irclog2html for openzaurus on 2002.09.19

00:01:15TheMasterMind1stuipd abiword crashed
00:01:21TheMasterMind1saved my work though
00:21:11kergothTheMasterMind1: atd done, busybox done
00:21:31TheMasterMind1how many left :oP
00:21:52kergotharound 4289753
00:23:39Xentacis away: being beat up
00:28:50TheMasterMind1does depends work?
00:29:45KeyserSozethat depends...
00:30:00KeyserSoze(sorry, i have no idea what you're talking about, i just had to reply that way)
00:31:57kergothTheMasterMind1: depends works, but its still set up manually
00:32:03kergothTheMasterMind1: i'm doing them as i go
00:32:05kergothTheMasterMind1: :)
00:32:26kergothTheMasterMind1: in other words, it'll be transparent to people trying to use it to build things, just a bit of work when you add a given package
00:32:41TheMasterMind1i see
00:32:48TheMasterMind1fun for me
00:32:56kergothits not that bad, i'll document it
00:33:06kergothhow shit works i mean, and how to add an item
00:44:50TheMasterMind1keep syncing stuff up
00:46:09kergothyou know how to update right?
00:46:11kergoth(bk pull)
00:46:53TheMasterMind1while [ 1 ]; do sleep 60; bk pull; done
00:47:57TheMasterMind1must read
01:33:55kergothTheMasterMind1: bk pull :)
01:34:39TheMasterMind1arsenic:/zaurus/buildroot# make clean
01:34:48TheMasterMind1 /zaurus/buildroot/Rules.make:148: target `packages/bash' given more than once in the same rule.
01:34:56TheMasterMind1whatever make i do it does make config
01:35:39TheMasterMind1make clean asks you to answer the questions, then cleans
01:35:55TheMasterMind1make menuconfig still doesn't work
01:35:57kergothhm, doesnt do that here
01:36:01kergothokay bk pull
01:36:09kergothi fixed the duplicate bash target
01:36:22TheMasterMind1i think that make clean thing was just something weird
01:36:24TheMasterMind1from what i had before
01:36:28TheMasterMind1make menuconfig is broke though
01:36:36kergothi know about menuconfig
01:36:37TheMasterMind1  Enable support for GNU long filenames (CONFIG_FEATURE_GNUTAR_LONG_FILENAME) [N
01:36:38TheMasterMind1new busybox
01:36:39kergothnot my problem
01:36:44kergothi'm waiting for him to fix menuconfig
01:36:45TheMasterMind1openvt (CONFIG_OPENVT) [N/y/?] (NEW)
01:36:48kergothwhen he fixes it, we get it fixed
01:36:52TheMasterMind1mesg (CONFIG_MESG) [N/y/?] (NEW)
01:36:53kergothyeah, i'll commit a new busybox patch
01:36:56kergoththere's top now too
01:36:56TheMasterMind1top (CONFIG_TOP) [N/y/?] (NEW)
01:37:25TheMasterMind1it does all those things we implemented before?
01:37:29TheMasterMind1update from cvs etc
01:37:35TheMasterMind1depends tracking
01:38:04TheMasterMind1hmm. it finished
01:38:09TheMasterMind1built only busybox looks like
01:38:17kergoththen run make config
01:38:21kergothand select more than just busybox
01:39:14TheMasterMind1why do we have dosfs?
