irclog2html for picogui on 20021111

00:32.58merlin262how can you make bc handle decimals?
00:33.10scanlineor something
00:33.31KeyserSozehow can you default that, so it happens whenever it is loaded?
00:33.42KeyserSozeor is that in tfm, too?
00:35.35XentacPicoBot: seen gonkulator
00:35.35PicoBotgonkulator was last seen on #picogui 4 hours, 26 minutes and 51 seconds ago, saying: KeyserSoze: sounds like fun :) [Sun Nov 10 20:11:12 2002]
00:36.03KeyserSozeXentac: did you know gonkulator is planning to become a Catholic priest?
00:36.14Xentacyeah, he told me that a while back
00:36.33merlin262it's amazing the bugs that lint picks up
00:36.54KeyserSozeah, bc takes a file as a parameter, and that file can contain variables like scale.
00:37.08KeyserSozeso, alias bc='bc ~/.bsrc'
00:37.13merlin262alias bc='bc ~/.bsrc'
00:37.45scanlinepeople who read the manpage think alike :)
00:38.06merlin262scanline: shadup
00:39.35KeyserSozeit sounded good, but didn't work for me...
00:39.42merlin262it worked for me.
00:41.21KeyserSozewhat's in your .bcrc?
00:41.51merlin262I put it in ~/.bcsrc
00:41.55merlin262the alias I created was
00:42.04merlin262alias bc='bc ~/.bcsrc'
00:43.11scanlineha.. after using the x11 driver for a while, it's amazingly comforting to use good ol' sdlfb and the panel appmgr and see the apps resize perfectly smoothly
00:43.27merlin262lol scanline
00:43.33KeyserSozemerlin262: mine is identical, except i have .bcrc, and it doesn't work!
00:43.43merlin262KeyserSoze: check for typos!
00:43.50merlin262or, first check
00:43.53merlin262bc ~/.bcrc
00:45.21KeyserSozeyeah, i did "bc .bcrc", and it still didn't seem to work.
00:45.23KeyserSozemy test was "1.0+1.0", and it kept giving "2"
00:48.59scanlinenow for the next level... WTs embedded in themes
00:49.44merlin262then, you can have WTs for all the standard dialogs!
00:49.49merlin262and have the themes change the standard dialogs!
00:50.03scanlineand you can do neat things combining themes and WTs
00:50.30scanlinefor example, defining some extra custom theme objects in a theme and using them in the WT
00:50.41scanlineyou know, it's also possible to embed themes inside WTs...
00:50.53merlin262scanline: your getting sicker and sicker
00:50.55scanlinethink of the implications!
00:51.36scanlineis code not supposed to be this flexible? :P
00:51.36merlin262IT JUST IS!
00:53.03scanlinePicoBot: seen lalo?
00:53.04PicoBotlalo was last seen on #picogui 1 days, 8 hours, 12 minutes and 18 seconds ago, saying: they bought a camera [Sat Nov  9 16:43:14 2002]
00:53.29scanlineMakes more sense to embed WTs in themes than it does to embed themes in WTs I think
00:54.19KeyserSozeso a theme will change how something works, instead of just how it looks?
00:54.57scanlinethough most commonly it will just change the appearance and/or layout
00:55.01merlin262kewl, aint it?
00:55.19merlin262I knwo the first widget I can add.... arrow button widgets....
00:55.21scanlineWTs embedded in themes will also be easy to use in apps
00:55.33KeyserSozecan you have a theme that takes a normal app, and makes it reformat the harddrive?
00:55.56scanlinemyWidget = pgDup(pgThemeLookup(pgFindThemeObject("myapp/dialog",PGTH_P_WT)));
00:56.02scanlineKeyserSoze: no
00:56.03merlin262Microsoft Answer: yes, but why would you want to?
00:56.30scanlineKeyserSoze: the only things resembling code that a theme can have are request packets and fillstyles
00:57.01scanlineKeyserSoze: request packets could theoretically do some funky things in pgserver, but nothing like reformat the hard disk or delete data. Fillstyles can only draw things
00:57.37merlin262i dunno scanline, there are always funky buffer over load attacks
00:57.56scanlinemerlin262: true, though I think i've been sufficiently paranoid about buffers in pgserver
00:58.07scanlinepgserver has very few statically-sized buffers
00:58.30scanlineeverything does bounds checking
01:00.54merlin262always good
01:07.56merlin262....almost got the extract driver working.....
01:08.08merlin262keep findings arch. areas that need tuning
01:08.39merlin262didn't do it in as much as I wanted.
01:08.50scanlineyou were hoping it would be bigger?
01:08.57merlin262no, smalelr
01:11.58KeyserSozewhat's a better infinite loop?
01:12.05KeyserSozeor while(1)
01:12.12scanlineI prefer for(;;)
01:12.15merlin262I always like while(1) or while(true)
01:12.38merlin262goto label;
01:12.41merlin262there ya go.
01:13.05KeyserSozemaybe a do...while(1)
01:13.12merlin262that's more typing
01:16.24KeyserSozewould while() work?
01:16.36KeyserSozeshucks, that'd be a good one.
01:16.49merlin262oh hell, I hate this
01:16.59merlin262here is the point, where I have all the code compiling, with no warnings
01:17.04merlin262and haven't tested it yet....
01:17.06scanlineI prefer for (;;) because it implies there's no loop condiditon, rather than that there's a condition that's always true
01:17.19scanlinemerlin262: hehe
01:20.10merlin262eek! /me runs it
01:20.13KeyserSozein Ada for loops, you cannot modify the loop variable inside the loop, and loop variables only have a scope of the loop (if you use an existing variable name, it doesn't use it, it is another variable with different scope)
01:20.26merlin262[NxPak] PktFindDriver: Bad or Undefined Packet Type
01:20.26merlin262Segmentation fault
01:21.23merlin262Not quiet what I was hoping fore...
01:30.25KeyserSozecool, there's an ebuild for a app to lock vertual terminals
01:30.29merlin262HELL FECKING YEA
01:30.46scanlinemerlin262: success, eh?
01:31.00merlin262scanline: I have the extract action working *perfectly*
01:31.05merlin262at least with the dummy driver
01:31.31merlin262[NxPak] dummy_read_full: dummy read driver called.
01:31.31merlin262[NxPak] dummy_pkt_write: write pkt called.
01:31.31merlin262[NxPak] dummy_free_full: called
01:31.39merlin262^^^^^ never been so happy to see such msgs
01:32.36scanlineI'd really like to get toolbar apps working properly in this thing
01:32.43scanlinethen I'd use it to work on pgl :)
01:48.03scanline"Easy implementation. A full implementation supporting all details correctly may require minor toolkit modifications, but it should be possible to get basic functionality going in less than 1000 lines of code."
01:48.46merlin262a bit less than the total size of my package manager
01:49.05scanlineit takes like.. 3 lines of code to embed things in picogui? :)
01:49.55scanlinehmm yeah... doing embedding below the toolkit level they have to deal with a lot of junk picogui doesn't have to worry about
01:50.27merlin262tr00, tr00
01:50.48scanlinebut why worry about hard problems when you can avoid them entirely
02:05.10scanlineblah.. implementing toolbar apps could get nasty
02:05.59scanlineI think I can use this net WM spec to implement toolbars as separate windows that stick to the edge of the screen and such
02:17.42KeyserSozeGURU:  Something's causing layout engine oscillation via the scroll widget!
02:17.48scanlineignore that
02:18.01KeyserSozethanks, that was quick.
02:18.08scanlinein fact, it started to annoy me so I commented it out in CVS :)
02:28.09scanlinenow I have a picogui background widget as my X desktop
02:28.54KeyserSozewhat's a background widget?
02:29.01scanlinebut yay, now I can use picogui themes to change my desktop background!
02:29.06KeyserSozecan it be animated?
02:29.07scanlineKeyserSoze: the widget that draws the background
02:29.19scanlinehmm.. not yet
02:29.27KeyserSozean animated desktop would be cool, if it was somethings like a spiraling cloud
02:29.45scanlineI guess
02:30.06scanlinethe main thing the picogui background widget does that's cool is use themes, so I can set backgrounds using fillstyles rather than just bitmaps
02:30.22scanlineit's kind of like the Etcher thing in E17
02:30.40scanlinenow to make it work with toolbars...
02:35.52scanlinewoohoo... X backgrounds with alpha channels
02:43.54scanlineyay, toolbars work now
02:49.30captain_protoni'm getting interested in hacking at jetstream again
02:49.39scanlinemerlin262: I forgot that focusing will be screwed up with toolbars not in their own X window :(
02:49.53scanlinecaptain_proton: so hack away
02:50.03captain_protonscanline: i have too much on my plate right now to resume that project
02:54.53captain_protoni'm in the mood to tell a bleak, sad tale
02:55.57captain_protondid i ever tell you what i had planned jetstream for?
02:56.03scanlinedon't think so
02:56.18captain_protonmostly the idea was to create a game that was primarily an experiment in emotion
02:56.57scanlinehow so?
02:57.11captain_protonmajor characters die
02:57.44scanlinelike in Final Fantasy? :)
02:58.04KeyserSozewhat's a pg_widget_checkbox look like?
02:58.12scanlineKeyserSoze: like a check box?
02:58.22KeyserSozethe wiki says it is the same as a button, but with different defaults
02:58.27captain_protonthe story based around a war where nobody is in the morally right position
02:58.31scanlineKeyserSoze: right
02:58.43KeyserSozeso, does it have a little box, that a check appears in?
02:58.59scanlineKeyserSoze: that depends entirely on the theme, but generally yes
02:59.22KeyserSozedoes the check appear and disappear on consecutive presses?
02:59.30scanlineuh huh
02:59.42scanlineit works like you'd expect a checkbox to
03:00.06scanlinecaptain_proton: find time to work on it!
03:00.48captain_protonscanline: i think after i finish up remote i'll start at it again
03:01.12captain_protoni should recruit some people to hack at it with me
03:01.25captain_protonperhaps try to actually get someone in the gamedev club to do some work
03:02.06scanlineA guy by the name of Til Newman tried to recruit me to work on a game
03:02.33scanlineit was going to be Win32-only, closed source, patented, and involve no money, so I declined
03:03.03scanlinebut I got a free lunch out of it :)
03:03.07captain_protonwell jetstream will be cross-platform, open-source... :)
03:03.11captain_protonand single player only
03:03.25KeyserSozecan i default check boxes to "checked"?
03:03.32scanlineKeyserSoze: set PG_WP_ON to 1
03:06.08KeyserSozethanks, that works great.
03:06.26KeyserSozei never noticed the PG_WP_ON, and the comments about it being for toggle buttons
03:06.56captain_protonhmm, gamedev meeting tues... /me ponders an evil plot
03:06.57KeyserSozethat's why I was so increduluos that a check box wouldn't have additional properties besides those of a button
03:07.30scanlineKeyserSoze: PG_WP_ON works for normal buttons too
03:07.46scanlineit's not much use unless it's a toggle button of some kind though
03:07.59scanlinecaptain_proton: evil, eh?
03:08.10KeyserSozeyeah, i know.  that's what i meant, that i didn't know it existed for normal buttons, so i couldn't understand how a checkbox could work without extra stuff
03:09.07KeyserSozescanline: for some reason, if I make a button invisible in the first call of pgSetWidget I do for it, before I bind it to a button, I cannot ever make it visible.
03:09.20KeyserSozes/invisible/size = 0
03:09.35captain_protonscanline: draw all the competant people away from their 2d tetris and their 2d tank games and into jetstream ;)
03:09.56scanlinecaptain_proton: but that only works if there are any competent people
03:10.03KeyserSozewhen i make it invisible in a call after binding the button handler, it works fine.
03:10.10captain_protonscanline: true, true
03:10.23scanlineKeyserSoze: that's really strange, as binding the handler doesn't change anything in the widget itself
03:10.42KeyserSozelemme check something....
03:11.10captain_protonscanline: there's gotta be at least 1 capable programmer among them
03:11.20KeyserSozeah, it's not if it's before or after binding the button handler...
03:11.32scanlinecaptain_proton: I suppose
03:11.44captain_protonscanline: perhaps i can ensnare you too...
03:12.07scanlinecaptain_proton: perhaps. I'd like to do a 3D game-like project, just haven't had an excuse to start/join one yet
03:12.08KeyserSozeit's if I set it in the pgSetWidget that also contains: PG_WP_TEXT,PG_WP_SIDE,PG_WP_FONT,PG_WP_EXTDEVENTS, or a seperate pgSetWidget call after that.
03:12.52scanlinejust out of curiosity, what are you setting PG_WP_EXTDEVENTS for?
03:13.23KeyserSozedo I need to do that?
03:13.35scanlineIs this for a menu?
03:13.53KeyserSozeshit.  no, but at one point, it was a menu
03:14.14KeyserSozei removed the menu a long time ago, but left the setWidget call as it was.
03:14.21KeyserSozeshould I take that out?
03:14.24scanlinebecause if you set PG_WP_EXTDEVENTS on a checkbox, that will override the PG_WP_EXTDEVENTS that the checkbox sets during initialization
03:14.27scanlineyes, take it out
03:14.40scanlineI doubt that's the problem, but it will make the checkbox non-toggled
03:15.28KeyserSozeit's related to the order it is in pgSetWidget
03:15.50KeyserSozeif it's the before PG_WP_SIDE and PG_WP_FONT, the button doesn't reappear
03:16.00KeyserSozeif it's the last entry, the button will appear and reappear
03:16.56scanlineyou're setting PG_WP_SIZE to -1 to reappear it, right?
03:17.06captain_protonwell i think its sleepytime for me
03:17.09KeyserSozeand 0 to disappear it
03:17.10scanlineJust for testing, try setting it to something else, like 20
03:17.16scanlineg'night captain_proton
03:18.03KeyserSozeif i use 20, it appears and disappears
03:20.27scanlineI think I found the problem
03:21.48scanlineok, update your pgserver CVS
03:23.06KeyserSozecan I check out "pgserver" to do that?
03:23.21scanlineIf you already have a CVS tree, just run "cvs up"
03:24.32KeyserSozeokay, it's updating
03:27.23KeyserSozecan i just "make" in the pgserver directory, or do i need to config, or make menuconfig, or anything?
03:27.31scanlineyou can just 'make'
03:27.48KeyserSozecd . && aclocal -I macros
03:27.48KeyserSozecd . && automake --gnu Makefile
03:27.48KeyserSozecd . && autoconf
03:27.48KeyserSozemake: *** No rule to make target `/home/gazicm/project/picogui/pgserver/profile.user', needed by `config.status'.  Stop.
03:28.34scanline./ && ./configure && make
03:32.11KeyserSozescanline: that didn't fix it.
03:32.42KeyserSozehangon, i ran the wrong server
03:33.35KeyserSozethe make had errors, and didn't produce a pgserver
03:33.50scanlinewhat errors?
03:34.10KeyserSozepgmain.c:37: undefined reference to `os_show_error'
03:34.19KeyserSozepgmain.c:41: undefined reference to `os_child_returncode'
03:34.31scanlinerun "make menuconfig", go to the general options, and select the "POSIX-compatible" OS
03:36.22KeyserSozeit already is
03:36.39scanlineset it anyway
03:36.47KeyserSozeif oyu mean under "target system"
03:36.55KeyserSozethere doesn't appear to be a "general options'
03:36.59scanlineyeah, close enough :)
03:37.07scanlinejust set it again
03:37.20KeyserSozegot it
03:37.23KeyserSozenow "make"?
03:40.26KeyserSozeokay, the pgserver is new (the date is fresh), but the button still won't appear
03:40.57KeyserSozeand i ran it with ./pgserver, right in the directory it made it in, so i'm sure i got the right pgserver
03:41.43scanlinewell, I don't have time to debug it now. Make an example that demonstrates the problem and post it to the sourceforge bugtracker or email it to me
03:42.19KeyserSozesource, executable, or both?
03:43.51KeyserSozeshit, it's worse now.
03:44.11KeyserSozenow none of the buttons appear, after they've disappeared
03:44.34KeyserSozeregardless of if they were defaulted on or off
03:45.01KeyserSozei shouldn't have done "make install" until after I checked that :(
03:45.35scanlinehmm, that's even weirder
03:45.41scanlineI'll revert the change I made
03:46.53scanlineanyway, I need to go. Update your pgserver CVS, and submit a bug report
03:47.11KeyserSozesure thing.
03:48.21scanlineno problem
06:45.42DevGirlyay! Pizza meeting day!!!
06:45.53DevGirlTHREE pizzas today!!! :D
06:51.18scanlinehi DevGirl, hi lalo
06:56.27lalohi scanline
06:56.30DevGirlhi, scanline :D
06:56.50scanlinecafeteria should just now be opening for breakfast
06:57.18scanlinelalo: oh yeah.. I got WTs working :)
07:00.38laloyay for WTs
07:12.27lalohey Xentac
07:12.42lalohow's it happening?
07:12.43Xentachey lalo
07:12.48Xentacit's alright
07:15.28laloDevGirl: don't bother me, I'm Obscure Reference Man
07:17.54ObscureReferenceis it xirssi or freenode that don't allow big nicknames?
07:19.03laloI need to write a programming language that supports obscure references
07:19.51scanlineThat way you can create a reference to a variable that you only used a few times a long while ago, and none of the recent compilers understand?
07:20.37lalosomething like that.
07:21.49XentacChance of showers, rain developing, rain tapering to showers, showers, cloudy with showers, rain
07:22.21carpman{sasami}morning all
07:22.26scanlinemorning carpman{sasami}
07:22.29Xentacmorning carpman{sasami}
07:22.57carpman{sasami}scanline: w00t for WTs!
07:23.15scanlineonly took fixing about half a dozen bugs ;)
07:23.18carpman{sasami}did you have to modify picosm at all to get it to load?
07:23.24lalohi carpman
07:23.30carpman{sasami}hey lalo
07:23.40scanlinecarpman{sasami}: you forgot to pgDup the widget template to instantiate it. Other than that it was fine
07:23.56carpman{sasami}ah, ok.
07:24.11scanlinepgserver had a bug in the CRC checking, and cli_python wasn't padding requests to 32-bit boundaries
07:24.39scanlineand there were a couple decimal places missing in a constant
07:26.03lalothat means you had to figure out the struct module? :-P
07:27.10scanline        # Pad the data to the next 32-bit boundary
07:27.10scanline        if (len(data)&3) != 0:
07:27.10scanline                data += "\0" * (4 - (len(data)&3))
07:27.18filehi all
07:27.24carpman{sasami}hi file
07:27.27scanlinethat's all I could do with my limited python knowledge :)
07:27.43carpman{sasami}wow, I've never seen python look so like C
07:27.50scanlinehmm, wonder why....
07:28.28lalooh, you mean you have to pad the *whole* packet
07:28.37laloI don't think the struct module can do that
07:28.45scanlineyep, the whole packet
07:28.58scanlinefor individual requests it won't matter, but it's important in batch packets and WTs
07:29.34carpman{sasami}PicoBot: seen merlin262
07:29.36PicoBotmerlin262 was last seen on #picogui 5 hours, 37 minutes and 50 seconds ago, saying: hehe [Mon Nov 11 01:54:16 2002]
07:30.22scanlineIIRC he got it extracting things correctly, emulating tar
07:30.54carpman{sasami}As soon as it can package and unpackage files, I'm going to start building a distro.
07:31.12carpman{sasami}I've got a 30gb drive I can use for development now
07:32.21carpman{sasami}scanline: uptime?
07:32.39filesleep was good...
07:32.40scanline19:30 or so
07:32.56lalo12:28 < vlado> any ideas why here/getId != string:${here/getId} ?!
07:32.56lalo12:29 < tesdal> could have something to do with the attribute vs method
07:32.56lalo12:29 < tesdal> or it could be something else... I'm not sure
07:33.05lalo12:30 <@lalo> vlado: probably due to invalid extemporaneous sideways quintessential logical traversing
07:33.09lalo12:35 < neaj> lalo: do you think that could be my problem too?
