irclog2html for openzaurus on 2002.10.18

00:03:11TheMasterMind1cerezu: eh? whats up?
00:03:24TheMasterMind1cerezu: run make config
00:03:27hmmm... oz bk is bk clone buildroot-oz; cd buildroot-oz; bk -r co -q; cp def-configs/openzaurus .config; make oldconfig; make or see bitkeeper (free download but non-gpl) or see 'oz snapshot' if you don't want to use bk
00:03:27TheMasterMind1ibot oz bk
00:03:30TheMasterMind1use those
00:03:37TheMasterMind1cp def-configs/openzaurus .config; make oldconfig; make
00:05:14cerezuI love my linux box.  1024mb of ram :)
00:05:53ljp-well, if you love it so much... why not marry it?
00:06:08cerezu/usr/bin/perl: bad interpreter: Permission denied
00:06:15cerezudo I need to be root?
00:06:44prpplagueevening all
00:08:56DaJokerheya prpplague
00:09:58TheMasterMind1prpplague: sup
00:10:00TheMasterMind1fix that X stuff
00:10:05TheMasterMind1 init.d script and all
00:10:51prpplagueTheMasterMind1: you did?
00:11:02DaJokerI think he's tell you to :)
00:11:38cerezubuildroot-exported/scripts/ /usr/bin/perl: bad interpreter: Permission denied
00:13:07TheMasterMind1prpplague: no, you do it :)
00:14:02prpplagueTheMasterMind1: ohh, ya i'm working on it, the ts and bl for tinyx
00:14:28TheMasterMind1prpplague: good :)
00:14:31oz prerelease is probably
00:14:31jmhodgesibot oz prerelease
00:14:34TheMasterMind1prpplague: i figured out how to get gtk compiling too
00:14:40prpplagueTheMasterMind1: cool
00:23:29DaJokerargh.. fluxbox dependy thing still not in the bk tree
00:44:07TheElusiveTool'sup all
00:48:54TheMasterMind1DaJoker: huh?
00:51:18DaJokerTheMasterMind1: packages/Makefile doesn't have fluxbox dependencies listed out.. so when you do a complete make, fluxbox tries to build before X
00:51:29DaJokerand of course, fails
00:52:27TheMasterMind1DaJoker: the buildroot doesn't look at the deps in the MAkefile
00:52:56DaJokerguess not.. seems to rely on packages/Makefile
00:57:11TheMasterMind1it doesn't even look at that
00:57:32TheMasterMind1    config FLUXBOX
00:57:32TheMasterMind1      boolean "Fluxbox"
00:57:32TheMasterMind1      depends TINYX
00:57:32TheMasterMind1      default "n"
00:57:36TheMasterMind1it should be working
00:57:52TheMasterMind1plus, its set to tinyx even in the makefile
00:58:07TheMasterMind1DaJoker: oh, oh oh
00:58:10TheMasterMind1my bad
00:58:14TheMasterMind1i see what you're saying
00:59:50TheMasterMind1DaJoker: ok, fixed it
01:00:59DaJokerI would fix this stuff myself.. but.. 1. don't have access to the bk tree and 2. wouldn't know how even if I did have access :)
01:01:37TheMasterMind1ok there
01:01:41TheMasterMind1try bk pull and see if it works now
01:02:24DaJokerin the middle of a build now.. will check it after a bit
01:07:39TheMasterMind1ibot message for kergoth: fix libtool
01:19:00TheMasterMind1how would i use the buildroot with distcc?
01:20:51DaJokerkergoth said something about it automatically uses it if it's availalbe
01:20:58DaJokerso just install and configure it I believe
01:22:33TheMasterMind1that's ccache iirc
01:22:57DaJokerhe was mentioning that both are setup like that for the buildroot
01:25:20Onyx4ok im back
01:25:25Onyx4hey I need some syntax help
01:25:29Onyx4why is this not working
01:25:36Onyx4 cat /var/run/ | xargs -i kill -TERM {}
01:25:45Onyx4-i: No such file or directory
01:27:19Onyx4well i'll rewrite it like this
01:27:26Onyx4 kill -TERM `cat /var/run/`  \
01:27:36TheMasterMind1Onyx4 heh
01:27:42Onyx4so I'll have a new ifupdown that works now with pcmcia
01:27:51Onyx4I mean with the new networksetup tool
01:28:02Onyx4so now everything uses ifup
01:28:10Onyx4kinda cool
01:34:00Onyx4ok nice that works...
01:34:08Onyx4ifupdown is fixed now, I'll push that
01:34:26i think oz prerelease is
01:34:26TheMasterMind1ibot oz prerelease
01:37:36TheMasterMind1hmm wtf
01:37:41TheMasterMind1if i set ipkg to use that feed
01:37:46TheMasterMind1its not working too well
01:38:25TheMasterMind1ipkg list doesn't show all the new ones in there
01:38:57TheMasterMind1oh i bet the packages file is old
01:39:18TheMasterMind1kergoth`out: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
01:39:38TheMasterMind1ibot message for kergoth: update the packages file in the latest prerelease!!!!!
01:40:00TheMasterMind1ibot message for kergoth: how come it won't let me update the Packages file?
01:40:25DaJokerbecause it doesn't like you?
01:41:13TheMasterMind1because kergoth took away group permissions
01:41:25TheMasterMind1Onyx4 you have a feed up?
01:41:45TheMasterMind1: excuse me?
01:41:45TheMasterMind1ibot onxy4
01:42:02TheMasterMind1this is latest?
01:42:15...but onyx4 is one of the OpenZaurus developpers and also maintains zmencoder (see zmencoder). or Optimized feed at
01:42:15Onyx4ibot onyx4 is at
01:42:40Onyx4yep latest except for my ifupdown which is not there yet
01:42:40Onyx4hold on
01:42:43scanlineis away: zzzzz.....
01:43:03Onyx4ok now it's all updated to latest
01:44:13TheMasterMind1Package libopenobex1 (0.9.8-4) installed in root is up to date
01:44:22TheMasterMind1Only have 1116 available blocks on filesystem /, pkg qt-embedded needs 1444
01:46:34TheMasterMind1Onyx4 does this have tinyx, php and stuff?
01:47:04Onyx4but most of the rest yes
01:47:07TheMasterMind1ipkg_download: ERROR: Command failed with return value 1: `wget --passive-ftp    -q -P /tmp/ipkg-f6vKsj'
01:47:08Onyx4I didn't build pico-gui ,etc
01:47:25TheMasterMind1stupid oz-base
01:59:31TheMasterMind1Upgrading ipkg from 20021014-1 to 20021012-1
01:59:32imposter_myuusomebody gimme a quick estimate of how big /opt it
01:59:47TheMasterMind1imposter_myuu: ?
01:59:58imposter_myuusize of the directory
02:00:00TheMasterMind1 /opt has all the binaries if you're using opie
02:00:21TheMasterMind1probably 80% of the stuff you have in / is in /opt
02:00:31TheMasterMind1if you're using opie
02:00:38TheMasterMind1if you're using X or picogui, its not
02:00:58imposter_myuualright...i dont think i will mount /opt on a 32 meg sd then
02:01:35DaJokerthat would be the perfect thing to do
02:01:58DaJokerhas all of /opt and part of /usr on an SD
02:02:12TheMasterMind1imposter_myuu: ?!
02:02:13TheMasterMind1why not
02:02:23imposter_myuuwouldnt you think its too small?
02:02:35TheMasterMind1the flash is only 16 megs
02:02:53TheMasterMind1so you have double, plus more since its only /opt
02:03:02imposter_myuuokay, thnx
02:03:13imposter_myuumy 64 meg card is being a pain
02:05:07untornTheMasterMind1 do you have konq or opera installed to sd in oz?
02:05:38TheMasterMind1konq yes
02:06:03untorndid you first install to ram then move binary to card or install directlyl to card from ipkg program?
02:06:51TheMasterMind1-d sd
02:07:33untornTheMasterMind1 did you get the runtime error about not being able to find KDEDIR and the html4.css file?
02:07:59imposter_myuui need an ipk of opera and java =(
02:09:07untornWhat version oz are you using...I just updated to oz and am not too familiar yet but I did install konq using force depend to sd card and get that errror
02:09:11imposter_myuujust opera
02:10:57TheMasterMind1untorn: the latest prerelease?
02:12:02Onyx4TheMasterMind1: are you done updating from my feed, I want to update pcmcia and ifupdown with the latest one I just changed again
02:12:12TheMasterMind1its upgrading
02:12:19Onyx4ok let me know when done
02:12:44Onyx4btw I found that sometimes when like stuff hangs, doing a "sync" in anohter window clear things up
02:12:53Onyx4for like opie-base
02:12:55Onyx4and big packages
02:14:03chouimatback little guys
02:15:54imposter_myuuwhy do i still get a lot of low memory errors on the 32-0 image?
02:16:33oz prerelease is
02:16:33Dessimat0ribot oz prerelease
02:16:39cranchwhat up peoples :)
02:16:43chouimathey cranch
02:16:47TheMasterMind1Onyx4 your upload sucks!
02:16:53Onyx4hehe I know
02:16:54TheMasterMind1Onyx4 sync?
02:16:54chouimatcranch: met a nice chick
02:17:01cranchI did?  or you did
02:17:11Onyx4well I'm not seeing anything here actually being transfered
02:17:12chouimatcranch: I did
02:17:13cranchshe own a Zaurus?
02:17:18Onyx4so must be your Z hanging...
02:17:19Onyx4try sync
02:17:22chouimatcranch: nope
02:17:42TheMasterMind1ipkg sucks
02:17:44TheMasterMind1so fucking much
02:17:45TheMasterMind1i hate it
02:17:51TheMasterMind1i'm writing my own
02:17:52TheMasterMind1in php
02:18:08chouimatcranch: but she liked mine .... or mine wang I don't remember ... tooo much beers
02:19:01Onyx4I'm gonna put a new aqpkg in my feed, Andy says he has re-written it completely
02:19:08Onyx4so that it handles the upgrades and multiple destination
02:19:21TheMasterMind1still relies on ipkg
02:19:22chouimatOnyx4: since when the rewrite?
02:19:23TheMasterMind1so it still sucks
02:19:23Onyx4he wants us to test it
02:19:31Onyx4like 2 hours ago
02:19:33TheMasterMind1fucking pos
02:19:35TheMasterMind1I HATE IPKG
02:20:00TheMasterMind1Onyx4 screw it i give up
02:20:00Onyx4some of the slowlyness is due to jffs2
02:20:10TheMasterMind1i'll upgrade when i finish writing my new pkg manager
02:20:28Onyx4hehe might want to try aqpkg... i'll try it
02:21:00TheMasterMind1i tried it once
02:21:02TheMasterMind1it still uses ipkg
02:21:06TheMasterMind1so it sucks
02:21:09TheMasterMind1i refuse to use ipkg
02:21:11Onyx4well... :)
02:21:35Onyx4I'd say we should fix ipkg, split it into a library
02:21:46Onyx4then make a cmdline and gui that links to the library
02:21:48TheMasterMind1that's what you say
02:21:52TheMasterMind1no one wants to fix it though
02:21:58TheMasterMind1stupid familiar guys are all lazy
02:22:43Dessimat0rWhy don't we create a fork of it then? ;)
02:23:00chouimatnoda: *belch*
02:23:03Onyx4TheMasterMind1: ok so I can flush my feed and re-create it?
02:23:17nodaBah. I was in a real coding mood before, don't feel like it now :(
02:23:19nodaOh well, doing it anyway.
02:23:23TheMasterMind1hmm wtf
02:23:27nodahates how friggin' real life gets in the way of having no life.
02:23:28TheMasterMind1now opie-login crashes when i login
02:23:35TheMasterMind1fuck it
02:23:46TheMasterMind1stupid pos
02:23:55Onyx4I have a initrd if you want but my link is slow
02:23:59Onyx4that's the one i'm using now heh
02:24:00TheMasterMind1opie and ipkg both suck shit
02:24:13Dessimat0rman, I love the pr0n spam I get in my email :D
02:24:15chouimatnoda: I met a very nice chick tonight
02:24:22nodachouimat: Ooh, good for you :)
02:24:33nodaDessimat0r: lol, quite pathetic :)
02:24:38chouimatnoda: redhair 5'9"
02:24:42Dessimat0rSubscribe me to moreeeee
02:25:02TheMasterMind1chouimat: sounds like you met her on irc
02:25:07TheMasterMind1and that's what she told you she was
02:25:12Dessimat0rTime to check out ampland :P
02:25:31TheMasterMind1"hi, i'm redhair 5'9" 130lbs female, wanna cyber?"
02:25:40chouimatTheMasterMind1: she's the cousin of one of my friend
02:25:41nodaa/s/l? :P
02:26:04TheMasterMind1chouimat: heh, i'm just kidding :) jealously is making me do it
02:26:05chouimatTheMasterMind1: meet her in person
02:26:12TheMasterMind1since i'm sick of ipkg and opie
02:26:14TheMasterMind1i'm leaving
02:26:22TheMasterMind1i refuse to use opie and ipkg any more
02:26:22nodais sick of being in love with someone he can never have.
02:26:26chouimatTheMasterMind1: she comming here after her shift
02:26:33TheMasterMind1fluxbox and tmm1-ipkg are the way to go!
02:26:38TheMasterMind1chouimat: nice
02:26:40TheMasterMind1chouimat: how old are you?
02:26:48nodaTheMasterMind1: openbox! :)
02:26:49TheMasterMind1: i'm not following you...
02:26:49TheMasterMind1ibot fluxbox
02:26:54TheMasterMind1noda: fluxbox > *
02:26:55nodainstalled openbox the other day. It's grate :)
02:26:57chouimatTheMasterMind1: guess
02:27:03imposter_myuuchouimat:webcom ;)
02:27:07TheMasterMind1chouimat: 43
02:27:13chouimatimposter_myuu: no
02:27:17chouimatTheMasterMind1: 28
02:27:24TheMasterMind1chouimat: :)
02:27:26TheMasterMind1i'm 15
02:27:44nodaMan, that's young. :)
02:27:45chouimatTheMasterMind1: she's will be here in 1 1/2h
02:27:53nodathought *he* was young to be coding...
02:28:01noda19 in two weeks
02:28:04imposter_myuu17 here too
02:28:20DaJoker29 here.. damn kids..
02:28:30TheMasterMind1noda: hmm, are these fonts and desktop icons and stuff default/ the stuff that's in the screenshots
02:28:42PieteAnyone know where I can get Qtopia Desktop for linux?
02:28:47nodaTheMasterMind1: Hrm?
02:28:53TheMasterMind1wait a second, taht's just natilus isn't it
02:28:53DaJokerPiete: trolltech's site
02:28:55nodaPiete: Er...
02:29:09Dessimat0rWE need an Opie desktop ;)
02:29:10nodaTheMasterMind1: What screenshots?
02:29:17nodaNo we DON'T :)
02:29:27Dessimat0rtheirs is crap :P
02:29:37Pietethey say its not free..
02:29:38chouimatDaJoker: only one year younger  :)
02:29:40nodaWe need KitchenSync is what we need :)
02:29:45Pietethanks DaJoker
02:29:50TheMasterMind1noda: actually looks nice.. i'll try it tommorow
02:30:02nodaTheMasterMind1: What the hell are you talking about? *is very confused*
02:30:05nodaTheMasterMind1: Oh, openbox?
02:30:05TheMasterMind1looks better than fluxbox, but flux still has a shitload more options and configurability
02:30:06imposter_myuui would love to see the option of using X in OZ...made like switching desktops at gpm
02:30:10TheMasterMind1noda: doh
02:30:15TheMasterMind1heh anyway
02:30:26nodaTheMasterMind1: flux is like a super-pumped up blackbox. openbox is a more minimalist-but-with-cool-features blackbox.
02:30:28TheMasterMind1imposter_myuu: ah, that's almost working. you can choose on bootup
02:30:30nodaNo tabs.
02:30:37TheMasterMind1noda: yea, i don't use tabs anyway
02:30:41TheMasterMind1but openbox is looking sexy
02:30:45TheMasterMind1with those antialiased fonts
02:30:49TheMasterMind1and nautilus in the back
02:30:55imposter_myuuwhat release TMM?
02:31:07Dessimat0rah, the nautilus, i was once captain of that fine vessel
02:31:08nodaBut it can 1) get rid of the menubar, and 2) follow netwm standards, and 3) has a better keybinding thing.
02:31:19nodaTheMasterMind1: You know, I can't get fucking AA fonts to work with it to tell you the truth :P
02:31:28nodagot fed up after twenty minutes.
02:31:31TheMasterMind1noda: heh
02:31:36TheMasterMind1i'll try this tommorow
02:31:38TheMasterMind1see if i like it
02:31:39nodaI have AA in all my apps, but the window titles are still boring :)
02:31:43nodaTheMasterMind1: Later :)
02:32:11TheMasterMind1The following packages will be REMOVED:
02:32:12TheMasterMind1  fluxbox fluxbox-theme-sid
02:32:12TheMasterMind1The following NEW packages will be installed:
02:32:12TheMasterMind1  openbox openbox-tools
02:32:15TheMasterMind1wtf bullshit?
02:32:22nodaThat's fucked up :)
02:32:32TheMasterMind1its openbox-tools doing it
02:32:33nodahates package management so he doesn't do it :)
02:32:40nodaWhat's that, epist?
02:32:47TheMasterMind1ugh. whatever, i'm out
02:32:56TheMasterMind1noda: apt-get
02:33:02TheMasterMind1debian  > *
02:33:11nodanoda-distro > debian :)
02:33:17Dessimat0ri must doze
02:33:22nodaSegmentation fault. (core dumped)
02:33:32TheMasterMind1lfs freak
02:33:39Dessimat0rAngelic Layer is stuck in my head!!!1
02:33:53nodaNah, I didn't do it from scratch, I kinda replaced pieces of slackware when updates came out.
02:33:56TheMasterMind1standards-xml-lfs-classes-oop-dunnopreg-freak :)
02:34:11nodaBetcha I can do better pregs than you can :P
02:34:56nodas/TheMasterMind1/TMM1\[sleeeep\]/ <-- see! I rock! :)
02:35:08Dessimat0rthe Z causes less sleep, this is not good ;)
02:35:44Dessimat0ra 'high-maintainace' PDA ;) Not that I'm complaining ;)
02:36:07nodaDessimat0r: Hehehe, only if you want it to be :)
02:36:28[DrEvil]why wont qt-e compile
02:36:31Dessimat0rI got it because I *need* to know about linux
02:36:47Dessimat0rif I had it in a £360 PDA, it will force me to learn
02:37:01nodaDessimat0r: lol, install it on your desktop :)
02:37:08nodaDo lfs. You'll learn FAST :P
02:37:35Dessimat0rah, linux from scratch
02:37:50Dessimat0rI'm thinking of installing Gentoo
02:37:59imposter_myuui need a way to contribute to OZ
02:38:00Dessimat0rlooks pretty decent
02:38:04nodaGentoo is cool, but you won't learn as quickly as you would with lfs :)
02:38:16nodadebian is hard to install but very low-maintenance.
02:38:21imposter_myuuya, lfs is great for learning linux...
02:38:23nodaWell, not that hard to install really.
02:38:23DaJokerhard to install??
02:38:30nodaCompared to Mandrake, for example.
02:38:34imposter_myuudebian isnt too bad
02:38:43DaJokeroh yeah.. the "How much linux do you want?" distro
02:38:45nodaYes, I've been through all of them. Even Slack was easier to install, I'm sorry to say.
02:38:45Dessimat0ri contributed! (although I only submitted a text file to fix the spelling errors in medium mount)
02:39:20nodaYou can contribute by finding and reporting bugs everywhere :)
02:39:22imposter_myuuSlack was slow for me, debian has been...great
02:39:37nodaimposter_myuu: So instead of finding the problem you installed another distro? Weird logic :)
02:39:49DaJokersheesh.. you kids
02:39:50nodaimposter_myuu: Not that I'm saying slack is better than debian - it's probably for the best ;)
02:40:26DaJokerwhy, when I first started, there was ONLY slack
02:40:41DaJokerand to install it, you had to use 21 floppies
02:40:48imposter_myuunoda:well, i was in my 'experimentation' period...just gave me a great reason to try another distro
02:41:02nodaimposter_myuu: I did that once. Last time I ever install redhat/mandrake :)
02:41:20DaJokerhard to believe.. been using linux for close to 10 years now
02:41:24imposter_myuunoda:ya...but RH >7.1 is decent
02:41:32imposter_myuuerr <
02:41:33ljp-needs something fun to do tonight
02:41:41DaJokerljp-: jump out a window?
