IRC log for #qi-hardware on 20120323

00:05.47*** join/#qi-hardware viric (~viric@unaffiliated/viric)
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00:57.03*** join/#qi-hardware dvdk (
00:59.29dvdkis going to look into octave compilation failures, if nobody else has done so yet
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01:16.56wolfspraulthat'd be great, I think nobody got to that yet
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01:29.22dvdklooks like C++ incompatabilities with latest compiler.  hmm, if even octave people can'tmake c++ compilers happy :/
01:29.48dvdkthis will take time.  another recompile, another 30 minutes.  time to reactivate ccache.
01:36.18wpwrak(c++) Bjarne Stroustrup, the Marquis de Sade of the computer age ;-)
01:37.22*** join/#qi-hardware zrafa (~rafa@
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02:07.09whitequarkwpwrak: did you know that while
02:07.18whitequarkClass *klass = new Class; and
02:07.27whitequarkClass *klass = new Class(); are the same,
02:07.34whitequarkClass klass; and
02:07.40whitequarkClass klass(); are completely different things?
02:07.46whitequarkthe latter, er
02:07.50whitequarkI'm not completely sure
02:07.57whitequarkbut I think it calls static operator() or something like that
02:08.26whitequarkdon't ask me what the hell will it try to do with the return value; I don't know.
02:09.12dvdkwhitequark: no.  the latter is interpreted as a function prototype for function 'klass' with return value 'Class'  (such as 'int main()').
02:09.30dvdksee the C++ FQA (frequently questioned answers) for more reasons to hate C++
02:10.27whitequarkyeah, I've read that
02:10.42whitequarkbut that particular quirk I have encountered myself
02:10.43dvdkbtw just having fun with C++ compiler issues of our openwrt octave package
02:10.55whitequarkand it took me several fucking hours to understand what it doesn't like
02:11.29whitequarkunfortunately, Qt is too good to not use it
02:11.36whitequarkand it's the main reason to use C++ in 2012
02:13.30whitequarkwolfspraul: oh, about my package you're (I hope) just going to send me
02:13.31wpwrakgtk doesn't need any of that ... :)
02:13.58whitequarkI just found out that I have lost all of my UBBs while not-so-smooth relocating, so I need some again
02:14.21dvdkwpwrak: but gtk+ (signals?) won't compile with (older) M$ compilers :)
02:14.39wpwraki think they're still at tuxbrain HQ. but maybe wolfgang is acquiring them, too
02:14.44dvdkwhitequark: still have a few left
02:14.50whitequarkwpwrak: gtk2 is crap because it was coded without much thinking. gtk3 is crap because its UI was designed without thinking.
02:15.04dvdk(ubbs: #4)
02:15.11*** join/#qi-hardware orsonzhai (~zhai@
02:15.33wpwrakdvdk: where are so many thing that won't work on windows, what's one more ? ;-)
02:15.53whitequarkdvdk: well, I'll wait for wolfspraul to reply, I think. but thanks for the offer
02:15.55dvdkhey, octave finally compiled
02:15.57wpwrakwhitequark: gtk2 works for me :)
02:16.20whitequarkwpwrak: well, I somewhat like gtk2, in the sense that it has a lot of good apps. pidgin, for example. some more.
02:16.26whitequarkbut it really wasn't architected
02:16.33whitequarkjust written as it was going
02:17.05wpwraknatural, organic growth :)
02:17.07whitequarkbecause of exactly same reason Linux had to be refactored so many times no one even remembers that
02:17.27whitequarkand we, for example, still do not have true AIO like Windows has
02:17.41whitequark(yes, 2.6 has AIO without threads. it does not work with disk caches.)
02:18.16wpwrakhow does AIO fail with disk caches ?
02:18.23whitequarkit bypasses them.
02:18.46whitequarki.e. you can use AIO and it will be true AIO, but you will fetch the data from disk each time
02:18.56dvdkwhitequark: select() is all the AIO i'll ever need :)
02:19.03whitequarkdvdk: doesn't scale
02:19.24dvdkeverybody tells that but I hardly ever see a case where select() hits a problem
02:19.30whitequarkdvdk: C10k
02:20.20whitequarkwell, select() doesn't support more than maybe 4k of file descriptors (a compile time constant, grep it in your /usr/include), and with those 4k it isn't very performant
02:20.30wpwrak(disk caches) hmm, i have a few doubts about your statement, at least in such a general form. but i'm too lazy to look things up :)
02:20.48whitequarkwpwrak: I will. there's an ages old thread on lkml and even a patch
02:20.51whitequarkwhich was never merged
02:21.28whitequarkI was once caught in a flamewar about Linux AIO and researched that stuff for a week
02:21.33whitequarknow I know way more than I want to
02:21.47wpwrakwhy was the patch not merged ?
02:21.58whitequarkusual bureaucracy?