01:39:37kergothfor people's cards
01:39:41TheMasterMind1i like the config system
01:40:04TheMasterMind1/bin/sh: line 1: ./configure: No such file or directory
01:40:05TheMasterMind1make[1]: *** [/zaurus/buildroot/stamps/.ncurses.binary] Error 127
01:40:18kergothit failed to download ncurses
01:40:28kergothrm -rf build/ncurses stamps/.ncurses.source*
01:40:31TheMasterMind1no it didn't
01:40:31kergoththen make again
01:40:34TheMasterMind1it downloaded just fine
01:40:38kergothor it failed to extract then
01:40:44TheMasterMind1arsenic:/zaurus/buildroot# ls build/ncurses-5.2.20020112a/
01:40:45TheMasterMind1installtemp  libncurses5  ncurses-base  ncurses-term
01:40:51kergothit failed to extract
01:40:59kergothrun the command i said up there
01:41:08kergothit uses a stamp to deal with extraction and sources
01:41:14kergothwell two, source, and sourcetree
01:42:23TheMasterMind1very nice
01:42:25TheMasterMind1good job
01:43:15kergoththere's still some tweaking to be done, like it shouldve failed out and aborted right after it noticed that it failed to extract
01:43:23kergothbut most of it is in place
01:43:34TheMasterMind1write up something on adding/porting mks
01:43:40TheMasterMind1or tell me how
01:43:41TheMasterMind1and i'll start some tommrow
01:43:43kergothyeah, i'll do that in a couple minutes
01:44:00TheMasterMind1checking whether setvbuf arguments are reversed... configure: error: cannot run test program while cross compiling
01:44:00TheMasterMind1make[1]: *** [/zaurus/buildroot/stamps/.bash.binary] Error 1
01:44:00TheMasterMind1make[1]: Leaving directory `/zaurus/buildroot/packages/bash'
01:44:00TheMasterMind1make: *** [packages/bash] Error 2
01:44:16kergothsounds like our bash patch didnt apply
01:44:26kergothbash's buildsystem sucks
01:44:29kergoththe bash build is broken atm
01:44:33kergothi'll fix later
01:44:41kergothbtw, ipks arent created by default just yet
01:44:48kergoth'make ipk' will build them
01:44:49kergoththey'll be in output/ipks/
01:45:16TheMasterMind1make: *** No rule to make target `ipk'.  Stop.
01:45:21TheMasterMind1wrong xterm
01:45:40TheMasterMind1kinda works
01:45:54TheMasterMind1anyway, i'm out
01:49:04TheMasterMind1is away: its that time of the night again..
02:11:51TheMasterMind1is away: sleeping now.
02:47:35ivanjournalling flash filesystem heh
02:47:35Error403Any ideas where I can get a ppp ipkg?
02:47:40ivanwhy do you need a journal?
02:49:49Error403Seems kergoth forgot to put ppp in the last OZ release... so....
02:52:01kergothI'm adding pppd soon, otherwise yank one from familiar
02:52:10Error403oh, there you are ;)
02:53:09Error403kergoth: I tried the one from familiar, it connected with no fuss, but failed to get the right IP address and gateway (started acting as if it were on a LAN, assigning ips).
02:53:23kergothError403: hrm, check /etc/ppp/options
02:54:00kergothalso check options.[ttyname]
02:54:16Error403Let me re-install the ppp package, my /proc got fscked up the other day and the thing wouldn't boot, so I had to clear it
02:54:43Error403kergoth: Do you recommend 0.6 familiar or 0.5.x?
02:56:43kergothError403: I'd recommend asking harlekin in #opie or one of the folks, i'm not sure how stable 0.6 is yet
02:56:47kergothdoesnt have an ipaq
02:56:54Error403doesn't either :)
02:58:11Error403ah, there is a 0.6-rc1, let me try that first
02:59:10Error403kergoth: I'm assuming all of the kernel ppp support is there already?
03:00:24kergothyep, looks that way
03:00:52Error403BSD compression, etc?
03:10:42Xentacis back (gone 02:47:02)
03:13:33kergothiirc deflate and bsd are on
03:13:36kergothi can doublecheck if you like
03:16:27Error403kergoth: seemed it work. Grabbed real IPs and real DNSs, didn't replace my eth0 default route though, trying to figure out what the ppp config option is to tell it to replace it
03:16:46kergothah replace..
03:19:46Error403this doesn't have replacedefaultroute
03:23:48kagemushayou mean the Z>
03:23:55kagemusha^ >=?
03:24:06kergothkagemusha: he means the pppd binary he got from famliiar, id' say
03:24:09kergothError403: nice!
03:24:17Error403now... if I could only get konqueror installed :/
03:28:33Error403takes another stab at konqueror
03:35:17Error403why are all of these packages failing to install?
03:35:41Error403It has some stupid syntax error or something. It looks like the problem is really files not existing when they are suppose to.
03:39:23kergothError403: upgrade your ipkg version yet?
03:40:24Error403eh, no :/
03:40:56Error403kergoth: Why is it that no matter what I do now, konqueror is ALWAYS permanantly selected in the package list?
03:40:59Error403I can't get rid of it
03:41:03Error403it wants to install it
03:42:56kergothError403: remove it from /usr/lib/ipkg/status if need be
03:45:01Error403seems to be fixed
03:45:07Error403now, I'm upgrading ipkg
03:48:41Error403*sigh*... oz is very touchy
03:48:51Error403seems to have killed my PDA, yet again :/
04:48:56XentacI heard there were some problem with the feed recently... has it stabalized?
