irclog2html for #picogui on 20030601

00:01.26CIAmicah committed revision 4121: Improved the --list option greatly, added a --merge-all option
00:12.30CIAmicah committed revision 4122: CmdlineSVN can now trap subversion error messages and report them as an EnvironmentError
00:24.45CIAmicah committed revision 4123: Changed task name for Package.merge() to be a little more descriptive
00:45.24*** join/#picogui merlin262 (
01:04.35CIAmicah committed revision 4124: Better error handling for the Curses UI
02:18.30CIAmicah committed revision 4125: Some slightly funky code to safely perform updates on bootstrap packages
02:26.58CIAmicah committed revision 4126: Added the --update option, disabled updating by default
02:41.28CIAmicah committed revision 4127: Hopefully fixing a bug in the Tar repository on non-unixy systems
02:43.39*** join/#picogui gonkulator (
02:47.25CIAmicah committed revision 4128: A nicer failure mode for strange errors when deleting directories under windows
03:00.39CIAmicah committed revision 4129: Changing temporary directory names to work around what appears to be a bug in svn, causing false 'obstructed update' errors
03:06.11CIAmicah committed revision 4130: Added a more descriptive message for errors in renaming
03:09.06CIAmicah committed revision 4131: Fixing a stupid error in path manipulation
03:14.09CIAmicah committed revision 4132: Use extra whitespace to make messages stand out on platforms without color
03:18.31CIAmicah committed revision 4133: More robust code for simplifying paths in CmdlineSVN fixes incorrect progress output under Windows
03:33.57CIAmicah committed revision 4134: Perform a proper merge on bootstrap packages, so they will be automatically updated with --update
03:38.03CIAmicah committed revision 4135: Detect old temporary directories in the way and try to remove them
03:39.06CIAmicah committed revision 4136: Changed the severity of the bootstrap upgrade messages
05:23.06*** join/#picogui gonkulator (
07:02.34*** join/#picogui gonkulator (
10:45.00*** join/#picogui Talez (
12:42.19CIAmicah committed revision 4137: Starting an eForth CCG branch in Subversion
12:57.46*** join/#picogui TD (
12:57.49TDhola all
12:58.03TDi'm curious as to how you guys are finding scons
12:58.25scanlinehard to tell, since pgbuild doesn't actually compile anything yet
12:58.27scanlinebut in theory I like it
12:58.40TDyes, i am just reading the website
12:58.45TDPGBuild seems to go a lot further
12:59.00scanlineI like SCons' design, and it's really easy to extend
12:59.04TDwhat other features does it have?
12:59.18scanlinePGBuild or SCons?
12:59.29TDi know about scons
12:59.52scanlineso far, just package/repository management and a configuration database
13:00.20scanlineit's going to have configuration dependency tracking, configuration front-ends, and autoconf-like functionality
13:01.05TDi thought SCons did autoconf functionality now
13:01.47scanlineyeah, they added that in 0.14. If it ends up being sufficient for picogui's needs, which looks likely, then I'll just need to write some glue to interface that with pgbuild's config tree
13:02.12TDok what do you mean by dependancy tracking? for extra source tarballs?
13:02.22scanlinewell, for everything
13:03.01scanlineI want to be able to enable a "Tuxscreen" configuration option, have that automatically enable the video drivers and such it needs, then automatically download and compile just the packages necessary for that configuration
13:03.48scanlineso config options need to depend on other config options or on packages, and source files need to be able to depend on config options
13:03.54TDah ok, so it's internal to pg then
13:04.09TDie it would be going and downloading say glib
13:04.26scanlineyep, that sort of thing
13:04.46scanlinebut mostly these packages are just parts of picogui
13:04.56scanlinei.e. every application and every theme are now in separate packages
13:05.08scanlineso if you just want a terminal, you don't have to download xchat and dozens of other apps
13:05.21TDyeah, ok
13:06.10TDis PGBuild going to be designed to be reusable outside of picogui?
13:06.35scanlinepgbuild itself is actually separated into two pgbuild packages
13:06.44scanlinethe source code, and the configuration
13:07.02scanlineso you'd just have to replace the configuration package, and you could even keep automatically updating the source package from picogui's repository
13:07.50TDoh yes, that reminds me. how is subversion? i looked at it, but it seems that they don't keep compatability for very long
13:07.58TDie you have to constantly upgrade
13:08.17scanlinethat hasn't been a problem yet
13:08.31scanlineand subversion is really what makes pgbuild and all the new reorganization possible :)
13:10.41TDhow is libOM?