02:41:50nodaimposter_myuu: Maybe. 7.0 was so bad it made me hate it forever :)
02:41:53ljp-not fun
02:42:19DaJokerljp-: chug a few beers?
02:42:23imposter_myuunoda:RH made me hate RH
02:42:23ljp-not fun
02:42:34DaJokerljp-: prank call that hot chick down the street?
02:43:01nodaimposter_myuu: Heh :)
02:43:14ljp-not fun
02:43:48DaJokerljp-: go downtown and pretend to be a mime?
02:44:43ljp-not fun either
02:45:04DaJokeris getting the idea that ljp- isn't much fun either
02:47:06ljp-decides to cluster his zauruii
02:47:28DaJokernow see, why didn't you just start with that.. that IS fun
02:50:25nodahas one of those moments where he just thinks to himself, "yeah, vim really does rock."
02:51:35ljp-wow.. you must have gone insane
02:52:25... the HIGHWAY is made out of LIME JELLO and my HONDA is a barbequeued OYSTER!  Yum!
02:52:25chouimatibot be zippy
02:52:57chouimatnoda ping
02:53:57nodachouimat: pong
02:54:37nodachouimat: Hey, it was 1 degree outside this morning :(
02:54:45nodatook the air conditioner out of his window.
02:55:00imposter_myuuyou re in SD arent you noda?
02:55:24nodaimposter_myuu: Montreal
02:55:30imposter_myuuoh, lol
02:55:40chouimatwas -2 here i get to bed
02:55:47nodaDamn :P
02:55:48chouimatimposter_myuu: Quebec City
02:56:03nodaShit, it's so late and my schedule sucks so much tomorrow... I hate school
02:56:27nodahates lots of things right now.
02:56:46imposter_myuuargh...stupid SD card
02:57:21chouimatspins some attention deficit
02:57:46imposter_myuuPartition check:
02:57:46imposter_myuu mmcda:<3>SD read error 00
02:57:46imposter_myuuSD read error : data block
02:57:46imposter_myuuSD read error 00
02:57:46imposter_myuuSD read error : data block
02:57:47imposter_myuu unknown partition table
02:57:51imposter_myuuSD Driver Initialized.
02:57:53imposter_myuusharp_mmcsd 0.18 01 Jul 2002
02:58:24imposter_myuudoesnt see my SD/MMC
02:58:31nodachouimat: Yes?
02:58:51nodaimposter_myuu: Lucky - my SD card won't mount at all - freezes opie :)
02:58:54chouimatnoda schedule sucks>?
02:59:00i guess kergoth is Chris Larson, the OpenZaurus guy, email at
02:59:00mrwoodyibot: kergoth
02:59:05nodachouimat: Yeah
02:59:06kergoth was last seen on #openzaurus 3 hours, 46 minutes and 51 seconds ago, saying: its beer-o-clock [Thu Oct 17 17:12:15 2002]
02:59:06mrwoodyibot: seen kergoth
02:59:26nodachouimat: Stupid school. Since Mondays are bad and Fridays are good, and this Monday was a holiday, they decided to make Friday's schedule Monday's this week.
02:59:42mrwoodyi am having problems in syncing the zaurus... i can ssh into it... but i cannot access internet from the Z
02:59:48mrwoodyusing oz
03:00:11nodamrwoody: Two possibilities: 1) your zaurus doesn't have your computer set as gateway (improbable). 2) Your computer isn't routing (very probable)
03:00:13mrwoodydoes anyone use it with a modem connection?
03:00:26nodamrwoody: You on Windows or Linux?
03:00:29mrwoodynoda: i followed ben's faq
03:00:32mrwoodyat zauruszone
03:00:38nodamrwoody: Dunno what that is :)
03:00:58mrwoodynoda: what doc did you use?
03:01:01imposter_myuuinteresting, i fdisk'ed the card and created a partition, then went back partition!
03:01:06nodamrwoody: I use wireless. No docs.
03:01:23nodamrwoody: If you want I could write one with what I did in it :)
03:01:27chouimatnoda 1hr to wait
03:01:54nodachouimat: ?
03:02:02chouimathot chick
03:02:07nodachouimat: Ah.
03:02:13mrwoodynoda: i guess that someone should write better docs... the faq is not really appropriate
03:02:24nodachouimat: I have a chance of one in a million of hanging out with a hot chick tomorrow night...
03:02:33nodamrwoody: I agree. We'll think of something :)
03:02:34chouimatnow playing: Attention Deficit: the Risk of Failure
03:02:50mrwoodychouimat: what do you have in your /etc/resolv.conf
03:02:50nodamrwoody: The faq would work fine with that kind of stuff though, really.
03:03:06nodaQuestion: "How do I connect to the internet?" Answer: <humungous page of info>
03:03:22mrwoodynoda: i followed that but didn't get anything at all
03:03:36mrwoodyi can ssh to my zaurus... but not more than that
03:03:40chouimatmrwoody: on the desktop or the z
03:03:45nodamrwoody: Okay, I really have no idea what's going on. Have you used iptables to forward internet traffic to your Zaurus?
03:04:00mrwoodychouimat: on the z
03:04:09mrwoodynoda: yes i did
03:04:16nodaiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -i ppp0 -j MASQ or whatever
03:04:43mrwoodynoda: yes... iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j SNAT -o ppp0 --to
03:04:49nodamrwoody: Type "route" on the Z. What does it say?
03:04:55mrwoodychouimat: on your desktop
03:05:49nodachouimat: lol, that's my NS too, the first one - or at least, used to be until it sucked a lot. and never worked :)
03:06:07mrwoodyKernel IP routing table
03:06:07mrwoodyDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
03:06:08mrwoody192.168.129.200 *      UH    0      0        0 usbd0
03:06:08mrwoodydefault         UG    0      0        0 usbd0
03:06:11chouimatnoda: try the second and the third
03:06:23nodachouimat: Nah, I've got a good one now thanks :)
03:06:34mrwoodyehmm... so i have to add that stuff on my desktop??
03:06:37nodamrwoody: Okay, your desktop isn't forwarding.
03:06:50nodamrwoody: There are TWO iptables commands you have to do. I forget the other.
03:06:53mrwoodynoda: how to do that?
03:06:58nodaOne sec
03:07:04mrwoodynoda: i did both
03:07:27mrwoody iptables -t nat -F
03:07:34mrwoodyiptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j SNAT -o ppp0 --to
03:07:36nodaiptables -I INPUT -s usbd0 -j ACCEPT
03:07:59nodaiptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -s -j MASQUERADE
03:08:29mrwoodyiptables v1.2.7a: host/network `usbd0' not found
03:08:29mrwoodyTry `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
03:08:35nodausb0 maybe?
03:08:44nodaI forget what the Linux interface is called, never use it any more
03:09:27mrwoodywhere do i need to add the nameserver? which etc/resolv?
03:09:34DaJokeron the z
03:09:45mrwoodyDaJoker: ok...
03:09:54mrwoodyDaJoker: then it was ok
03:09:58nodaOr just try a straight ping to an IP... oh, you mean you didn't try that yet???
03:10:07mrwoodyDaJoker: nameserver ipofmyprovider?
03:10:13nodamrwoody: Try this on the Z: "ping"
03:11:06imposter_myuuanyone have a binary of lynx for zaurus
03:11:16mrwoodynoda: now i cannot even ssh on my z
03:11:23mrwoodynoda: sorry now i can
03:11:31DaJokerimposter_myuu: you can get links (which is better)
03:11:40mrwoodynoda: but doesn't ping
03:12:10imposter_myuu: what?
03:12:10imposter_myuuibot killfilez
03:12:12nodamrwoody: Okay then, so it's a routing problem.
03:12:37mrwoodynoda: advice? ;-)
03:12:53nodamrwoody: Get wireless :P
03:13:10nodamrwoody: Dunno, something's screwy. I'd need to be there to see it really, I'm a horrible tech-support-over-irc person
03:13:41mrwoodynoda: what should the route look like on the Z?
03:13:41imposter_myuuz needs man pages
03:13:49nodamrwoody: Exactly like it does there.
03:14:06mrwoodynoda: you mean exactly like what i wrote?
03:14:27nodaYour Z's IP is, right?
03:14:35nodaEr, 129.201 rather
03:14:54DaJokeryou remember to turn on forwarding?
03:14:57nodaSo yeah, looks to *me* like the Z's set up properly.
03:14:57DaJokerecho 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
03:15:26mrwoodyDaJoker i have done that
03:15:59chouimatnoda dans 7 minutes
03:16:14imposter_myuunoda:you should try being a tech-over-the-phone guy, oy!
03:16:30nodaimposter_myuu: I have :)
03:16:37nodachouimat: What's there? :)
03:16:56nodaimposter_myuu: I asked someone to press the delete key on her keyboard. She asked, "Keyboard? Where's that?"
03:17:09chouimata very good song
03:17:12mrwoodynoda: is there any way to check if i am connected to the internet?
03:17:37nodamrwoody: I think being on IRC would be one way :P
03:17:44imposter_myuunoda:for what?
03:17:51nodamrwoody: Pinging would be a good way too.
03:18:06nodaimposter_myuu: That was one of my tech-over-the-phone guy experiences :)
03:18:42imposter_myuunoda:tech support for what?
03:18:43noda"Um, it's under your monitor, next to your mouse, where you type stuff in..." "Oh, THAT keyboard!"
03:18:50nodaimposter_myuu: My company.
03:18:55nodaimposter_myuu: Internal support
03:19:01nodaimposter_myuu: For an outside rep
03:19:12nodaloathes those outside reps :)
03:19:28noda(much better when WE get to set up their computers)
03:19:40chouimatnoda ok
03:19:59imposter_myuu<--Qwest...DSL, ISDN, Dial
03:20:17mrwoodynoda: that is strange.. ping works... that is my internet provider\
03:20:30nodamrwoody: That *is* weird.
03:20:38cranchanyone using tkcRadio?
03:20:55nodaaccuses chouimat of having a really slow connection (like his)
03:20:56chouimatnoda: go to
03:21:00chouimatcranch: nope
03:21:08nodachouimat: Downloading... 8%
03:21:15cranchchouimat: why not :P
03:21:17chouimatnoda one of my download the song
03:21:24cranchchouimat: looks like a pretty cool progie...
03:21:33cranchI could never get zRadio to work..
03:21:44cranchtoo bad the free version of tkcRadio only does ogg...
03:21:59cranchI only have mp3's and I don't want to covert them because iTunes won't play them by default :)
03:22:27DaJokercranch: why not use op2 or xmms?
03:23:00nodacranch: Don't convert mp3's. Hasn't your mother ever told you not to convert between lossy compression formats? :)
03:23:25cranchnoda: yeah..I'd have to have them all in wav before I'd ever rip off to ogg
03:23:40cranchDaJoker: I suppose I could....I haven't been to zsi in about a month :)  GASP
03:23:48cranch: what?
03:23:48cranchibot: serach zsi for op2
03:23:48nodacranch: However, I think ffmpeg does on-demand conversion. not sure. There are programs that do, I'm sure :)
03:23:56i heard op2 was opieplayer2, a mediaplayer which is currently in beta stage which will be able to play streaming mp3, ogg and MPEG4(DivX/XviD) movies (and many other formats).  It is based mostly from the xine code.
03:23:56nodaibot op2
03:24:18chouimatso noda?
03:24:26nodachouimat: Time left: 9 minutes
03:25:11cranchI love gentoo
03:26:03chouimatloves horny chicks
03:26:13chouimatoops wrong windows
03:26:35cranchwell...I suppose..its about my magical time to go to bed...
03:26:42cranchdamn classes could stop ANYTIME!
03:28:04cranchnight all
03:29:29nodachouimat: Okay, 3 minutes left, guess I can start playing :)
03:30:16nodachouimat: Really like the percussion :)
03:30:59chouimatnoda: the guitar player is the original guitar player of testament
03:32:07mrwoodynoda: it looks like now i can telnet ip#... but not names
03:32:20nodamrwoody: Great. Now put some DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf
03:32:27nodamrwoody: Just copy the one from your desktop to your Z.
03:33:13mrwoodynoda: works great... thanks a lot
03:33:15chouimatnoda how the song?
03:33:38nodachouimat: I like it :)
03:34:07noda's no Dave Matthews but I like it :)
03:34:26mrwoodyhow about to upgrade my oz?
03:34:39chouimatnoda: Attention Deficit The Idiot King... look at the cover on
03:34:42mrwoodynoda: ipkg update give me error
03:34:53mrwoodywget: server returned error 404: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
03:34:53mrwoodyipkg_download: ERROR: Command failed with return value 1: `wget --passive-ftp    -q -P /tmp/ipkg-Csv8wW'
03:34:54nodamrwoody: That's strange. It shouldn't.
03:35:03nodamrwoody: Ah, that's because it doesn't exist any more.
03:35:05oz feed is probably
03:35:05nodaibot oz feed
03:35:15nodamrwoody: You gotta change /etc/ipkg.conf to point to that instead.
03:36:25mrwoodynoda: where?
03:36:32cerezukergoth's still gone?
03:36:34nodamrwoody: /etc/ipkg.conf. I think.
03:36:44DaJokeryes.. /etc/ipkg.conf
03:37:03DaJokersee the line in there that says: src oz3 http://blahblahblahbalh
03:37:15DaJokerchange the URL to the one that ibot just spit out above
03:38:08chouimatnoda how to you like the cover?
03:38:10nodamrwoody: I suggest you *don't* upgrade your ibot :)
03:38:20nodachouimat: Oh, sorry, wasn't looking - got admin working on my FAQ thingy :)
03:39:04mrwoodynoda: ok... i will continue tomorrow... thanks for your help.
03:39:10nodamrwoody: No prob :)
03:39:15nodagoes bleh.
03:40:31nodachouimat: Heh, like the cover :)
03:41:18chouimatnoda nice little dog
03:42:57chouimatnoda:  some people didn't buy the album because they didn't liked the cover
03:43:15nodachouimat: lol
03:48:49nodachouimat: Nothing
03:49:07chouimatnoda it's a very good album
03:49:14nodachouimat: Sounds pretty good :)
03:51:29nodaHrm... anyone wanna have fun adding FAQs to my site? :)
03:52:13chouimatnoda: yup: with a girl don't be a fool wrap your tool
03:52:41nodahas a feeling that the way things are going with this girl his tool is not going to be that useful anytime soon.
03:53:26chouimatnoda: test it manual once a month just to be sure your tool would work when you will need it :)
03:54:21chouimatnoda: :)
03:55:01chouimatnoda: would have some nice log :)
04:25:27oz prerelease is
04:25:27hvarottoibot oz prerelease
04:25:57ljp-I hate floppies
04:31:21[DrEvil]who gave kergoth the night off?
04:48:06[DrEvil]oh look
04:48:18[DrEvil]kergoth is finally here
04:49:00[DrEvil]any issues compiling qt-e?
04:49:30[DrEvil]good for you
04:49:36[DrEvil]I am having issues
04:50:07untornwhen I tryto run konq in oz I get the message : Segmentation fault...anyone know what this means or how to fix it?
04:50:29kergothuntorn: which konq package did tyou get
04:50:31kergoth[DrEvil]: what issues?
04:50:40[DrEvil]hang on
04:50:51cerezukergoth: ya there?
04:50:56[DrEvil]I gotta let it run through
04:51:26untornkergoth 20020311
04:51:27kergothcerezu: yeah
04:51:28kergoth[DrEvil]: k
04:51:32kergothuntorn: old. get a new one
04:53:10[DrEvil]qutfcodec.o: In function `QUtf16Decoder::~QUtf16Decoder [in-charge deleting]()':
04:53:11[DrEvil]qutfcodec.o(.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN13QUtf16DecoderD0Ev+0x23): undefined reference to `operator delete(void*)'
04:53:11[DrEvil]collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
04:53:11[DrEvil]make[3]: *** [moc] Error 1
04:53:15[DrEvil]lots of stuff like that
04:53:21kergothhrm, doesnt ring a bell
04:53:32kergothmoc, error 1
04:53:35kergothso its erroring building moc
04:53:41kergothwhat compiler is it using, your stock 3.2 one right?
04:54:14kergothibot: message for themastermind1: libtool will be fixed tomorrow when i'm at work unless you want to do it yourself. I had shit to get done tonight.
04:54:24Onyx4hey kergoth
04:54:26[DrEvil]the Embedix one
04:54:33Onyx4I fixed the latest issues with ifupdown and pcmcia for udhcpc
04:54:44Onyx4so now it's working fine with just interfaces/ifupdown
04:54:47untornAnyone know where the newest version of konq is at?
04:54:47kergoth[DrEvil]: i mean, the moc build is compiling with an x86 compile, which one
04:54:50kergothOnyx4: what was the issue?
04:54:55kergothuntorn: check the ipaq opie feeds
04:55:06Onyx4kergoth: some busybox syntax in ifupdown for inet.def
04:55:27[DrEvil]then that would be gcc3.2
04:55:28Onyx4some just a minor patch for ifupdown and it works
04:55:49kergothOnyx4: gotcha. those busybox syntax issues have caught us before. cool.
04:55:52untornkergoth 20020311 is the newest konq I know of...where can I get a newer version?
04:56:00kergothuntorn: the *ipaq opie feeds* like i just said.
04:56:13kergothuntorn: try the normal places. say, for example
04:56:16opie feed is or newer on or at or or
04:56:16kergothibot opie feed
04:56:19kergothlook around
04:57:29kergothdoesnt have time to handhold people
04:57:41kergothOnyx4: thanks for dealing with the ifupdown issues, i appreciate it
04:58:08Onyx4hehe no problem, now my Z works real great...I reflashed it using my latest image done with a clean build
04:58:28kergoththe oz-base fix for the mtdblock6 mount on initial boot worked right?
04:58:29Onyx4so I think we should put up a new feed/prerelease with those changes in it
04:58:39Onyx4oh and Andy already fixed some aqpkg issues..
04:58:45kergothi follow the cvs logs too :)
04:58:55Onyx4I don't, so I see the changes hehe
04:59:12untornkergoth thanks buddy
04:59:19kergothuntorn: np
04:59:24kergothhunger_: hey
04:59:29untornkergoth seeya later...
04:59:35kergothuntorn: later
04:59:49kergothi didnt do a *damn* thing at work today
04:59:54cerezukergoth: I have a question.  Unrelated to the handler, how would I set up linux to reject certain routes based on user accounts, is there a way?
04:59:56kergothi wonder if i'll have a boss talk tomorrow
05:00:17kergothcerezu: so iptables rules based on user? i believe there is a module to allow such a thing
05:00:20cerezuor would I use chgrp on eth0/eth1?
05:00:36kergothwell, eth0 and eth1 arent files. they're devices. chgrp only applies to files
05:01:25cerezubut everything in unix is a file?
05:01:32kergothnot network devices.
05:01:36kergothnormal devices yes.
05:01:39kergothnetwork interfaces, no.
05:01:49kergotha network interfaces is its own thing
05:02:03kergothuse iptables with the module to match traffic based on user
05:02:58cerezuknow any sites that I could download such a module or get help from?
05:03:01kergothi forget the name of the module though
05:08:49oz prerelease is probably
05:08:49plastik_ibot oz prerelease
05:29:47oz prerelease is
05:29:47APOXibot: oz prerelease
05:42:11untornkergoth and his OZ got him wireless in less than 1 minute
05:44:59untornsorry meant to say got me wireless...
05:45:17untornjus' trying to pay homage to kergoth
05:45:19kergothoh okay, that makes more sense
05:45:54untornkergoth been up since five...quite easy to type without thinking...
05:46:27kergothyah, know how that goes
05:46:40kergothi'm tired, drained, and semi-drunk, and ready for bed
05:47:21cerezume too, heh
05:47:26cerezuexcept for the semi-drunk part, heh
05:48:06kergothtoo much whiskey and rum, i'm thinking
05:48:09kergothwanders off to bed
05:48:11kergothnight all
05:49:14untornthough kergoth was like 19
05:50:34kergothis 22
05:50:34untornfrekin kids! taking over
05:50:34i guess opie is the Open Palmtop Integrated Environment. More info at or in the #opie channel. Installation instructions at or respect
05:50:34untornibot opie
05:50:50cerezuuntorn: hey, I just turned 17, heh
05:51:13untorncerezu: I'm that age as well..heh
05:53:04cerezuOnce upon time someone asked me about a social life, I was in shock, and then told them to hold on a minute, I wandered back in with my Z with terminal open while it was compiling, and then they slapped me and I slapped them back, WHAAAACKKKKKKKK!  then I went to get something and came back with my keyboard and used it as a bat :)  hehehehehehe..
05:59:14TDTLaptopI doubt the bot will know this, but I was curious if anyone here did JAVA work on the zaurus?
