenGL animation
15:54.58NAbysshrw: S5?
15:55.56*** join/#oe likewise (
15:56.42hrwprobably will stay with shitty impress
15:57.06hrwthis I already 'know'
15:57.40hrwbut still cant understand why I cant define boxes to have same style on each slide
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15:59.48Laibschhrw: Did you try F11?
16:00.00Laibschhrw: I think that should achieve what you are looking for.
16:00.17Laibschman Styles.  man Style Editor.
16:00.46hrwLaibsch: I know that this exist
16:00.52Laibschhrw: Let me know if you need help with it.
16:00.55LaibschI guess MAINTAINER should be removed from the fields listed at ?
16:01.03hrwLaibsch: should be removed
16:01.09Laibschhrw: OK
16:01.38hrwLaibsch: the problem with styles in impress is: which style is where used by default etc
16:01.42Laibschhrw: re, press F11 select outline1 and modify.  Select third or fourth tab and you are all set.
16:02.47hrwLaibsch: you have 1.x or 2.x?
16:02.54Laibschhrw: I agree sometimes seems unintuitive and there is room for improvement.  But the payoff is there. tries to do the right thing just like OE.  But that means, one stumbles across an oddity here and there.
16:03.12LaibschNewest Debian testing or unstable, I am not sure.
16:03.48LaibschThe about window says it is from August 17th so quite recent.
16:04.16LaibschIt is the forth tab, BTW.  I counted ;-)
16:04.30hrwLaibsch: I do not have tabs there at all
16:04.39zeckeLaibsch: hehe. Save as different format. print out the screenshot of the messagebox, show it to a usability expert and they will cry.. ;)
16:04.42LaibschLet me send you a screenshot.
16:05.20hrwI'm starting hacking way... change all styles to insane look and check when it will break
16:10.06hrwits good that after this presentation I will not have to make newer ones
16:10.26hrwso maybe I will find time to remind how it was with latex
16:11.01Laibschzecke: What is so bad about it?  It is almost the same as MS Office, but maybe that is bad, too.
16:11.12hrwyou can edit Title style... but not background of it
16:11.45hrwLaibsch: Ania told that when she first time used powerpoint she just got what she was needing. and it was after fighting with impress
16:12.00hrwhi chouimat
16:12.15hrwchouimat: join antifan club
16:12.54Laibschhrw: Style support is bad.  I agree.  I have a couple of year-old bug reports about it.  I was able to hack around by going into the xml source.  The functionality is there.  But the GUI has not been added for years.  I was looking for a way to align headers to the bottom of a reference.
16:13.16chouimathrw: :)
16:13.23hrwLaibsch: I cant find a place where I can edit header/footer for example
16:13.50hrwI think that it is easier to create presentations in OO Writer then in OO Impress
16:14.26chouimathrw: I found this (tonicpoint.jar) so now I can look at the *.pps that the people send me  :)
16:14.39chouimathrw: I use latex-beamer for my presentation ;)
16:14.46Laibschhrw: I had the same experience but after complaining to people (this is FOSS, after all!) they convinced they just had a different logic.  And I got even convinced by them that their logic was more straight-forward.  The example that got me was where to set page margins.  Totally different place than I was used to from Powerpoint.  But more stringent placement in indeed.
16:14.48hrwbut with 4.5 user will be able to make presentations
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16:15.11hrwchouimat: I will do that too but no time to learn it now
16:15.32hrwLaibsch: its foss but with dead users #channel
16:15.59Laibschhrw: In a way you remind me of a Windows user switching Linux and complaining things are not working as in Windows (although they work better which you only appreciate after some time)
16:16.15hrwLaibsch: I never used software for presentations
16:16.20Laibschhrw: Would you want to support it?  ML is very active and helpful.
16:16.22hrw*never* before oo impress
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16:17.24Laibschhrw: I worked for management consultancy and presentations are your bread and butter there.  The Latex solution that geeks usually propose is the shits and hardly legible, believe me.  Powerpoint produces shitty presentations by default, too, though.
16:17.54chouimathrw: you can also try koffice instead of ;)
16:18.10hrwchouimat: when did koffice got presentation app?
