IRC log for #qi-hardware on 20150213

02:28.36arossdotmewheres gnutoo?
07:49.27wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: speaking of successful kickstartering, that's how the pros do it:
07:55.08*** join/#qi-hardware arhuaco (~arhuaco__@
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13:56.53xiangfuwpwrak: Hi
13:57.16xiangfuDocScrutinizer05: Hello
13:58.16DocScrutinizer05xiangfu: hi!
13:59.34xiangfuDocScrutinizer05: I bought 4 N900 phones.
13:59.50xiangfuDocScrutinizer05: I think I will receive them in 2 or three days.
14:00.06DocScrutinizer05do those sellers offer more of them?
14:00.16xiangfuDocScrutinizer05: Yes.
14:00.22DocScrutinizer05great! :-)
14:00.24xiangfusomeone have more then 500.
14:00.36xiangfumost of them have less them 100 devices.
14:00.53DocScrutinizer05less than 100 is quite normal
14:01.30xiangfu(500 one): the price ~100USD.
14:02.02xiangfuthe four devices I have bought from 40USD to 120USD.
14:02.42xiangfuDocScrutinizer05: I am not sure if I can send it to you before Chinese New Year. it is like all people stop working. I will let you know when I receive them.
14:03.00xiangfuDocScrutinizer05: do you need me do anything on the device before I send it out?
14:03.09xiangfuI can disaccemble them. :)
14:03.30DocScrutinizer05please don't worry abut sending them to me quickly, rather evaluate if they are decent quality :-)
14:03.44xiangfuDocScrutinizer05: ok
14:03.58DocScrutinizer05the price is "normal"
14:04.15DocScrutinizer05and expected
14:04.36DocScrutinizer05we can handle that
14:04.58DocScrutinizer05great news indeed. Many many thanks!
14:05.30xiangfuDocScrutinizer05: just FYI: we own a small factory with a SMT line and some people there.
14:05.49DocScrutinizer05good to know
14:07.04DocScrutinizer05maybe we could for example have those 500 disassembled by you before shipping them to us. would make sense since here we have no resources to do that job, unless I dedicate 4 weeks to it ;-)
14:07.14DocScrutinizer05of my time
14:08.07xiangfuDocScrutinizer05: Yes. that is what I though. we can disassembled them.
14:08.19DocScrutinizer05QA and disassemble
14:08.21xiangfuI will try that first in two days.
14:08.38DocScrutinizer05I'll link you to the service manual
14:08.50DocScrutinizer05just for convenience
14:11.21DocScrutinizer05L1_2 link works
14:11.54DocScrutinizer05L3_4 is a comprehensive technical ,amual about repair and all
14:12.07DocScrutinizer05irrelevant for you
14:19.16*** join/#qi-hardware fmeerkoetter (
14:21.27xiangfuwe don't need to disassemble them like the "EXPLODED VIEW". right?
14:22.43xiangfudo you need this: MEMORY_CARD_PCB, CAMERA_MOD_5MP, QWERTY DOME SHEET?
14:46.46wpwrakxiangfu: (wiki page) nice !
14:48.19wpwrakthe "combines binary" is something a bit exotic, though. not what people would normally use. the regular path is boot loader with swd and then, ever after loading the application with dfu
14:53.23DocScrutinizer05xiangfu: we might need the domesheets, though that's terrible mess to scavenge and re-use
14:53.55DocScrutinizer05we prolly don't need the 5MP cam module, we are using a different variant
14:54.26DocScrutinizer05memory-card-pcb is a immanent part of main PCB
14:54.55DocScrutinizer05connected to main PCB by a embedded inner layer of flex PCB
15:18.22*** join/#qi-hardware arossdotme (
15:59.52DocScrutinizer05xianfu: (hope you read chanlog) we don't need complete display half disassembled, actually we'd prefer to have it "pre-"assembled to simply connect it to the main PCB
16:03.28DocScrutinizer05xianfu: actually in Nokia_N900_RX-51_Service_Manual_L1L2_v1_0.pdf please stop disassembling with photo #15, #16
16:05.10DocScrutinizer05we need QA on the complete display half: scratch free, display OK (no dead pixels), front camera and indicator RGB LED and IR proximity sensor working, earpiece working
16:05.56DocScrutinizer05test shall be done against a known-good main PCB
16:14.09*** join/#qi-hardware fmeerkoetter (~fmee@
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18:39.22whitequarkgot a tig welder
18:39.30whitequarksoon, custom vacuum gear
18:40.05kyaka what?