13:11.15scanlinestill almost entirely theoretical
13:11.28scanlinelalo's worked on it a little, but he hasn't had much time
13:11.36scanlineand I've been working on pgbuild
13:34.18CIAmicah committed revision 4138: Applying  pg-ccg-20030414/modified_files.patch to the eforth-ccg branch
13:40.29TDhey nice
13:40.33TDwhere did you get that bot?
13:40.50TDdoes it need subv?
13:40.53scanlineit's just a few lines of python
13:41.11scanlinethe bot itself doesn't, you could probably hack the post-commit script a bit to work with CVS
13:41.39scanlinethe bot is here:
13:41.39TDpg-ccg-20030414/modified_files.patch  <--- you keep all the patches ?
13:42.17scanlineTD: no, that's something unusual... it's a patch for a font engine eForth wrote that I'm porting to picogui
13:42.39scanlineAnd then the code that actually connects to the bot is here:
13:42.49TDlol, now i understand the name
13:43.39TDhmm, would be very cool to get lots of projects using something like this and have a real time #commits channel :) get to watch all the lovely software flowing by...
13:44.10scanlinethat'd be neat- more than one project could use this same bot, and I could have it dump everything to the specified channel and to #commits :)
13:44.19scanlineI think captain_proton might use it for BZFlag if they switch to subversion
13:44.57TDwouldn't running an open bot that spits out anything it runs be a bit insecure?
13:45.02scanlineprobably couldn't use it with CVS on sourceforge, since they don't allow outgoing TCP/IP connections
13:45.03TDanything it receives rather
13:45.13scanlineTD: yeah.. it was a quick hack, so I didn't really care :)
13:45.28scanlinethere are a couple better ways to rewrite it...
13:45.43scanlinecould use a unix socket, and require the messages to be delivered locally via ssh or something
13:45.48scanlinecould make the bot itself support SSL
13:45.52TDyes, that would work
13:45.55scanlineor maybe just recieve the messages over email
13:45.55TDeasier to use ssh
13:46.04TDesp as sourceforge is cool with that
13:46.07scanlinewith a list of allowed from addresses
13:46.22scanlineI don't think sourceforge allows any outgoing connections, even ssh
13:46.25TDthe bot could connect via ssh using keypairs, then simply connect a named pipe to the other end
13:46.28scanlineso email would be the only way to make it work with sourceforge
13:46.33TDno, the server with the bot connects in
13:46.46scanlineah.. that'd be annoying though, making the bot keep open connections to other servers
13:47.03scanlinehmm.. email could actually be really easy
13:47.30scanlineI could change the bot to do local delivery with unix sockets, then I could put the client for the bot in a .forward file for some email account on navi
13:48.05TDwhat, so there would be a address to which people could send their commit notices?
13:48.13TDthat would be cool
13:48.21TDi'd set up my cvs server for it (it's not on sourceforge)
13:48.36scanlineit could validate the subject to make sure it's actually a commit message, then spit the first line of the body out into the channel
13:49.00TDhmm, what about multi-line commit messages?
13:49.17TDi tend to have bullet points in my logs
13:49.38scanlineI think it would usually only be good to send the first line
13:49.53scanlinealthough maybe it could send the first line to the project's home channel, and the whole thing to #commits
13:50.07scanlinebut that could get very floodish fast
13:50.41TDdepends how large the messages are i suppose. i really don't know how big the average one is
13:51.13scanlineI tend to write fairly short commit messages because I believe in committing early and often.. and if I'm fixing a bug I'll just refer to a bug number rather than explaining it
13:51.43TDyeah, i don't have a bugzilla yet. my commits are normally one or two items, but when doing big changes they tend to bunch up. that's rare though
13:52.06TDwell, i'm up for it. i'd be happy to ask other projects to participate as well
13:53.50TDby the way, make sure the project is in the subject line rather than based on the from address or whatever, so people can write converters from say wine-cvs to whatever format the bot needs.