16:18.32hrwchouimat: and how often will it redraw own UI? kspread is unusable for me
16:19.10chouimathrw: that I don't know ...
16:19.13hrwchouimat: read opendocument?
16:19.31hrweach time when I try koffice I feel that it need work
16:19.41chouimatyes ... it's the standard document type
16:19.47zeckehrw: that is true, but it is more promising than oo
16:20.17chouimathrw: I personaly think that and MS Orifice need work ...
16:21.39chouimathrw:  and it use less resources than OO ... which is good imho :)
16:22.06hrwchouimat: show me software which does not need work..
16:22.20Laibschhrw: View - Header and Footer
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16:22.43chouimathrw: FreeDOS ...
16:24.44hrwLaibsch: yep.. I have this menu option. but resulting window lack header at all ;)
16:27.48Laibschhrw: Then take a look at the slide master.  I can work that fine, here.
16:28.32LaibschView - Master - Slide Master
16:30.10hrwok ok
16:30.27hrwlooks like by default impress does not have header even in slide master
16:30.42LaibschYes, that is strange, I agree.
16:30.52hrwmy next presentations will be written with latex-beamer or oo writer
16:31.02LaibschAs I said, sometimes the GUI is lacking when compared to the backend functionality.
16:31.24hrwbut I do not plan to hack or use it more then needed
16:31.58LaibschBut if nothing works you can always hack the XML which is sort of like hacking in TeX, I guess (gives commands for structure instead of gui click-and-drag)
16:32.56Laibschhrw the file is a simple zip file with XML inside.  Quite easy.
16:33.05hrwLaibsch: I know that
16:33.14hrwI WANNA SCREAM
16:33.20hrwfskinch shit called
16:34.21hrwtime to run oo writer
16:34.40hrwor even abiword
16:36.26hrwabiword -> opendocument -> pdf -> screen
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16:37.36koen_hrw: use clutter :)
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16:53.23goxboxlivekoen_ Have there ever been an angstrom-opie-image ?
16:55.45NAbyssgoxboxlive: no, iirc.. apparently there's nobody willing to maintain it
16:55.53zeckegoxboxlive: sadly it is currently quite unlikely that Opie will be part of angstrom
16:56.28zeckegoxboxlive: also it is unlikely Opie will stay in OE, but mickeyl and me are not yet sure how to handle it
16:57.20goxboxlivezecke: Hmm that's sad, a lot of users like Opie bether than GPE. It is more user friendly.
16:57.43zeckegoxboxlive: It was not Dev friendly enough :)
16:57.51koenit is soooooo great that no-one want to maintain it
16:58.09zeckegoxboxlive: Opie has not have a developer actively improving, maintaining it for over a year now
16:58.31zeckegoxboxlive: so we attracted users, made good code, easily portable but failed to attract devs
16:58.46zeckegoxboxlive: such is life. maybe one day Qtopia is Free and can be used
16:59.05koenzecke: qtopia free? when hell freezes over probably
16:59.06goxboxlivekoen: I have seen some screenshots of GPE wich looks much nicer/bether than the fresh compiled. Why doesnt it come out like that ( if you know what i mean)
16:59.23zeckekoen: wait
16:59.35koengoxboxlive: because some people objected to theme changes too much
17:00.28goxboxlivecorrect me if i am wrong, but GPE seems aslo slower than Opie, is that also for your devices, or is it just for the Universal?
17:00.40koendepends on how you configure it
17:01.27goxboxliveWith Opie, i have at least 20MB ram free, but with GPE i have approximantly 10MB
17:01.43koenyou were talking about speed
17:01.51goxboxliveno, memory
17:02.04koen" but GPE seems aslo slower than Opie" <- speed
17:02.22goxboxlivewell, the less memory you have the slower gets the machine
17:02.38koenthat's bullshit
17:02.43goxboxlivei am talking about free memory.