04:58:46Xentacis away: sleeping
12:36:59Xentacis back (gone 07:38:14)
12:59:35Error403Hm, anyone know why my Z can't load the sharp mmc/sd driver? It just sits there.
12:59:40Error403Kinda frustrating
12:59:50Error403I lost all my important data
12:59:59Error403I tried reseting it
13:24:26kergoth`bblError403: what rom ? what version of sdmmc package? which kernel? 2.4.6 or 2.4.7?
13:25:03Error403kergoth: Latest
13:25:12Error403kergoth: I have no idea what kernel your rom has
13:26:20zonerhi, is anybody awake ?
13:26:56kergothError403: lsmod.. is sharp_mmcsd_m loaded?
13:27:03Error403kergoth: Heh
13:27:04kergothzoner: barely, just got to work, havent had my caffeine yet
13:27:11Error403kergoth: the kernel freezes at loading the module
13:27:15Error403kergoth: I can't get into Linux
13:27:16zoneragh, then you are still passed out
13:27:24kergothError403: definately havent seen that behavior before
13:27:26kergothError403: odd
13:27:34kergothError403: what rom? what packages have you upgraded?
13:27:42Error403Well, now I have a paper weight
13:28:00Error403kergoth: Latest rom, unless you updated it within the last two weeks
13:28:11Error403kergoth: I upgraded ipkg, and installed ppp
13:28:17kergothany other upgrades?
13:28:19Error403kergoth: I tried to install konqueror, but it failed
13:28:22zonerI just got a zaurus and a CF, and tried to install openzaurus, following the directions exactly, but it's not being very cooperative. the green light turns on for only a second. is this a common problem ?
13:28:40Error403zoner: Is the AC plugged in?
13:28:44zonerYeah it sure is
13:28:54kergothzoner: 99% chance your card is fat32 not fat16
13:29:02kergothzoner: you probably need to reformat it with mkfs.msdos -F 16
13:29:08kergothzoner: or you're hitting more keys than just c+d
13:29:25zonerAha. is there a tool on the standard zaurus that will reformat it ?
13:29:32zonerok thanks !
13:29:50kergothmkfs.msdos -F 16 /dev/hda1 should do it
13:33:05kollakergoth: is there a cramfs module somewhere?
13:33:30kergothkolla: iirc its compiled in monolithically
13:33:32kergothkolla: why?
13:33:43kollano cramfs in /proc/filesystems
13:33:55kollabecause the dev-img is in cramfs
13:34:18Error403kergoth: Is there anyway to get around loading that module?
13:35:37kergothError403: I dont believe so. We never got a boot menu.. sharp didnt release theirs, and we never created a new one
13:35:45kergothError403: without a boot menu, there's no way to override the boot process
13:35:56kergothError403: i think I may steal redhat's 'hit y to be prompted' shit
13:36:02Error403this is the second time my OZ install was COMPLETELY fubar'ed
13:36:15kergothhm, i havent had that happen once, but i seem to have a fair bit of luck
13:36:28Error403beats his head against the wall
13:36:32Error403and I don't have a CF card
13:36:35Error403my parents have it
13:36:38Error403son of a...
13:37:11Error403I'd buy one, but I have like $8.21 in my bank account
13:37:52kergothi'm trying to figure out why the hell that module would crash your unit
13:37:58kergothi've never seen circumstances to cause that
13:38:20Error403Well, crash, no
13:38:23Error403just sits there
13:38:27Error403accepts keyboard input
13:39:25Error403I was wondering if it would timeout, but it never did
13:40:34kergothwell, could try full reset
13:40:38kergothi dunno what else to try
13:40:42Error403I already did
13:41:15Error403But if I'm not mistaken, the kernel stuff doesn't get wiped
13:41:29Error403So if the module is corrupt, then it needs a re-flash
13:43:04kergothi was hoping it'd be something screwy in the module depednency info (depmod), so that a package reconfigure (postinst) would regen them
13:43:07kergothlong shot
13:44:06Error403Well, shouldn't the kernel stuff be read-only? Well, it should, reguardless of whether it is or not.
