IRC log for #qi-hardware on 20160325

01:52.29*** join/#qi-hardware archang (~archang@
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04:22.19*** join/#qi-hardware DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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05:50.07wpwrak(write to storage) i have a low voltage warning (interrupt), so if the rail doesn't drop at an insane speed (i.e., shorted), i should have a fair amount of time to react. fair at least with respect to the n * 65 us it takes to write n longwords to flash
05:53.44wpwrak(fancy mechanics) naw, i try to keep things simple. no bespoke parts if not absolutely unavoidable. i'm not apple or samsung ;-)
05:55.36wpwrakTd and Tc are the times during which the MCU leaves the circuit alone, e.g., to take a nap. they're basically the predicted intervals for going from the last Vh to Vmin, or from the latest Vl to Vtop, respectively
05:58.33wpwrak(one-time calibration) i suspect temperature effects would screws this up. in any case, i need to do the charge/discharge cycling if i don't want to have a constant leakage of 3.3 V / R3, so i may as well calibrate while at it
05:59.03wpwrak(ADC on battery) i have that. ron already suggested it a few days ago ;-)
05:59.20wpwrak(VDD by booster) yes
06:03.42wpwrak(low predictability of rail collapse) i kinda wonder if this could be helped :) in any case, it may be worth adding a DNP resistor, for experiments
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06:15.14wpwrakneeds a car-mounted variant, then you can go breaking bad ;-)
06:23.14wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: ah, one potential efficiency improvement: pFET left of R2, with the gate on Vcc, then go directly to GND (so we no longer have CHARGE or R2). if the rail collapses reasonably quickly below Vc1 - Vgs(th), then this would provide an energy-efficient way of activating the pull-down.
06:24.33wpwrakthis would be more robust with respect to unpredictably decaying rails because the threshold would be fairly high, where the rail should still collapse quickly
06:25.04wpwraklike to C1 to VDD approach, discharging would only be needed for calibration
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07:02.01wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: is a long-term stable URL ? i.e., can i reference it in a post to qi-hw ?
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08:29.13wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: now all three variants: the original, the fragile one that relies on Vcc's predictability, and the more robust one with FET:
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10:27.21DocScrutinizer05yes, the link is medium-term stable
10:28.06DocScrutinizer05please use
10:29.33DocScrutinizer05or copy the photo to wherever you like
13:01.49*** join/#qi-hardware sandeepkr (~sandeep@
13:58.14DocScrutinizer05 page 3: I wonder how wide the operational range of Vc1
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13:58.54DocScrutinizer05you need to consider it drops over time, so eventually the FET will close due to insufficient Vgs
14:01.01DocScrutinizer05unless of course you use a depletion type FET
14:01.47DocScrutinizer05aka "normally conducting"
14:05.28wpwrakah, i'm thinking of a MOSFET. and yes, it would reduce the valid range to Vc1 >= Vgs(th) + Vcc_residual. so probably chops it in half or such. still, not a big deal.
14:07.37wpwraklemme see what characteristics the depletion critters have.  never used them.
14:11.29DocScrutinizer05well, the most relevant property of depletion type in this context is: with Vgs=0 (or floating) it's in conducting mode
14:12.22wpwrakp-channel depletion doesn't even seem to exist in the wild. good. one choice less to worry about ;-)
14:13.34DocScrutinizer05depletion types are significantly less comman than enrichment types
14:13.38wpwraklooking at n-channel, it seems to be pretty hard to get them to actually close
14:13.58wpwrakyes. i found this intro:
14:14.09wpwrakalso, a digi-key search shows no rich pickings :)
14:15.53wpwraknaw, but i think it should work okay with a regular p-FET
14:16.55DocScrutinizer05not convinced
14:27.07wpwraklet's see ... yeah, need to increase C1 a little
14:27.57DocScrutinizer05yeah, like factor 10 or 50
14:27.59wpwrakif we cut off at, say, 1.5 V, then ... 33 uF would give us 86 s
14:28.19DocScrutinizer05Vth is higher than 1.5V
14:28.52wpwrakthere are plenty of FETs with Vgs(th) < 1.5 V
14:28.58DocScrutinizer05and you discharge a 3V to GND via R, while the discharge stops at 2V (Vgs_th)
14:29.23DocScrutinizer05honestly what's wrong with a depletion type?
