irclog2html for openzaurus on 2002.09.11

00:26:03Xentacis away: getting beat up
01:42:25xx50what is zaurus about ?
01:42:37xx50I joined because it reminded me of Dr. Zaius
01:42:44xx50figured, ok, close enough
01:42:49xx50speak, human.
01:44:37xx50clearly we're going to end up at 2.99999999
01:44:42xx50so, let's cut to the chase
01:44:46xx50just what the hell is this chan about?
01:44:57xx50it's NOT zaius, I KNOW that.
01:45:08xx50zaurus ?   API ?  LIB ?
01:45:20xx50time will tend to painting this picture well,
01:45:36xx50as patience will the the god damn easle
03:21:59Xentacis back (gone 02:55:56)
03:34:43Xentachey... are you killefiz from fame?
03:39:48xx50neither actually
03:39:56xx50oh crap
03:40:00xx50anyone with a brain ?
03:40:07xx50time is short
03:40:13Xentacwhat do you need?
03:40:28Xentachopes he has a brain... but the jury's still out on that one
03:41:32xx50I need better compiler optimization than DEC wants to offer me now
03:41:59xx50I feel terrible, I don't even own any DEC
03:42:07xx50and, wasn't DEC bought out ?
03:42:33Xentacyeah, I believe DEC was bought out by Compaq... but I'm probably wrong
03:42:56xx50well, as to what I need...
03:43:06xx50I am not so sure I can present an acceptable answer
03:43:28xx50tell you what
03:44:24xx50$25 paypal says - no matter how things turns out, you will still be in truest, sincerest retrospect that things proceeded not as they would this eve
03:45:23xx50now, if you would just please allow our networks to bind to our travels...
03:45:48xx50even closedzaurus is confused now...
03:46:20xx50could somebody please put forth something OTHER than a microwaved pizza ?
03:46:28xx50please ?
03:46:48xx50is DEEPLY tormented by the Bush Admin
03:47:18xx50forever reigns Bush Hell Stat Reminders on this god forsaken realm
03:47:32xx50BushStat : -37
03:47:54xx50help - COM - somebody - I need to distribute myself.
03:48:30xx50quotes: eventually, the mentally ill arrive at YOUR door step, do you say, hi, or bye ?
03:49:27xx50I say, it don't make no never mind in the end, simple, if they are wearing anything close that you choose to defer meaning to as to close, close to that is, then, let em on in.
03:50:08xx50if no, then, well, they probably were not meant for such ongoings.
03:50:19xx50morons, our bus left
03:50:41xx50i would have to be a MORON to be on THAT bus.
03:50:44xx50anyone agree ?
03:50:54xx50disagree ?
03:51:10xx50anyone opposed to unrestricted file/disk harvesting ?
03:51:58xx50ok.  thank you all for providing a unique connection to the
03:52:34xx50that was only supposed to go out to deevee, mtm_away and Xentac
03:52:47xx50damn the rest of you for listening
03:53:39xx50may your suffering end in the beginning of your introspection into pointless  criteria with no goal whatsoever set for changing this state where Bush is going to get us all killed.
03:54:19xx50I don't seek funds, I help others to deflect them.
03:55:13xx50any Armenians here ?
03:55:17xx50know what I mean ?
03:55:22xx50tween ?
03:55:59xx50down with the Turks, they offer no perks...
03:56:02xx50down with the Turks, they offer no perks...
03:56:10xx50Armenia forever
03:56:27xx50is Zaurus shared so ?
03:56:38xx50it sounds like a hip software name
03:56:53xx50maybe it would go well with developers I know
03:57:04xx50a name like zaurus you know
03:57:11xx50could go a long way on its own
03:57:27xx50before ever really knowing anything anchored in reality about it
03:57:37xx50things are good that way sometimes, yes ?
03:57:45xx50felloy zaurus peoples ?
03:57:54xx50fellow zaurus peoples ?
03:58:10xx50must go
03:59:00scanlinePicoBot: xx50 is a smeghead
03:59:02PicoBotOK, scanline.
03:59:12xx50took long enough
03:59:14xx50hello ?
