irclog2html for #openzaurus on 20030828

00:02.04*** join/#openzaurus LinuxKnight (
00:56.24Subwaysuch a quiet irc channel
01:02.16*** join/#openzaurus darmou (
01:05.13darmouIs anyone here?
01:07.03darmouJust wondering if the topic indicates that opie will no longer be included as part of oz or what does it mean?
01:07.18George-oh for god's sake.
01:07.28George-The topic means that Opie is not the same project as OZ
01:07.39George-and as such do not ask Opie-related support questions in here.
01:07.42trekedarmou: No
01:07.50trekedarmou: it means you can get opie 1.0 in the feed
01:08.09George-that as well :P
01:09.18George-treke: how's the C760? still unusable?
01:10.32darmouHmm I wonder, now that theKompany is selling the C760 if there will be more sales
01:10.49trekeGeorge-: nah. got oz on it this morning
01:10.55George-treke: nice :)
01:11.12George-treke: it's a 400MHz PXA255 w/128MB ram right?
01:11.23treke64mb ram
01:11.31George-I thought the 760 had 128MB
01:11.37treke128MB flash
01:11.41George-oh right
01:11.49George-that must be pretty cool for video playing :P
01:11.50treke64mb ram is plenty :p
01:12.14George-is the PXA255 nice?
01:12.27trekeGeorge-: Yup
01:15.22trekeGeorge-: all kinds of little things to do though
01:15.37George-such as?
01:15.41trekeGeorge-: the jogswitch/thingy doesnt work. Since opie-reader is a major app for me, thats number one on the list
01:15.48trekeGeorge-: screen doesnt auto rotate
01:16.27trekeGeorge-: when you flip the screen in sharps rom, the rotation of the screen adjusts
01:16.43George-treke: automagically?
01:17.01George-treke: so there's like a little software trigger when the screen is physically rotated?
01:17.01trekeGeorge-: yess
01:17.11trekekonquerer is useful now
01:17.30trekeits funny. The text is tiny, but completely readable
01:17.32George-treke's-C760: I want to have your babies!
01:20.23nightfiretreke: can you go to
01:20.48nightfiremy konqueror crashes, but i'm not sure if it's because i'm using debian's libraries, or because the browser actually crashes
01:21.12nightfireunfortunately it doesn't seem to like running under gdb or ltrace.
01:21.54George-nightfire: works here
01:22.04George-nightfire: CVS HEAD from August 17th
01:22.23nightfiredo you have an ipk handy? :)
01:22.52trekeworks here
01:23.04nightfireok, it must be my libraries.
01:23.39George-nightfire: er, whoops, I thought you meant "real" konqueror :)
01:23.48nightfirehaha nah, konq/e
01:24.24trekeeither way it works here
01:24.55*** join/#openzaurus edwardam (
01:24.59nightfiretreke: are you using the ipk from OZ 3.2?
01:25.07trekenightfire: no
01:25.23George-treke: you're a bastard, you know that don't you?
01:25.36trekeGeorge-: yup
01:25.37George- <-- That's well and truly fucked.
01:25.54George-if your screen looks like that, I pity you :P
01:25.55trekeGeorge-: scap clearly doesnt like the c700
01:26.38nightfirewhat's wrong with that picture? :)
01:26.53George- <-- Now _that's_ nifty ;)
01:27.03George-I can tell you though, opie on the 5mx is SLOOOWWW
01:27.25trekefuck the 5mx
01:29.32George-how dare you
01:29.32nightfirewhat's the 5mx?
01:29.32George-the 5mx had a great keyboard
01:29.32George-much better than the crap that's on the Zaurus
01:29.32George-nightfire: Psion
01:29.32George-nightfire: very nice machine
01:29.33George-bit old these days though
01:29.39nightfirelooks home brew :)
01:29.43George-It has a 640x240 monochrome screen, takes two AA batteries and last for about 16 hours or so...
01:29.46nightfirei could see that on /.
01:29.54George-36MHz ARM710T
01:37.28nightfireah ha... libpng is the culprit.
01:39.09*** join/#openzaurus W8TVI (
01:42.03nightfireah glorious stability.
01:47.22*** join/#openzaurus chinande (
01:55.53nightfirewhat package owns /usr/bin/update-menus?
02:09.10craig_hello all questions is their an app that can convert  pdf documents for the sharp zaurus
02:11.02*** join/#openzaurus ulmer (
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02:46.50*** part/#openzaurus mr_bubbs (
03:11.39*** part/#openzaurus ulmer (
03:29.45sigok I'm having some problems here... I'm in vnc, but I can't use my keyboard from my pc to type in the terminal
03:30.01sigis this not supported in OZ ?
03:31.55pyromanceit's a mknod problem in OZ's busybox
03:33.03sigpyromance: so I won't be able to type with my pc keyboard then?
03:33.06sigis that what your telling me?
03:33.19pyromanceYou need to fix mknod
03:33.36sighow do I do that?
03:38.00*** join/#openzaurus Bala (
03:48.40*** join/#openzaurus W8TVI (
03:51.56pyromanceIt's on the Zaurus forums
03:53.13*** join/#openzaurus TheMasterMind1 (
03:57.00sigpyromance: can you point me to the url?
04:01.08sigpyromance: where are thest forums your talking about dude?
04:08.12sigpyromance: !!
04:08.50sigcan anyone tell me how to fix mknod so that I can type when I'm in vncviewer on my pc to openzaurus?
04:11.27kergothread the mailing list archives
04:11.32kergothits been discussed _numerous_ times
04:11.34sigkergoth: ok, but where
04:11.38sigthats what I'm asking
04:11.48sigI have no problem reading, I just need to know where they are
04:11.55kergothMAILING LISTS
04:11.56*** join/#openzaurus w8tvi_ (
04:15.21pyromanceSorry kergoth
04:15.31pyromanceWould've deflected that for ya but was on webcam with a hottie
04:16.15sigpyromance: I don't see any in the forums on this issue with typing in vnc
04:16.26pyromancesig: give me 2 minutes
04:17.21pyromancetry 30 seconds
04:19.28*** join/#openzaurus Jumpkick_ (
04:19.41sigpyromance: my screen taps work
04:19.44sigjust not the keyboard
04:20.00George`ZZzzok, just dashed an email off requesting a email addy
04:20.07George`ZZzzI'll probably get refused.. :)
04:20.13pyromancesig: Still ... follow that thread
04:20.17*** join/#openzaurus pragma (
04:20.20pyromance$10 says it'll fix it if applied properly
04:21.45pragmaWhat is the diference between Opie and OpenZaurus? (I mean there are diferent web pages)
04:22.14pyromanceOpenZaurus is a ROM. Opie is a GUI
04:22.28George`ZZzzto put it, very very bluntly, yes
04:23.25kergothopie is to openzaurus as kde+X is to redhat.