14:30.13DocScrutinizer05it closed when VDD good, and opens when VDD ~zero
14:30.51wpwrakthere is one with Vgs(th) = 1.2 V for 1.5 uA:
14:31.11wpwrakand very low leakage, too
14:37.18wpwrak(depletion) it seems that we'd still need a p-channel FET, for which the depletion type don't appear to exist in the wild.
14:41.35DocScrutinizer05what is the problem we're trying to solve, to start with?
14:42.26DocScrutinizer05I think we're overengineering this
14:50.45wpwrakmeasuring power-off-time
14:51.01wpwrakideally with something around 1% accuracy
14:52.42DocScrutinizer05no, I mean why do we need the FET?
14:55.20wpwrakto cut the discharging while powered on. even a few uA are not nice at this point.
14:55.31DocScrutinizer05what's the problems we expect to find when in p.3 we make R1:DNP, R2: 3M3
14:56.49wpwrakand then remove Q3, too ?
14:56.57wpwrakerr, Q1
14:56.59DocScrutinizer05Sure! during CPU up we charge via GPIO
14:57.13DocScrutinizer05ooops, P.2 I meant
14:57.24wpwrakah. lemme see ...
14:58.09wpwrakthe GPIO is most likely closed when powered down. so it wouldn't discharge C1
14:58.14DocScrutinizer05when CPU down, VDD is low and discharge worky via clamp diode in chip to VDD
14:59.01wpwrakthere's no such clamp in the MCU. we could add one outside, though.
14:59.26wpwrakthat would be similar to the FET. maybe better, though, due to Vf < Vgs(th)
14:59.30DocScrutinizer05prolly much better circuit characteristics than the FET solution
15:00.21DocScrutinizer05inaccuracy mostly depends on VDD drop time which isn't meant to be slower than max 2 seconds
15:00.31wpwrakah, and a large R2 may amplify leakage current a bit too much. that's why i try to keep this low. already 680 kOhm are uncomfortable.
15:02.12wpwrakleakage current of ADC GPIO. if it's, say, 100 nA, we'd have an error of up to 10% of the signal we're trying to measure. an error that itself may be tricky to compensate
15:02.29DocScrutinizer05prolly not
15:02.46DocScrutinizer05should be pretty easy to compensate for
15:02.54DocScrutinizer05actually, calibrate
15:04.03wpwrak(diode) actually, would this be better than the existing page 2 ? you still have the problem that the pull-down is to Vcc, which may become unpredictable near the bottom
15:04.30wpwrakso all the diode would do is cut out the top of the drop, which is the safest part
15:04.30DocScrutinizer05btw you have a very precise way to determine the true voltage of C, by measuring the discharge slew rate
15:05.08DocScrutinizer05sorry you completely lost me
15:06.14wpwraklet me rephrase it: how would your suggested modification of page 2 improve over what page 2 already does ?