02:22.05wpwraktry harder :)
02:22.18whitequarknot everyone wants/has time to
02:22.43whitequarkand this is a vicious circle
02:23.04whitequarkno one uses AIO on linux because it's broken, and no one works on support for it because it isn't used much
02:23.24whitequarkI can remember only of a single app which uses aio, nginx, and I never really seen an env where it was enabled
02:25.31qi-bot[commit] David Kühling: octave: fix compilation with latest openwrt toolchain (master)
02:25.37wpwrakso perhaps there's simply not enough of an itch :)
02:26.17wolfspraulI don't have the UBBs, unfortunately
02:26.45wolfspraulI forgot to ask David when he sent me the atben/atusb, and I have no better way to reach him than anybody else
02:27.19wpwrakbtw, i rarely found getting stuff that ready for mainline into mainline a problem. the problem people hit most of the time is that stuff their boss things is ready for mainline isn't. and then they find out that, shockingly, the maintainers couldn't care less about their bosses opinion.
02:31.43whitequarkWhat Does Not Work?
02:31.43whitequarkAIO read and write on files opened without O_DIRECT
02:32.06wpwraknow that makes a lot more sense
02:33.15whitequarkand the "additional functionality" is last patched to 2.6.12
02:33.21whitequarkwhich is ancient
02:33.28wolfsprauldvdk: and thanks! of course
02:34.10dvdkno problem.  just scrating the itches :)
02:34.49whitequarkwpwrak: also this:
02:35.04whitequarkgiven that aio supposedly wasn't updated much since 2.6.12, that is still applicable
02:36.41wpwraknow you know how what you have to do to become a famous kernel hacker :)
02:37.52whitequarkwpwrak: I'm _really_ tired of rewriting/fixing every things I don't like how they work
02:38.22whitequarkfrom ACPI in my old netbook to the xf86-input-synaptics (these are obviously in the "fixing" domain)
02:38.51whitequarknow that I updated to Android 4 I have several open-source apps I like in the queue
02:39.04whitequarkand osPID firmware, because it's quite FUBAR
02:39.10wpwrakperhaps you should then try to adapt your energy level for dislikes to your constructive energy levels :)
02:39.53whitequarkthat was just an example about why "organic growth" for a big library like gtk is bad
02:40.11*** join/#qi-hardware cfy (~cfy@unaffiliated/chenfengyuan)
02:40.20cfyxiangfu: hi,are you here?
02:40.27xiangfucfy, yes
02:40.38wpwrakyeah. damn linus that he didn't have a master plan for linux back in 1991 ;-)
02:40.58whitequarkLinux is less of an example, because people still don't know how to write good OS kernels; but gui libraries have't changed radically for 15 years or so
02:41.19whitequarkit's still all about buttons and textboxes
02:42.07wpwrakdepends a bit. sometimes you also get a nice canvas to play with
02:43.11whitequark(good OS kernels) I won't be running in circles screaming "Linux is crap", but seriously, it had a lot of major drawbacks, it has been rewritten several times (if you squash all the rewrites in one "changeset"), and it _still_ has major drawbacks
02:43.19whitequarkan OS kernel shouldn't be ideal for people to use it
02:43.23whitequarkit should only be good enough
02:43.39whitequarkand, also, it has a very narrow external interface compared to the internal one
02:44.09whitequarkon the other hand, gui library has an enormous external interface which closely resembles the parts on the screen
02:46.18whitequarkor take android.
02:46.35whitequarkthey didn't really thought about design back in 1.0 and pre-1.0 times, and now it backfired
02:46.55whitequarkthey _did_ think about design and UX in ICS, and it is really good, but every freaking app is broken
02:47.44whitequarkcompare to iphone, where there weren't any major changes to UI from 1.0
02:48.00whitequarkthis is not a reason to use iphone, but it _is_ a reason to think before you code.
02:48.12wpwrakthe main problem of android is that they did what the hw makers wanted
02:48.44whitequarkoh, the device diversity. I'd say this is not a "problem" in the sense that it wasn't unexpected or something like that
02:48.47whitequarkit is like PCs
02:48.47wpwrakandroid fragmentation is a perfect example for what's wrong in the prevailing mindset of the embedded hw industry
02:49.23whitequarkandroid is designed to run over a wide range of hardware. it kind of accomplished that task in the sense that it can run on an incredibly wide range, beginning from $99 chinese tablets
02:49.47wpwrakwhat i don't know is if google fully realized that from the beginning (and decided to play along for a while), or if they didn't understand what mess this would produce themselves
02:49.58whitequarkwpwrak: on the other hand, your very reply is a perfect example of what's wrong with OSHW overall
02:50.07wpwrakthere's no problem with a lot of hardware
02:50.09whitequarkmaybe not exactly in your case, but still valid
02:50.24wpwrakthere's a big problem if you have a divergent branch for each piece of hardware
02:51.08whitequarkwpwrak: (divergent branch) hm, what do you mean for that? kernel forks? custom UIs? the fact that manufacturers don't want to upgrade old HW?
02:51.20wpwrakwell, sometimes you to speak an unpleasant truth :)
02:51.46whitequarkwpwrak: (what's wrong) you're a HW maker. you think of a device in terms of hardware, and maybe software. pre-3.0 Android was designed by programmers
02:51.49whitequarkthis is VERY wrong
02:51.50wpwrakyes, forks all over the place. and nothing goes back upstream. and that means that you can't upgrade.