03:59:35scanlinePicoBot: xx50?
03:59:35PicoBotxx50 is a smeghead
03:59:52xx50I'm not so sure
04:00:01xx50define smeghead further
04:00:47xx50ok, choose to let the lack of further definition create a 'woo'ing of woo's
04:01:13xx50listens to the woo's from the lacking in definition echo on
04:01:24scanlineibot: google for smeghead
04:01:25scanline: Google can't find smeghead
04:01:35xx50prays somebody ends this god forsaken woo'ing.
04:01:52scanlinePicoBot: smeghead is from Red Dwarf
04:01:52PicoBotOK, scanline.
04:01:55xx50google can be used and purchasedm, AND sold.
04:01:59xx50google is good.
04:02:12xx50google can be used and purchased, AND sold.
04:02:15scanlinePicoBot: xx50 is also most definitely a smeghead
04:02:15PicoBotokay, scanline.
04:02:30xx50google is proprietary
04:02:48xx50credit must be granted to its two creators
04:03:12xx50i'd pay for google actually.
04:03:29xx50it's that good of a resource.
04:03:52xx50as a passive media resource, hands down, nothing better
04:04:36xx50problem is, many people say, ok, yeah, so is this .exe or .mp3, that's a passive media that can be interchanged faster than you can say 1.x mbit.
04:06:47xx50alas - people are sharing processes/processesae with no regards to prior business model incubatory mechanisms which has so far only helped new business to thrive
04:07:24xx50anyone at ALL reacting in here ?
04:30:47Xentacis away: comatose
12:28:02Xentacis back (gone 07:57:15)
13:31:42gonkulator{work}is away: I'm busy
13:31:44gonkulator{work}is back (gone 00:00:02)
13:51:19Xentacis away: wurk
13:52:10gonkulator{work}is away: working
15:11:38MSpinheya kergoth
15:11:45kergothhow goes it
15:11:53MSpinnot too bad
15:12:23MSpinthere is talk of using the zaurus as part of our product:)
15:12:30MSpin(hence the serial cable questions)
15:13:20kergothah nice
15:13:40MSpinI'll prolly end up using a stripped down OZ
15:14:26MSpinthey'll need to run one app, nothing more
15:45:08scanlineis away: class
17:06:26scanlineis back (gone 01:21:18)
17:09:10MSpinhow was class?
17:11:54scanlineclassy... or something
17:12:07scanlinekinda boring.. it was just a recitation for Operating Systems
17:12:33MSpinI liked my OS class
17:12:53MSpinour prof was the lead on NTFS since day 1
17:13:05scanlinethe class is fine, this was just a recitation.. didn't have any new material, just the TA trying to rehash stuff
17:13:10scanlineour prof wrote our textbook :)
17:13:34MSpinhehe..yeah...I never went to any ofthe TA sections
17:13:36MSpinwhich book?
17:13:43scanlineThis guy seems to know some about unix/linux, a lot more about Win32, and nothing about anything else...
17:14:11MSpinours knew *LOTS* about windows, was getting much better with linux
17:14:23scanline"Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective"
17:14:29scanlineby Gary Nutt
17:15:08scanlineFunny thing is, it's almost like he _likes_ the Win32 API convention of having a dozen parameters and more functions than you can count, instead of a small number of very modular simple functions
17:15:18scanlinelike CreateProcess(.. 10 parameters..) instead of fork()
17:15:43MSpinhehe, I can see advantages to both
17:15:54scanlinehe also makes a big deal about Windows NT having a real thread scheduler, and UNIX only having processes
17:16:07scanlineWhat's the advantage to the CreateProcess approach?