15:07.08DocScrutinizer05it discharges during VDD slowly dropping to the point where CPU ceases to work
15:07.44DocScrutinizer05and it doesn't start charging on battery insertion while CPU still initializes
15:08.40DocScrutinizer05the latter is significant
15:09.11wpwrakinitialization time should be very predictable
15:09.21DocScrutinizer05since you have C pretty much discharged so voltage over R1 and thus charge rate is very high compared to the interesting residual charge
15:09.50wpwrakbut yes, there could be issues with contact bounce, as the user fumbles the battery into place
15:10.01DocScrutinizer05yes, for example
15:11.05DocScrutinizer05I'm pretty sure the simpler solution is the better (higher quality) one here
15:11.38DocScrutinizer05simply test it and see if it works
15:12.26DocScrutinizer05instead of introducing new problems while trying to solve percieved flaws of a already complex solution
15:12.44wpwraki don't get "it discharges during VDD slowly dropping to the point where CPU ceases to work", though. in any case, we become aware of problems only on the low-voltage interrupt. that may be a relatively long or a very short time after battery removal. typically i'd expect a few seconds, given that the system will probably be asleep
15:13.34DocScrutinizer05you need an interrupt as soon as battery gets removed
15:14.19DocScrutinizer05you can't make the CPU "call 911 when you lose conciousness"
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15:15.17wpwrakthe MCU has two thresholds: a low-voltage threshold and a reset/brown-out threshold.
15:16.11DocScrutinizer05pretty simple method: couple a GPIO/IRQ (falling edge) CPU input to Vbatt via a 1nF, and have a pullup R of maybe 100k from GPIO/IRQ to VDD
15:17.11DocScrutinizer05well, maybe you need a R voltage devicer to adjust the threshold/bias
15:17.12wpwrakyou mean pull-down ?
15:17.22DocScrutinizer05no, I mean pullup
15:17.30wpwrakah, i see
15:17.38wpwrakyou use the battery to pull down :)
15:17.50DocScrutinizer05the lack of battery
15:18.27wpwrakthen i don't get the pull-up
15:18.48DocScrutinizer05obviously this only works for battery removal, not for dieing battery
15:20.01DocScrutinizer05the pullup keeps GPIO at H, the C and pullup form a differentiator that pulls GPIO low when Vbatt drops steeply
15:20.44DocScrutinizer05removing a 1V battery will make GPIO drop by 1V
15:21.07wpwrakoh, series cap. hmm.
15:21.21DocScrutinizer05given you got no huge buffer capacitors etc in parallel to battery
15:21.59DocScrutinizer05the slower the fall time at Vbatt, the huger the series C you need
15:22.14wpwraksome 10 uF at least, a lot more on the other side of the regulator. so it may not drop all that fast
15:23.00DocScrutinizer05you honestly should thing of a simple battery removal electrical prefail contact
15:23.05wpwrakin general, it's probably a bad idea on counting on anything to always drop quickly, because that would mean that we have huge leakage when in standby. something we'd try very hard to avoid.
15:23.33wpwrakif you can find me an off-the-shelf part ;-)
15:23.57DocScrutinizer05hmm, prolly easy enough
15:24.28wpwrakat least with digi-key, i already have a hard time finding _any_ contacts that may remotely work
15:25.02DocScrutinizer05I can see a two contacts to minus side of battery, one for power and one for prefail
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15:25.21wpwrakbattery holders and such, sure, no problem. (though i've never seen anything pre-fail) but they're also generally huge
15:25.59wpwrakin any case, i think we can rely on the low-voltage interrupt. it's designed precisely for this kind of situation.
15:26.28DocScrutinizer05just test it
15:26.46wpwrakon interrupt, immediately cut all high consumers, then yuo have plenty of time for the remaining cleanup
15:26.59DocScrutinizer05test it! :-)
15:27.15wpwrakone item deep down on the to do list ;-)
15:27.29DocScrutinizer05on interrupt, cut all consumers, then toggle a GPIO by 10kHz and count the pulses
15:28.15DocScrutinizer05next step: write one dword to storage per pulse
15:28.47DocScrutinizer05next step: use scope to check for any glitches on ADC/GPIO
15:28.55wpwraksure. as i said, deep down on the to do list. for now, i just assume that this approach works.