17:03.11zeckekoen: it is not :)
17:03.17koenmy powerbook won't get faster if I add a gigabyte of ram
17:03.21zeckekoen: use Gtk/GPE on a 32m machine
17:03.29goxboxliveIn example, i cant install packages over 'ipkg install foo.ipk' because of free memory issue
17:03.35zeckekoen: compared that to Opie which fits in 16mb  ;)
17:03.37koenzecke: I have, use gtk 2.6
17:04.05goxboxlivekoen: No, of course not, but you can have more tasks active with more ram
17:04.19zeckekoen: still needs +48mb to work
17:04.30zeckekoen: or talk to CoreDump|afk ;)
17:04.49koenzecke: opie can't update my ical calendars via http, and gpe-calendar can
17:05.10koenwhich is a bit academic, since opie doesn't run on the 770 :)
17:05.22zeckekoen: whatever. that doesn't change the basic requirement
17:05.35koenit changes the parameters
17:05.50koenI can say "busybox fits in 1 MB of ram"
17:05.57goxboxliveThe HTC universal has 64MB ram, and the angstrom/gpe is runned from the SD card, but likely when i have used it for som minutes it gets slower.
17:06.15koenuse XIP :)
17:06.26zeckekoen: so if matchbox+mb-desktop+gpe needs 48mb of RAM to get usable
17:06.39zeckekoen: and not talking about GPE calendar
17:06.48koenzecke: it doesn't with gtk 2.6, gtk 2.8 is a memory hog
17:06.58koenzecke: stop spreading FUD
17:07.00zeckekoen: and randomly tossing foo feature of foo app is...
17:07.00goxboxliveI dont know what XIP is, but could there be a solution for me to add a SWAP space on my SD card?
17:07.44NAbysszecke: So I should be glad I've got a Z with a microdrive to put swap on? :)
17:08.45zeckekoen: don't be so sensitive here. It is a fact that Gtk+/KDrive+MB needs more RAM than a basic Opie (not talking about additional apps)
17:09.34zeckekoen: and Qt is even written in C++ ;)
17:09.34zeckeanyway, time for some tv
17:10.35zeckegoxboxlive: but still it is unlikely Opie will remain in OpenEmbedded. But we are really not sure what to do with it
17:10.35koenzecke: sure, it needs more ram, but it's perfectly usuable with 32MB
17:10.44goxboxlivezecke: i c
17:10.53leoncamelhow can I force building ffmpeg_cvs ? bitbake always choosing the ffmpeg_0.4.9pre1.
17:10.55koenzecke: create an org.openembedded.unmaintained branch for it?
17:11.05goxboxliveWhat about my SWAP qustion, could that be an solution for me?
17:11.19koensure, I use swap on most of my devices
17:11.53goxboxlivekoen: That will be a good idea, dont throw it away, someone of us still like to play with Opie
17:12.15goxboxliveAnd there might be a day someone with skills will start to maitain it.
17:12.17koenif someone wants to play with it, he should consider maintaining it
17:12.17den-ros"koen: zecke: qtopia free? when hell freezes over probably" :) I lake Qt and like Opie in past - but now i will try work only for Gpe. I think Koen right - we do not need Opie further. It is more effective work only for one direction. GPE simple need deep cleaning and some artwork to will be and work more nice even new Qtopia. I think, yet more nice if new UI will be vectoring graphics.
17:12.35koenI don't think gpe is the answer either
17:12.43goxboxlivekoen: I will tru that and use a swap partition
17:12.48koenfwiw, I like qt 4.2, I hate qt/e
17:12.53zeckekoen: there is a difference between getting killed by OOM and being usable
17:13.13zeckekoen: sure GPE/GTK+ doesn't get killed on 32MB but only because the linux kernel over commits memory :)
17:13.38koenzecke: have  you actually done measurements, are are you repeating lorns fud?
17:14.01koens/are are/or are/
17:14.03zeckemeasurements, surveys
17:14.27koenwhat did you measure, and did you document the measurement protocol?
17:14.32gremlin[it]hi all ... i got "Unrecognized kernel image" from bootldr ... probably because there aren't /boot/zImage in the /boot directory of rootfs directory ... :(
17:14.53zeckekoen: fax me the signed NDA and I might give you access
17:15.37koenI don't have a fax
17:15.45zeckekoen: but we can talk to one (the only) survey participant ( CoreDump|afk )
17:15.48koenzecke: should we start gpg signing our blog posts?
17:15.57koenzecke: right, CoreDump|afk
17:16.54zeckegosh I hate our physics department
17:18.31koenzecke: 'fax', is that some new MSN thing?
