IRC log for #qi-hardware on 20150623

00:16.09*** join/#qi-hardware mth (kemxgxre@
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11:21.13*** join/#qi-hardware Nik05 (~Nik05@unaffiliated/nik05)
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17:52.00*** join/#qi-hardware viric (~viric@unaffiliated/viric)
19:00.19*** join/#qi-hardware Ornotermes (
20:23.38paul_boddieI was asking on the #ci20 channel about jz4740 interrupts yesterday, but does anyone here know much about them?
20:36.35paul_boddieAfter looking at various manuals, I now have no idea what I should be defining in the CP0 status register.
20:56.01*** join/#qi-hardware FDCX_ (~fdcx@ceata/consiliu/FDCX)
21:24.28larscprobably nothing
21:43.40DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: new anelok stuff in git? :-) I just thought about how to implement some sort of pattern recognition so the gadget could more or less 'guess' the needed password from dunno moving it across the URL or the website or whatever
21:45.42DocScrutinizer05dunno if a hacked mouse sensor "camera" would do
21:47.27DocScrutinizer05hmmmm, or screen EMI ;-)
21:48.22DocScrutinizer05but then, this prolly differs *massively* from one monitor model to next. even when both are LCD same size same technology
21:49.32DocScrutinizer05if only each browser had an option to show the current URL as QR
21:50.49DocScrutinizer05maybe your own server could overlay such QR to any referrer site you come with to it
21:53.46DocScrutinizer05"F6 <enter>"  -> -> shows QR code for "" -> (anelok reads QR) -> (hit enter to return to)
21:54.47DocScrutinizer05anelok provides password for
21:57.37DocScrutinizer05ponders claiming a patent ;-)
22:07.01DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: with this concept ypou don't even need QR and camera of sorts, a simple animated gif and a photdiode suffices :-D
22:09.04DocScrutinizer05when you make complete screen blink black&wite, you can sense this from as far as 50cm, or more
22:10.32DocScrutinizer05morse the fingerprint of md5sum of referrer URL. Should suffice to make anelok identify which of your stored passwords is needed
22:12.27DocScrutinizer05some 10 to 15 baud are possible for sure by such morse monitor gif
22:14.14DocScrutinizer05so, 2.5s for 4 chars plus checksum
22:16.44DocScrutinizer05the anel.ok site could get used by all anelok users, it doesn't hold any special info or complicated infra that needs auth or protection
22:18.40DocScrutinizer05it simply converts referrer URL to a 4char fingerprint plus checksum (1char) and converts and displays that to a flickering black and white animated gif. On <enter> it returns to referrer site
22:19.49DocScrutinizer05the privacy issues are moderate
22:25.10wpwrak(new stuff) yeah, trying to finally test whether RF can actually send and receive
22:25.21DocScrutinizer05ooh, and for auth input, did you consider "tresor code" input method? like:   left:$many, right:5, left:7, right:2, left:5, hit-OK
22:26.00DocScrutinizer05err, you don't have that nice scrollwheel anymore, do you?
22:27.08wpwrak(QR) well, one way is to have some browser plugin that either auto-detects when a password is wanted or that receives some special signals. QR would be fancier, though :) alas, also on the hw side
22:27.27DocScrutinizer05read on! ;-)
22:28.10wpwrak(tresor code) abandoned that approach in 2013. where have you been ? ;-)
22:28.13DocScrutinizer05you know you can even abuse normal LED as photdiode?
22:28.50DocScrutinizer05(where have you been?) on youtube, watching a video of xiangfu
22:29.16wpwrakaaah ! ;-)
22:29.43DocScrutinizer05it was top hit on google
22:29.53wpwraklink ?
22:30.22DocScrutinizer05git was 2nd
22:30.24wpwrakaah :)
22:30.33wpwrakwow. that's old :)
22:30.48DocScrutinizer05yeah, but names like anelok are awesome
22:31.04wpwrakindeed. very google-friendly ;-)
22:31.22wpwraktake this, amazon "echo" :)
22:32.59wpwraki actually had a photo sensor input in the design for a while. but nobody did anything with the idea, so i kicked it out again. space is critical, no room for might have beens :)
22:37.02DocScrutinizer05you got a LED, right?
22:37.50DocScrutinizer05btw a photsensor is fine to save energy by dimming backlight
22:38.00DocScrutinizer05if you got any ;-)
22:39.01DocScrutinizer05hey, you have a transparent case (of sorts) - so adding a photo-(LE)D shouldn't be any big issue
22:39.20DocScrutinizer05those red SMD LEDs are really tiny
22:39.53DocScrutinizer05and work amazingly well as photodiode
22:41.49*** join/#qi-hardware jwhitmore (
22:42.49DocScrutinizer05  LED3 iirc
22:45.09DocScrutinizer05if the case was completely transparent, a simple tiny LED mounted directly on PCB and connected to a A/D GPIO should suffice to receive the morse-gif
22:45.54DocScrutinizer05if you want to paint it black, you might need a window for the LED
22:50.07DocScrutinizer05usecase: on PC hit F6, enter "anel.ok", activate anelok receive mode and hold device direction screen, hit PC <enter>, wait until anelok received valid fingerprint code (display flashes with code received), hit PC <enter> again to return to $arbitrary_page, on anelok authenticate for password playback, plug in anelok to PC USB where it registers as kbd and "types" the (username and) password
22:52.18DocScrutinizer05sounds good?
22:53.37DocScrutinizer05lemme rephrase to eliminate some fuzzy wording
22:54.54DocScrutinizer05usecase: on PC in browser $arbitrary_page hit F6, enter "anel.ok", activate anelok receive mode and hold device direction screen, hit PC <enter>, wait until anelok received valid fingerprint code (anelok display flashes with fingerprint code received), hit PC <enter> again to return to $arbitrary_page, on anelok authenticate for password playback, plug in anelok to PC USB where it enumerates as kbd and "types" the (username and)
22:56.01DocScrutinizer05(wait until...) shouldn't take longer than 3 s usually
23:00.42DocScrutinizer05for the "morse" encoding you probbaly could re-use ordinary barcode decoder and instead of width of black and white stipes in barcode you use black and bright periods of duration proportional to bar's width
23:01.05DocScrutinizer05in the animated gif
23:05.20*** join/#qi-hardware jwhitmore (
23:06.22DocScrutinizer05oooh, and probably ANELOK should rather display both the fingerprint code and the associated name (aka website URL or whatever) on receiving a valid code
23:09.25DocScrutinizer05err the display is OLED, right? not LCD with backlight
23:10.41DocScrutinizer05just pondered exploiting the LCD backlight LEDs as photosensor. That won't fly with OLED
23:11.43DocScrutinizer05could you share a http link to recent anelok schematics please?
23:32.03*** join/#qi-hardware wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander)
23:53.33wpwrakcurrent design (CR2032):
23:53.47wpwraknote that this will change a fair bit
23:54.04wpwraklemme make a WIP snapshot ...
23:55.51wpwrakkey changes: AAA battery, 2nd MCU

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