02:51.56whitequarkbecause yes, it worked, and it was open-source
02:52.08wpwrakconsider this:
02:52.35whitequarkbut if I'd be given a crappy open-source app and a nice-looking and convenient to use proprietary app, even I would most certainly get the proprietary one
02:52.44wpwrakthe problem aren't implementation details. it's the general development process.
02:52.58*** join/#qi-hardware wej (
02:53.02whitequarkwhen you do something just to make it open-source, you're doing it horribly wrong, and you won't make anything good, unfortunately
02:53.14whitequarkexample: gcc
02:53.27whitequarkcounter-example: clang
02:53.46wpwrakit's not even a question of open or closed. e.g., microsoft seem to be getting that bit right - they require things to go into mainline.
02:54.39whitequarkwpwrak: (fragmentation) they get better with that, and cyanogenmod solves much of that problem
02:54.45whitequarkhm. microsoft and mainline?
02:54.49whitequarkwhat do you mean by that?
02:56.08wpwrak(cyanogen) yeah. the proverbial silver lining :) of course, sabotaged by binary-only drivers ...
02:56.35whitequarkwpwrak: (main problem) you've been talking about problems of Android as an ecosystem, and I was talking about problem of pre-v3 Android as an OS of itself. it is just not a good mobile OS. not by today's standards.
02:56.36wpwrak(ms) that they get the drivers/extensions back. so they can produce updated versions.
02:56.51wpwrak(ms) i don't remember the reference, though
02:57.19whitequarkwpwrak: (cyanogen) binary drivers are bad in multiple ways, and they're a somewhat significant problem of CM, but CM works, and it works good
02:58.48wpwrak(ecosystem) correct. i don't know about android's merits as an application platform.
02:59.28wolfspraulit inherits Java to a degree, it will follow Java's path
02:59.45wpwrakthe joy of oracle :)
02:59.57wolfspraulon the phone/tablet manufacturer side, >90% of participants are on unsustainable trajectories
03:00.09whitequark(binary drivers) it would also be strange for Google to require sources of all userspace drivers linked with Apache-licensed environment
03:00.30whitequarkand vendors open the parts they're required to. kernel trees, for example. still not enough, obviously
03:00.42wolfspraulthat may be the 'let's set them up to go against each other' strategy that was conceived in the ivory tower, but in the end it will still show its nasty side, if that doesn't happen already
03:01.18wpwrakwhitequark: there are many ways for google to address this. also non-open approaches may work. but they haven't done this.
03:01.33wolfspraulI ask myself a simple question: if a good friend (non-techie like 99% of the world) asks what smartphone they should buy, I would recommend? iphone, clearly.
03:01.33whitequarkwpwrak: (app platform) I use it daily for months, and pre-v3 android is definitely not a good OS. period. 4.0 brings it on par with WP and iOS, but apps lag behind.
03:02.14wolfspraulI think we should leap ahead of all this mess :-)
03:02.36whitequarkwpwrak: what do you mean by "unsustainable trajectories"?
03:02.53whitequarkmoving too fast to produce good code, and too money-burning to live for a long time?
03:03.10wpwrakssh whitequark s/wpwrak/wolfspraul/
03:03.13wolfspraulthe manufacturers have no chance to make a good product
03:03.55wolfspraulbut I'm not running around, I don't need to convince anyone. android may go to 9x% whatever marketshare, and I wouldn't care
03:04.12wpwrakat the moment, they have the GHz race to win. again ;-) and then the multicore race. again :-)
03:04.14wolfspraulsurvived the Symbian times, will survive the Android times :-)
03:04.36whitequarkwolfspraul: why they do not?
03:04.59wolfspraultakes too long to go through
03:05.12wolfspraulat least android is consistent in what they do
03:05.41wolfspraulat android's peak, will it have bigger smartphone 'market share' than Symbian?
03:05.46wolfspraullet's guess
03:07.03wolfspraulok I dare: YES! :-)
03:07.32whitequarkwolfspraul: uhm. I definitely don't get what's bad with Android in your opinion, and why iPhone is better in that sense
03:08.30whitequarkand what does Java has to do with this
03:08.37wolfspraulmalware, updates
03:08.58wolfspraulhow did Java develop?
03:09.28wolfspraulit got a huge hype at its beginning, expectations through the roof even though there are gross shortcomings of the language
03:09.44wolfspraulacademia adopted it in droves, and pumped millions of poor students through Java classes
03:10.04wolfspraulstartups jumped on it and found it a good way to lock enterprise customer into convoluted Java 'systems'
03:10.07whitequark... and now JVM is _the_ best VM in the world with tens of languages running on it
03:10.12wolfspraulit grew and grew
03:10.21wolfspraulit's probably very profitable for the players in the system even
03:11.38wolfspraulmaybe we should bring Java to the Ben to make it *really successful* :-)
03:11.45wolfspraulah no, wait. ANDROID!
03:12.31wolfspraulwhitequark: just look at malware/app store quality, and os updates. in those 2 instances you see the issues clearly imho.
03:12.55wolfspraulbut again, no need to run around about Android. if you enjoy it - great! more power to you.