13:44:21Error403Now that I've had the kernel crap go fubar twice now, I think that's reason enough
13:44:25kergothhow would you upgrade then?
13:44:38kergothsay to a new kernel modules pacakge?
13:44:42kergothkernel-modules is an ipk.
13:44:56kergothif i remove the permissions to write to them, ipkg cant overwrite them
13:44:57Error403Make a second kernel modules location
13:45:05kergothwaste of space, just to start
13:45:17Error403Space? It wouldn't be any larger
13:45:28kergothi dont understand what you're talking about
13:45:31kergothexplain further
13:45:44Error403Can't you have multiple targets in the modules configuration file?
13:45:49kergothfor what?
13:46:03Error403for where depmod finds its modules
13:46:13kergothseems pretty pointless to me
13:46:42kergothi dont understand how that would help
13:46:52kergothi havent fully awakened yet
13:47:09Error403So that the IMPORTANT modules won't ever go corrupt, and all of the user installed modules thereafter will go into a read-write location
13:47:22kergothdefine important.
13:47:36kergothif you install a 2.4.7 kernel, those 2.4.6 modules are useless
13:48:08kollayes, isnt that hilarious? :)
13:48:08kergothI'm talking about being able to upgrade your kernel and kernel modules
13:48:19kergothif i remove the permissions on any of them, you wont be able to do so
13:48:34kollaa second minos revision OS upgrade and all modules are useless.. :)
13:48:40kergothso there are no 'IMPORTANT' modules
13:49:07Error403So I'm guessing this is where the open zaurus disclaimer comes in? "This is for developers, e.g. it's not designed against accidents"?
13:49:17kergothits like any other linux distribution
13:49:20kergothif you rm -rf /
13:49:21kergothyou're fucked
13:49:28kollaError403: that goes for linux and unix in general :)
13:49:37Error403kergoth: ipkg rm -rf /'ed my Z?
13:49:43kergothdid i say that?
13:49:45Error403I'm doubting that
13:49:47kergothi'm drawing an analogy
13:49:52kergothperhaps i should make it clearer
13:49:54kollawas never meant for regular people, it's geek toy
13:50:01kergoth*analogy follows*: if you rm -rf / your Z, you're fucked
13:50:07Error403I didn't do crap, I upgraded my ipkg and it bombed out
13:50:18kergothso tell jamey to fix ipkg
13:50:27kergoththere's nothing i can do to prevent module corruption
13:50:28kollakernel modules should not belong to any package though, imo
13:50:33kergoththat wouldnt also remove the ability to upgrade
13:50:35kergothkolla: yes, they do
13:50:38kollano they dont
13:50:40kergothkolla: but that package hasnt changed more than once
13:50:43kergothkolla: yes, they do.
13:50:48kollano they dont :)
13:50:51kergothkolla: 'ipkg files kernel-modules'
13:50:54Xentacis away: gnikrow
13:50:54kergothkolla: look again.
13:50:55kollathe modules belong to the kernel
13:51:02kergothwhat? are you on crack?
13:51:06kergothmodules are in the filesystem
13:51:11kergothand hence belong to a package
13:51:15kollayes, so? they are parts of the kernel
13:51:16kergoththey *depend* on the kernel
13:51:21kergoththey are not
13:51:35kergothi can build a completely independently distributed kernel module that will build against any set of kernel headers
13:51:39kollait's just a silly attempt to simulate microkernel behavious :)
13:51:40kergothand package it independently
13:51:44kergoththat doesnt make it a part of the kernel
13:51:49kergothno, it isnt
13:51:52kollasure is
13:51:55kergothits a means of adding flexibility
13:52:10kergothsaying that something in the filesystme doesnt belong to a packaage is stupid
13:52:17kergothbecause any file in the filesystem should and does belong to a package
13:52:21kergothby design
13:52:27kolla"flixibelity" scores high on wankometer :)
13:52:37kergoththen build a fully monolithic kernel
13:52:39kollaespecially if spelled correctly :)
13:52:42kergothand pray it fits in the kernel parition
13:52:51Error403kergoth: I get a feeling that no one is going to claim responsibility for how this happened. Not I really care who's fault it is, I just want it fixed.