13:54.38scanlineif the subject has to have a particular format, that would probably be sufficient to avoid spam
13:55.42TDdon't put the address up on the web in un-obfustucated form either, i've found that's enough
14:00.13*** join/#picogui CIA (
14:04.07CIAmicah committed revision 4140: Fixing to use the new UNIX socket bot
14:04.33scanlineand now it also announces everything in #commits, prepending the channel name
14:05.18scanlinenow for an email client...
14:20.02scanlinewhoops.. "!" != "|"
14:20.04scanlinehi file
14:21.02scanlineyay.. now to see if there's a python module for parsing mime email
14:21.20filegreetings and salutations
14:21.30scanlinefile: better watch out, we're making CIA smarter
14:22.11scanlinehmm. I suppose I should have registered #commits before CIA joined it
14:22.27filenoooooooooo! not smarter than me!
14:23.52scanlineTD: can you temporarily leave #commits so I can register the channel?
14:33.57scanlinethanks, you can come back now
14:34.38*** join/#picogui CIA (
14:42.07CIAThis is a test message delivered to
14:42.07CIAAnd it's two lines long!
14:43.13CIAmicah committed revision 4141: Adding an email client for announceBot
14:44.04scanlineok, the format is described here:
14:44.24scanlinethe channel name should be without the "#"
14:44.58scanlineI should get the bot set up with commands to join and part channels...
14:45.03scanlinebut I can do that later :)
14:45.44scanlinehmm. I should make this start on bootup.. do you remember which cron daemon it is that supports @reboot?
14:45.59TDno, but what's wrong with init scripts?
14:46.15scanlineI like keeping stuff like this contained within one user account
14:46.43TDfair enough
14:47.46scanlinewhatever cron I have installed on navi seems to accept @reboot lines, even if they aren't documented in its manpage
14:48.26TDwhat's the easiest way to send commit messages from a script? sendmail?
14:49.35TDwhat is the email address?
14:49.52TDsorry, need better short term memory
14:50.37scanlinealso, you can specify a channel name that doesn't exist without any problems- the bot will only deliver it to #commits, but use that name as the little heading thingy
14:54.41scanlinewhee.. so now it should be possible for captain_proton to get commit messages from the sourceforge CVS
15:05.52TDi'll write up a page about it, with this script for cvs
15:06.02TD(have to strip out all the goop)
15:06.18TDif you could make it join the given channel, that would be good
15:06.25scanlineI'd think it would be harder with CVS than subversion, since CVS versions each file separately
15:06.28TDmaybe say, if you have the # join the channel as well, otherwise don't bother
15:06.38TDyes, you have to skip all the MODIFIED FILES section etc
15:06.45TDand you don't get a global rev number
15:06.49scanlinethat could easily be abused though
15:06.54TDyes, true
15:07.10TDperhaps a /msg that invites it or something
15:07.30scanlineit'd be fine to have a command on the socket that lets it join/part channels, but I wouldn't want that to be available over email
15:08.03TDyeah, could be easier to just ask you to do it :) or have a little cgi form
15:08.33scanlinewell, the cgi form and the email are about equally secure
15:08.52scanlinethough there isn't really any measure of security anyway, since anyone could just flood it with crap :)
15:09.23scanlineso alrighty, I'll make the join/part stuff work over email
15:09.36TDif it really becomes a problem we can deal with it later
15:14.43TDscanline: what do you do for subversion?
15:15.32scanlineone-liner in post-commit :)
15:15.51scanlinebut that talks directly to the socket rather than sending an email
15:17.18TDi guess it's simple enough to figure out
15:21.55*** join/#picogui brandon (
15:25.30*** join/#picogui gonkulator (
15:27.11TDis that ok?
15:27.47scanlinelooks alright, though myself I prefer the message to be all on one line
15:28.26TDyes, i can alter the script to do that
15:28.37scanlinemight also be good to put a link in to the bot source code
15:28.58scanlineand once I figure out how to do joining and parting in Twisted, could add that :)
15:29.29scanlineI think this code falls under the 'who cares' license
15:31.37TDthere we go
15:33.03*** join/#picogui Oktal (
15:34.51TDhmm, tempted to hook up gnome cvs-commits-list to it. or would that be spam?
15:36.55TDare there any special rules for sending mail from sourceforge?