06:02:57untornhow do you ftp to oz open 4242 root [no password]
06:04:05Onyx4untorn: set the security preferences in the settings
06:15:41untornOnyx4 whats the password?
06:15:49Onyx4nothing by default
06:15:55Onyx4I think
06:16:39untornmy login is failing because of a bad password...
06:16:53untorn530 Please login with USER and PASS
06:21:23cerezudamn.  My little weak spot is bitwise, hehe :)
06:22:16untornOnyx4 I get a message on the oz about unauthorized user trying to sync...only option I have is to deny...
06:22:32untornOnyx4 I set the security the 'any' though.
07:26:42i think oz prerelease is
07:26:42AndyQibot oz prerelease
07:27:28konqueror is at or at
07:27:28untornibot konqueror
07:52:06i think oz prerelease is
07:52:06smee|hibot oz prerelease
08:18:40scanlineis back (gone 06:35:57)
08:26:38cerezudoes OZ have an rc.local for script procedures during startup, such as /etc/rc.d/rc.local?
08:29:01nris it possible with openzaurus to rotate apps ? this feature exists in opie but is it already in oz ?
08:32:08nris there a "rotate everything" app ?
08:51:01nrseems that konqueror needs qpe-base , does it mean I cant install konqueror on oz ?
10:22:08oz prerelease is, like,
10:22:08kollaibot: oz prerelease
10:33:07kollahuh.. wtf is that kernel module doing _there_
10:34:50nroz uses which version of opie at this time ?
10:43:17kollanr: 0.9.1
10:43:59kollawonder what the idea of putting the sharp_mmcsd_m.o in /usr/sharp/ is
10:49:55kollahm... something fishy with current ssh?
10:57:35cerezuI am seriously getting pissed with opie mediaplayer
10:58:28kollawhich one of them?
10:58:35kollaI mostly use xmms to play music
11:00:19cerezuI cant get the codecs to work
11:06:48cerezuthat's odd....
11:08:02noiddello ljp-
11:29:25i heard oz prerelease was
11:29:25AndyQibot oz prerelease
11:33:55noiddthats not the latest
11:34:38killefiz: I forgot oz prerelease
11:34:38killefizibot: forget oz prerelease
11:34:48OK, killefiz.
11:34:48killefizibot: oz prerelease is
11:34:58noiddmuch better :-)
11:35:24killefizi wonder why it has been reverted in ibot ... maybe ibot crashed
11:35:30i haven't a clue, killefiz
11:35:30killefizibot did you crash?
11:36:24noiddyes ibot did
12:04:21mrwoodyroot@zaurus:~> ipkg update
12:04:22mrwoodywget: server returned error 404: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
12:04:22mrwoodyipkg_download: ERROR: Command failed with return value 1: `wget --passive-ftp    -q -P /tmp/ipkg-qLZlpY'
12:04:28mrwoodydoes anyone know why?
12:07:57kergoth was last seen on #openzaurus 5 days, 13 hours, 7 minutes and 8 seconds ago, saying: ARGHS [Sat Oct 12 17:00:49 2002]
12:07:57mrwoodyibot: seen kergoth
12:10:20oz prerelease is probably
12:10:20killefizibot: oz prerelease
12:13:51mrwoodykillefiz: can you show me your ipkg.conf
12:14:03mrwoodywhat do you have after src?
12:15:40killefizmrwoody: no, i cant my z is at home and i'm at work
12:15:54mrwoodykillefiz: ok
12:44:40oz prerelease is
12:44:40Dessimat0ribot oz prerelease
12:59:21oz prerelease is
12:59:21hvarottoibot oz prerelease
13:21:26mrwoodyis it normal if ssh is extremely slow to connect
13:23:30kergoth was last seen on #openzaurus 5 days, 14 hours, 22 minutes and 41 seconds ago, saying: ARGHS [Sat Oct 12 17:00:49 2002]
13:23:30mrwoodyibot: seen kergoth
13:24:07mrwoodyi get this error: Upgrading oz-base from unstable-13 to unstable-14b
13:24:09mrwoodyERROR: Package oz-base wants to install file /dev/console
13:24:09mrwoodyBut that file is already provided by package <no package>
13:24:09mrwoodyPlease move this file out of the way and try again.
13:24:12mrwoodyshall i worry?
13:50:12ljp_workwoot! I have printing!
13:50:52numatrixmrwoody: It can take a few seconds.  How long is extremely slow?
14:07:57ljp_workhey bipolar! hows that fiero?
14:10:13ljp_workdamn modem
14:20:04bipolarljp_work: My fiero needs $400 of work.
14:20:54ljp_workheh typical ;) so does mine.. struts.. speakers..
14:21:02bipolarljp_work:I'm trying to sell my Jeep Cherokee. :)
14:22:04ljp_workif I get this sys admin job.. I'll be able to fix mine up
14:22:43ljp_workand save for the inevitable engine rebuild it needs
14:25:55ljp_workand it needs to run linux ;)
14:26:12bipolarljp_work: find a place to mount a zaurus :)
14:26:32bipolarAnyone know if the muli user stuff has been worked out yet?
14:30:20ljp_workI think it just needs the user to be made into the relevant groups
14:30:58what's up, bipolar
14:30:58bipolarkergoth: hello
14:31:08kergothwtf how did the bot get into that mode
14:31:13bipolar: what?
14:31:13bipolaribot: I was not talking to you!
14:31:25bonjour, bipolar
14:31:32Since Fri Oct 18 06:06:27 2002, there have been 14 modifications and 17 questions.  I have been awake for 2 hours, 25 minutes, 5 seconds this session, and currently reference 84754 factoids. Addressing is in required mode.
14:31:32kergothibot status
14:31:33bipolargod... ibot is nosy
14:31:37kergother, werid
14:31:39kergothhe's in required mode
14:32:21DaJokerkergoth: question for ya.. trying to make image.. failing on networksetup stuff.. it built, but the ipk is not building for networksetup
14:33:06kergothDaJoker: your opie is old
14:33:10DaJokerthis was from a fresh buildroot pull last night
14:33:11kergothDaJoker: cvs up -Pd it
14:33:17kergothits not up to date.
14:33:23kergothbenmeyer fixed it last night
14:33:28bipolarwishes there was an server side imap filter that had a pretty gui...
14:34:47kergothbipolar: ahem.. procmail.. :)
14:34:55kergothdont need no stinking gui
14:35:27DaJokerbipolar: sieve.. has several frontends for creating rulesets
14:35:55DaJokercvs update: authorization failed: server rejected access to /cvs for user anoncvs
14:35:55DaJokercvs update: used empty password; try "cvs login" with a real password
14:36:02kergothcelebrate relentlessness, menace to society
14:36:11kergothDaJoker: CVS_PASSFILE=`pwd`/../../.cvspass cvs up -Pd
14:36:13kergothDaJoker: :)
14:36:36JasonNJman its such a downer to be on the #opie channel
14:37:04JasonNJfreakin germans always complaining!
14:37:22JasonNJopie needs more american blood
14:37:28ljp_workthey must have alot to complain about
14:37:49ljp_workThere's a few US'ers
14:38:11kergothdont look at me, I dont want to get really good at gui coding
14:38:30ciaolinuxmorning kergoth... shall i worry if i get this error message:  i get this error: Upgrading oz-base from unstable-13 to unstable-14b
14:38:30ciaolinux ERROR: Package oz-base wants to install file /dev/console
14:38:30ciaolinux  But that file is already provided by package <no package>
14:38:36DaJokerseems they can't decide what 'really good at gui coding' is over there
14:38:40DaJokerso I don't think it matter kergoth
14:39:44kergothciaolinux: wow, thats an old oz-base. try rm'ing he file it says about
14:39:47kergothDaJoker: true that
14:40:56ciaolinuxkergoth: which one is old? the 13 or the 14b?
14:41:26kergothciaolinux: 13. whenever you get that error, just rm the file thats conflicting. (assuming its provided by <no package>)
14:42:19ciaolinuxkergoth: ok... thanks. The rest seems to work great, except for the todo app: there are some strange problems with that
14:42:42ciaolinuxkergoth: is it supposed to work?
14:42:47bipolarWho is Holger?
14:42:57bipolarI knoiw he's a usual :)
14:43:38bipolarok... it's zecke...nevermind :)
14:46:14oz prerelease is
14:46:14nodaibot oz prerelease
14:46:39nodaWhee! Time to work out the last kinks on the FAQ site, so that it'll actually be functional :)
14:47:02ciaolinuxnoda: does your todo app work on oz?
14:47:13nodaciaolinux: My todo app? I didn't know I had one :)
14:47:44kergothtodo works
14:48:02nodais a bit confused, but he uses opie's todo list app.
14:48:05ciaolinuxkergoth: it doesn't show me the details... unless i edit a data again
14:48:53kergothciaolinux: what timestamp is your opie-todo?
14:49:16ciaolinuxkergoth: i updated few minutes ago
14:49:29kergoththat means nothing.
14:49:34kergothupdated from where?
14:49:40ciaolinuxfrom oz prerelease
14:49:42kergoththere are at least 8 feeds i know of off the top of my head.
14:49:50oz prerelease is probably
14:49:50ciaolinuxibot: oz prerelease
14:50:06ciaolinux: i am very new in this thing... how to find oout the version?
14:50:14kergothrun oipkg?
14:50:18kergothtap on opie-todo
14:50:20kergothlook at Version
14:50:26kergothor drop to a prompt, run ipkg info opie-todo
14:51:31ciaolinuxkergoth: there are two opie-todo... in oipkg
14:51:57ciaolinuxkergoth: 0.9.1
14:52:22kergothciaolinux: just report the bug to the opie folks, tell them its 0.9.1 built from cvs on 20021015
14:52:25hmmm... opie bugs is
14:52:25kergothibot opie bugs
14:52:34ciaolinuxkergoth: ok.
14:52:36kergothtell them its built as of 1007
14:52:52kergothwe're using an old todo version
14:53:00kergothcause they're in the middle of changing it big time
14:53:03kergothso for all we know the bug is fixed
14:53:09ciaolinuxkergoth: ok thanks.
14:53:42ciaolinuxkergoth: this is more important... is it normal that in oipkg there are a lot of boxes that are closed... i.e. they look like packages that have not been installed
14:54:31ciaolinuxkergoth: no sorry... i think that i understand now... they still need to be downloaded, rite?
14:55:02nodakergoth: Oh, btw, the site has access permissions now. :)
14:55:09nodakergoth: Want me to register you as an admin? :)
14:55:29kergothciaolinux: probably. check the help menu, it shows you what the icons mean
14:55:31kergothnoda: please do
14:55:38kergothschurig: greetings :)
14:57:37nodakergoth: Deletion of categories, admins and faqs is on the way ;)
14:57:40schurigkergoth: before I do any write access, I have to master the current system. I changed some parts of your old build system, e.g. in the sourcetree file
14:58:12schurigI added code that could simply copy a whole directory. So I was able to have my systemname-base in CVS, not in a TAR file
14:58:20schurig(I felt it is ugly to have a binary file in CVS)
14:58:49schurigI also made some design changes for our box, e.g. I did not populate /dev with some stuff, but instead used devfs with automount.
14:59:00kergothschurig: sourcetree can handle a local directory, it'll copy the dir over into build
14:59:09kergothschurig: oh good. if we werent on 2.4.6 i'd do the same thing.
14:59:12schurigI had to change qt  for the new paths, but for me this is much cleaner ...
14:59:33JasonNJsch: what kinda project are you working on?
14:59:51schurigkergoth: hmm, than it was something different that I changed... ... ah, now I know. To have empty directories in the CVS, I put
14:59:55kergothschurig: i dont blame you. devfs makes it much simpler, no need for a /dev ramdisk.. or anything
15:00:09schurig".cvs_keep_dir" files into them. sourcetree copies the dir, but then deletes those files ...
15:01:01kergothahh, well feel free to do such a thing here if you feel its necessary. we're using some ugly perl scripts instead of those heavily bash dependent shell scripts. they're in scripts/ .. they're ugly, but they work
15:01:15schurigJasonNJ: a industry device. You can smash it onto the wall and it still works. I can not say much more ...
15:01:38JasonNJmy idea of a pda.
15:02:00kergothhehe, indeed.
15:02:03nodaMmm, I want one!
15:03:56schurigJasonNJ: but when you see the price-tag, you will immediately abandon the thought ...  it's not a PDA ...
15:04:24schurigschurig: althought it could be one if you install the right ipk's ...
15:04:24tux_mikei know laptops that you can drop onto a cement floor from 8 feet up and they will bounce :)
15:04:24kergothJasonNJ: cerezu volunteered to assist on the sl5x00 kernel, he's cleaning up and finishing my input layer keyboard driver for the Z.
15:04:24kergothJasonNJ: just an fyi
15:04:25tux_mikeand not be damaged
15:05:12schurigkergoth: I guess that the is used for Roman Zippel's build system?    Does then the Makefile still honor the "Depends =" line or is this now purely for the *.ipk?
15:05:18JasonNJkergoth: excellent.
15:05:41JasonNJthe 5500 needs a major kernel upgrade
15:05:54JasonNJthat device would do so much better with 2.4.19
15:06:14kergothschurig: Depends= is now purely for ipk creation. currently depends control the configuration system only, and you must edit packages/Makefile to establish actual dependencies. Generating packages/Makefile from teh dependency tree is on my todo list :)
15:06:50tux_mikekergoth: you hear word about sprint's new plans?
15:06:51nodaWoo! Admin deletion works :)
15:07:40kergothschurig: i'd also like to remove the make recursion completely
15:07:40kergothtux_mike: no, whats up
15:07:43tux_mike,3245,1111390,00.html  just this
15:08:38schurigkergoth: Ok, thanks. It's 17:07 hours now in western europe, a nice weekend is in front of me. So I will be busy beginning next week :-)
15:09:11kergothtux_mike: $10 for unlimited? niftyy
15:09:12kergothschurig: hehe. understood. have a good weekend :)
15:09:13tux_mikekerg: quite.  now if i could only get my laptop :)
15:09:13kergothi still want a CF 3g card or a 3g phone w/ BT
15:10:12tux_mikeyah, but that's asking too much
15:10:21ciaolinuxkergoth: are they planning one?
15:10:24tux_mikei'm hapy with what i got
15:10:27kergothdoesnt know
15:11:00kergothhey chouimat, how are ya
15:11:12chouimata little tired
15:11:24kergothme too
15:12:08nodachouimat: How did the girl thing go?
15:12:17kergothgirl thing?
15:12:29chouimatnoda why do you think I'm tired
15:12:39nodakergoth: chouimat had a lady friend over last night ;)
15:12:42nodacongratulates chouimat.
15:12:55ljp_workgirl thaaang
15:12:55chouimatkergoth: a girl get here last night
15:12:55kergothhad a good time then i take it
15:12:55kergothhey prp
15:13:33chouimatnoda: thnaks. good luck tonight
15:13:44nodachouimat: Heh, nothing's gonna happen most likely.
15:14:10kergothnoda: got a date tonight?
15:14:14nodakergoth: Nope.
15:14:18kergothbah that sucks
15:14:23kergothi need to start dating again
15:14:24nodakergoth: Girl I've been after MIGHT feel like seeing me for a few minutes though.
15:14:35kergothnoda: hah, well thats something eh
15:14:48nodakergoth: Heh, she drives me crazy. Sucks.
15:14:49nodahates loves.
15:14:52ljp_workthey did the mambo all night
15:14:57nodaer, s/loves/love/
15:15:17kergothis still in love with his ex. mutters.
15:15:28numatrixkergoth: Ex-girlfriend or Ex-wife?
15:15:43kergothnumatrix: gf, thankfully. 3 years
15:15:48chouimathas 2100000CC of cat
15:17:06tux_mikei wonder if my SMS works internationally
15:17:31chouimatI think i will go buy a second cat becasue the first one his always on me
15:18:16ciaolinuxchouimat: isn't it better to have a second Z?
15:18:34kergothtrue that, you dont have to clean a Z's litterbox
15:18:45chouimatkergoth: :P
15:20:37numatrixanybody had trouble building qt recently?
15:21:10kergothbeta2? no, i havent had any problems tehree
15:21:52numatrixcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status
15:21:52numatrixmake[2]: *** [moc] Error 1
15:21:52numatrixmake[2]: Leaving directory `/home/jwiens/oz/buildroot-oz/build/qt-2.3.4-beta2/src/moc'
15:22:00kergoththat doesnt tell us anything
15:22:04kergothany errors above that?
15:22:13kergothif moc failed, its something about your desktop's x86 build environment
15:22:14TwiunHi guys ;-)
15:22:20DaJokerheya Twiun
15:22:26kergothyou building moc with gcc 3.2? on the desktop? (aka is 'gcc' 3.2?)
15:22:28kergothhey Twiun
15:22:45numatrixkergoth: It's a stock RH8.0 box.  Yeah, running 3.2
15:23:03kergothnumatrix: thats probably the source of the problem. you've built qt/e 2.3.4 on this box before?
15:23:09TwiunI think I'm gonna make a chroot dir for arm compilations... by box's build stuff is foobar'd
15:23:29kergothwell, some crosscompilation needs the x86 build stufff
15:23:36numatrixkergoth: I thought so; this is my backup-buildroot.  I haven't messed with it in a week or so, so maybe I've never gotten it built but never realized it.
15:23:36kergothso you'd have to put x86 compilation stuff in there too
15:23:40kergothglibc, its headers, etc
15:24:20kergothTwiun: example, ncurses compile builds a x86 'tic' binary to compile the terminfo entries. qt/e 2.3.x builds a x86 moc to use to compile the rest of qt/e
15:25:00Twiunkergoth: yeah and kaffe uses an existing kaffe to build its own jni stuff...
15:25:17Twiunwhy can't all this stuff be self-hosted
15:25:33chouimatTwiun: who said that should be easy
15:25:48Twiunchouimat: I've been too coddled by the java world ;-)
15:25:55kergothhey we culd make the buildroot obtain a x86 build environment too, and include a basic cc in the buildroot to use to compile gcc..
15:26:19chouimatTwiun: the java world how can we be real programmer with that :)
15:26:35Twiunchouimat: because we'd be concentrating on coding and not the £$%(*£&% build system?
15:27:23kergothOnyx4: ping
15:27:51scanlinekergoth: just merge buildroot and gentoo :)
15:28:19kergothdoes portage know how to crosscompile? :0
15:28:24chouimatscanline: my dream
15:28:32scanlinehmm.. I dunno
15:28:45chouimatkergoth: propably
15:29:09kergothI think I'll just wait and work on the build system tim riker and i and others have been discussing for months
15:29:12kergothand ben meeyr
15:29:28ljp_workyou can set up portage make variables
15:29:32chouimatkergoth: what? embdebian?
15:29:39kergothchouimat: no
15:30:27kergothchouimat: debian source package feed using a better autobuilder than buildd and wanna-build, and supporting crosscompilation, patches on places other than the machine on which the source feed resides, etc
15:31:32chouimatkergoth: ok. I'm currently doing a build system for an embedded BSD in python ...
15:33:06chouimatkergoth: need to refresh my pants by putting them in the dryer. and the get followed in there
15:34:35kergothwho in here has a large capacity cf card that they used to see the OZ ide suspend/resume issues with?
15:34:35kergothi know verxion did, but beyond that i dunno
15:35:17chouimatkergoth: only have a 64mb
15:36:44kergothI need someone who used to run into the ide suspend/resume issue to test a possible fix sandman put in libopie. need to test without our current workaround patch to see if it worked
15:42:44nodaWhee! Category/FAQ/Admin deletion is done! :)
15:42:54nodaNow to brush up the style and then I'm gonna make it a repository :)
15:43:31nodaOh, no, first I need a "submission" page :)
15:48:33nodaWhee, done. Need a link... :)
15:48:42nodagets lazy and puts it in the footer.
15:50:32nodaOh, last thing: Need a link to the main page. Sheesh, need a navigation system :(
15:52:27nodakergoth: Okay, I think this handles all the basic functions now. What do you think?
15:52:35chouimatwhips himself back too work
15:52:38nodaPlease give recommendations now, while I'm changing styles, before I make anything worse :)
15:52:47nodaNavigation system is on my TODO :)
15:52:55nodaSearch isn't done either :)
15:53:35kergoththose are fairly easy though
15:53:50nodaThere's nothing challenging about this site, just takes time :)
15:54:43nodaAck, I've screwed up the first page somehow :)
15:57:50nodakergoth: Wanna try adding a faq? :)
15:58:02nodaponders what's frequently asked.