04:23.27pragmapyromance: Hm, what's the diference? I dont know what a ROM means (like snes roms?)
04:23.41kergothpragma: rom as is the contents of flash rom. in this case, a linux distribution.
04:24.06George`ZZzzkergoth: heya :)
04:24.21pyromanceExactly like SNES roms. That slot in the back is for Gameboy Advance cartriges.
04:24.22pragmaHm, OPIE isnt a content in a flash rom?
04:24.33*** join/#openzaurus james_lan-home (
04:24.39kergothpragma: what?
04:24.52George`ZZzzbugger, I stayed up so late today that I've just heard my father getting up to go to work
04:24.52kergothpragma: opie is a a grpahical environment, which is INCLUDED in openzaurus
04:24.56kergothopenzuarus is a linux distirbution
04:25.04kergotha linux distribution is a linux kernel and applications.
04:25.13kergothonce again, opie is to openzaurus as kde+x is to redhat
04:25.15pragmakergoth: Ok, got it...
04:25.27pragmaSo, its the same?
04:25.45George`ZZzzthis is like trying to draw blood from a sstone.
04:25.50pyromanceOpenZaurus INCLUDES Opie, but Opie is not, in and of itself, OpenZaurus
04:25.55kergothopie is a gui.
04:25.59kergothit can run on ipaqs
04:26.05kergothET FUCKING CETERA
04:26.10kergothopenzaurus just happens to include it
04:26.33pyromanceKinda like how Windows95 included DOS when you bought it.
04:26.41pragmaSO the only diference is the presentation of the software?
04:26.46sigis there a way to reboot the zaurus if it freezes?
04:26.57kergothsig: soft reset or full reset
04:26.58*** join/#openzaurus james_lan-home (
04:27.03kergothsig: i wasnt talking to you
04:27.11kergothi said no to pragma, who fails to see the obvious
04:27.16pyromancepragma: OpenZaurus is the operating system ...  Opie is a program that is included with and runs on that operating system ...
04:27.24George`ZZzzpyromance: I beg to differ
04:27.29George`ZZzzpyromance: OPenZaurus is NOT an OS
04:27.37sigkergoth: no way to reboot it
04:27.57George`ZZzzwell, OZ and Opie are the same in that they are both a collection of applications :)
04:28.10pyromanceGeorge`ZZzz: I am trying to put it in ways he'll understand. Remember when you were young and you were told the moon was made of cheese? Like that.
04:28.12George`ZZzzbut there the similarity ENDS
04:28.21kergothsig: huh?
04:28.21George`ZZzzpyromance: I was never told anything of the sort.
04:28.27kergothsig: you can soft reset, and you can full reset.
04:28.34sigkergoth: it froze
04:28.34kergothsig: i count two ways
04:28.39kergothNO SHIT
04:28.45kergothdo you know what soft reset and full reset are?
04:28.46pragmaOk, so untill the end, either you install a OS or a GUI you have the same Interphase running?
04:28.47kergothobviously not.
04:28.48sigI know the soft reset, I was just wondering if there was like a ctrl alt delete shit
04:28.52George`ZZzzi love kergoth sometimes :)
04:28.55kergothpragma: what?
04:28.56pyromanceGeorge`ZZzz: Damn ... Was I the only one with cruel parents?
04:29.03George`ZZzzpyromance: probably
04:29.11kergothpragma: an operating system INCLUDES a gui.
04:29.13pyromanceI wasn't hugged enough as a child either.
04:29.15pragmakergoth: I mean the interphase (what I know as opie) is running?
04:29.17kergothyou dont install an OS _OR_ an operating system
04:29.24George`ZZzzeither pragma is VERY stupid, or trying to be funny
04:29.25kergothyou install an OS that may or may not include a graphical interface
04:29.37kergothinterphase, is that some sort of star trek device?
04:29.46kergothwhere i come from its called an interface
04:30.10George`ZZzzkergoth's a really nice guy :)
04:30.15kergothgod stupidity amuses me.
04:30.21kergothoh, and ineptitude too
04:30.28james_lan-homeunless you manage to annoy him ;)
04:30.47George`ZZzzjames_lan-home: in which case he becomes absolutely HILARIOUS
04:30.56sigpyromance: damnit
04:31.01pyromancesig: what?
04:31.08sigI installed the new busy box upgraded it really
04:31.11pragmaWell, better ask and look stupid once, that stay stupid the rest of your life...
04:31.14sigand now the mouse doesn't even work
04:31.14kergothsig: in OZ you can use sysrq to force a reset
04:31.25pyromanceThe Zaurus doesn't have a mouse.
04:31.27pyromanceOh... VNC?
04:31.27kergothon collie anyway
04:31.28sigthis made it worse
04:31.33sigpyromance: via vnc dude
04:31.38sigthats what I'm talking about
04:31.46sigthe mouse pointer worked before
04:31.51sigjust not the typing on the keyboard
04:31.53kergothpragma: its not about looking stupid.
04:31.56signow niether work via vnc
04:32.00George`ZZzzkergoth: so remind me again, opie and openzaurus are the same things, but with different names?
04:32.00kergothpragma: its about _being_ stupid
04:32.06kergothGeorge`ZZzz: you got it!
04:32.10kergoth~praise George`ZZzz
04:32.12All hail George`ZZzz!
04:32.37George`ZZzzkergoth: I mean, for god's sake, I even put the bloody thing in the topic hours ago
04:32.45George`ZZzz"Yes, this means that OpenZaurus != Opie"
04:33.02kergothGeorge`ZZzz: i think the 44th time is the charm, not the third, in his case.
04:33.09*** topic/#openzaurus by George`ZZzz -> Get OpenZaurus at | opie 1.0 feed at: | #opie for opie support | TAKE NOTE -> Yes, this means that OpenZaurus != Opie <- TAKE NOTE
04:33.21pyromanceoh my
04:33.27pyromancemy cats are looking at me funny for that guffaw
04:34.00George`ZZzzkergoth: what about the interphasing grafikal stimulant?
04:34.19kergothGeorge`ZZzz: you cant use that unless its a full moon
04:34.33pyromanceI am having a bit of problem with my OpenZaurus USB Interphaser. Is there a newsgroup for that in German?
04:35.22*** join/#openzaurus james_lan-home (
04:35.22james_lan-homeargh, new version of kopete (=more bug fixes in future, more problems atm, with new interfaces)
04:35.22pragmakergoth: Whatever man...