17:19.25zeckekoen: no that would be FAX live
17:19.36koenfaxP :)
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17:20.31CoreDump|afkgee, you really, really, *really* don't wanna run GPE on 32M if you can avoid it
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17:20.53zeckeI woke him up :)
17:27.50CoreDump|afkthe bloody poodle is basically OOM when you hit gpe-login =)
17:29.38siriusnovaare poodles better then collies?
17:30.30chouimatsiriusnova: nope they are too small and annoying :)
17:31.01siriusnovaanyone here builta newer konqueror for collie on OZ?
17:35.23CIA-403mickeyl * rc5ad8766... 10/ (1 conf/distro/generic-unstable.conf conf/distro/generic.conf):
17:35.23CIA-4generic-unstable.conf: remove
17:35.23CIA-4generic.conf: use gcc 4.1.1 / glibc 2.4
17:53.37koenlet the RFC fests begin :)
17:53.46koenmickey|dinner: thanks for sending the summary
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18:05.48goxboxlivewhen i am making a swap partion with fdisk, do i have to make the filesystem like for ext3 (mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdc1) ??
18:06.45NAbyssgoxboxlive: mkswap
18:11.55NAiLkoen: the oe calendar link in your mail is broken
18:14.46koenNAiL: ah right, missed on occurence in my draft :(
18:15.43zecketime for revenge of the sith
18:15.54zeckegoxboxlive: btw: soon(tm) Qtopia will be GPL :}
18:16.41goxboxlivezecke: yes i have heared about that.
18:17.04ade|deskzecke: how soon is soon ?
18:17.06goxboxliveand will you put qtopia in to OE
18:17.11koenzecke: january?
18:17.34KristofferRP, you there?
18:18.34zeckekoen: dunno, Norway soon(tm)...
18:18.50zeckegoxboxlive: if TT gurantees to regulary release GPL
18:19.44chouimatzecke: sound like any government soon ...
18:20.16koenchouimat: or like 'novell code drop'
18:20.32chouimatkoen hehe
18:21.07chouimatkoen "we're working on it ... but the management is too busy having their head in the ass" soon
18:21.57koen"Screw the community, we have paying costumers" soon
18:23.52suihkulokkiwell.. community = potential competitors, paying customers = butter to your bread
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19:06.45likewisechouimat: got icecream running?
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19:11.49koenyou scream, I scream, we all scream ice-cream
19:12.23koenor something like that :)
19:12.48chouimatlikewise: yup ... need to finish my ppc->i686 and my i686->ppc crosscompilers before trying the arm-linux and arm-elf ones
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19:16.20goxboxlivekoen: I added 128MB SWAP partition and it seems to help a lot.
19:18.04koenzecke|later: having 6MB of ipkg lists in tmpfs isn't helping either on 32MB ram devices
19:18.11Kristoffermickey|dinner, trying out konqueror. It starts (export KDEDIR and installed all helvetica fonts) but I cannot see any text (I've typed or on webpage)
19:22.09likewisechouimat: you are running icecream from within OE bitbake, or stand-alone?
19:25.38likewisechouimat: I am preparing a VMWare virtual machine, with the intention of minimizing it for icecream only.
19:27.11chouimatlikewise: standalone ... I didn't tried it with bitbake yet ... so far it work with all the stuff I compiled even portage :)
19:27.45likewisechouimat: I tried it with OE last few days, works ok, I just need more machines to really scale-up :-)
19:28.09chouimatlikewise: I currently have 4 computers so it's ok
19:28.41chouimatmaybe I could had the 2 P200MMXs I have but I will need to hack the code a little bit
19:28.44koenlikewise: now lets install a scheduler on and have bitbake make a tunnel automagically :)
19:29.27likewisekoen: I have been thinking about the tunneling, but I do not see an easy solution, do you?
19:29.47chouimatlikewise: try openvpn :)
19:30.56koenlikewise: can you hardcode the distcc scheduler IP ?
19:31.09zecke|laterkoen: distcc has no scheduler
19:31.24zecke|laterkoen: this is why there is icecream
19:31.28koenah right
19:32.19likewiseDoes icecream *need* the clients to be on the same network? I know you can specify the IP address of the scheduler, but I do not know if it must be on the same network.