15:58:51nodakergoth: Ooh, hey, is there any way that this site could 'talk' with ibot? i.e., you could type "oz prerelease" in a certain text box and it'd give what I get when I type "ibot oz prerelease" here?
15:59:15victorvdlnotes that you might want to tell them where you guys hide your unstable stuff. ;-)
15:59:28kergothnoda: talk to tim riker (bzflag)
15:59:46nodakergoth: What channel would I find him in? :)
16:00:01kergothnoda: #zaurus, #tuxscreen for example
16:00:11kergothnoda: hes around in the embedded channels. he is cto of lineo after all
16:00:20nodakergoth: Okay, will talk with him when I see him :)
16:00:27kergothhardwire: morning. heh.
16:00:27hardwirethe tendons in both of my wrists are freaking tight
16:00:36kergothhardwire: i dont wanna know
16:00:39hardwirelike massive amounts of constant pain
16:00:58hardwirewhats a good effective muscle relaxer?
16:01:20kergothnoda: just added a category, added an faq in that category, and approved it
16:01:24kergothnoda: working fine
16:01:28nodakergoth: Woo! :)
16:01:30kergothhardwire: mental techniques
16:01:40kergothhaha, that too
16:01:58hardwirekergoth: I must be mentally challanged ATM
16:02:01nodakergoth: Would it be rude to transfer stuff from the Zaurus FAQ over to this? Most of those FAQs apply, after all.
16:02:15hardwirespreads some rum over his forearms
16:02:19kergothnoda: hmmm not sure. maybe we should just link to it. hmm.
16:02:20kergothhardwire: hah
16:02:26nodakergoth: I'll send 'em an email :)
16:02:38kergothnoda: or pester bill next time he drops by #zaurus
16:02:46nodakergoth: I'll email him :)
16:03:00kergothhardwire: seriously, mental imagery works for that shit. I use it to get rid of headaches and other such things
16:03:54hardwiredoes it work if you also haev a hangover?
16:04:08kergothnoda: are you filtering html out of the faq text?
16:04:13nodakergoth: No.
16:04:15hardwirenaw I gotcha kergoth.. I am just being whiney
16:04:18kergothhardwire: I dont get hangovers. I wouldnt know.
16:04:20kergothhardwire: :)
16:04:24numatrixnoda: I would just link to them.
16:04:24nodakergoth: You can put HTML in category names, category descriptions, FAQ questions and answers.
16:04:31prpplaguehardwire: does it work for getting rid of a bitch wife?
16:04:46nodanumatrix: Linking is fine, but then we get either a) duplicates of FAQs, or b) people have to browse to two different sites to find answers.
16:05:06Twiunnoda: can I stick IFRAMEs in there too?
16:05:09numatrixnoda: But you don't want to have to update your faq every time the other faq has a question changed; makes more sense to link to m.e
16:05:12kergothnoda: i got it, sell bill on using your faq system for his site, then we just sync our content
16:05:15kergothnoda: :)
16:05:18nodaTwiun: You can do whatever you want.
16:05:23nodakergoth: That's what I was thinking.
16:05:42nodanumatrix: He's got a DB. We've got a DB. There must be a way to trade data.
16:05:48Twiunnoda: seriously... though you may want to be selective... IFRAMEs could make your site open to all kinds of abuse
16:05:52numatrixnoda: There is that...
16:05:55victorvdlkergoth: yea, but then he couldn't IPKG it for the zaurus.
16:05:59kergothTwiun: thats what i was thinking about as well
16:06:00nodabrb phone
16:06:01kergothvictorvdl: why not?
16:06:27victorvdlkergoth: most people don't have PHP on their Zs.
16:07:04kergothvictorvdl: its content in a db. he's creating html from php anyway. just dump out html files
16:07:11kergothvictorvdl: tis not a problem, trust me
16:07:32kergothvictorvdl: though, fyi, we have nanoweb + php if you do want php on your Z
16:07:49hardwireprpplague: are you unhappy?
16:07:58victorvdlkergoth: I know, I tried it with Where do I get
16:08:05kergothvictorvdl: what do you need it for?
16:08:17kergothvictorvdl: we dont have PAM packages for OZ yet
16:08:18victorvdlkergoth: to run php.
16:08:23nodaTwiun,kergoth: There is no problem. This is what the verification process is for. When you submit an FAQ, it will ONLY be visible in a <textarea>. So the admin edits/deletes the FAQ and all is well.
16:08:26kergothyou dont need pam to use php.
16:08:44victorvdlkergoth: PHP thinks so. ;-D
16:08:49kergothvictorvdl: what php package?
16:08:54kergothvictorvdl: try one built by the buildroot. works fine.
16:09:05Twiunnoda: have you worked out how much administration this might mean?
16:09:11victorvdlkergoth: where?
16:09:26prpplaguehardwire: ohh ya, i'd divorce the ho if i didn't have my son
16:09:28Twiunnoda: that's why I shelved this type of submission on my faq site
16:09:37kergothvictorvdl: onyx4 and themastermind1 have it in their feeds. i will be updating the unstable upstream feed when i release 2.9.7
16:09:37nodaTwiun: Directly proportional to how many submissions there are.
16:09:40Twiunnoda: I now only react to email submissions ;-)
16:10:29nodaTwiun: There'll be at least a half-dozen admins who'll be able to handle this stuff very easily...
16:10:35hardwireprpplague: oh yeah?  well. I have an extra room here :) you can sleep with my kitties
16:10:45hardwirethen I can pick on you
16:10:47nodaTwiun: I dunno, maybe we should just see how it goes and do some automated rejections in the future if need be?
16:11:01victorvdlOnyx4: where is your feed at?
16:11:25kergothnoda: or let users register accounts without any administrative access, and require that they have an account to submit, and then limit to one submission at a time
16:11:28kergothnoda: (per account)
16:11:51Twiunkergoth: sounds good - and then maybe a submission queue of some kind?
16:12:11kergothyep. thats the only real solution I can see atm.
16:12:15nodaHrm... that limits the amount they can submit though.
16:12:31hardwireok.. this Watchguard Soho firewall box thinger.. is running linux.. its got a toshiba mips processor
16:12:38hardwireall I need is a way to flash somehow
16:12:44nodaWhen I browse an FAQ site and I see some questions missing, I'd submit three or four easily all in one sitting. It's not appealing to wait for the whole process.
16:12:45hardwirethen I can slap vtun on there
16:12:55hardwireinstead of using wonky ipsec
16:12:57prpplaguekergoth: naw, i'll get a shed and live in the woods. only hunting shack around with a dsl modem
16:13:07kergothnoda: true. but we do need a way to prevent or limit abuse.. hm
16:13:09nodaPlus, does that really solve anything? I mean, people could just make infinite accounts.
16:13:20Twiunnoda: true enough
16:13:23kergothprpplague: hah, dont forget one hell of a fridge for all the beer
16:13:24ljp_workhardwire: do you have vtun on your z?
16:13:33nodakergoth: Maybe we'd have to do *something*... per IP perhaps?
16:13:44hardwireljp_work yeah
16:13:48hardwireits uh.. in the feeds
16:13:51kergothnoda: you'd likely need manual account approval, which is the same issue as with manual faq approval, except it puts the abuser though more headaches
16:13:53nodaLimit queue to 5 per IP. Then have banned IPs. (just throwing ideas around here)
16:14:12nodakergoth: It puts the ADMIN through more headaches too. Much easier to spot an invalid FAQ than an invalid account.
16:14:14hardwirethis linux based firewall only forwards the top 10 ip's in arp
16:14:22hardwireunless you have 387 dollars
16:14:23kergothnoda: quite true.
16:14:28hardwirethen it can do the top 50
16:14:44hardwirethese things are ripoffs from hell :)
16:14:56victorvdlnoda: How about making it so the admin has to approve something someone else sumbits?
16:15:12nodavictorvdl: He does. That's what we're talking about :)
16:15:17kergothvictorvdl: there's already a faq approval process
16:15:22kergothhardwire: ack
16:15:35victorvdlOh. sorry.
16:15:59hardwirethis is incentive to get vtun working on win32
16:16:44kergothvtun on win32?
16:16:49kergoththat would be spiffy
16:16:53hardwiremucho spiffay
16:16:59hardwireanybody here ever fingered out cipe?
16:17:08hardwireI might need a lesson in that if somebody has some time
16:17:09kergothnah never touched cipe myself
16:17:14kergothread about it a bit, thats it
16:17:24kergothmy fucking stylus broke
16:17:31hardwireget a n00d one
16:17:43nodaWhat the heck... how did it break?
16:17:58hardwirefeels the urge to up and leave today.. just get in his borrowed truck and take off toward the hillz
16:18:57victorvdlhardwire: you have satelite internet on the truck?
16:19:10chouimatgoes make some fresh coffee
16:19:27noiddi've been loooking for a new stylus forever
16:19:31hardwirevictorvdl: no.. I am a special breed.. I can survive w/o internet for a few hours at a time
16:19:47noiddmind you, i'm still waiting for my Zaurus accessory pack that I was promised at linux expo :-)
16:19:50kergothnoda: hrm. your who/what is tkc faq isnt shown under installation, whats up?
16:20:02victorvdlhardwire: Unbeliavable. But what happens if you don't get back to a comp in time?
16:20:09kergothnoidd: i had a nice cross combination pen/stylus, but lost it
16:20:11hardwirevictorvdl: I wifi for help
16:20:17noiddooh, nice
16:20:21nodakergoth: It's not part of the installation category :)
16:20:25noiddwhered you get that from?
16:20:39nodakergoth: It's part of no category. I've got to make a table in admin/faq.php for "category-less FAQ's".
16:20:45hardwireis going to make a total pda suite in php-gtk
16:20:46kergothnoda: oh yeah, it doesnt have a category, gotcha
16:20:46victorvdlhardwire: :-D wifi is close enough to the internet.
16:20:47nodawrites it in his TODO
16:20:49kergothnoda: didnt notice
16:21:06nodakergoth: I deleted all the test stuff :)
16:21:12nodakergoth: Btw, can you change your email/name/etc? :)
16:21:17kergothnoda: i noticed
16:21:38hardwirehey guys.. I highly suggest next time you get a key duped.. to get those "fun"k"eys"
16:21:50hardwirelikes his leopard print house key
16:22:00kergothnoda: idea, when the submitter is a logged in user, pre-fill in the Submitter box with name/email
16:22:15nodakergoth: Sounds awesome, will do.
16:22:29kergothshould save those who have accounts from wasted typingj
16:22:32kergothis a slacker at heart
16:22:44hardwireis a fucker at heart
16:22:49nodaDefinitely. It's on the TODO (
16:23:37noiddall good hackers are slackers
16:25:16hardwireis a slap happy hacker
16:25:39noiddI wish the person who ported perl to the Z was on irc
16:25:43noiddgot lots of questions :-)
16:25:48hardwiretakes off
16:25:50hardwireruns off
16:25:52hardwirefucks off
16:26:00kergothnoidd: theres no way he crosscompiled it, unfortunately
16:26:02kergothlater hardwire
16:26:17noidddid he compile it nativly?
16:26:20kergothwould have to
16:26:24noiddcos that was the approach I had to take
16:26:28kergoththe perl buildsystem is one of the worst i have ever seen
16:26:29kergothby far
16:26:39kergothi want to throw it out the fucking window and write a new one for it
16:26:41nodaOh, c'mon, it asks you all those brilliant questions... :)
16:26:56noiddkergoth: give the parrot people a slap :-)
16:27:03noiddmake sure perl 6 works right
16:27:11noda(That make you wonder how an explanation with so many words can be so cryptic)
16:27:30nodaI *still* don't know what to answer to those SUID questions :)
16:27:33noiddI have an op code in the Parrot VM to write
16:27:45noiddbut I still dont know what to do with it
16:28:00noiddcan you think of anything practical for it?
16:29:27nodakergoth: Mail sent to bill :)
16:29:43kergothnoda: great
16:30:44kergoth"Do SD cards work with openzaurus?"
16:30:46kergothwhat category?
16:30:56noda"Expansion Slots and Cards"?
16:31:09nodaThat's what the Z faq has, I've always found it easy to navigate :)
16:31:32kergothhm, should we seperate issues that are specific to openzuarus from those that arent?
16:32:16nodaI dunno. I think it depends on what Bill says about our linking with the Z FAQ - if he accepts, we won't need to worry about non-specific ones :)
16:33:13kergotheven so
16:33:23kergothif we link with him, we'll want to name the OZ specific categories as such
16:33:29kergothOpenZaurus installation issues
16:33:32kergothas opposed to installation
16:33:33kergothfor example
16:33:36nodakergoth: Yes, you're right.
16:34:50nodaHrm. On the other hand, if we name every category "OpenZaurus-specific <blah>", there's not much point, eh? I mean, why not just give a link to his site in that case.
16:35:41kergothwell thats why i asked
16:35:50kergothdo we want to seperate openzaurus specific issues from those that are not
16:36:05kergothdont put html in Submitter
16:36:12kergothits rather amusing
16:36:25nodakergoth: There's no HTML in the "Submitter" field, btw. There will be email recognition though.
16:36:25kergothgo on the faqs
16:36:34kergothtry to edit/approve the faq i just added
16:36:36kergothits funny
16:36:50nodaWhoops, missed out on an htmlentities() :)
16:36:56nodaDammit, I always pride myself on getting those perfect :)
16:37:26kergothah the quotes threw it off
16:38:18nodadecides he has to put together a birthday list.
16:38:25nodatries to think of movies he wants.
16:38:27scanlineis away: Dave... my mind is going...
16:38:47scanlineis back (gone 00:00:04)
16:38:55kergothi can never think of anything i want for a bday or xmas
16:39:00nodaDitto :)
16:39:10oz prerelease is
16:39:10AndyQibot oz prerelease
16:39:11scanlinekergoth: a non-tech-support job?
16:39:17kergothi fall back to 1) cash/gift certs, 2) cds, 3) movies
16:39:20kergothscanline: hah, i wish
16:39:22nodaThis Zaurus is helping me a bit though - as soon as I think of something I can write it somewhere so I won't forget it :)
16:39:38kergothnoda: i would be able to do that if i could stop flashing it for a more than a day
16:39:42kergothnoda: :)
16:39:59chouimatkergoth: a girlfriend?
16:40:08kergotheek, something very weird is going on with our spawning of opie/opie-login
16:40:17kergothhunger's bug report is valid 100%
16:40:25kergothkeyboard input is going to somewhere other than opie
16:40:36chouimatkergoth: the 5sec black screen?
16:40:54kergothchouimat: no, when i type nothing goes to opie. i dunno where its going. and i see opie messages overwriting the top of opie itself
16:41:00nodakergoth: About naming stuff openzaurus-specific... I don't think it'll be necessary once the 'search' feature is implemented.
16:41:17ljp_workcouldnt be any change smade to kernel keyboard handling?
16:41:23kergothoh weird.
16:41:28kergothi know what it is, but its strange
16:41:55kergothnoda: well since we can flag items in multiple categories, its no problem
16:42:05kergothnoda: we can flag it under both installation and openzaurus specific installation, for example
16:42:11nodakergoth: Yeah, that's true :)
16:42:49nodacurses all these awesome DVD's for coming out on Nov 12th, a week after his birthday :P
16:43:33Twiunlol... this xcompiling just isn't going well...
16:43:35Twiunmachine.c: In function `translate':
16:43:35Twiunmachine.c:195: inconsistent operand constraints in an `asm'
16:44:26Twiunany suggestions?
16:46:30noiddok kergoth - i'm going to throw a mail at parrot people
16:46:43noiddseems perl6 uses a similer system to perl5 to build :-/
16:48:07noiddI said similer, not the same
16:48:13kergothnoidd: why cant they just use auto* like the rest of the world?
16:48:14noiddits written in perl5 which is kinda funny
16:48:20kergothnever thought hed say that
16:48:23noiddI dont know - but I know who to ask :-)
16:49:09noiddmaybe my opcode should print "Please give me a normal build process"
16:49:36noiddkergoth: in case you're wondering what i'm wittering on about, I won an "opcode" in perl6
16:49:44noiddso I need some constructive ideas
16:49:45kergothnoidd: ahh
16:49:54kergothhasnt read the info on perl6 yet
16:50:01noiddparrot is a software VM
16:50:20noiddits a run-time engine which perl6 and a couple of othe languages will run on
16:50:23noiddincluding python
16:50:29kergoththats pretty nifty.
16:50:33kergothi should read up
16:50:34noiddyes it is
16:50:41nodaWhoa... haven't browsed in a while, but this is cool: "Customers who bought items in your Recent History also bought: The Lord of the Rings..."
16:51:00chouimatarrgh! perl sucks!
16:51:07kergothif i spawn opie-login with openvt, and then use chvt to switch us to vt2 at the end of the startup script
16:51:10kergothBad Things happen
16:51:12noiddkergoth: even more nifty is the cute backend they've got - where it can compile parrit code down to java bytecode
16:51:37noiddi've been looking for that :-)
16:52:15I just forgot my whole philosophy of life!!!
16:52:15chouimatibot be zippy
16:52:19noiddyeah - so perl, python etc... in a protected browser
16:52:41noiddnow, if I were chvt, where would I be ? :-)
16:52:54kergothin console-tools or busybox
16:53:00noiddI fully understand that I will be hard-resetting constantly
16:53:05noiddbah, I had it the whole time!
16:53:06chouimatjust found out that he doesn't have a philosophy of life
16:53:11kergothhard resetting? for what?
16:53:17kergothchouimat: i have that problem
16:53:34chouimatkergoth: what? life? or perl sucks?
16:53:51kergothchouimat: both
16:54:34chouimatkergoth: If I can put my hand on the ass holes that wrote that system script in perl,tcl/tk,awk and csh. I kill him
16:54:35noiddkergoth: i'm going to ask the parrot people why not auto*
16:54:47noiddbefore I do that - can you remind me of the cross-compiler flags
16:54:52noiddie, ./configure --build etc
16:55:00chouimatnoidd: because they don't like it
16:55:09noiddchouimat: probably
16:55:38noiddchouimat: I'm going to show them how I cross-compile using configure... then ask how to do it with parrot
16:55:49noiddand hopefully that will ask the question
16:55:55chouimatnoidd: hehe
16:58:24nodabrowses Amazon some more...
16:59:00nodaI'll bet whoever coded this just made "Customers who bought items in your Recent History also bought: The Lord of the Rings" static content :P
16:59:18nodaAfter all, who hasn't bought it.
16:59:36xcompile is probably just get , un-tarbz2 in /usr/local/arm and set PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/arm/2.95.3/bin and you're set! much better than the zauruszone howto setup (faster, cleaner, newer, works with more source) or
16:59:36noiddibot, xcompile?
16:59:42chouimatnoda: lord of rings... that boring novel?
16:59:48nodachouimat: The dvd :P
17:00:00nodaMy most recently viewed category is "toys".
17:00:06chouimatnoda: I didn't see it.
17:00:40nodachouimat: It's great :).
17:00:50chouimatnoda: I fall asleep on the novel (in part 1, 2 and 3) so ...
17:01:30chouimatnoda: try Elric saga and the other from Moorcock
17:01:31nodaWhat the fuck... just out of curiosity I go and look at an electric toothbrush. Now my recommended things are 1) Lord of the Rings and 2) Monsters, Inc.
17:02:01nodaOh, it's a different Lord of the Rings DVD - the one that's not even out yet.
17:02:32nodaSo I click on the DVD... guess what's in my "Customers who bought items in your recent history also bought" has :)
17:02:45noda"Sonicare PS-1 Sonic Toothbrush"
17:03:11nodaThis is awesome :)
17:03:32chouimatnoda: can you check if they have Moorcock's The Tales of the eternal champions omnibus edition?
17:03:53nodachouimat: book? movie?
17:04:28nodaHrm, doesn't look like it.
17:04:28chouimathave difficulties to get them here
17:04:42chouimatnoda or .com?
17:04:49nodaThe only thing that matches "Eternal Champions" is a Sega Genesis guide :)
17:04:52nodachouimat: .com
17:05:44nodaOh, wait... here's something in a sidebar...
17:06:47chouimatnoda: I get it 22 books
17:07:38nodaThat's a lot of books :)
17:08:33chouimatnoda: yup but they're very good
17:08:46nodaquestions himself.... "If I were to have Black Hawk Down, would I watch it over and over again?"
17:09:24nodaOoh ooh ooh! Ocean's Eleven!
17:09:48kergothwhy look, its another me
17:09:55nodaWhee :)
17:10:01kergothmust've accidentally left that client running
17:10:27chouimatnoda: got 20  book from Moorcock. and they his 22 in the omnibus editions (20 $CDN each). so the eternal champions is about 80 novel
17:10:30nodaAnyone here see Spy Game?