03:13.25wolfspraulthe Amazon Fire is pretty cool, Amazon returned Google's opening
03:14.48whitequarkI still don't see what's wrong with Java per se
03:15.06whitequarkwell, it probably really was abused
03:15.10whitequarkwhich doesn't make it any worse
03:15.40whitequarkif you use `dd' to kill a puppy, would it make `dd' itself a bad thing?..
03:17.07whitequarkwolfspraul: (os updates) yes, here I agree with you. this is very broken, but hopefully Google understands the issue and did something to manage that. they've already adjusted release cycles and so on
03:17.26whitequarkif they won't fix that, well, it's windowsphone time again.
03:17.52whitequark(I have an allergy to apples.)
03:19.23whitequarkwolfspraul: (ben) if only Ben had the hardware to run Android, or any task relevant to modern world whatsoever, it won't need Android to be successful.
03:19.57whitequarkyou don't buy a device and then do strange things to make any use of it. you buy a device and it impresses you with the number of things it can do.
03:21.59whitequarkseriously, the very fact that the wiki has a _separate page for use cases_ is FUBAR. not to mention that most of these use cases are actually feature requests which will never be fulfilled.
03:22.18wolfspraulhow did that work again?
03:23.12wolfspraulI'm just doing a test on my fedora system. I have 1450 packages installed. grep -i java finds 5. I am currently uninstalling them one by one to see whether any one of them is a dependency of any of the dozens of apps I use all the time.
03:23.16wolfspraulresults to come in shortly
03:25.03whitequarkand how that would relate to android (which is not fully Java-compatible anyway) and the fact that JVM is the fastest VM we currently have?
03:25.07whitequarkwaves his hand
03:25.15wolfspraulyes, libreoffice needs one
03:25.22whitequarkthis is a pointless discussion. I don't even understand what do you want to tell me.
03:25.26wolfspraulwell I am down to one, I'll leave it there in peace
03:25.44wolfspraulnothing, I just cleaned up my system a bit, was curious about Java dependencies
03:25.56wolfspraulnow I know: libreoffice needs it
03:27.03whitequarksigh. nevermind.
03:27.52wolfsprauldo you use the jvm on your notebook/desktop ?
03:28.12wolfspraulwhat use cases?
03:28.28whitequarkI have several apps, most notably aerofs (think distributed dropbox without key escrow), and my IDE, RubyMine
03:28.32whitequarkand I use jruby extensively
03:29.05whitequarkit is an implementation of Ruby on JVM, and it is really really fast. much faster than any other thing around here, most of the time it even compares with native code.
03:29.12wolfspraulinteresting. thanks for sharing! that gives me some things to read about. I had not known about aerofs for example.
03:29.25whitequarkaerofs is very unfortunately closed source
03:29.37wolfspraulthat speeds up the reading :-)
03:29.39whitequarkbut it is still better than dropbox in the sense that it is distributed
03:29.57whitequarkthat is, it won't generally send your data somewhere and allow anyone in that "there" to read it
03:30.00whitequarkas dropbox does
03:30.12whitequarkand I never managed to find a working opensource alternative
03:30.15whitequarkno, rsync isn't.
03:31.16whitequarkpersonally for me, Java isn't of much value of itself, but JVM definitely is
03:38.12whitequark is somewhat promising
03:38.53whitequarkbut it has no desktop app yet :/
03:43.57whitequarkwolfspraul: there's also open-source Syncany (not yet released, but seems to be in active development), and guess what
03:44.00whitequarkit's in Java!
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04:13.39zrafawolfspraul: have you been talking about iphone being better than other things?
04:13.53wolfspraulI would never dare to do so knowing that you are in the channel!
04:14.01wolfspraulmaybe my machine was hacked?
04:14.12zrafaah... you will be at the heaven at the next life
04:14.15zrafagod is with you
04:14.49zrafamaybe wpwrak then
04:14.57zrafaI know him
04:15.57zrafaarhg!.. my machine is under attack!
04:16.13zrafano free memory
04:17.44zrafaYes, definitely libreoffice needs java
04:20.54zrafaI can not continue writting. Sorry. Some people ask me to leave
04:21.28wolfspraulreally? the gods of java come to redeem your sins?
04:23.00zrafaI think that it is Miriam ;) but she does not like jave.
04:23.35zrafamaybe she is corrupt. I will listen her. See you guys
04:32.44wpwrakJava -> JVM
04:32.57wpwrakJava <- {.}  // the empty set
04:33.00wpwrakvery simple :)
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08:57.28qi-botThe build has FAILED:
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10:31.47whitequarkDocScrutinizer51: hi
10:31.54whitequarkI ordered two SIM900D for you
10:32.06whitequarkif everything would work as expected, I'll send them tomorrow
10:37.11qi-bot[commit] Adam Wang: updated Sourcing status (master)
10:37.12qi-bot[commit] Adam Wang: Merge branch 'master' of (master)
10:44.38*** join/#qi-hardware DocScrutinizer (~halley@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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15:52.35viricdo you keep the microcode up to date for your computers?