13:52:53kergothgood luck
13:53:13kergothError403: well if you find a solution that will protect the user without sacrificing flexibility, let me know
13:53:19kollanah.. rather move to a more suited OS :)
13:53:19kergothError403: I already have one coming
13:53:36kergothkolla: so pester cdm to finish porting qnx and get the hell out of the channel
13:53:44kergothkolla: i'm working within the limjitations i'm given
13:53:50kergothi'd love to use qnx
13:54:00kergothbut this is what we have, and i'll improve it as i can
13:54:21kergothError403: when opie runs as a nonroot user, you will not be able to rm -rf without su/sudo'ing to root
13:54:26kergothError403: this gives you some measure of protection
13:54:37kergothError403: and will be available in the next version
13:54:51kergothError403: course ipkg will be either run within sudo or suid root, so ipkg is god, regardless
13:55:16kergothError403: there is one thing i can do regarding module loading on boot, i can make it do it in the background
13:55:26kergothError403: then if insmod/modprobe hangs, it will not prevent the boot of the system
13:55:56kergothError403: I can also add redhat like 'hit Y to be prompted' functionality
13:56:04kergothError403: thereby giving you the ability to bypass the module load completely
13:56:21kergothThose are the only things that immediately come to mind
13:56:29kergothif you've got better ideas, let me know so i cna use them
13:56:39Error403I just need a CF now
13:56:49kollathe modules takes the astonishing ammount of 1.7MB :)
13:57:08kollaError403: downgrade
13:57:11kergothare the iptables modules in there?
13:57:17kergothi should pull those into a seperate ipk
13:57:19kollaipkg happily "updates" downwards it seems :)
13:57:27kergothactually, the kernel modules need to be more granular anyway
13:57:38kergothi'll use jamey's kernel module ipk'r script ..
13:58:00kollasure, ipt modules are there
13:58:03kollano ipv6 though
13:59:18kergothhmmm, well this would be a good time to make the kernel modules more granualr i'd think
13:59:29kergothbtw, the new ncurses packages in the feed will save about 4.5 megs
13:59:29kollaError403: there is no module for the CF slot btw, iirc
13:59:39kergothsplit out the damn terminfo entries into ncurses-term
14:00:14Error403because the CF slot doesn't need one, afaik
14:00:27Error403the firmware treats it as a hard drive, no?
14:00:44kergothError403: well, there is a pcmcia module for ide
14:00:54kergothError403: its just built monolithically into the kernel rather than as a module
14:01:04kergoths/pcmcia module/pcmcia driver/
14:03:27kollanext.. indian food and yet another linux seminar..
14:35:48gonkulator{work}is away: I'm busy
14:35:50gonkulator{work}is back (gone 00:00:02)
14:59:03zonerhi again, I installed it fine and everything. Now I'm having trouble connecting with qtopia desktop. I have been to Security and set the sync mask to the default one, and in windows 2000 I set the IP to and the mask.. but the little tray icon remains disconnected. Anything missing ?
14:59:26kergothcan you ping the zaurus?
14:59:34kergothtry ftping to it on port 4242
14:59:50zoneryeah i sure can
15:01:42zonerconnection refused, I think
15:05:57kergothdid you hit OK in security?
15:10:01kergoth  * Zaurus model(s) to build kernels for
15:10:01kergoth  *
15:10:01kergoth  Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 PDA (KERNEL_5500) [Y/n]
15:10:01kergoth  Sharp Zaurus SL-5000D PDA (KERNEL_5000D) [Y/n]
15:10:08kergoth  * Ramdisk size(s) to build kernels for
15:10:08kergoth  *
15:10:08kergoth  No ramdisk (KERNEL_RD_NONE) [Y/n]
15:10:08kergoth  6 Megabytes (KERNEL_RD_6) [Y/n]
15:12:10zonerYeah I hit OK
15:12:21kergothtry switching it to ANY
15:12:29zoneri can ping it but i can't ftp at all to it
15:13:39zonernot much luck with that either
15:14:05kergothdefine not much luck
15:14:08kergothconnection refused? timeout?
15:16:25zonerok i'm an idiot, i've been trying to ftp to the zaurus
15:16:31zonergoign the other way works great !