18:40.32whitequarkwelder that uses a tungsten electrode in inert gas (argon)
18:40.39whitequarkyou need that for stainless
18:40.49whitequarkand most vacuum stuff is made from 316L
18:42.00kyakoh damn.. i only wonder how you get all this stuff with the current rate exchange :)
18:42.14whitequarkI'm paid in USD :p
18:42.29kyakvery clever :)
18:43.03whitequarkthe welder cost 7000 RUB (some discount). mask, 2000 RUB. 9th torch, 3000 RUB
18:43.59whitequarkthe biggest issue was finding 316L filler rods in qty of less than 5kg. 5kg of those cost like a whole new welder
18:44.22whitequarkargon is insanely cheap. 300 RUB ($5 for everyone else) for a 10L cylinder
18:44.38whitequarkI'm told it costs at least an order of magnitude more overseas
18:44.58kyakhad to google some of the stuff.. you couldn't get 316L is russia?
18:45.22whitequarkI could easily get them in 5kg boxes
18:45.34whitequarkit took two days to find a local place that sells you them one by one
18:45.53whitequarksame for TIG torch accessories, really, but the rods are really fucking expensive
18:46.39whitequarknow the last part I need is some source material, which proves most problematic of it all
18:46.48whitequarkno one wants to sell someone a 20x20cm square of 316
18:47.09kyaki guess it could rise suspicion :)
18:47.18whitequarkhuh? why?
18:47.38whitequarkit's just more economical, and I guess more lazy, to sell huge 2x3m sheets
18:48.55kyakehm, why not? i, the person "from outside", don't see a single reason why you would want a 20x20 piece of metal
18:49.22kyakmy next question was - what were you going to do :)
18:49.32whitequarkand why would that be of any concern to you?
18:49.50kyaknah, not to me..
18:49.54whitequarkbehold, the most toxic of all USSR mentality, in the chat right next to you
18:50.28whitequarkif a person does something you could not think of, they must be doing something /weird/! they must be crushed before they actually have a chance at success!
18:53.01kyakthat's quite right
18:53.01whitequarkit's actually quite telling that the people actually selling me shit have /never/ asked what i want it for. they either sell or decide it's not worth it for them
18:53.08whitequarkit's always the 'policymakers' who get these ideas
18:53.23whitequarkcan't make anything, make a policy, i guess
18:53.59kyaklet's put it aside, what are you doing right now?
18:54.12whitequarka chamber for magnetron sputtering
18:54.29whitequark(not the microwave kind)
18:56.18kyakok, after a bit of google translate i (maybe) get it. What's it for?
18:56.57whitequarkI actually have no idea how it's called in russian
18:57.06whitequarkwonder what did you even get from GT
18:57.58whitequarkthat's quite right
18:59.05whitequarkit's mainly to do something simple to get a hang of vacuum tech, before I move on to more complex topics
18:59.13whitequarkbut this can be useful on its own merit
18:59.15whitequarkDIY LCDs!
18:59.50kyakwow, that's insane
19:00.08whitequarkI don't actually know how to make the glass-lcd-glass sandwich
19:00.18whitequarknot a glass sealed one like they make in the indsutry at least
19:00.23whitequarkbut electrodes would be doable.
19:00.29kyakjust reading this article alone, i can't get impression how this could be doable by a single person
19:00.38whitequarkoh, it's fairly trivial
19:00.57whitequarkI already have a prototype, it just kinda desolders itself when I run it for more than five minutes
19:01.44whitequark has an incredibly crude and dangerous variant
19:01.51whitequarkalso no argon, so the films are all oxidized to hell
19:02.03whitequarkbut that one can be built using a dumpster and determination
19:02.26whitequarkI have a proper MOSFET-based power supply and feedback for process control
19:02.35whitequarkand a nicer chamber, soon
19:02.58kyakok ,so what's your end mission anyway?
19:03.08whitequarkshort term, I want to make a GC-MS
19:03.23whitequarkit requires some impressive chamber making skills, and somewhat less impressive HV RF power supply skills
19:03.38whitequarkspecifically a QMA-based MS
19:04.42whitequarkI've had a productive conversation with a guy who makes those for a decade or two, I have a good idea of what electronics will I need
19:04.57whitequarkchamber, not as much so, but should be doable
19:06.53whitequarklong term, CMOS ICs. it'll actually require sputtering (those metal gates!), and RIE, and CVD (both of which use really similar equipment to a sputterer), and a QMA (without the GC part), and a bunch more things
19:07.02kyakoh, man, too much for me to google.. so you want to make  device to analyze what is contained in a given sample of matter?
