irclog2html for #tacobeam on 20040915

00:00.17darth_mallkergoth: Within a Mile From Home is the new Molly album
00:00.31kergothoh, right!
00:00.32darth_mallyou should check it out, it brightened my day ^^
00:00.34kergothi so need that
00:00.36merlin262kergoth, maybe your in the wrong field?
00:00.48kergothmerlin262: wouldnt surprise me in the least, but whats the alternative?
00:00.50darth_mallkergoth: I also heard that Dropkick Murphys have something new out
00:01.09merlin262kergoth, you could be like me, and go to school to become a teacher!
00:01.25kergothi could see going to school to become a writer
00:01.35kergothbut then what?  i'd need a day job to pay the bills until i publish somethinga nyway
00:01.53merlin262i dunno
00:02.02darth_mallkergoth: you should get a job at Fox News =D
00:02.04kergothnah, not my thing. if i'm gonna write it needs to be creative, not just reporting
00:02.17darth_mallFox News is very creative!
00:02.30kergothi'm really good at bullshitting, i'd do well there
00:02.53darth_mallhmmm... time to assemble the laundry
00:03.05darth_mallsweet! I have enough quarters =D
00:03.47merlin262damn it, i hate being sick. :(
00:04.00merlin262nothing but chicken soup for the past week
00:04.07darth_mallmerlin262: no you don't, you love it
00:04.43kergothyay chicken soup
00:04.44merlin262kergoth, maybe you could go see a phsychiatrist, and get on the head drugs?
00:04.50kergothi'm seeing a shrink
00:04.54kergothhe's more confused than i am
00:05.05kergothhe has no idea
00:05.34kergothi took all their depression tests, took this 500 question personality test
00:05.37darth_malloooh... the banjo/fiddle part on Tobacco Island kicks ass
00:05.38kergothall of them say i'm normal
00:05.50kergothtook ADD tests
00:06.03kergoththe add test on behavior was way high, the one on the mind was way low
00:06.35kergothdoc suggests either sticking with my fixed schedule for a month and see how it goes, or taking Welbutrin (antidepressent that can treat ADD symptoms)
00:06.44kergothobviously i cant sit on my ass unproductive at work for a month, i'll lose my job
00:06.49kergothso i'm basically fucked.
00:07.07merlin262how is the fixed schedule at work going?
00:07.07kergothtaking welbutrin is the only option, even though we have *no* idea whether or not its necessary
00:07.26kergothits helping my concentration difficulties (less fluctuating bloodsugar levels, less tiredness)
00:07.32darth_malloooh... Wrong Company is a cool song too
00:07.34kergothbut the motivational ones are still there, still unproductive
00:07.36stephWelbutrin does a lot
00:07.41stephHelped my mom stop smoking
00:07.53kergothany idea what the side effects are?
00:08.06merlin262couldn't possibly be as bad as the stuff i'm on....
00:08.06stephI dont think she had any
00:08.15stephIf youre not depressed I think it makes you a little depressed
00:08.19stephI could call her and ask
00:08.35kergothi was seroiusly clinically depressed when i was in minnesota.  now i'm suffering from the *symptoms* of depression, but not the *emotions* of depression
00:08.36stephShe took it purely for the fact that it helps you quit smoking
00:08.40kergothfucking weird
00:08.46stephI see
00:08.52stephLemme give her a call, see if she's home
00:09.03kergothlethargy, unmotivated, cant wake up, cant concentrate, etc.  but i'm not sad, not negative, not down on myself or life
00:09.15kergothmaybe i'll start taking it.. what the hell.
00:09.34darth_mallwhere the hell did that laundry bag go
00:09.40stephShe might still be asleep. SHe had a colonoscopy today (shh dont tell anyone I told you)
00:09.56merlin262kergoth, apparently it has a low risk for sexual side effects
00:10.16darth_mallyay found it!
00:10.35stephnight sweats
00:10.36darth_mallhey everyone, you'll never guess what steph told me today!!
00:10.44*** join/#tacobeam laodamas (
00:10.56darth_mallshh... it's laodamas, everyone pretend like nothing was going on
00:11.11merlin262and that friends, is why perl sucks.
00:11.13stephShe didn't like it, because she thinks it... might cause some depression, even though it's supposed to fight it
00:11.16darth_mallhowdy laodamas, nothing abnormal going on here
00:11.21kergothsteph: strange.