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16:30.30kyakmy computer is zillion years old, no more microcode updates for it -\
16:31.31viricI updated a Pentium IV today
16:31.40viricfrom rev 0x0 to 0x37
16:31.53virickyak: maybe your computer reached perfection
16:32.52kyakyes!! i like to think about it that way
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18:05.00zenlunaticanyone now where to get the rubber footsie on the bottom of the BNN... lost one
18:06.35wpwrakmaybe try a drop of silicone. available at your next DIY shop
18:07.24wpwrakif you wet your fingers with alcohol, you can shape the silicone without it sticking to your fingers
18:10.14viricthe drop of sillicone works great
18:17.31DocScrutinizerwhitequark: great!
18:25.46DocScrutinizerI'd ask wolfspraul
18:26.24DocScrutinizerstandard mail letters from China with silly rubber blobs inside are dirt cheap
18:27.11DocScrutinizerwolfspraul: is a nice guy, he probably can help
18:28.10DocScrutinizerI ised to do similar things for OM FR, but for BNN I'm not really involved
18:29.48wpwrakDocScrutinizer: we would help, but i think he doesn't have spare feet himself
18:30.02qi-botwpwrak meant: "DocScrutinizer: he would help, but i think he doesn't have spare feet himself"
18:30.55DocScrutinizerwho's admin of qibot?
18:31.32wpwrakkyak ? wolfgang ?
18:32.31DocScrutinizerso any of you would tell the bot to stop regex? pretty please
18:33.33DocScrutinizerqi-bot: master
18:33.45DocScrutinizerqi-bot: owner
18:34.26DocScrutinizerqi-bot: info
18:34.30DocScrutinizerqi-bot: status
18:34.34DocScrutinizerqi-bot: help
18:35.13DocScrutinizerqi-bot: die!
18:36.17wpwraksince you seem to control infobot, with whose appearance the problem started, there seems to be an easy and immediately implementable solution :)
18:38.01whitequarkinfobot: hi
18:38.01infobothello, whitequark
18:38.05whitequarkqi-bot: hi
18:38.14whitequarkhenceforth, I prefer infobot to stay.
18:38.20whitequarkit is more polite.
18:41.14zenlunaticso you mean i can't mail the BNN to a vendor and pay $60 for something I can fix myself
18:43.27DocScrutinizerI bet you can
18:45.28DocScrutinizerwpwrak: there's a number of (immediately) and not so \1 implementable solutions to my choice, but none of them will take care of the requirements set up in this very chan, by wolfspraul, you, whitequark
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18:47.26DocScrutinizerwolfspraul said he wants to keep infobot, you said you prefer infobot 's regex implementation over the qi-bot nonsense, and now whitequark preferred infobot for other reasons
18:48.55DocScrutinizerso I'm not going to implement a partial botch solution just to deal with missing responsiveness of qi-bot 's admin
18:49.54DocScrutinizeresp since I'm not sure how to disable regex in infobot
18:50.10DocScrutinizerneither if I may do it at all
18:51.01kyakwpwrak: what is it?
18:54.24kyaki'm not sure if it is right to spend some time implementing a feature (regexp replacement) just to disable it some day because it turns out to annoy DocScrutinizer
18:54.42kyakit was a popular request, as far as i remember
18:55.15DocScrutinizerit seems it annoys other users more than exactly me
18:55.22kyakDocScrutinizer: this is probably the last time i say it: learn the "ignore" command of your irc client. It solve ALL problems.
18:55.41DocScrutinizerkyak: thanks for the lesson :-S
18:56.20DocScrutinizerI pay back with "learn to read full backscroll"
19:00.30DocScrutinizerbtw I doubt /ignore will solve the problem of smart alec posts I cope with not that good when in a foul mood
19:24.54*** join/#qi-hardware sujan (
19:59.27*** join/#qi-hardware LunaVorax (
20:09.23*** join/#qi-hardware Ayla (
20:30.32wpwrakDocScrutinizer: you're correct that i prefer infobot's regex handling to qi-bot's. i never said it was a requirement for me, though.
20:32.27DocScrutinizer51wpwrak: if I'd not feel like 'MEH CBA' after that lesson of kyak, I'd immediately fix it
20:32.30wpwrakDocScrutinizer: and on general principles, i disagree with the way you just put infobot here, afaik without any prior discussion, and then demand the removal of qi-bot. that's rather impolite and bully-ish.
20:33.00wpwrakDocScrutinizer51: ah, you have access to qi-bot ? even better :)
20:33.22DocScrutinizer51I neither put it here (or rather kept) without any discussion
20:33.43DocScrutinizer51I hape some access to infobot
20:34.25DocScrutinizer51which I temprarily /invide'd to "~wtf nfc"
20:35.05DocScrutinizer51then I said I'm not planning to keep her, and any chanop is free to /kick
20:35.27DocScrutinizer51wolfspraul said sth I understood like he appreciates infobot
20:35.38DocScrutinizer51so I made it permanent
20:36.03DocScrutinizer51and I never asked for shutdown of qibot, WTF?!
20:37.09DocScrutinizer51honestly, can't you guys find out about your inability to read chanlogs on a day when I'm not in a extremely foul mood?