07:33.19lalo12:35 <@lalo> no, you clearly just need to replace your flux capacitor.
07:33.21lalo12:36 < neaj> my union membership doesn't allow me to touch the flux capacitor :(
07:34.35laloit doesn't ship with the standard library
07:35.21laloyou have to personally ask Guido
07:35.38carpman{sasami} < AoF file system >:)
07:39.36laloyou know you're successful when you have your own entry in the Jargon file.
07:42.23filepizza? PIZZA
07:43.22filerumor has it I've got one piece left... hope nobody ate it
07:44.01lalofile is now an infobot?
07:44.37scanlinefile: status
07:44.50DevGirlfile: explode
07:44.50carpman{sasami}dude, lufs is so EASY.
07:45.22filescanline: I could just kill it off
07:45.37scanlinefile: not if you're disconnected
07:46.34filescanline: but I'd just come back
07:47.15DevGirlbah... file is so.... un-fun
07:48.48fileno pizza for any of you!
07:49.07laloI already had pizza today, thanks
07:51.36DevGirlfile: I've already had a LOT of pizza, thanks :D
07:53.01filepizza not in fridge.
07:53.04carpman{sasami}mv /vol/file/fridge/ /home/carpman
07:53.21carpman{sasami}find /vol/file -name -print
07:53.25scanlinemv /vol/file/*/pizza ~/
07:55.43lalolosers. You need zsh. ;-)
07:55.43carpman{sasami}cat /dev/urandom /vol/file/fridge/
07:55.53lalomv /vol/file/**/pizza ~/
07:56.44scanlinefind -type food /vol/file | xargs -n1 -i mv {} ~/fridge/
07:58.06scanlineumount /vol/file
07:58.18scanlinecat /dev/zero > /dev/file
07:58.56scanlinebg %
07:59.06scanlineecho 'mwahahahaha!' | write file
07:59.26merlin262good morning
07:59.36lalohmm, interesting
07:59.39scanlinemerlin262: doh, you scared away carpman!
07:59.43lalocarpman is related to zope
07:59.45scanlinegood morning ;)
07:59.59scanlinelalo: disconnects randomly?
08:00.36lalothat too.
08:00.52lalobut there is a fish named Zope, and it is in the family of  Cyprinidae
08:02.10filewb carpman
08:02.36lalocarpman: I just found out you're related to zope
08:02.46carpman{sasami}I am?
08:03.24lalothere is a fish named Zope, and it is in the family of  Cyprinidae
08:03.53lalobah, server is broken
08:03.54carpman{sasami}...hehe. Bored lalo? :)
08:04.33merlin262wb carpman{sasami}
08:05.28carpman{sasami}hey merlin262
08:05.43carpman{sasami}merlin262: << aof file system
08:06.32merlin262carpman{sasami}: you got lufs working?
08:06.42carpman{sasami}merlin262: no, not yet, but its SO simple.
08:06.46fileDevGirl: what happened to sleeping?
08:06.59DevGirlfile: i'm working :)
08:07.02filewow - it's prpplague
08:07.06fileDevGirl: so - floor!
08:07.07DevGirlcan't sleep right now
08:07.14merlin262carpman{sasami}: woa, it's been reborn
08:07.19DevGirlwe have a meeting
08:07.22merlin262when I last checked it out the project was dead.
08:07.42fileprpplague: back in America yet dude>
08:08.28carpman{sasami}file: !
08:09.06prpplaguefile: yep
08:10.03merlin262carpman{sasami}: I got the extract action working last night
08:10.22carpman{sasami}merlin262: w00t!
08:10.39carpman{sasami}Let the conquest of the desktop begin!
08:11.16scanlineIt's possible to write something resembling a launcher in like 20 lines of python :)
08:12.14scanlineI especially like how you can set up custom widget properties
08:12.42scanline    b.command = "imgview %s &" % (f)
08:12.42scanline, b, 'activate')
08:12.46scanlinedef runcommand(ev, button):
08:12.46scanline    os.system(button.command)
08:13.44sad0urhi, i've tried detaching widget by pgAttachWidget. it works ok. but i think some more flickering appeard :/
08:14.37sad0urdoes server update whole tree, if u set another bitmap/widget by setwidget ?
08:14.41scanlineflickering... hmm
08:15.13sad0uriPaq has no doublebuffer
08:15.26scanlineyou can turn on double-buffering pretty easily
08:15.35scanlineI always use double-buffering on the zaurus, and it works great
08:17.21scanlinemerlin262: oh yeah.. I also did some stress testing of pgserver. Looks like the slowness when there are lots of apps open is just a bug rather than a design problem
08:18.18merlin262scanline: really?
08:18.23sad0urhm, i'm not sure, how zaurus looks inside, but iPaq realy doesn't have real doublebuffer (it could be workarounded by using 2 dma channel pumping data to fb and switch them) but that's not the point. i can see clearly white background behin mainly black image, if i setwidget another image.. :/
08:18.32scanlinemerlin262: pgserver gets extremely slow when you try to open 50 copies of imgview at the same time.. so I ran gprof on it, and found out it's doing way more theme lookups than it should be. Looks like a layout engine bug is causing it to rebuild widgets more often than it should, maybe turning something that should be O(n) into O(n^2)
08:19.08sad0urso, that was the question. does pgserver refresh whole tree on that event ?
08:19.31carpman{sasami}bye merlin262
08:19.46scanlinesad0ur: it shouldn't. It sounds like a bug, so create a test case for it if possible and submit it to the bug tracker
08:20.23scanlinesad0ur: the ipaq and zaurus have pretty much the exact same framebuffer though. The double-buffering is a feature of pgserver's fbdev driver
08:20.47sad0urbut then, it must be some fake dblbuffer (?)
08:21.32scanlineIt just draws to a backbuffer instead of the real framebuffer then blits the changed areas of that backbuffer to the main framebuffer when necessary
08:21.57sad0urwell, some my collegue said, that according to driver, and according to arm-papers, there is no real doublebuffer
08:22.21scanlineyou don't need any special hardware for double-buffering
08:22.40scanlineIf there's page flipping support in the hardware that helps, but it isn't necessary
08:22.43sad0urif u dont, then it's a fake i would say
08:23.01scanlinecall it "fake" if you want to, but it works
08:23.44sad0urhmm... just a moment...
08:30.42carpman{sasami}scanline: is xft stable?
08:30.51carpman{sasami}rephrase that
08:30.55carpman{sasami}is xft useable?
08:31.03sad0urwhat u say sounds possible, (altgough i wouldn't call it regular dblbuffer (but that's not the point)) i will take a look on that flickering...
08:31.07scanlinecarpman{sasami}: it's mostly usable, but the freetype engine is really a lot better
08:31.37scanlinesad0ur: yeah. I'm too tired to look at the flickering problem right now I think, but I'll look at it soon. If you submit a bug report I'll have something to look at after I wake up ;)
08:31.42scanlinemorning kergoth
08:32.08scanlinesad0ur: I think the flickering problem you're having might be part of the same bug as the slowness problem I'm having when running large numbers of apps
08:32.24sad0urhmm, i'm runnign single app
08:32.37scanlineit looks like it's redrawing everything when widgets are reattached, instead of just redrawing the affected areas
08:33.20scanlineso when I run 50 apps, each time a new app starts it also redraws/recalcs/resizes all other apps, causing a nasty O(n^2) time
08:33.21scanlineso, I'll look at that after I do some homework and sleep probably
08:34.11scanlineIf you want a way to get rid of all flicker though, double-buffering shoudl work fine on the ipaq. The ipaq's CPU and video hardware is almost exactly the same as the zaurus, and I've used it on the zaurus just fine
08:34.25sad0urwhen i continualy pgSetWidget the same bitmap and pgSubUpdate(thatwidget) it's ok, but when i setwidget another one (bitmap) it do flick
08:34.38sad0uri have it turned on i guess
08:34.49scanlinedouble-buffering isn't on by default
08:35.08scanlineyou can try putting --video-fbdev.doublebuffer on the pgserver command line to turn it on
08:35.12sad0urdon't know if is default, i have it on
08:35.34sad0uri thought it's pure compile time option
08:35.45scanlineit should never flicker if double-buffering is on
08:35.50scanlineyes, you have to enalbe it at runtime also
08:36.39scanlineDocumented in the [video-fbdev] section of README.configfile :)
08:37.16fileNo New Messages dude!
08:38.22sad0urahh, crap. earlier, the server didn't seem to pay attention to configfile, so didn't I :(
08:38.43scanlinehehe. There's lots of useful stuff in that config file :)
08:40.45carpman{sasami}scanline: enlightenment and rootless dont always get along. Some of the apps don't have title bars :)
08:40.58scanlinecarpman{sasami}: bug merlin262 about WM hints :)
08:41.00sad0uri guess so. but when it didn't work i gave options directly to pgserver (at that time, no dblbuffer options was mentioned a think :/
08:41.24scanlinesad0ur: the double-buffering options in README.configfile have been around for a while
08:41.38carpman{sasami}the scroll is so smooth
08:41.51sad0urit's possible. may by may fault.
08:41.54carpman{sasami}Except... if I scroll it realy fast, it starts to lag behind.
08:41.55scanlinecarpman{sasami}: hehe. you can blame my rewrite of pgserver's timer code for that :)
08:42.23carpman{sasami}hehe, I move it alot, and I stop, but it keeps going.
08:42.36scanlineYeah. The lagging needs to be fixed by ignoring old mouse position events, and it can be sped up by disabling double-buffer when scrolling
08:43.31scanlinecarpman{sasami}: try doing an opaque resize of picosm with the sample WT.. the textbox wrapping and centered image is fun to resize :)
08:44.00filecarpman{sasami}: is it going to crash and burn?
08:44.08carpman{sasami}file: no
08:44.18carpman{sasami}scanline: it looks niiiiice in fluidity
08:44.38scanlinecarpman{sasami}: A version of fluidity designed for desktops would be better
08:44.53scanlineit could use larger widgets and some spacing between things
08:44.55carpman{sasami}scanline: some of the tabbing is wrong, but it looks good.
08:45.20carpman{sasami}some of this is a little hard to hit with a touchpad
08:45.40scanlineI'd think all of the tabbing would be wrong :)
08:45.48scanlinebah.. my roommate's grumpy
08:45.50carpman{sasami}PicoBot: class
08:45.50PicoBotno, screw OOP
08:45.55filescanline: why do you say that?
08:46.08scanlinefile: because he is?
08:46.18filescanline: how did you make that determination?
08:47.00scanlinehe's grumbling about not being able to sleep
08:47.20fileslip him a sedative!
08:48.09lalowe're nearing the 100th screenshot
08:48.42filehello paqan
08:48.52scanlinelalo: maybe we need a more organized gallery...
08:49.18scanlinethere are so many screenshots now it's getting harder to find a particular one
08:49.27filesearch function!
08:49.51lalozope ;-)
08:50.31paqanheya file
08:51.13filehi darth_balls
08:56.59darth_ballsmorning file
09:09.22sad0urgoing down. see you. (thx for that fb option)
09:09.28scanlinebye sad0ur
09:19.55DevGirldarth_balls: hi!
09:20.10darth_ballshey DevGirl ^_^
09:20.44DevGirlhow are you? :)
09:22.00darth_ballssomeone broke the boilers in my building, so we now have no hot water
09:22.13darth_ballsand we may not til the end of the week
09:22.19darth_ballscuz our boiler expert is out of town
09:22.39darth_ballsit's beyond me why anyone would try and mess with the boilers if the guy who works on them is out of town
09:23.51darth_ballsI am very displeased
09:24.05darth_ballsand I think someone should higher a plumber or whatever and get the thing fixed today
09:24.31darth_ballsI'm paying them to live here, which includes a bathroom, which requires hot water
09:24.58darth_ballsI shouldn't have to wait til their expert comes back, somemone should higher somebody to fix it
09:25.12darth_ballsit's their responsibility, especially since it's their fault it's broken
09:25.38darth_ballsoh well, maybe I'll feel better after breakfast
09:25.41darth_ballsI'm gonna eat, ttyl
10:05.12filehi Xentac at work
10:05.38Xentac[work]hi file
10:05.55fileI was just about to say that
10:06.21filebut nooooooooo, had to be working!
10:06.30Xentac[work]instead my bike is sitting outside with a cover over it (cause it might rain) and my zaurus is still not updating
10:06.39Xentac[work]it was either today, or boxing day
10:07.08fileXentac[work]: PSST, rumor has it I'm getting paid this week
10:07.23Xentac[work]ooooo... does that mean you'll buy my digital camera off of me...?
10:07.36filecould be :)
10:14.55lalodamn, rhythmbox rules too much.
10:15.19lalonow it just needs a volume normalizer :-D
10:16.01fileXentac[work]: how about shipping it without me paying? *G*
10:18.05Xentac[work]you want me to ship it without having your money?
10:18.21Xentac[work]I don't know.. you'd probably just spend all of the money on getting high then! instead of giving it to me
10:18.38filemmm nah, I'd probably buy memory for my MP3 player and some stuff for chimera
10:18.44filemaybe case mods, paint, etc
10:19.23Xentac[work]and I'd never see the money, exactly
10:19.33filebut your a nice Canadian and wouldn't mind!
10:19.51fileI mean, come on, would you really miss the camera?
10:21.28Xentac[work]I'd miss the monetary value that it was worth to me
10:21.52filenah :)
10:37.54Xentac[work]file: define Canadian patriotism
10:42.06fileUnable to define.
10:42.37Xentac[work]my friend seemed to define it well...
10:42.51Xentac[work]we were comparing Canadian patriotism to american patriotism
10:43.27Xentac[work]he said american patriotism is like the rich, snobby, I'm-better-than-everyone-else sort of neighbour...
10:43.34fileuh huh
10:43.54fileXentac[work]: have you seen chimera yet?
10:44.16Xentac[work]whereas Canadian patriotism is like the not-so-rich but very passionate about things neighbour... warm, welcoming, intelligent, and helpful
10:44.24Xentac[work]s /helpful/nice
10:44.26Xentac[work]no, I haven't
10:44.41file and
10:45.08Xentac[work]it's... ummm... tall...?
10:46.01Xentac[work]and it has a "Suck It!" sticker on it!
10:46.16filealong with a few FreeBSD stickers, and a VA Linux sticker
10:46.36Xentac[work]the suck it sticker is the best
10:48.09Xentac[work]no thanks...
11:04.17filewhat's up?
11:05.00kergothfree time? whats that?
11:05.43Xentac[work]not only that... but they also have to be creative/programmers...
11:05.56fileXentac[work]: no - go to :p
11:06.27fileoh god what is with this song?!?!
11:06.29fileLas Ketchup?!?!?
11:14.39filedarth_balls: wb!!!
11:14.44darth_ballshi file
11:14.52darth_ballsthanks for the welcome ^_^
11:15.01filewhat's up?
11:15.08darth_ballsnothin, just got back from chem
11:15.12KeyserSozePicoBot: seen scanline?
11:15.13PicoBotscanline was last seen on #picogui 1 hours, 58 minutes and 25 seconds ago, saying: thinks he'll take a short nap before class [Mon Nov 11 09:19:19 2002]
11:16.21filewhat what what
11:16.29darth_ballsmust've been a network fart
11:16.46fileuh huh
11:16.52darth_ballsare you ok file?
11:16.59darth_ballsyou're acting like your on speed or something
11:17.29darth_ballsoccupied with what?
11:17.50filewondering why my internet connection has gone haywire
11:18.00darth_ballsI see
11:20.47darth_ballshi Sophie
11:20.54Sophiehi there
11:21.07darth_ballsPicoBot: seen DevGirl?
11:21.09PicoBotDevGirl was last seen on #picogui 1 hours, 56 minutes and 19 seconds ago, saying: true [Mon Nov 11 09:27:20 2002]
11:21.17darth_ballsDevGirl: you here?
11:21.22kergothgod i hate mondays
11:21.27darth_ballswb lalo
11:21.32darth_ballseverything alright?
11:21.40SophieKeyser :)
11:23.12KeyserSozeSophie :)
11:23.19filehi all
11:26.44KeyserSozewhy would a scrollbox not have a scrollbar on one side?
11:26.58KeyserSozeit's supposed to have one on the right, and one on the bottom
11:27.21KeyserSozethe one on the right shows up nearly always, by the one on the bottom comes and goes.
11:28.31Xentac[work]that's awesome
11:31.58carpman{sasami}PicoBot: seen scanline
11:31.59PicoBotscanline was last seen on #picogui 2 hours, 15 minutes and 10 seconds ago, saying: thinks he'll take a short nap before class [Mon Nov 11 09:19:19 2002]
11:32.53kergothXentac[work]: lol
11:32.58Sophieman. work is work.
11:33.31laloDevGirl, darth_balls: I just compiled a new irssi, and therefore I was discovering what makes it crash ;-)
11:34.13KeyserSozewhat should the preferred height/width be of a widget that contains another widget?
11:34.24KeyserSozeshould it be at least the size of the widget on the inside?
11:34.52filedarn, it's calling collect and I can't accept the charges
11:37.25fileanybody alive?
11:46.58darth_ballsI could dye my hair blue and spike it out in all sorts of weird directions
11:47.30DevGirlI'll dye my hair white!
11:47.45filesuch weird people in the world...
11:48.40carpman{sasami}BAH, stupid power connector
11:50.26KeyserSozearg!  why don't my scroll bars appear?
11:50.30carpman{sasami}love hina! BLEHHHHHH
11:50.58KeyserSozeif I do completely unrelated things (like making a buttons size = 0 or -1), it changes if my scroll bars show up
11:51.06KeyserSozeor doing pgGetWidget...
11:51.12KeyserSozeit's insane
11:52.09darth_ballswell, lunch time
11:52.12darth_ballsc you all later
11:55.39Sophiebaby, aren't you at work?
11:57.18fileEngland rocks!
11:58.03filewb Xentac. Please play your entry fee now.
11:58.14fileAny type of music is accepted.
12:06.12Ahnkanahello world
12:06.27fileAhnkana: printf( "hello" );
12:06.40Ahnkanalol, what's up with you people?
12:07.06carpman{sasami}yeah, 3 :)
12:07.22Ahnkanathat is alot tho
12:07.28DevGirlcarpman{sasami}: four :)
12:07.28carpman{sasami}4 if file can be counted >:)
12:07.42DevGirlcarpman{sasami}: five, so :D
12:08.00DevGirlyou have my little girl here inside my belly :D
12:08.01AhnkanaDevGirl, Ahnkana, Sophie, file, who else?
12:08.14Ahnkanadid you decide what to name her yet?
12:08.15carpman{sasami}indeed :)
12:08.19filePicoBot: you are female
12:08.20PicoBot...but picobot is nothing more than a DOS-based Microsoft creation from 1989 which crashes every 15 seconds and can't get the simple time right. or
12:08.28filePicoBot: you are also female
12:08.29PicoBotokay, file.
12:08.29DevGirlpicobot is female?
12:08.34DevGirlahhhhhh :(
12:08.38Ahnkanaoh noi!
12:08.48Ahnkanapicobot: you are also unmdecided
12:08.49PicoBotokay, Ahnkana.
12:08.49carpman{sasami}PicoBot is not female
12:09.00Xentac[work]DevGirl: no more cucumbers ;o)
12:09.03Ahnkanasorry file
12:09.08DevGirlPicoBot is NOT female!
12:09.24Ahnkanapicobot: you are also almost certainly male
12:09.25DevGirlPicoBot has a CUCUMBER! he can't be female!!!! :D
12:09.26PicoBotokay, Ahnkana.
12:09.26PicoBotDevGirl: huh?
12:09.26carpman{sasami}PicoBot: file is also a little girl in a frilly dress.
12:09.26PicoBotokay, carpman{sasami}.
12:09.41Ahnkanapicobot: you?