17:11:01DaJokernoda: yep.. its ok..
17:11:08nodaNot great? Okay, won't ask for it then.
17:11:16nodanever likes asking for stuff he hasn't seen unless he's sure it'll be amazing.
17:11:27chouimatanyone  here use gift?
17:11:27kergothi usually just buy the damn thing
17:11:29nodachouimat: That's a lot of books ;)
17:11:31kergothinstead of renting
17:11:32kergothchouimat: yeah
17:11:43chouimatkergoth: work well?
17:11:52nodakergoth: I usually watch movies in the theatre first so I know if I want them or not.
17:11:55chouimatnoda: I like to read
17:11:57kergothgiFTcurs is the best client for it
17:12:00kergothnoda: yeah, me too
17:12:07kergothi like to read as well
17:12:09chouimatkergoth: kgift don't work?
17:12:17nodakergoth: Ah, but do you get free movie tickets to just about any movie? :P
17:12:21kergothkgift? or kift? i havent heard of kgift
17:12:22nodachouimat: I love reading :)
17:12:24kergothnoda: bastard
17:12:27nodaAlways at least 20 minutes a night :)
17:12:39kergothgeh i cant afford new books
17:12:41kergothim broke
17:12:45kergothso i keep rereading series over and over
17:12:57nodakergoth: Use Project Gettysberg (sp)
17:12:59chouimatnoda: have you read the Redemption of Althalus?
17:13:03nodachouimat: Nope
17:13:06kergothi think i've read all 8 of jordan's wheel of time at least 5 times
17:13:13kergothsame with l.e. modesset
17:13:13DaJokerif anyone is looking for a recommendation, the Men at War series by W.E.B Griffin is excellent
17:13:16chouimatnoda: get your hands on it
17:13:19nodakergoth: rofl, there are 9 now. *has read it 3 times*
17:13:32kergothis it 9?
17:13:34nodakergoth: The 9th is on paperback now, and there's a HUGE thing that happens in the plot at the end - ENORMOUS...
17:13:35kergothloses track
17:13:37kergothyou know
17:13:43kergothwinter's heart?
17:13:45nodaIf you haven't read it, you must.
17:13:46kergothor is there a new one after that?
17:13:49kergothi've got it
17:13:51nodaNo, Winter's hEart.
17:13:51kergothtis good
17:13:52chouimatkergoth: I got 1400 fantsay book in electronic format here
17:13:53nodaoh, okay :)
17:13:56kergothits definately huge.
17:14:01kergoththe thing at the end i mean
17:14:05kergothchouimat: damn
17:14:14nodawants book 10 (too bad it doesn't exist...)
17:14:18kergothnoda: i absolutely love jordan's characters
17:14:23chouimatkergoth: search gnutella and giFT for books :)
17:14:26nodakergoth: They're absolutely incredible.
17:14:31kergothnoda: but i wish he'd stop taking 1200 pages to make hardly anything happen
17:14:36kergothnoda: he's one wordy motherfucker
17:14:38nodaHeh, I like it like that - lasts longer.
17:14:53kergothcompare eye of the world to some of the recent one
17:15:01kergothits like he's dragging it out
17:15:01nodakergoth: Anyway, if you can't afford books, get free stuff from the 'net. I've been reading David Copperfield - amazing book.
17:15:09nodakergoth: True.
17:15:09kergothtis a good idea
17:15:12chouimathas the complete Lovecratf collection
17:15:18kergothhasnt read any lovecraft yet
17:15:22nodakergoth: I think Winter's Heart sped up a little, compared to what happened in 6, 7, 8...
17:15:26kergothnoda: oh definately
17:15:28kergothnoda: finally
17:15:32nodaYep :)
17:15:55chouimatnoda: I just read Casanova My live in  30 volume
17:16:02kergothi hate cadsuane, that old aes sedai bitch that keeps pissing off rand
17:16:16nodaNo way, she's awesome... I think she's one of the coolest characters :)
17:16:18kergothI need to read more of the classics
17:16:23noda(since I don't know what's gonna happen next with her)
17:16:31kergothnoda: oh she's cool, but .. she pisses me off the same way she pisses rand off
17:16:34kergothnoda: :)
17:16:44nodalol, I love that. I love how he puts you in people's heads :)
17:16:53kergothyeah, he's good at that
17:16:56nodaalso loves finding little hints about Moiraine.
17:16:58kergothcan identify with whomevver it is
17:17:01kergothoh yeah
17:17:09kergothI cant wait to see what happens with her
17:17:23chouimatkergoth: and Install opie reader :)
17:17:25nodaShe's definitely the coolest character :)
17:17:28kergoththere are some amazing scenes in that series
17:17:32nodaLOVSE opie-reader.
17:17:39kergothlike when nynaeve finally breaks her block
17:17:39nodabah, s/LOVSE/LOVES
17:17:51chouimatnoda: I have some counter-earth here
17:18:10kergothI just reread Ender's Game
17:18:20chouimatkergoth: Eddings?
17:18:30nodaI love that scene in the last book, where Rand is following one of those defecting bastards unarmed and simply kicks his ass no sweat :)
17:18:38nodaOoh, I haven't read that! Need that book :)
17:18:40kergothnoda: hehe
17:18:46kergothchouimat: no, not eddings
17:18:58kergothnoda: i think sometimes rand doesnt take advantage of his full abilities
17:19:05kergothnoda: i mean, we know he has the ability to freeze people solid with the power
17:19:11kergothnoda: he only used that *once*
17:19:27nodakergoth: Heh, pretty friggin' easy to write plot holes when people can do absolutely anything :)
17:19:28chouimatkergoth: what is libdb in giFT?
17:19:34kergothnoda: true that.
17:19:40kergothnoda: but still. :)
17:20:15nodaOoh, ooh, ooh. The person I'll be watching the closest in Book X is certainly Mazrim Taim :)
17:20:19kergothnoda: i love it every time one of the current characters discovers something they didtn even know in the age of legends :)
17:20:22kergothnoda: oh yes
17:21:10kergothoh dood
17:21:11kergothit was great
17:21:21kergothwhen mat abuses those sea folk chicks
17:21:29kergothinsulting them with shit he shoudlnt even know
17:21:30nodaMat's awesome :)
17:21:33kergoththat was beautiful
17:21:45nodaHe used to suck, now he rocks :)
17:22:25kergothoh and when he whoop's galad and his brother
17:22:27kergoththat rocked.
17:22:33nodaloved it
17:23:01nodaSomeone at the door...brb
17:23:06kergothwho was the greatest swordsman that ever lived? ... "jearom, gaidin!" .. "he was only ever defeated once. by a farmer with a quarterstaff. remember that."
17:24:17nodaLater! :)
17:24:36kergothchouimat: i'll have to check out moorcock's books
17:25:43prpplaguemoorcock's book's rock
17:26:11prpplaguekergoth: they have a great oxymoron of good/evil
17:26:15markgah.  i need more ram :(
17:26:24kergothneeds a new series to read anyway
17:27:03markis there any indication of what RAM the new Z will have?
17:27:24prpplaguemark: rectangular black silicon
17:27:27kergothmark: you dont want to know
17:27:42chouimatprpplague: I'm trying to find them on gnutella
17:27:50markprpplague: hehe, you know what I meant :P
17:27:54prpplaguechouimat: audio or text?
17:28:03marks/what/how much
17:28:05kergothmark: i hear 32mb.
17:28:12kergothmark: but there'll be no need for a ramdisk.
17:28:13chouimatprpplague: text to read with opie-reader :)
17:28:43prpplaguechouimat: opie-reader? a text to audio player/
17:28:47markkergoth: ouch. why no need for a ram disk? writable /?
17:28:53kergothmark: 64mb flash.
17:28:55kergothmark: ;)
17:29:05kergothmark: 32 of which read only, 32 of which is user writable area like our current ramdisk
17:29:14markkergoth: I see
17:29:37chouimatprpplague: nope a palmdoc reader
17:29:38marki'd have liked 64/64..
17:29:44kergothmark: no kidding
17:29:53kergothmark: but 32 is sufficient for most users
17:30:03kergothmark: developers of course could use more
17:30:39markkergoth: yah.  oh well, sl-5700 perhaps
17:30:46markkergoth: also, any idea if it has built in BT?
17:30:53kergothmark: i dont think so, but not certain
17:31:14kergothits still technically rumor mill at this point
17:32:10markhmph.  I thought bluetooth chips were pretty darn cheap now
17:34:10markdo any of the compaqs have built in wlan, or built on CF with no need for sleeves?
17:36:34tux_mikeit's been far too long since i've had this
17:36:49noiddhey kergoth, I have the answer
17:36:53kergothtux_mike: ?
17:36:53kergothnoidd: ?
17:37:01kergothmark: if you find out, let me know :)
17:37:01noiddnot sure if we'd agree - but it is an answer
17:37:08noiddsushi is the answer to all questions
17:37:36noiddkergoth: The current build system isn't going to be the final one.
17:37:59kergothnoidd: woo
17:38:00noiddkergoth: the final one is going to be two-stage.
17:38:20noiddkergoth: not auto, but shell + miniparrot
17:38:30noiddso, shell enough to compile mini, and mini to do the rest
17:38:47noiddthere isn't much (read any) work in the cross-compiling area
17:38:58kergothnobody ever cares about crosscompilation
17:38:59noiddso guess who has been volenteered to look at it
17:39:00kergothfor some reason
17:39:02kergothand the thing is
17:39:04kergothit isnt that hard
17:39:11kergothif you *think* about it when you build the system
17:39:36noiddso, erm.. I may have some questions for you
17:39:43noiddthings like word length etc...
17:40:00noiddhow does configure know about that stuff
17:40:14kergothread a configure script :)
17:40:15noiddwhen you give it a build target - does it have datafiles with all those answers in already?
17:40:32noiddthat doesn't make any sense
17:40:33tux_mikewow.  socket 754
17:40:50noiddwhen you normally configure, it runs lil programs to discover all he values normally
17:41:02noiddwhen you cross compile - it seems to gather the values out of mid-air
17:41:08noiddso there must be a list somewhere
17:41:21noiddthinks he is missing the point
17:43:43kergothnoidd: it depends
17:43:49kergothnoidd: some things it figures out from headers
17:44:08kergothnoidd: anything that requires a compile *and execute* test will fail for crosscompilation, so for those it uses sane defaults
17:44:20noiddah yes
17:44:29kergothnoidd: or you can provide the results for those tests usign config.cache if your machine you're building for is different than the defautls
17:44:33noiddof course, with the xcompile environment you get the header files
17:44:39noiddwhich should contain most of the answers
17:44:53noiddkergoth: thats effectivly what i've been asked to do
17:45:13noiddthey're likely going to include a --build=foo type affair
17:45:14kergothadd the ability to provide test results?
17:45:23kergothwell how they implement it is what matters
17:45:25noiddso, design foo
17:45:32kergoththey may not have an easy means of specifying test results and the like
17:46:47noiddwell - at least the current process is open
17:47:37kergoththats good
17:47:38noiddie, each of the tests is a seperate file
17:48:00noiddand the build process steps through each of the files in turn
17:48:16noiddwhich is much nicer than that 10k line evil monstrosity that was perl5s
17:48:37noiddeach file contains a runstep() method.
17:48:48kergoththats much much much better
17:49:09KeyserSozewhat does "-force-depends" do, in the package intaller?
17:49:59paqit's more like --ignore-dependencies
17:50:15KeyserSozethat's not what i want, then.
17:50:41paqwhat do you want?
17:50:43KeyserSozewhat i'd like, is for when i try to install one ipk that depends on another, and the other one is on the cf card, for the installer to just install them both.
17:51:05kergothKeyserSoze: itll do that if you add the cf card as a feed
17:51:16kergothecho src cf file:/mnt/cf >> /etc/ipkg.conf
17:51:21kergothassuming a Packages file exists on /mnt/cf/
17:54:14GfxI'd need some help on syncing OpenZaurus with my desktop :)
17:56:04kergothyou read the FAQ under 'can openzaurus sync with qtopia desktop and intellisync?' first/
17:56:28chouimatkergoth: :)
17:56:29kergothokay then whats the prob
17:56:42GfxQtopia Desktop just cannot log in to the zaurus
17:57:02kergothdid you run Security and hit OK?
17:57:10Gfxand the IrDA also does not work (OZ
17:57:11Gfxyes I did
17:57:14kergothand are you using the default ip scheme?
17:57:33kergoth'irda also does not work' tells me nothing. do you have details?
17:57:42Gfxmy zaurus got the IP and the desktop
17:57:49kergothand you can ping and everything?
17:57:57GfxI can ping and everything yes
17:58:29kergothftp to the zaurus, port 4242
17:58:34kergothenter root, password 'rootme'
17:59:07GfxI'll try this, thanks
17:59:15kergothlet me know whether that works or not
17:59:34kergothbecause qtopia desktop does that to exchange data after it communicates using Qcop on 4243
17:59:47GfxI may come back then (I'm on the laptop and the Zaurus is not there)
17:59:53kergoth`lunchk, im gonna grab some food
17:59:59Gfxthanks again :) see you
18:02:31noiddI wonder if parrot has enough mailing lists...
18:03:24Twiunhmmm, any reason why I shouldn't be able to telnet into the ipaqs at
18:04:08KeyserSozei'm assuming the "package manager" is there to help me install packages.  it doesn't seem to do much good though.  is there a way to find the packages i want to install from within the package manager?  i've been going to the file manager and double clicking them, which in turn opens the package manager, and allows me to install a single package.
18:07:12KeyserSozeit was obvious how to use the original package manager in the sharprom.
18:07:18KeyserSozethis one, i do not get.
18:08:43noiddKeyserSoze: same,
18:09:08noiddKeyserSoze: I think I understand how it works, but it seems to have some bugs
18:09:21noiddKeyserSoze: might be worth having a word with the opie peeps
18:09:31KeyserSozenoidd: how do i get it to list packages i have, that aren't installed yet?
18:09:49noiddKeyserSoze: via network or local disk (eg, sd)
18:10:27KeyserSozethey are on the CF
18:12:14KeyserSozekergoth said to "echo src cf file:/mnt/cf >> /etc/ipkg.conf"
18:12:45KeyserSozeto get the package installer to find packages automatically if they are dependancies.
18:12:49KeyserSozebut that didn't work.
18:13:32noiddtake a look at your /etc/ipkg.conf
18:13:39noiddand tell me how many src lines you have
18:14:55KeyserSozesrc oz3
18:15:08Onyx4kergoth`1zz: pong
18:15:12KeyserSozeand src cf file:/mnt/cf
18:17:21kergoth`lunchOnyx4: do you want to Maintain pcmcia-cs, ifupdown, and hotplug, since you seem to be handling the intricacies there?
18:17:22KeyserSozenoidd: where am i supposed to see a list of available packages?
18:17:29Onyx4kergoth` sure
18:17:37KeyserSozekergoth`1zz: where am i supposed to see a list of available packages?
18:17:52Uh-oh -- WHY am I suddenly thinking of a VENERABLE religious leader frolicking on a FORT LAUDERDALE weekend?
18:17:52chouimat|lunchibot be zippy
18:17:57kergoth`lunchKeyserSoze: ? right in oipkg under feed
18:19:01KeyserSozekergoth'l: i have nothing there but blue dots.
18:19:26Onyx4kergoth` did you try a new initrd with all my latest fixes?
18:19:48it has been said that oz prerelease is
18:19:48ciaolinuxibot: oz prerelease
18:20:03kergoth`lunchKeyserSoze: then you didnt run ipkg update
18:20:24kergoth`lunchKeyserSoze: or you didnt create a Pakcages file on the card using ipkg-make-index.. i said the echo would work "assuming theres a Packages file in /mnt/cf"
18:20:29noiddhands it over to the expert
18:20:43kergoth`lunchOnyx4: my opie is being freaky
18:20:58Onyx4like what?
18:21:01kergoth`lunchOnyx4: exact symptoms as hunger reported with opie not getting keyboard events
18:21:39Onyx4oooh I think that may have happened to me, not sure, with the arrow keys on the pad
18:21:44kergoth`lunchbut its my fault, i was playing around with how i spawned opie
18:21:53kergoth`lunchi used openvt on it, and then ran a chvt 2 at the end of the script
18:21:56Onyx4maybe not i dunno
18:21:59kergoth`lunchtrying to spawn opie without hanging the startup script
18:23:20KeyserSozekergoth`lunch: what's the better way of finding out how to use "ipkg-make-index", other then telling you i tried typing in the terminal while in /mnt/cf, and that it wasn't recognized as a command?
18:23:40kergoth`lunchKeyserSoze: its not included in oz, its a command you'd type from a desktop using a cf reader
18:23:45kergoth`lunchKeyserSoze: or something similar
18:24:10KeyserSozeah, but you didn't answer my question.
18:24:26ciaolinuxkergoth`lunch: where can i find the newest version of opie todo?
18:24:28kergoth`lunchKeyserSoze: huh?
18:24:51kergoth`lunchKeyserSoze: use ipkg-make-index to produce a Packages file. run ipkg update. run oipkg. install things.
18:25:11somebody said feed was a package repository. See,,, or
18:25:11ciaolinuxibot: feed
18:25:48KeyserSozemy question was: kergoth`lunch: what's the better way of finding out how to use "ipkg-make-index", other than....
18:29:39umopapisdnOnyx4: How are things coming along with OZ today? Fixed all the bugs ? :)
18:29:54Onyx4I think so yes
18:30:00Onyx4my feed is updated with  my latest fixes
18:30:07Onyx4new hotplug, ifupdown and pcmcia , oz-base
18:30:34umopapisdnOnyx4: Do you have an initrd.bin aswell there somewhere?
18:31:04ciaolinuxOnyx4: what is your feed?
18:33:42kergoth`lunchI'll test another image today. the progress of aqpkg and networksetup is what holds us atm
18:34:14umopapisdnkergoth`lunch: Is ben's network setup app going to be default one with this release?
18:34:18kergoth`lunchumopapisdn: yes
18:34:23kergoth`lunchumopapisdn: its already working for wlan
18:34:31kergoth`lunchand usb networking
18:34:34kergoth`lunchno ppp yet
18:34:55umopapisdnkergoth`lunch: cool! It looked nice when I looked at it some day ago.
18:35:30kergoth`lunchumopapisdn: he has profiles working for the ip config now, but not profile/pcmcia scheme support for wlan yet. but its coming.
18:35:39ciaolinuxkergoth`lunch: what is the difference within aipkg and oipkg?
18:35:44you are one of the OpenZaurus developpers and also maintains zmencoder (see zmencoder). or Optimized feed at
18:35:44Onyx4ibot: who onyx4
18:35:47kergoth`lunchciaolinux: aqpkg is much easier to use.
18:36:15kergoth`lunchaqpkg also shows locally available ipks via the documents system
18:36:18kergoth`lunchwheres oipkg never did
18:36:59kergoth`lunchoipkg is still more powerful, but its improving
18:37:05ciaolinuxis it possible to use ipaq feed for the Z?
18:37:22ciaolinuxi.e. can i use this feed?
18:37:31kergoth`lunchdont do that.
18:37:34Onyx4I would not recommend it
18:38:32ciaolinuxkergoth`lunch: so where can i get the new version of opie-todo?
18:38:44ciaolinuxOnyx4: would theorically work?
18:38:50kergoth`lunchciaolinux: you can probably wget the opie-todo package and use it
18:39:00kergoth`lunchciaolinux: i would not recommend installing directly from that feed using ipkg
18:39:12kergoth`lunchciaolinux: it will install ipaq versions of things. certain packages *do* have things specific to hardware
18:39:30ciaolinuxkergoth`lunch: i donwload the .ipk from that feed, or is there an ufficial webpage?
18:40:13kergoth`lunchofficial webpage for what/
18:40:20ciaolinuxfor opie-todo
18:40:25Gfx re kergoth`1zz
18:40:25Gfxthe FTP trick worked just fine
18:40:25Gfxthanks a lot
18:40:32ciaolinuxkergoth`lunch: with the last release
18:40:49kergoth`lunchciaolinux: last release of what?
18:40:59ciaolinuxkergoth`lunch: of opie-todo
18:41:00kergoth`lunchciaolinux: this is *from cvs* .. there is no official release of opie.
18:41:10kergoth`lunchciaolinux: opie is *in development* and is not released.
18:41:17Gfxbut now, I have another question :-)) How can I get back to official ROM ? I have the OSPACK from and I'd like to rip the Hancom Office Suite to install it on OpenZaurus. Should I just rename OSPACK to initrd.bin ?