15:31.17DocScrutinizer05next step: do a calibration session with randomly chosen (or sweep) battery off times (use a PC-controlled power supply for example) and compare timing capacitor readout to an external timebase that tells you about the exact duration of the power-down period
15:31.34wpwrakback to the page 2 mod. so the diode would put charging under MCU control, solving potential issues with false starts
15:32.12wpwrakit would not remove the page 2 issue of having the RC discharge to Vcc, which may or may not hold a significant residual voltage for a long time
15:32.16DocScrutinizer05a schottky should allow discharge down to at least 0.6V
15:33.09DocScrutinizer05hmm, harly anything you can do about that, unless you use a normally-on component
15:33.09wpwrakmuch lower. Vf -> 0 V for If -> 0 A
15:33.32DocScrutinizer05really? didn't know
15:33.39DocScrutinizer05even better
15:33.39wpwrakpage 3 solves that. it used GND as discharge reference, using the FET do couple Vcc "digitally"
15:34.11DocScrutinizer05the FET doesn't work
15:34.36wpwrakwhy not ?
15:34.42DocScrutinizer05it's no normally-on component unless you use depletion type
15:35.42wpwraklook at how it's used. when Vcc drops below Vc1 - Vgs(th), it opens discharging
15:35.57DocScrutinizer05honestly, whatever nasty effects you expect to see from residual VDD or whatever, do you really think they can't get calibrated out?
15:36.28DocScrutinizer05you're severely overengineering this
15:36.34wpwraki don't know
15:36.51wpwrakif they're easy to calibrate out, then we can just use page 2 as is. doesn't even need the diode
15:38.05DocScrutinizer05page two has no advantages but severe disadvantages
15:38.35DocScrutinizer05trade in R1 for a schottky diode and have a much better design
15:39.19DocScrutinizer05you can't calibrate out user interaction aka bouncing etc during battery insertion
15:40.20DocScrutinizer05which btw is also a problem of p.3
15:41.07DocScrutinizer05while charging is under CPU control on p.3, discharging isn't
15:41.38wpwrakyes, also R1 limits the effect of short Vcc upsets (caused by user fumbling)
15:41.58wpwrakand if the upsets are prolonged, then both lose anyway, R1 or diode
15:42.41DocScrutinizer05well, R1 is prone to multiple CPU startups
15:43.24wpwrakalso D1 gets "stopped" when there is enough juice
15:43.39DocScrutinizer05honestly, there's no visible advantage of p.2 original over the diode solution
15:44.22wpwraksimplicity :)
15:44.25DocScrutinizer05holler if you think otherwise
15:44.37DocScrutinizer05citation needed
15:44.56DocScrutinizer05I count same number of components
15:45.12wpwrakR is_simpler D // compare data sheet size :)
15:45.19DocScrutinizer05and 'simplicity' only means you have less control
15:45.28DocScrutinizer05sorry, afk
15:45.38DocScrutinizer05this isn't productive
15:48.49wpwrakbtw, it would seem safer to place a diode in series with R1 instead of growing R2. this would allow keeping R2 voltage variations caused by GPIO leakage small
15:50.28wpwrakGPIO leakage is highly temperature-sensitive, while we could make resistors and such fairly temperature tolerant. besides, R and C would be affected by ambient while GPIO leakage is affected by chip temperature
15:56.53DocScrutinizer05as already mentioned you have a very accurate probing method for voltage on C1 by discharging it for a defined time via defined R and see the relative difference
15:57.51DocScrutinizer05hmm, dunno, maybe that's nonsense
15:58.22DocScrutinizer05anyway chip tempwerature won't vary that much during 1 minute of battery change
15:59.30DocScrutinizer05and about your expected accuracy, are you sure your timer will be more accurate during 24h than this mechanism's absulte error (in seconds) introduced during one minute?
16:01.14DocScrutinizer051% of error during 1 minute are 600ms
16:01.36DocScrutinizer05I hardly have any independant clock that's so accurate during 24h
16:01.57wpwraksamples are also needed for the occasional calibration. i think we need this. e.g., imagine someone putting their anelok in bright sunlight. that might trouble the cap enough to matter.