17:16:14scanlineit just turns into a mess
17:16:46scanlineyou have many parameters, most of them functions.. if the API changes either your code breaks or you have to be extra careful in the API to maintain compatibility
17:16:49MSpinfiner control
17:16:55scanlineit's the whole matter of thick interfaces vs thin interfaces
17:17:11MSpinI'm just saying that smart people can argue either way
17:17:11scanlineyou have the same sort of control in fork(), you just do it by combining other functions
17:17:28scanlineit's the same as with DirectX vs OpenGL
17:17:29MSpinand the group that designed the NT kernel i nthe early days are a bunch of smart people
17:17:49scanlinedoesn't mean they made the right choices
17:18:05scanlinethe kernel might be great, I haven't seen any of its code.. but I can't stand the design of the Win32 API
17:19:18MSpinthe 'right choices' are never the same for all situations
17:19:40[DrEvil]why am I having probs checking out busybox from CVS
17:19:45scanlineWhat's a situation where the thick interfaces are better? Maybe it's a little faster, but that's all I can think of
17:19:52MSpin[DrEvil]: I think I heard others with the same prob scsi:)
17:20:50[DrEvil]it is hanging on U busybox/util-linux/umount.c
17:28:59gonkulator{work}is away: class time
17:35:13kerneljacabowhy doesnt my opie on my zaurus anti-alias text?
17:35:16kerneljacabowhat package do i need
17:55:13[DrEvil]is it supposed to anti-alias text?
17:55:55kergothheh. the fonts are prerendered
17:56:56[DrEvil]kergoth: are you going to switch to evas if raster gets it all going on the Z?
17:58:17kergothwell, you can use evas either directly on the fb, or with qtopia.. i.e. an evas app could run on qtopia, or a qtopia app could use evas functions.. but i doubt i'll use it in any key way. i may include the lib so apps can use it..
17:58:45kergothnow if I knew where to get a set of evas pim apps, it may be worth looking into..
17:59:17[DrEvil]his launcher looked pretty
17:59:56kergothyeah, very much so
18:00:01kergothwonder if thats available anywhere
18:01:47[DrEvil]I wonder how easy it would be to integrate the qpe/opie apps into it
18:03:00kergothexisting opie apps? you'd have to convert them to use evas functions
18:03:11kergothnot sure whatd be involved there
18:03:23kergothwe should pester raster next time he comes around
18:04:15[DrEvil]I am talking about just having them appear in that launcher
18:06:17scanlineright now the evas thing isn't even a real GUI, just a demo. raster still needs to write the client/server layer so it can run multiple apps
18:07:19scanlineshould be pretty spiffy when that's done
18:08:53kergothah thats right, i forgot about the redesign.. the old evas works fine, but evas2 is the future
18:15:14[DrEvil]kergoth: did you try checking out busybox?
18:40:30scanlineis away: class
19:13:19kerneljacabowhats up with the
19:13:46kergoththats a pretty general question :-)
19:14:01kerneljacabolike there is only an intrd there
19:14:04kerneljacabois that it?
19:14:08kerneljacabono kernels
19:15:34kerneljacabono zimage
19:15:47kergothuse the previous kernels, they didnt change
19:16:04kerneljacabook so whats the deal with the naming convention for the kernels
19:16:31kerneljacaboramdisk meaning storage right?
19:16:33kergothi.e. 40-24 means you have a 24 meg ramdisk, and the remaining 40mb is ram
19:16:36kergothyes. ramdisk is storage
19:16:49kergothsome people who isntall apps to sd or cf just use a kenrel without a ramdisk, cause they dont need it
19:16:52kergothmyself, i use 40-24
19:17:05scan[ibook]32-32 forever! :)
19:17:24scan[ibook]8-56 would be nice :)
19:17:29kerneljacabowell i have a 5000D
19:17:42kergothlooks like usb networking is broken in 2.4.7-rmk3-np1-embedix (the testing kernel)
19:17:57kergothkerneljacabo: then i'd recommend 26-6 if you dont have a cf or sd to install apps to, or 32 if you do
19:20:01kerneljacabowell i have a sf card but i mostly use the slot for 802.11
19:20:12kergothah cool. in that case you'll probably want 26-6
19:20:17kergothbut you can always change kernels later
19:20:37kerneljacaboi need to buy a sd card
19:20:50kerneljacaboonly 6 megs for stuff though?
19:20:53kerneljacaboseems small
19:21:21kerneljacaboi know its not but still
19:21:51scan[ibook]doesn't seem like you need 26 MB of free memory to run stuff though...
