IRC log for #qi-hardware on 20150201

00:26.48*** join/#qi-hardware dandon (~dandon@
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01:48.06*** join/#qi-hardware DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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02:00.53wpwrak_hmm .. putty ... brand name "sicko".
02:11.20wpwrak_grmbl. and why does freenode think i'm a smoker ?
03:33.28*** join/#qi-hardware atommann (~atommann@
03:59.52*** part/#qi-hardware rozzin (rozzin@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe56:7619)
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11:37.48DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: (smoker) you should check your xchat config/scripts. auto-rejoin without using '/msg nickserv ghost' will inevitably result in your client using next alternative nickname, on every netsplit or connectivity loss
11:40.28DocScrutinizer05.xchat2/xchat-login.xsh ::
11:40.34DocScrutinizer05nick Docscrutemp
11:40.46DocScrutinizer05msg nickserv ghost DocScrutinizer51  MyPasswd
11:40.55DocScrutinizer05timer 6 nick DocScrutinizer51
11:41.13DocScrutinizer05msg nickserv id joerg_rw  MyPasswd
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13:24.16*** join/#qi-hardware jekhor (
14:22.41wpwrakhmm. how would xchat know to execute xchat-login.xsh ? and what language is .xsh ? i can see lots of stuff about perl and python scripting, but you seem to be the only one on the planet who uses that xchat-login.xsh script :)
14:47.17whitequarkxchat script?
15:16.20wpwraki guess it's a variant of the things described here:
15:56.56*** join/#qi-hardware jekhor (~jek@
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18:01.10*** join/#qi-hardware FDCX_ (~fdcx@
20:06.27*** join/#qi-hardware rjeffries (
20:09.37rjeffrieswpwrak your anelok case work boggles my mind. With the CNC approach what do you consider the practical upper bound on number of cases made that (tedious) way?
20:11.17rjeffriesI assume that a soft tool (aluminum mold, I think..)  for injection molding would be logical way for moderate production. But is n=100 doable the hard way?
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20:34.23DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: no idea, al that stuff is 5 years old. I guess there's a well defined script name xchat executes on start. Or the whole thing got deactivated by me when I switched to ZNC
20:36.13DocScrutinizer05quite possible that the thing been named before I renamed it to disable it
20:36.53DocScrutinizer05and it looks like plain xchat commands without leading "/"
20:38.07DocScrutinizer05prolly Raster instructed me back in TPE
20:39.03DocScrutinizer05or shortly after, when I bought my N810
20:40.21DocScrutinizer05without Raster's N800 (N770?) I'd possibly never had noticed maemo and thus xchat. Definitely Raster told me about xchat
20:49.42DocScrutinizer05anyway I recall I learned about timers via '/help timer' cmd, and that stuff once kinda worked
20:58.31DocScrutinizer05the cmds are only a 4 lines, you should be capable to grok the idea even without a POSIX standard scripting language being used ;-D
21:02.40DocScrutinizer05maybe one of the 250 scripts provided on even offers a smarter approach, like the one I do on Konversation where I wait for regex pattern "DocScrutinizer05.*has.*been.*ghosted" | "DocScrutinizer05.*is.*not.*online" to autorespond "/nick DocScrutinizer05". Smarter than a "sleep 6"
21:34.16wpwrakrjeffries: n=100 may be easier the hard way, yes. a mold is hard to make with my mill. so by the time i'd have one made and fully debugged, i'd probably be done with the 100 directly milled cases
21:35.17wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: interesting .. didn't know of the raster angle :)
21:36.56wpwrak(concept) yes, that's clear enough. but i'd like to avoid the temporary name. and to do that i'll need to understand more of what's underneath
21:38.42DocScrutinizer05you need a temporary name anyway, since you can't log in to IRC with a nick that's already in use
21:39.15DocScrutinizer05recently your temporary name is smoker
21:49.42wpwrakwell, i only need a temp name if there's actually a conflict
21:50.54*** join/#qi-hardware lrockhq (~AOv2@unaffiliated/sirlongrock)
22:13.57DocScrutinizer05you need one to even find out *if* there is a conflict
22:19.43DocScrutinizer05your client tries to log in with your primary nickname (wpwrak). If that fails, the client usually tries the secondary/alternative nickname (in your case wpwrak_). Whatever the result of this, next steps are: authenticate to nickserv (/msg nickserv <ACCOUNTnam> <PassWD>), ghost primary nickname (answer either "can't ghost yourself [when using your primary nick] or "has.*been.*ghosted" resp ".*is.*not.*online" [when using secondary
22:19.45DocScrutinizer05nick]), then _try_ to change nick to primary nick, ideally on receiving (one of) the reply(s) as mentioned before from nickserv (since sometimes nickserv takes 'ages' to complete the ghost command)
22:20.57DocScrutinizer05oops s/ /msg nickserv <ACCOUNTnam> <PassWD> / /msg nickserv ID <ACCOUNTnam> <PassWD> /
22:27.50DocScrutinizer05changing nick to <primary_nick> is a NUL operation when your nick already is the primary one. And "/msg nickserv ghost <primary_nick>" will fail when you already use primary nick ("can't ghost yourself"). So the above sequence doesn't need any tests and conditional branches. It simply "just works"
22:29.52DocScrutinizer05NB your alternative (temporary) nick is completely arbitrary, you don't even need to know it
22:30.40DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: ^^^
22:33.25wpwrakmy concern would be auto-joining of channels. does that wait until i have sorted out the nick situation ? if not, any temporary nick is still a problem
22:33.36DocScrutinizer05that depends on client
22:33.42wpwrakxchat :)
22:33.51DocScrutinizer05I dunno about xchat
22:33.57eintopfwho use xchat here
22:34.07wpwrakme ! :)
22:34.16eintopfi am shocked
22:34.37eintopfso a crazy fvwm2rc with xchat
22:34.57wpwrakguess you would have expected that i use a strictly tty-type interface. no cursor positioning ;)
22:35.01DocScrutinizer05*usually* any login script should complete before chan-autojoin runs
22:36.16eintopfwpwrak: yes
22:36.37DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: also note please that any such "problem" with alternative nick only ever shows when you actually run into a collision
22:36.46eintopfwpwrak: I would expected something like this:
22:37.23wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: doesn't make you script always produce the problem, given that it always uses the temp nick ?