12:09.42PicoBotrumour has it i am nothing more than a DOS-based Microsoft creation from 1989 which crashes every 15 seconds and can't get the simple time right. or or female or unmdecided or almost certainly male
12:09.52filePicoBot: carpman is a transexual
12:09.52PicoBot...but carpman is Spacelord Carpman of the Guild of the Void Pointer. or the pgOrganizer guy or a hosehead or a hosehead when nobody is looking or a big time hoser or $WHO's faithful minion or a hobbit look-alike or The One. or older on july 24th or addicted to cly_python thanks to l*lo or st0ned or the anit-drunk or voted for Nader, so don't blame him....
12:10.05DevGirlPicoBot has a CUCUMBER!!! he can't be female!!!! :D
12:10.06filePicoBot: carpman is also a female prositute
12:10.06PicoBotDevGirl: i'm not following you...
12:10.07PicoBotokay, file.
12:10.08carpman{sasami}file:  dont do it
12:10.14carpman{sasami}file: do it and you die
12:11.18Ahnkanabeware the jabberwock, my son, the jaws that bite, the jaws the catch
12:11.18DevGirlPicoBot is a cucumber boy :)
12:11.42carpman{sasami}PicoBot: carpman ~= s/female prositute/devoted killer of file
12:11.42PicoBotcarpman{sasami}: huh?
12:11.57carpman{sasami}PicoBot: carpman ~= /female prositute/devoted killer of file
12:11.58PicoBotcarpman{sasami}: i'm not following you...
12:12.05filewth...  14:14:10 up 3 days, 23:59, 16 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.04, 0.01
12:12.07file16 people?!?!?
12:12.19Ahnkanathat's averagish, is it not?
12:12.25filethis server is screwed up
12:12.28carpman{sasami}Ahnkana: no, I'm trying to do a string replace to change what it says
12:12.33filemgraham  ttya3    animalfarmsex:S. Thu21   66days  0.02s  0.02s  /bin/bash
12:12.44carpman{sasami}PicoBot: carpman ~=female prositute/devoted killer of file
12:12.46PicoBotcarpman{sasami}: excuse me?
12:12.52filehow can a person be idle 66 days, when the server has only been up 3?
12:13.18Ahnkanaa log?
12:13.18carpman{sasami}file: have some interesting users connecting to your private ftp server?
12:13.32filecarpman{sasami}: weird people for sure...
12:13.59DevGirlmhauwhawuwahwuahwa animalfarmsex?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
12:14.17Ahnkanaif that's what gets you
12:14.19carpman{sasami}DevGirl: I had no idea file was into that, did you?
12:14.41fileLast login Mon Nov 11 13:58 (EST) on pts/6 from
12:14.59carpman{sasami}PicoBot: attract file
12:14.59PicoBotfile: baaaaaa
12:15.05Ahnkanaoh damn
12:15.23Ahnkanawhat all can picobot do?
12:15.27DevGirlmoo >:)
12:15.37Xentac[work]Ahnkana: anything!
12:15.47Ahnkanahe can't growl
12:15.53Ahnkanapicobot: growl
12:15.54PicoBotAhnkana: excuse me?
12:16.01Xentac[work]PicoBot: growl is <action> growls!
12:16.03PicoBotOK, Xentac[work].
12:16.04Xentac[work]PicoBot: growl
12:16.17Ahnkanavery nice
12:17.25DevGirlPicoBot: cute
12:17.31DevGirlPicoBot: act cute
12:17.32PicoBotDevGirl: huh?
12:17.51DevGirlPicoBot: behave!
12:17.53PicoBotDevGirl: i'm not following you...
12:17.58AhnkanaPicoBot: cute is <action> bats eyelashes and waves coyly
12:17.59PicoBot...but cute is <reply> no!...
12:18.09carpman{sasami}PicoBot: attract DevGirl
12:18.28Ahnkanapicobot: attract Xentac
12:18.29PicoBotAhnkana: sorry...
12:18.40DevGirlPicoBot: GIVE ME THE CUCUMBER!
12:18.41PicoBotDevGirl: i'm not following you...
12:19.10AhnkanaPicoBot: GIVE ME THE CUCUMBER! is <action> not now DevGirl!
12:19.11DevGirlno, idiot! I'M following you! now give me this cucumber and let's end this
12:19.11PicoBotOK, Ahnkana.
12:19.21Ahnkanasay it again
12:19.24DevGirlPicoBot: GIVE ME THE CUCUMBER!
12:19.25PicoBotDevGirl: i'm not following you...
12:19.27Ahnkanaoh man
12:19.40Ahnkanasomeone do that rihgt
12:19.41DevGirlAhnkana: should be reply
12:19.44Xentac[work]Ahnkana: you broke it! ;o)
12:19.52Ahnkanacan you fix it
12:19.53Xentac[work]do it without the !
12:20.03Xentac[work]you didn't actually break it...
12:20.19AhnkanaPicoBot: GIVE ME THE CUCUMBER is <reply> not now DevGirl
12:20.20PicoBotOK, Ahnkana.
12:20.31Ahnkanatry now
12:20.36carpman{sasami}Ahnkana: you didn't break it, Xentac is just an ass like that :)
12:20.37DevGirlPicoBot: GIVE ME THE CUCUMBER! is <reply>  but you are married, DevGirl
12:20.38PicoBot...but give me the cucumber! is <action> not now DevGirl!...
12:20.43DevGirlah :)
12:20.47DevGirlPicoBot: GIVE ME THE CUCUMBER!
12:20.48PicoBotDevGirl: what?
12:20.50DevGirlPicoBot: GIVE ME THE CUCUMBER
12:20.51Ahnkanano !
12:20.52PicoBotDevGirl: sorry...
12:21.12DevGirlgive me the cucumber
12:21.28Xentac[work]PicoBot: xentac?
12:21.29PicoBoti think xentac is cool, and he has a cool hat... and stuff... mmmkay? or going to be having visitors in a week or obsessed with "boobies" or never written a picogui app... ever! or too big for his pants. or a happy drunk
12:21.35Xentac[work]PicoBot: xentac is also an ass
12:21.36PicoBotokay, Xentac[work].
12:21.54Ahnkanapicobot: GIVE ME THE CUCUMBER is <reply> that's mine, woman, hand's off the bot!
12:22.20Ahnkanai think i messed it up again
12:22.27PicoBot...but give me the cucumber is <reply> not now DevGirl...
12:22.29DevGirlPicoBot:  GIVE ME THE CUCUMBER
12:22.30PicoBotDevGirl: sorry...
12:22.37DevGirlPicoBot: forget GIVE ME THE CUCUMBER
12:22.38PicoBotDevGirl: I forgot give me the cucumber
12:22.54DevGirlPicoBot: GIVE ME THE CUCUMBER is <reply> that's mine, woman, hand's off the bot!
12:22.55PicoBotOK, DevGirl.
12:23.01DevGirlPicoBot: GIVE ME THE CUCUMBER
12:23.02PicoBotDevGirl: huh?
12:23.06fileDevGirl: give me the cucumber?
12:23.13DevGirlPicoBot: GIVE ME THE CUCUMBER?
12:23.14PicoBotdevgirl: bugger all, i dunno
12:23.23Ahnkanahow does this work?
12:23.23carpman{sasami}PicoBot: forget GIVE ME THE CUCUMBER!
12:23.23PicoBotcarpman{sasami}: I forgot give me the cucumber
12:23.35filepoor DevGirl...
12:23.39carpman{sasami}now try it
12:23.40AhnkanaPicoBot: kick
12:23.41PicoBotawwww... it hurts..
12:23.44DevGirlPicoBot: GIVE ME THE CUCUMBER?
12:23.46PicoBotbugger all, i dunno, devgirl
12:23.48DevGirlPicoBot: GIVE ME THE CUCUMBER?
12:23.49PicoBotdevgirl: i don't know
12:23.51DevGirlPicoBot: GIVE ME THE CUCUMBER
12:23.53PicoBotDevGirl: excuse me?
12:24.02carpman{sasami}PicoBot: explode thrice
12:24.34AhnkanaPicoBot: give me the cucumber is <action> not now, woman, hand's off the bot
12:24.35PicoBotOK, Ahnkana.
12:24.43Ahnkanagive me the cucumber
12:24.56Ahnkanaare you a bot, Xentac[work]?
12:25.06Ahnkanano? then
12:25.22AhnkanaPicoBot: give me the cucumber
12:25.22PicoBotAhnkana: sorry...
12:25.25DevGirllalo have a pretty tasty cucumber :D
12:25.27Ahnkanadammit, it give up
12:25.33Xentac[work]DevGirl: :P
12:25.38Ahnkanathat's awful
12:25.45Ahnkananever do it again...jk
12:25.59Ahnkanashould we tell PicoBot that?
12:26.18DevGirlit's affecting me
12:26.35AhnkanaPicoBot: DevGirl is also a very big fan of very big cucumbers
12:26.36PicoBotokay, Ahnkana.
12:27.14Ahnkanawhat would happen if you told it to forget a person?
12:27.26DevGirlI would put "Super huge" cucumbers, but "very big" its ok
12:27.30Ahnkanayou could rewrite their file?
12:27.49DevGirlAhnkana: when you say forget, he forgets the whole entry
12:28.07Ahnkanathis could be entirtaining
12:28.12DevGirlPicoBot: ahn
12:28.13PicoBotDevGirl: what?
12:28.15DevGirlPicoBot: Ahnkana
12:28.16PicoBotAhnkana is probably scanline's roommate's girlfriend, or a goofball or a very short incarnation of the devil. She loves tomatoes, her favorite color is green, and if you tease her, you will likely reget it....she also runs faster then scanline! :-
12:28.48DevGirlif i said him to forget you, he would forget the whole entry
12:28.55AhnkanaPicoBot: DevGirl?
12:28.56PicoBotno matter how much she explodes me, I love her... or a very big fan of very big cucumbers
12:29.03carpman{sasami}PicoBot: class?
12:29.04PicoBoti guess class is KABOOM!
12:29.20carpman{sasami}indeed, bbl all
12:29.25Ahnkanahave fun
12:29.48AhnkanaPicoBot: jojo?
12:29.49PicoBotjojo is a person who never talks
12:30.05Ahnkanaalmost never
12:30.21jojoPicoBot: jojo?
12:30.21PicoBoti think jojo is a person who never talks
12:30.27AhnkanaPicoBot: jojo is also almost never
12:30.28PicoBotokay, Ahnkana.
12:30.29jojoPicoBot: No, jojo is mostly quite.
12:30.30PicoBot...but jojo is a person who never talks or almost never...
12:30.49jojoHmm. Well. :)
12:30.52Ahnkanajojo: to change your entry, enter it as "is also"
12:31.19Ahnkanaor to rewrite it: enter " PicoBot: forget jojo"
12:31.56jojoAh, now I remember.
12:32.04Ahnkanai feel so smart, only i am not...muahahhahaha
12:32.22AhnkanaDevGirl: did you go off to find yourself?
12:33.25DevGirlAhnkana: i'm not following you
12:37.59Sophiegod. why do ppl use frontpage?
12:38.55Xentac[work]Sophie: because they're MS drones!
12:39.01Xentac[work]because they don't know any better!
12:39.09Xentac[work]and, my personal favourite, just to piss you off!
12:39.29Sophieand then they f*ck even that up and call me, and blame it on our server!
12:39.49Xentac[work]that's the best part!
12:40.11Rola25hi all!just a small question ... does picogui compile with the mips toolchain for using it with a compaq aero 15xx (kernel from linux-vr) ?
12:40.37filehello Rola25
12:41.35Xentac[work]anyone know any good tools to do cross-development versioning? cvs or cvs-like tools that can be used in windows and linux
12:41.42SophieI just printed in the smallest font size possible, I think.
12:42.11Xentac[work]Rola25: not sure... is the aero 15xx mips based?
12:42.12jojoXentac[work], Try using cvs and cygwin
12:42.39Xentac[work]jojo: but I'm talking like native windows binary, and native linux binary...
12:42.46Rola25Xentac: yes, it uses a VR41xx cpu
12:42.56Xentac[work]also... what sort of toolkit should I use in windows...?
12:43.28jojoXentac[work], You could use the CVS from Cygwin in combination with Microsoft Visual Studio if you like.
12:45.53Xentac[work]jojo: do you know how well that works?
12:46.43jojoXentac[work], I haven't used CVS so much under Windows. But I guess it works just as well as under *NIX.
12:47.00Xentac[work]ever tried wincvs or cvsgui?
12:47.31filecvs in Cygwin is exactly like cvs on *nix
12:48.05filethe stable one they use is 1.11
12:48.45Xentac[work]but this other guy is somewhat graphicall oriented ;o)
12:51.09KeyserSozei changed my code around to use two scroll bars instead of a scroll box, and the same damn thing happens.
12:51.16KeyserSozeonly one scroll bar shows up.
12:52.45Xentac[work]what about code documentation? doxygen? or something?
12:53.03KeyserSozei've been looking at it, and don't see that i am doing anything wrong.
12:57.20KeyserSozelol.  i can get two vertical scroll bars next to each other.
12:57.34Ahnkana`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
12:57.34Ahnkana  Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
12:57.34AhnkanaAll mimsy were the borogoves,
12:57.34Ahnkana  And the mome raths outgrabe.  
12:59.45Xentac[work]Ahnkana: Jabberwocky
12:59.48Xentac[work]such a cool poem
13:00.16filesuch a crude attitude
13:01.34fileit doesn't even show them at the opening part... just stupid Gouald stuff I think
13:03.30Ahnkanait's my favorite poem
13:08.50Xentac[work]Ahnkana: one of mine as well
13:23.20AhnkanaXentac: what are others that you like?
13:23.36AhnkanaXentac: i am posting worthwhile poetry on my door
13:24.40Xentac[work]Ahnkana: ummm... I was reminded of Flanders Field today... (call me pathetic)
13:24.52Xentac[work]The Raven - Edgar Allen Poe
13:24.53Ahnkanapicobot: read a poem is <action> twas brilig and the slithy toves, did gyre and gimble in the wabe...
13:24.54PicoBotOK, Ahnkana.
13:25.13Xentac[work]I don't really do the poetry thing... I just know some...
13:25.15Ahnkanai don't know flander fields
13:25.25Ahnkaname either, i just knwo the ones i like
13:25.38Xentac[work]search for Flanders fields
13:25.42Ahnkanahi scanline....any poems to contribute?
13:25.43Xentac[work]John McCrae
13:25.49Xentac[work]ah... and the one I made!
13:25.57Ahnkanago for it
13:26.05Ahnkanaif i like it, i'll post it
13:26.22Ahnkanascanline: me too, i posted it outsid emy door
13:27.05Ahnkanaoh damn, i don't know about that Xentac, i am also a shakespeare fan, that's desecraton
13:27.57Xentac[work]nah, it's mearly used to assist my own ideas...
13:28.01Ahnkanai think not, but it's funny
13:30.22Ahnkanascanline: will you bang on my door on your way to class, i am going to take a nap and my alarm clokc has gone schizo
13:30.37Ahnkanacool, thankx
13:30.46scanlineno problem
13:33.21laloscanline: I could probably investigage myself, but there is a chance I'd get lost ;-)
13:33.35lalocan I capture "standard" keys from the textbox, like, left,  right, pgUp, pgDn?
13:33.53lalo(scratch the pgUp/pgDn which aren't bound yet, but you get my point)
13:33.58scanlinenot yet
13:34.18lalonot even with a filter?
13:34.56scanlinethere's still no way to filter an event after it knows what widget it's headed to but before it's dispatched to that widget
13:37.46scanlinehmm... If I separate the act of creating an input filter from the act of attaching it into the global input filter chain, you could create an input filter and assign it to a widget property
13:37.50laloactually, for nifty I probably want something filterlike anyway
13:38.12lalounless binding the "key" event had a higher priority than the built-in handling
13:38.29scanlineper-widget input filters could have some neat uses, and they would be easy to implement
13:39.20lalodunno, perhaps it's better just to make event binding take precedence
13:39.48scanlinebut then you'd have to have yet another interface for requesting key events and getting them, in addition to the canvas widget and input filters
13:39.50Xentac[work]anyone in here know how well sdl, opengl, and openal go together?
13:40.27scanlineXentac[work]: SDL and opengl work great together, and I think openal was designed to work with SDL and opengl
13:40.43darth_ballsdamn, my network is being stupid
13:40.54filedarth_balls: educate it
13:40.56Xentac[work]scanline: cool, thanks
13:41.55laloscanline: there is already - PG_WP_TRIGGERMASK
13:42.28filedarth_balls: Make it so.
13:44.41captain_protondavid is done for the day
13:46.52kergothdarth_balls: of course he is, what else is new
13:47.00carpmanfile is always st0ned.
13:47.20fileooh look at the swirling shapes...
13:47.33carpmanfile was an experiment for perma-crack
13:48.10filecarpman: do you know what perma-crack is?
13:48.24carpmanfile: nothing, I made it up
13:48.47fileI think it's stuff used on houses...
13:49.34Xentac[work]I thought that was like perma-filll
13:49.48fileXentac[work]: I dunno
13:49.52carpmanyeah, your on perma-crack file.
13:50.08filecarpman: uh huh, yes master
13:53.45carpmanproduce monkey?
13:55.02fileibot: status
13:55.05Since Thu Nov  7 13:28:36 2002, there have been 37 modifications and 271 questions and 180 dunnos and 4 morons and 96 commands.  I have been awake for 4d 26m 26s this session, and currently reference 84017 factoids.  I'm using about 22960 kB of memory.
13:55.07fileevil bot
13:55.13Xentac[work]carpman: nice...
13:55.58carpmanPicoBot: status is also I am a fish.
13:55.58PicoBotSince Thu Oct 31 07:45:59 2002, there have been 172 modifications and 519 questions.  I have been awake for 11 days, 6 hours, 12 minutes, 31 seconds this session, and currently reference 5172 factoids. Addressing is in require mode.
13:56.19carpmanPicoBot: BAH
13:56.20PicoBotcarpman: sorry...
13:56.24carpmanPicoBot: BAH!
13:56.34filescan[ibook]: Bonjour
13:56.57filewhere are you?
13:57.04carpmanscan[ibook]: I am foolishly downloading neverwinter nights.
13:57.18scan[ibook]that's incredibly dangerous
13:57.33carpmanI am an RPG feind, once I find one I like, I play the crap out of it.
13:57.34scan[ibook]file: class
13:58.02darth_ballshi scan[ibook]
13:58.05filescan[ibook]: did you wake up Ahnkana?
13:58.11scan[ibook]uh huh
13:58.14filegood good
13:58.42darth_ballsPicoBot: file is also not scanline's mother
13:58.43PicoBotokay, darth_balls.
13:58.45filecaptain_proton: ooh... nasty mind
13:58.56scan[ibook]captain_proton: because she asked me to?
13:58.58captain_protonfile: actually no, i was just wondering
13:59.04captain_protonscan[ibook]: ahh, that would make sense
13:59.16carpmanfile: need I remind you about our animal sex addiction?
13:59.19carpmanPicoBot: attract file
13:59.20PicoBotfile: baaaaaa
13:59.44captain_protonscan[ibook]: when do you register?
13:59.49filescan[ibook]: scary
13:59.50scan[ibook]captain_proton: last friday
13:59.51darth_ballsscan[ibook]: how do you not get in trouble for being in irc during class
14:00.03captain_protondarth_balls: shhhh he's taking notes
14:00.10scan[ibook]darth_balls: because nobody cares?
14:00.17darth_ballslucky you
14:01.15scan[ibook]captain_proton: with all the stuff surrounding being home, I forgot all about it too... so after classes today (and maybe after some sleep) i'll see what I can do about registering
14:01.24carpmandarth_balls: you mean people get pissed at you for being in IRC?
14:02.14darth_ballswell, I"m sure they would if I could get on IRC during class
14:02.18darth_ballswe have no wireless on campus
14:02.30carpmanACK! Backwards! Stone age!