15:17:31kergothyou can ftp to the zaurus
15:17:34kergoth*port 4242*
15:17:37kergothnot the default port
15:43:18scanlineis away: class
16:09:17gonkulator{work}is away: class time
16:09:33gonkulator{work}is away: class time
16:51:43zonerkergoth, port 4242 is a no-go
17:16:52zonernevermind, it works now ! thanks for the help
18:46:32scanlineis back (gone 03:03:11)
20:53:38TheMasterMind1smacks kergoth
20:53:42TheMasterMind1smacks MSpin
21:04:49TheMasterMind1<TheMasterMind1> chmod: getting attributes of `/zaurus/buildroot/output/staging/usr/share/man/man4/*': No such file or directory
21:04:49TheMasterMind1<TheMasterMind1> kergoth it spat out a kernel image
21:04:49TheMasterMind1<TheMasterMind1> touch /zaurus/buildroot/output/ipktemp/kernel-2.4.6-rmk1-np2-embedix-20011228-4e/CONTROL/control
21:04:49TheMasterMind1<TheMasterMind1> touch: creating `/zaurus/buildroot/output/ipktemp/kernel-2.4.6-rmk1-np2-embedix-20011228-4e/CONTROL/control': No such file or directory
21:14:19kergothi told you about hte staging chmod errors, it has to do with it installing into staging more than once
21:14:46kergothTheMasterMind1: okay i just commited the fix for that touch error
21:15:13TheMasterMind1Nothing to pull from
21:15:59TheMasterMind1ERROR-Can't get read lock on the repository.
21:15:59TheMasterMind1pull: remote locked, trying again...
21:16:05kergothit had to run a consistency check
21:16:07kergothdo it again
21:16:37kergothafter doing a pull, do a make ipk again
21:16:43kergothi updated make distclean to wipe output/staging too
21:19:16somebody said linux was ruling the world of Open Source! or beards
21:19:16TheMasterMind1Onyx4: what linux?
21:19:26kergothokay I'm writing up the conversion doc
21:19:33TheMasterMind1what openzaurus
21:19:36i think openzaurus is a Community version of the operating environment for the Sharp Zaurus SL-5x00[d] PDA. See or or see or see oz bk
21:19:36TheMasterMind1what openzaurus?
21:19:59TheMasterMind1Onyx4: MANDRAKE?!
21:20:01kergothweird, ibot catches that without being addressed directly?
21:20:03TheMasterMind1you sick freak
21:20:04Onyx4yeah :)
21:20:08TheMasterMind1kergoth yea
21:20:16TheMasterMind1Onyx4: upgrade your zcat maybe? *shrug*
21:20:17kergothOnyx4: wipe ifupdown, then do a make 2>&1 | tee log
21:20:19Onyx4why you guys all debian fan :) hehe
21:20:21kergothOnyx4: then send me the log output
21:20:27TheMasterMind1Onyx4: ofcourse
21:20:31TheMasterMind1debian > .*
21:21:37Onyx4I have zcat 1.2.4 (18 AUg 93)
21:21:59TheMasterMind1zcat 1.3.2
21:22:03TheMasterMind1definitely old as shit
21:22:29Onyx4that's still the latest in cooker hehe
21:22:31kergothi doubt zcat is the problem
21:22:35kergothi'd like to see the log
21:22:37TheMasterMind1tells you how good mandrake is
21:22:53Onyx4ok will send it once kernel finish building heh
21:22:54kergothmandrake has one of the easiest installers, i'll give it that
21:23:06kergothit drops all the zimages you selected directly into output/
21:23:26TheMasterMind1can't it do dependencies sortof
21:23:31Onyx4so now you even have custom ones like a 48-16 ?
21:23:39TheMasterMind1like if you select no ramdisk, does it still show the other ramdisk options?
21:24:00Onyx4it did for me
21:25:22Onyx4does it has to go thru a new kernel build for every different memory type?
21:25:32Onyx4it looks like it gave me 52-12, then is starting again now
21:27:19kergothOnyx4: it creates a kernel for each ramdisk size you set
21:27:28Onyx4hehe looks like it, now I have 48-16 and 52-12 done
21:27:31kergothOnyx4: for each of whichever models you selected
21:27:51kergothTheMasterMind1: you can selecte more than one ramdisk size, and more than one model
21:27:56kergothTheMasterMind1: it creates a kernel for each possibility
21:27:58Onyx4so is this one pretty different from the 2.4.6 on SF?
21:27:59kergothTheMasterMind1: automatically
21:28:12kergothOnyx4: quite a bit, I improved it to use the CONFIG_* that the
21:28:16kergothconfig system sets
21:28:23kergothi.e. CONFIG_RD_NONE for no ramdisk
21:28:33Onyx4ok but in terms of what's in it or bug fixes, etc?