22:37.36DocScrutinizer05when xchat can log in with primary_nick, all the script with all the ghosting etc will be completely invisible to IRC
22:37.58DocScrutinizer05sorry, that script is a tad old and loaded with cruft
22:38.42wpwrak(zirc) yeah, that looks decently hardcore ;-)
22:39.22wpwraknow do it in traditional Bourne, for the veterans :)
22:39.57DocScrutinizer05log in to IRC ideally using server password (or SASL) to authenticate during log in. To be on the failsafe side, do /ns id accountname password. Then /ns ghost primary_nick. Then /nick primary_nick
22:40.36DocScrutinizer05simple as that
22:41.38DocScrutinizer05hint: on freenode use "accountname:password" for server password
22:45.08DocScrutinizer05hint: I repeat the above for 3 times, to deal with delays in nickserv
22:45.26DocScrutinizer05well, step 2,3,4 of above ;-)
22:46.23DocScrutinizer05/ns id accountname password;  /ns ghost primary_nick password; /nick primary_nick
22:47.28DocScrutinizer05password should be expendable on ghost command, I nevertheless use it in case the previous ID command didn't complete yet
22:48.59DocScrutinizer05but I do this because I _always_ use DocScrutinizer06 (SIC!) as login nick, on this client. Otherwise you mayve ghost yourself, dunno
22:50.06DocScrutinizer05you can't ghost anybody when you're not authenticated and don't use password in ghost command
22:50.31DocScrutinizer05so up to you if you use ghost with password or without
22:52.37DocScrutinizer05BEWARE! don't use this scheme on two concurrent clients with same primary_nick, or they will start lick-ass pingpong
22:54.53DocScrutinizer05same applies for multiple connections to same IRC network from same client, unless you make sure that script only runs for first server connection but not for second+
22:58.08wpwrakheh :) you've already convinced me that this problem doesn't have an easy solution and that debugging any solution it probably considerably more annoying to people than the occasional manual change
22:58.35wpwraklet's just hope freenode keeps the number of such renames reasonably low also in the future ...
23:06.07DocScrutinizer05no, this problem is extremely simple to solve (see above), doesn't need much debugging particularly since the solution runs since several years on my clients, and you're running into this problem on *every* reconnect caused by whatever reason
23:06.46DocScrutinizer05unless the disconnect time is long enough to make IRC servers auto-'ghost' the stale login
23:08.00DocScrutinizer05honestly, how hard can it be to add a >>/ns id accountname password;  /ns ghost primary_nick password; /nick primary_nick<< to some reconnect hook in your irc client?
23:11.16DocScrutinizer05but meh, not _my_ problem
23:18.44DocScrutinizer05((auto-'ghost')) "...has left this server (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)."
23:20.05DocScrutinizer05freenode changed that from 12 to 3 minutes some years ago, probably to mitigate exactly this problem
23:21.47DocScrutinizer05I discussed with freenode stuff why they don't do auto-ghost on re-login, but they had some compelling reason why they don't want this - alas I forgot the details
23:32.51DocScrutinizer05actually I think they changed ping period from 600s to 90s
23:33.08DocScrutinizer05or sth like that
23:46.44DocScrutinizer05((debug)) you can enter all those commands manually, after killing and restarting your IRC client. One tip I found during automating the manually tested commands: you need a delay of several seconds between the ghost-cmd and the nick-change (if you don't wait to go nifty and wait for the response to ghost-cmd, sth I did in Konversation with "highlight" on above mentioned regex)
23:47.36DocScrutinizer05that's why my xchat script uses that timer

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