19:07.28whitequarkit's not a star trek tricorder
19:07.39whitequarkbecause it requires fairly complex and extensive calibration
19:07.48whitequarkbut it's a very useful device
19:08.06kyakis it for your own entertainment or is it your work project?
19:08.48kyakdoes it matter what to analyze (gas, liquid, etc? )
19:09.09whitequarkwell, the mass spectrometer works with ions
19:09.16whitequarkionization is actually a topic unto itself
19:09.17wpwrakkyak: i guess at work he builds wormhole generators ...
19:09.34whitequarkyou could ionize gases, or vaporized liquids
19:09.46whitequarkor you could smash ions into a surface, and sputter some ions
19:09.55whitequarkcalled secondary ion mass spectrometry
19:10.01kyakwhitequark: so you need to take action on that matter? like, ionieze it?
19:10.12whitequarkv. useful for analyzing the "slices" of surfaces
19:10.24whitequarklike the exact composition of an oxide film on steel, shit like that
19:10.37whitequarkin a GC-MS you get a gas inside the spectrometer
19:10.50whitequarkusually you vaporize a liquid. the GC column is held at 100-200°C
19:10.57kyakwpwrak: whatever he builds, i only hope it works for good of mankind: ))
19:11.06whitequarkwpwrak: lolnope. smartphone apps
19:11.13whitequarkand until recently, websites on ruby on rails
19:11.25kyaklike that --^ :)
19:12.58kyakwhitequark: ok, cosindering i only understand 10% of what you say, it's still very interesting. how the hell is this entertaining?
19:13.25*** join/#qi-hardware fmeerkoetter (
19:13.26wpwraki guess the real objective is to have a talk for the next EHSM. the sort of talk that will discourage all further submissions :)
19:13.40whitequarkconverse question, how the hell is any of shit people usually find entertaining is not boring as hell
19:13.53kyaki mean, entertaining is good, but doing real profit in production/ whatever?
19:14.22whitequarkthese skills are quite rare, much more so than your typical webdev shit
19:14.31whitequarkand they are valued well if you know the right people
19:14.34whitequarkbut this is not why i work on it
19:14.48whitequarkwpwrak: actually inspired by EHSM here
19:14.52whitequarkmet the MS guy at EHSM
19:15.29kyaki'm telling you, this shit is valued, "even" in russia :)
19:16.16whitequarkpeople doing this stuff in russia are stuck a few decades ago
19:16.54whitequarkhell, the MS guy (from Poland, which is ex-USSR) was surprised when I showed him that you can /simulate circuits on a computer/
19:17.04whitequarkquote: "wow, you can do that?!"
19:17.27kyakstill the wikipedia article mentiones some "soviet time" publictions
19:17.32whitequarkwell, warsaw pact
19:17.39whitequarkyes, there was quite some impressive work done
19:17.57whitequarkbut i mean. these people still consider a turbomolecular pump 'too complex' and 'new' and 'expensive'
19:18.11whitequarkand sit on their crappy oil diffusion pumps
19:18.21whitequarkwhich are just... i don't know why would anyone ever want to use that
19:19.30kyakyep, i don't know what you are talking about, but i understand what you mean
19:19.55kyakstill, i'm seeing sometimes (by the duties of me job) people and organizations who are doing very crazy things
19:20.05whitequarkI don't doubt that, I have seen it
19:20.14whitequarkbut also things that are heroic only if you pretend it's still 1970
19:20.45kyakthat, too
19:21.10*** join/#qi-hardware pcercuei (~pcercuei@2a02:810d:1b40:1118:1af4:6aff:fec5:1c8f)
19:22.00whitequarkhave you /seen/ the welding equipment that /still sells/?
19:22.18whitequarkthey use a 200-kg rectifier and a 100-kg rheostat to control current
19:22.39whitequarkto do the job that a 10kg IGBT-based inverter does much better
19:22.44whitequarkthey /still manufacture those anew/
19:22.48kyakwhitequark: i'm wondering, why don't you find a job that satisfies you both mentally and financually? I mean, some doing some ruby shit for money and crazy state-of-the-art the entertainment?