20:37.17wpwrakwell, at least partial shutdown, just a few minutes ago: "so any of you would tell the bot to stop regex? pretty please"
20:38.04DocScrutinizer51that's been all according to *zour* very decision
20:38.59DocScrutinizer51read the friggin chanlog
20:42.27DocScrutinizer51I just pointed to the problem, demonstrated the diffs in implementation of regex on both, and even dared to mention *I* would prefer infobot. The final decision been by wpwrak
20:43.09wpwrak"my decision" ? that sounds like some misunderstanding. anyway, perhaps this discussion is better continued on a day when your mood is less foul ?
20:43.13DocScrutinizer51Now I take the flames for trying to implement what *you* picked
20:43.56DocScrutinizer51sorry, too friggin stupid a debate for me today
20:44.32DocScrutinizer51fix it or leave it like now, whatever you like. don't pester me again about it!
21:15.32DocScrutinizer[Do 15. März 2012] [13:37:00] <DocScrutinizer51> tell me what you decided on that
21:15.33DocScrutinizer[Do 15. März 2012] [13:37:41] <DocScrutinizer51> so I may find the proper chanset flag for infobot to turn it off, if it's infobot to shutup
21:16.38DocScrutinizer[Do 15. März 2012] [15:16:57] * kristianpaul loves infobots
21:17.59DocScrutinizer[Do 15. März 2012] [09:05:28] <DocScrutinizer> she won't stay anyway, I haven't added #qi-hw to infobot's autojoin list
21:18.00DocScrutinizer[Do 15. März 2012] [09:06:14] <DocScrutinizer> !status
21:18.02DocScrutinizer[Do 15. März 2012] [09:06:23] <wolfspra1l> DocScrutinizer: thanks a lot! in my opinion she should stay
21:18.47DocScrutinizernow you got one more chance to give me definitive instructions how to handle the issue
21:19.24DocScrutinizerI'm not your whipping boy
21:20.43DocScrutinizer[Do 15. März 2012] [13:18:19] <qi-bot> DocScrutinizer51 meant: "DUH! one problem though I'll deal with later on:"
21:20.44DocScrutinizer[Do 15. März 2012] [13:20:44] <DocScrutinizer51> wolfspra1l: shall infobot ignore regex, or do you prefer to disable it in qibot?
21:20.46DocScrutinizer[Do 15. März 2012] [13:21:24] <DocScrutinizer51> I personally think qibot's implementation is inferior
21:20.47DocScrutinizer[Do 15. März 2012] [13:23:25] <DocScrutinizer51> s/personally/for one/
21:21.16DocScrutinizeryou are free to read up your own contributions in chanlog
21:21.49DocScrutinizerI'm not going to take and accept any further blame regarding the issue
21:22.14*** join/#qi-hardware panda|x201 (~hzhang@
21:33.15wpwrakDocScrutinizer: IMHO, the first step would be to determine what you're actually trying to accomplish. if it's a change to the regex handling (e.g., require ending /, remove implicit g), then i think there's a majority that agrees with such a change. then, the next step would be to discuss with kyak how to make that happen. most likely, it's a quick change to qi-bot. infobot wouldn't be needed or at least not for substitutions in that
21:33.16wpwrakcase. if, however, he thinks this would be better handled by infobot, then he should disable the feature in qi-bot and let infobot do it.
21:33.45DocScrutinizerand I'll not take any further actions to sanitaze the situation, nor ever again rise the topic, unless someone of you starts giving clear instructions
21:34.26DocScrutinizerI'm thoroughly pissed of taking flames for trying to be helpful
21:34.46wpwraksee, the problem here is that nobody really "owns" the channel. normally, people follow their social instincts and resolve conflicts without needing a judge.
21:35.31wpwrakalways remember: the road to hell is paved with good intentions :-)
21:35.52DocScrutinizerto me the chan is owned by a) those on access list and -- no not b) but major A) by owner of name qi-hardware
21:36.41DocScrutinizerI'm not interested on way to hell - I arrived there long time ago
21:36.57wpwrakhence the smoking ? :)
21:37.43wpwrakenjoy the pub ! :)
21:37.55DocScrutinizeralready back home
21:38.11wpwrakback from the pub ? that's early
21:38.22DocScrutinizerI had my N900 with me
21:38.31DocScrutinizerso it was too dangerous to stay
21:39.07wpwrakah, so you left before the fighting and thieving normally starts. i see :)
21:40.07DocScrutinizerbefore my mood - caused by #qi-hardware - made me do insane things to innocent guests
21:41.00wpwrakperhaps just catching up with a bit with sleep will help. it's been a long and busy week.
21:41.21DocScrutinizerit's been a night with 12h of sleep
21:41.57DocScrutinizerwhich actually might explain a few things to me which I forgot to take into account
21:42.00wpwrakokay, so that was either too much, or you need more of it. there's but one way to find out - controlled experiments :)
21:42.26DocScrutinizermadness started yesterday anyway
21:42.35DocScrutinizerand today it got worse
21:42.48DocScrutinizerand when I left friggin job, it got even worse
21:43.26DocScrutinizerand then came qi-hardware
21:44.07DocScrutinizertoldya I got a foul mood
21:44.27DocScrutinizerand that for I'm off now
21:44.51DocScrutinizerdon't dare to ever pester me about infobot, unless you know what you want
21:51.24kristianpaulinfobot: milkymist?