00:11.23merlin262er hi laodamas
00:11.35kergothi'm not fucked up enough, i need to take drugs to fuck me up in *different* ways
00:11.36darth_malloooh... this is the song that Nathen sings on
00:11.46stephmgiht be a ridalin type thing
00:12.09laodamashello all
00:12.21kergothdarth_mall: heh, that wouldnt hurt, but i dont think thats the problem
00:12.27orchidhi laodamas
00:12.28stephlike you give ridalin to cure ADD but if you dont have ADD it makes you worse, type thing
00:12.29darth_mallkergoth: sex makes everything better
00:12.33stephlol darth
00:12.40stephnot if it gives you herpes
00:12.46darth_mallwell... *good* sex makes everything better
00:13.16kergothsorry boss, i cant seem to concentrate or get any work done because i need to get some
00:13.33darth_mallmakes total sense to me
00:13.44merlin262kergoth, maybe the project your working on isn't helping
00:13.49laodamasWhats this sex thing I keep on hearing 'bout?
00:13.56merlin262kergoth, could you get transferred to someplace you could be more productive?
00:14.19kergothi dunno, work is certainly boring and uninteresting most of the time
00:14.27file"Requested transfer to linux powered experimental sex toy department"
00:14.28kergothbut i dont think thats all there is to this.  perhaps its just a combination of causes
00:14.41file"Request denied - department does not exist, perhaps we should make one?
00:15.02darth_mallI think that's the funniest thing you've ever said... ever
00:15.20file"Note: Market research must be done. Also must release new TPS reports."
00:15.24darth_mallseriously, that was hi-larious
00:15.34filedarth_mall, I have my moments.
00:16.08file"Also note: Use stable 2.4 kernel so we don't get bug reports of crashing prior to climax"
00:16.31darth_malldon't run it into the ground
00:17.02darth_mallmmm... this cd is great
00:17.53darth_mallViktor was tellin' me last night that I look like a pirate =D
00:18.24filesooooooooooo apparently I'm going to see my dad in a week...
00:19.32ChipX86me too!
00:20.22laodamasdarth_mall: You *are* a pirate
00:25.49merlin262I've come to the conclusion that any software worth writing, is written
00:26.04filebut is it written well?
00:26.24merlin262yay psychology!
00:26.27kergothyes, go to psychology
00:26.39kergoththen come back and tell me whats wrong with me
00:26.49filekergoth, I know the problem
00:26.54fileit's because you're you
00:27.15fileit's 2 less letters!
00:27.29darth_mallI mean psych is cool and all, but I'd rather not deal with people period, and play with computers instead
00:27.44filedarth_mall, we're people though and you're dealing with us
00:27.56darth_mallfile: through a computer, it's not the same ;)
00:28.34laodamasdarth_mall: One word-Eliza
00:28.42darth_mallbesides, as a psychologist I wouldn't do too well... the sessions would boil down to, "get over yourself and grow up... Next!"
00:28.43fileoh oh oh
00:28.44merlin262darth_mall, ok, not all software, but everything i'm interested in it seems
00:28.46filemerlin262, rewrite Eliza!!!
00:29.18darth_malland since I would fail as a psychologist in that regard I'd probably have to resort to my original plan and become a profiler, which doesn't bode well for my health, mental or physical
00:30.14darth_mallI need to marry Bridget Reagan
00:30.19darth_mallno two ways about it...
00:30.42darth_mallshe plays tin whistle, fiddle and uilean pipes... does it get any better?
00:30.46darth_mallplus she's hot
00:31.16filethat's always a plus
00:32.11*** join/#tacobeam Gidwen_ (
00:33.23darth_mallfile: yeah, but the seller is the uileann pipes =D
00:37.00darth_mallnot good enough
00:37.02darth_mallI want Bridget
00:37.39darth_malland dinner
00:38.34kergothi have my car now
00:38.38kergothand nowhere to go
00:38.43kergothand no money to do anything
00:39.03kergothhmm, i'll be taking that 2 weeks of unpaid time off soon
00:39.10kergothmaybe i should drive up to MN and visit family and friends
00:42.23*** join/#tacobeam file[laptop] (
00:45.02darth_mallkergoth: wouldn't it be a good idea to try and get yourself on a schedule the way the doctor suggested?
01:00.40darth_mallhehe... Drunken Lullabies always makes me want a guiness
01:00.59*** join/#tacobeam rioter (~rar@rioter.user)
01:00.59darth_mallyay for being 21
01:01.32rioteryour old :P
01:03.18scanlineoh wait, was that purple_cow getting home?
01:03.50scanlinehm, guess not
01:09.16darth_mallthat was me doing laundry
01:09.23darth_mallyay for scanline!
01:09.38scanlineall ordermafied and stuff
01:09.47*** join/#tacobeam slimspace (
01:09.57darth_mallwe should watch something like earth final conflict or tos or something
01:10.04darth_mallhe got all gone
01:25.27scanlineaha, it helps if I'm not using an ancient version of inputpipe-client
01:28.26file[laptop]silly ancient versions
01:28.31file[laptop]ooh an iPod commercial
01:33.04darth_mall~cpr slimspace
01:33.06jbotslimspace: <smoochu> :-*
01:34.08kergoth_yay home
01:34.23slimspaceyay! finished emerging on my laptop
01:36.11*** join/#tacobeam kergoth_ (