16:02.54wpwrake.g., X5R can vary some 15% over 140 C temp range. already a 10 C change would be 1%
16:02.58DocScrutinizer05not when you calibrate prior to shutdown, as suggested
16:03.57wpwraki don't think i have time for a full calibration before shutdown
16:03.57DocScrutinizer05I honestly don't get where in the product property specs there's the requirement that user doesn't need to announce battery swapping
16:04.29wpwrakno way ;-)
16:05.04wpwrakthis is a device for humans who expect it to "just work", not robots who love executing 1024 item checklists ;-)
16:05.05DocScrutinizer05do you also have a requirement device enters waterproof mode before it hits the surface of toilet water?
16:05.37wpwrakwaterproofing would be "nice to have". but that needs a lot more money.
16:05.54DocScrutinizer05for any user expecting "just works" it's the most natural thing to adjust time after battery swap
16:06.26wpwrakyeah, countless VCR 00:00 were living proof that adjusting the time is the most natural thing ;-))
16:06.46DocScrutinizer05for those even starting to think about why that's needed, they will be more than happy with a "prepare for batswap" function
16:07.15DocScrutinizer05your users need to adjust time at least monthly anyway
16:07.59wpwraki don't expect people to actually understand how, say, TOTP works. think of the authentication tokens you may have. they usually just have one button -> number -> done
16:08.06DocScrutinizer05I'd expect according to your accuracy requirements (wheter nice-to-have or madatory) they have to do it even twice a week
16:09.14DocScrutinizer05aiui yiour 'rtc' is based on system clock oscillator, right?
16:09.39wpwrakon a 32.768 kHz crystal, yes. typically 10 ppm
16:10.03DocScrutinizer05those are generally not made to be extraordinarily immune against detuning by temperature variations etc
16:11.16DocScrutinizer05just test it
16:11.58DocScrutinizer05let your rtc MCU run for a week in 24°C, then another week at 8°C, check accuracy of time after each week
16:12.04wpwraksomething like 16 ppm for a 20 K change in the example of the citizen CM315D series
16:12.17wpwrak(just to pick an easy to find one)
16:12.39DocScrutinizer05just check that this is meant for no other conditions changing
16:13.00DocScrutinizer05you yourself noted that even leakage curent of chip changes with temperature
16:13.18wpwrakalso, the RTC can be synchronized when connected to a PC with accurate time (e.g., NTP). so occasional corrections are not a problem
16:13.28DocScrutinizer05you know those crytals are tuned by capacitive and also resistive damping
16:14.35DocScrutinizer05when occasional time correc tions are no problem, that why the hassle to keep time with a 1% error during that 1 minute of swapping?
16:15.02wpwrakbecause it may be some time until the next occasional correction comes along
16:15.27DocScrutinizer05worst case you're off an additional 30s then
16:15.39DocScrutinizer05until next correction
16:15.59DocScrutinizer05with a 10% accuracy even just 6s
16:16.28wpwrakthe basic idea is that anelok is self-sufficient. so if you decide to go "off the grid" for a few weeks, that should be okay.
16:16.36DocScrutinizer05prolly well below what the clock had on systematic error anyway
16:16.52wpwrak30 s would be the time step of TOTP. so that's probably already too much.
16:16.56DocScrutinizer05I don't see the point
16:17.22wpwrakalso, there may be pickier protocols. (and also TOTP can use shorter intervals)
16:17.42DocScrutinizer05then you got a problem. This thing won't be sufficiently accurate to keep time to a precision significantly better than 30s per 4 weeks
16:18.18DocScrutinizer05what the heck is TOTP? do I need to press two buttons in sync?
16:18.27wpwraknaw. look at watches. they certainly do much better than 30 s / 4 wk
16:18.38DocScrutinizer05you think so?