04:35.22*** part/#openzaurus pragma (
04:35.25George`ZZzzyou mad fetishist
04:35.50pyromanceI have a nice spiked license plate frame. Yay fetish
04:36.24sighad to soft reboot my z
04:36.41pyromancesig: of course. You installed a new mknod ;)
04:36.41signo it sits with the openz logo saying:  (none) login:
04:36.44George`ZZzzdum dee dum dum dum... another one bites the dust... dum dee dum dum dum.. another one bites the dust.. and another one gone.. and another one gone.. another one bites the dust...
04:37.01kergothsig: ouch.
04:37.05kergothsig: you're in trouble
04:37.19George`ZZzzyeh, the hostname's gone out the window
04:37.23George`ZZzzdood, this is BAD
04:37.36kergothhe upgraded busybox, i'm willing to bet the busybox symlinks didnt get installed with it
04:37.37sigkergoth: seriously
04:37.46sigis it ruined?
04:37.48kergothbusybox doesnt do you much good without say, /bin/sh for example
04:37.55George`ZZzzsig: you stupid stupid stupid stupid stpuid stupid stupid bastard
04:38.01kergothheh, its not his fault
04:38.06kergoththe upgrade path is hosed
04:38.06sigI listend to pyromance
04:38.09kergothbecause ipkg cant handle it
04:38.23George`ZZzzkergoth: fix it then you asshole :)
04:38.36kergothGeorge`ZZzz: ipkg? hah, yeah, right.
04:39.03james_lan-homesig: can you login? (my guess is not)
04:39.06George`ZZzzkergoth: I don't see a disclaimer ont he OZ site saying "If you upgrade busybox then your OZ might get hosed because the symlinks aren't being made", so you're responsible :)
04:39.16kergothGeorge`ZZzz: its called "unstable" for a reason
04:39.18signo I can't log in
04:39.33sigpyromance: thanks dude
04:39.34George`ZZzzkergoth: because it's sitting on one of the many spikes on your cluebat?
04:39.50pyromancesig: Hey... I simply showed you a post that told you what was wrong and why
04:40.03sigpyromance: shall I paste?
04:40.07George`ZZzzsig: I hope you backed your data up
04:40.09pyromancesig: fire away
04:40.10kergothheh, you're responsible for your own actions
04:40.11james_lan-homesig: do you have any important data on it, or would reflashing be a problem?
04:40.19kergothyou think i listen to evferything i hear on either irc or the web?
04:40.20kergothfuck no.
04:40.22sig<pyromance> $10 says it'll fix it if applied properly
04:40.32pyromanceLast three words are operative
04:40.33kergothsig: he lost the bet. darn.
04:40.37sigjames_lan-home: how can I reflash
04:40.39kergothah good call
04:40.48kergothsig: you dont have a cf?
04:40.50sigis it still on the CF card?
04:40.52james_lan-homewith a cf card
04:40.57kergothdid you remove the files?
04:41.03signot that I know of
04:41.10kergothnote: until you remove a file, said file isnt removed.
04:41.11sigunless it wipes them out when you flash
04:41.12kergothisnt logic grand?
04:41.19james_lan-homesig: it doesn't
04:41.33kergothGeorge`ZZzz: that chorus sucks
04:41.48George`ZZzzkergoth: what about "kergoth is an asshole"?
04:42.00pyromanceGeorge`ZZzz: I said "if applied properly" ... The Busybox upgrade apparently was not.
04:42.02kergothGeorge`ZZzz: hmm, that has a better ring to it
04:42.16BalaGeorge`ZZzz: if someone was really eveil they'd change the topic to tell everyone to upgrade busybox.
04:42.19pyromancesig: If it'll make you feel better, I'll send $10 to you via paypal.
04:42.31George`ZZzzwhat about "kergoth has a brain the size of a weasel's wedding tackle"?
04:42.39George`ZZzzok, I'll stop quoting Blackadder now
04:42.50George`ZZzzBala: good idea!
04:42.51pyromanceIt'll even be in real US dollars. I won't use liberian currency this time.
04:42.52kergothsig: had you read the mailing list archives, you would have seen that coming.
04:42.57james_lan-homesig: if you downloaded zimage and initrd.bin (from memory, so check the names) onto cf, you should just be able to reflash.
04:43.06kergothpyromance: liar
04:43.31*** topic/#openzaurus by George`ZZzz -> Get OpenZaurus at | opie 1.0 feed at: | #opie for opie support | TAKE NOTE -> Yes, this means that OpenZaurus != Opie <- TAKE NOTE | According to pyromance, if you upgrade busybox on OZ from the unstable feed, your Zaurus will treat you a whole lot different. And that's a promise.
04:43.53pyromancekergoth: Hey... OZ got it's donation in US dollars. I only send Liberian dollars to wanker projects.
04:43.57Balamuch better :)
04:44.01George`ZZzzpyromance: such as?
04:44.46sigisn't working
04:44.49*** topic/#openzaurus by kergoth -> OpenZaurus user discussion channel | developer discussion in #openembedded | | Please, read the FAQs and search the mailing list archives before bothering the developers.
04:45.02George`ZZzzkergoth: you bastard
04:45.52George`ZZzzbugger, it's 5:44am
04:45.54George`ZZzzI need to sleep
04:46.28George`ZZzzI hope my application for a email addy works :)
04:46.57sigpyromance: you mother fu&^%$
04:47.06George`ZZzzsig: now now
04:47.14kergothsig: time to buy a cf reader, i'd say.
04:47.16George`ZZzzsig: channel rules clearly state that all abuse must be directed at kergoth
04:47.19james_lan-homesig: that is my-reccomended-but-i-should-be-asleep-so-i-will-go-to-sleep-so-i-can't-help-tonight-sorry-try-tommarrow solution, if you have a cf card and either the images on it, or access to a cf reader/writer.  (needs to be in fat format, copy those files (in my experence, if they are the only 2 it works best) then hit reset+c+d (or something, check the oz docs)
04:47.31sigjames_lan-home: I think I got it
04:47.33pyromancesig: Did I have to go through every step with you? I told you I'd send you $10 for the bet you won. Use it to buy a CF reader.
04:47.36sigbut I won't listen
04:47.39sigto him again
04:47.50kergothstop complaining. shit happens.
04:47.51sigonly thing that didn't work was the keyboard on my pc via vnc
04:47.58sigeverything else rocked on 3.2
04:48.06George`ZZzzyeh, listen to kergoth, you've only got to look at him to know he's right
04:48.08sigit is flashing now I "hope"
04:48.14pyromanceA busybox upgrade is a serious thing in OZ, sig.
04:48.25sigpyromance: sure say that now
04:48.30james_lan-homeis that fixed in the latest stuff? (vnc being able to recieve mouse+kb events?)
04:48.41sigjames_lan-home: obviously not
04:48.44sigthis is the latest
04:48.45kergothjames_lan-home: yes, unstable busybox has that fixed.
