irclog2html for #tacobeam on 20040206

00:03.02Cae|Awayhmm..what do I feel like watching..
00:03.20captain_protonCae|Away: gunslinger girl ;-)
00:05.48captain_protonits funny to see pictures of scary-looking fully-tatooed thugs next to people making polite conversation in the cheese community =D
00:06.32Caefirst, dinner.
00:06.58captain_protonCae: and the credits song is in italian :)
00:07.57captain_protonbut its ok that the intro song is in english, because the intro is so classy looking
00:10.14captain_protonit makes me happy that orkut has cheese discussion
00:14.14pagefaultthats so true
00:15.13sbahrasomeone want to fax me?!
00:15.32sbahrakergoth: New OfficeJet two days ago.
00:15.39sbahraNo more trips to the office.
00:16.47sbahrakergoth: Interested in a FreeBSD book in the future?
00:16.58kergotheventually.. certainly would be interesting
00:17.03kergothbut i havent even read the linux ones i have :)
00:17.04kergothno time :\
00:17.37Caethe intro to this is so bizarre
00:17.56pagefaultsomeone gutted a G5
00:18.00pagefaultand put a x86 inside
00:18.10kergothehh, why?
00:18.25pagefaultno idea
00:19.13Caeis this series going to mess with my head?
00:19.31kergothhmm, this vm doc is 176 pages long
00:20.18captain_protonCae: depends how you mean
00:20.29captain_protonits got a very sad & disturbing premise
00:20.35captain_protonand the series itself is very violent
00:20.36Caewell, yeah
00:20.40captain_protonbut its a fantastic story =D
00:23.27darth_mallalright you overly large pulsating taco fiends
00:24.02captain_protonconstraint solver? :)
00:24.09scanlinenah, simpler
00:24.25captain_protonlets hear it
00:24.26Caedisturbing..but awesome, yes
00:24.39scanlineneato is based on a spring system, making each edge a spring... I think it has some heuristics for deciding on angles and edge lengths
00:24.52captain_protonCae: its not -really- disturbing until the 3rd or 4th episode =D
00:24.58scanlineit would be great if you could apply some forces between any nodes or edges that are too close to push them apart
00:25.11scanlinebut if you just start adding springs everywhere you quickly get an O(n^2) problem
00:25.23Caethey train people to be sociopaths :P
00:25.42scanlineI was thinking about quantizing the location of each node into a pretty low-res grid, then linking any grid square a node/edge overlaps to that node
00:25.47captain_protonCae: its deeper than that ;)
00:25.52scanlinethen you get a bunch of potentially overlapping sets that are hopefully pretty small
00:25.57darth_mallI wonder if it's a bad thing that my eyes are getting used to the wavy ness of this monitor
00:25.58Cae*grin* not yet, it isn't
00:26.04Caedarth_mall: yes
00:26.11darth_malloh well
00:26.13scanlinein each of these potentially overlapping sets you can attach the negative springs and run one iteration of the spring system solver
00:26.14captain_protonCae: thats why i said 3rd or 4th episode
00:26.16darth_mallit's bigger than my old one =P