18:41:26ciaolinuxkergoth`lunch: yes i know... sorry, i wanted to say version
18:41:27kergoth`lunchdelete initrd.bin and zImage
18:41:30kergoth`lunchput ospack on the card
18:41:34kergoth`lunchflash it the same way you did OZ
18:41:38Gfxok, thanks a lot :)
18:41:40kergoth`lunchadds that to the faq
18:41:48Gfxgood idea
18:42:10Gfxwell thanks again for you help
18:42:12Gfxsee you :)
18:42:37ciaolinuxkergoth`lunch: so you suggest that   i just download the package opie-todo from the ipaq feed?
18:42:52kergoth`lunchciaolinux: yep, should work fine
18:43:05ciaolinuxkergoth`lunch: ok, thanks i will try that
18:54:44Dessimat0roooh! :D
18:55:13scanline"wrotten in Java"
18:55:25tux_mikemust be stinky software
18:56:19chouimat|napany worth installing on the z beside nethack
18:56:29kergoth`lunchany what?
18:56:42kergoth`lunchi install a bunhc
18:56:53kergoth`lunchcandycruncher i bought from neo
18:57:52chouimat|napkergoth`lunch: does giFT work behind a firewall?
18:57:56Dessimat0rwhy isn't this working?! I keep formatting my CF as ext2 using mkfs.ext2, but it always turns out being FAT16...
18:58:02Dessimat0rwith a lostandfou.nd dir
18:58:04Dessimat0ron it
18:58:08Dessimat0rnot dir, file
18:58:15kergoth`lunchchouimat|nap: yeah. i usually port forward to share files though
18:58:31chouimat|napDessimat0r: partiton type 83?
18:58:39Dessimat0ron fdisk
18:59:03Dessimat0rand I unmounted beforehand
18:59:06chouimat|napDessimat0r: it's a sysinfo bug then :)
18:59:06Dessimat0rusing umount
18:59:11kergoth`lunchyou are formatting hda1 not hda right?
18:59:41Dessimat0rIn filemanager, it reports that the type of the partition is vfat
18:59:46chouimat|napkergoth`lunch: giFT don't connect here
18:59:49Dessimat0rand I can also read it using Windows XP
18:59:53Dessimat0rso.. ;)
19:00:53Dessimat0ron Windows XP, the lostandfou.nd file is not there
19:01:10chouimat|napDessimat0r: which brand of CF
19:01:24Dessimat0rPQI 256mb
19:01:26scanlinewhy does the brand matter?
19:02:20Dessimat0rIt has been in ext2 before
19:02:24chouimat|napscanline: I had seen a CF card that doesn't worked with any fs type but vfat
19:02:34scanlinethat's weird
19:02:48Dessimat0rBut I need to reformat it to Fat16
19:02:55Dessimat0rto install OZ
19:03:04Dessimat0ra newer version
19:03:18chouimat|napDessimat0r: buy a 16MB one (OZ fit on it)
19:03:27Dessimat0rI have a 64mb one
19:03:39Dessimat0rwhich is Fat16
19:03:46Dessimat0rand that is my flashing card
19:03:59Dessimat0rhowever, I did not get it till last week
19:04:04Dessimat0ryou see? ;)
19:04:09chouimat|napDessimat0r: I have 1 64MB and 3 16MB all ext2 but one 16
19:04:33Dessimat0rnow, i should be able to format back to ext2 using fdisk and mkfs.ext2 perfectly
19:04:40Dessimat0rlike i could before ;)
19:05:05Dessimat0rthey bot hsay they are successful without any errors
19:05:09chouimat|napDessimat0r: you do that on the desktop or the Z
19:05:10Dessimat0rboth say
19:05:11Onyx4hey has anyone tried infrared with their cell phone with latest oz?  I can get it to detect my phone, but when I try sending the vcf, it just sits there
19:05:13Dessimat0ron the Z#
19:05:22Dessimat0rI don't have Linux on the desktop
19:05:28kergoth`lunchOnyx4: i've never heard problems about sending, only with receiving files
19:05:31chouimat|napDessimat0r: ok
19:05:39kergoth`lunchOnyx4: if you receive a file it just drops it in /tmp
19:05:39kergoth`lunchOnyx4: hehe
19:05:57Onyx4mmm I wonder what might be going on
19:06:01chouimat|napanyone got the Z and palm talk to each other over ir?
19:06:15kergoth`lunchchouimat|nap: try beaming. use irdapplet
19:06:17kergoth`lunchit should work
19:06:23kergoth`lunchhas no devices to test it with himself
19:06:34chouimat|napthe palm don't see my Z but the Z see the palm
19:08:30Onyx4yeah that's what I think happens with my Z too
19:08:38Onyx4it sees the phone, but phone can't see it
19:08:43kergoth`lunchask in #opie
19:13:49Onyx4do you think it might be something in our irda packages or we just use the stuff from opie?
19:13:57Onyx4like the way the irda interface is configured
19:14:18kergoth`lunchposibly, but it has been tested before
19:19:49Dessimat0rcan someone test formatting to ext2?
19:20:34kergoth`lunchmultiple people are running cards as ext2
19:20:37kergoth`lunchquite a few actually
19:20:48BovineI've got my SD running ext2
19:20:52Bovineworks a treat
19:21:12Bovinesomeones going to tell me that it's a bad idea to do that now :/
19:24:22chouimat|napDessimat0r: It's work
19:25:51Onyx4if you format it ext2
19:25:56Onyx4don't change the partition table
19:26:01Onyx4just mkfs.ext2 <device>
19:26:14Onyx4i did that one mine and so far it's been great
19:26:18Onyx4I didn't mess up my sd card
19:27:19chouimat|napOnyx4: but you won't be ablt to mount it on a desktop
19:27:32kergoth`lunchyou can if the desktop is linux
19:27:53chouimat|napmine a partition type of 83 and I no problems
19:28:47ciao_linuxOnyx4: what is the advantage? faster?
19:28:54numatrixtux_mike: woah, just saw your post about the usb->serial hack on a500.  Funny.  Just suprised me when I saw it was you.  ;-)
19:28:57kergoth`lunchciao_linux: you can have symlinks on the media
19:29:08numatrixon that is.
19:29:23numatrixhas an sd card running ext2
19:29:29tux_mikenumatrix: yah, i get quite exhausted explaning to people USB != serial
19:29:48numatrix;-)  Any ideas on how exactly to connect up a vision phone to the zaurus?
19:30:07tux_mikenone as of yet
19:30:10numatrixI'm racking my brain, but can't think of anything.  I've heard that possibly the sanyo 4900 has a serial cable adapter for it, but don't know if it functions the same way.
19:30:41tux_mikePDA->laptop in bookbag via bluetooth, laptop->phone via usb?
19:31:10numatrixtux_mike: heh; right, for those of us with a spare laptop to do wireless routing.  ;-)
19:31:38tux_mikewell, you could make a device out of a LART
19:32:34Dessimat0rargh, I've just f*cking formated it as ext2 again, as it was still being recognised as vfat - its *still* vfat!
19:32:49numatrixtux_mike: lart?
19:33:28Dessimat0rWhen I used mkfs.ext2, there were no errors whatsosever
19:33:41Dessimat0rand I used umount /dev/hda1 in the console
19:33:51Dessimat0rthen i did mkfs.ext2 /dev/hda1
19:34:05Dessimat0rthen i took the cf card out
19:34:09Dessimat0rthen reinserted
19:36:48ljp_workdid you fdisk?
19:37:21Onyx4so is there any way to get tunes and stuff from linux irda to the nokia ? :)
19:37:26chouimat|naptux_mike: I love the palm as terminal
19:37:58tux_mikeheh, yah
19:38:37rumour has it oz prerelease is
19:38:37nasaibot oz prerelease
19:38:44kergoth`lunchhey nasa
19:38:54nasahey kergoth, how's it going
19:39:01kergothnot bad, other than being at work of course
19:39:28nasanot bad, just got back from work
19:40:06kergothman am i glad its friday
19:40:08kergoththis week sucked
19:40:28chouimatdamn! that asshole just crashed his computer. I fixed it yesterday
19:40:41nasasorry to hear that.  With my job, I don't keep track of weekends....
19:40:56Dessimat0ri fdisked
19:41:07Dessimat0ri removed partition 1 first
19:41:12Dessimat0rthen i created a new one
19:41:16Dessimat0rof the max size of the card
19:41:23Dessimat0rthen set its type
19:41:25Dessimat0rto 83
19:41:29Dessimat0rthen wrote it
19:41:36Dessimat0rthen reset the Z
19:41:53Dessimat0rthen did all the stuff i said earlier
19:42:02Dessimat0rit used to work on the old OZ
19:42:07nasaso kergoth: any news on the next prerelease?
19:42:07Dessimat0rthe formatting etc
19:42:18Onyx4I wonder if I could use irda on linux with my hauppauge card irda to talk to my phone
19:42:20Bovinekergoth: the pre-release doesn't assign lo the loopback IP
19:42:25kergothnasa: onyx4 fixed some of the ifupdown/pcmcia-cs stuff last night, we're sitting pretty good
19:42:43kergothBovine: yeah, not sure why. tis od.d
19:43:11Bovinekergoth: fix is to hack /etc/network/interfaces, remove "auto lo" and spefiy the IP/Netmask for lo
19:43:15kergothBovine: 'ifup lo' brings it up fine, and its set as 'auto' in interfaces..
19:43:59chouimatany image viewer on oz
19:44:05kergothchouimat: opie has one
19:44:12kergothchouimat: kinda sucks, but it works for the most part
19:44:20chouimatkergoth: name?
19:44:42Dessimat0ropie-imageviewer ?
19:44:53chouimatwhy my cat allways sleeps on my mouse pad
19:45:25Dessimat0rif it always sleeps on the mouse pad, then why don't you just move it?
19:45:33Dessimat0rits obviously not meant to be there
19:46:07Dessimat0runless you enjoy a cat on your mouse mat
19:50:05Bovineare there any alternative terminals for Opie? Ideally ones that don't have the huge stupid tabs :)
19:50:31kergothyou dont like having more than one tab?
19:50:49scanlineis away: class
19:50:51Bovineyeah I do, but I would prefer it in a drop down menu
19:50:58Bovinetakes up less space :)
19:51:14kergothdidnt someone open a feature request in opie's bugtracker on that?
19:51:24Onyx4do we have the line iface lo inet loopback ?
19:51:45Bovineiface lo inet loopback
19:51:45Bovine        address
19:51:45Bovine        netmask
19:51:48Bovineis what I did
19:51:52Onyx4why ?
19:51:56Onyx4the default should work
19:52:01Bovinedidn't come up auto otherwise :/
19:52:13kergothdefault does work, you can ifup it..
19:52:18kergothbut weird that it doesnt work with auto without that
19:52:26Bovineyeah, but that's manual labour on my part :)
19:52:26kergothi mean
19:52:33kergothevery debian box doesnt have a entry like that for lo
19:52:35kergoththey use the defautls
19:52:58nasakergoth: any idea when we get to play with the next prerelease?
19:52:59Onyx4so are you saying that on oz, with just auto lo and iface li inet loopback that it doesn't come up?
19:53:20kergothnasa: whenever i get around to releasing it. right now i'm fighting with openvt
19:53:33Bovinelo comes up, just doesn't have the IP assigned, hence it's useless
19:53:45Onyx4Bovine: mmm ok let me test that
19:54:09Onyx4might be a problem with our ifupdown scripts
19:54:29Onyx4if so I'll fix it
19:54:35Onyx4since I maintain ifupdown :)
19:54:45chouimatkergoth: a little list for you
19:54:48chouimatHeinlein, Robert A - All You Zombies.txt
19:54:48chouimatHeinlein, Robert A - Black Pits of Luna, The.txt
19:54:48chouimatHeinlein, Robert A - Blowups Happen.txt
19:54:48chouimatHeinlein, Robert A - Cat who Walks Through Walls, The.txt
19:54:48chouimatHeinlein, Robert A - Citizen of the Galaxy.txt
19:55:06kergoth15:03 -!- chouimat [] has
19:55:06kergoth          quit [Excess Flood]
19:55:22Onyx4ha I know the problem I think
19:55:25Wemblyonyx4: you maintain ifupdown?
19:55:31Onyx4it's probably another busybox thing with ifconfig
19:55:36kergothOnyx4: he maintains the OZ version of ifupdown
19:55:39Onyx4cause loopback is a method for ifupdown
19:55:40kergoththe oz packages that is
19:55:46Wemblyadd nameserver <variable>
19:55:56Wemblyso that when you do a static iface def
19:56:07Wemblyit'll add the proper nameservers to /etc/resolv.conf
19:56:13Wemblylike when you do a dhcp iface def
19:56:23Wemblythats my suggestion :)
19:56:36Onyx4Bovine:  on my Z I see lo with address
19:56:51Onyx4Bovine: can you install my latest ifupdown package and retest to make sure?
19:56:56well, onyx4 is one of the OpenZaurus developpers and also maintains zmencoder (see zmencoder). or Optimized feed at
19:56:56Onyx4ibot: who onyx4
19:56:58Onyx4that's my feed
19:57:16Wemblywhat is zmencoder
19:57:28well, zmencoder is at
19:57:28Wemblyibot what is zmencoder?
19:57:30Onyx4oh wait
19:57:32Onyx4I found the problem
19:57:35Onyx4ifupdown calls
19:57:37Onyx4route add -net
19:57:42Onyx4this on busybox returns invalid argument
19:58:00kergothbusybox openvt is fucked
19:58:08ljp_workgrabs hardwires mop
19:58:10kergothkeyboard input doesnt follow to the vt you move to
19:58:21kergothfrom what i can tell anyway
19:58:29Wemblybusybox in genreal....
19:58:51kergothbusybox is great
19:59:00Wemblyif you dont mind half working things :)
19:59:00kergothit just has some minor bugs, which we patch and get pushed upstream.
19:59:08kergothmost of them are fully working
19:59:15kergoththey're jsut small implementations. which is what you expect
19:59:19Wemblyif you say so :)
19:59:36Wemblyyea but some features youd want to work dont. :/
19:59:42kergothwe're sacrificing functionality for size. thinking otherwise is bs.
20:01:34kergothif you want full versions of things, install them
20:01:38kergoththers nothing stopping you
20:02:15Onyx4Bovine:  you still there
20:02:59Onyx4kergoth: do you see the loopback interface problem he's talking about?
20:03:00Onyx4I don't
20:03:20kergothOnyx4: hold
20:03:34kergothaqpkg's buttons for jumping to certain letters is okay
20:03:39kergothbut we *need* a way to turn it off
20:03:44kergothcause it pisses me off, waste of screen space
20:04:23kergothibot: message for andyq: andy, can you add an option in the Settings menu to hide the Letter jump-to buttons? save it in your Config.. a lot of users will want to disable it if they dont use it to save screen space.  Thanks.
20:04:37Onyx4yes and I want to be able to scrolldown the package list with the arrow keys and press "ok" if I want to select it
20:04:44Onyx4that way it's much faster than the stylus
20:05:08kergoththe buttons though is just annoying
20:05:13kergothi wont release it as is
20:05:17kergothi'll patch aqpkg myself if i have to
20:07:01chouimatkergoth: I have about 420MB of Scifi and Fantasy ebooks
20:07:10kergothchouimat: damnn
20:07:17kergothlikes to buy the books though
20:07:52chouimatme too but
20:08:03kergothis broke
20:09:03chouimat... and our beef jerky are now nearly rectum free ....
20:09:32Onyx4so kergoth is lo on reboot brought back ok?
20:10:01ciao_linuxkergoth: do you have screens of aipkg?
20:10:08scan[ibook]is curious about lo also
20:10:13kergothOnyx4: flashing now, I had to switch back to chvt after testing out busybox openvt
20:10:29kergothOnyx4: i'm going to be altering busybox openvt a *lot* to make it useful
20:10:32Onyx4heh ok
20:10:52Onyx4so for busybox we're sticking to the 23rd version and patching it?
20:11:13kergothwell, has anyone tested tar in a recent build?
20:11:22kergothwe're sticking with what we know works, until we know something else works.
20:11:36markkergoth: i've used it, but not properly tested...
20:12:54Onyx4yeah we've had so much problems lately, I'd rather have always a forced version there
20:13:00Onyx4to make sure everyone that builds has the same version
20:13:45kergothopie is still HEAD cause they're fixing things more than they're breaking them :)
20:14:19kergothhey pavelm
20:15:06Gfxkergoth, may I bother you once more ? :)
20:15:16kergothGfx: feel free
20:15:47kergothwaits for ssh keys to generate..
20:15:49Gfxthx, I was wondering where I could find qpe-base-1.5.0 to make Hancom Office suite work on OpenZaurus (I've manager to rip it)
20:15:57kergothyou dont need it
20:16:04kergothcheck the -force-depends box
20:16:05kergothin oipkg
20:16:14Gfxoh yes
20:16:18Gfxyou're right
20:16:28Gfxmoreover, I used it to force install of opie-qpdf :)
20:16:35Gfx(but against gzip)
20:16:54GfxI was also wondering if it is normal that the launcher app does not allow me to create new tabs ?
20:17:12kergothOnyx4: whats current ifupdown? I'm on 0.6.4-5d and i see the same behavior
20:17:19kergothOnyx4: lo doesnt come UP even
20:17:34kergothOnyx4: unless i ifup lo
20:17:57kergothreboots his Z
20:18:08pavelmkergoth: Hi!
20:18:21pavelmkergoth: Sorry, I'm on slow line (and was away to get some tea).
20:18:38pavelmkergoth: I've small present for you: I hacked usbnet.c (2.5.42 version) to support zaurus
20:18:53pavelmkergoth: It seems to work.
20:19:02kergothnice.. how bad of a hack is it? ;)
20:19:23pavelmGood enough after some cleanups.
20:19:25kergoth15:27 < andersee> kergoth: Its been reported that busybox tar in unstable has
20:19:29kergoth                  some problems.  It doesn't currently pass the test suite.  I
20:19:29pavelmCertainly better than lineo.
20:19:32kergoth                  think bug1 broke it.
20:19:35kergothlooks like we stick to our busybox locked in date of 23rd
20:19:38kergothpavelm: great
20:19:49kergothpavelm: now we need to get it up where everybody and their brother can get ahold of it :)
20:20:24pavelmkergoth: Well, its not quite ready for prime time.
20:20:33kergothpavelm: figured ;)
20:20:34pavelmkergoth: It should be rather easy to push to Linus.
20:21:16Dessimat0rwhoa. Linus.
20:21:29Onyx4kergoth yeah 5d is current
20:21:59Onyx4I think I remember seeing some error message when doing the ifup -a maybe
20:22:04pavelmkergoth: Do you want a copy via mail?
20:22:08Onyx4if you do ifup -a does it bring it up?
20:22:22Twiunkergoth: kaffe finally finished building ;-)
20:23:39Onyx4ok with a wireless card in at least my lo is brought up
20:23:43Gfxis there any OPIE project member here ?
20:23:46Onyx4let me try without the wifi card
20:24:06markGfx: try #opie
20:25:24Onyx4something still fails to umount on reboot
20:25:29Onyx4/mnt/ram is always checked
20:25:31Onyx4for some reason
20:26:30NetNut404_workhmm I though it was october 18.. but my sharp keeps educating me that it's only jan 3rd..  guess I got a while till those projects reach their deadlines  LOL
20:27:54Onyx4mmm even without the wifi card, my lo still works after reboot odd...
20:28:15NetNut404_workwhat causes this ?  Linux zaurus 2.4.6-rmk1-np2-embedix #4 Tue Oct 1 17:03:53 PDT 2002 armv4l unknown
20:28:15NetNut404_workSystem bootup in progress - please wait
20:28:28NetNut404_workend then it closes the connection
20:28:31Onyx4/etc/nologin is not removed
20:28:37Onyx4that's fixed
20:28:37NetNut404_workonly root can log in
20:28:47Onyx4need latest oz-base
20:29:00NetNut404_workI just got that from you the other day  lol
20:29:09NetNut404_workis it on your feed ?
20:29:20Onyx4eh wait mine is not even updated with that fix hold on
20:29:28Onyx4it got fixed like yesterday by kergoth
20:29:57NetNut404_workanyone have a clue about the date/time thing yet?
20:30:59pavelmI have patch that enables 2.5.X's usbnet to talk to zaurus... Without eating disks (hopefully).
20:31:05Onyx4ok now oz-base with that fix is in my feed
20:31:06pavelmAnyone wants to beta-test it?
20:34:41Onyx4there's a problem in your oz-base
20:34:48Onyx4 S99rmnologin -> ../init.d/S99rmnologin
20:34:53Onyx4hehe it needs to link to just rmnolgin
20:35:49NetNut404_workis that all that's fixed?