14:02.36darth_ballsI know
14:03.08captain_protonsomeone broke an rj45 jack on a jetdirect card on one of the printers in the dean's office
14:03.17fileif I paid NBTel $49.99/mth I could have 19.2kbps wireless anywhere in the Atlantic provinces
14:03.21captain_proton$310 replacement
14:03.37Xentac[work]file: we have something similar here... really dumb...
14:03.52fileor I could pay per kb with Rogers for high speed
14:04.00file$5 for 200kb I think
14:04.15captain_protonis that per byte downloaded or per bps?
14:04.30carpmanI would acrue the GDP of a third world nation at those prices.
14:05.16fileafter supper I'm doing my homework... yes... indeed
14:05.17lalo18:45 < lalo> scanline: there is already - PG_WP_TRIGGERMASK
14:05.20scan[ibook]haha.. $1000 for 40MB
14:05.49scan[ibook]lalo: yeah.. but you'd still need to specify what you're overriding and what you aren't
14:05.58lalonono :-)
14:05.59carpman$10000 for ~65% of LOTR
14:06.07lalowhat I want is to override all keys, period
14:06.47laloI may want to write, for ex., a vi-emulation mode
14:06.48scan[ibook]lalo: ok, so you'd want a flag you can turn on that disables all the builtin keybindings and posts events with every incoming trigger, like the canvas does?
14:07.16lalokind of makes sense, doesn't it?
14:07.17scan[ibook]ok, that would be easy
14:07.18captain_protoncarpman: LOTR is 2 cds ;)
14:07.26lalothat's what I thought :-)
14:07.29carpmanhehe, LOTR cd 1 :)
14:07.40scan[ibook]especially if I ripped out the code responsible for that in canvas and made it common to both
14:07.41laloI always prefer to ask for an easy feature if I have a choice ;-)
14:08.06scan[ibook]so how about focus handling?
14:08.14scan[ibook]would you want to override mouse events and focusing too?
14:08.31carpmanscan[ibook]: merlin262 said he was planning on releasing his package manager sometime next week. as soon as I get it I'm going to start work on a new distro
14:08.47scan[ibook]carpman: you and merlin262 are both doing distros?
14:08.49carpmansame distro for zaurus, desktop, laptop. Whatever. Super-modular
14:09.12carpmanscan[ibook]: I think were going to work together. But I want to get some groundwork done.
14:09.52carpmanThe more stuff I make AoF do, the more stable it becomes, so I want to get AoF in a position to do usefull things.
14:09.57laloI see where this is going... turning the textbox into the textcanvas ;-)
14:10.04filehomework bites
14:10.12captain_protonscan[ibook]: wanna crash the gamedev meeting tomorrow and try to steal people for jetstream? :)
14:10.17laloI think overriding focus could be too much, but mouse is reasonable
14:10.20fileas I'm getting a 98% average
14:10.42scan[ibook]lalo: well, if you override mouse you'd need to pgFocus() the textbox when it's clicked
14:10.43scan[ibook]captain_proton: sure
14:10.44carpmanomlette du fromage!
14:11.34lalowell, if I want it emacs'esque, it will have to be pretty much client-side driven anyway
14:11.59scan[ibook]I think if you can override all keyboard/mouse events that would be sufficient
14:11.59captain_protonwhy would anyone want anything to be emacs'esque? ;)
14:12.31scan[ibook]captain_proton: only in the configurability sense, not in the lisp or bloaty senses
14:13.05captain_protoni hope not in the user-interface sense
14:13.26captain_protonscan[ibook]: vim
14:13.34carpmanjust because a system is big does not mean it it bloated.
14:13.37scan[ibook]And how is vim any better in the user-interface sense? :)
14:13.47captain_protonscan[ibook]: the keys are pnemonic
14:14.02carpmanctl-x ctl-s(save)
14:16.03captain_protonhopefully this guy will ship my gear today :)
14:16.18laloemacs is bloated because it preloads too much stuff, regardless of whether you use it or not
14:16.21scan[ibook]captain_proton: gamedev is in the evening, right?
14:16.28captain_protonscan[ibook]: tomorrow, 8pm
14:18.14captain_protontux is a stupid logo :)
14:18.43scan[ibook]captain_proton: you voted for the Linux Tank eh?
14:24.02carpmanlalo: thats not due to design, that the configuration that is packaged with it.
14:26.21darth_ballswb Sophie
14:26.31carpmanhi Sophie
14:27.50KeyserSozeor would like to translate a 57 line of it to C...
14:27.58KeyserSozes/translate a/translate
14:28.26Sophie"hi everybody"
14:29.09KeyserSozeSophie: you have to do html-style tags (or something) when quoting someone, or we won't know who you're impersonating.
14:30.18darth_ballsSophie: Dr. Nick?
14:31.59darth_ballsPicoBot: seen gonkulator?
14:32.00PicoBotgonkulator was last seen on #picogui 18 hours, 23 minutes and 19 seconds ago, saying: KeyserSoze: sounds like fun :) [Sun Nov 10 20:11:12 2002]
14:32.18Sophieyep. dr nick.
14:32.31scan[ibook]lalo: what do you think about embedding WTs in themes?
14:32.35KeyserSozeSophie: I forgot to tell you, Gonkulator is going to become a Catholic priest.
14:33.08scan[ibook]lalo: it would definitely be useful, just need a way to implement it... maybe using libpython in themec?
14:33.19SophieI think we should invite him over for a little chat, don't you?
14:33.45lalodoesn't themec already use perl? :-)
14:33.57darth_ballsKeyserSoze: is he actually going to seminary? or is he still just considering it?
14:34.03scan[ibook]lalo: only at compile-time :)
14:34.20carpmandarth_balls: he isin't going to seminary yet
14:34.21lalosomething that uses both perl and python can't be right ;-)
14:34.39scan[ibook]lalo: writing WTs in python is neat enough that I'm not sure if we even need an actual WT compiler
14:34.54laloyes, that's pretty much my feeling too
14:35.02scan[ibook]lalo: another option is to just rewrite themec in python ;)
14:35.09lalobut then I think that generating python from software isn't that easy
14:35.54scan[ibook]yeah, I was thinking about that too.. a graphical WT editor will have a hard time with python
14:36.11carpmanunless the editor was IN python
14:36.33scan[ibook]hmm.. still, parsing a WT written in python could get weird
14:37.00scan[ibook]I guess you could just run it and examine the output :)
14:37.04lalobottom line is
14:37.17lalowriting WTs in python is great if you want to write it by hand
14:37.26lalobut we still want a more machine-friendly format
14:42.47scan[ibook]so eventually we'll have an object in cli_python that can compile WTs from XML source, and some magical way of calling all that from themec :)
14:43.46captain_protonmagical :)
14:51.47scan[ibook]captain_proton: well anything that's written in perl, python, C, and its own language has to be magical
14:52.42laloand "its own language" also has two flavours... there is the theme stuff and the fillstyle stuff
14:52.54laloyou could rename it to "babeltower"
14:53.02lalobtw, it will also handle XML now ;-)
14:53.07scan[ibook]oh yes :)
14:53.29scan[ibook]XML, theme objects, fillstyles, python, perl, C.... yikes
14:53.58scan[ibook]all resulting in one 'simple' binary you can load into pgserver :)
14:54.21lalolet's add lisp or scheme too
14:54.30lalojust for luck
14:55.55scan[ibook]could you use some operator overloading magic to compile fillstyles in python?
14:59.12scan[ibook]holy cow this class is empty...
14:59.34laloyou know I'd like to *replace* fillstyles with python ;-)
14:59.46scan[ibook]lalo: true, true :)
14:59.50lalobut python isn't very friendly to compiling code-like things
15:00.20laloI mean, you can do it, but it's pretty much the same work as it would be in C
15:00.44scan[ibook]hmm.. is there something like lex and yacc for python?
15:01.17darth_ballsif a phone # has a 303 area code that means it's in the denver area, right?
15:01.42lalothere are, like, about a dozen things like lex and yacc
15:01.43scan[ibook]darth_balls: My phone number is 303 and I'm pretty far from denver :)
15:01.58darth_ballsbut, I mean it's in colorado, correct?
15:02.01lalothere is a PEP to standardize on one for 2.3
15:02.07darth_ballsyou can't have a 303 area code in calif. can you?
15:02.08scan[ibook]lalo: hehe
15:02.15scan[ibook]darth_balls: right, it has to be in colorado
15:02.31darth_ballsmaxtor's tech support is somewhere in colorado
15:02.46darth_ballsstupid 7bytes
15:03.02scan[ibook]lalo: but there's no super-compelling reason to rewrite themec in python, it'd be better just to embed the python WT code into the existing themec?
15:03.43darth_ballsit was cheap
15:03.55scan[ibook]hmm.. another possibility would be just having the theme language read WTs from a file, then using a Makefile to build the WTs before building the theme :)
15:04.15darth_ballsbesides, the other maxtor I have works fine
15:04.29darth_ballsthis one is actually a Quantum, but they're tech support is handled by maxtor now
15:04.34KeyserSozeSophie: come home and eat pizza!
15:04.49darth_ballsbut I'm on hold w/ the company I ordered it from
15:08.29carpmandarth_balls: ahhh... I love my nice segate baracuda ;)
15:09.01kergothKeyserSoze: damn you
15:09.13kergothnow i'm hungry
15:09.55darth_ballsthey're gonna let me send it back
15:10.04scan[ibook]mmmm... pizza....
15:10.33carpmanmount /dev/kergoth /mnt
15:10.42carpmanerr /mnt/kergoth
15:10.46carpmanmount /dev/file /mnt/file
15:11.00carpmancp -R /mnt/file/fridge /mnt/kergoth/desk
15:11.11carpmanumount /mnt/kergoth
15:11.40KeyserSozeecho "/dev/kergoth    /mnt/kergoth   ext3  noauto, user   0   0"
15:11.47KeyserSozeecho "/dev/kergoth    /mnt/kergoth   ext3  noauto, user   0   0" >> /etc/fstab
15:11.54KeyserSozethere, that'll help
15:12.12kergothhey, i'm ext3?
15:12.20kergothnot just any user should be able to mount me
15:12.41KeyserSozewell, if carpman is allowed to, i figured you'd let anyone.
15:12.45kergothscan[ibook]: hah
15:12.57KeyserSozewell, kinda fat
15:12.58kergothKeyserSoze: no comment
15:13.19carpmanKeyserSoze: I'm the one, I have root on the world.
15:14.20KeyserSozemv a.out /bin/tcsh; usermod carpman -s /bin/tcsh
15:14.36scan[ibook]eep, a.out?
15:16.19KeyserSozemv /home/scanline/a.out /bin/tcsh; usermod carpman -s /bin/tcsh
15:17.05scan[ibook]echo "chmod a+rw /dev/pizza; tcsh" > /bin/tcsh
15:17.15carpmantell me Mr. KeyserSoze, how will you be able to Buffer Overflow me if... your unable to type?
15:17.31Xentac[work]carpman: bwahahaha
15:17.34KeyserSozenlkjse;lknv sz;lkn  
15:17.51Xentac[work]is this were you put a bug in his bellybutton?
15:18.01carpmaneww, no
15:18.11Sophieit'd suffocate in the lint :)
15:18.30scan[ibook]darnit Sophie, you're going to make me laugh in class
15:18.32Sophieeven an electronic bug
15:18.44darth_ballsbrb, gotta mail this HD off
15:19.14Xentac[work]Sophie: would his ear be better?
15:19.25carpmanXentac[work]: no, think of the wax
15:19.32Sophiewax. you're screwed.
15:19.57scan[ibook]just hide it in KeyserSoze's pizza
15:20.30Xentac[work] <--- this makes me sick.
15:20.34Xentac[work]his nose then...
15:23.13Xentac[work]hehehe... ghostzilla... this is sweet...
15:23.16kergothscan[ibook]: good call, he'll never notice it in the pizza
15:23.27KeyserSozeif you can hear it, you can record it.
15:24.49Xentac[work]KeyserSoze: it's the quality of the audio...
15:25.59carpmanwell, bbiab all
15:28.22KeyserSozeooh, dual DDR for athlon's, on tom shardware...
15:30.59Xentac[work]first thing I do...
15:32.26Sophiedammit. My server is flakey again.
15:32.32KeyserSozeat home?
15:34.42Sophiedisconnects me when I start to download, waits 30secs to try again
15:36.06KeyserSozeshould i do anything to it?
15:36.15KeyserSozeit's about 4' away from me...
15:36.23scan[ibook]is it smoking?
15:36.34KeyserSozenope, the magic smoke is still inside
15:36.37Sophienah. It's not the software or anything
15:36.45KeyserSozeit's running windows, though, so it probably needs a reboot
15:36.49SophieI think it's a passv/port issue.
15:37.22Sophieit's been rebooted since it began acting this way. it's the firewall.
15:37.23Xentac[work]how many other countries are huge into this "war on terroism"?
15:37.23KeyserSoze(are we doing free-form word association?)
15:37.43KeyserSozeXentac[work]: is Canadia?
15:37.45Xentac[work]more so... how many other countries want to get into everyone's lives to judge them as safe for the country or not?
15:38.19Sophiehow many other countries stand to profit?
15:38.19Xentac[work]KeyserSoze: not really... they're just playing along not to piss anyone off...
15:38.19Sophieonce we get the OIL?
15:38.43Xentac[work]why the hell does the US (gov't, large corporations, etc) want to control everything?
15:38.51kergothXentac[work]: they dont want to control everything
15:38.56scan[ibook]Xentac[work]: capitalism?
15:39.00kergothXentac[work]: the US protects its interests. thats all there is to it.
15:39.03kergothscan[ibook]: bingo
15:39.43Xentac[work]oh wait...
15:39.50KeyserSozescanline says, while typing on his ibook, talking to a half dozen people accross the globe...
15:40.07Sophieit's funny, I was going to say that nobody actually thinks it's because we're threatened by Saddam
15:40.30Sophiebut then, I usually overestimate the intelligence of the average American.
15:40.43filehey all
15:40.44kergothSophie: a common mistake
15:40.45scan[ibook]KeyserSoze: don't you watch star trek? In the 23rd century we won't need money!
15:40.54kergothSophie: i work in tech support. I dont overestimate the intelligence of the average american :)
15:41.21Sophielol. I work in tech support too, really.
15:41.34kergothSophie: what? you're not bitter and jaded yet?
15:41.36kergothSophie: :)
15:41.44Xentac[work]kergoth: the protecting interests comment is true
15:42.24Xentac[work]scan[ibook]: strangely enough that sounds like communism...
15:42.37KeyserSozeprotecting interests isn't the same as acquiring interests, though.
15:43.14Xentac[work]I know... we just need to make a /really/ big clue bat...
15:43.16Sophie<pinky>What are we doing tonight, Brain?</pinky>
15:43.26Xentac[work]and whack all of the USians..
15:43.35KeyserSozeclue bat?
15:43.37DevGirl<kergoth> Xentac[work]: the US protects its interests. thats all there is to it. <- it isn't true...
15:43.46DevGirlkergoth: they want to control everything
15:44.14Xentac[work]KeyserSoze: whack someone with it, and they get a clue
15:44.25SophieI only wish Brain was in charge of the US.
15:44.26Xentac[work]it's a theoretical device...
15:44.30DevGirlthere were a bunch of ppl who wrote to their congressists asking to don't let Lula be elected as Brazilian president :D
15:44.31KeyserSoze"protect" makes it sound purely defensive, which isn't true.  what kind of pansy-assed country would we be if we only defended what was ours, and didn't try to get more?
15:44.48DevGirland Lula was elected with almost 70%
15:44.57Xentac[work]right... it's the american patriotism...
15:45.52Xentac[work]Sophie: explain...
15:46.10KeyserSozeXentac[work]: it's irrational, and only dumb people have it
15:46.19DevGirlmhawuwhuhuwahwauawhuawhawu :D
15:46.23Sophieit's entirely emotive, and proud of it
15:47.01KeyserSozedon't forget sports.  patriotism=faith=professional sports
15:47.27Xentac[work]KeyserSoze: bwahahaha
15:47.50KeyserSozeemotive -> based on emotion
15:49.21Sophieif it's reasonable to support a political stance, support it. But if you support it just because you feel good about it, that's "faith"
15:49.49Xentac[work]I see
15:49.54DevGirlbah, I say again
15:50.55Sophiethen I turned 16.
15:51.16Xentac[work]Sophie: hehehe
15:51.28Xentac[work]DevGirl: what the hell?
15:51.43kergothpatriotism isnt necessarily solely emotive
15:51.47kergoththough for many it is
15:51.59Sophiecongressist :) is that the non-gender-biased form?
15:52.18KeyserSozekergoth: what is it, if not emotive?
15:53.08DevGirlXentac[work]: there were a bunch of USians who send e-mails saying something like: "Lula is evil. write to your congressist and don't let brazilian ppl elect him for president"
15:53.08kergothKeyserSoze: a logical support of your country, not out of emotion, but out of a belief in our system based on facts
15:53.13kergothKeyserSoze: or some combination of both
15:53.25kergothKeyserSoze: for some it isnt *soley* emotive
15:54.00scanlineha.. every time someone does 'ibot: seen kergoth' the #picogui in ibot's answer triggers my xchat hilight
15:54.10DevGirlXentac[work]: attached to lots of newspaper news saying lots of lies and something like
15:54.16Xentac[work]DevGirl: which one was Lula?
15:54.29DevGirlXentac[work]: the one who was elected :D
15:54.36Xentac[work]was he evil though?
15:54.43DevGirlXentac[work]: 70% of votes
15:54.54Xentac[work]s /was/is
15:56.05DevGirlXentac[work]: nah... he is a guy like me or you :) don't know how to say, but he worked in a company that worked with steel or something like
15:56.06SophieIn my experience, most people who are "patriots" will claim to love some aspect of our government. But only so long as it suits their personal philosophy
15:56.33Sophiefor instance, "I love freedom" && "ppl who burn flags should be put in jail"
15:56.42Xentac[work]Sophie: :)
15:57.15kergothSophie: indeed. contradictory behavior doesnt necessarily mean that patriotism is solely emotive :)
15:58.02KeyserSozekergoth: every definition of patriot or patriotism at has "love" in it.
15:58.24Sophiewell, I think those people appreciate something they don't understand.
15:58.26DevGirlXentac[work]: the coolest thing is: he was a syndicate (is it?) leader and fought for the workers rights... He were even arrested duriung a strike
15:58.34Sophiethat's what makes it emotive.
15:59.04fileall done
15:59.09fileNOW I have to do math homework
15:59.10DevGirlXentac[work]: a worker turning president. That's democracy.
15:59.17Xentac[work] <--- I want to set this up when I get home (as well as a bunch of other stuff)
15:59.36Xentac[work]DevGirl: I don't know the word... but I know what you're talking about..
16:00.50DevGirlXentac[work]: he don't have one of fingers :) he lost in a work accident... he was doing extra work and was sleepy (he needed the money)...
16:00.53Xentac[work]monkey?... oh wait... that's developer...
16:00.57DevGirllost it in a machine
16:03.08kergothSophie, KeyserSoze: there is certainly an emotional component for most, but my point is that it isnt *solely* emotive.  For many it has both emotive and intellectual components.
16:05.25KeyserSozei dunno, it seems to me that if there are intellectual aspects, they exist coincidentally to the patriotism, not as a part of it.
16:05.31filemath is done
16:05.34merlin262oh uh, politics
16:05.35KeyserSozethat's how I've always thought of it, anyway
16:06.27fileI hate international EFT's
16:07.54Ahnkanaprodigal Ahnkana has returned
16:08.13merlin262hello Ahnkana
16:08.23darth_ballsw00t! we got hot water back
16:08.45filedarth_balls: how'd you manage that?