19:21:59scan[ibook]even with Qt
19:22:00kergothscan[ibook]: this is qt, remember..
19:22:12kerneljacabowell the 500d has 16 megs of flash and 32 ram right?
19:22:16kergothseriously, i used to run out of ram on the 20-12
19:22:22scan[ibook]16MB is kinda tight for Qtopia, maybe something between 16 and 26?
19:23:43kerneljacabook this may sound stupid but why use a ramdisk as opposed to just storing in flash or is that just your terminology
19:24:06kergothkerneljacabo: you can store in flash, but thats not sufficient for most people
19:24:06scan[ibook]not much free flash
19:24:19kergothscan[ibook]: speaking of which, i think i'm going to remove those damn terminfo entries todya
19:24:33scan[ibook]cheers for kergoth
19:24:45kergothi like 5 megs is a bit much, even with compression
19:24:50scan[ibook]I haven't been doing much with OZ lately.. busy with school and the textbox widget
19:24:55kergothmy hands arent obeying me lately
19:24:59kergothtextbox widget.. nifty
19:24:59scan[ibook]yeah.. it's way too huge
19:25:00kerneljacabowhat do you mean 16 meg flash isnt enough space?
19:25:13scan[ibook]kerneljacabo: too much crufty buildup :)
19:25:15kergothkerneljacabo: not for most. you only have about 3 megs free by default
19:25:29kerneljacabowhats in there
19:25:32scan[ibook]it's still kinda insane.. the Helio had 2MB flash, and that was plenty
19:25:36kergothopie, and some opie apps
19:25:42kergothand libc, and ssh, and ssl, etc
19:25:44scan[ibook]glibc is big
19:25:45kergothit adds up
19:25:48kerneljacabowhy not use no ramdisk and use straight flash
19:25:49kergothyeah, glibc is fucking huge
19:25:55kergothkerneljacabo: you're not listening.
19:26:02kergothkerneljacabo: you can, but that isnt enough for most people.
19:26:04scan[ibook]it'd be cool to have the option of using uClibc in OZ
19:26:09kergothscan[ibook]: on the todo
19:26:12kerneljacaboi got it
19:26:17kerneljacabovery tired
19:26:22kergothscan[ibook]: going to grab the uclibc build commands from the tuxscreen buildroot
19:26:24scan[ibook]likes kergoth's todo list =)
19:26:31kerneljacaboanyway uglibc is a good idea
19:28:31scan[ibook]kerneljacabo: on the Helio, we fit a small linux kernel, uClibc, busybox, picogui, and a few apps in 2MB with maybe 400k free
19:28:47kerneljacabothats sweet
19:28:56scan[ibook]been a while, so I don't remember exactly how much free space there was...
19:29:00scan[ibook]but it was nice and tiny
19:29:05kerneljacabokergoth nice work dude
19:29:07kerneljacaboyou rule
19:30:01MSpinhow much could be gained by compressing the filesystem?
19:30:13kergothjffs2 is compressed.
19:30:21MSpinahh, ok, I didn't realize
19:30:27kerneljacaboanyway ill be back soon need to do somethings
19:42:18scan[ibook]is away: class over
19:48:25scan[ibook]is back (gone 00:06:07)
19:50:15[DrEvil]kergoth: did you try openssh?
19:53:27kergoth[DrEvil]: yep, downloaded and built
19:53:32kergoth[DrEvil]: what error message are you seeing?
19:53:43[DrEvil]compiler build errors
19:54:11[DrEvil]let me try this again
19:54:25[DrEvil]did you change any patches?
19:56:33MSpinwhats with all these Illegal seek erros in the psot inst scrips after updating?
19:57:30kergoth[DrEvil]: nope
19:57:33kergothMSpin: no idea, they're annoying though
19:58:41[DrEvil]it built the third time
19:58:57[DrEvil]throws his arms in the air
19:59:58[DrEvil]I guess I will continue my dl of qte-2.3.4
20:00:12[DrEvil]so I can at least then get a start of a cvs co of opie
20:01:13MSpinis wget part of busybox now?