20:35:59Onyx4depends on which version you have now
20:36:01Onyx4which one you got
20:36:17NetNut404_workthe one I got from your feed the other night that fixed my dhcp
20:36:44Onyx4well, do you use the new networksetup settings or the old netsetup?
20:36:51kergothOnyx4: oops. hehe.
20:37:00TMM1[sleeeep]kergoth libtool
20:37:09Onyx4cause you might want to upgrade ifupdown and hotplug and pcmcia , not sure if you have the latest
20:37:16TMM1[sleeeep]whats new
20:38:14NetNut404_workI don't know honstly.. I plug in my wlan0 and it works...  that's all I doo   I love dhcp working
20:38:19TMM1[sleeeep]Onyx4 whats new
20:38:29NetNut404_workno more running scrips for work, and home
20:38:33kergothTMM1[sleeeep]: didnt work on OZ at all last night. took a break.
20:38:42TheMasterMind1kergoth alright cooll
20:38:43Onyx4well I think our networking/hotplug/ifupdown/pcmcia is all good
20:39:02Onyx4i really can't reproduce the lo not coming up at boot problem
20:39:09Onyx4I don't know if i have something setup differently
20:39:17kergothOnyx4: lo comes up, just not on first boot :)
20:39:26kergothOnyx4: must be the ifupdown postinst
20:39:36kergothOnyx4: is it adding the lo entry in th epostinst? if so it needs to run ifup lo
20:39:51Onyx4it doesn't add it at postinst
20:40:09kergothwell, for whatever reason, it doesnt come up on first boot.
20:40:29NetNut404_workupgrading oz-base off your feed
20:40:40kergothjeeze we're up to 14l on the oz-base revision
20:40:57Onyx4NetNut404_work:  wait
20:41:05Onyx4i'll update it with kergoth's fix for nologin
20:41:06kergothOnyx4: pushed the S99rmnologin fix.
20:41:08Onyx4it's not yet working
20:41:35NetNut404_workuhh oh
20:41:45Onyx4well just hang on and re-update it in a second
20:41:48Onyx4i'll let you know when
20:41:58kergoththe rmnologin isnt critical, it just prevents login at console
20:42:48Onyx4so what could be missing that the ifup or ifconfig command fails
20:42:49NetNut404_workthe ipkg ugrade hung
20:42:53kergothNetNut404_work: let it go.
20:43:06Onyx4NetNut404_work:  type "sync" in another window if you can
20:43:19Onyx4see if that clears it up
20:43:39kergothi had someone try that the other day, it didnt help him
20:43:51NetNut404_workstill just sitting there asking about fstab
20:44:01kergothso answer it
20:44:09NetNut404_workI tried
20:44:12Onyx4press enter?
20:44:21NetNut404_workyep.. did nothin
20:44:25Onyx4you did it from cmdline?
20:44:52Onyx4sometimes I think it's actually hanging after unpacking all the files, just when it tries to touch the status file
20:44:58Onyx4I had this happened to me
20:45:10chouimat|awaykergoth: btw the ebooks.tar.bz2 is 130MB
20:45:21kergothchouimat|away: .bz2 is 130mb? damnn
20:45:27NetNut404_workdo I have to kill the process and re-run it?
20:45:30Onyx4let it run for a while...
20:45:42Onyx4if it doesn't un hang just ctrl+c, then ipkg update ; ipkg upgrade oz-base again
20:45:56Onyx4I put the new version now
20:46:08chouimat|awaykergoth: can send you the list later
20:46:27kergothchouimat|away: k
20:46:35NetNut404_workit did make the change to my fstab.. I just looked at it
20:46:49NetNut404_workcause I changed my fstab
20:46:54chouimat|awaykergoth: I have converted some to zTXT .pdb
20:47:23TheMasterMind1chouimat|away: what ebooks?
20:47:50chouimat|awayTheMasterMind1: science fiction fantasy classic . got them on gnutella 1400 of them
20:48:18TheMasterMind1ah i see
20:48:25TheMasterMind1i'm a big fan of #bookwarez on dalnet
20:48:41NetNut404_workI setup this thing to fsck the /mnt/card at boot time  I read on
20:48:45chouimat|awayTheMasterMind1: did you got Moorcock on it?
20:48:56Dessimat0rLesscock, actually
20:49:12pavelmtmm: Hi!
20:49:15chouimat|awayDessimat0r: :P Elric Saga
20:49:16TheMasterMind1pavelm: sup
20:50:16pavelmtmm: I made usbnet capable of handling zaurus... It was faster than I expected.
20:50:42kergothpavelm: going to clean it up and send off a patch to lkml?
20:51:19pavelmkergoth: Cleaning it up just now.
20:51:30nasaWait a minuite... I use usbdnet right now, what is the difference with it and this one?
20:51:39NetNut404_workthe upgrade never came back
20:51:44NetNut404_workstill sitting there
20:51:56Onyx4if it doesn't un hang just ctrl+c, then ipkg update ; ipkg upgrade oz-base again
20:52:11Dessimat0rWill a new zimage come tonight? ;)
20:52:13kergothnasa: usbdnet is shit
20:52:14nasaor try 'sync'
20:52:18kergothnasa: usbnet is small and clean and sane
20:52:22kergothOnyx4: hey
20:52:24kergothOnyx4: found the problem
20:52:26kergothOnyx4: do me a favor
20:52:36kergothOnyx4: and add /etc/init.d/ifupdown start; to ifupdown postinst :)
20:52:39NetNut404_worktried cntrl-c
20:52:44NetNut404_worknever came back
20:52:50NetNut404_workwill have to kill the process
20:53:06pavelmkergoth: Patch is on its way to l-k.
20:53:23Onyx4kergoth: so we need to clean the ifstate?
20:53:44nasakergoth (or anyone) what is so bad about usbdnet -- really, I don't know, so please don't flame me....
20:54:08Onyx4kergoth: what will happen if someone upgrades ifupdown live?
20:54:17pavelmnasa: Does "eating disks" count as bad enough feature?
20:54:18kergothmixed up his scripts
20:54:23kergothOnyx4: i meant netbase, not ifupdown
20:54:49kergothoh fuck
20:54:53Onyx4so I add what to what?
20:55:32kergothOnyx4: well, ifupdown adds the interfaces entries
20:55:37kergothOnyx4: netbase starts them on boot
20:55:58kergothOnyx4: what if it Configures netbase before ifupdown
20:56:00Onyx4ifupdown only provides the file , but it should be in place already
20:56:10kergothin place from where?
20:56:12Onyx4so there is no postinst
20:56:21Onyx4it's in the package as /etc/network/interfaces
20:56:26Onyx4with all the entries in it
20:56:26kergothyes, i know it is.
20:56:30kergothwhat of it?
20:56:39kergothhow do you ensure they get brought up when you install the package?
20:56:45nasa"eating disk", hmmm.. Guess that would be bad...
20:57:03Onyx4well the startup scripts will start them no?
20:57:22kergothis tired, dont mind him
20:57:49pavelmnasa: It ate mine.
20:57:54kergothchomp chomp
20:58:08kergothOnyx4: well fuck if i know then. :)
20:58:12nasaWow, guess I have been lucky...
20:58:15Onyx4unless at first boot, something makes S40networking fails
20:59:14kergothbut why.. its not ifstate cause thats cleaned in ifupdown's startup script
20:59:39Onyx4right but ifupdown gets executed even at first boot
20:59:45kergoththats what i'm saying
20:59:58kergoththeres nothing special about the first boot
21:00:11NetNut404_worklocked up again.. it does not like that package
21:00:44ljp_workis a tiny step closer to horz scroll konsole
21:01:29Onyx4NetNut404_work: maybe there's a file locked on the jffs2 filesystem
21:01:37Onyx4I'd try rebooting and upgrading maybe?
21:01:44ljp_workguis all done, just need to figure out why the history lines arent srolling horizontally
21:02:00NetNut404_workI don't want to hose my Z by a bad oz-base being installed
21:02:53kergothOnyx4: i just full reset. still comes up fine.
21:03:01kergothOnyx4: i dont get it
21:03:02pavelmBye for now, I'll test the new kernel module.
21:03:08kergothpavelm: ttyl
21:03:16Onyx4kergoth: maybe it's at first first boot, before even full reset is done
21:03:31Onyx4when you flash
21:03:36kergothwhat about it/
21:03:42kergothobviously its only seen right after a falsh
21:03:50kergothbut the question is what makes that different from just full reseting
21:03:51Onyx4but then the postinst does something that's permanent and even after full reset, whatever is missing is gone
21:04:07kergothteh postinsts run on the first boot
21:04:11kergothincluding the first boot after falhs
21:04:11Onyx4I know...
21:04:17kergothso thats completely nonsensical
21:04:18kergothi dont get it
21:05:30kergothi love jmhodges quit message
21:06:15kergothOnyx4: its not the postinst doing something permanent
21:06:22Onyx4oh wait
21:06:22kergothOnyx4: its one of the startup scripts doing something permanent
21:06:28Onyx4maybe we should ship a ifstate file?
21:06:38Onyx4it's not in the rootfs at first boot
21:06:38kergothOnyx4: something that starts *after* the networking script
21:06:48kergothifupdown deletes ifstate on every boot
21:06:51Onyx4does it needs to be there and empty?
21:07:00Onyx4it doesn't delete it, it empties it
21:07:13Onyx4but it the file is not found, it doesn't empty it
21:07:22kergothah gotcha
21:07:26Onyx4so i wonder if that causes ifup -a to fail
21:07:28kergothgood call, its worth a shot
21:07:42kergothjust > one into IPKTMP in the ifupdown Makefile
21:07:43Onyx4and maybe then later it gets created because of the wlan0 or something
21:07:54Onyx4kergoth: yep I'll try that
21:08:04kergothlet me know when its pushed
21:10:25Onyx4and I should make it as a conffile right?
21:10:32Onyx4so that it doesn't get overwritten during install
21:10:38NetNut404_workdoh! mount: Mounting /dev/mtdblock6 on /mnt/ram failed: Permission denied
21:10:38NetNut404_workpkg_run_script: `/usr/lib/ipkg/info/oz-base.postinst configure' failed: No such file or directory.
21:10:38NetNut404_workERROR: oz-base.postinst returned 1
21:12:06Onyx4kergoth, that's your postinst that you addded
21:12:08Onyx4to mount /mnt/ram
21:12:12Onyx4at first boot
21:12:27Onyx4I think on a full reset, it would be already mounted
21:12:44Onyx4so we need to check if it's mounted again maybe?
21:12:46umopapisdnkergoth: What could be causing this while trying to build OZ ? "cp: cannot stat "/opt/bk/buildroot-oz/build/qt-2.3.4-beta2-uic": File or directory does not exist." It seems impossible to build qte-2.3.4 on my machine... :( I managed to build it once some week ago, but failed ever since.
21:13:02Onyx4mmm that must be why oz-base upgrade hangs
21:13:19Onyx4if you chose to overwrite /etc/fstab
21:13:22Onyx4then entry gets re-added
21:13:25Onyx4but fs is already mounted
21:13:33kergothit doesnt add the entry if its already in fstab
21:13:33Onyx4so mount gets run anyway
21:13:37kergothsure the postinst will fail
21:13:42kergothbut postinst failure doesnt break the upgrade
21:13:58Onyx4so NetNut404_work did it upgraded anyway then?
21:14:31kergothi just spilled my water
21:14:34kergothall over my desk and over my Z
21:14:39kergothwanders to clean up
21:14:59Onyx4yeah i'm always afriad that it would happen to me
21:15:13kergothOnyx4: dood, it only mounts if it didnt find the entry in fstab
21:15:16ljp_workhands kergoth hardwires mop
21:15:51Onyx4if you upgrade and chose to overwrite fstab, the entry is gone
21:16:00Onyx4then it gets re-added, but must not be remounted
21:16:15Onyx4since it's a "live" upgrade
21:16:19Onyx4not first boot
21:16:30NetNut404_worki dunno  it errored at the end
21:16:46Onyx4NetNut404_work: it should have worked anyway, try ipkg status oz-base
21:16:48Onyx4check the version
21:17:02Onyx4do a simple cat of /proc/mount maybe and check?
21:17:29NetNut404_workFilename: ./oz-base_unstable-14l_arm.ipk
21:17:54Onyx4if you do ipkg upgrade oz-base, does it say it's already up to date?
21:18:15Onyx4pushed new ifupdown
21:18:30Onyx4so youre' fine
21:18:32NetNut404_workso what do those error's mean?
21:18:45Onyx4we just need to do a simply "if" statement to not remount it if mounted
21:18:49kergothOnyx4: pushing the check now
21:18:57NetNut404_workoh ok
21:19:02NetNut404_workso no problem then?
21:19:10Onyx4just disregard that error
21:19:21Onyx4try rebooting now, see if you login works
21:19:25NetNut404_workwhipes the sweat off his forehead  LOL
21:19:54NetNut404_workanything I can do to help twards tracking down this time/date bug?
21:20:08kergothtime/date bug still exists?
21:20:11Onyx4I'm still seeing occasional hard hards at reboot right after doing the "umount all ; reboot..."
21:20:13kergothi hadnt read that one reported in a while
21:20:26Onyx4I haven't seen the bug on my newly flashed Z yet
21:21:14kergothokay about to test the ifupdown fix
21:21:25NetNut404_worklikes the fsck of his ext2 /mnt/card at boot
21:21:45Onyx4yes this is a problem...
21:21:51Onyx4need to find why /mnt/ram always gets checked
21:22:00kergothit doesnt always get checked.
21:22:01kergothfsck *runs*
21:22:10kergothand immediately exits when it sees that its fine
21:22:10NetNut404_workhehehe I rebooted and the time is whacked again
21:22:15Onyx4I mean it says "filesystem not cleanly unmounted"
21:22:20kergothOnyx4: mine doesnt.
21:22:29kergothOnyx4: something with our shutdown process i'd say, if thats the case
21:22:32NetNut404_workhmm used to pick jan 1 now it goes to jan 3
21:22:56Onyx4if you logout of opie and reboot from console, does it say "force unmount of filesystems fails"
21:23:09Onyx4do that you see the shutdown messages
21:23:56Onyx4ok now I do see the time problem
21:24:04Onyx4I was not seeing it before I did full reset
21:24:22kergothreally.. well lets sanity check atd's postinst then
21:24:27Onyx4so I did a full reset, rebooted once, set the time, then reboot, time is back again to 2001
21:24:43NetNut404_workI set my time about 100 times a day
21:24:52kergothkill atd
21:25:01kergothrun datetime, set the time
21:25:06kergothrun hwclock --systohc
21:25:09kergothstart atd back up
21:25:13kergoththen the time is set
21:25:16kergotheven if atd is misbehaving
21:25:21Onyx4yeah but we should not have to do that right
21:25:25nasakergoth: since I am sitting here... Anything you need tested?  
21:25:29kergothatd is supposed to do this for us
21:26:03Onyx4for some reason on my Z, once it starting losing time, I could never fix it...
21:26:05kergothlongs for the day when we have apmd working
21:26:14Onyx4so something breaks somewhere and stays that way
21:26:32Onyx4oh and now those files are re-appearing again
21:26:48Onyx4before I didn't have that when time was working
21:27:12NetNut404_workis date always utc ?
21:27:34Onyx4heh that's something else I'd like to try figuring out... date from command prompt is in utc
21:27:34NetNut404_work# date
21:27:34NetNut404_workFri Oct 18 21:26:42 UTC 2002
21:27:39Onyx4same here
21:27:45Onyx4oh wait...
21:27:49kergothcheck your TZ variable
21:27:51Onyx4I know what I did different now
21:28:01kergothwhats that
21:28:03Onyx4I left new york timezone and time worked
21:28:11Onyx4but this time I saw that I forgot to change it to LA
21:28:12Onyx4so I did
21:28:17kergothi never choose new york
21:28:19NetNut404_workwth ist that?
21:28:25kergothNetNut404_work: ignore it
21:28:30kergothNetNut404_work: is ther a TZ=?
21:28:31Onyx4i wonder if it's cause of the timezone thing
21:28:47Onyx4TZ is not set
21:28:53kergothactually, i think opie handles it differently
21:28:57kergoththan standard libc stuff
21:29:04kergothwhich is why 'date' shows it differently than opie does
21:29:12kergoththat annoys me. it should use standard methods.
21:29:22Onyx4where it the timezone info kept?
21:29:30NetNut404_worknot from the set command
21:29:53Onyx4some syslog messages are reported in UTC other in the right timezone like opie messages
21:30:26NetNut404_workkergoth there is no TZ from the set command
21:30:55NetNut404_workyet my date in the clock set program knows I am in PST
21:31:45Onyx4maybe opie loads it from a conf file and we need a startup file to set the timezone from that file too
21:32:12Onyx4would it maybe cause this problem is let's say atd is using one time zone, and opie another than it calls trigger?
21:32:22Onyx4just mubling but i dont know how atd works hehe
21:32:47markJasonNJ: i dont know if this is you or not, but it'd be ncie if let you post reviews on software
21:33:16NetNut404_workin rh they have a timezone file
21:34:48NetNut404_workthat /etc/localtime thing
21:36:23NetNut404_workwhere is the date command getting it's timezone?
21:37:35kergothOnyx4: opie's launcher is supposed to be setting TZ
21:37:39kergothOnyx4: i dont get why its unset
21:38:20kergothNetNut404_work: are you checking from embeddedkonsole or ssh?
21:39:01Onyx4kergoth: I remember my Z was always UTC for a long time, so that never worked
21:39:19Onyx4it's not something new that broke, probably was never implemented to read the TZ at startup
21:39:24NetNut404_workKeroth I stoped atd  the time was set fine cept it was in UTC from the date command I synced systo hc and started atd again
21:40:52NetNut404_workcool so date lists fine via the embedded terminal
21:40:55nasakergoth: did you update the address app?  Or is that only in the upcoming prerelease...
21:41:02kergothNetNut404_work: good, i thought so.
21:41:06kergothOnyx4: TZ gets set in the launcher.
21:41:12kergothOnyx4: its fine.
21:41:13NetNut404_workbut I still didn't set anything
21:41:33NetNut404_workjust ran the hwclock --systohc, and then started atd back up
21:42:35kergothstill didnt set what?
21:42:41NetNut404_workthe time
21:42:47NetNut404_workit was correct already
21:42:55kergothyeah, i know
21:43:02kergothso does date show correct timezone from embeddedkonsole?
21:43:22kergothokay whew
21:43:31kergothat least opie is handling timezones sanely
21:43:34Onyx4let me know if the new ifstate fixes the lo after flash
21:43:40kergothOnyx4: will do
21:43:47NetNut404_workafter I set it  back from it moving to jan 3
21:43:57kergothNetNut404_work: ?
21:44:24NetNut404_workI "think" that the time jumps to jan3 after the machine suspends
21:44:43kergothNetNut404_work: so test it
21:45:13NetNut404_workbut it does not always do it
21:45:30NetNut404_workI just suspended, and the time was fine when I powered up
21:45:36badalexso ive been thinkin.... i might upgrade to open zaurus... i can flash back to the sharp rom if i want to right?
21:45:48kergothNetNut404_work: of coruse it is.
21:45:57kergothNetNut404_work: its fine becuase you just did the hwclock deal i told you to
21:46:02kergothNetNut404_work: and now your hardware clock is set right
21:46:03NetNut404_workmaybe it has to do with the timeout to powerdown verses a manual suspend
21:46:07kergothbadalex: yes, you can
21:46:09nasabadalex: rihgt
21:46:13kergothNetNut404_work: no, its something with atd not doing what it should
21:46:20badalexhrm i might just do it then...
21:46:34kergothbadalex: wait, new prerelease in a few if this bug is fixed
21:46:38NetNut404_workdo you have to kill atd to set your hwclock?
21:46:47TheMasterMind1what bugs still linger?
21:46:48badalexshould i just use the prereease or what should er... k kergoth
21:46:54badalexill try after you tell me to.... lol
21:47:42NetNut404_workso you think the hwclock will stay acurate for a while then?
21:48:58badalexkergoth: what do i need to do to prepare to flash oz? anything?
21:49:08kergothbadalex: if you want jeode, hancom, or opera, yes
21:49:13CrozzWord 1.3 >>
21:49:14Hancom_Creator 1.0 >>
21:49:15JeodCreator 1.0 >>
21:49:163 of 4 shown. See all at
21:49:16kergothibot search zsi for creator
21:49:20badalexoh yeah... need to do that
21:49:26kergothcreate the ipks
21:49:27badalexkergoth: thanks :)
21:49:28NetNut404_worknow if only my appintments alarms would actually go off for appointments
21:49:49TheMasterMind1kergoth what needeth to be done
21:50:05TheMasterMind1i'm so out of it
21:50:22kergothNetNut404_work: they dont?