15:38.31scanlineI have no problem with gnome cvs on CIA :)
15:38.39scanlineI don't think sourceforge has any special restrictions
15:38.51scanlinebut it's been a while since I've messed with commit mail from sf
15:39.02TDlast time i used it was about 2 years ago
15:43.46*** join/#picogui TestCIA (
15:43.56scanlineI just told it to join over a socket
15:43.58gonkulatoranother one?
15:44.42*** join/#picogui TestCIA (
15:45.07TestCIATime for me to die, and CIA to be restarted with this code
15:46.10CIAmicah committed revision 4142: Added support for joining/parting channels to the announceBot
15:47.30*** join/#picogui CIA (
15:47.38scanlinethat's better
15:47.43scanlinenow to test joining and parting over email
15:47.54gonkulatorover email???
15:47.58gonkulatorthats quite insane :)
15:48.02TDyeah, we know
15:48.08TDsecurity through obscurity is elite
15:48.42TDdoes anybody here know the format of maildroprc? it doesn't seem to have a manpage
15:48.43scanlineand quite obscure this is, with the source code in the picogui repository...
15:49.09gonkulatorcables are a mess...
15:53.06*** part/#picogui CIA (
15:53.10scanlinethat's better
15:53.24*** join/#picogui CIA (
15:54.14scanlineTD: try an email with the subject "JoinChannel <channelname>"
15:54.48TDno #?
15:55.01scanlineno #... though it might work either way :)
15:57.06scanlineTD: If you want I can keep that informational web page in the svn repository too :)
15:57.20TDyes, if you like
15:57.30TDi don't really mind where it goes...
15:57.38scanlineok. would be easier to keep the code and info in sync then
15:58.13CIAmicah committed revision 4144: Updated an incorrect usage message in
16:00.03*** join/#picogui merlin262 (
16:01.26CIAmicah committed revision 4145: Adding a slightly modified copy of cia.html to the repository
16:05.37CIAmicah committed revision 4146: Adding a note about making the bot join and part channels
16:07.19*** join/#picogui kidder (
16:07.39CIAmicah committed revision 4147: Adding a note that the "#" beginning a channel name should be omitted
16:15.11TDscanline: cia isn't joining my channel for some reason
16:15.25scanline#autopackage, right?
16:16.09scanlinehmm, that worked
16:16.24scanlinemaybe your mail server doesn't have the new DNS for, I switched DNS providers recently
16:17.54scanlinethe mail server has a different IP
16:18.09scanlinetry 'dig'
16:18.23scanlinemake sure the name servers in the authority section are at has an MX record pointing at
16:19.02TDwhat is the equivalent for host? i don't seem to have dig, and apt claims its clueless
16:19.18scanlineI don't think host can do that
16:19.25scanlinebut try 'host'        A
16:19.47scanlinehm, that's correct
16:19.59scanlinewell, try sending the mail to
16:20.22TDoh, wait, i just realised i'm no longer using my own smtp relay, i'm with my isps. hmmm.
16:20.55filecalzone? yes please
16:21.12TDPartChannel autopackage
16:22.25filemy calzone smells like plastic :\
16:26.02CIAmicah committed revision 4148: Added logging to emailBotClient
16:44.44CIAmicah committed revision 4149: Fixing a grammar mistake in cia.html
16:46.55TDi think it might just be my email being slow. test messages i've sent myself haven't arrived yet
16:47.10TDslow or i broke it :)
16:47.20scanlinewell, it should be logging all incoming mail now
16:47.37scanlinehasn't recieved anything except a test message I sent after I set up the logging
16:48.49scanlineyep, that works
16:49.36TDhm, odd
16:49.37CIAtesting the email client from a Yahoo account
16:49.37CIADo you Yahoo!?
16:49.41CIAYahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM).
16:50.00scanlinewell that's cute...