21:28:36Onyx4like jffs2
21:28:41kergothah, nope, its *stock*
21:28:47kergoth2.4.7 has the new jffs2, but i need to fix that build yet
21:28:56kergothi'll get to work on that after we finish convertin gthings
21:28:57Onyx4it's got SD support too?
21:29:02kergothI want to get this producing jffs2 images again
21:29:08kergothwell, the 'sdmmc' package has that
21:29:15kergoththe binary sd module and the binary daemon
21:29:18kergothi ahvent ocnverted it yet
21:29:24kergothokay, i wrote up a conversion doc
21:30:17kergothOnyx4, TheMasterMind1: bk pull to grab the conversion doc
21:30:31kergothOnyx4, TheMasterMind1: the ones left to be done are the ones that do not have files in their directories
21:30:51Onyx4but some we could really flush
21:30:53Onyx4let me check
21:31:02kergothyeah, a number of them arent necessary for the stock openzaurus build
21:31:04Onyx4like wget?
21:31:06kergothlike fileutils, etc
21:31:16kergothbut people may want them. we'll convert them eventually
21:31:20kergothbut theier *LOW* priority
21:31:31kergothfirst goal is getting everythign in the stock image build converted
21:31:32Onyx4guess we gotta do the libc6 first right?
21:31:46kergothI havnet done that one yet
21:31:56kergothwhich means all the packages we just built used the libc in our respective toolchains :)
21:32:05kergoththat shouldnt harm anything of course
21:32:17kergothsince it'll use the libc on the z at runtime
21:32:38kergothokay, we need to announce who's working on what, so let me know if either of you start on anything so i dont waste time on them
21:32:50Onyx4so it's normal that if you just type "make" it does the build, then you do "make ipk" to create the ipk
21:32:53kergothfor now
21:32:59kergothlater I'll make it use the config it asked you for
21:33:07kergothon what types of packages to produce, if any
21:33:18Onyx4looks like everything built now
21:33:28Onyx4let me get that output for ifupdown
21:33:43kergoththere's some tweaking to be done on the system itself yet, but i want to get everything building first
21:34:18Onyx4oops the make ipk stopped
21:34:29Onyx4make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/clambert/oz/buildroot-oz/build/linux'
21:34:30Onyx4touch /home/clambert/oz/buildroot-oz/output/ipktemp/kernel-2.4.6-rmk1-np2-embedix-20011228-4e/CONTROL/control
21:34:30Onyx4touch: creating `/home/clambert/oz/buildroot-oz/output/ipktemp/kernel-2.4.6-rmk1-np2-embedix-20011228-4e/CONTROL/control': No such file or directory
21:34:30Onyx4make[1]: *** [/home/clambert/oz/buildroot-oz/output/ipktemp/kernel-2.4.6-rmk1-np2-embedix-20011228-4e/CONTROL/control] Error 1
21:34:43kergoththats fixed
21:34:44kergothbk pull
21:35:02kergothi forgot to mkdir -p $(IPKTMP_DIR)/CONTROL at the beginning of the rootinstall rule
21:35:07kergothi even mentioned that in the conversion doc
21:36:01Onyx4ok now everything worked cool
21:36:51Onyx4so that pcmcia-cs is it the one that was giving people problem or it's been fixed
21:36:59kergothit should be fixed, themastermind1 put in a patch for it
21:37:17kergothit changed the config file to try to load a ide-cs module, when ours isnt a module, its compiled in
21:37:22kergothso of course it promptly failed
21:37:52Onyx4do we umount CF memory card on suspend?
21:38:12Onyx4cause I want to know if I can pull out my CF card on a suspend
21:38:25kergothOnyx4: good question, i'm not certain, thats a pcmcia-cs thing
21:41:51kergothOnyx4: oh regarding the permissions in bk
21:41:53kergothOnyx4: dont chmod them
21:41:56kergothOnyx4: it wont like you
21:42:20kergothOnyx4: in order to be able to change the files, do a bk edit filename, or just bk -r edit -q to lock every file in the repository
21:42:36kergothOnyx4: it locks them, so you can edit them. then when you check them in, it unlocks them again
21:42:51kergothOnyx4: also, when you bk ci something, the file is gone, you need to bk co it again
21:43:05kergothOnyx4: so on principle i generally bk -r edit -q after doing a bk ci to make sure i still have everything
21:43:42kergothnote that doing a bk -r edit is bad on a repository that others can access
21:43:48kergothcause it locks it, they cant do a damn thing
21:43:58kergothbut doing that on your own local copies is of course fine
21:46:33Onyx4how do you write make 2>&1 | tee log in tcsh?