16:09.00darth_ballsguess someone fixed it
16:10.09SophieI think it's just that people fail to draw proper logical connections between ideas. The think "Freedom of speech", but that fact is sortof in a vaccum; not really related to fundamental philosophical ideas such as "exchanging ideas results in a swifter social evolution". So they kindof look back on "the good 'ol days" when homosexuality was never spoken of
16:10.57kergothSophie: I agree wholeheartedly
16:11.23DevGirlBehave, all of you!!! :)
16:11.40kergothi'm behaving alright. just badly.
16:11.45kergothyou should clarify that statement
16:11.49kergothmerlin262: i disagree
16:12.13merlin262Freedom of Speech originally, according to the Founding Fathers, indicated a sharing of ideas in the public arena,
16:12.15DevGirlkergoth: :D
16:12.23merlin262NOT: Vulgarity, or Thongs for toddlers.
16:12.36DevGirlso.. no cucumbers for me?
16:12.39kergothmerlin262: define vulgarity
16:12.51merlin262Vulgarity is defined by the community.
16:13.01kergothmerlin262: precisely
16:13.17merlin262I view vulgarity as including, but not limited to: child pornography, dismemberment, etc...
16:13.25filesomeone's at the door
16:13.51kergothsomeone's trying to get ahold of tech support
16:14.05Sophiechild pornography and dismemberment are both crimes.
16:14.22merlin262Sophie: but people protect/defend these under freedom of speech.
16:14.37DevGirlmerlin262: ppl do?
16:14.38kergoth/usr/src/coding/projects/userspace/buildroot/build/busybox/shell/shell.a(cmdedit.o)(.text+0xc84): In function `cmdedit_init':
16:14.41kergoth: undefined reference to `atexit'
16:14.45DevGirlmerlin262: not here...
16:14.55merlin262not here, but it has/does happen.
16:15.07SophieI don't think anyone's saying that you shouldn't say "child pornography"
16:15.21Xentac[work]kergoth: definatly something wrong with the toolchain...
16:15.31kergothXentac[work]: i even manually added -lgcc to the link line
16:15.32Sophiebut pictures indicate that someone's freedom's have been harmed
16:15.34kergothXentac[work]: which is where its defined
16:15.37merlin262kergoth: that's a Gcc bug.
16:15.40kergothXentac[work]: hrmph
16:17.24Sophiedoh.. phone
16:17.25kergothmy libgcc.a in 2.95.3 toolchain doesnt define atexit, yet that toolchain works
16:17.40kergothmerlin262: is atexit part of libgcc.a?
16:17.54merlin262kergoth: it's part of glibc, a macro, iirc.
16:18.52merlin262no, take that back, not a macro...
16:18.58merlin262but it is in glibc
16:19.02kergothyep, its in glibc
16:19.05kergothnm shows it
16:19.10kergothbut i still get undefined reference
16:19.22merlin262kergoth: was this a binary you downloaded?
16:19.34kergothmerlin262: no, this was all built locally
16:19.50kergoth0002f308 T atexit@GLIBC_2.0
16:20.11merlin262strange, very strange
16:23.46fileI hope chimera's motherboard comes tomorrow
16:26.16merlin262hrm hrm.
16:27.24merlin262calling carpman 1x....
16:27.36merlin262no source release then!
16:27.56scanlinehaha, you all have british accents now!
16:28.09KeyserSozeeven me?
16:28.14Xentac[work]scanline: would you like some tea and crumpets?
16:28.26scanlineit says "scane-line"
16:28.31kergothDAMN YOU ATEXIT!
16:28.35Sophiedammit, I want to leave
16:28.46Sophienow i have to fscking wait for Joe
16:28.52merlin262I say chap, I think PicoGUI needs some more work on the Rootless X11 driver.
16:28.58KeyserSozescanline: where'd you get that there fancy talking xchat thingy from?
16:29.02Xentac[work]scanline: does xchat-speak work well?
16:29.07Xentac[work]KeyserSoze: the URL I posted!
16:29.11scanlinehmm.. "Pico-guy needs more work on the rootless x-one-one driver"
16:29.35Xentac[work]1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
16:29.36scanlineI tweaked the scripe a bit to only respond to #picogui, since #wopn was generating so much traffic it couldn't keep up
16:29.45Xentac[work]ah, so it does all channels?
16:29.50scanlineby default
16:29.56Xentac[work]easy tweak?
16:30.11merlin262scanline: porn porn porn!!!!!!!
16:30.44scanlinekeezer-soze :)
16:31.03KeyserSozelol.  that's better than how the guy's in WOPN pronounced it.
16:31.07kergothi need to kick the shit out of something
16:31.09kergoththats what i need
16:31.43KeyserSozekergoth: i hear sometimes people stomp the shit out of a flaming paper bag...
16:31.59kergothKeyserSoze: i prefer beating a punching bag
16:32.03kergothtoo bad mine isnt hung up atm
16:33.43fileI can't seem to send a file out... receiving is fine
16:34.26Sophiefile, what kind of file?
16:34.43filean MP3...
16:34.53filecan't connect error...
16:35.09KeyserSozeare you sure the person you are sending to can recieve?
16:35.22KeyserSozeSophie!!!! come home!
16:35.33Sophiedammit I want to!
16:35.42KeyserSozewell, then...
16:35.49SophieI'm waiting for stupid Joe.
16:35.59KeyserSozewhere's stupid Joe?
16:36.08Sophieon his way.
16:36.42Sophiethat's all I know
16:37.18KeyserSozethat was cool
16:37.25KeyserSozebut i imagine very painful
16:37.28kergothibot: botsnack
16:37.28thanks kergoth :)
16:37.36scanlineibot: good one
16:37.36scanline: I give up, what is it?
16:37.44Sophiethat takes a power stapler?
16:37.48kergothibot: good one is <reply> Yep, I know.
16:37.48kergoth: okay
16:38.32KeyserSozedamnit.  /me will have to paste that thing about the power stapler into xchat, when /me gets xchat_speak going
16:39.10KeyserSozeit's good that "rm -rf" looks so angry, so that people don't accidentally use it.
16:39.28KeyserSozeif they put a "k" in it, there'd be even fewer accidental deletions.
16:42.11kergothKeyserSoze: thats evil
16:42.36KeyserSozeah, so then you've seen it?  yes, i'll agree that Icon is evil.
16:49.42scanlinein assembly language
16:50.10KeyserSoze"brainfuck interpreter", is that a thinly veiled insult about his planned career as a priest?
16:50.12scanlineor even better... a brainfuck interpreter written in brainfuck
16:50.25merlin262scanline: now that, is trully sick
16:50.31merlin262KeyserSoze: brainfuck is a programming language
16:51.17KeyserSozemerlin262: /me knows, /me was kidding
16:51.30merlin262doh, ic
16:51.44fileI concur.
16:53.54filenow... I wonder what the root password to it is
16:54.36merlin262that's the same as my luggage combination.
16:54.39KeyserSozeshit, Monday?
16:54.45merlin262Mondays suck don't they
16:55.20scanlineah.. the more I learn about python the more I love it.. and considering I still have a lot to learn, I should be liking it even more
16:55.24merlin262I'm never taking another technical writing class.
16:55.44merlin262scanline: I like python, now, if they'd just add brace notation(or begin/end), it'd be perfect
16:56.23scanlineI'm a pretty hardcore fan of C, but python's indenting style is really starting to grow on me
16:56.45scanlineno holy wars over brace positioning or confusing code layout
16:57.19merlin262GNU style is really fecked up
16:57.43kergothi still use k&r
16:57.56kergothc++ people hate it when i use k&r coding style in c++ code
16:58.50KeyserSozewho wants a screenshot of my picogui app!
17:00.00filemerlin262: good idea
17:00.25filemaybe it'll make it go faster'
17:00.31filetelnet port is open...
17:00.53fileuseless information...
17:01.51filethey disabled the darn web server function
17:01.52KeyserSozei can email it, or DCC it...
17:02.02KeyserSozeor put it on Sophie's ftp server
17:02.14scanlineYou could DCC it to me and I'll upload it to
17:05.08scanlineKeyserSoze: it's not connecting. email them to
17:16.34carpmanPicoBot: seen merlin262
17:16.35PicoBotmerlin262 was last seen on #picogui 16 minutes and 13 seconds ago, saying: =D [Mon Nov 11 17:02:54 2002]
17:17.00merlin262hey carpman
17:17.04carpmanhey merlin262
17:17.37merlin262let the code be free! free! I say!
17:18.02scanlinecarpman: decided I'd take a XML->WT compiler as an exercise in learning python :)
17:19.05carpmanscanline: ahh, excelent
17:19.13merlin262oh, the irony!
17:19.31carpmanmerlin262: better hurry, I'm starting to come up with ideas >:)
17:19.36merlin262uh oh carpman
17:19.58carpmansome of the stuff I'm planing is SO not normal unix it isint even funny
17:20.00merlin262carpman: if you don't goto bed early tonight, you might get something
17:20.59carpmanBAH! I'm not staying up that late :)
17:20.59merlin262that's when all my major breakthroughs happen
17:20.59carpmanscanline can vouch for that :)
17:21.04merlin262if you see something up at besides "coming soon", it'll be the .tar.gz
17:21.09merlin262Ugghhhh, I hate morning people.
17:21.20scanlinecarpman: the only reason I see you online in the morning is because I've been up all night :P
17:21.27merlin262hehe scanline
17:21.32carpmanI don't mean I'm bright and cherry in the morning, I mean I wake up early
17:21.39carpmanscanline: remember a-kon?
17:21.41merlin262oh, that's fair enuff
17:22.22carpmanso if I go to bed late, I don't sleep longer, I just get less sleep, and I'm useless when sleep deprived.
17:22.58scanlinecarpman: hehe
17:27.10scanlinehmm.. does python have an 'else if'?
17:27.39scanlineaha, "elif"
17:32.15scanlineI created a widget in XML
17:35.21merlin262ok carpman, I'll tell you what,....
17:35.37merlin262it probably won't DO anything, but every1 will get to see code.
17:37.10merlin262I hate trying out new code
17:38.13merlin262YES, IT WORKED
17:38.19scanlinew00t, multiple buttons and an app
17:38.26merlin262  ActionExecute("extract", file, argc, argv, environ); <--- 1 step closer
17:39.00scanlineooh, and widget hierarchies work correctly
17:39.15scanlinewell damn that was easy
17:39.18carpmanooo... shiny XML generates WIDGETS!
17:39.25scanline<label side="all" font=":20:bold">Hello, World!</label>
17:39.39scanlinedon't have that working yet. This is what works:
17:40.24fraggletpicobot: xml
17:40.25PicoBotxml is, like, an obfoscated mess
17:40.27scanlineand then it just runs:
17:40.31scanlineapp = PicoGUI.InvisibleApp()
17:40.31scanlinewtBinary = XWTParser().Parse(open("test.xwt").read())
17:40.31scanlinewtHandle = app.server.mktemplate(wtBinary)
17:40.31scanlinewtInstance = PicoGUI.Widget(app.server,app.server.dup(wtHandle))
17:40.58scanlineThe app.server stuff can be cleaned up with a python class for WTs
17:41.23scanlinebut as it is, that wtBinary could be dumped to a file and used by the C client lib just fine
17:42.08scanlinefragglet: I normally wouldn't use XML, but it does match this widget template problem really nicely.. and if you don't like XML you can write WTs in python :)
17:42.34carpmanXML isint bad, it has it's uses. XML-RPC is slick.
17:43.09carpmanIts when people think XML is some kind of fix-all buzzword that it gets misused and it turns into a mess.
17:43.56scanlineXML for configuration files is IMHO sick
17:44.08carpmanyeah, it is a bit thick for that.
17:44.32scanlinewell, it usually turns into a huge mess that's a pain to edit by hand, so you end up with tools to edit it for you, defeating the whole purpose
17:44.50carpmanthe tools could just as easily edit a binary
17:45.21carpmanthe thing is, expat goes BALISTIC when it hits any kind of error
17:45.46carpmanIt just stops, and you can parse no farther.
17:48.17carpmanyeah, but in python you get exceptions and relatively easy string parsing. I used expat in PHP :)
17:48.54Xentacwhen I was younger, I never cared much about Rememberance Day (except that I didn't have to go to school)... I acknowledged it, but that was about it
17:49.15Xentacnow I feel a great respect/sadness/I-don't-know-what
17:50.41merlin262I'll hear nothing more of this XML-for-everything concept
17:50.48Xentacmerlin262: bwahahaha
17:51.01scanlineWTs != everything
17:51.04merlin262Seriously, XML just isn't good for some things
17:51.23merlin262Ex: would you want video files in XML
17:51.52KeyserSozemerlin262: that'd be cool!
17:51.57KeyserSozewhere do I get the codec?
17:52.13merlin262the scary thing is, I know people tha say such things
17:52.19merlin262sound/video/audio files != good in xml
17:52.22scanline<frame number="637222"><pixel x="62" y="7202"><color red="0.061" green="1.000" blue="0.267"/></pixel>...
17:52.23Xentactry representing data in an if->else format in XML...
17:52.25merlin262configuration files != good in xml
17:52.29Xentacscanline: hehehe
17:52.39Xentacor represent an array in XML
17:54.49Xentackergoth: do you think it's better to do an upgrade of my existing OZ2.whatever to OZ3.0 or just reflash?
17:55.07kergothXentac: probably be best to reflash
17:55.45merlin262scanline: did that screenshot ever get up?
17:55.52scanlineoops, forgot about it
17:56.20carpmanscreenshot of what?
17:56.27merlin262KeyserSoze's app
17:57.05Xentachehehe 403s ;o)
17:57.49scanlineKeyserSoze: that's pretty cool
17:57.50carpmanooo, cool
17:58.26XentacKeyserSoze: this is yours?
17:58.48Xentacthe eternal question... which zImage should I download...
17:59.01kergothXentac: read the install guide :)
17:59.05kergothXentac: we finally documented
17:59.09Xentacno no...
17:59.12XentacI know what they mean ;o)
17:59.25XentacI mean... how much memory do I want compared to how much storage space in RAM ;o)
17:59.40laloKeyserSoze: this is GPS niftyness?
18:01.19scanlineyay, widget properties work now
18:02.31lalodidn't they already?
18:02.41scanlinelalo: I'm writing an XML to WT compiler
18:02.49scanlineit's almost done, and only 60 lines of python so far :)
18:05.17merlin262KeyserSoze: looks very nifty.
18:05.43fileIT'S SCARY!
18:05.51Xentacfile: it's also stupid ;o)
18:06.05filewould you settle for PG-13?
18:06.06kergoththats great
18:12.26Xentackergoth: do you still need bootflag.txt?
18:12.32kergothXentac: nope, not rquired
18:12.43Xentacwhy is that?
18:13.15kergothwell, apparently it was never rquired
18:13.22kergothbut its a good idea to use at least once
18:13.22Xentachehehe, funky
18:13.26scanlinelalo: python is cool :)
18:13.33kergothsee the bootloader will hardcode the runlevel .. passes it to the kernel
18:13.38kergothbootflag.txt lets you prevent that
18:13.46kergothand then it jsut obeys inittab like it should
18:13.57laloscanline: I know :-)
18:14.02Xentachmmm... so that's for like the first time you boot up sort of thing?
18:14.22kergothXentac: it sets runlevel
18:14.25kergothXentac: heh
18:14.34kergothmost of the time you arent shutting down the system, you're just suspending it
18:14.35fileI need to reset my ADSL Modem
18:14.41fileit's very bad
18:14.50Xentacoh... so it sets the runlevel forever?
18:15.58fileomg this isn't good
18:16.08filemy step-dad is trying to win this auction on EBay
18:16.12fileand I can't even bring up the page
18:16.16scanlinelalo: should I add an "import XWTParser" line to
18:17.44laloonly if you want to make it more easily available
18:17.48laloI don't think it's the case
18:18.07scanlineoh, and I guess that would make 'import PicoGUI' depend on expat, which is a bad thing is for allowing you to say "from PicoGUI import Application" (or, "import PicoGUI; a = PicoGUI.Application()")
18:18.26laloyes, probably.
18:18.40Keyser[zzz]see y'all later
18:18.45lalowe could wrap it in a try/except block, if it was necessary, but I don't think it is :-)
18:18.45scanlineg'night Keyser[zzz]
18:18.47Xentacnight Keyser[zzz]
18:18.48laloKeyser[zzz]: nite
18:18.53scanlinelalo: yep
18:20.11Xentacit's done flashing... hitting the reset button...
18:21.51kergothXentac: lookey, no warnings on bootup!
18:21.53kergothXentac: :)
18:22.53merlin262not quiet a working replacement to tar, but another milestone.
18:23.41Xentacoooo... it's gone blank... it's starting opie
18:23.48merlin262I little over 1000 loc shouldn't take nearly this long though. :(
18:24.16Xentachehehe... aqpkg manager...
18:25.14scanlinelalo: hmm.. so I'd have to do something like:
18:25.18scanlinefrom PicoGUI import XWTParser
18:25.18scanlineparser = XWTParser.XWTParser()
18:26.15Xentackergoth: everything seems faster... ;o)
18:26.30Xentacbut it's a new install and all...
18:26.59kergothXentac: everything was built with optimizations for strongarm
18:27.00Xentacsweet! I can choose which icons I want on my taskbar!
18:27.16laloscanline: yes
18:27.39scanlinelalo: ok. I just committed what I have to CVS. There's "" and "test.xwt" in the samples directory
18:29.30merlin262no laughing
18:30.17kergothi built OZ with gcc3.2
18:30.21kergothwith full optimizations on everything
18:30.25kergothand its now 20megs
18:30.27kergothinstead of 10
18:31.37kergothmerlin262: but i want speed damnit!
18:31.50merlin262PicoBot: seen carpman
18:31.51PicoBotcarpman was last seen on #picogui 34 minutes and 1 seconds ago, saying: ooo, cool [Mon Nov 11 18:00:23 2002]
18:31.54carpmanmerlin262: WHAT
18:32.06carpmanmerlin262: w00t!
18:32.12merlin262No laughing...
18:32.29carpmanroflmao >:)
18:32.41merlin262actually, now that everything is planned out, new actions/packet drivers are easy to code...
18:32.51kergothmy zlib is 500k
18:32.51merlin262so, I expect the first 1000 loc was the hardest
18:32.53kergoththats too large
18:33.04merlin262-Os -Os -Os -Os -Os -Os -Os -Os -Os -Os -Os -Os -Os -Os -Os
18:33.16merlin262kergoth: are you stripping the binaries?
18:34.09merlin262carpman: all that .tar.gz does is testcreate and extract actions...
18:34.22merlin262carpman: I've pulled the file code, so I can cleanup/rewrite...
18:34.34carpman /* TODO: THis needs teh written */
18:35.36kergothmerlin262: yes, i'm stripping the binaries
18:35.41kergothmerlin262: even stripped, they're huge
18:35.49kergothmerlin262: i removed the optimizations, no help
18:36.16kergothi tried -Os
18:36.19kergothdidnt do jack
18:36.27fileyou broke it!
18:36.28merlin262gcc 3.x is TEH SUCK!
18:36.46kergothseriously, it doesnt like me
18:37.15kergothmy x86 zlib lib is 50k
18:37.19kergothmy arm gcc 3.2 zlib lib is 500k
18:37.22kergothwtf is up
18:37.42kergothokay time to try the trusty 2.95.3 toolchain
18:38.28kergothoh fuck me
18:38.28merlin262if I could get 1 good weekend, I could have 88% done by now.
18:38.35kergothmy 2.95.3 produces a 50k lib
18:38.39kergothmy 3.2 produces a 500k lib
18:38.45kergothboth stripped
18:38.47kergothsame flags
18:39.01merlin262maybe one is doing static linking for some reason?
18:39.13merlin262no commentary from carpman?
18:43.53carpmanmerlin262: hehe, it seems kind of abstract ;)
18:44.33merlin262carpman: that was the idea.
18:44.47merlin262you have to admit, it's extremely flexible
18:47.17Xentac|dinnerkergoth: one thing I used to like about the old package manager was that I could do searches on zz and ipkgfind through the package manager... can you do that with AQPkg?