20:01:54kergothMSpin: has been for a while, but the one in busybox didnt work with ipkg for a while
20:01:56[DrEvil]why does make kernel-2.4.7 try and download linux-2.4.7
20:02:03[DrEvil]and not linux-2.4.7.tar.gz
20:02:14kergothit grabs my 2.4.7 tree from bitkeeper directly
20:02:15MSpinkergoth: yeah, so this is fixed now? and I can remove wget?
20:02:20kergothinstead of applying a quadrillion patches
20:02:41kergothMSpin: i believe so. familiar 0.6 uses busybox, and their busybox has wget built into it..
20:02:47kergothMSpin: so i took that as a confirmation that it works
20:02:49kergothMSpin: hehe
20:02:58[DrEvil]I already have a 2.4.7 tree
20:04:54MSpinum, now I have no wget
20:06:23kergotharent catch 22's fun?
20:06:41MSpinwell, I figured that I'd need to reinstall BB
20:06:49MSpinso I downloaded it before removing wget
20:07:06MSpinthen a ipkg install --force-reinstall busybox...
20:08:18kergothhm, could force a install of busybox before removing wget, then remove wget, and confirm busybox's wget symlink exists..
20:08:23kergothwonder whats the sanest way to handle that
20:12:47MSpinbusybox_20020909-1e doesn't seem to make hte wget link
20:14:07kergothhm, thats odd
20:14:23MSpinit's not ven compiled with wget support
20:14:40kergothhold on
20:14:40scan[ibook]doesn't OZ use a separate wget?
20:14:48kergothscan[ibook]: it did, but i'm trying to save us space
20:14:57scan[ibook]ah, good plan
20:16:05scan[ibook]grr... my 64-bit PCI slots don't seem to be supported, and this board only has 3 32-bit PCI slots... I'll prolly have to give up my sound card and use onboard sound to get my ethernet working, until the 64-bit slots work
20:16:38kergoththat sucks
20:16:54kergothwhat board have you got? I'd love to get one with 64 bit slots, then i could get a nicer raid card
20:17:15scan[ibook]it's an Asus board.. I forget the model, but it's dual athlon, AMD 760MXP chipset
20:17:24scan[ibook]only 64-bit card I have now is a d-link gigabit ethernet
20:18:00kergothah nice
20:18:03scan[ibook]it was about $200... expensive, but normal for dual boards
20:18:06kergothi need an upgrade
20:18:26scan[ibook]I used my existing Athlon XP and a new one I got cheap, modded them into athlon MPs using a pencil :)
20:18:51kergothhah, nice
20:19:47scan[ibook]yeah.. only thing I miss on this motherboard is a few extra PCI slots. other than that it's pretty sweet
20:19:54scan[ibook]nice bios
20:21:19MSpinhow stable has that dual athlon been?
20:21:46scan[ibook]So far, it's been great. but i've had it up for less than a day, so I wouldn't call that definitive yet :)
20:22:13MSpinI nearly got one
20:22:16scan[ibook]I must have compiled 4 kernels on it trying to get the 64-bit PCI working
20:22:25MSpininstead I put the money into the 18" LCD:)
20:22:26scan[ibook]sucks that 2.4.19 barfs when compiled with -j3
20:22:35kergothMSpin: nicee
20:22:37scan[ibook]bigger than my LCD
20:22:46kergothstill has a 19" sony trinitron crt, no lcd
20:23:00MSpinkergoth: flat CRT?
20:23:01scan[ibook]19" trinitrons are nice...
20:23:08scan[ibook]CRTs still have better color quality
20:23:12kergothyes, flat crt, the trinitron tube's are very nice
20:23:18MSpinyeah, I love those
20:23:25scan[ibook]I like my LCD's text clarity though.. it's amazing how every pixel is square and stays where you put it
20:23:26kergothits being flaky though
20:23:26MSpinbut this samsung is fabulous
20:23:37kergothonce in a while my screewn jumps randomly to the right or left by about a centimeter
20:24:02MSpinI have a single dead pixel which rather suchs
20:24:07MSpinbut I don't really notice it
20:24:35kergothremember the first time you tried a new style crt? with the two lines accross the screen?