21:52.02DocScrutinizerone last note: it's a terrible sitaution that founder of this channel is a bot
21:53.12DocScrutinizerand that bot isn't exactly verbose and forthcoming when you try to find out who's her master
21:53.37DocScrutinizer~listkeys milkymist
21:53.53DocScrutinizer~listvalues milkymist
21:54.26DocScrutinizer~milkymist is a mystery
21:54.26infobotDocScrutinizer: okay
21:54.44DocScrutinizer~forget milkymist
21:54.44infobotDocScrutinizer: i forgot milkymist
21:55.31DocScrutinizerplease keep in mind I have set up the bot in a way you can have your very own namespace, like:
21:55.42DocScrutinizer~#qi-hardware milkymist is a mystery
21:55.42infobotDocScrutinizer: okay
21:55.50infobotrumour has it, milkymist is a mystery
21:56.14DocScrutinizerthis factoid is not available as ~milkymist in any other chan
21:56.34DocScrutinizerlikewise you can override factoids like ~flashing
21:56.40infobotrumour has it, maemo-flashing is
21:56.47DocScrutinizer~literal flashing
21:56.47infobot"flashing" is "<reply>see maemo-flashing"
21:57.15zrafaI still do not know how to say "actions" like others do with "*pepe is cooking something" ;)
21:57.27DocScrutinizer~qi-hardware flashing is the only way to get new firmware on milkymist
21:57.27infobotokay, DocScrutinizer
21:57.50wpwrakzrafa: /me is cooking something
21:57.52infobotextra, extra, read all about it, maemo-flashing is
21:58.06DocScrutinizer~#qi-hardware flashing is the only way to get new firmware on milkymist
21:58.07infobotDocScrutinizer: okay
21:58.11infobotfrom memory, flashing is the only way to get new firmware on milkymist
21:58.25zrafawpwrak: ha!°.. thanks! there is alwasy something new to learn :)
21:58.28DocScrutinizer~forget qi-hardware flashing
21:58.28infoboti forgot qi-hardware flashing, DocScrutinizer
21:58.45zrafais learning the actions thing
21:58.57DocScrutinizeryou already did :-)
21:59.13zrafaDocScrutinizer: yeah it seems :)
21:59.52zrafaI am not a big fan of aaaaallll of tiny details about irc chat. I usually just write and press ENTER
22:00.06zrafawithout to know all the functions irc chats have
22:00.17DocScrutinizerbots are a niche magic
22:00.46zrafaI have no idea what is bots, infobots, etc .. which are always remember things or fixing people words
22:01.40zrafabut they do not disturb me.. I just ignore the lines of infobot, bots.. when they say something
22:01.52DocScrutinizersome useful stuff to be found at and neighbours
22:03.28DocScrutinizerzrafa: infobot has a database of ~150,000 factoids that you can query via ~factoid
22:03.57viricis 'factoid' a word?
22:04.06DocScrutinizershe has some other less intriguing functions as well
22:04.21DocScrutinizerviric: for infobot it is
22:04.25infobotSince Thu Mar 22 21:21:46 2012, there have been 6 modifications, 46 questions, 0 dunnos, 0 morons and 32 commands.  I have been awake for 1d 42m 39s this session, and currently reference 118475 factoids.  I'm using about 22328 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 337.55/7.15 child 0/0
22:04.40DocScrutinizerok only ~120,000
22:04.58DocScrutinizer~listkeys gates
22:05.17DocScrutinizer~bill gates
22:05.17infobot[bill gates] lord of Darkness
22:05.26viricirc wisdom
22:06.00DocScrutinizer~listkeys openmoko
22:06.33DocScrutinizeryou see #openmoko-cdevel has a local namespace, just like this chan has
22:06.35zrafaDocScrutinizer: interesting
22:06.53DocScrutinizer~#openmoko audio
22:07.06DocScrutinizer~#openmoko-cdevel audio
22:07.07infobotsomebody said #openmoko-cdevel audio was and
22:07.11wpwrakviric: dict factoid  :)
22:07.23DocScrutinizer~dict factoid
22:08.33wpwrakhmm, /ignore should have a message pattern match as well
22:09.02DocScrutinizerre ~#openmoko-cdevel audio: in #openmoko-cdevel chan you invoke that factoid simply via ~audio
22:09.27DocScrutinizerwhile here you get sth different
22:09.30infobotfrom memory, audio is usually a codec issue. start with trying to set 'disallow=all' and 'allow=alaw' in sip.conf or the channel's config file if not using sip
22:09.53DocScrutinizer~literal audio
22:09.53infobot"audio" is "usually a codec issue. start with trying to set 'disallow=all' and 'allow=alaw' in sip.conf or the channel's config file if not using sip"
22:10.10DocScrutinizer~literal #openmoko-cdevel audio
22:10.10infobot"#openmoko-cdevel audio" is " and"
22:11.09DocScrutinizerthere are another few more or less useful finctions of infobot
22:11.23DocScrutinizer~2 + 3^15
22:12.08viricthe exponent goes in binary
22:12.10DocScrutinizer~12345 * 67890
22:12.20viricor ^ means xor
22:13.26DocScrutinizerI forgot the math notation
22:13.48infobot[5!] 120
22:14.33viricI win
22:14.45DocScrutinizerI am the loser today
22:14.54DocScrutinizerwe already agreed on that
22:15.48DocScrutinizerI'm not sure about non-10 base
22:16.08kristianpaul~wikipedia qi-hardware
22:16.19kristianpaul~wikipedia milkymist
22:16.33infobottalk dirty to me! Preferably, do so after you have typed "/query infobot" which should open a new window/tab/whatever with most irc clients. You can talk to me all you like and don't annoy other people with endless queries. Be aware that the stuff you write is logged, so don't get too 1337 :)
22:16.43kristianpaulsure ;)
22:17.09kristianpaulDocScrutinizer: does this infobot reacts to questionns like
22:17.18kristianpaulHow i do reflash my nanonote?