18:47.35kergothXentac|dinner: not yet, no. oipkg is still available in the feed
18:47.42kergothXentac|dinner: we include aqpkg cause its easier to use for end useres
18:47.49merlin262I've found a 1992 email talking about configure
18:48.48kergothPicoBot: autoconf
18:48.48PicoBotautoconf is an evil incarnated from the seventh circle of hell, that knows no bounds or limits, possessing software projects, and bringing great sadness to the hearts of all programmers.
18:49.33Xentac|dinnerkergoth: does the battery meter work better now?
18:49.48kergothXentac|dinner: yes, but not in 3.0
18:49.54kergothXentac|dinner: we just got the patch to improve it recently
18:50.07scanlinekergoth: still using that voodoo interpolation method? :)
18:50.09Xentac|dinnerah... in 3.1 then...?
18:50.18kergothscanline: yeah, voodoo
18:50.26kergothXentac: yes, and it'll be inthe unstable feed when i update it today
18:50.46Xentachow safe is unstable?
18:50.52scanlinekergoth: was that a kernel patch or userland?
18:50.57kergothscanline: kernel
18:51.01Xentacthat was my question ;o)
18:51.09kergothscanline: then a slight alteration to remove Z workarounds in the opie power stuff
18:51.16kergothscanline: so it just listens to /proc/apm now
18:51.23Xentacso would I have to reflash right now?
18:51.39Xentacer... reflash to get the kernel patch..
18:52.14scanlineyou could reflash just the kernel
18:52.29Xentacit's just that painless?
18:53.24kergothdrop zImage onto the card and flash it
18:53.30kergothremove initrd.bin first :)
18:56.29Xentacsweet... and 6 brightness levels ;o)
18:57.19carpmanmerlin262: do we have a name for this distro?
18:57.46scanline<label font=":20:bold">Hello World</label>
19:01.22merlin262carpman: not yet.
19:01.28carpmanmerlin262: we need one
19:01.34merlin262carpman: yea, i knwo
19:01.47carpmanmerlin262: I can feel the uncontrolable urge to start hacking on some python init scrips.
19:01.58merlin262good luck. :)
19:04.31merlin262" Working on programs with people like Jamie Zawinski (or many other excellent hacker types) is also vastly easier than trying to cooperate with RMS on anything. "
19:04.45merlin262people hated RMS even before Linux has popular(quote from 1992)
19:05.35carpmanI don't dislike RMS, alot of what he says I agree with. He just has an implementation problem :)
19:06.40kergothjust dual license it
19:06.43kergothala TT
19:06.48scanlineIMHO the commercial opt-in will create problems with people not wanting to contribute to it
19:07.00merlin262althought that is a very real point there scanline
19:07.01carpmanI'll probably lgpl AoF
19:07.04kergothbecause they'd have to give you the rights to include it in the commercial ver
19:07.05scanlinebut that's the same as what TT does
19:07.07kergothjust like libqt
19:08.07carpmanrealy, I don't have a problem making AoF GPL.
19:08.11scanlineI also don't like licenses that are preferential to one company, like the APSL and MPL
19:08.23kergothI dont like how people sell GPL
19:08.25carpmanIf commercial companies don't want to use it because of that, fine, I'll write replacements for their software.
19:08.27kergothacting like its more free
19:08.50kergothGPL intentionally reduces freedom for the individual
19:08.59carpmankergoth: npo
19:09.16kergothBSD says i can do whatever i want with it
19:09.19kergothGPL says I cant
19:09.33carpmanwhat do you want to do that GPL won't let you?
19:09.39scanlineGPL does give you as an individual less freedom than the BSD, but it gives the author and the comunity more freedom
19:09.42kergothGPL is infectious reduction of individual freedom in favor of the freedom of the community
19:09.45kergothscanline: bingo.
19:09.46kergothlike i said
19:09.52kergothit reduces *individual* freedom
19:10.00merlin262But, I am of the mind: let programmer's license software however they want
19:10.00merlin262and if you don't like the GPL, then you don't have to use that software.
19:10.00merlin262same goes w/ commercial licenses.
19:10.03kergothand they dont properly describe that
19:10.05carpmankergoth: give me an example of what the GPL won't let you do.
19:10.10fraggletthe poetic license is the best license
19:10.18kergothcarpman: i cant include GPL code in a closed source commerical application
19:10.23kergothcarpman: that limits my freedom
19:10.27kergothcarpman: in favor of the community
19:10.30kergothcarpman: as i said
19:10.44carpmankergoth: yeah, because some people worked their asses off to write that, and they won't see any of the cash you make.
19:10.51fraggletMost software licenses are intended to take away freedom. The GPL is intended to take away your freedom to take away freedom.
19:10.54kergothi didnt make a fucking value judgement
19:10.56kergothlisten to what i'm saying
19:11.04kergothi dont give a shit about whether its good or bad
19:11.14kergothbut the fact is, it limits individual freedom in favor of the community
19:11.18kergothi never claimed it was a bad thing
19:11.41kergothmerlin262: i dont like it when people make assumptions about my statements
19:11.55Xentachmmm... I tried to install scummvm... and it looks like scummvm depends on picogui...?
19:12.00merlin262kergoth: I don't think carpman made any assumptions tho
19:12.17scanlineXentac: the scummvm in there now is linked against the picogui version of SDL
19:12.31carpmanXentac: we're taking over the world ;)
19:12.40Xentacok... but I can still use it in opie then...
19:12.42merlin262The BIG problem with the GPL is linking against software with Free/OpenSoruce but icompatible licenses
19:12.46Xentaccarpman: as I've noticed ;o)
19:12.48scanlineXentac: no, you can't
19:13.10merlin262There will always be a place for Proprietary software, and I don't think there is anything wrong/immoral about it
19:13.16kergothmerlin262: i agree
19:13.19merlin262but GPL like software will win out on infrastructure
19:13.21scanlineXentac: SDL's build system is such that apps have to be compiled against both SDL's libs and the GUI's libs for soem reason
19:13.39fraggletscanline: sounds broken to me
19:13.52scanlinefragglet: it is, I just haven't taken time to investigate it yet
19:14.01carpmanyeah, like games. I don't think most games SHOULD go GPL, because it takes 10x the resources to make a game as opposed to a web browser
19:14.03scanlinefragglet: but that's standard procedure with SDL for some reason
19:14.06fraggletsurely you just use -l in the linker
19:14.25fraggletwhen building the sdl library
19:14.33kergothI disagree with the way GPL is sold. they sell it as being more free, they dont explain just what it entails.
19:14.37kergothwhich pisses me off
19:14.47scanlinefragglet: I think so, but like I said, I haven't investigated it yet
19:14.47kergothI dont like deceptive PR
19:15.05fraggletthe fsf believe in freedom for the users not the developers
19:15.08merlin262carpman: back to what we should call the distro, I don't think Linux should be in the name
19:15.15carpmanmerlin262: I agree
19:15.16merlin262carpman: too many n00bs have issues with the name "linux"
19:15.18kergothfragglet: they believe in freedom for the community.
19:15.27kergothfragglet: not the individual
19:15.28merlin262carpman: that and I want to break too many standards... :)
19:15.38carpmanmerlin262: when were done it won't look like a normal unix enough anyway :)
19:15.42fraggletif a developer could create a proprietory version it could take away the users rights
19:15.50kergothhow so?
19:15.51scanlinekergoth: I agree that RMS's concept of "freedom" is usually way too vague
19:16.02fragglettheir right to use that proprietory version
19:16.13merlin262fragglet: what about the rigth to create a proprietary product?
19:16.22merlin262fragglet: that a strictly GPL system would take away?
19:16.30fraggletthats not what the fsf stands for
19:16.31kergothmerlin262: he's talking from a user's perspective. a user doesnt create products
19:16.33merlin262it's a very good thing we don't have GPL'd C-libs, X-libs, etc...
19:16.34fragglet<fragglet> the fsf believe in freedom for the users not the developers
19:17.00merlin262fragglet: developers deserve freedom as well.
19:17.02lalothe freedom to create proprietary software is not a freedom
19:17.06kergothmerlin262: he didnt claim otherwise
19:17.06scanlineXentac|athena: heh. opie-irc sucks compared to xchat ;)
19:17.10kergothlalo: bullshit
19:17.18kergothlalo: thats applying a value judgement
19:17.19fileXentac|athena: why not?
19:17.24kergothlalo: it is freedom, its not a desirable one
19:17.25lalosoftware is information
19:17.25merlin262lalo: I know 1000 shareware arguments that would disagree with you
19:17.29fraggletyes but the argument is that it would place them in a position of power over the users
19:17.30kergothlalo: and?
19:17.35Xentac|athenascanline: that it does
19:17.50Xentac|athenafile: not enough range
19:17.51laloand, you have no inherent right to tell me what I can do with information and what I can't
19:17.52fraggletwhich the fsf believe is immoral
19:17.59fileXentac|athena: bah... try though
19:18.00kergothlalo: if its my information, i can.
19:18.07lalothere is no "my" information
19:18.10kergothlalo: if i hold the copyright on my work, its my right to decide the terms
19:18.11laloinformation is information
19:18.13merlin262lalo: so we should force everyone to give away the sourcecode?
19:18.14scanlineXentac|athena: but the opie people like it because even though it has only a tiny fraction of xchat's features it's about 30k smaller ;)
19:18.26kergothlalo would bankrupt every programmer i know
19:18.30Xentac|athenascanline: hehehe
19:18.36kergothin an ideal world perhaps
19:18.40kergothlast i checked this wasnt an ideal world
19:18.41fraggletkergoth: the fsf dont believe in ownership of software
19:19.03lalosomewhere in the Renaiscence, it was very expensive to copy books, and surgent companies would print them for money, leaving the author to starve
19:19.16lalothen the authors gathered together and created a nifty convention called "copyright"
19:19.25lalobut it's just that, artificial. Not an inherent right.
19:19.51lalosome centuries later someone came up with the very stupid idea that copyright could be sold, and things got fucked up.
19:19.51Keyser[zzz]it must've been pretty cool, to get everyone so worked up :)
19:19.57carpmanKeyser[zzz]: no, it was me. I said I didn't hate RMS :)
19:19.58scanlineKeyser[zzz]: nah, licensing for merlin262's package manager
19:20.06Xentac|athenakeyser: no, it was kergoth ;o)
19:20.13kergothbah, we're not talking about established rights, we're talking about freedom
19:20.19lalokergoth: you'd be surprised to know I'm a programmer, I live *only* of making free software, and I'm far from bankrupt
19:20.31kergothscanline: you must be pretty agile :)
19:20.40scanlinekergoth: I fell on my ass
19:20.46kergothnice try
19:21.16laloso are lots of folks that work for RedHat, VA, and others
19:21.35carpmanmerlin262: any idea on what kind of name we want?
19:21.47lalothis "bankrupt all programmers" is FUD that free software has been living with for 20+ years :-( it's patently untrue
19:22.03carpmanindeed. You make money on support contracts.
19:22.03laloscanline: I'm not sure it's legal
19:22.10kergoth'free' software is bullshit. GPL -limits- my freedom as a developer
19:22.22laloscanline: but then again you're probably not gonna run this trough a validator anyway
19:22.25Keyser[zzz]i don't think it's matter of morality if people release source or not, and it seems absurd to think that anyone would force people to release source
19:22.32lalokergoth: just the ones you don't have anyway.
19:22.33kergothKeyser[zzz]: precisely
19:22.46lalokergoth: but it gives you the freedom to use other people's code
19:22.47filehello fraggle
19:22.47scanlinelalo: hmm.. looks liek you're right. I was trying to make a property ending with @ as a convention for specifying a file name rather than the property's contents
19:22.53Keyser[zzz]it seems equally absurd to think that someone could keep another person from copying something.
19:22.56laloit only asks in return that they can also use yours
19:23.06kergothlalo: yes, and it limits my freedom by doing so
19:23.17laloit is a freedom you don't really have.
19:23.19kergothlalo: it gives me some yes, i never claimed otherwise
19:23.26laloyou've been artificially induced to believe you do
19:23.33kergothin this world, i do
19:23.39kergothin your ideal world, i wouldnt
19:23.43fraggledo you have a right to own slaves?
19:23.45lalobut you don't, just as I don't have the freedom to go to your home, drink your beer, eat your food and kill you.
19:23.49kergothhere, and now, i can do it, and get away with it
19:24.01kergothlalo: you're free to do that
19:24.07lalothat doesn't make it a freedom. A possibility, perhaps.
19:24.07kergothlalo: there just happens to be consequences for it
19:24.16kergothbah, now we're arguing semantics
19:24.16carpmanugh. Philosophical debate.
19:24.18Keyser[zzz]you make a copy by looking at something, and making something else that is the same.  that doesn't take anything away from anyone.  the act of making a copy doesn't depend on the original items author being alive or dead, it's unrelated.
19:25.00fileno new mail.
19:25.00Keyser[zzz]my 0.02$, anyway.
19:25.01kergothKeyser[zzz]: oh i agree
19:25.01carpmannight Keyser[zzz]
19:25.01laloit's very abstractly absurd to say "you can't copy this", just makes no sense
19:25.29filewhat do they put on your driver's license for hair color if your bald?
19:25.29laloif you don't want it to be copied, don't f(*($#g release it. Look at it as much as you want, then delete it.
19:25.32carpmanI wonder how many days it will take to break the latest CD copy protection.
19:25.53scanlinecarpman: about as long as it takes for someone to put batteries in their walkman
19:26.04carpmanscanline: hehe, damn strait.
19:27.09merlin262I haven't bought cds in a while. :(
19:27.14laloif for some reason the ogg encoder is stupid enough to be unable to encode a CD, I'm going to play it, pipe it trough a cable into another computer, record it again, and encode
19:27.19merlin262all too damn expensive
19:27.23carpmanI have gnutella, why do I need to buy cds?
19:27.26laloor perhaps I'll just cease to buy CDs at all
19:28.12fraggleoh my god, they killed fragglet!
19:28.29fileeh it's only fragglet... nothing lost
19:28.32merlin262actually, seems to be getting better, more major artists, etcv...
19:28.43file*G* j/k
19:28.54fileor am I?
19:29.01fileyup I am
19:29.11fileif you think I am
19:29.29merlin262someday, I'll have a linux job, working on my pet projects
19:29.57lalomerlin262: one thing at a time ;-)
19:30.20lalofirst you get a linux job... then you make it more related to what you like... then after some years you get to work on your pet projects
19:30.20scanlineugh, this XML spec is so dang verbose I can't find the list of allowed characters in attribute names
19:30.42merlin262seriously, XML is spawned from the debil himself
19:30.49carpmanscanline: how about _
19:30.58laloscanline: trial and error ;-) put it there and see if expat barfs
19:31.03fileno new mail son of a macaroni and cheese eating person who eats and gets fat
19:31.06scanlinecarpman: I don't think underscores are allowed
19:31.12carpmanthats what I use in AoF, if a propery name begins with _ it won't sync
19:31.14laloI *think* it's A-Za-z_-
19:31.14carpmanscanline: oh
19:31.43laloactually, add 0-9
19:31.44scanlineoh, nevermind.. _ is allowed
19:32.03scanlineI had a parse error right next to my property that I was getting confused
19:32.08laloI'm pretty sure - is, we use it on TAL
19:33.01scanlineso I'd have something like:
19:33.02scanline<textbox text_="~/samples/albuquerque.txt"/>
19:33.10scanlinea little ugly
19:33.49merlin262Now, to pitch my package manager to RedHat, SuSe, and Mandrake!
19:33.59scanlinebut hey, it works
19:34.20lalowhy can't it be just "text"?
19:34.39scanlinelalo: that's for reading the text in from a file, whereas just "text" would specify the text in place
19:34.56lalothat sucks ;-)
19:35.04scanlineyeah... but is there a better way?
19:35.10laloyou could go the HTML way, and, for reading from a file, use "src"
19:35.37scanlinetext_src=... does look better
19:36.34laloxml sucks for this level of control :-/
19:37.01scanlineit's still a pretty close fit to what WTs need
19:37.11fragglePicoBot: xml?
19:37.11PicoBotI love xml.
19:37.39scanlinelalo: it shouldn't be a problem to add alternate WT formats and parsers later :)
19:38.32lalook, too tired :-) gotta go home
19:38.42scanlineg'night lalo
19:38.55kergothnight lalo
19:39.36merlin262PicoBot: xml is also the devil.
19:39.37PicoBotokay, merlin262.
19:39.41merlin262PicoBot: xml
19:39.41PicoBotI love xml. or the devil.
19:39.56scanline<label font=":20:bold">Hello World</label>
19:39.56scanline<textbox text_src="/home/micah/samples/albuquerque.txt" readonly="1"/>
19:40.24merlin262your scaring me.
19:40.33scanlineI always scare you
19:40.53scanline67 lines of python to parse that :P
19:41.23fragglePicoBot is so funny
19:41.50fragglePicoBot: xml =~ s/or/|/
19:41.51PicoBotOK, fraggle
19:41.53carpmanscanline: does that do what I think it does?
19:41.54fragglePicoBot: xml?
19:41.54PicoBoti heard xml was the devil.
19:41.55fragglePicoBot: xml?
19:41.56fileXML is good
19:41.56PicoBotI love xml.
19:41.58scanlinecarpman: probably
19:42.21carpmanscanline: can you do that with a textbox instead of a scrollbox?
19:42.26fragglePicoBot 1
19:42.26PicoBotfraggle: huh?
19:42.29fragglePicoBot a
19:42.29PicoBotibot: b
19:42.29picobot: c
19:42.37scanlinecarpman: eh? that is a textbox in there
19:42.52carpmanscanline: I mean embed a checkbox in a textbox
19:42.57scanlinecarpman: oh. not yet
19:43.33scanlinemaybe soon though... this XWT format will lend itself well to inserting widgets in textboxen
19:45.57merlin262widget wish list: tab boxes, tables, menu bars, full scroll bars
19:46.18carpmanwishlist: nameless AoF, Python, nxpackage, picogui distro
19:46.49merlin262carpman: The future remains cloudy, yet optimistic.
19:47.02carpmanmerlin262: hehe, the future is going to kick ass
19:48.18merlin262that it will
19:48.56lalo[out]actually, embedding widgets in textboxes is going to raise a small XWT problem :-)
19:49.10lalo[out]of how you specify where they're supposed to go in the text
19:49.28scanlineaha, bitmap_src works
19:50.03scanlinelalo[out]: I was figuring that PG_DERIVE_INSIDE would put the widget at the cursor
19:50.32scanlineyou could set the insertion mode to 'append', then it would set the text property, insert a widget, set the text property again, etc. to build the textbox contents
19:50.38carpmanmerlin262: I'm thinking, for the bootup process, pgserver will run, and the bootup will be shown graphicaly in picogui
19:50.55merlin262but X needs to be running, no?
19:51.05merlin262of course, we could always use an FB pgserver
19:51.07carpmanmerlin262: no, picogui can run in SDL mode until its time for X
19:51.09merlin262SICK SICK!
19:51.18scanlinecarpman: SDL? how about fbdev?
19:51.18carpmanmerlin262: optional of course >:)
19:51.24carpmanscanline: ok
19:51.43merlin262carpman: I suddenly have a sick desire to write python init scripts
19:51.46scanlinemerlin262: it would use very little extra space.. the framebuffer driver isn't big, and the linear VBLs it relies on are required by x11 anyway
19:51.55carpmanmerlin262: see what I'm talking about
19:52.30carpmancopland os enterprise, here we come
19:52.43merlin262we need a name, tho
19:53.01merlin262my other friend and I worked on it for a year, never figured out a name
19:53.32carpmanscanline: all we would realy need is a voice recog. program... then... "Hello Mach5", "Hello carpman"
19:53.53merlin262scanline: how are you testing these widget apps?