04:48.48kergothsig: bullshit.
04:48.53sigkergoth: ?
04:48.57kergothjames_lan-home: however, its packaging changed significantly.
04:49.10pyromanceForgive me for assuming that OpenZaurus (and indeed the Zaurus itself) is NOT for newbies.
04:49.18james_lan-homeand that's what sig discovered the hard way I take it.
04:49.22kergothjames_lan-home: precisely
04:49.43sigpyromance: I've used linux for 3 1/2 years
04:49.52sigthis I have no problems with linux
04:49.57sigI had problems with the hardware
04:50.03kergothsig: think of upgrading busybox on the Z as like upgrading glibc on a desktop
04:50.05sigbling bling
04:50.09kergothsig: something that if it fucks up, you're hosed.
04:50.10sigit worked
04:50.29pyromanceOK ... when you performed the busybox upgrade, did you know that busybox and the symbolic links thereto were the heart and soul of the Zaurus?
04:50.34sigkergoth: so do you know a fix for the keyboard to work with fbncserver on the openzaurus?
04:50.42kergothmy god you're dense.
04:50.46kergoththe fix is a non broken mknod
04:50.58sigpyromance: it said nothing about the linking
04:50.59sigkergoth: ?
04:51.02kergothwhich is included in recent busybox
04:51.12sigkergoth: I did upgrade the busybox package
04:51.15kergothbut you can grab an arm mknod binary from coreutils instead
04:51.17sigand thats where it got hosed
04:51.17kergothyes, you did
04:51.23kergothand it failed for completelyd ifferent reasons
04:51.26sigso what did I do wrong?
04:51.26kergothdid i say it would work?
04:51.28kergothfuck no i didnt.
04:51.30kergothi said busybox has the fix
04:51.32kergothwhich it does
04:51.34sigI'm just asking
04:51.53kergothagain, busybox has the fix, but hte packaging changed
04:51.54sigok if busybox had the fix why did mine get hosed? thats all I'm asking
04:51.59kergothdid you even read when i wrote that to james?
04:52.03kergothand his reply that thats what you ran into?
04:52.05kergothobviously not.
04:52.13signo I was trying to flash this
04:52.20kergothokay, scroll up and read
04:52.26kergothi do not like repeating myself.
04:52.27pyromancekergoth: He was busy wishing various venerial diseases upon me.
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04:52.53sigkergoth: I upgraded it with the unstable busybox package
04:52.58kergothyes, you did.
04:53.17sig<kergoth> james_lan-home: yes, unstable busybox has that fixed.
04:53.23kergothyou seem to imply that this will in some way change my response
04:53.26kergothyes, it does have that fixed.
04:53.34sigwhy did mine break then?
04:53.40kergothcan you fucking read?
04:53.41kergothjesus christ
04:53.43james_lan-homeyou *might* be able to do it if you run a full shell (bash and utils) and doing it all by mknod ing if you knew all the things you needed to make, however, not even I would be crazy enough to do that.
04:53.47kergothwant me to paste it for you?
04:53.54signo chill out
04:53.56sigfuck this
04:53.56kergothsince scrolling up is obviously beyond your capabilities.
04:54.21kergoth23:50 < kergoth> james_lan-home: however, its packaging changed significantly.
04:54.24kergoth23:51 < james_lan-home> and that's what sig discovered the hard way I take it.
04:54.27kergoth23:51 < kergoth> james_lan-home: precisely
04:54.50TeppichWarren, I got a mail stating: "The Hawaii Open Source Education Foundation is not a Verified PayPal member." and they returned the payment. I payed via the web-formular you had linked to
04:54.56james_lan-homesig: the package upgrade is broken, and while busybox has the upgrade, the package changed to where ipkg can't install it properly from an upgrade.
04:54.56W8TVIsig, whats wrong with you? your worse than me!
04:55.06Teppichxcuse me, wrong channel
04:55.23kergothwhy do people seem to want me to repeat shit over and over until it sinks in today?
04:57.12james_lan-homenight all
04:57.34*** part/#openzaurus james_lan-home (
04:58.45W8TVIhave fun
05:02.16siggot it back to normal
05:02.46sigkergoth: I just didn't understand what you mean by the packaging has changed, doesn't mean you can talk to me like that, that is fucked up.
05:03.11pyromancesig: His house, his rules.
05:03.15pyromancehey kergoth
05:03.25sigpyromance: where you from?
05:03.50pyromancesig: Born and raised in Chicago.
05:04.00pyromance*cough* living in Phoenix.
05:04.16sigyou ever come to Idaho?
05:04.39pyromanceUm ... I've been through about 42 states of the union. None of which were famous for potatos.
05:04.49sigwhen you do let me know
05:05.14pyromancebut if I ever make it up there, I'll hand you your $10, a CF card reader, a CF card, and will make damn sure VNC works before I leave.
05:05.37signo I got it all fixed
05:05.41sigI just want to kick you in the face
05:05.45sigthats all
05:06.15pyromanceI'll accept that, with the smug grin of knowing I got my VNC to work on the first try.
05:06.27sigI did to
05:06.33sigthen I'll take you to coffee
05:06.38sigpyromance: no serious now
05:07.00sigthe only thing that didn't work was the keyboard through vnc, my pointer worked unlike the guys in the forum
05:07.08pyromanceIt's been a while since I got a good kick in the face. They don't do it at work anymore 'cause they need me there.
05:07.52pyromancesig: The root cause was the same. I just didn't follow the solution ot to completion. I'll apologize for that if you apologize for getting testy toward the people trying to help you.
05:08.48kergoth23:39 < kergoth> heh, its not his fault
05:08.48kergoth23:40 < kergoth> the upgrade path is hosed
05:08.48kergoth23:40 < sig> I listend to pyromance
05:08.48kergoth23:40 < kergoth> because ipkg cant handle it
05:09.03kergoth1) ipkg cant handle it, 2) "packaging changed"
05:09.15kergothimplies, the packaging changed in such a way as to break ipkg's upgrade path
05:09.25sigok cool kergoth fair enough
05:09.39sigso I guess I'll have to wait for a fix right?
05:10.02kergothbest fix is to build an unstable image or find someone who has, or wait for the next release image
05:10.11kergothipkg isnt getting fixed any time soon, it needs a rewrite
05:10.49*** part/#openzaurus Teppich (
05:10.51sigI'll just wait
05:10.54sigI can do with ssh
05:10.59sigbut vnc is just fun
05:11.04pyromanceTwo ways around it. First of which is to grab the binary of busybox out and write a script to make sure your symbolic links point to that. Second is to steal the busybox binary from either the unstable feed or the sharp ROM and update the symbolic link for mknod only to point to the new binary, then reboot
05:11.05sigother than that 3.2 is rockin
05:11.19sigmy pretec lan card works, linksys wireless, cf , sd , etc...