20:24:42kergoththat annoyed me to no end for a while before i stopped noticing it
20:24:47MSpinhehe yeah
20:25:03scan[ibook]my first trinitron was a 17" my dad bought.. was like $700 at the time
20:28:23[DrEvil]MSpin: is it a good thing to have SSID broadcast set to on?
20:28:36MSpin[DrEvil]: in?
20:28:47MSpinkergoth: so, I need to reinstall wget?
20:28:48[DrEvil]on my AP
20:29:16[DrEvil]I can disable SSID broadcast
20:29:24MSpinit allows your devices to pickup the AP if they are set to 'ANY'
20:29:38MSpinit also lets everyone else know that you're there
20:29:41[DrEvil]I'm going to turn it off then
20:30:36kerneljacabohow come when i do an ipkg upgrade it always freezes in the middle
20:30:57kerneljacaboand then when i restart it corrupts the package database and messes up what i have installed and what i dont
20:35:01[DrEvil]now the cvs checkout from hell begins
20:35:42[DrEvil]and on a modem
20:36:10MSpinok, I could really use a window fan right about now
20:36:35scan[ibook]puts a copy of windows XP in MSpin's window
20:37:20scan[ibook]might as well find a use for software that blows :)
20:38:39[DrEvil]I think I might have to get out my car buffer after I finish painting this case
20:39:19scan[ibook]fills up [DrEvil]'s car buffer
20:39:24scan[ibook]traffic jam!
20:40:05[DrEvil]I am using Mirage paint on the case
20:40:58[DrEvil]I wish the kit came with full sized cans
20:41:39scan[ibook]PicoBot: class?
20:41:40PicoBothmmm... class is over
21:33:21kergothMSpin: the updated busybox in the feed has the wget support
21:34:06nasakergoth: so when do you think you will have the usb problem fixed with the latest kernel?
21:34:20kergothnasa: probably tonight.. not sure.. i'm at work atm
21:38:57nasakergoth: while you are looking at it -- don't forget about not being able to mount sd cards
21:39:04nasakergoth: regardless of how they are formatted
21:40:17nasakergoth: that reminds me -- I installed the fdisk utility from the feed while I was troubleshooting the mounting problem.  It caused a 'bus error' every time I tried to view a partition
21:40:52nasakergoth: enough bad news?
21:43:50MSpinkergoth: yeah, I jsut noticed that
21:57:25MSpinkergoth: can we get busybox to support diff?
22:03:33[DrEvil]kergoth: the hack is broken
22:03:45[DrEvil]Building dependency irda-common
22:03:46[DrEvil]make[2]: Entering directory `/devel/zaurus/buildroot-oz'
22:03:46[DrEvil]/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `;'
22:03:46[DrEvil]/bin/sh: -c: line 1: `( true;  );  for i in ; do for j in ; do if [ ! -e $i ]; then if (echo $j | grep `echo $i|sed -e 's,.*/,,g;'` >/dev/null 2>&1); then echo Obtaining sources of irda-common...; source /devel/zaurus/buildroot-oz/configs/methods/source; _source $j $i; fi; fi; done; done;'
22:03:46[DrEvil]make[2]: *** [source] Error 2
22:04:03kergothoh, it doesnt like that Sources is empty
22:04:41kergothupdates TODO
22:04:59[DrEvil]building opie wants irda-common
22:05:17kergothyeah, i know
22:05:23kergothi forgot that your shell doesnt like empty Depends
22:06:01[DrEvil]who would like a full Depends
22:06:10nasakergoth: did you see my earlier messages
22:07:56[DrEvil]oh well
22:07:56[DrEvil]I am going to go to the gym
22:08:04[DrEvil]maybe the busybox cvs will work for me by the time I get back
22:09:06MSpinthe CF card doesn't seem to work anymore either
22:10:37MSpinkergoth: do you have to have power plugged into that serial cable for it to work?
22:40:37scanlineis away: food? of course not...
23:19:34Xentacis back (gone 09:28:13)

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