22:17.34DocScrutinizeronly when introduced by ~ (key char) or infobot:
22:17.43kristianpaul~How i do reflash my nanonote?
22:17.49kristianpaulgot it
22:17.55kristianpaul~ How i do reflash my nanonote?
22:18.05DocScrutinizerit's too complex
22:18.23kristianpauli heard infobots can understand that..
22:18.27kristianpaulanyway back later
22:18.34DocScrutinizerbasically best is to only post the keyword
22:18.35kristianpaulhave fun with the bot
22:18.53DocScrutinizer~what is milkymist
22:18.53infobotrumour has it, milkymist is a mystery
22:19.21DocScrutinizer~tell me what you think about milkymist
22:19.49DocScrutinizer~what do you think about milkymist
22:20.42DocScrutinizersometimes she answers "gee, I don't know what you're talking about"
22:21.11DocScrutinizershe's no plain text parser ;-)
22:21.30infobot or Texas Instrument's OMAP Platform is comprised of high-performance, power efficient processors, a robust software infrastructure and comprehensive support network for the rapid development of differentiated internet appliances, 2.5G and 3G wireless handsets and PDAs, and other multimedia-enhanced devices. #ol
22:22.47DocScrutinizerand now I'm definitely off
22:24.42DocScrutinizerjust keep in mind you might want to append to head of factoids a "#qi-hardware " when they are chan topic specific
22:25.11DocScrutinizer~bill gates
22:25.11infobotsomebody said bill gates was lord of Darkness
22:25.33DocScrutinizer~#qi-hardware bill gates is not in this channel, and never will be
22:25.33infobotokay, DocScrutinizer
22:25.37DocScrutinizer~bill gates
22:25.37infobot[bill gates] not in this channel, and never will be
22:26.33DocScrutinizer~listkeys qi-hardware
22:27.19infobotI'm your very local infobot, and this is a facoid only valid in this chan
22:27.50DocScrutinizer~_default infobot
22:27.50infobotit has been said that infobot is happy, or a liar
22:30.00DocScrutinizerbtw feel free to redefine ~milkymist
22:30.40DocScrutinizerjust make bot ~forget milkymist  before you define a new milkymist factoid
22:31.09DocScrutinizer~milkymist is "laready existing"
22:31.09infobotDocScrutinizer: okay
22:31.24DocScrutinizersorry for confusing example
22:31.39DocScrutinizer~milkymist is "already existing"
22:31.39infobot...but milkymist is already something else...
22:31.54DocScrutinizer~forget milkymist
22:31.54infoboti forgot milkymist, DocScrutinizer
22:32.21infobotrumour has it, milkymist is a mystery
22:32.38DocScrutinizer~literal milkymist
22:32.38infobot"#qi-hardware milkymist" is "a mystery"
22:33.24DocScrutinizer~milkymist is /join #qi-hardware
22:33.25infobotokay, DocScrutinizer
22:33.31infobotfrom memory, milkymist is a mystery
22:33.40DocScrutinizer~_default milkymist
22:33.40infobotextra, extra, read all about it, milkymist is /join #qi-hardware
22:40.15DocScrutinizerand since I'm fed up with the feeling left over from this evening...
22:40.32DocScrutinizer~chanset #qi-hardware -sed
22:40.32infobotsetting sed for #qi-hardware is not set.
22:40.40*** join/#qi-hardware jekhor (~jek@
22:40.43DocScrutinizer~chanset #qi-hardware sed 0
22:40.43infobotSetting sed for #qi-hardware to '0'.
22:40.50DocScrutinizer~chanset #qi-hardware
22:40.50infobotchan: #qi-hardware (see _default also)
22:41.07qi-botDocScrutinizer meant: "fooXXX"
22:42.48DocScrutinizer~lart wpwrak
22:42.48infoboteats wpwrak and falls over dead
22:46.18DocScrutinizern8 folks
22:57.13*** join/#qi-hardware wolfspraul (~wolfsprau@
23:21.12*** join/#qi-hardware viric (~viric@unaffiliated/viric)
23:41.47*** join/#qi-hardware zear_ (~zear@2001:0:5ef5:79fb:8a2:20d5:2abe:b43b)

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.