19:54.11merlin262carpman: how do you think you'd make a picogui bootup looklike
19:54.13scanlinemerlin262:, a short script that compiles the WT and instantiates it
19:55.20carpmanmerlin262: well, myself, I would choose a nice background, use the lucid theme, have the boot messages in a text box, and the list of processes to start as unclickable check boxes that check or x when done or failed
19:55.59carpmanmerlin262: but WTs make that totaly configurable
19:56.42carpmanmerlin262: maybe some progess bars for fscks
19:56.52carpmanthose could appear and dissipear, tho
19:58.30merlin262carpman: hmmm......
19:58.45merlin262services could have icons ala' MacOS extensions
19:59.31merlin262I like the idea of python init scripts
19:59.34merlin262very extensible
19:59.38merlin262easy to use
20:00.26scanlineportable :)
20:01.34merlin262portable init scripts?
20:01.54merlin262I really need to get another Linux system up so I can test some stuff
20:02.19scanlineUser Mode Linux
20:06.55kergothUML rocks
20:06.59kergothgdb ./linux!
20:07.14merlin262carpman: I was serious when I said earlier that I want to be running the distribution this Christmas time.
20:07.28carpmanmerlin262: ok, lets proceed to kick ass >:)
20:07.45merlin262seriously, if you can start to write init scripts....
20:07.55merlin262(and tredge forward w/ AOF)
20:07.59carpmanI can have lufs talking to AoF in a day or two, init scripts are trivial
20:08.09scanline <-- this is 100% XML >:)
20:08.31carpmanscanline: hell-freaking-yes
20:08.47filethose are cute
20:09.17merlin262scanline: are you using the rootless driver for most of your dev work now?
20:09.21scanlineIt should also be possible to draw in the canvas widget from inside a WT, though I have no clue how to represent that in XML yet
20:09.23merlin262it's realy awsome to see it working so nice.
20:09.27scanlinemerlin262: yep
20:09.43scanlinemerlin262: it's easier to find bugs when using it ;)
20:10.31scanline <-- the source for that example
20:10.39carpmanmerlin262: excited?
20:11.29merlin262carpman: hell yea
20:12.32carpmanmerlin262: I'll see if I can sit down with a double shot espresso tommorow and crank out the structure for the init scripts
20:12.54merlin262just about...
20:12.57scanlinemmm, espresso
20:13.14merlin262seriously, throw everything out the window, and write something that is NICE
20:13.14carpmanmerlin262: yeah, its time to put the kernel to work
20:13.42scanlinemerlin262: did I tell you I have toolbar apps in rootless somewhat working?
20:13.53carpmanscanline: screenshot
20:13.59scanlinehehe, just a sec
20:17.50carpmanNOT FOUND?!?!
20:18.16carpmanEvil master keeping me from my Precious!!!!
20:18.18scanlineoops, typo
20:19.02scanlineshould be there now
20:19.12carpmanOH MY FREAKING WORD!
20:19.41scanlinethat's about 20 lines of code in managed_rootless.c :P
20:19.53scanlinethe background there is being rendered by a picogui theme
20:20.00carpmanmerlin262: are you thinking what I'm thinking?
20:20.13scanlineit just created a window covering the desktop, stuck a background widget in it, and used it as an attachment point for toolbars
20:20.24scanlineit needs some work with focusing and WM hints still
20:20.32merlin262carpman: But where will we find rubber pants our size?
20:20.48carpmanmerlin262: in the PicoGUI source, or on my AoF storage
20:21.30merlin262scanline: OMFG
20:21.46merlin262I _REALLY_ wish you could've seen my concept pics of the desktop
20:21.49scanlineit's not that exciting, just a big ugly keyboard and mostly-empty toolbar ;)
20:21.51merlin262these are earilly similar
20:22.24scanlineand the background isn't good, I just wanted to show off something that was clearly rendered with a fillstyle
20:22.26merlin262just need the QuickApps bar
20:22.40scanlineYou guys should have seen the doodad I was playing with last night
20:22.46carpmanscanline: it IS that exciting, because with some glue code we can merge 3 projects and make something that everyone from a total n00b to a superuser can use as a distro, and be comfortable.
20:22.58scanlinecarpman: :)
20:23.23merlin262scanline: my idea for a quick bar, I'll run it by you
20:23.34carpmanwell, I'm going to bed.
20:23.38carpmanNight all.
20:23.42merlin262night carpman
20:23.44scanlineg'night carpman
20:24.09merlin262scanline: I've converted carpman to one of my distro peopl!
20:24.14merlin262world domination here i come.
20:24.26merlin262anyway, here's the basic idea for the quick bar
20:24.34merlin262the quick bar would be part of the desktop/background
20:24.56merlin262but movable, very similar in terms of look to the channel bar in Windows 95...
20:25.06merlin262apps could dock themselves to it, and add messages
20:25.34merlin262in my concept screenshot, I had an email app, and an aim app, such that the quickbar would let you know you where being, msgd, etc...
20:25.55merlin262scanline: it'd be floating in the screen though...
20:26.00merlin262and vertical
20:26.15scanlineso 2 lines of code difference :)
20:26.20merlin262lol scanline
20:26.30scanlinecaptain_proton: XML!!!!
20:26.59merlin262^^^^^^^ why I gave up a few months ago on the distro
20:27.28merlin262that, combined with the lack of a package manager, made life very difficult
20:29.00scanline-rw-r--r--    1 micah    micah       47164 Nov 11 20:31 test.wt
20:29.00scanline-rw-r--r--    1 micah    micah         978 Nov 11 20:09 test.xwt
20:29.23Xentackergoth: still there?
20:29.35captain_protonscanline: ?
20:29.51kergothXentac: yeah
20:29.55kergothXentac: hows 3.0 working for you
20:29.56scanlinecaptain_proton: I can now compile XWTs
20:30.05Xentacdid the conf files change since 2.whatever?
20:30.15kergothconf files?
20:30.22scanlinecaptain_proton: <-- an XWT file
20:30.24Xentacsorry... data files...
20:30.28kergothshouldnt have
20:30.31Xentacaddress book, etc
20:30.32scanlinecaptain_proton: <-- a screenshot of that file, loaded
20:30.43kergothbut i hear theres issues with  one of hte pim apps parsing the xml
20:30.54kergothi'd recommend using the sync apps to deal with your data
20:30.58kergothas that is confirmed to be sane
20:30.58scanlinecaptain_proton: and the XML compiles down to a nice simple self-contained binary format :)
20:31.03Xentacah well...
20:32.07captain_protonscanline: thexy
20:32.47scanlinecaptain_proton: I've had these silly things about 80% implemented for a long time now.. finally fixed the bugs and wrote the XML parts
20:37.05Xentacwhat's vtun?
20:38.11kergothXentac: virtual tunnel
20:38.22kergothXentac: tunneling. ethernet level, ip level, etc
20:38.29bphilipsAnyone try compiling 0.4.2 with gcc 3.2???
20:38.33Xentacah... not encryted?
20:38.36kergothXentac: user space daemon. works extremely well, supports encryption, compression
20:38.48scanlinebphilips: I'm pretty sure I tried it with 3.2 and didn't have any problems
20:38.50Xentacwhat protocol?
20:38.57kergothXentac: depends
20:39.03kergothXentac: like i said, you can tunnel at various layers
20:39.09kergothXentac: ethernet, ip, tcp, udp
20:39.31scanlinewhee, translated the PicoSM WT into XML
20:39.37Xentacah, I see
20:39.40bphilipshmmm... collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
20:39.41bphilipsmake[1]: *** [pgserver] Error 1
20:39.41bphilipsmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/bphilips/Downloads/picogui-0.42/pgserver'
20:39.41bphilipsmake: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
20:39.41bphilips  it keeps dying I do the usual ./, ./configure.. etc
20:39.56kergothbphilips: thats not hte real error. its farther up
20:40.09kergothwhy do people always think 'returned exit status' is useful information?
20:40.20kergothits like parsing compile errors is an acquired skill
20:40.38kergothseriously. everybody always pastes that bottom line
20:40.49kergothi mean, we know it failed, or you wouldnt be here asking
20:40.53kergothwhat we dont know is why
20:40.54bphilips/home/bphilips/Downloads/picogui-0.42/pgserver/pgmain.c:303: undefined reference to `bdf_fontstyles'
20:40.55bphilipsvidbase/libvidbase.a(font_bdf.o): In function `bdf_create':
20:40.55bphilips/home/bphilips/Downloads/picogui-0.42/pgserver/vidbase/font_bdf.c:245: undefined reference to `bdf_fontstyles'
20:40.55bphilipsvidbase/libvidbase.a(font_bdf.o): In function `bdf_getstyle':
20:40.55bphilips/home/bphilips/Downloads/picogui-0.42/pgserver/vidbase/font_bdf.c:304: undefined reference to `bdf_fontstyles'
20:40.59kergoththere we go
20:41.27kergothXentac: file's complain level is off the scale
20:41.34scanlinebphilips: does your pgserver/font/bdf_fonts.c exist?
20:41.35Xentackergoth: true enough
20:42.24scanlinebphilips: does it contain the definition of bdf_fontstyles?
20:42.35scanlineoh wait
20:42.44scanlineI forgot this was 0.42 you were talking about
20:43.10scanlineThis was a bug in the build system, it's been fixed, but you'll need to use CVS instead of 0.42
20:43.21merlin262scanline: what exactly is the configuration of freetype your using?
20:43.27bphilipsno it just has two #include
20:43.29Xentackergoth: what happens if I logout and don't have opie-logon installed?
20:43.41bphilipsso I need to download from the cvs tree?
20:43.45scanlinebphilips: yes
20:43.57scanlinemerlin262: mostly just the defaults
20:43.58scanlinepath = /home/micah/picogui/cvs/fonts
20:44.08merlin262scanline: no, freetype itself
20:44.20scanlinemerlin262: oh. Latest CVS, with all defaults
20:44.29kergothXentac: it drops you to a console login
20:44.32bphilipsok, thanks guys, any one going to fix the tarball?
20:44.34Xentacoh, alrigthy
20:44.37kergothXentac: iirc
20:44.50Xentackergoth: so logout just kills opie? and opie-logon would restart it sort of thing...?
20:45.09scanlinebphilips: we can't just fix 0.42, it would have to be a new release. Until the next release you can use the CVS snapshot tarballs made automatically every 4 hours
20:45.26kergothXentac: well, logout brings you to opie-login
20:45.29kergothXentac: so does terminate opie
20:45.36kergothXentac: as opie-login stays running, monitoring the opie process
20:46.18kergothDIE IN WINTER!
20:46.22kergothi fucking love this song
20:46.30scanlineXentac: look at the picogui questions in the OZ faq
20:46.37kergothXentac: rtfm
20:46.39Xentacscanline: hehehe, I know
20:46.55Xentacand I figured you guy's get annoyed when I said it ;o) so I did
20:47.15Xentacmerlin262: sorry... 404 ;o)
20:47.45kergothgotta love the lart function
20:47.55kergothmm kernels
20:48.07merlin262scanline: WE MUST have
20:48.11kergothspeaking of which, i've been slackin
20:48.14scanlinemerlin262: what should be in it? :)
20:48.23kergothi need to write that CF FM radio card driver
20:48.26kergothits only half done
20:48.32merlin262scanline: you have any documentation on picogui?
20:48.38scanlinemerlin262: sure
20:48.39merlin262have it autorefresh to the faq. :)
20:49.03kergothscanline: meta tag
20:50.34captain_protonscanline: we're looking to have a party where we do a public showing of one of the 2 movies you missed - interested?
20:50.46scanlinecaptain_proton: when?
20:51.11captain_protonscanline: 10?
20:51.21scanlinecaptain_proton: ok
20:51.26merlin262scanline: what's this simple menu?
20:51.35scanlinemerlin262: a widget I haven't written yet
20:51.59scanlinemerlin262: it will be for replacing the pgMenuFromString() in cli_c now
20:52.33merlin262I was hopeful for a window widget
20:52.39merlin262er menu
20:53.00merlin262menu's ala gtk/qt/mozilla/etc....
20:53.11scanlinewe already have that
20:53.12merlin262scanline: main menu bars
20:53.36merlin262actually, yea, just one small thing missing
20:53.40scanlinea menu bar is just a box widget :P
20:53.48scanlineanyway, TFM is operational
20:54.14captain_protonaw crap
20:54.21captain_protonthere's already a waitlist for the osclass
20:54.28merlin262scanline: what aps use the menubar?
20:54.47captain_protonscanline: nono. the -fine- manual
20:54.50Xentacscanline: nice
20:54.58merlin262lol captain_proton
20:55.04scanlinemerlin262: there is no menubar. But there are several apps that use menus. connect four, pgl, the file picker just to name a few
20:55.14scanlinecaptain_proton: which os class?
20:55.36scanlinemerlin262: heck, there's even a "menutest" app
20:55.38captain_protonscanline: the one you're taking this semester
20:55.45scanlinecaptain_proton: not worth the wait ;)
20:55.58captain_protonscanline: required class
20:56.09merlin262scanline: you have any ideas on how to get things setup so you can click a menu button, hold the mouse down, and move to another?
20:56.44KeyserSozescanline: earlier you told me the form the pgfilter needs to take in pgFilePicker...
20:56.48KeyserSozewhere'd you find that at?
20:56.51scanlinemerlin262: it will just need to allow the mouse to enter menuitem widgets from any divtree. I've thought about that, just hasn't been anywhere near top priority
20:56.59KeyserSozei don't see it in doxygen or the wiki
20:57.06scanlineKeyserSoze: doxygen docs
20:57.14kergothXentac: getting your Z back in shape?
20:57.21Xentacit seems to be standing up to everything
20:57.22captain_protonwell i'm 3rd on the waitlist
20:57.24captain_protoni'll likely get in
20:57.27Xentacexcept, I can't figure out how to change the background...
20:57.29scanlinecaptain_proton: yeah
20:57.32KeyserSozeis this it:   typedef int(* pgfilter )(const char *string, const char *pattern)
20:57.39scanlineKeyserSoze: yes
20:57.47captain_protonif not i'll just have to take something within the college of arts and crafts
20:58.08scanlineunderwater basket weaving?
20:58.14kergothXentac: thats in the faq
20:58.16captain_protonthe thought had crossed my mind
20:58.18merlin262oh heck, a lock
20:58.25KeyserSozevisual basic is arts and crafts, right?
20:58.32merlin262scanline: are you updating cvs right now?
20:58.36kergothXentac: in the launcher stetings, you can set bg on a per tab basis, or bglobally
20:58.37scanlinemerlin262: yes
20:58.40merlin262guess so
20:58.43Xentacreally? cool
20:58.56captain_protonif there's one reason to be an engineer, its so you can be superior to everyone else
20:58.57scanlinemerlin262: the sourceforge server has been particularly slow today
20:59.05captain_protonoh scanline, dan and I had the BEST IDEA EVER
20:59.15scanlinecaptain_proton: but where will we find that much yogurt?
20:59.25captain_protonscanline: we want to build a car
20:59.30captain_protonthats a giant hamster ball
20:59.41kergoththats beautiful
20:59.44kergothdo it
20:59.54captain_protontwo concentric spheres with motors between them
20:59.55kergothyou better run fast tho
21:00.00kergothoh, motors
21:00.07captain_protonthe inner sphere weighted at the bottom with a large number of batteries
21:00.28scanlinecaptain_proton: it's funny, I had an idea very similar to this a long time ago, and almost instantly passed it off as crazy ;)
21:01.26merlin262btw kergoth, have you looked at my idea for a make replacement
21:01.27kergothmerlin262: wait, i had it?
21:01.35merlin262kergoth: good point. :D
21:01.38scanlineKeyserSoze: it calls the filter function for each file name in the list, if you want that file included return nonzero
21:01.39kergothmerlin262: i have not. havent had a chance. busy busy lately
21:01.51kergothmerlin262: remind me tomorrow, i'll take a look
21:02.36merlin262kergoth: I think you'll like it
21:02.52merlin262kergoth: it's a system designed to eliminate many of the problems w/ make
21:03.01KeyserSozescanline: oh, that's not so bad.
21:03.39merlin262kergoth: my general thought is, with a good replacement to make, replacement build systems (like autoconf) will create themselves.
21:04.44merlin262scanline: now it can't find any fonts...
21:05.08scanlinemerlin262: By default it looks in /usr/share/fonts, if your fonts are elsewhere specify that path
21:05.20scanlinemerlin262: read README.configfile, [font-freetype] section
21:05.59merlin262hrm.... I've managed to make it segfault, pree startup
21:06.30scanlinemerlin262: you're not allowed to break my software! ;)
21:06.51kergothld just segfaulted on me
21:06.51merlin262scanline: Segmentation Fault
21:07.08scanlinemerlin262: more.. info...
21:07.22kergothi have to gdb ld
21:07.25kergoththis is sick
21:07.50merlin262scanline: it was a recursive symlink, that killed pgserver
21:08.00scanlinemerlin262: ahh
21:08.06scanlineyeah, it doesn't check for that :)
21:08.18merlin262scanline: take it back
21:08.24merlin262i thought that's what it was. :/
21:10.04scanlinebbiab, taking a shower
21:10.08merlin262w00t, i've got it working
21:10.23merlin262perhaps it found to many?
21:10.30merlin262linking in my x11 font dir killed it
21:27.49captain_protonscanline: can you send me the text file mentioned here:
21:28.46scanlineooh, I had a crazy idea in the shower!
21:28.54scanlinecaptain_proton: you mean the text for albuquerque?
21:29.01captain_protonscanline: yeah
21:29.04Ahnkanaoh dear
21:29.11KeyserSozescanline: do i need to delete or free a bitmap context, if I am going to delete the bitmap it is for, and then reset it to be a context for a new bitmap?
21:30.00scanlineKeyserSoze: yes
21:30.01scanlinemerlin262: imagine using hyperlinked WTs to replace HTML in some circumstances, like for help files
21:31.01captain_protonscanline: this is scary
21:31.11scanlinecaptain_proton: you want the song?
21:31.16scanlinecaptain_proton: it's an awesome song
21:31.39KeyserSozeah, pgDeleteContext, found it.
21:31.48merlin262 /dev is sick.
21:32.12scanlinemerlin262: don't like tools that do 52,692 things and do them well, eh?
21:32.13captain_protonscanline: sure, why not
21:32.16KeyserSozescanline: it'd be nice if all the doxygen docs were on one page, to allow searching all of it easily with a browser
21:33.10scanline /navi/public/media/music/comedy/Weird_Al_-_Albuquerque.mp3
21:33.38scanlineoops, dead symlink
21:34.08scanline /navi/public/media/music/brandon_archive/Weird_Al_-_Albuquerque.mp3
21:34.17merlin262scanline: sure do, hence my pkg manager
21:34.48scanlinemerlin262: your packet-driven stuff is quite similar to what power's picogui's WTs and themes :P
21:35.32merlin262just the video drivers
21:36.03scanlineI love WTs. The format spec for them is like 30 lines long, but you can do pretty much anything with 'em
21:40.25scanlinethat'd be neat
21:42.19scanlinewell.. now that we have XWT it might be possible to make a graphical WT editor
21:42.29scanlinea treeitem widget would help though
21:43.30merlin262new wishlist items: #  Tree widget for PicoGUI, #  Table widget for PicoGUI, #  PicoGUI CUPS Printing Program
21:43.41scanlinetable widget?
21:43.45scanlinetree widget?
21:44.12merlin262hi gonkulator
21:44.17scanlinehi gonkulator
21:44.21Ahnkanahi gonkulator
21:44.35Ahnkana(how many people can we get to  do that? LOL)
21:44.43gonkulatorhi merlin262
21:44.48gonkulatorhi scanline
21:44.51gonkulatorhi Ahnkana
21:44.52scanlinecaptain_proton: how many people will be at this 'party' thing, and will it be in your room?
21:44.57gonkulatorhi captain_proton
21:45.01captain_protonscanline: i dunno yet
21:45.02gonkulatorcaptain_proton: party?