16:19.23DocScrutinizer05maybe when calibrated to your particular usage pattern and climate
16:19.58wpwrake.g., my wristwatch is now about 1 minute off. the last time i set it must have been when returning from berlin. so that's 1 min / 6 months.
16:20.44DocScrutinizer05wristwatch is basically a temperature stabilized oscillator
16:21.22DocScrutinizer05and works with all the same voltage etc all the time
16:21.51wpwrakvoltage is pretty constant in anelok as well
16:22.45DocScrutinizer05you still missed to answer my question how a protocol needing human interaction (I.E. no connection to a PC that serves as time stratum) can need precisions of <30s
16:24.06DocScrutinizer05I only can figure a "press enter and the trigger button on your dongle the very same moment now"
16:24.57DocScrutinizer05"then enter the number the dongle shows you, and please hurry"
16:26.17wpwrakheh :) yes, the total tolerance may be in the order of 60-90 s. but most of that is for the human. so we shouldn't be too generous with the errors the machine makes
16:28.13DocScrutinizer05I'd prefer the machine makes a constant error of +150s into the future and tells me at which time on PC's clock I have to hit the enter key
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16:28.18wpwrak( thanks ! actually, i should shrink it a bit. that thing is huge ...
16:30.22DocScrutinizer05or even a user selectable positive offset between 60 and 600 seconds
16:31.22DocScrutinizer05when using a clumsy touchscreen HID I might need more than 90s
16:32.00DocScrutinizer05however I can hit enter on a particular time displayed on such clumsy HID, rather precisely
16:33.01DocScrutinizer05and worst case I could generate the TOTP for next day, 4:45:00 when I'm at the beach and definitely have no anelok with me
16:34.02DocScrutinizer05IOW the device doesn't need the exact time, the user needs the exact time and they get that from the HID where they eneter the TOTP
16:34.59wpwraknaw, things don't work that way :)
16:35.13DocScrutinizer05the only probelm is to keep local virtual time on anelok known to user
16:36.59DocScrutinizer05huh? why? what can stop me from setting anelok's local time to 2016-05-01 13:00 right now and generate a TOTP token that I could use at exactly that date&time
16:38.01DocScrutinizer05or is this even a challenge-response thing? in that case a 30s precision (or even 90) is pretty tough to meet
16:38.42DocScrutinizer05unless you connect the anelok to PC, and in this case the device's local time is no concern at all
16:39.03wpwrakoh, sure you can do that. but the typical use is different, simpler.
16:41.47DocScrutinizer05whatever is the simpler usecase, I'd expect such dongle to not only show me the token but also the time(span) for which it's valid. I'd disadjust the device's local time a maybe 120s to the future then, on purpose
16:42.21wpwrakunrelated, we've come a long way:
16:44.57wpwrakthe token doesn't know the real validity interval. at best, it could tell you a nominal interval. but the server may use a larger interval, and the token doesn't know the time offset. also, i don't think the server normally provides complementary information or find-grained synchronization to actually determine these parameters
16:45.16wpwrakbut of course, you could make your own TOTP implementation that exposes all this, why not
16:50.50DocScrutinizer05hey, that's moot. When the server doesn't provide info then it's using defaults and UTC, both of which is known and available either by common knowledge or from a clock on pretty much any terminal you would use to enter such TOTP
16:51.53DocScrutinizer05and displaying the local time along with the token that got generated at that local time is no witchcraft
16:52.18wpwrakthere are hidden parameters. e.g., you don't know how many time step intervals the server's tolerance window is
16:52.26DocScrutinizer05so what?
16:53.11wpwrakso not everything that's going on at the server is known
16:53.22DocScrutinizer05does that invalidate a token generated at 22:11:00 local time, when said token is used at 22:11:00 UTC?
16:54.16DocScrutinizer05and when my local time is 5 minutes ahead of UTC, how would that complicate things for me?
