irclog2html for openzaurus on 2002.09.17

00:35:35TheMasterMind1is away: sleeep.
03:56:54bug1For those who remeber from last nigh, i fixed my zaurus
03:57:14bug1those usb  CF reader/writers are darn handy
04:07:50bug1why use minixfs on the ramdisk, why not use ramfs, its better
04:21:04kergoth`zzzzbug1: ramfs isnt persistant.
04:21:09kergoth`zzzzbug1: fyi
04:21:40jmhodgesinsomniac kergoth
04:21:53kergoth`zzzzyeh, watched tv instead
04:22:01bug1yes i know, but isnt the minixfs on the ram, not the 16 MB flash, or is the 64MB all flash
04:22:09kergoth`zzzzbug1: huh?
04:22:16kergoth`zzzzbug1: yes, minix is being used on a ramdisk
04:22:41kergoth`zzzzbug1: specically, mtdram, which is a ramdisk that is set aside at compiletime, whereas ramfs is dynamic is size and nature, and is not persistant.
04:22:42bug1so the minix ramdisk isnt persistent either
04:22:50kergoth`zzzzbug1: yes, it is.
04:22:55kergoth`zzzzbug1: across reboots anyway.
04:23:14kergoth`zzzzbug1: and as i said, its size is hardcoded at the end of the memory space, not dynamic in nature
04:23:33kergoth`zzzzbug1: by its very deisgn ramfs loses its contents on reboot. it could not be persistent when its simply allocated with malloc
04:23:43kergoth`zzzzbug1: or rather, kmalloc
04:24:14bug1fair enough
04:24:29kergoth`zzzzbug1: and given a disk whose size increases and decreases as data is added or removed, how would you know what size it would be when the kernel comes up next?
04:25:43bug1kergoth`zzzz: i work on busybox, so if you have any requests let me know
04:26:04bug1i see its used a fair bit
04:26:30Xentachears that busybox-20020906 is broked... who does he complain to?
04:26:43Xentacer... 20020916-2
04:26:58kergoth`zzzzindeed. Its an excellent project. I spoke with .. shit i dont recall his nick. mjsomethingother, who also works on busybox and uClibc, the other day ... i mentioned that busybox diff would be useful :)
04:27:03bug1Xentac: mention it on the mailing list at
04:27:28kergoth`zzzzI'm glad to see busybox awk got added recently
04:27:35Xentacbug1: I'll get around to it... ;o)
04:28:34bug1kergoth`zzzz: mjn3, Manuel Novoa III, hes an excellent programmer
04:28:49kergoth`zzzzyes, thats the name, thanks. I got that impression
04:29:37bug1he was talking about diff yesterday, aparently he found some old diff source code from minix, he wasnt very impressed with it htough
04:29:52kergoth`zzzzhehe. yep, didnt have unified diff support, unfortunately
04:30:13bug1Xentac: what problem were you having with busybox ?
04:30:39kergoth`zzzzXentac: the bug we saw may not be a busybox bug, it could very well be something with one of hte libraries or something in my build environment. I would like to do further testing.
04:30:49Xentacbug1: wasn't me... a guy in #zaurus was saying that wget (and I believe all busybox functions) were giving him an "Illegal Instruction" error
04:30:55kergoth`zzzzbug1: "Illegal instruction" on execution of busybox functions
04:30:57kergoth`zzzzyeah, that
04:31:18Xentacwasn't sure who he was supposed to complain to... and since you were both here ;o)
04:31:38bug1hmmm... i havent seen that before
04:31:54kergoth`zzzzyes, it struct me as odd, to say the least
04:32:04Xentachehehe... struct...
04:32:07bug1maybe it was a compile error, like it was compiled for the wrong cpu
04:32:36bug1doesnt sound like a busybox error message
04:32:57kergoth`zzzzindeed. which is why I want to pursue possible issues in my build environment and/or sanity ;-)
04:33:13Xentacquestions kergoth's sanity
04:33:52kergoth`zzzzXentac: thanks, you're so reassuring ;-)
04:34:09Xentackergoth`zzzz: no prob... that's what I'm here for... I'm that pain in your side that won't go away
04:34:24Xentacyou thought it was gal stones... but it's me all along!
04:34:59kergoth`zzzzhah, okay, i better hit the sack, so to speak, so i'm at least semi-conscious at work tomorrow.
04:35:02kergoth`zzzznight all
04:35:57Xentacnight kergoth`zzzz
04:37:16jmhodgesnight kergoth`zzzz
04:37:59Xentacis away: trying to sleep
04:42:17bug1I want to mount the initrd on my i386 to look at it, its jffs2 as far as i can see, jffs2 is greyed out in the kernels make xconfig, does it depend on other options ?
04:47:58bug1ahh, you need MTD devices selected
06:59:27bug1what filesystem is initrd-, minix ?