21:46:44Onyx4it says Ambiguous output redirect
21:51:36Onyx4ok I sent you the log kergoth
21:52:28Onyx4oops it bounced, what's your email?
21:53:28kergoth is a bastard
21:53:28Onyx4ibot: kergoth
21:53:32i heard kergoth was a bastard
21:53:32Onyx4ibot: who kergoth
21:56:32kergothmy mail is *dead* dood
21:56:36kergothi need another box
21:56:55Onyx4how can I send you the log
21:57:12gonkulator{work}is away: home time
21:57:56kergothOnyx4: my work box
21:58:04kergothknow of a place that does mail hosting with imap?
21:58:08kergothi dont need web or dns, i have dns
21:58:10kergothjust need mail
21:58:45Onyx4digi as in etherlite?
21:59:05kergothi work in unix tech support here
21:59:12Onyx4cool, we use those quite a lot at SGI, we resell them
21:59:26kergothahh yeah i didnt know you worked for sgi
21:59:34kergothwhat do you do ther?
21:59:49Onyx4I also work in backline support for network/comm related stuff
22:00:05Onyx4high speed networking mostly
22:00:19Onyx4and linux IA64
22:00:40kergothahh thats cool
22:01:41kergothblah i'm going home. bbl
22:54:17BZFlagkergoth`left: is buildroot fixed yet? I'm waiting for it to get fixed and then I'll add the other export makefiles.
22:56:00kergoth`sleepBZFlag: it works, but there was a format change, so .mk's need converting to the new layout
22:56:09kergoth`sleepBZFlag: I'll sync up cvs in a minute or two here so you can take a look
22:58:12kergothis behaving itself again?
22:58:36kergothyep, it is
23:01:16kergothhm, i bet i could use a vendor branch in cvs to let me easily see what changes you make there that need merging into bk..
23:01:40kergothcompare vendor branch to head to see your changes, then compare the bk tree to cvs head after that to see what changes need to be synced in the other direction..
23:08:03kergothhm, could even script it
23:08:07kergotha bk-cvs sync script
23:08:21kergothBZFlag: were the only changes you made to the buildroot back on the 12/13'th for the sharp and hancom stuff?
23:08:35kergothBZFlag: just want ot make sure i dont lose anything of yours when i resync
23:08:59BZFlagthat's all I recall, yeah.
23:09:13kergothokay, cool. i'll create a vendor branch to use to track the changes for syncing
23:09:35TheMasterMind1nods like he understands
23:10:32BZFlagwhacks TheMasterMind1 up side the head with a 50lb CVS manual.
23:35:02MSpinthe CVS manual doesn't teach you *how* to use CVS;)
23:35:32kergoththe 'info' on it does :)
23:36:18MSpinit's the same as the cvs docs on the webpage, right?
23:36:36MSpinit's still a long ways from knowing what to do when
23:36:51MSpinyou only get that with pratice (and knowing a CVS wizard)
23:38:25kergothtrue that
23:38:33kergoththough the info page tought me a great deal about dealing with branches
23:38:40kergothon its 'trackign external sources' section
23:39:08MSpinhow late does UPS grounddeliver?
23:39:15kergothno idea
23:39:35MSpinusually he comes 11amish
23:39:37kergothibot: message for BZFlag: cvs branch 'new_template' is synced with bk. i'll merge it into HEAD in a few
23:41:23kergothhehe, i love jm's quit msg
23:42:13MSpinwhy do I get stuck doing UI shit??????
23:51:50kergothre jmhodges
23:52:01jmhodgeswas trying to play bzflag
23:52:12jmhodgesapparently even on a t1 line my LAG STILL SUCKS
23:52:28kergothwell, latency is a whole different ballgame than thoroughput
23:52:35jmhodgeshehehe i know i know
23:52:39jmhodgesbut dammit
23:52:50jmhodgesi was hoping this fat pipe would help me out a bit! :)
23:53:00jmhodgesbut i was getting kicked more than i ever did before
23:53:11jmhodgesstupid csm and his stupid bzfalg server :)

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