19:33.21chouimatlikewise: I managed to get a client working on while the scheduler was on (you need to specify the scheduler ip iirc)
19:33.42zecke|laterlikewise: clients communicate with each other
19:34.03zecke|laterlikewise: as long as you have proper routes it will work
19:35.06likewisezecke|later: but they will need to contact the scheduler first, and that IP address can be specified.
19:35.17zecke|laterlikewise: it can
19:35.26zecke|laterlikewise: if you have a debian start script you can set an IP
19:35.54likewisezecke|later: I saw /etc/defaults/icecc.conf on Ubuntu.
19:37.01zecke|laterlikewise: IIRC you can set a ip address
19:39.15likewisekoen: have all the uni's computer autoboot into the "icecream" (virtual) machine, have them autoconnect via openvpn to, and spawn iceccd contacting the OE scheduler
19:39.57likewisekoen: oh, yes, and multithread bitbake on the package level
19:40.31koenlikewise: I ehm...
19:40.38koenran dnetc on the lab computers :)
19:41.26koendistributed computing
19:41.44likewisekoen: :-)
19:42.15koenchouimat: cracking rc5-64
19:42.30chouimatkoen ok
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20:11.01Crofton|homemtn: misuse: path _MTN/tmp/1 already exists
20:11.51Crofton|homeany thoughts?
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20:13.34koenCrofton: too many local changes?
20:13.47Crofton|homeshouldn't be
20:14.32Crofton|homeI am thinking I should blow away the working copy and start over even
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20:30.45RPmorning all
20:30.59koengood morning RP
20:31.54koenRP: positive feedback from angstrom users about psplash
20:32.02koenRP: bah, DoS'es suck
20:32.07RPThankfully pine seems able to cope with a 1.1GB mbox with 163,000 messages in it...
20:32.19RPkoen: Excellent :)
20:32.40koenRP: do you have the original poky png?
20:32.49koenIneed to figure the shade of grey
20:33.06RPYou'd have to ask mallum for it
20:33.21RPI just fixed the bugs in it ;-)
20:33.32koen(ipaq hx4700)
20:38.35RPkoen: Looks good :)
20:38.53koenthe movie lessens the contracts between white and poky grey :)
20:41.03RPpsplash and the sysvinit changes are merged into .dev now I presume?
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20:46.15likewisebitbake -g $1 -I '-native' -I 'arm.*-linux-' -I 'lib(c|intl|iconv)'
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20:56.50mickey|tvKristoffer: dunno about installing Helvetica, I just copied the DejaVuSans entry and _named_ it helvetica in the font configuration file. That worked here.
20:57.49Kristoffermickey|tv, got it working. It needed some other fonts from qpf-qte
20:58.56CIA-403mickeyl * r2a35ebf8... 10/ (4 files in 2 dirs): cups: remove 1.1.19, remove 1.1.20, add fakeroot-native to 1.1.23 DEPENDS
20:59.07Kristoffermickey|tv, infact I think we could make konqueror depend on qpf-qte, and update the etc/rc5.d/S99opie to export KDEDIR=/usr
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20:59.50mickey|tvKristoffer: feel free. I'm no longer maintaining opie.
20:59.59Kristofferwho does?
21:00.42mickey|tvno one atm. I sent a query for a successor to opie-devel
21:01.31KristofferThe opie people is very quite on their irc channel :) Only managed to get replies from you, hrw and zecke
21:02.20mickey|tv#opie is only populated with users, not developers.
21:02.24mickey|tvthat's probably the problem
21:03.02mickey|tvperhaps someone in #qtopia can help
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21:10.11mickey|tvRP: please remind we, will bitbake correctly translate RDEPENDS = "foo-2.6.10" into DEPENDS handling?
21:11.07RPmickey|tv: No. It will ignore the version in something like RDEPENDS = "foo (>= 2.6.10)" though
21:11.23mickey|tvRP: ah, bummer. could we make it do that?