21:45.04captain_protonand yes, my room
21:45.12scanlinemerlin262: just give me one good reason why we need a tree widget instead of a tree item widget
21:45.18captain_protonscanline: i'm not sure it'll be 10pm, dan isn't back yet
21:45.26scanlinecaptain_proton: no problem, just let me know
21:45.52merlin262scanline: oic what your getting at.
21:46.06merlin262still it'd be nice to have the tree items interconnect via lines
21:46.23scanlinemerlin262: there's no reason you can't do that in a tree item
21:46.40scanlinedont' make smart containers, make smart data
21:46.43merlin262have a tree item such that it can have children, and then it draws them, like a, erm, tree?
21:46.49scanlinemerlin262: right
21:47.12scanlinemerlin262: now there are also operations you may want to do to the whole list, like insertion or sorting
21:47.24scanlinemerlin262: but those aren't specific to trees, they'd be useful in lists or anything else
21:48.10scanlinemerlin262: so insertion and traversal is handled with pgAttachWidget and pgTraverseWidget. There's no sorting mechanism yet, but when one is implemented it should be made to just sort all widgets in a container by an assigned key. It won't matter whether that's forming a tree, list, toolbar, etc.
21:48.46scanlinemerlin262: this same philosophy is why you can put a bitmap inside a button inside a menu :)
21:49.16scanlineFor drawing the connections between tree items, you will need to know how deep the item is in the tree, but the items can communicate that to each other
21:49.16merlin262altho, buttons in menus generally don't work well.
21:49.37merlin262the ability is nice tho
21:49.38scanlinemerlin262: in a traditional GUI no. In picogui a menu item _is_ a button
21:49.56scanlinemerlin262: so if you can put a bitmap in a button, you can put a bitmap in a menu
21:50.13merlin262it's faster
21:50.18merlin262to search the menus
21:50.25merlin262I'm used to it
21:50.27scanlinein implementation or for the user?
21:50.32merlin262for the user
21:50.47Xentackergoth: hehehe
21:50.49scanlinemerlin262: I'm not saying a menuitem acts like a normal button
21:50.53XentacPicoBot: speak
21:50.53PicoBotthe enumeration of many quasi-variable methodological, narcoleptic, semi-conductive forms of bistate multivibrators is marginally empowering and superfluously inebriating or fun
21:51.03scanlinemerlin262: a menuitem in picogui acts just like a traditional menu item, it's just implemented with a button
21:51.13merlin262ahhh, ic
21:51.18merlin262scanline: what about submenus?
21:51.43scanlinewhat about them? There's a submenuitem widget that's like a menuitem but a different theme (so an arrow can be added)
21:52.04scanlineyou can use an event handler from one of these submenuitems to create a menu, just like you did to create the menu the submenuitem is in
21:52.20scanlinethe popup widget figures out what to do from context
21:54.29scanlineBut anyway... in picogui I like to treat widgets as versatile components for building applications, rather than as buzzwords to cross off on a checklist :)
21:55.35merlin262buzzwords are good
21:56.03merlin262the trick is getting the buzzwords, but doing them properly
21:57.42scanlinecould be interesting
21:58.06merlin262while the textbox is good, there's a lot that gecko does: CSS, etc...
21:58.37merlin262really, I'm curious what the performace would be like
21:58.47merlin262picogui i believe does everything it needs
21:58.54merlin262and some things would be done using real widgets...
21:59.29kergothmmmm 40 hour days
22:01.01merlin262as soon as I get this package manager going
22:01.16merlin262I'm going to do a tab widget if one isn't already done
22:01.55merlin262scanline: you looked at the package manager sourcecode?
22:02.10scanlineno, I didn't know it was up
22:02.31merlin262really, all the work so far has been planning, i haven't written much code
22:02.34merlin262but there is some:
22:02.46merlin262almost all written over the weekend
22:07.16scanlinehmm.. the heading on your source files looks familiar :)
22:07.33merlin262it's standard GNU boilerplate..... i ripped it off...
22:07.36kergoth/usr/src/coding/projects/userspace/buildroot/build/qt-2.3.4-beta2/lib/ undefined reference to `__socket'
22:08.04kergothmerlin262: i've wiped my toolchain and rebuilt it 7 times now
22:08.04scanlinemerlin262: yeah, just that the exact formatting of the file description and contributors thing I haven't seen outside of picogui :)
22:08.08kergothmerlin262: i'm working on 8
22:08.18merlin262scanline: I liked it.
22:08.40merlin262you like the pkg manager?
22:08.53scanlinemerlin262: every time I see Nx it makes me think of nano-X
22:09.01scanlinelooks neat so far
22:09.19merlin262what you think about how the drivers/etc are done?
22:09.43scanlinestill looking
22:10.06scanlinePktDriver* gPacketDrivers[256]; <-- why 256?
22:10.20merlin262right now, the packet type is a byte
22:10.29merlin262uint8_t pktType;
22:10.32scanlinebut I doubt you have 256 packet handlers
22:10.41merlin262there are mostly 8's
22:10.46merlin262er NULL's
22:10.52merlin262there will be a lot of them though
22:11.24scanlineIt would be better to dynamically allocate that table. As it is now, you're thowing away 1k of memory
22:11.39merlin262ahhh... yea, that's a point
22:11.52scanlinebut even more important than that, you have 256's sprinkled all over your code
22:12.05merlin262tr00 tr00
22:12.07scanlineuse sizeof(), a #define, or dynamic allocation
22:12.25merlin262nit picks are good generally. :)
22:12.49kergoththey can be good
22:12.53kergoththey arent good -generally-
22:15.56merlin262I'm going to have a few default defined database:
22:16.07merlin262(or tables)
22:16.21merlin262and have it setup such that the package manager will work with any given database implementation
22:16.24merlin262the default being mysql
22:16.45Xentacscanline: which festivox packages do you have?
22:17.10scanlinethe 16kHz british one, forget what it's called
22:17.28scanlineI guess
22:17.38Xentachow did you hack the channel thing?
22:18.11scanlineright after the line:
22:18.12scanline        $lastthingsaid = $speakline;
22:18.15scanlineI added:
22:18.19scanline        # HACK.. only talk about #picogui for now
22:18.19scanline        return 0 if (!($speakline=~/picogui/));
22:19.06scanlineit's a nasty hack... but oh well
22:19.34Xentacquick... someone say something!
22:19.58gonkulatorhi Xentac
22:19.58merlin262everyone get Xenta in trouble
22:20.03Xentachi gonkulator
22:20.08scanlinezen tack: how is the speech thing ee work ing?
22:20.37scanlinegonkulator: want to order pizza?
22:20.48gonkulatorscanline: I am stuck at home for now
22:20.54kergothmmm pizza
22:20.56kergothtoo bad i'm broke
22:21.00gonkulatorbut pizza does sound good
22:21.37scanlinekergoth: you should let digi's customers know that you're more likely to know the answers to their problems if they give you pizza money
22:22.01Ahnkanagonkulator: never mind i figured it out
22:22.12Ahnkanairc went schizo
22:22.14scanlineXentac: too fast?
22:22.15darth_iBookgrr, dl faster, stupid map
22:22.18Xentacscanline: yeah
22:22.27scanlineXentac: read the source code, there's a speed control
22:22.28gonkulatorAhnkana: sorry bout the AIM thing
22:22.43gonkulatorAhnkana: I am trying to get my other AIM client to work, but it won't
22:22.43kergothscanline: i still need a paypal link on so peopel can contribute money for pizza and alcohol
22:23.01scanlinekergoth: yep
22:23.37kergothi'd likely contriubte
22:23.40kergothcontribute too!
22:23.48scanlinemaybe I'll make ramens
22:23.50darth_iBookI want pizza and beer
22:23.54kergothmmmm ramen
22:24.05darth_iBookkergoth: made me hungry
22:24.24merlin262my pipe dream: mandrake/suse/connectiva/desktoplx/lindows decides they like the pkg manager and fund the development
22:25.16kergothquotes around potatoes .. thats not a good thing
22:26.01kergothscanline: we talking in the box tv-dinner style salisbury steaks here?
22:26.02AhnkanaI FOUND MY GLASSES!!!!
22:26.02Ahnkanayea for me!
22:26.02kergothAhnkana: congrats
22:26.03scanlinekergoth: something in the same family
22:26.03kergothscanline: figured
22:26.08Ahnkanai am not a snake
22:26.19kergothAhnkana: thats what they all say
22:26.23scanlinekergoth: I was hungry enough that the "mashed" "potatoes" tasted good
22:26.27Ahnkanaall of them?
22:26.32kergothAhnkana: all of them
22:26.37kergothscanline: hah, thats pretty bad
22:26.41merlin262No, we all no snakes have this symbol: 'R'
22:26.48merlin262@ R
22:26.49Ahnkanascanline: I have good found and people have spicy soup
22:26.51scanlineand the "steak" tasted ok when dipped in the "potatoes"
22:27.14kergothscanline: you shouldve gone for pizza
22:27.24kergothAhnkana: i knew it!
22:27.27scanlinekergoth: hmm.. probably. Though it's not too late
22:27.29merlin262 p p p B p @ R p s s
22:27.38scanlineAhnkana: mmmmm
22:27.55Xentacscane-line says anakonda em em em em
22:27.58Ahnkanascanline: want one?
22:28.15scanlineAhnkana: maybe after I eat this mountain dew :)
22:28.23kergothchomp chomp
22:28.35kergothscanline: eh, if its solid enough to eat, its time to throw it away
22:28.36scanlineAnything with as much sugar as a Dew can only be eaten
22:28.38kergothscanline: :)
22:30.53captain_protonscanline: i guess its just whomever we can scrounge up from this building
22:32.37gonkulatorhey darth_iBook
22:33.11captain_protonscanline: poke poke
22:33.11scanlinecaptain_proton: dan back yet?
22:33.27captain_protonscanline: he just returned
22:33.36captain_protonscanline: i need you to scoop up people
22:33.47captain_protonbecause everyone we know wants to sleep
22:38.37kergothheh, excuses excuses
22:43.34captain_protonsleep is for wimps
22:43.43kergothtrue that
22:43.48kergothsleep is a gross waste of time
22:43.51kergothtoo bad we have to do it
22:44.44Ahnkanascanline? sleep? at a normal time....BAH
22:45.26Ahnkanathat bit is funny, the rest of the site is awful
22:47.15XentacH R M P H
22:47.26kergoththats disappointing
22:47.27kergothoh wel
22:47.45Xentacwhat the hell...?
22:47.59XentacI keep hearing, "You are an idiot, wha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"
22:48.07kergothXentac: dood, thats in your head
22:48.19Xentacit's still going...
22:48.23hikkeMozilla open in one page..
22:48.24kergothXentac: its still in your head
22:48.26Ahnkanakergoth: click on the link
22:48.32kergothAhnkana: okay fine
22:48.35XentacAhnkana: son of a!
22:48.43Ahnkanai love it
22:48.48XentacAhnkana: you were seriously creeping me out
22:48.57Xentacmy web browser isn't in the same desktop I was in before...
22:49.00Xentacso all I heard was the sound
22:49.12Xentachow do you pronounce ahnkana?
22:49.18XentacAn Can A?
22:49.54Ahnkanathat is so funny
22:49.54gonkulatorXentac: Ah on ka na
22:49.56hikkeah ka na in finnish :)
22:50.04Ahnkanano no
22:50.08Ahnkanagonkulator: it'
22:50.22Ahnkanayou of all people should know this being one of three to know me personally
22:50.25gonkulatorAhnkana: I made it southern
22:50.34Ahnkanait's AHn-KAH-NAH
22:50.43Ahnkanait is said like it is spelt
22:50.46kergothAhnkana: er, thats too obvious
22:50.47Xentacisn't that what I said?
22:50.47hikkeah on kana would mean in finnish "ah is chicken" :)
22:50.50Ahnkanadid you click the link
22:51.06AhnkanaPicoBot: hikke?
22:51.06PicoBothikke is hmm, somthing strange..
22:51.24hikkePicoBot: forget hikke
22:51.25PicoBothikke: I forgot hikke
22:51.29gonkulatorPicoBot: hikke
22:51.30PicoBotgonkulator: what?
22:51.34kergothPicoBot: emulate kergoth
22:51.38gonkulatorPicoBot: hikke?
22:51.39PicoBoti don't know, gonkulator
22:51.44hikkePicoBot: hikke is a weird finn
22:51.44PicoBotOK, hikke.
22:51.51gonkulatorAhnkana: are you pushing that flashy shit on people again?
22:51.59AhnkanaPicoBot: hikke is a very odd individual who frequently deletes himself
22:52.00PicoBotahnkana: i haven't a clue
22:52.08darth_iBookwell, now that game time is done it's sleep time
22:52.09Ahnkanagonkulator: of course
22:52.18gonkulatornight darth_iBook
22:52.18hikkePicoBot: hikke?
22:52.19PicoBotit has been said that hikke is a weird finn
22:52.19kergothnigth darth_iBook
22:53.25AhnkanaPicoBot: hikke is also a odd person who likes deleting himself
22:53.26PicoBotahnkana: i haven't a clue
22:53.40Ahnkanasay what?
22:54.22kergothyep, definately need another drink
22:54.52hikkePicoBot: forget hikke
22:54.52PicoBothikke: I forgot hikke
22:55.20hikkePicoBot: hikke is a odd person who likes deleting himself, like Ahnkana said
22:55.20PicoBothikke: i don't know
22:55.34hikkePicoBot: hikke is a odd person \who likes deleting himself, like Ahnkana said
22:55.34PicoBotOK, hikke.
22:55.42hikkePicoBot: hikke?
22:55.42PicoBothmmm... hikke is a odd person who likes deleting himself, like Ahnkana said
22:55.45Xentachikke: festival prounces you as 'hick'
22:56.17Xentachikke: say something now
22:56.42Xentacnow you're pronounced he-K
22:57.11Ahnkanathis is one fat cat:
22:57.36Ahnkanathis one is funny:
22:57.39Ahnkanait's not bad
22:57.43Ahnkanait's a cat
22:57.48Ahnkanaan actual ct
22:57.51hikkeYeah right...
22:57.55Ahnkanait's just super fat
22:57.58kergoththats what they all say
22:58.04Ahnkanalike seriously fat
22:58.14Ahnkanalike bigger than me,  fat housecat
22:58.42Ahnkanadid you see it?
22:58.51Ahnkanathe second one, this one
22:58.58Ahnkanais a cat in a glass ? :)
23:06.02Xentacpretty soon everyone in irc will be talking in a pleasant female voice
23:07.20Xentackergoth: having fun?
23:07.43kergothbored off my ass actually
23:08.41Xentacdon't worry...
23:08.54Xentaconce I set it up I'll record your female voice on irc... then dcc it to you, ok?
23:15.53kergothi've got my music anyway
23:18.02Ahnkanahikke: wtf is this site
23:18.14Ahnkanaare they serious?
23:18.25hikkeIt's a joke :)
23:18.36Ahnkanaare you sure? is there  a discl;aimer?
23:18.56Xentacsomeone talk
23:19.04hikkeHmm, atleast some of my friends told me so...
23:19.04kergothXentac: you suck
23:19.13kergothXentac: does it work?
23:19.25Xentacmmmm... cpu hungry...
23:19.27Ahnkanahikke: it looks serious, i looked it over, i think they mean it
23:19.35XentacAhnkana: they don't...
23:19.58Ahnkanahow do you know?
23:20.06kergothAhnkana: heh, they dont
23:20.09Xentacthere have been huge discussions about it
23:20.17Xentacactivist groups have sent them emails, etc
23:20.29Xentacthey always reply with something to the effect of, "dude, chill out... we're just kidding!"
23:20.32Ahnkanaso i saw
23:20.38Ahnkanathey never say that
23:20.44Ahnkanathey tell them to get over it
23:21.13Xentacwell then... send them an email!
23:21.27Ahnkanai did
23:23.03Xentaceveryone talk
23:23.25Xentacno one's talking...
23:24.02Xentacbah, you people are no fun
23:24.16kergothfun? whats that?
23:24.18hikkeHmm, school->
23:24.59Xentac"he-K says H-M-M school greater than"
23:25.37Xentacok... everyone who wants to hear themselves being read out in a female electronic voice... say something now!
23:26.04Xentacsay more than just test
23:26.10Xentacone word
23:26.13Ahnkanamore than just test
23:26.18kergothmore than just test
23:26.27Xentacsay Xentac is the coolest guy in the world!
23:26.28hikkebigger test than others
23:26.32kergothXentac blows.
23:26.38Xentackergoth: punk!
23:26.45XentacI know..
23:26.47kergothcouldnt help it
23:26.47XentacPicoBot: speak
23:26.48PicoBotthe enumeration of many quasi-variable methodological, narcoleptic, semi-conductive forms of bistate multivibrators is marginally empowering and superfluously inebriating or fun
23:26.48hikkeXentec ain't the coolest guy in the world!
23:27.09Xentacok... that should be enough, for now
23:28.03kergothmm apt-get
23:29.27Xentaceveryone ok with oggs?
23:29.30Xentacer, an ogg
23:30.37Xentacwho wants to hear it?
23:32.02Xentacdoesn't it already run on there?
23:32.04Xentacit does...
23:32.10Xentacwell.. cmu flite does...
23:32.28Xentacit'd be better if I could hear myself too ;o)
23:33.03Xentacwhat sorts of uses would it have?
23:33.52Xentacthough... it could... I could make it run with kismet!
23:44.24Xentachey gonkulator
23:45.35Xentacor not...
23:46.05gonkulatorhi Xentac
23:46.38gonkulatorp p p p p p p
23:47.00Xentacit talks in a female voice...
23:47.07Xentacyou wanna hear some I recorded?
23:47.18Xentacit's hikke and kergoth and Ahnkana
23:47.20XentacI figured as much
23:47.24Xentacand PicoBot speaking...
23:47.38gonkulatorPicoBot: speak
23:47.38PicoBotthe enumeration of many quasi-variable methodological, narcoleptic, semi-conductive forms of bistate multivibrators is marginally empowering and superfluously inebriating or fun
23:47.49gonkulatorPicoBot: time
23:47.50PicoBoti think time is merely the dimension that allows for movement.  Movement is the logical result of time.  The decision of where the movement will take for each of us is one that exists outside the presence of time, thus making it timeless.
23:48.04kergothhey. i resent that.
23:48.28gonkulatorwhats that?
23:48.32Xentackergoth: dude, you're not saying anything
23:48.34kergothcourse the fact that i resent it doesnt make it any less true, but hey.
23:48.38gonkulatorI am tired
23:48.38Xentactherefore, not fun
23:48.40kergothXentac: true that
23:49.01kergothi've had a fair bit to drink, and have had a long ass monday
23:49.07kergothits monday, dude
23:49.10kergothnobody is fun on monday
23:49.17kergothits just the way it is
23:49.18Xentacyou didn't have a stat?
23:49.34Xentacveteran's day is a stat...
23:49.58kergothyes, its veteran's day, but a lot of people worked anyway
23:49.59Xentacso I worked today too
23:51.21Xentacyay! my zaurus talks!
23:52.04Xentactoo bad it's not a female voice
23:52.36kergothXentac: cant blame ya there
23:52.48Xentachey cool
23:53.18Xentacit says "My name is athena.  I am Xentac's Zaurus"
23:53.26Xentacthe problem is... it doesn't exactly sound like athena ;o)
23:53.40kergothyour zaurus has a name?
23:54.06Xentacdamn straight!
23:55.53kergoththatd be easy enough
23:56.02Xentacwhich bot do you suggest?
23:56.27Xentacneither have I
23:56.56Xentachere we go... an irc bot written in bash/awk...
23:57.28kergothgeh, parsing any protocol in bash would be a pain, even given netcat
23:57.35kergothwell at least irc is ascii, so it wouldnt be too bad
23:57.37XentacI think that's what awk is for...
23:58.16Xentacyeah... but it would work well for something like the zaurus...

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.