05:11.27pyromancekergoth: Get your mail yet?
05:11.40kergothmutt tells me my mailbox is unchanged
05:11.45kergothso guess not
05:12.41pyromancekergoth: You have bawlz
05:13.09pyromanceor something
05:13.24pyromanceYou have a ThinkGeek account?
05:13.56kergothhm, not sure if i do or not
05:14.13kergothi need to get to bed, have to pick up my mom and little bro from the airport in the morning
05:19.16pyromanceBed is starting to sound like a great idea
05:19.30pyromanceconsidering I woke up 24 hours ago to go to work. I am glad I have no work tonigh
05:19.39pyromanceLet someone else the porn servers for a change.
05:27.51sighow do I install something to a device?
05:28.05sigipkg install name.ipk /path/to/card ?
05:35.44*** join/#openzaurus LV|sleep (~lordvan@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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06:58.18sigthey all are
06:59.03siglexar media are good
07:32.11*** join/#openzaurus Chairman (
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11:15.57Ronnybfahi, i have an ipaq 3970 with familiar .7 and opie 1 i need to connect it to the internet via irda - gprs on a nokia 6100 and via bluetooth and gprs on a t68i, can someone help me with it ?
11:22.09*** join/#openzaurus stew_b (
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11:45.19George`ZZzzRonnybfa: in case you haven't realised, this is a Zaurus-based channel.
11:48.03*** part/#openzaurus Ronnybfa (
11:52.26prhanyone around? particularly anyone with OZ compiled and running on a 750 :O)
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15:18.45jo2y-workmarkd2: you mac user!
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15:37.39George-jo2y-work: what's wrong with using Macs?
15:42.06jo2y-workGeorge-: markd2 uses them, that's what's wrong.
15:42.14George-jo2y-work: you bastard.
15:42.19George-Hostname: titanium - OS: Linux 2.4.21-ben2/ppc - CPU: Motorola PowerPC G4 7450, altivec supported (667MHz) - Processes: 77 - Uptime: 1d 21h 26m - Load Average: 2.94 - Memory Usage: 146.13mb/501.91mb (29.12%) - Disk Usage: 26.43gb/73.21gb (36.10%)
15:42.22George-I'm running on one.
15:42.30jo2y-workbut you're not markd2.
15:42.38George-that's irrelevant
15:42.45jo2y-workno it isn't.
15:42.55*** join/#openzaurus Zippo_ (
15:43.02George-yes it is.
15:43.34jo2y-workby extention, you're saying my opinion is irrelevant.
15:53.09*** join/#openzaurus kf3cr (
15:55.31sigso with openzaurus can I use qtopia to sync with it?
15:58.25CopeAnyone hot OZ syncing with KOrganiser?
15:58.56sigwhat sync program can I use to transfer files and such with oz ?
16:00.40*** join/#openzaurus TheMasterMind1 (
16:01.17George-sig: ssh
16:01.25sigyeah thats what I'm using now
16:01.35sigI'm talking like that qtopia shit
16:03.30George-oh wait
16:03.35George-got your busybox working again yet? :P
16:03.46signo, I'm not going to touch it!
16:04.00sigmy pointer works but not my keyboard, so I'll just leave it at that.
16:04.41*** part/#openzaurus jo2y-work (
16:04.57sigmedia-player2 fails to install
16:05.24George-just force it
16:05.40sigis this good advice or are you messing around?
16:08.04sigcouldn't satisfy the following dependencies for opie-mediaplayer2.    libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2
16:08.17George-FORCE IT
16:10.26sigforce overwrite ?
16:10.32*** join/#openzaurus pyromance (
16:10.56sigforce depends ; force reinstall ; force remove ; force overwrite ; verbose WGet... thats my options
16:11.02pyromancehi sig!
16:11.08sigsup pyromance
16:11.54pyromanceTrying to get Kismet 3.0.1 to work on the SL5500
16:11.57pyromanceNo luck so far
16:12.34sigpyromance: where do you download handheld movie clips and such?
16:14.47sigthis opie movieplayer2 failed big time even when I forced it George-
16:15.29sigdosn't work
16:15.34sigfailed to link like everythign
16:23.24*** join/#openzaurus dan2003 (
16:35.08sigfor some reason my screenshot applet disapeared
16:35.13sigbut shows it is still installed
16:43.09pyromancewhat did I miss?
16:44.40*** join/#openzaurus redtoade-w (~redtoade@
16:44.54pyromancesig: does it show unchecked in your launcher settings?
16:47.49sigit isn't even there
16:47.53sigbut it shows installed
16:49.51pyromancessh'ing into the z
16:49.55sigI got it
16:50.00pyromanceBeat me to it
16:50.03sigit can't be installed to sd or /root
16:50.06pyromanceI was going to check the ipkg info
16:50.09sigsd or /ram
16:50.12sighas to be /root
16:50.29pyromanceeven after an ipkg-link?
16:50.45sigit'll install, but not show up on the taskbar
16:51.00*** join/#openzaurus markd2 (
16:51.10sigI'm happy
16:51.11pyromanceMost apps that are particular about that are opposite
16:51.16sigeverything is working awesome
16:51.59pyromanceHaha... I don't have scshot installed
16:52.08pyromanceNo wonder I was having problems finding it
16:52.31pyromanceGenerally my Zaurus screenshots are nothing impressive
16:52.45pyromanceI'm not a developer so I can't offer anything new
16:52.47sigbrb, time to cvsup
16:53.14pyromanceOnly thing I ever made was a background
16:54.39*** join/#openzaurus BadCode (
16:54.43sigpyromance: you use linux or a unix?
16:54.50sigfor pc
16:57.11pyromanceMy Linux box is currently running RedHat 9. I am going to try Gentoo on my briefcase when I am done learning the Win2000 stuff I need for work.
16:57.27sigI use FreeBSD
16:57.31sigyou should give it a shot
16:57.36pyromanceI use FreeBSD a lot at work.
16:57.39sigI'm on a Linux box atm though
16:57.49sigbut all my boxes are freebsd
16:58.02sig4.9-PRERELEASE now
16:58.11pyromanceWe have a few hundred FreeBSD 4.3 boxes that are left from before we migrated to Linux
16:58.28sigare you still using them?
16:58.40Subwaygive them to me ;)
16:58.41sigwhy did you migrate to linux?
16:58.51pyromanceIt wasn't up to me ;)
16:59.12SubwayI run a little bit of everything on my desktop pc
16:59.16pyromanceI guess 'cause it's cheaper to hire people with Linux experience
16:59.23SubwayI am really enjoying freebsd
16:59.23pyromanceSubway: VMware?