16:55.03wpwraktokens and server use the same epoch. local time zone doesn't enter the equation :)
16:55.57DocScrutinizer05I can *guess* if server uses 10s windows or 2 minutes windows, however I'm pretty certainly capable to enter the token during those supposedly 5 minutes and hit enter at 22:11:0x of terminal's UTC
16:56.44DocScrutinizer05you know of that weird timezone that' 23minutes 55seconds off from UTC?
16:56.55DocScrutinizer05me not
16:57.17wpwraki'm not sure what scenario you're trying to construct. maybe have a look at
16:57.27wpwrakthis explains the basics. it's pretty simple, really
16:57.31DocScrutinizer05no, I don't need that
16:58.40DocScrutinizer05I'm absiolutely sure a dongle should display the (device)local time together with a TOTP token, and I know how to use that and I know I wouldn't bother when said local time is a 3 to 5 minutes off into the future
16:58.41wpwrakand here is its sibling that doesn't use time:
17:00.53DocScrutinizer05you're trying to describe and enforce user's behavior by a RFC, I want to let user know what's the RFC and *them* taking care that those requirements are met
17:01.32DocScrutinizer05where requirement is: enter a TOTP at a quite precise UTC time
17:02.22DocScrutinizer05you define "user must not take longer than NN seconds", I say "tell user that the token starts to be valid at $timestamp"
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17:04.40wpwrakthe normal usage scenario is that you press a button, get a number, enter the number, and you're in. it makes no sense to force users to worry about implementation details just to avoid getting the technology right. i mean, tokens exist and they work.
17:05.04wpwrakif you want to play with time shift, sure, why not. but that's a different usage scenario
17:07.18DocScrutinizer05WTF, you can still do this, even when the dongle tells the timestamp of the token
17:07.36wpwrakbtw, battery reversal et al:
17:08.05DocScrutinizer05another case of "we don't need that"?
17:08.37wpwrakwhat good would be knowing the timestamp ? i think what you want is time shift, no ?
17:09.49DocScrutinizer05I guess I'll raher keep my TOTP tokens in a excel list, one for each 30s window of the next 5 months
17:10.25wpwrake.g., if you know that tomorrow at 12:00 you'll want to use the token, you could generate the code it would show at that time, write it down and remember it. then, tomorrow at 12:00 you can use that code, irrespective of whether you have access to the token.
17:10.26DocScrutinizer05I don't like the approach of "why do you want that? we don't need that"
17:10.48wpwraksure, you could precalculate all the codes :)
17:11.44DocScrutinizer05and I will fill a canon with anelok when it suffers from a maladjusted time and I block my account due to 3 "wrong" tokens in series
17:12.25wpwrakthat is, if you have access to the secret. that's a given with any open TOTP implementations (google, etc.), i.e., anything you'd be able to use with anelok
17:14.52wpwrakthe token you get from some banks however wouldn't let you time shift since it doesn't reveal the secret. so there you must have physical possession of the token at the time of use.
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17:15.58wpwrakwolfspraul: funny: -> %(qi-html-head)s %(qi-html-body-top)s  and at the bottom  %(qi-html-body-bottom)s :)
17:19.36DocScrutinizer05I think you again didn't read half of what I said, despite it wasn't a wall of text but a dialog. I said I'd adjust my anelok time a 3 minutes to thee future and then take all the time I need to enter the token and press enter a 10s after the token-valid point in UTC time arrived
17:21.41DocScrutinizer05this however either needs a ultraprecise anelok time and a clumsy cross check with UTC on PC while anelok generates the token, plus some time math done in my brain, or simply a timestamp displayed with token by anelok
17:22.47DocScrutinizer05those who don't want to use that feature simply adjust their local anelok time to UTC and ignore the timestamp display (unless they want to make sure the anelok time is actually still correct)
17:27.06wpwraksure, you're free to do this. but how would that matter for other users ? anelok has to work in "normal" usage scenarios. if you invent a procedure that allows you to compensate for time errors that's nice, but it's not something normal users would have to be concerned about. so even if you may be able to work with inaccurate time, most of the rest of the world won't. thus timekeeping has to be sufficiently accurate.