06:59:51bug1mount -o loop -t minix initrd- /mnt2 doesnt work
07:19:38bug1the openzaurus kernel looks like its compiled without loop support so i cant try and mount it there
07:37:24bug1losetup -o 1835008 /dev/loop0 initrd-; mount /dev/loop0 /mnt2 doesnt work either
07:38:28bug1maybe 1835008 is the worng offset
12:13:07Xentacis back (gone 07:35:09)
12:54:56Xentacis away: I'm busy
13:02:15scanlineis away: Spam, spam, spam, scrambled eggs, and spam
13:21:56scanlineis back (gone 00:19:41)
13:31:57Xentacis back (gone 00:37:01)
13:49:08Xentacis away: wurk
14:11:50gonkulator{work}is back (gone 20:36:38)
14:36:37Microdimkergoth: did you figure out what was wrong with ipkg?
15:45:31gonkulator{work}PicoBot: hi
15:45:31PicoBothi, gonkulator{work}
15:45:36gonkulator{work}PicoBot: yow
15:45:37PicoBotI like your SNOOPY POSTER!!
15:45:39gonkulator{work}PicoBot: yow
15:45:40PicoBotCONGRATULATIONS!  Now should I make thinly veiled comments about DIGNITY, self-esteem and finding TRUE FUN in your RIGHT VENTRICLE??
18:41:58VerxWorkhay low
18:42:07VerxWorkanyone alive in here?
18:42:31VerxWorkhow are you kergoth?
18:43:10kergothnot bad, other than being stuck ats work
18:43:46VerxWorkreally busy
18:43:51VerxWorkhave a quiz at school tomorrow
18:44:01VerxWork3 quizes in the class are worth 50% of our grade
18:44:09kergothgood luck
18:44:18VerxWorkwe get to drop one quiz, and they said they get progressively harder
18:44:26VerxWorkand to expect to get a 5% or less on the last one
18:44:31VerxWorkso I am a tad bit nervous about it
18:44:38VerxWorkthanks, I think I can use a bit of luck
18:45:32VerxWorkso what's new with the feed?
18:45:38VerxWorkanything I should update to get?
18:45:52VerxWorkI have been so busy lately, I haven't kept up with what is going on in OZland
18:47:07kergoththe feed is all screwy
18:47:12kergothbusybox is giving illegal instructions
18:47:15kergothfor some reason
18:47:28kergothyeah, not good
18:47:56VerxWorkprobably just a problem in cvs
18:48:01VerxWorkis it sandman that does busybox?
18:48:05VerxWorkI am trying to remember who did that
18:48:43VerxWorkif it is, I think he will likely fix it in moments - sandman is incredibly fast at finding/fixing problems
18:48:52VerxWorkhe just needs to be informed of the issue
18:49:12gonkulator{work}is away: food time
18:52:03MSpinyeah, BB is not good
18:59:34VerxWorkBB is a good thing
18:59:35VerxWorktruly it is
18:59:40VerxWorkit just needs some bugs worked out
18:59:45VerxWorkit saves SOOOOO much space in ROM
18:59:52VerxWorkit makes the 16MB rom very very viable
19:18:49BZFlagVerxWork: yeah, sandman.
19:19:15BZFlagwants pivot_root and telnet turned on in sandman's BB build.
19:19:55BZFlagcourse removing all the other packages in root takes time.
19:20:10TheMasterMind1hey BZFlag
19:20:18BZFlagand modutils needs to be removed, then busybox --install -s, then reinstalled to get the depmod script.
19:20:22BZFlager binary.
19:20:24BZFlagTheMasterMind1: hey.
19:20:47BZFlagwonders why everyone is saying hey to him today. ;-)
19:21:31VerxWorkman, I am very tired right now
19:21:40VerxWorkI have to be here at work for another 2 hours or so
19:21:45VerxWorkand then go to school for about 5 hours
19:21:49VerxWorkand then do homework
19:22:35BZFlaghands VerxWork a jolt
19:23:15VerxWorkI used to work at an oil shop called "Jiffy Lube"
19:23:20VerxWorkworked 10 hour shifts
19:23:22VerxWorkand got real hot
19:23:26VerxWorknext door was a 7-11
19:23:39VerxWorkI typically had a MINIMUM of 6 48oz Dr. Peppers a day back then
19:23:46VerxWorkfor a bit over 3 years
19:23:58VerxWorkcaffeine has no effect on me any more
19:24:48VerxWorkwe had fleet customers that would drive from Texas directly to our shop every day for an oil change.  I live in Arizona.  A vehicle driven like that, continuously, is pretty frigging hot, especially in Arizona.  :)
19:24:55VerxWorkis so glad to have a desk job at Boeing now.  :)
19:56:17gonkulator{work}is back (gone 01:07:05)
20:48:15scanlineis away: I'm busy
20:48:35scanlineis back (gone 00:00:02)
23:13:37bug1just learnt you cant loop mount a jffs2 filesystem, you need to use the blkmtd driver (or something)
23:15:59TheMasterMind1oz is so bad right now
23:16:04TheMasterMind1needs a lot of fixing and stuff
23:17:01bug1if here that the packaging is broken, whats broken about it ?
23:20:16bug1i hear the packaging system is buggy
23:20:25TheMasterMind1its not buggy, its just shitty
23:20:35TheMasterMind1and everyone's too lazy to improve it
23:21:21TheMasterMind1 20:27:24 up 20 days, 23:55,  3 users,  load average: 0.21, 0.24, 0.10
23:21:27TheMasterMind1fear my uptime
23:23:49bug1i did a busybox version of dpkg, its a long way from perfect though
23:24:18bug1havent touched it for ages now

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