16:59.48Subwaypyromance: no, I use the desktop as just kind of a "hey, lets throw this os on and play with it for a week or so"
16:59.59SubwayI use my laptop for 'production'
17:00.09Subwayit is a 17" powerbook
17:00.18sigI want one of those
17:00.24Subwayi love mine
17:00.27sigSubway: how much did you pay for it?
17:00.41Subwaytoo much
17:00.53SubwayI got it for ~2800 after my developer's discount
17:00.54pyromanceMy primary box is my gaming box... Only one with the specs to play good stuff so it keeps XP Pro on it. My old broke Celeron 466 is always Linux ... MP3/movie/intranet server for my apartment. My briefcase is my development box
17:00.55sigyeah, for the price of those things you could buy a car
17:01.19Subwaysig: dont remind me.... I am in need of a car now heh
17:01.39pyromanceSubway: Heh... Got a Nissan Sentra. Fair trade.
17:02.10SubwayI drive a 98 S-10 right now, it is a loaner... probably going to buy it
17:02.14pyromanceI wouldn't be able to get to work anymore... would get fired eventually ..
17:02.31pyromanceAah.. My 96 Sentra GXE is all I need.
17:02.43SubwayI have a car, but since I just moved to Louisville, Ky I dont like driving it around (79 monte carlo)
17:02.58pyromance30 mpg city, 40 mpg highway. Perfect for when some asshat turns off Phoenix's gas supply.
17:03.03Subwayshe is in such great shape if i drove it to work etc it would be beat up in no time
17:04.15pyromanceHeh... I hear that
17:06.41pyromanceHmm... why is my CPU 48C today? Normally it hangs around 42 degrees...
17:07.02pyromanceoooops ... hehe nm
17:17.07*** join/#openzaurus Teppich (
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17:26.59TeppichAnybody help me to connect my Z via wlan? It is getting dhcp-offers but seems not to give a response to that offer to the notebook with running dhcp on wavelan interface
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18:05.38zlvrgday all
18:06.00Bernardohi zlvr
18:06.13zlvrhave a question here ... I am about to backup the stuff on my C750 (from the Sharp ROM) so that I can try out OZ
18:07.14zlvrAfter I have created the backup (on my XP machine OR on an CF card and then transfer that to the PC via a reader) from OZ is there a way to restore this back up and come back to the Original Sharp ROM ?
18:08.29zlvrwhats a recommended method for the backup ? Tar everything onto a CF card starting from the "/" directory ? OR, using the utility provided by Sharp ?
18:16.55*** part/#openzaurus Teppich (
18:17.33zlvranyone here who can help me ?
18:20.02*** part/#openzaurus markd2 (
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18:30.13jo2y-workmarkd2: you, you...satellite user!
18:32.44George-jo2y-work: stop being a silly arse
18:33.10markd2darn these three minute latencies, jo2y-work!
18:33.18markd2I'll get you three minutes from now!
18:33.56zlvrhi folks ... anyone here at this hour who could help me with flashing my C750 to OZ ?
18:34.08zlvror point me to a doc/site where this is detailed ?
18:34.21George-It can't be done unless you're willing to use buildroot
18:34.25George-from what I can tell
18:34.27George-ibot shepherd
18:34.28extra, extra, read all about it, shepherd is Sharp Zaurus SL-C750 or a dog
18:35.18zlvreww what is that ?
18:38.31zlvribot reflash
18:38.31methinks reflash is documented at, or via jtag wires described at
18:38.50*** part/#openzaurus jo2y-work (
18:49.27*** part/#openzaurus markd2 (
18:49.31zlvrIs there  a way to go back to the Sharp ROM from a previously backed up (via Backup/Restore) C750 ? Or if I have the original NAND Backup files ?
18:52.00*** join/#openzaurus dade` (
18:52.08dade`any news about oz on sharp 5600 ?
18:52.32dade`i tried yesterday the poddle rom buy it does not run at all
18:53.45SubwayI ordered a new cellphone today off amazon
18:53.50Subwaysays it is supposed to ship out today
18:53.54Subwayand be delivered today
19:05.20*** join/#openzaurus tomimo (
19:09.46zlvrtomimo ... hi ... are you familiar with reflashing
19:13.16tomimoI have only flashed OZ couple of times ... :)
19:13.29tomimowhat kind of problem you have ?
19:13.49zlvron which device ?
19:14.05zlvrI have a C750 ...
19:14.15zlvram not sure whether to take the plunge as yet
19:16.03pyromanceOK so yeah
19:16.08tomimoah, I have SL5500
19:16.13pyromancewhat did I miss?
19:16.21tomimoI don't think other models are too well supported atm.
19:17.05zlvrpyromance THE MAN !
19:18.21pyromanceHello ...
19:18.26pyromanceDo I know you? ;)
19:18.39zlvrnow you do :) ... Dude need some help here
19:18.56pyromanceOK but I make no guarantees on the help I provide
19:19.05zlvr:) thats not a problem
19:19.37pyromance'cause if you asked sig, I torched his Z and he had to reflash
19:20.06zlvrI was doing a "tar cvf /mnt/card/z.tar /" on the C750 so that I can have a tar backup ... when that thing reached /proc/sys/suspend, it turned off
19:20.15zlvrthis is before I tried OZ on it
19:20.26pyromancetry --exclude ?
19:20.53zlvrnow it seems stuck when I pressed the on/off key ... or is running very slow
19:20.58pyromanceYou want to exclude all of /proc /dev and maybe /mnt/cf
19:21.04zlvrshould I just power it off ?
19:21.14zlvror will that brick the Z /
19:21.23pyromanceThat really depends on what's wrong.. hmm
19:21.25*** join/#openzaurus stonage (
19:21.38pyromanceSlow you say? Run top and see if some proc is chewing up resources
19:21.42zlvrits weird ... maybe I'll try pulling out the SD card
19:21.57pyromanceUmm .. is it mounted?
19:22.07pyromanceA simple failed tar shouldn't torch your Z
19:22.15zlvrcan't since I am not able to enter anything ... yes the tar backup file is on the SD card
19:22.35zlvrcool :) ...
19:22.44zlvrso do you have a C750/760 ?
19:22.45pyromancetry umount /mnt/card
19:23.09zlvrnothing is responding on screen taps
19:23.23pyromancecan you type in the console?
19:23.36pyromanceHahaha... just found my dremel manual ... They come with manuals?
19:24.32zlvrits just printing chars on the screen of stuff it is probably backing up ... nope cant type in console ... its now showing /proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/default/delay_first_probe_time
19:25.02pyromanceSo the backup proccess is still running ... Is it on the network? Can you ssh in?