21:50:25kergothNetNut404_work: my alarms work great
21:50:54badalexand most all of the software on zsi will work... ?
21:51:05kergothbadalex: yep
21:51:07kergothbadalex: works fine
21:51:10badalexk good :)
21:51:18NetNut404_workI had a popup once....  no noise either..  now I get nothing
21:53:13TheMasterMind1prpplague: sup
21:53:37NetNut404_workjust set a test schedule for 3:00  should alert at 2:55  (2 mins)
21:54:05NetNut404_workmaybe running the hwclock --systohc will fix it
21:54:30NetNut404_workfunnything thing was I tried to run that before and got an error about some file not existing
21:54:44NetNut404_workbut I have upgraded some packages since then
21:55:03NetNut404_worknope.. nothing popped up
21:55:11TheMasterMind1it hates you
21:55:20TheMasterMind1i've decided i'm not going to use opie anymore :)
21:55:51badalexsuddenly thinks twice about installing oz
21:56:49NetNut404_workscratches his head, and thinks everyone is loosing their mind
21:57:19badalexdecides to try it despite TheMasterMind1 comment...
21:58:09TheMasterMind1badalex: eh? opie is 500x better than qpe in sharp rom, but it still pisses me off
21:58:14TheMasterMind1and i'm too lazy to do anything about it
21:58:32TheMasterMind1despite having write access the opie cvs and being an oz devel.
21:58:38scanlineis back (gone 02:07:46)
21:58:41TheMasterMind1so i'll just use picogui and X instead :)
21:58:49badalexkergoth: anythin else... just installed those ipk.. and moved em the finished product to my computer...
21:58:55TheMasterMind1by the time opie 1.0 comes out its going to be pretty solid though
21:59:06badalexTheMasterMind1: picogui? never heard of that...
21:59:10badalexTheMasterMind1: i was j/k with ya...
21:59:17TheMasterMind1ibot tell baladex about picogui
21:59:26TheMasterMind1scanline: sup
21:59:37scanlinehiya TheMasterMind1
21:59:39oz is probably see openzaurus or or /join #openzaurus
21:59:39badalexibot oz
21:59:43TheMasterMind1scanline: how goes it
22:00:00scanlineI'm having fun with our little #picogui programming contest :)
22:00:02kergothi'm supposed to get back to my boss about how i did on my goals from last year
22:00:05kergothi lost them
22:00:08kergothi have no idea wtf my goals were
22:00:10badalexdecides to read up on oz docs
22:00:13kergothso i have no idea how i did against them
22:00:16kergothoops is right
22:00:19TheMasterMind1make up new ones?
22:00:25kergothmy boss has the originals
22:00:30kergothuh oh
22:00:34TheMasterMind1i did... "good".
22:00:40badalexTheMasterMind1: lol, ibot never did tell me...
22:00:40kergoth"Sorry boss, i lost my goals. I'm sure I did well though!"
22:00:45picogui is an small and scalable embedded GUI. More info in the #picogui channel or at Read the FAQ or not pico gui or pico-gui or even cooler than sliced cheese
22:00:45TheMasterMind1ibot picogui
22:00:53picogui faq is at
22:00:53scanlineibot: picogui faq?
22:00:55badalexlookus up picogui on google
22:01:08TheMasterMind1cheese is overrated
22:01:12TheMasterMind1just like oop and xml
22:01:21kergothlikes cheese
22:01:31TheMasterMind1yea you also like oop and xml
22:01:35markkergoth: what cheeses do you lot eat?
22:01:35TheMasterMind1so that's not saying much :)
22:02:08kergothTheMasterMind1: true that ;)
22:02:13markwhy can't a linux user name start with a number?
22:02:20TheMasterMind1mark: because.
22:02:51markTheMasterMind1: its annoying :s, i'll have to call the account on my webserver something other than the domain name...
22:03:04TheMasterMind1mark: i think you can force it
22:03:12TheMasterMind1just go edit passwd and shadow
22:03:20TheMasterMind1its just not encouraged
22:03:31markTheMasterMind1: well yeh, but i presumed there was some reason that useradd refused :)
22:04:12TheMasterMind1don't presume
22:04:57markis it silly to set ~ as /var/www/
22:05:20oz prerelease is
22:05:20AndyQibot oz prerelease
22:05:32TheMasterMind1mark: yes
22:05:35TheMasterMind1mark: incredibly
22:05:50TheMasterMind1unless that's not the webdocs root
22:05:56TheMasterMind1if you have /var/www/domain/htdocs or something its fine
22:06:11TheMasterMind1but having home dir as htdocs dir is retarded
22:06:47markTheMasterMind1: I see...
22:07:08marki've just been creating /var/www/domain1/ and putting files in tehre
22:07:09TheMasterMind1kergoth how do i use distcc with the buildroot
22:07:15TheMasterMind1i got it all setup on 41 machines
22:07:35badalexkergoth: got an estimte for those bugs to be fixed?
22:07:46TheMasterMind1badalex: what bugs
22:07:47badalexkergoth: hour... day.. week?
22:07:54TheMasterMind1oz has bugs?!
22:07:56TheMasterMind1since when?
22:07:58markTheMasterMind1: just explain why its stupid to me will you?
22:08:04badalexTheMasterMind1: <kergoth> badalex: wait, new prerelease in a few if this bug is fixed
22:08:17kergothmy Z isnt dry yet
22:08:26kergothits buzzer was clicking at me when i turned it on
22:08:27kergoththats a bad sign
22:08:36kergothspilled his water on his desk and Z earlier
22:08:37Bovinehmm, I've been running Kismet on my Z for over two hours now and the battery still hasn't died.
22:08:38badalexkergoth: its not dry yet?... you not supposed to talk a shower with it
22:08:39Bovineis impressed
22:09:11TheMasterMind1mark: because it is. all the stupid files get stuck in there (.bashrc .profile .bash_history etc), you have no security at all for any files you dont' want viewed by the web (.htpasswd password inclusion files for php, etc) and its just a stupid thing to do
22:10:25markTheMasterMind1: right.  yeh i can see that (although tehre will be no logons and no .htpasswds etc).  so what should I do? i've got /var/www/domain/htdocs, which the virtualHost's docroot is set to.  then i set ~ to /var/www/domain?
22:10:30badalexk well kergoth tell me when its ready k. ill beta test.... :)
22:10:59TheMasterMind1mark: i guess. that's better than the other way
22:11:08TheMasterMind1why not just use /home ?
22:11:24markTheMasterMind1: no reason really, just thought it'd make life a bit easier
22:11:36TheMasterMind1 /home is a bit more organized etc
22:11:46TheMasterMind1and if you must, you can always symlink
22:11:56TheMasterMind1 imho, itd be much cleaner using /home
22:12:23markand then just set ftp to give the user /var/www/domain when they login via ftp.  yeh i suppose so
22:18:54badalexwhat was that other thing called gpm?
22:18:56A mouse server for the console and xterm.. URL:
22:18:56badalexibot gpm
22:19:39badalexTheMasterMind1: that other thingo.... um.. maybe not gpm... but somethin close to it...
22:21:16badalexgpe thats it...
22:22:35badalex ever heard of it..?
22:22:36TheMasterMind1ah gpe
22:22:47badalexlol... it any good?
22:23:11TheMasterMind1kergoth what can i work on?
22:23:15badalexhrm cool login screen...
22:23:34TheMasterMind1opie has a decent login screen..
22:27:22badalex: what?
22:27:22badalexibot x11
22:27:29badalex: huh?
22:27:29badalexibot x11zaurus
22:29:38kergothTheMasterMind1: not much atm.. hmmmm
22:30:04TheMasterMind1so why aren't we releasing!
22:31:32pavelmkergoth: Hmm, seems my modified usbnet only works with debugging on :-(
22:31:42oz prerelease is
22:31:42pavelmibot oz prerelease
22:33:00Dessimat0rheh, we need some hax0r demo text on the login screen ;)
22:33:08Dessimat0rwith OpenZaurus flying about etc
22:36:18victorvdlYoicks! downloading the oz prerelease over a 26.4 kb/s connection is making the research I am (supposed to be) doing wery wery slow...
22:37:38pavelmvictor: Same here :-(.
22:38:13pavelmWhat packages do I need for mp3 playback?
22:38:14victorvdlpavelm: must get satelite, must get satelite. Except that it costs to much.
22:38:23pavelmLooks to me I miss some libraries...
22:38:32pavelmvictor: Or download at night .. :-)
22:38:48victorvdlpavelm: Yea. You using opie-mediaplayer2?
22:39:50victorvdlIf so, you need opie-mediaplayer-codecs.
22:40:12badalexhrm must flash oz.... must flash oz...
22:40:13pavelmvictor: I guess I found that. It had mpeg3, not mp3 in the name.
22:40:20pavelmBye bye, and good night.
22:40:35pavelmbadalex: Preferably on battery=low.
22:40:43pavelmbadalex: Its way more interesting that way ;-).
22:40:49victorvdlpavelm: cya.
22:40:53badalexum... lol
22:40:57badalexpavelm: nah... ill keep it pluged in
22:41:03victorvdlpavelm: Righhhhhhht...
22:41:04badalexlater pavelm
22:41:20pavelmWhere do I get dictionaries for wordgame?
22:42:17oz prerelease is
22:42:17badalexibot oz prerelease
22:42:45kergothibot: message for pavelm: ipkg install opie-i18n-en (or whichever language whose dictionary you want)
22:42:58AndyQkergoth: Your wish is my command :) (commited)
22:43:11kergothAndyQ: wooot. thanks :)
22:43:38AndyQmust remember never to code after beers - takes waaaay to long
22:43:44kergothi know that feeling
22:44:01AndyQmind feels like treacle
22:44:29badalexponders installing oz then reflashin when kergoth fixes that bug...
22:44:38AndyQkergoth: any idea when next prerelease ready?
22:44:53kergothAndyQ: testing to confirm a bug fix atm. if its fixed, i'll upload in a couple minutes
22:45:00badalexer... nm
22:45:10badalexwill be patient
22:45:23AndyQcool - not sure why but have a strong desire to flash
22:45:38badalexme nether...
22:45:52badalexits like i just wokeup today and was like hrm... i think ill try oz today
22:46:18AndyQyeah - sometimes that feeling just hits and well - just do it
22:46:36badalexlol, i know what ya mean
22:46:44kergothi rmeember waking up thinking god embedix sucks, we need to do something about this. and oz was born. :p
22:47:06AndyQheh - bet you wish you'd never had THAT thought
22:47:11kergothno kidding
22:47:23kergothi just wanted to hack something useful for myself, and now its taking up a lot of time
22:47:34prpplaguekergoth: i thought you were suppose to say "go my life sucks, i need to do something about this!"
22:47:39AndyQI got up this morning and decided to upgrade KDE to latest beta - BIG MISTAKE
22:47:39kergothwhats worse is, I end up stuck doing bulid system issues, scripting issues, distro stuff, instead of coding.
22:47:51kergothso now i never have time to code
22:48:01kergothprpplague: haha, i never did do what i was supposed to do in life
22:48:05kergothprpplague: but who does? :)
22:48:08prpplaguekergoth: admin ho!
22:48:27prpplaguekergoth: no one
22:48:35prpplagueheads to the beer store
22:48:40kergothhah, good idea
22:48:47kergothbout time for me to get the fuck out of here too
22:48:53kergothbut i'll upload this initrd.bin first
22:48:54AndyQbeen there (well to the pub anyway)
22:49:47kergothYES, upload
22:49:54kergothljp-: btw, dug more into timezone fun
22:50:57kergothtzname will work to obtain the current tz, i believe
22:51:05kergothin datetime
22:51:08kergothwhen you set Tz
22:51:16kergothwe should probably be updating the /etc/localtime link
22:51:25kergothrather than just storing TZ in the launcher's config file
22:51:39ljp-heh.. ya think?!
22:52:14ljp-well the taskbar closk now brings up network time
22:52:27kergoth"ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/" . tzname . " /etc/localtime"
22:53:37ljp-man. .I gotta get some grub
22:54:08badalexso kergoth it fixed yet?
22:54:15kergoth::symlink(QString("ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/") . tzname[0],"/etc/localtime");
22:54:26kergothbadalex: my Z turns on again
22:54:31kergothbadalex: and doesnt make strange noises anymore
22:54:37kergothbadalex: which is good. so i'm testing now
22:55:26AndyQkergoth - did you find a new stylus?
22:56:18kergothAndyQ: no.. the tip of mine broke off, so i'm using the top of it instead
22:56:24kergothAndyQ: but the top is so wide i keep missing everything
22:56:39AndyQ:) I live in dread of mine breaking - gonna be a bugger to get one over here
22:56:47AndyQmay have to revert to a plam one (urrgh)
22:56:48kergothwhere are you at again?
22:57:08kergothah thats right
22:57:32Mickey|awayis leaving for a while...
22:57:33badalexso if i select zImage-40-24 that gives me 40 meg of swap and 24 meg of storage space?
22:58:51kergothbadalex: s/swap/ram/
22:59:09badalexso i was right?
22:59:09kergothfuck me
22:59:11kergothfuck fuck fuck fuck
22:59:15kergothfuck fuck fuck fuck
22:59:16badalexthats not good
22:59:17kergothfuck fuck fuck
22:59:18kergothfuck fuck
22:59:22AndyQgoing well then
22:59:28kergothmy Z is fucked up
22:59:34kergothits hitting enter continuously
22:59:38badlthe water
22:59:38badalexkergoth: what did you do wrong?
22:59:42kergothi'll have to open it up and make sure its dry
22:59:49kergothspilled earlier remember
22:59:54AndyQwhat did you do to it? drop it down the loo?
22:59:55kergothits probably still got shorts
23:00:01kergothspilled a cup of water on my desk
23:00:05kergothadn the Z was sitting there
23:00:06AndyQnot good
23:00:11kergothon the plus side
23:00:14kergothi have the service manual
23:00:21AndyQand its clean(er)
23:00:24kergothflips it open to the page on Z disassembly
23:00:29badalexhrm anyone have the crazy idea of installing a stronger ir port?
23:00:54Dessimat0rlol... I kinda once spilled coffee into a keyboard
23:01:05Dessimat0rit was fucked up forever
23:01:10Dessimat0rat least till i returned it to argos
23:01:14kergothDessimat0r: oh you're real encouraging
23:01:18kergothDessimat0r: thanks a bunch
23:01:32AndyQI spilled coffee onto a works sun keyboard - took it to the toilet and washed it out - 3 days later it was fine
23:01:40kergothunplugs his Z, pulls the battery
23:01:40AndyQI was sooooooo releaved
23:01:54Dessimat0rmine was a logitech keyboard
23:02:05Dessimat0rinternet ;)
23:02:16Dessimat0ri got it tempoeraily until my IBM keyboard arrived
23:02:29AndyQyeah I was amazed the thing worked after
23:02:46AndyQcoffee in the wrong place is the devils spawn!
23:03:02Dessimat0rI broke 3 CD drives using a custom made 'X' power splitter
23:03:08Dessimat0rfrom old PC fansa
23:03:27Dessimat0rlets just say: i had to open the windows.
23:04:05AndyQtis amazing how much smoke small things can make
23:06:43Dessimat0ryeah lol
23:06:59kergothfuck man
23:07:02kergothi have to tell my boss
23:07:08kergoththat i have no idea if i completed my goals for this year
23:07:12kergothbecause i lost my goals
23:07:22kergothso i need him to send them to me
23:07:24kergothso i can check
23:07:27AndyQmake the up - I do
23:07:38kergothhe has a copy of the 2002 goals
23:07:40kergothi sent them to him last year
23:07:43kergothwhen it started
23:07:46AndyQbut can he find them?
23:07:49kergothnow its over, and its review time
23:07:49Dessimat0rmake sure that you have already attained them
23:07:50kergothgood question
23:07:53Dessimat0rit makes the job easier for you
23:07:57kergothfrom where? i dont know where to find them
23:07:57AndyQmy boss wouldn't have a clue
23:07:58kergothhe has them
23:08:07kergothmy boss is a spineless coward
23:08:12kergothbut he's a brownnoser
23:08:15kergothhe wont have lost them
23:08:43badalexkergoth: he brownnoses to you?
23:08:45kergoth"Sorry steve, just resend me the goals and i'll tell you if i completed them"
23:09:00kergothbadalex: actually, i've basically told him how to do his job
23:09:05kergothbadalex: and he meekly complied
23:09:08kergothbadalex: funny shit, that
23:09:33Dessimat0rlol, i must dl Ali G : In da house
23:09:59AndyQwhy? I hate him - with avengence!
23:10:15badalexkergoth: get that z workin!
23:10:44Dessimat0rif you press the enter key enough, it will prbably force the liquid out of the contacts
23:11:01badalexis away: brb
23:11:07kergothi'm disassembling my Z when i get home
23:11:10kergothi'm taking off in a minute here
23:11:15kergothbut i'm going to upload this initrd.bin anyway
23:11:20kergothits better than the last one regardless
23:11:20Dessimat0rooh :D
23:11:25badalexkergoth: k
23:11:32badalexkergoth: how long it take you to get home?
23:12:17Dessimat0rargh, why must I say l8r? I always tell myself to say 'later'
23:12:29AndyQcoz its l33t
23:12:38Dessimat0rn00bish ;)
23:13:32nasaso, checking up -- how is the next prerelease coming?
23:14:36kergothwell other than spilling water on my Z
23:14:37kergothnot bad
23:15:20nasaso when do we get to try it out?
23:15:44badalexyeah yeah when kergoth?
23:16:07kergothbuilding the image now
23:19:01badalexis back (gone 00:08:00)
23:23:12roge99hey kergoth how goes it
23:23:30kergothhey roge99
23:23:32kergothnot bad
23:23:36kergothstill at work
23:23:47roge99so hows the latest prerelease
23:23:52nodakergoth: rofl, bill came back to me and asked if I'd like to take over the FAQ in some way :P
23:25:55kergothnoda: haha
23:26:12kergothi cant say i'm surprised, he seems busy on other things nowadays
23:26:13kergothnight Twiun[Zzzzz]
23:26:27nodaThis is hilarious, I just started this as some little thing that'd take maybe 5-10 hours to finish :P
23:26:42kergothlook at what you've done..
23:26:52kergoththat shit happens to me all the time
23:26:53AndyQdon't you just hate it when that happens
23:26:58kergothsomehow i end up with all these responsibilities
23:27:02kergothand i dont know wtf happened
23:27:05hardwireyour special
23:27:05kergothi hate that
23:27:09hardwireYOU ARE
23:27:09kergothhardwire: bah
23:27:17hardwirethis weeks special!
23:27:23kergoththis week blew
23:27:25kergothlast week blew
23:27:28kergothand the week before blew
23:27:31hardwirehands kergoth a k cider
23:27:38kergothmm cider
23:27:43hardwirego to the store
23:27:45hardwirebuy some k cider
23:27:50hardwiregood stuffins
23:28:03hardwireI am not in the U.K .. WE HAVE TO IMPORT GOOD CIDER!
23:28:05kergothi need to drop by the liquor store anyway
23:28:11nodaWell, hell, I've probably gotta work out a more intricate database now, and proper administrative privileges...
23:28:13kergothim out of vodka
23:28:14kergothand sour mix
23:28:19nodaWhat did I do to deserve this ;)
23:28:35hardwireanybody got good linkage on the pam attack?
23:29:26nodaCategories would be easy though. I could just make 'parent' categories.
23:29:58hardwirecider + guinness = goood
23:32:53AndyQhardwire: cider & guiness - BAD!
23:33:08nodakergoth: So, what do you think - should I take over the FAQ?
23:33:49hardwireAndyQ ?
23:33:50nodaIf I did, I'd have to look into hosting, too. I dunno where the plan was for hosting *this* site, but it probably doesn't apply to the Zaurus FAQ in general, does it?
23:34:16AndyQhardwire - i'm just hoping you don't mix 'em!
23:34:31hardwireAndyQ its called a rattlesnake
23:34:37hardwireits like apple bread :)
23:35:08AndyQdoesn't even want to think about it
23:37:14ljp-its probably as chewy as apple bread toast
23:41:55badalexkergoth: any news?
23:42:36Dessimat0rthe image is building
23:42:44Dessimat0ri think
23:42:48badalexthat take a while?
23:43:18ljp-for 6 kernel compiles?
23:49:50scanlineis away: 1 hour nap
23:50:41Dessimat0rWriting an encrpytion algorithm for my A2 project program now ;)
23:53:27Dessimat0r'Overlord Madoka' ;)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.