21:11.37mickey|tvRP: i see the need for us specifying minimum versions in the future more and more
21:11.48zeckemickey|tv: and maximum
21:11.57mickey|tvpreferably even that, yeah
21:11.57RPmickey|tv: I'd like to support versions in DEPENDS. I'm not sure about RDEPENDS
21:12.47RPmickey|tv: versioned DEPENDS are on the todo list. I agree its needed, although I don't find it very interesting ;-)
21:12.47mickey|tvRP:  DEPENDS would be sufficient for a start
21:12.56mickey|tvi can understand that
21:13.03likewiseFor the bitbake dev's: I submitted a patch for regexp support for --graph --ignore-deps
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21:13.42RPlikewise: I noticed. I haven't had time to look at the patch though
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21:14.19koen|awayone molten linksys PSU later :(
21:14.19kerwood~praise Kristoffer+zecke
21:14.20ibotAll hail Kristoffer+zecke!
21:14.30likewiseRP: ok, just wanted to know if I submitted it in the right place, tnx.
21:14.59likewisekoen|away: what device did you frie?
21:15.13mickey|tvRP: btw., i have removed most of the function-include mess. missing is glibc and gcc. and there is a bug in bitbake left that makes them appear in the wrong scopes, so that bitbake still complains.
21:15.18koenlikewise: the wap54g fried itself
21:15.34koenwifi suddenly went away and a plastic smell came
21:16.22likewisekoek: wow. I always wondered if those devices makes the chance of burning your own house down increase by a factor of ten...
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21:16.29koentime to buy a new toy tomorrow :)
21:16.30RPmickey|tv: Sounds good, thanks :)
21:16.42RPmickey|tv: I don't like the sound of the bug though :-/
21:17.00likewisekoen: only the PSU?
21:17.23koenlikewise: yes, so I could replace it with another +5v one
21:17.33koenbut the local store is having a closing sale :)
21:17.34likewisekerwood: smelled fried electronics at our lab means you have to buy a round of "appelflappen".
21:18.04koenlikewise: speaking of bugs:
21:18.05VoodooZpsokolovsky: fyi, the sphinx guys just posted a 0.2.1 update for pocketsphinx pertaining to a fixed-point bug.
21:18.24psokolovskyVoodooZ, hi, cool!
21:18.42VoodooZIt's good to see they are actively updating the software.
21:18.43likewisekoen: Nice shot!
21:18.43psokolovskyVoodooZ, did it build for you finally? did you test it yet?
21:18.51psokolovskyVoodooZ, yes!
21:18.54VoodooZYep. It built ok.
21:19.03zeckekoen: I will add a cron job for bonsai
21:19.05VoodooZbut I haven't been able to make it work yet.
21:19.08koenlikewise: now you know how an ant milking an aphid looks like :)
21:19.22koenzecke: hourly sounds ok
21:19.39VoodooZThe pocketsphinx_test script works but the demo one doesn't and complains about not being able to config the sound stuff.
21:20.03koenlikewise: granted :)
21:20.32koenzecke: I'm behind gprs right now, so ssh is a bit painfull
21:20.50VoodooZI'll try to update the .bb file but can you commit it for me?
21:21.14zecke0 22 * * 1-5    mail -s "It's 10pm" joe%Joe,%%Where are your kids?%
21:21.31VoodooZbtw, anybody seen this error before: /bin/sh: /sbin/genksyms: No such file or directory
21:21.38VoodooZWhat's genksyms part of?
21:22.36mickey|tvsounds like kernel stuff
21:22.50koenVoodooZ: I usually use to find out
21:22.59mickey|tvmickey@gandalf:~$ rpm -qf /sbin/genksyms
21:23.02VoodooZI got this while building alsa-driver
21:23.27VoodooZmickey|tv: yeah, I guess I could have done that too. :(
21:25.29zeckekoen: could you unfuck pysvn somehow?
21:25.41koenzecke: I can't
21:25.42VoodooZpsokolovsky: of course. lucky as I am just updating the pocketsphinx's bb file to fetch the 0.2.1 file fails at the patch task. :(
21:25.50koenzecke: or rather, I lack the skills
21:26.46psokolovskyVoodooZ, well, patch is simple, you should be able tp upgrade it. Or maybe, they fixed that harcodedness too? ;-)
21:27.29VoodooZhehe. yeah. I'll fix it.
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21:31.39koenzecke: seriously, I want to fix it, but really don't know how.