19:25.32zlvrnope :( no ssh on the Z ... its connected to my XP PC via the USB cable
19:25.41pyromanceWhat OS?
19:25.52zlvrWin XP
19:25.59pyromanceEr.. ROM on the Z? OpenZaurus?
19:26.08zlvrSharp ... Want to go to OZ :)
19:26.17zlvrthats why I am backing up
19:26.25pyromanceWell do you have anything on the Z that you really need to keep?
19:26.32zlvralready have a backup on CF via the backup/restore utility
19:26.42pyromanceThat won't do you much good moving to OZ
19:27.26pyromanceBest thing to do when moving to OZ is reinstall everything. Don't ask me about PIM stuff either. I never use the PIMs.
19:27.29zlvrwell ... I have that in a backup ... I have just PIMS etc which are synced from outlook anyways ... so its ok if I loose them ... just have a backup in case I want to move back to the Sharp ROM ... will that restore Qtopia and all the apps ?
19:27.52pyromanceWell you'll be using Opie instead of qtopia
19:28.04zlvryeah I don't mind reinstalling stuff after moving to OZ ...
19:28.06pyromanceSo it's more wise to reinstall the apps
19:28.37pyromanceI've done so many ROM flashes I can do it in my sleep. The only thing I ever get upset about is losing my Froot high schores
19:28.40zlvrbut is the process reversible ... if I want to move back to the Sharp ROM ? I have an original NAND backup file from
19:29.00pyromanceooooh. You want to save stuff in case you move back
19:29.42pyromanceWell the best generic advice in ROM flashing is just to keep a backup of all your apps, and sync your PIM data if you can
19:29.50zlvralready done
19:30.03zlvrusing the Backup/Restore utility ...
19:30.09pyromanceBecause I've had little luck backing up / restoring from TARs
19:30.09zlvrand sync'd with outlook
19:30.23zlvrok not a problem ...was just using that as a second backup
19:30.35*** join/#openzaurus qip|Virus|here (
19:30.47pyromanceThe only time I had great success with a tar is when I upgraded from 64m to 256M SD cards... but since the SD is a mountable non-root filesystem it's easier.
19:31.21pyromancetar keeps bombing out on me for other reasons backing up root ... There's always SOMETHING open (even at runlevel 2) that keeps making it a pain in the ass
19:31.32zlvr:) ... guess the tar is over ... I have my Z operational again
19:34.26zlvrso what's the process to go back to the Sharp ROM if I have to  ? After I have that confirmed, I am ready to flash OZ (what files do I need for the C750 and where are they) ?
19:37.14zlvrpyromance ?
19:38.58pyromanceCan't tell you on a C7xx ... never did it
19:39.25pyromanceDo you have a factory OSPACK?
19:40.56zlvroh nope for the C750 ... but I do have a NAND backup from ... which I guess should help me get back
19:41.42pyromanceBRB: Espresso pot is going nuts
19:43.26zlvrsure dude
19:43.40pyromanceHmm ... let me hit google for a sec
19:44.04pyromanceWhich model do you have?
19:48.53zlvr   <--- NAND backups (Original for the C750/C76)
19:50.36pyromanceYeah.. Dunno ... You got the Z from Conics?
19:51.08zlvrbut its accessible by anyone
19:51.20zlvranyways ... plz let me know what I should do to reflash ?
19:51.50pyromanceLike I said... Never played with a C7x0 series
19:52.09pyromanceIf you send me one, I'll be glad to flash it, brick it, fix it, and write all sorts of docs on the procedure ;)
19:52.19zlvrhmmm ... hahaha
19:52.37pyromanceOn the SL-5500, you put the initrd.bin and zImage on a CF card (it doesn't like Microdrives)
19:52.47*** part/#openzaurus kf3cr (
19:53.41zlvrhmmm ... thx ... trying that soon ... will let you know ...
19:54.18pyromanceThen insert the card, plug it in to the DC, flip the switch, remove the battery lid, hold down C and D on the keyboard while hitting the full reset switch in back, release the CD keys, watch to make sure both the mail and charging lights are on. Let it sit until they turn off, hit the reset button again, replace the battery door, flip the switch back, and power it on.
19:54.38pyromanceCake ;)
19:54.46*** join/#openzaurus tomimo (
19:54.54pyromanceBRB: finishing making mocha
19:57.54pyromanceFrom this day forward I am the god of coffee
19:58.01pyromancePERFECT ... ever time
19:58.25pyromanceCacko has an C7x0 ROM ... they may have instruction
19:58.36zlvrcacko ?
19:59.17Subwaywoohoo a bookstore next to the university i work at has jolt in stock
20:00.07pyromanceSubway: kergoth was having a bad day yesterday with people blaming OZ for non-OZ-specific problems and yelling for support
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20:00.27pyromanceSo I got him a $15 ThinkGeek gift cert as a "donation" and told him to buy some caffeine.
20:00.48pyromanceThough the coffee products there are more expensive than the Tshirts
20:01.13pyromanceWhich reminds me ... wellenreiter needs a donation pot too.
20:01.36Subwaypyromance: you can give me a $15 gift cert
20:02.21pyromanceSubway: Get Kismet 2.0.1 into a working, sd-installable ipk for the SL-5500 / OZ 3.2 and I'll buy you a T-shirt.
20:02.37pyromanceer ... 3.0.1?
20:02.40pyromanceWhat's the latest?
20:09.04Subwayi ordered a 256 last night
20:09.44pyromanceThe 256 SD card was a good purchase for me. It lets me use my microdrive for movies and lets me wardrive and listen to MP3s at the same time
20:09.47*** join/#openzaurus dade` (
20:10.00Subwayhow much is a microdrive?
20:10.10Subwayfor a decent sized one
20:10.11pyromanceMy 340 was $60 delivered on eBay
20:10.44pyromanceYep. It wasn't in retail packaging but was factory sealed
20:11.13Subwaylandlord just got here
20:11.43pyromanceOh that reminds me..
20:12.02pyromancegonna disassemble a WiFi USB dongle today. See if I can get an antenna patched in
20:12.51*** join/#openzaurus dade` (
20:13.06pyromanceThat's how I do it too ... badly
20:13.35Subwaypyromance: huh?
20:13.58pyromanceYou need to clean badly
20:14.01pyromanceI clean badly too.
20:15.04*** join/#openzaurus dade` (
20:15.38Subwayso, where can i get some oz themes?
20:15.52pyromanceHmm .. the wifi USB dongle's "antenna" is just .. well .. a WIRE
20:17.07pyromanceNot really... Was just hoping there'd be more to it
20:17.55pyromanceOh well :D
20:18.32Subwayso, whould i upgrade to opie 1.0?