16:50.17TDstrange. even with 2 different smtp servers my mail seems to disappear
16:50.42scanlineI should try a test message from sourceforge's shell server
16:51.30TDstrange.I get "transaction failed" when sending to navi
16:51.45scanlineeh, that's weird
16:52.10scanlinehmm, and the test message from sourceforge hasn't arrived yet
16:52.26scanlinewell, I need a shower.. bbiab
17:10.14*** join/#picogui merlin262 (
17:27.16CIAmicah committed revision 4150: Add a note about to cia.html
17:29.33CIAmicah committed revision 4151: Italicizing channelname, adding -t to sendmail command
17:32.34CIAmicah committed revision 4152: Add a "head -n 1" to the CVS commit script so really long commit logs don't spam the channel
17:42.04*** join/#picogui CIA (
17:49.30CIAmicah committed revision 4153: Modified Subversion post-commit script to use the email interface to CIA so it can be used on sites other than navi
17:55.34CIAmicah committed revision 4154: Adding documentation on using CIA with subversion
17:56.51scanlineooh, gettin rainy outside
17:56.57filerain? bah
17:59.57CIAmicah committed revision 4155: Use <i>channelname</i> instead of [channel] in cia.html for consistency
18:00.50CIAmicah committed revision 4156: Removing broken link to the now-unnecessary local CIA client
18:16.34CIAmicah committed revision 4157: This should fix joining/parting with an empty message body
18:26.03CIAmicah committed revision 4158: Really fixed the empty message body bug in emailBotClient
18:30.32*** join/#picogui screenline ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:30.32*** join/#picogui afnom (~afnom@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:34.25CIAmicah committed revision 4159: New CVS script in cia.html- smarter, better, faster
18:36.39*** join/#picogui gonkulator (
18:41.01CIAmicah committed revision 4160: Use sendmail -t in the commit script, changed the explanation of the script to match
18:44.14CIAmicah committed revision 4161: Escaping '<' characters in the CVS commit script, so HTML won't get confused
19:00.21CIAmicah committed revision 4162: Adding a #! line to the subversion example in cia.html
19:01.01filewhat's the URL for cia.html?
19:01.49filemost interesting
19:02.08scanlineit works with CVS or Subversion now, and we're trying to get a bunch of projects to start using it :)
19:36.13*** join/#picogui Talez (
20:10.23*** join/#picogui gonkey{iBook} (
20:19.34*** join/#picogui CIA (
20:21.35*** join/#picogui CIA (
20:22.36CIAmicah committed revision 4163: Adding simple throttling to the announceBot so it doesn't get kicked off for excess flood
20:24.11CIAmicah committed revision 4164: Added a 'head -n 5' to the CVS script so we don't get insanely flooded in #commits
20:40.25CIAmicah committed revision 4165: Adding a -t on the second sendmail in the CVS example script
20:55.00CIAmicah committed revision 4166: Enlowercase all channel names in the email client
21:12.19CIAmicah committed revision 4167: Changed the note about the address
21:17.56CIAmicah committed revision 4168: A more sane suggestion for naming the CVS scripts
21:19.22CIAmicah committed revision 4169: Adding the module that njs sent me
21:22.12*** join/#picogui nemo_ (nemo@
21:23.27CIAmicah committed revision 4171: Whoops, trying to do colorizing in the email client was a bad thing
21:24.11*** join/#picogui CIA (
21:27.06*** join/#picogui CIA (
21:27.53*** join/#picogui CIA (
21:28.05CIAmicah committed revision 4173: Fixed stupid error in the bot, hopefully
21:37.50CIAmicah committed revision 4174: Make announceBot a Twisted Application rather than just calling a Twisted Rector directly
21:45.43*** join/#picogui CIA (
22:04.53*** join/#picogui CIA (
22:07.45*** join/#picogui CIA (
22:10.02*** join/#picogui CIA (
22:10.55*** join/#picogui CIA (
22:11.48*** join/#picogui CIA (
22:14.27*** join/#picogui CIA (
22:15.12CIAmicah committed revision 4176: announceBot now saves the list of channels its in whenever a join or part command is issued
22:15.36gonkulatorCIA: you sure are running hot, aren't you
22:22.22CIAmicah committed revision 4177: Fixing the flood of NotImplementedErrors in the announceBot
22:24.00*** join/#picogui CIA (
22:41.07*** join/#picogui CIA (
22:42.43CIAsuper happy test message
23:17.57CIAmicah committed revision 4179: Store per-project commit counts, which we'll use for generating a nice little web page later
23:35.01CIAmicah committed revision 4180: Adding a simple CGI script to present the stats collected by the CIA bot
23:36.14CIAmicah committed revision 4181: Adding a link to the stats page from cia.html
23:54.48CIAmicah committed revision 4182: Fix the sorting order in the CIA bot statistics page

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.