17:29.12wpwrakand as long as your operational parameters stay in the "normal" bracket, you thus won't need your sophisticated protocol either. but yes, if you plan to vanish in the jungle for a few years and then expect to come out, walk straight to the next PC, and use your token, then this may be quite useful :)
17:53.52DocScrutinizer05sophisticated protocol? please elaborate
17:54.53DocScrutinizer05and no, this is useful when using nasty clumsy terminals that take longer than 30s to enter the token
17:55.52DocScrutinizer05it's also useful to build trust into anelok since at each transaction you can implicitly check if time is correct, without any 'sophisticated protocol'
17:56.36DocScrutinizer05and finally it's useful to mitigate damage done when trust into anelok time is occasionally unjistified maybe
17:58.32DocScrutinizer05it's simply a matter similar to having a oil pressure meter for car engine instead of simply a red warning lamp showing "oil low!°
17:59.08DocScrutinizer05the only 'rationale' to not show timestamp is a "this will confuse users", something that never panned out so far
18:00.39DocScrutinizer05and particularly showing timestamp will _not_ stop anelok from "working for normal users"
18:01.33DocScrutinizer05I also didn't argue for neglecting to keep accurate time in anelok
18:02.54DocScrutinizer05au contraire I expect it won't always handle this duty sufficently good for me to feel I could do without such timestamp shown
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18:07.23DocScrutinizer05I seen to many dirty battery contacts or batteries falling out of devices and devices getting set up by RF or ESD, to trust in anelok's time without checking it each time I gamble with access to my account which can get blocked when anelok's time is off a little bit
18:10.00DocScrutinizer05just for good measure you should not only provide timestamp but also suggest users compare it to UTC when using anelok
18:10.48DocScrutinizer05the way *how* or *if* they do is up to them then
18:36.21DocScrutinizer05maybe you find the analogy to providing md5sum for downloads convincing
18:37.03DocScrutinizer05sure you should try to get error free transmission of data, nevertheless you're supposed to check with md5sum
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18:54.07wpwrakif anelok loses time, then it will be able to tell that. i.e., if Vc1 is too low. and yes, there has to be a way to manually set the time. anelok should be able to be fully usable also if it never communicates directly with another computer.
18:54.42wpwraki know this is very retro. zeitgeist would dictate that you need at least a permanent connection to some cloud service ;-)
18:54.59whitequarkyou're designing in bluetooth, right?
18:55.16whitequarkthat would cover a massive amount of user devices, given how every laptop and every smartphone has one
18:55.34whitequarkwell, less than massive, if you restrict yourself to BLE only
18:55.35whitequarkbut still a lot
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19:16.33DocScrutinizer05((if anelok loses time, then it will be able to tell that.)) supervising the supervisors. A lamp showing lamp defects. I suggest the oil pressure dial instead
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19:19.04DocScrutinizer05while anelok might (or might not) be able to detect when it loses time completely due to battery removal or CPU reset, it has no chance to detect any of the more subtle problems that could arise from bad PC time it got synced to, over massive detuning of the crystal by drop shock, to random noise content of the time registers after ESD or RF interference
19:19.53DocScrutinizer05a simple display of timestamp together with the token will be the most effective and also most natural way to cope with all this
19:21.55DocScrutinizer05it even helps to detect e.g. user narcolepsy which caused a 10 minutes getting lost unnoticed between generating the the token and actually using it
19:22.36DocScrutinizer05or make that "during phonecall I completely forgot the time, thought it were just 2 minutes"
19:23.29DocScrutinizer05honestly, what's wrong with displaying the timestamp of generation time together with the token?
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