21:31.41mickey|tvg'night guys
21:31.50koenmickey|tv: check your mail :)
21:31.53RP'night mickey|zzZZzz
21:32.15mickey|zzZZzzkoen: it arrived and it's appreciated! I'll gladly reply tomorrow.
21:32.17zeckekoen: hopefully the cron job will be exected :)
21:32.30koenmickey|zzZZzz: good :)
21:32.48zeckekoen: should one mail the mtn folks about bonsai?
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21:33.09florianhi all
21:33.18koenzecke: I think they'd appriciate it
21:33.29koenzecke: florian can fix pysvn ;)
21:33.33koenhey florian
21:34.00zeckekoen: Sort by column? eek
21:34.13zeckekoen: actually that is quite easy now :)
21:34.34zeckeand I'm XHTML 1.0 strict!
21:36.01koenI'm HTML 2.0 :)
21:36.21zeckekoen: you can convert HTML2.0 to XHTML easily ;)
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21:37.00koenzecke: and some 'results per page' dropdown box somewhere
21:37.14zeckekoen: ?items=x
21:38.57zeckekoen: where may I put the code?
21:39.03zecke/vaw/www/oe/dl/ ?
21:39.38koenzecke: sure
21:40.28koenI will go to sleep now and be offline till I fix the PSU or buy a new AP (or both ;) )
21:40.30koen'night all
21:42.50VoodooZstupid question #37812: How do you guys normally generate patches using diff?
21:43.04VoodooZThe way I've been using is too specific I think.
21:44.14VoodooZdiff -urNd <old file> <new file> right?
21:49.40RPVoodooZ: use quilt
21:50.06VoodooZdeja vu!
21:50.37VoodooZalthough kergoth and other always told me to use quilt I never really did so I'm still a dummy. :)
21:51.00VoodooZone day perhaps...
21:52.52zeckeVoodooZ: use quilt or write a plugin for reiser4
21:52.53psokolovskyVoodooZ, I'm pretty satisfied with diff so far too ;-). And quilt lacks online documentation.
21:53.27VoodooZpsokolovsky: how do you normally generate your patch then. It's something I've never really learned properly.
21:53.49psokolovskyVoodooZ, diff -u <old> <new> ;-)
21:53.53VoodooZzecke: hehehe a plugin for reiser4! good one.
21:54.11psokolovskyVoodooZ, then edit the patch to your likes ;-E
21:54.18zeckepsokolovsky: I like koens one. diff -Nurd
21:54.24zeckeI cn remember that one
21:55.06zeckenite guys
21:56.39VoodooZthe strange thing is that file in the new pocketsphinx is almost exactly the same. does patch expect a specific date?
21:57.55psokolovskyVoodooZ, nope ;-) patch is no magic. it just does what's specified in diff file, including checking context.
21:58.04psokolovskyVoodooZ, context is usually a caveat
22:01.44Laibschpsokolovsky: ;-)
22:02.42psokolovskyLaibsch, Nice!
22:02.44VoodooZok. I was just being paranoid because of the header's inclusion of date/time.
22:04.05LaibschAnybody know a guide on how to write a GUI for QVGA devices or embedded devices in general?  You know, something like do's and dont's for embedded devices' GUI.
22:08.27psokolovskyLaibsch, I'm afraid, if one wants specifics, and not just common facts, one will need to look at actual patches for some software. gaim is almost the only example I know ;-(
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22:13.07Laibsc1Sorry, DSL hickup.  Any replies?
22:14.00VoodooZpsokolovsky: your patch still works. You only need to clone the pocket_sphinx .bb file and update the URL from 0.2 to 0.2.1.
22:14.09VoodooZI guess the problem with me! :)
22:15.07VoodooZI would do it myself but I don't have write access. (and that's a good thing! heheh)
22:16.10psokolovskyVoodooZ, ok, I'll check and commit it on free time.
22:16.24VoodooZno rush. thanks again.
22:16.32VoodooZNow Ihave to make it work...
22:19.00psokolovskyI have issues with mtn pull - hangs on "mtn: connecting to". Anyone sees this?
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22:25.21KristofferAnyone aware of the "Xlib: extension "Xfree86-DGA" missing on display ":0.0"
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22:37.14likewisegood nite all, I am of too bed.
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