20:19.26stonagehey, that reminds me, are there any op2 themes?  They have screenshots of one on opie's site, but I haven't found any downloads
20:19.41zlvrOk folks ... is the correct OZ version to use for the C750 ?
20:21.15BernardoI've yet to see a theme for oz 3.x...
20:21.30redtoade-wso opie and oz are the same thing, right?
20:22.13Bernardono - opie is the graphical server, oz the dist
20:22.19redtoade-wBernardo: joke
20:22.34fdaskis there going to be a new OZ release that comes with OPIE 1.0?  and maybe an updated kernel?
20:22.34redtoade-wI was expecting a rabid onslaught... like what happened late last night here
20:22.58pyromancethey're just packaged together ;) hehe
20:23.01redtoade-wheh, like that
20:23.10pyromance"So Windows and Dell are the same thing, right?"
20:23.16Bernardoredtoade-w: I didn't see that one... Just heard that kergoth`zzz was a little pissed off...
20:23.20Subwayok ok sorry
20:23.22fdaskbut like, OZ needs a new repackaging
20:23.32Subwayi'll use the correct terms next time heh
20:24.00Bernardofdask: I am using a snapshot with opie 1.0, which I think I got from a link in opie site
20:24.24redtoade-wwho's responsible for the website?
20:24.25fdaskoh really?  thanks for the tip.  i will explore.
20:24.31pyromanceSomeone needs to write a script that'll package your existing ROM as a flashable ROM
20:24.32BernardoI was hoping to have my buildroot compiled by now, but no luck...
20:24.55Bernardopyromance: I never found nothing like that for the collie
20:25.02redtoade-wnm... it's noda
20:25.43pyromanceI could never distribute my ROM 'cause it has commercial apps in it, but I'd love to have a snap-in backup
20:25.55redtoade-wpyromance: your rom?
20:25.58redtoade-wpyromance: URL?
20:26.18pyromanceNo it's not a real rom
20:26.26redtoade-wpyromance: funny
20:26.39pyromanceThat's the IP of the Zaurus on my desk: Read above.. "I wish I could package my ROM"
20:26.45BernardoWell, the one that came with my zaurus I'd loved to have backed up, since it isn't to be found anywere (2.39)
20:26.59pyromanceI am using OZ 3.2 stable with Opie 1.0 installed by hand, a few other minor modifications, etc.
20:27.11redtoade-wpyromance: oh, I thought it was a joke
20:27.17George-pyromance: almost the same as me :)
20:27.30George-pyromance: I'm running OZ 3.2 stable with Opie 1.0 installed from the feeds, and kernel 2.4.18
20:27.37pyromanceredtoade-w: Naw... I need a full keyboard for IRC
20:28.06pyromanceGeorge-: I've yet to upgrade my kernel. To be honest, I don't know how on the Z
20:28.17zlvrGeorge- : Is this on the C750 ?
20:28.17George-pyromance: sucker
20:28.21George-zlvr: 5000D
20:28.30zlvrOk ... I have downloaded the files from the shepherd directory ...
20:28.37pyromanceBut today being a day off, it's a good time to learn. Did it require flashing an beta ROM or ... ?
20:28.55George-I compiled my own kernel
20:28.55zlvrnow which files do I need to copy on the CF card ?
20:29.06George-I copied the modules across whilst the machine was running 2.4.6
20:29.11George-and then I flashed on the zImage for 2.4.18.
20:29.14George-Simple really.
20:29.25pyromancehmm ...
20:30.26pyromanceGeorge-: You get the cookie for the day if you can be more specific ;)
20:31.07George-pyromance: sod off and die
20:31.11George-pyromance: I've got work to do
20:31.49pyromanceoh neat:
20:32.06*** join/#openzaurus eworm (
20:32.33yeiazelibm rox
20:32.56pyromanceScore one for Big Blue
20:33.19fdasknice link
20:35.23zlvrI mean ... I have the initrd.bin, zimage and files on CF ... whats the next step ... how do I make the C750 read these files ? DM method/OK+Cancel method <--- what exact;y is this ?
20:38.45zlvrI mean ... I have the initrd.bin, zimage and files on CF ... whats the next step ... how do I make the C750 read these files ? DM method/OK+Cancel method <--- what exact;y is this ?
21:00.21zlvrHI ... am installing OZ on the C750 ... how long does it take to reflash ?
21:00.59zlvrIt seems stuck at Progress 45 of 138 packages .... Packages task-opie-minimal --> qte-fonts...
21:01.05zlvrfor about 5 mi utes now
21:02.20Subwayare you doign and upgrade?
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21:02.45zlvrnope ... fresh install ... its doing something now ...
21:02.56zlvryes I see progress ... 56 packages
21:06.48Subwayso where did you get your c750?
21:06.52Subwayand how much was it
21:08.59pyromanceGeorge-: Damn you ... I've been hunting for advice on upgrading "kernel only" since you mentioned it ;)
21:10.14George-pyromance: you stupid bastard
21:14.25zlvrsubway ... : $629 ,,, with the extended battery add another $85
21:14.40zlvryipeee I have OZ running with Opie on the C750 !!
21:16.24pyromanceFor the life of me, I cannot find my AA backup that I built for my SL-5500 :(
21:18.33zlvrdoes OZ sync with Outlook express ?
21:31.23zlvrdoes OZ sync with Outlook express ?
21:34.14pyromanceSo .. like ... what's the latest fully functional zImage?
21:35.44zlvrwhich box
21:36.03pyromanceCollie ... SL-5500
21:36.28zlvroh ok :)
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22:14.03pyromanceAnyone happen to know why a getty to ttyS0 in inittab on 2345 doesn't work?
22:18.35Subwaythe jigawatt amp isnt connected to the flux capacitor
22:28.42zlvranyone here tried the unofficial experimental zImage for the &50 ?
22:28.47zlvr750 >?
22:41.02zlvrhello there anyone here using the unofficial/experimental/shepherd version of OZ and seeing problems ?
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23:06.03pyromanceSo yeah
23:15.22*** join/#openzaurus polin8 (
23:15.26polin8hey all
23:20.48George-kergoth`zzz: What's the difference between OpenZaurus and Opie?
23:21.15trekeGeorge-: Dont waste his time
23:22.18George-treke: bastard.
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23:55.35zlvris there a limit on how many times one can reflash ?
23:55.53zlvras in read/write max times on the flash chip ?
23:56.12trekeusually it's about 10,000 times
23:57.49zlvrok :)
23:58.08zlvrI have gone back to the Sharp ROM for now ... having a headache aleady with the small fonts in OZ ...
23:58.20zlvreverything restored from the NAND backup
23:58.49zlvralso I need to test some things with LEAP authentication ...
23:58.55zlvrwith the Sharp RO

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