19:23.12kyakjust doesn't make sense...
19:23.39whitequarkbecause i have attention span of a fruit fly and i don't want my financials to be dependent on whether i get bored with the cool thing i came up with yesterday
19:24.06whitequarkand ruby shit is already boring to the extreme, it can't get any worse by design
19:24.29whitequarkthat's half the reason.
19:24.40whitequarkthe second half is that current state of the art requires years of investment just to get up-to-date
19:24.49whitequarkand it pigeonholes you into a specific position in specific industry
19:24.56whitequarkwhereas as it is, i'm free to go as wide as it pleases me
19:25.04whitequarkit'll be /nowhere/ near state of the art
19:25.13whitequarkbecause state of the art means hundreds of people
19:26.12kyakso it's you personal freedom that's more important?
19:26.55whitequarki suppose? if it's going to be for fun
19:27.47whitequarkalso, ruby pays well. my last job (pre-crisis) was 90kRUB net
19:27.59whitequarkin a place that does cutting edge research in RU they'll give you twenty if you're lucky
19:28.31whitequarkthat's a choice between rent and food :]
19:30.12kyakand getting to your question.. i don't know of those companies. But i know of companies who build atomic stations abroad, and that's pretty state-of-the-art - and also companies who are into military and space, and there are pretty fascinating things going on
19:30.46whitequark(atomic stations) lol
19:30.56whitequarkstate-of-the-art nuclear plants are /literally/ based on 1970s design
19:30.59whitequarkbecause of regulatory inanity
19:31.19whitequarkand space, really, too, compare what SpaceX does with what NASA did
19:32.55kyakyou are not even close to knowing what's going on in those high regulated industries (like medicine, aerospace, and nuclear) - but let me assure you, we are very solid there :)
19:33.28kyak1970s design doesn't equal to bad
19:33.28whitequarki certainly hope so
19:33.38kyakalso, it's not true
19:33.50kyaki mean, its not 70's design
19:34.12whitequarkso, where's our LFTR reactors? :]
19:34.31kyaklet me google it for me :)
19:35.12kyakah, i don't know.. i'll try to ask when i have a chance
19:35.52whitequarkas far as I'm aware, the problem is that regulatory requirements are evolved to pigeonhole old reactor designs
19:36.11whitequarkwhich are good at producing weapons-grade plutonium and not good at not producing shit that takes billions of years to degrade
19:37.05whitequarkthere are real problems with LFTR, which could be solved with more research, who almost no one does, because even a better LFTR reactor isn't going to be approved for operation
19:37.55kyakthere is IEC61508 (which has according GOST) and also IEC 61513 which is followed here in RUssia.. and these regulations are definitely not from 70s
19:39.03whitequarkthey still favor the same old designs
19:39.37whitequarkI don't know what happens in space, but I know that SpaceX lands their boosters and NASA or Energiya throw them in the dumpster
19:40.07whitequarkand I really, really doubt that SpaceX made any fundamental breakthrough
19:40.19kyakah! actually, not at all. Those standards are pretty generic and they support many design workflows. Including modern, such as model-based design
19:40.58whitequarkI don't know further details from this point but this is a fairly common complaint by engineers from industry, so you'd have to find someone more educated than me
19:41.54kyakthat's a fair complaint
19:43.12kyakif viric happens to visit us sometime, i'll be eager to tell you more :)
19:59.38*** join/#qi-hardware Nik05 (~Nik05@unaffiliated/nik05)
20:06.25viricdamn it, publicbt does not tell their own url in their website
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20:49.57DocScrutinizer05whitequark: you're incredible :-D
20:50.16viricDo you know how to embed a DTB into a kernel?
20:50.24viricisn't there a kernel config option for that? Does it really have to be done manually?
20:50.48virica device tree blob, or whatever it's called
21:50.40whitequarkDocScrutinizer05: I'm really bored, mostly
22:01.33DocScrutinizer05either I answet "that's self evident" or I answer "can't believe that, seeing what you do all the time"
22:03.46mthviric: pcercuei added DT support in our kernel in these two commits: and
22:04.24mthit seems that you add the DTB file as a dependency in one of the Makefiles and the kernel build will generate it for you then from the DTS file
22:05.17viricthat is, great!
22:15.54*** join/#qi-hardware arhuaco (~arhuaco__@
23:58.32viricmth: what Makefile?

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